Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web

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  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    Menara Cakrawala lantai 15

     Jl. MH. Thamrin No. ! Jakarta 1"#$" Tel % &'((1 #)# #((( * +a, % &'((1 #)# #(#"Email %

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    Laporan Tahunan ("1$ Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    ACCELERAT INGGeothermal-e.elo/ment

    0or   NationAkelerai Pen2em3an2an Geothermal 4nt4k Ne2eri

    Laporan Tahunan ("1$ Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    -A+TAR IITable of Content 

    List of Certications

     X.K.6 Cross Reference











    Profile of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy 



    Management Discussion and Analysis

    54M3ER -AYA MAN45IA

    Human Resources

     TATA 6ELOLA PER45AHAANGood Corporate Governance

    02 IkhtIsar kInerja

    Performance Highlights

    59 Penghargaan 228 referensIPeraturan

     09 PerIstIwa PentIng

    Signicant Events

    61Daftar sertIfIkasI

    a!e!am"LK reg#lation


    13 LaPoran Dewan

    komIsarIs Re!ort from

    the oard of


    tanggung jawab28 LamPIran


     21 LaPoran DIreksI

    Re!ort from the oard of

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    1 La/oran Tah4nan ("1$ Ann4al Re/ort


    AwA3 5O5IAL


    Corporate ocial Responsibility 

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    IKHTISAR KINERJA 2014Performance Highlights in !"#$

    175157$ ton CO e ".51 R/ #5.55 3illionPotensi CER sampai dengan 2014

    CER Potential #ntil )*+,-otal Recorda%le ncident Rate(TRIR)

    Realisasi Dana CSR

    CSR '#nd Reali/ation

    89 ($.(million

    Realisasi Inestasi(te!mas"# Advance Pa&ment )

    nvestment Reali/ation0incl#ding AdvancePa&ment1




    E%CE&&E'T <$asil Penilaian %C%

    2C2 AssessmentScore

    R/ '.=1 3illion

    Dana pengem&angan SD'

    H#man Reso#rces(evelo!ment -raining E3!ense

    IKHTISAR KINERJA HSSE 2014HE Highlights in !"#$

    Safety Performance

    *SI+ I *SI E,*DI*-4CC#RREnCE ClASS'CA-4n  5An 'E AR APR A7   5#n  5#l  A#2 SEP 4C-  n48 (E


    l- 0 lost  - ime n9#ries1

    Restricted :or; (a&s Cases 1

    edical -reatment Cases 1 1 1

    'irst Aid 1 1 1

    near iss 2 1 2

    No. of Total Recordable Incident 1 1 1 1

    Non Recordable Incident  1 2 1 1 1 2

    -otal Recorda%le ncident !er

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    (Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    IKHTISAR DATA OPERASIONAL 2014(perational Highlights in !"#$

    Data "ota# Pro$uks% &a! $an L%str%k 'setara #%str%k( - )*hTotal Production of Steam and Electricity (Electricity Equivalent) - GW

     *RE* / AREA 2014 = 2013 = 2012 =


    49= 1529 54= 145538 66=

    *$E-D7-% 1= 52109 1= 4461 20=

    SI*>* 0= 2856 1= 1633 1=

    E 32= 2491 2= 2932 13=

    "+",L 2961.85 2216.83

    IKHTISAR KEUANGAN 2014)inancial  Highlights in !"#$ *+,  -  #."""/

    201 2013 2012 2011 2010

    Pendapatan saa / Reven#e 516-852 42120 54358 542263 480814

    a&a saa / Prot  115.97 1194 13184 13422 1114

    a&a omp!eensi+ / Com!rehensive ncome 87-110 8063 95085 9539 0208

    a&a Pe! Saam / Earning Per Share 125.1 12535 136 1418 1154

     *set / -otal Assets 128360 10309 96143 89015 82598

    ia&ilitas / -otal lia%ilities 768-185 601218 58923 565512 44816

    'odal e!:a e!si / net :or;ing Ca!ital '153-690( (684) (44) (35319) (25853)

    E#"itas / -otal E=#it&  515-275 43682 383515 313503 2806

    2014 2013 2012

    PE-D*P*T*- S*$* / RE8En#E 89 17""" 89 17""" 89 17"""

    Pen:"alan ap dan ist!i# (7pe!asi Sendi!i)

    Steam and Electricit& Sales 04wn 4!erations1185858 3401= 14918 335= 191218 351=

    Pen:"alan ap dan ist!i# ont!a# 7pe!asi e!sama


    6408= 2935 6012= 34593 6364=


    193= 836 153= 6423 11=

    82120 53578

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort


    Com/an@ Prole Mana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i H4man Reo4r?e

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web




    $1.#1 $(."1#=.5 #).)5


    RASIO KEUANGAN 2014)inancial Ratio in !"#$

    Profta%ilit&ratiosnE- PR4'- AR2n 0>1

    E-(A AR2n0>1

    RE-#Rn 4n E=#-7 0R4E1 0>1




    2861236 226 3149


    33193542 3415

    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 20142010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    RE-#Rn 4n n8ES-En-0R41 0>1

    RE-#Rn 4n ASSE-S 0>1

    e?cienc& ratio-4-Al ASSE- -#Rn 48ER 0>1

    3646 359229

    3111 2943







    2011 2012 2013 20142010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    leverageratios-4-Al E=#-7 -4 -4-Al

     ASSE- 0>1

    -4-Al (E- -4 -4-Al ASSE- 0>1

    -4-Al (E- -4 E=#-7 0>1

    5696241 6115

    5899595 16603

    15840 15840

    14204 1490


    2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    -ES n-ERES- EARnE(RA-4 865


    ratiosCASH RA-4 0>)


    C#RREn- RA-4 0>1



    3393 31952321

    685 66

    10544 10043 993


    000 000


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web






    2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort

    PENAPAIAN 0ey  Perf ormance 1nd 1 cat or s 2014

    achievement of 0ey Performance 1ndicators !"#$

    IDI,"+I, &",4,



    #RE !$NIT$RING

    + a&a e!si P%E / net  Pr ot  of  P2E *-*- / 4n-Hl7 

    ) ia;a 7pe! asi P%E / 4!er ational Cost  of  P2E *-*- / 4n-Hl7 

    II. $PER"TI$N"'

    3 ?ol"me P!od"#si %eote!mal (asisist!i#)2eothermal Prod#ction 8ol#me0ase of Electricit&1

    4 Tam&aan ete!sediaan ap di epalaS"m"!  Additional Steam Availa%ilit& in:ells Head

    5 apo!an e"angan *"dited 2013

     A#dited 'inancial Re!ort )*+<

    *-*- / 4n-Hl7 


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    T*$6-*- / Ann#All7 

    a. P! og! am / Pr ogr am *-*- / 4n-Hl7 

    %.   + isi# / Ph &sical *-*- / 4n-Hl7 

    9  *mandemen ont!a# P, P,

    Contract Amandmentof P5# @ P5l

    I). PE$P'E!"N"GE!ENT 

    10 etepatan 'ana:emenine!:aPerformanceanagement Precision


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    ;,"&, ++"' Red#ction   1325 383 2ood

