PFS Board of Prefects 150th Anniv commemorative magazine

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A commemorative magazine published for the Penang Free School Board of Prefects 150th Anniversary dinner.

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\ ',ISchoolrail,ChorusLet us march onto fameLet the aisles proclaimTill our anthem will dare us to doLet us onward to win and new laurels gainFreeSchool for the brave and for the true.VersesIt matters neither how strait the gateNor how charged with dangers the goalLet the tempest rage and fell odds inflateWe'll to it with heart and soul.When duty calls be it school or stateWe'll do it with Godby our sideFor the sons of FreeSchool don't hesitateNor let cool their zeal and pride.Let us all then join inthis J ubileeAll with one loud voice to proclaimOur true loyalty and our constancyToour Mater still remain.The photo above isthat of the original music and tvrics of theschool raltv written inthe 1960s bVG SReutens, a former artteacher. It is provided bV Esther Reutens viaQuah Seng Sun150vears ofexcel l ence1865-2015About t hi s publ i cat i onThis is a publication of record and opinion about theBoard of Prefects (BOP)of Penang FreeSchool, certainlyone of the oldest, if not the oldest, such institution inMalaysia or South East Asia. Published in conjunctionwith the BOP's15oth Anniversary celebrations in 2015,it contains 69 photographs of the board from 1934 to2014, and a paper bya former school captain.I- . ---~~~~~ .. --.---_ ..Message f rom t he Chai rmanof t he Bi cent enarv Commi t t eeIt isan honour for me to write this message on the auspicious occasion of the 150thAnniversary of the Penang FreeSchool Board of Prefects.I would also liketo extend myheartiest congratulations to the Organising Committee of the 150th Anniversary Celebra-tion of the Board of Prefects.This 150th Anniversary isanother milestone in the history of PFSwhich will be celebrat-ing the Bicentenary in 2016.Being the oldest English school in South East Asia, the traditions of the school have beenlaid since the early years of the school and one of the strong traditions isthe Board ofPrefects.Tobe appointed aPrefect means the student isan exemplary student and plays abigrole asaleader among his peers.Sincethe launching of the Bicentenary Celebrations in 2012, aseries of programmes andactivities have been successfully organised and for next year many more programmeshave been lined up.I sincerely hope all the Old Freeswill come together and celebratethe Bicentenary to rekindle our camaraderie and glorify our AlmaMater.My heartfelt appreciation to the Organising Committee of this 150th Anniversary Cel-ebrations and my best wishes for this event to beasuccess.Thank you.Fortis Atque FidelisDato' Hj Abdul Rafique KarimChairman, Board of GovernorsPenang FreeSchool Bicentenary Committee2 Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th AnniversaryMessagef rom t he Headmast erPenang Free SchoolI would liketo take this opportunityto extend my congratulations to the OrganisingCommittee of the lSOth Anniversary Celebrations of the Board of Prefects for organisingthis event.Wearethe oldest prefects board in Malaysia I presume. In every school, the school ad-ministrationsetsup rules and regulations in accordance with the guidelines given by theministry. Enforcement comes under the jurisdiction of the disciplinary board and theprefects board of every school.A student nominated asaprefect in aschool must besomeone special or has exemplaryattitude and disposition. Heor shemust alsobean active student in school whether insports, club, societies or uniformed units.These traits areforever profound in the past,present and future prefects of our beloved Penang FreeSchool.The motto, "School forScholars, Sportsmen and Gentlemen" explains it all.Fortis Atque FidelisOnly atrue FreeSchool boy or girl will understand these mottos. Aprefect must embracethese mottos and transform the heart sothat he or she can transform others.Happy lS0th anniversary to the PFSPrefects Board.For the braveandfor the true.Let us marchon to famewithheart andsoul.Jalil SaadHeadmaster 2012-presentOld Free1972-1978Penang Free School Board of Prefects150th Anniversary 3 MEMORIESONA PAGE: (1) The schoolcrest a n d behi'n dit the/Gra n dest Old Free(2) Theswin g gOO(S to the PrefectsRoomn o prefect or 5,thooloffen der willeverforget (3)rlmbi~in g the sclioo/spirit a lon gthe ccn idors (4) The sEf!oolba ll where ke'ltra dition s:of thf~chooti:~eeklv a ssem!j,blies( speech cfli1~5, schi/olpta vs,ett;a re m~g~/dY5)S~hod1p~efect1~qJY a ttire(6) NTHi'(jra n d4CJII1La dv,t offlClqjJvrqfcla red openIi , ~ 4 ! " ' i .' IT:' u 1, , , (;'i~~on Q;Ja Querv 1'ft~5(7) tjJ{refect'sba dge a n d;?thool;~ie.f