    = 0 96 2ood

    = 135 1625 2ood

    = 90 9311 2ood

    = 98 9912 2ood

    ,"mla ont!a#-otalContract 

      2 5 2ood

    6 P!o;e# Pengem&angan amo:ang nit 5Pro9ect (evelo!ment of Kamo9ang #nit

    8 P!o;e# Pengem&angan a!aa nit 1Pro9ect (evelo!ment of Karaha #nit +

    P!o;e# Pengem&angan aendong nit 56Pro9ect (evelo!ment of lahendong #nit @6

    9 P!o;e# Pengem&angan otamo&ag"

    25 30<

    S ,"ta / #SD 15 6981 8320 811 120= 1=

    S ,"ta / #SD 10 5820 514 4294 120= 12=

    0 5<


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    "%ngkat esehatan Perusahaan 201

    Te %om2any34 'evel of ealt in 5678





    R*P  *"dited = Te!adap R*P

    > of RKAP



    1 2 3 4 3 . 2 5 4 F 1

    ine!:a e"angan

    'inancial Performance

    8000 6200 6200 100 80

    ine!:a 7pe!asional


    2000 1000 300



    ine!:a *dminist!asi


    1000 1000 1000



    S#o! Total

    -otal 8al#e

    10000 200 8500







    ,, ,



    Company 1dentity 

    P". P",4I, )+":4,L

    )> 'P&;,:,,(

    PT. PERT"!IN"GE$TER!"' ENERGy(%$!P"Ny)

    'ena!a Ca#!aGala lantai 15,alan '$ Tam!in -o 9,a#a!ta Indonesia 10340Pone. (62@21) 39 33 222+ aH. (62@21) 39 33 230Email. ppe!taminaom

    *IL,>,: +P,;I+,L$PER"TI$N"' "RE"


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    n )*+, ,) Em!lo&ees

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    IDENTITAS PERUSAHAANCompany 1dentity 

    Dasa! "#"m D -omo! Ta"n 1981 tentang Pe!"saaan Pe!tam&angan 'in;a# dan %as "mi -ega!a

    D ep"t"san P!esiden -omo! 16 Ta"n 1984 ;ang &e!isi pen"gasan #epada PERT*'I-* "nt"# mela#"#an S"!ei dan

    E#splo!asi Ene!gi %eote!mal

    D ep"t"san P!esiden -omo! 22 Ta"n 191 :o ep"t"san P!esiden -omo! 45 Ta"n 1991 ;ang &e!isi pem&e!ian

    "asa Peng"saaan e#splo!asi dan e#sploitasi S"m&e! Da;a Panas "mi "nt"# pem&ang#itan ene!gi #epada PERT*'I-*

    di Indonesia

    D ep"t"san P!esiden -omo! 86 Ta"n 2000 tentang Peng"saaan S"m&e! Da;a Panas "mi "nt"# Pem&ang#itan Tenagaist!i#

    D Pe!at"!an Peme!inta -omo! 31 Ta"n 2003 tentang Pengalian ent"# Pe!"saaan Pe!tam&angan 'in;a# dan %as

    "mi -ega!a (PERT*'I-*) 'en:adi Pe!"saaan Pe!se!oan (Pe!se!o)

    D ndang@"ndang -omo! 28 Ta"n 2003 :o ndang@"ndang -omo! 21 Ta"n 2014 tentang Panas "mi

    D Pe!at"!an Peme!inta -omo! 59 Ta"n 2008 :o Pe!at"!an Peme!inta -omo! 80 Ta"n 2010 tentang egiatan saa Panas"mi

    F -he law n#m%er I &ear +GB+ concerning State"owned 4il and 2as ining Com!an& 

    F -he Presidential (ecree n#m%er +6 &ear +GB,J which a!!oints PER-AnA to cond#ct S#rve&s andE3!lorations on 2eothermal Energ& 

    F -he Presidential (ecree n#m%er )) &ear +GI+ in connection with -he Presidential (ecree n#m%er ,

     &ear +GG+J which grants ining A#thori/ation to e3!lore and e3!loit 2eothermal Reso#rces to generate

    energ& to PER-AnA in ndonesia

    F -he Presidential (ecree n#m%er B6 &ear )*** concerning the ining of 2eothermal Reso#rce to

    2enerate Electricit& 

    F -he 2overnmental Reg#lations n#m%er

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PERISTI!A PENTINGignificant Events

    ( Jan4ari ("1$ 5an#ar& )GJ )*+,

    om%tmen Perusahaan &ntuk "ata e#o#a Perusahaan >ang a%k 

    Pe!"saaan mela#sana#an sosialisasi Tata elola Pe!"saaan ;ang ai# se&agai #omitmenPe!"saaan #epada sel"!" Pe#e!:a "nt"# mela#sana#an #egiatan ope!asional ses"ai dengan#etent"an ;ang &e!la#" $adi! pada aa!a ini se&agai na!as"m&e! epala PP*T'"ammad>"s"+ Pada #esempatan ini p"la dila#"#an penandatanganan do#"men Tata elolaPe!"saaan ;ang ai# ole Di!e#si Pe!"saaan

    Te %om2any34 %ommitment to Good %or2orate Governance

    -he President (irector gave his welcoming s!eech in the Sociali/ation event of 2ood Cor!orate 2overnance at the Head=#arter. -he PPA-K Chairman #hammad7#s#f was !resent as a reso#rce !erson. -here was also a signing for thedoc#ments of 2ood Cor!orate 2overnance %& the oard of (irectors of theCom!an&.

    1= Maret ("1$ arch +BJ )*+,

    &P; "ahunan tahun buku 2013

    Rapat m"m Pemegang SaamTa"nanTa"n "#" 2013diadi!iole Pemegang SaamDeGan omisa!is dan Di!e#siDalam RPS ini Di!e#si

    men;ampai#an pe!tangg"ng:aGa&anatas #egiatan Pe!"saaan Selain it"DeGan omisa!is :"gamen;ampai#an lapo!anpengaGasan #egiatan Pe!"saaan

    Sareolder !eetin;:5679 #i4cal year 

    -he )*+< Ann#al Shareholder eeting for the )*+< 'iscal7ear was attended %& theShareholdersJ the oard of CommissionersJ and the oardof (irectors. n this eetingJthe (irectors conve&ed hisres!onsi%ilit& for theCom!an&s activities. -heoard of Commissioners thenrevealed the monitoring re!ort.

    ($ A/ril ("1$ a!ril ),J )*+,

    PL $an Perusahaan "an$atangan% :argaL%str%k Panas um%

    Pe!"saaan diGa#ili Di!e#t"! tama Ron; %"naGan dan PTP- (Pe!se!o) diGa#ili Di!e#t"! tama -"! Pam"d:imenandatangani Heads of Agreement ($o*) ata" po#o#pe!:an:ian !eisi a!ga "ap dan list!i# panas &"miPenandatanganan dila#"#an di #anto! p"sat P-

    P'N and Te %om2any Si;ned te Price of Geotermal Electricity 

    -he Com!an&J re!resented %& the President (irector Ron& 2#nawanJ and P- Pln 0Persero1Jre!resented %& the President (irector n#r Pam#d9iJsigned the Heads of Agreement 0HoA1 or the mainagreement of !rice revision for the steam andgeothermal electricit&. -he signing was cond#ctedat Pln head=#arter.

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    ($ Maret ("1$ arch ),J)*+,

    "own :a## 4eet%ng P"Pertam%na )eotherma#nerg>

    Pe!"saaan men;elengga!a#an-own Hall eeting Di!e#sidengan sel"!" pe#e!:aPe!"saaan *a!a dengan temaPowering -he Co#ntr& with

    2reen Energ& (Eal"asi ine!:aTa"n 2013 dan e!:a Ta"n 2014)J


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    ' J4ni ("1$  5#ne 6J )*+,

    Penan$atanganan ota ese!ahaman Persewaan uang antor

    -ota esepaaman ditandatangani Di!e#t"! tama Pe!"saaan Ron; %"naGan dengan Di!e#t"!tama Pat!a ,asa S"silo

    Te Si;nin; of !emorandum of *nder4tandin; Re;ardin; te Rental of $=ce Room

    -he emorand#m of #nderstanding was signed %& the Com!an&s President (irectorRon& 2#nawan and the President (irector of Patra 5asaJ S#silo

    1( J4ni ("1$  5#ne +)J )*+,

    Penan$atanganan erjasama Perusahaan $engan +D,4 II@;r%w%ja>a

    Pe!"saaan mela#"#an penandatanganan -ota esepaaman dengan omando Dae!a 'ilite! IIB S!iGi:a;a tentang pem&"atan sa!ana dan p!asa!ana se!ta pengamanan di a!ea ope!asi danp!o;e# Pe!"saaan di Gila;a omando Dae!a 'ilite! IIB S!iGi:a;a Do#"men #esepa#atan iniditandatangani ole Di!e#t"! tama Pe!"saaan Ron; %"naGan dan epala Sta+ omando Dae!a'ilite! IIBS!iGi:a;a !igadi! ,ende!al T-I Toto S'oe!asad (asdam)

    Te Si;nin; of %oo2eration bet

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    in Kamo9ang Area of 2ar#t. -his os=#e grant was !art of Com!an&sCSR !rogram.

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort

    T*-%%-% ,* Cor/orate Goernan?eCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PERISTI!A PENTING 2014ignificant Events 1n !"#$

    (( A24t4 ("1$ a#g#st ))J )*+,

    Perusahaan 4era%h Penghargaan $% ,jang ,P;, 201

    Pe!"saaan me!ai penga!gaan Te est Implementation o+ Ente!p!ise Ris# 'anagement2013 dan Te est Implementation Comm"nit; Inolement Deelopment 2013 pada *PS*2014

    Te %om2any ek Panas um% Lumuta#a%

    Penandatanganan ont!a# EPCCP!o;e# Panas &"mi "m"t alaianta!a Pe!"saaan dengan 'a!"&eni


    Te Si;nin; of EP%%%ontract for Geotermal Pro>ect in 'umut +alai 

    -he signing of EPCC Contract for 2eothermal Pro9ect inl#m#t alaiJ %etween theCom!an& and ar#%eniCor!oration.

    1= Noem3er ("1$ novem%er +BJ )*+,

    Perusahaan "an$atangan% erja ;ama $engan o$am III@;%#%wang%

    Pe!"saaan mela#"#an Penandatanganan -ota esepaaman dengan omando Dae!a 'ilite! IIIBSiliGangi tentang Peng"atan Pem&inaan

    Te!ito!ial dan Pengamanan 7&;e# ?ital -asional St!ategis se!ta Pem&"atan Sa!ana dan P!asa!ana di *!ea dan P!o;e# Pe!"saaan di

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    11 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort

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  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    1(Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    LAPORAN DE!AN KO"ISARISReport of the 2oard of Commissioners

    In>oneia memiliki

    /oteni ener2i /ana

    34mi e3ear (7"#)

    MFe ata4 etara >en2an$" total /oteni /ana

    34mi >i >4nia

    1ndonesia possesses about

    !3."45 M6e of potential

    geothermal energy.e7uivalent to $"8 of 9orld:s

     potential geothermal energy 

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

     *tas nama DeGan omisa!is PT Pe!tamina %eote!mal Ene!g;

    (Pe!"saaan) #ami meng"ap s;"#"! #epada *lla S

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    1$Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    15 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    Dalam al #etenaga#e!:aan #ami sangat menga!gai

    #ine!:a mana:emen ;ang &ai# dalam men:aga #eseatan

    dan #eselamatan #a!;aGan di tempat #e!:a $al ini

    te!e!min pada  /ero fatalit& sepan:ang ta"n 2014 dan

    -otal Recorda%le ncident Rate (TRIR) se&esa! 051

    ami &e!a!ap Di!e#si dapat mempe!taan#an dan

    mening#at#an #ine!:a te!se&"t di masa depan #a!ena #ami

    pe!a;a &aGa s"m&e! da;a man"sia adala al ;ang sangat

    signi+i#an &agi Pe!"saaan dalam men:alan#an #egiatann;a

    P,D,), ,",; P+;P &;,:,Potensi ene!gi panas &"mi di Indonesia adala 2903 '

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    activities to r#n well and e?cientl&J in

    order to avoid f#t#re #n!lanned


    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    PIL,I, I, +4I" DI ,*,:D*, +4I;,I;

    Pada ta"n 2014 ini Pe!"saaan me!"&a :"mla omite

    ,i#a ta"n se&el"mn;a Pe!"saaan memili#i omite *"dit

    omite Pengem&angan saa dan omite Risi#o isnis dan

    -ominasi Rem"ne!asi ma#a pada &"lan ,"li 2014

    Pe!"saan an;a memili#i omite *"dit dan 'ana:emen

    Risi#o se!ta omite Inestasi

    Dengan pe!"&aan te!se&"t ma#a pe!enanaan dananalisis !isi#o pengem&angan "saa ada pada omite

    Inestasi sedang#an analisis mana:emen !isi#o Pe!"saaan

    diaGasi ole omite *"dit dan 'ana:emen Risi#o +"ngsi

    nominasi dan !em"ne!asi men:adi tangg"ng :aGa& DeGan


    e&i:a#an Pe!"saaan "nt"# me!"&a s"s"nan omite

    &e!t":"an "nt"# mema#simal#an #ine!:a Pe!"saaan sea!a

    #esel"!"an ami ;a#in &aGa pe!"&aan te!se&"t tida#

    meng"!angi #ine!:a #ami dalam mengaGasi :alann;a

    Pe!"saaan te!"tama dalam al pene!apan tata #elola

    pe!"saaan ;ang &ai# 02ood Cor!orate 2overnance1

    Sea!a "m"m omite@#omite tela men:alan#an t"gas dan

    tangg"ng :aGa&n;a dengan &ai# dan sangat mem&ant"

    DeGan omisa!is dalam mela#"#an pengaGasan Review

    di:alan#an dengan &ai# dan tida# ada tem"an@tem"an

    signi+i#an sepan:ang ta"n 2014 $al ini tent"n;a men:adi

    atatan &agi #ami "nt"# tetap mempe!taan#an #ine!:a

    omite dan DeGan omisa!is sea!a #esel"!"an

    P&,:, D*, +4I;,I;

    Pe!"saaan mengang#at 1 o!ang omisa!is &a!" ;ait"

    isto# Sim&olon pada tanggal 25 ,"ni 2014 Dengan

    pengang#atan te!se&"t :"mla anggota DeGan omisa!is

    Pe!"saaan &e!tam&a da!i 3 o!ang men:adi 4 o!ang

    omposisi omisa!is Independen men:adi 25= da!i total

     :"mla anggota DeGan omisa!is


    PER#$R!"N%E *N&ER TE +$"R& $#


    n )*+,J the Com!an& made a change in the n#m%er 

    of Committee. n the !revio#s &earJ the Com!an& 

    had A#dit CommitteeJ #siness (evelo!ment 

    CommitteeJ and #siness Ris; and Rem#neration

    nomination Committee howeverJ in 5#l& )*+, the

    Com!an& had onl&the A#ditand Ris; anagement 

    Committeeandthe nvestment Committee.

    n accordance to the changesJ the f#nction of 

     !lanning and %#siness develo!ment ris; anal&sis is

    cond#cted %& the nvestment Committee.

    eanwhileJ the Com!an&s ris; management 

    anal&sis were monitored %& the A#dit and Ris; 

    anagement Committee. -he f#nction of 

    rem#neration nomination is carried o#t %& the oard

    of Commissioners.

    -he Com!an&s !olic& to change the com!osition of 

    the Committee was aimed to ma3imi/e the overall

     !erformance of the Com!an&. :e %elieve that the

    changes will not wea;en o#r !erformance to

    o%serve how the Com!an& does %#sinessJ es!eciall& 

    in the im!lementation of 2ood Cor!orate


    2enerall&J all Committees have done their res!ective

    tas;s and res!onsi%ilities well and ver& hel!f#l to the

    oard of Commissioners tas; to s#!ervise the

    Com!an&. -he review was !erformed well and therewas no signicant nding thro#gho#t )*+,. :e aim

    to ;ee! the overall !erformance of the Committee

    and the oard of Commissioners.

    %"NGES $N TE +$"R& $#%$!!ISSI$NERS

    -he Com!an& a!!ointed one new Commissioner 

    namel& isto; Sim%olon on the )th of 5#ne )*+,. & 

    this a!!ointmentJ the n#m%er of oard was added

    from < !ersons into , !ersons. -he com!osition of 

    nde!endent Commissioners %ecame )> o#t of the

    total mem%ers of the oard of Commissioners.

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    1= Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    ami pe!a;a &aGa saat ini Pe!"saaan memili#i

    #omposisi anggota DeGan omisa!is ;ang &ai# emamp"an

    pengaGasan "saa dan tata #elola pe!"saaan men:adi le&i

    leng#ap dengan adan;a lata! &ela#ang #ealian dan

    pengalaman anggota DeGan omisa!is ;ang &a!" dalam

    aspe# legal politi# dan #eamanan  $al ini mening#at#an

    #ompetensi anggota DeGan omisa!is ;ang lain dalam

    aspe# #e"angan ope!asional dan &isnis


    Sa;a atas nama anggota DeGan omisa!is lainn;ameng"ap#an te!ima #asi dengan t"l"s #epada Di!e#si

    mana:emen dan sel"!" #a!;aGan Pe!"saaan atas #e!:a

    #e!as #ine!:a dan penapaian ta"n 2014

    D"#"ngan da!i sel"!" pemang#" #epentingan me!"pa#an

    dasa! semangat #ita dalam mengem&ang#an potensi ene!gi

    panas &"mi "nt"# men":" masa depan #emandi!ian ene!gi


    :e %elieve that the Com!an& now !ossesses a good

    com!osition of mem%ers of the oard of 

    Commissioners. -he a%ilit& to monitor %#siness

    activities and cor!orate governance are im!roved %& 

    the diversit& of %ac;gro#ndJ s;ills and e3!erience of 

    the new mem%er in the as!ects of legalJ !olitics and

    sec#rit&. -his in t#rn increases the com!etenc& of 

    the rest of the oard mem%ers in the as!ects of 

    nanceJ o!erationsJ and %#siness.

    %'$SING RE!"RS

    J on %ehalf of other mem%ers on the oard of 

    CommissionersJ here%& conve& m& sincere gratit#de

    to the oard of (irectorsJ the managementJ and all

    em!lo&ees of the Com!an& for their hard wor;sJ

     !erformance and achievements in )*+,.

    '#rthermoreJ s#!!orts from the sta;eholders

    %ecome the fo#ndation for o#r motivation to develo!

    geothermal !otentials in order to achieve the f#t#re

    of energ& self"reliance.

    ,a#a!ta +e&!"a!i 2015 / 5a;artaJ 'e%r#ar& )*+

    M8HAMA- H8EN

    omisa!is tama / President Commissioner 

    PT Pe!tamina %eote!mal Ene!g;

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    1)Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    DE!AN KO"ISARIS2oard of Commissioners

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    omisa!is Independennde!endent 




    1 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort


    Com/an@ Prole Mana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i H4man Reo4r?e

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  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web






    omisa!is tamaPresident 


    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort ("


    PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?eCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    P,, P4,)& P"I), D,

    P4,?, L,P+, ",:&, >,)


    Pe!tama@tama #ami pan:at#an p":i s;"#"! #epada *lla


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    ((Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

     *dan;a #n!lannedsh#tdown men;e&aan p!od"#si panas

    &"mi seta!a list!i# di *!ea amo:ang an;a menapai

    140131 %

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    (# Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    ($Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    Te!&itn;a ndang@"ndang -omo! 21 Ta"n 2014 tentang

    Panas "mi dia!ap#an a#an mend"#"ng "pa;a

    peman+aatan  panas &"mi ndang@"ndang te!se&"t

    men;ata#an &aGa pen;elengga!aan peng"saaan panas

    &"mi &"#an me!"pa#an #egiatan pe!tam&angan seingga

    dim"ng#in#an "nt"# dila#"#an di #aGasan "tan #onse!asi

    melal"i IKin Peman+aatan ,asa ing#"ngan Sei!ing dengan

    pel"ang te!se&"t Pe!"saaan tela mengi#"ti pe!at"!an dan

    p!osed"! ;ang &e!la#" ses"ai Pe!at"!an 'ente!i e"tanan

    -omo! 16 Ta"n 2014 tentang Pedoman IKin Pin:am Pa#ai

    aGasan $"tan (IPP$) "nt"# mendapat#an !e#omendasipengg"naan aGasan $"tan da!i Peme!inta Dae!a

    Re#omendasi te!se&"t dig"na#an se&agai s;a!at pe!moonan


     *spe# lain ;ang men:adi tantangan Pe!"saaan adala

    #esepa#atan a!ga :"al p!od"#si panas &"mi ;ang masi

    &el"m memen"i nilai #ee#onomian Pengem&angan

    panas  &"mi meme!l"#an inestasi ;ang &esa! dan

    &e!te#nologi tinggi seingga a!ga :"aln;a tent" pe!l"

    dises"ai#an p"la nt"# mengatasi al ini Di!e#si dan

    mana:emen Pe!"saaan &e!"pa;a mela#"#an dialog dengan

    Peme!inta dan pemang#" #epentingan lainn;a "nt"#

    mem&e!i#an pemaaman mengenai sit"asi ;ang ada

    P,P, ",", L+L, P&;,:,,>,) ,I 

    Pe!"saaan men:alan#an #omitmenn;a "nt"# mene!ap#an

    %C% sepan:ang ta"n 2014 $al ini te!e!min pada asil

    assessment %C% dengan nilai 9104 mening#at da!i

    ta"n se&el"mn;a se&esa! 94 ami :"ga tela

    mengimplementasi#an mana:emen !isi#o dan mela#"#an

    &e!&agai "pa;a mitigasi !isi#o sepan:ang ta"n 2014

    e&i :a" lagi sea!a #onsisten #ami te!"s mengg"na#an

    dan mengem&ang#an pand"an dan pe!ang#at tata #elola

    anta!a  lain Pedoman Tata elola Pe!"saaan Pedoman Eti#a

    saa dan Tata Pe!ila#" Penanganan on+li# epentingan

    dan me#anisme pengisian %C% 4nline S&stem

    -he enactment of law n#m%er )+ &ear )*+,

    concerning 2eothermal is e3!ected to s#!!ort the

    #tili/ation of geothermal. -he law dictates that 

    thegeothermal #tili/ation is

    notconsideredasaminingactivit&J thereforeJ it is

     !ermitted to %e cond#cted in conservation forests

    thro#gh the Environmental #tili/ation Permit. n the

    light of this o!!ort#nit&J the Com!an& has com!lied

    with the !revailing r#les and !roced#res

    a!!ro!riated %& the Reg#lation of 'orestr& inister 

    n#m%er +6 &ear )*+, concerning the 2#idelines for 

    'orest #se And orrow license 0PPKH1 in order to

    o%tain a recommendation to #se 'orest Area from

    the local 2overnment. -he recommendation is #sed

    as a condition to a!!l& for PPKH.

     Another challenging as!ect for the Com!an& was

    the selling !rice agreement of geothermal !rod#cts

    that was considered as #neconomic. 2eothermal

    develo!ment re=#ired %ig and high technolog& investments so the selling !rices wo#ld also need to

    %e ad9#sted. -o solve thisJ the oard of (irectors and

    management held dialogs with the 2overnment and

    sta;eholders to !rovide #nderstanding a%o#t the


    I!P'E!ENT"TI$N $# G$$& %$RP$R"TEG$ERN"N%E

    -he Com!an& has f#llled its commitment toim!lement 2C2 thro#gho#t )*+,. -his was shown

    from the 2C2 assessment that gained the score of 

    G+.*,J whichwasanim!rovementfromthe IG.,I in

    the !revio#s &ear. :e also had im!lemented ris; 

    management and carried o#t a n#m%er of ris; 

    mitigations thro#gho#t )*+,.

    '#rthermoreJ we consistentl& #sed and develo!ed

    g#idance and good governance toolsJ s#ch as the

    Code of Cor!orate 2overnanceJ Code of Cond#ctsJHandlings of ConQict of nterestsJ as well as the

    mechanism to ll #! the 2C2 4nline S&stem.

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    (5 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    Dalam !ang#a mening#at#an #eped"lian te!adap %C%

    #ami  :"ga men;elengga!a#an P!og!amLP%E e!siJ dan

    mengeal"asi pene!apan %C% sea!a &e!#ala ,i#a te!:adi

    insiden ;ang melangga! eti#a ata" &e!tentangan dengan

    #ode pe!ila#" #ami memp"n;ai sal"!an #om"ni#asi ;ang

    di:amin #e!aasiaan;a a!;aGan dapat melapo!#an sem"a

    pelangga!an eti#a ;ang te!:adi di Pe!"saaan melal"i

    :hitle%lowing S&stem

    ;&;&, DI;I

    Pe!"saaan tida# mela#"#an pe!gantian ata" penam&aanDi!e#si sepan:ang ta"n 2014 Di!e#si ;ang ada saat ini

    dapat saling &e#e!:a sama dengan &ai# dan masing@masing

    memili#i #ompetensi ;ang saling meleng#api ses"ai dengan

    #e&"t"an Pe!"saaan


    'elal"i apo!an ta"nan ini #ami meGa#ili sel"!" :a:a!an

    Di!e#si Pe!"saaan meng"ap#an te!ima #asi atas d"#"ngan

    sem"a pemang#" #epentingan ;ait" pemegang saam

    Peme!inta omisa!is pe#e!:a mit!a pemaso# pengg"na

    ene!gi panas &"mi mas;a!a#at se#ita! media a#ademisi

    dan p"&li# sea!a l"as

    ami ;a#in &aGa d"#"ngan pemang#" #epentingan a#an

    meng"at#an semangat #ami "nt"# men:adi#an panas &"mi

    se&agai sala sat" pila! "tama ene!gi nasional ;ang !ama

    ling#"ngan se#alig"s meG":"d#an isi Pe!"saaan men:adi

    + 2eothermal Entit& in Indonesia

    -o im!rove the care and awareness towards 2C2J

    we also held a Clean P2EM Program and

     !eriodicall& eval#ated the 2C2 im!lementations. f 

    there was an& incident that violated ethics or 

    against the code of cond#ctsJ it wo#ld %e s#%mitted

    to a discreet comm#nication channel. -he

    em!lo&ees co#ld re!ort all ethics violations that 

    occ#rred in the Com!an& thro#gh a :hitle%lowing


    %$!P$SITI$N $# TE +$"R& $# &IRE%T$RS

    -he Com!an& did not alter or recr#it new mem%er of 

    the (irectors thro#gho#t )*+,. -he c#rrent oard of 

    (irectors is a%le to coo!erate well and each has a

    com!lementing com!etenceJ in accordance to the

    needs of the Com!an&.

    %'$SING RE!"RS

    & this Ann#al Re!ortJ on %ehalf of the entire oard

    of (irectors of the Com!an&J we wo#ld li;e to sa& 

    than; &o# for the s#!!ort of all sta;eholdersJnamel&the ShareholdersJ the 2overnmentJ

    em!lo&eesJ !artnersJ s#!!liersJ geothermal #sersJ

    the s#rro#nding comm#nit&J the mediaJ academia

    and the general !#%lic.

    :e %elieve that s#!!orts of the sta;eholders will

    strengthen o#r s!irits


    ment" friendl& national energ&J as well as reali/ing

    the Com!an&s vision to %ecome the + 2eothermalEntit& in ndonesia.

    ,a#a!ta +e&!"a!i 2015 / 5a;artaJ 'e%r#ar& )*+

    RON@ G8NAwAN

    Di!e#t"! tama / President (irector 

    PT Pe!tamina %eote!mal Ene!g;

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    ('Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    Di!e#t"! Pe!enanaan danPengem&angan

    (irector of Planning and(evelo!ment 


    Di!e#t"! e"angan(irector of 'inance

    (= Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort


    Com/an@ Prole Mana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i H4man Reo4r?e

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    DIREKSI2oard of Director 

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    Di!e#t"! tamaPresident (irector 


    Di!e#t"! 7pe!asi(irector of 


    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort ()


    PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?eCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO(IL PERUSAHAANcompany Profile

     *#sele!asi pengem&angan panas &"mi te!e!min dalam

    pengem&angan sem&ilan p!o;e# panas &"mi

    -he acceleration of geothermal develo!ment is

    reQected %& the develo!ment of nine geothermal


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     *!ea l"&el"

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    Area 8l43el4


    Profile of Pt Pertamina Geothermalenergy 

    ;,,: P&;,:,,

    Pe!"saaan me!"pa#an sala sat" ana# pe!"saaan

    PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o) dengan PT Pe!tamina Dana

    ?ent"!a Pe!"saaan ini &e!ge!a# di&idang peman+aatan

    ene!gi panas &"mi Pe!"saaan memp"n;ai pe!an penting

    &agi mas;a!a#at dalam &e!#ont!i&"si s"m&e! ene!gi

    alte!nati+ ;ang !ama ling#"ngan dan te!&a!"#an #"s"sn;adi Indonesia Peman+aatan ene!gi panas &"mi tela dila#"#an

    se:a# ta"n 190an

    IST$Ry $# TE %$!P"Ny 

    -he Com!an& is a s#%sidiar& of P- Pertamina

    0Persero1 with P- Pertamina (ana 8ent#ra.

    -hecom!an&does%#sinessingeothermal energ& 

    #tili/ations. t %ears a critical role for the comm#nit& 

    in contri%#ting an environment"friendl& and

    renewa%le alternative energ& so#rceJ es!eciall& inndonesia. #tili/ations of geothermal energ& have

    %een cond#cted since the +GI*s.

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    #1 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    Se:a# ta"n 1984 Pe!tamina tela mela#"#an #egiatan

    e#splo!asi dan e#sploitasi dengan mengidenti+i#asi

    se&an;a# 80 Gila;a Panas "mi dengan tempe!at"! tinggi

    ;ang dapat diman+aat#an "nt"# mengasil#an ene!gi list!i#

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    limited lia%ilit& Com!an& or Perseroan


    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    KII >1s1on

    ("1$ . M1 %eote!mal Entit; in Indonesia


    ("(1. eading %eote!mal Compan; in Indonesia

    . eading %eote!mal Compan; on *sia

    ("(5 .

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    ## Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    NIlAI!NIlAI > a&ues

    -ilai@nilai &"da;a Pe!"saaan ;ang #ami te!ap#an di sel"!" lini

    #egiatan Pe!"saaan dan pada setiap insan Pe!"saaan dalam

    mela#sanana#an dan men;elengga!a#an "saan;a di!"m"s#an se&agai

    &agian da!i PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o) ;a#ni tatanan nilai SiH@C (6C) ;ait".

    -he cor!orate val#es of the Com!an& that we a!!l& in all lines of activitiesand in each individ#al of the Com!an& when r#nning the %#siness were

    form#lated as !art P- Pertamina 0Persero1J namel& the Si3"C 06C1 of order

    of val#es

    cleanDi#elola sea!a p!o+esional menginda!i&ent"!an #epentingan tida# menole!ansis"ap men:"n:"ng tinggi #epe!a;aan dan

    integ!itas e!pedoman pada asas@asas tata#elola #o!po!asi ;ang &ai#

    c#stomer foc#sed e!o!ientasi pada #epentingan pelanggan dan&e!#omitmen "nt"# mem&e!i#an pela;anante!&ai# #epada pelanggan

    4riented on the c#stomers interest andcommitted to !rovide onl& the %estservice to the c#stomers.

    Professionall& managedJ avoiding conQict of   interestsJ non"tolerance to %ri%esJres!ecting %elief and integrit&.4riented on the !rinci!les of 2oodCor!orate 2overnance.

    com!etitive'amp" &e!#ompetisi dalam s#ala nasional

    dan inte!nasional mendo!ong pe!t"m&"an


    'enipta#an nilai tam&a dengan o!ientasi#ome!sial mengam&il #ep"t"san &e!dasa!#anp!insip@p!insip &isnis ;ang seat

    Create added val#es with commercialorientation ma;e decision %ased onhealth& %#siness !rinci!les.

    melal"i inestasi mem&ang"n &"da;a sada!   &ia;a dan menga!gai #ine!:a

     A%le to com!ete in national andinternational scaleJ enco#rage growththro#gh investmentJ to %#ild cost"conscio#s c#lt#re and a!!reciative to !erformance.

    condent e!pe!an dalam pem&ang"nan e#onominasional men:adi pelopo! peng"saaan panas&"mi dan mem&ang"n #e&anggaan &angsa

    -a;e !art in national econom& %#ildingJ !ioneering geothermal mining %#sinessJand %#ild #!on the !ride of the nation.

    ca!a%leDi#elola ole pemimpin dan pe#e!:a;ang p!o+esional dan memili#i#ompetensi dan peng"asaan te#nistinggi &e!#omitmen dalam mem&ang"n#emamp"an !iset dan pengem&angan

    anaged %& !rofessional leader andem!lo&ees and have the re=#iredcom!etenc& and high technicalmaster&J committed to %#ild researchand develo!ment ca!a%ilities.

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    #$Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    ID,) &;,:, D, *IL,>,:+P,;I+,L

    Panas "mi me!"pa#an ene!gi ;ang diasil#an da!i

    inte!a#si panas &at"an dengan ai! ;ang mengali! 

    dise#ita!n;a Inte!a#si te!se&"t mengasil#an "ap ;ang

    dapat diman+aat#an "nt"# mengge!a##an t"!&in dan

    mengasil#an list!i# e!&eda dengan ene!gi +osil sepe!ti

    min;a# &"mi dan &at"&a!a ene!gi panas &"mi dapat

    dipe!&aa!"i dengan a!a men:aga #and"ngan ai! ;ang

    &e!inte!a#si dengan panas ;ang &e!asal da!i dalam &"mi

    Pe!"saaan selal" &e!"saa "nt"# mengem&ang#an &isnis

    ene!gi panas &"mi sea!a optimal Pening#atan dan

    #ema:"an Pe!"saaan tida# lepas da!i #e&e!asilan

    mela#"#an e#spansi di "l" dan ili! :"ga men:alin

    #e!:asama &ai# dengan mit!a l"a!   nege!i ma"p"n dalam


    +*SINESS SE%T$R "N& $PER"TI$N"' "RE"

    2eothermal is an energ& res#lted from the

    interaction of roc; heat withthe s#rro#nding

    streamingwater. -he interaction creates steam that 

    co#ld %e harnessed to move t#r%ines and generate

    electricit&. #nli;e fossil"%ased energ& s#ch as oil and

    coalJ geothermal energ& is renewa%le %& 

    maintaining the water content that interacts with the

    heat of the earth.

    -he Com!an& alwa&s tries to o!timall& develo!

    geothermal %#siness. Ever& im!rovement and

     !rogress of the Com!an& comes from the s#ccess of 

    #!stream and downstream e3!ansionsJ %esides

    maintaining good relationshi! with domestic and

    international !artners.


    ( A





    = ;

    ) C

    - 1"11 1(


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    #5 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    Saat ini Pe!"saaan memili#i 14 P,,; &4I

    Sampai dengan a#i! ta"n 2014 Pe!"saaan memili#i dan

    mengelola 4 a!ea panas &"mi dan 9 p!o;e# pengem&angan

     As of c#rrentl&J the Com!an& manages +, :or;ing

     Areas 0:KP1J %ased on the (ecision of ndonesian

    inister of Energ& and ineral Reso#rcesJ dated on

     5#ne +IJ )*+) Concerning the Conrmation of 

     A#thori/ed Area and Changes of Coordinate

    o#ndaries of 2eothermal #siness Area of P- 

    Pertamina 2eothermal Energ&.

    anagement and o!erational of :KP that the

    Com!an& owns are !erformed %& own o!eration or 

    #nder coo!eration with !artners.

    GE$TER!"' "RE" "N& PR$>E%T 

    #ntil the end of )*+,J the Com!an& owned and

    managed , geothermal areas and G develo!ment 


    w6P PGE

    PGE:s 6or?ing Areas

    1 %"n"ng Si&a;a# @ %"n"ng Sina&"ng

    2 %"n"ng Si&"al "ali (Sa!"lla)

    3 S"ngai Pen"

    4 $"l"lais

    5 "m"t alai 'a!ga&a;"! 

    6 %"n"ng en2an kema /en2elolaan 6O;

    0(2 schemes contract areas

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    Area 6amoan2

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort #'

    ,, P,,; &4I

    Total #apasitas te!pasang da!i 4 a!ea panas &"mi menapai 402

    ' P,,; &4I

    Indonesia tela men:adi impo!ti! 0net im!orter1 %ahan %a;ar 

    min&a; (') se:a# 2003 "nt"# memen"i #e&"t"an ene!gi

    nasional te!mas"# di dalamn;a "nt"# &aan &a#a! pem&ang#it

    ene!gi list!i# Indonesia :"ga mengadapi tantangan "nt"#

    men;edia#an tenaga list!i# #epada pend"d"#

    Indonesia ;ang te!e!min dalam Rasio Ele#t!i+i#asi

    Pada a#i! ta"n 2013 Rasio

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i


    GE$TER!"' PR$>E%T 

    ndonesia has %ecome the net im!orter of f#el 01 since )**<

    o f#lll the national energ& needsJ incl#ding for the f#el of 

    electricit& generator. ndonesia also faces challenge to

     !rovide electricit& to ndonesia !eo!leJ as reQected in

    Electrication Ratio. At the end of )*+J which increased

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    1 1


    Ele#t!i+i#asi se&esa! 051= mening#at se&esa! 394=

    di&anding Rasio Ele#t!i+i#asi ta"n 2012 se&esa! 394=

    7le #a!ena it" Pe!at"!an Peme!inta -omo! 89 Ta"n 2014

    tentang e&i:a#an Ene!gi -asional mengamanat#an

    te!apain;a Rasio Ele#t!i+i#asi se&esa! 5= pada ta"n 2015

    dan mende#ati 100= pada ta"n 2020

    e&i:a#an Ene!gi -asional :"ga mena!get#an te!apain;a

    &a"!an Ene!gi P!ime! ;ang optimal Sala sat" ta!get

    apaian te!se&"t adala peman+aatan Ene!gi a!" dan Ene!gi

    Te!&a!"#an minimal 23= pada ta"n 2025 dan 31= padata"n 2050 e&i lan:"t Indonesia memili#i 40= potensi

    ene!gi panas &"mi d"nia ata" seta!a dengan 2903 'an; *nit A

    located at :KP of Kamo9ang"(ara9atJ :est 5ava

    Province. -his geothermal !ro9ect of the Com!an& 

    has %een o!erating since +GI) and owns fo#r 

    #nits of 2eothermal Power Plant that are

    commerciall& o!era%le. -he drilling stage for this

     !ro9ect has com!leted. C#rrentl&J the

    develo!ment of #nit 2eothermal Power Plant is

    at EPCC 0Engineering Proc#rement Constr#ction

    and Commissioning1 stageJ with ca!acit& of +X

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web




    *lubelu *nit 9 dan 8

    esides two 2eothermal Power Plant 

    #nits in #l#%el# 0#nit + and )1 thats

    %een o!eratingJ there are also two

    additional #nits with total ca!acit& of 

    )3 :. #nit < and , are c#rrentl& at 

    Engineering Proc#rement Constr#ction and

    Commissioning 0EPCC1 stage and drilling. -he

    2eothermal Power Plant is !lanned to %e

    commerciall& o!era%le in )*+6 0#nit

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    3 3

    Lumut a#a% &n%t 1 $an 2

    P!o;e# "m"t alai nit 1 dan 2 dengan #apasitas total

    se&esa! 2H55 '< &e!lo#asi di

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    Area 8l43el4

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    5 5

    6 6

    Lahen$ong &n%t 5 $an 6

    P!o;e# aendong di

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $"Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    7 7

    8 8

    9 9

    Pro@ek 6erin?i

    :u#u#a%s &n%t 1 $an 2

    P!o;e# &e!lo#asi di

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $1 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    ;tatus Perkembangan ,rea $an Pro>ek !er 31 Desember 201

    &evelo2ment Statu4 of "rea and Pro>ect 2er &e4ember 97: 5678

     *!ea P!o;e#

     Area @





    apasitas ('

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $(Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    "I",; ,, D, P&;,:,,,;+;I,;I

    Pe!"saaan memili#ipen;e!taansaam pada 20 ana#

    pe!"saaan PT Pe!tamina $"l" Ene!gi Sel"!" ana#

    pe!"saaan te!se&"t &e!ge!a# di se#to! Ind"st!i 'in;a# dan

    %as ;ang &e!alamat di , T Simat"pang a99 ,a#a!ta

    S*+SI&I"RIES "N& "SS$%I"TE& %$!P"NIESENTITy 

    -he Com!an& has shares in )* s#%sidiaries of P- 

    Pertamina H#l# Energi. All of which are in the

    %#siness of 4il and 2as nd#str&J located  on  5l.  -

    Simat#!ang Kav .GG  5a; ar ta.

    Pen>ertaan ;aham Pa$a Perusahaan4%n>ak $an )as

     -ama Pe!"saaan Saam / idang saa

    Com!an&s name PT P$E PT P%E  Activit& Stat#sPe!tamina $"l" Ene!gi Tomo!i S"laGesi 99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= E3!loration

     99= 1= not 4!erating

     99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= (evelo!ment 


    99= 1= Prod#ction

     99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= Prod#ction


    99= 1= not 4!erating

    ;",")I &;,:, ,), P,,)

    St!ategi P!o;e# ,ang#a Pan:ang Pe!"saaan ses"ai dengan R,PP

    Pe!"saaan 2015 2019 te!di!i da!i 4 aspe# dianta!an;a

     *spe# 7pe! asional9   *spe#  + inanial9   *spe#  isnis9   *spe#

    eilm"an dan te#nologi dan *spe# 'ana:emen


    -he long -erm Pro9ect Strateg& of the Com!an& in

    accordance to R5PP )*+ O )*+G consists of ,

    as!ectsJ namel& 4!erational As!ectJ 'inancial As!ectJ #siness As!ectJ Knowledge and 

    -echnolog& As!ectsJ as well as anagement As!ect.

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $#Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    Area i3a@ak

    ,s!ek +!eras%ona#

    1 'ening#at#an adangan da!i 2315 '< di ta"n 2015

    men:adi 2830 '< pada ta"n 2019

    2 'ening#at#an #apasitas PTP te!pasang da!i 438 '< di

    ta"n 2015 men:adi 908 '< pada ta"n 2019

    3 'ening#at#an p!od"#si list!i# da!i 2929 %

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $$Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e


    ,s!ek e%#muan $an "ekno#og%

    1 'ene!ap#an te#nologi panas &"mi sea!a sele#ti+

    2 'em&ang"n center of e3cellence SD' di ind"st!ipanas &"mi

    3 'en;emp"!na#an 2eothermal Center of E3cellence

    4 'engoptimal#an pengg"naan nformation

    Comm#nication -echnolog& (ICT)

    ,s!ek 4anagement

    1 'ene!ap#an dan men;emp"!na#an o!ganisasi dan

    #o!po!asi Pe!"saaan

    2 'eleng#api dan men;emp"!na#an SD'

    3 'ening#at#an Cor!orate Social Res!onsi%ilit& 

    4 'ene!ap#an  ga;a  #epemimpinan  Lanager "leader M  

    #elas d"nia

    5 'em&"da;a#an 2ood Cor!orate 2overnance

    6 nternational HSE Standard


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    P)4,), I;" I+=,;I D,

    "+L+)I P&;,:,,

    e&e!asilan Pe!"saaan dalam mengem&ang#an &isnis

    se#to! panas &"mi tida# lepas da!i #egiatan !iset dan

    te#nologi &e#e!:asama dengan P"sat Riset Pe!g"!"an Tinggi

    te!#em"#a Pada ta"n 2014 Pe!"saaan tela mela#"#an

    #e!:a sama &e!"pa st"di pengem&angan !iset pada masing

    masing p!ospe# dan a!ea panas &"mi Pe!"saaan dengan

    nie!sitas %a:a 'ada (%') dan nie!sitas Pem&ang"nan

    -asional (P-) ?ete!an >og;a#a!ta Pengapli#asian

    te#nologi te!&a!" &e#e!:asama dengan :asa !iset dan

    pengem&angan da!i IESE -eG Oealand Pela#sanaan

    pengem&angan !iset te!&agi dalam lima +"ngsi anta!a lain

    +"ngsi %eologi +"ngsi %eo#imia +"ngsi %eo+isi#a +"ngsi

    Rese!oi! +"ngsi %eomati#a In+o!masi Te#nologi

    ungs% )eo#og%

    +"ngsi geologi pada ta"n 2014 mela#sana#an

    pengem&angan !iset pada #eempat p!o;e# Pe!"saaan ;ait"

    $"l"lais e!ini Tompaso dan a!aa Sala sat" !isetn;a

    mengenai st!"#t"! geologi p!od"#ti+ panas &"mi

    Pengem&angan !iset ini &e#e!:a sama dengan %'Pemetaan dila#"#an "nt"# meng#on+i!masi st!"#t"! p!od"#ti+ 

    dan eal"asi %oreholeimage St!"#t"! p!od"#ti+ ;ang

    te!peta#an men:adi ta!get dalam pem&o!an

    ungs% )eok%m%a

    Pada ta"n 2014 +"ngsi geo#imia mela#"#an pemanta"an

    +l"ida panas &"mi pada enam p!o;e# dan d"a a!ea panas

    &"mi Pe!"saaan Riset mengenai #and"ngan isotop alam

    men:adi sala sat" #egiatan ;ang dila#sana#an sea!a #ontin"

    Pengam&ilan sampel ai! dila#"#an "nt"# ai! s"ngai ai! 

    dana" ai! ":an mata ai! dingin mata ai! panas s"m"! ai!

    dan s"m"! p!od"#si Sampel dianalisa "nt"# mengeta"i

    penga!" peman+aatan panas &"mi seingga :i#a te!panta"

    anomali da!i asil sampel dapat diam&il #ep"t"san ata"

    mitigasi dengan sege!a

    &EE'$P!ENT $N %$!P"Ny3S RESE"R%:

    INN$"TI$N: "N& TE%N$'$Gy 

    -he Com!an&s s#ccess in develo!ing geothermal

    %#siness sector is tightl& related to research and

    technolog& activitiesJ in coo!eration with the

    renowned Research Center of Higher Ed#cations. n

    )*+,J the Com!an& has !erformed coo!eration in

    the form of research develo!ment st#d& on each

     !ros!ect and geothermal area %etween the

    Com!an&and 2a9ah ada#niversit& 0#21 and

    Pem%ang#nan #niversit& 0#Pn1 8eteran of 

    7og&a;arta. m!lementation of the most c#rrent 

    technolog& colla%orated with foreign research and

    technolog& serviceJ ESE new ealand. Research

    develo!ment is divided into ve f#nctions

    2eologicalJ 2eochemistr&J 2eo!h&sicalJ ReservoirJ

    2eomatics @ nformation -echnolog&.

    Geolo;ical &e2artment 

    2eological (e!artment in )*+, was in develo!ing

    research on fo#r !ro9ects of the Com!an&J namel& 

    H#l#laisJ KerinciJ -om!asoJ and Karaha. 4ne of those

    researches was a%o#t geothermal !rod#ctive

    geological str#ct#reJ in coo!eration with #2. -he

    ma!!ing was done to conrm !rod#ctive str#ct#re

    and image %orehole eval#ation. -he ma!!ed

     !rod#ctive str#ct#re %ecame the target in drilling


    Geocemi4try &e2artment 

    n )*+,J the geochemistr& de!artment cond#cted

    geothermal Q#id monitoring on si3 !ro9ects and two

    geothermal areas of the Com!an&.

    Researchconcerning nat#ral isoto!e content 

    %ecameone of the activities !erformed contin#o#sl&.

    :ater sam!ling was done on the riversJ la;esJ rain

    waterJ cold s!ringsJ hot s!ringsJ wellsJ and

     !rod#ction wells. Sam!les were anal&/ed to

    determine the eNect of geothermal #tili/ationsJ so if 

    there was an& anomal& fo#ndJ co#ld immediatel& %e

    decided and mitigated.

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $'Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    ungs% )eoBs%ka

    Pengem&angan !iset ;ang dila#sana#an ole +"ngsi

    geo+isi#a mengi#"tse!ta#an pengapli#asian te#nologi te!#ini

    dalam peng"#"!an data egiatan !iset dila#sana#an pada

    #elima p!o;e# dan tiga a!ea panas &"mi Pe!"saaan

    Pengapli#asian (ownhole Sensor icroearth=#a;e

    ('EA) tela dila#sana#an pada aGal ta"n 2014 pada *!ea

    amo:ang l"&el" dan aendong Instalasi senso! dipasang

    le&i dalam Penge!:aann;a dila#"#an &e!sama IESE -eG

    Oealand Dengan pemasangan ;ang le&i dalam e+e# noise

    di pe!m"#aan tela te!eliminasi seingga diasil#an data

    'EA te!e#am ;ang le&i &ai# $asil 'EA te!ola dig"na#an

    "nt"# mengaGasi p!oses !ein:e#si dan nat"!al seimicit& 

    se&agai penga!" peman+aatan panas &"mi

    ungs% eserCo%r

    +"ngsi !ese!oi! mela#sana#an !isetn;a pada d"a a!ea

    panas &"mi Pe!"saaan Pemanta"an dila#sana#an pada

    sel"!" s"m"! Pe!"saaan ;ang selesai di&o! Riset mengenai

    tracer test in9ection dila#"#an "nt"# mengeta"i a!a

    ali!an +l"ida in:e#si +l"ida #imia ;ang tida# te!dapat di alam

    melal"i s"m"! in:e#si diaGasi intensitas #em"n"lann;a dis"m"! p!od"#si seingga te!peta#an a!a ali!an +l"ida pada

    !ese!oi! 'ana:emen !ese!oi! ;ang &ai# a#an men:aga

    peman+aatan #e&e!lan:"tan panas &"mi

    ungs% )eomat%ka $an I"

    Pengem&angan !iset ;ang dila#sana#an ole +"ngsi geomati#a

    dan IT sala sat"n;a adala pemetaan dengan ID*R dan

    +oto "da!a Dila#"#an "nt"# mendapat#an data topog!a+i

    detail dan +oto "da!a dengan !esol"si tinggi di lo#asi lo#asi

    panas &"mi Riset te!se&"t dila#sana#an pada e!ini

    $"l"lais "#it Da"n 'asigit a!aa Tompaso l"&el" dan

    amo:ang Pemetaan dila#"#an dengan mengg"na#an

    Gaana pesaGat ;ang dileng#api senso! ID*R dan

    #ame!a ig !esol"tion "nt"# mela#"#an pemot!etan !elie+ 

    topog!a+i dan +oto "da!a

    Geo2y4ical &e2artment 

    Research develo!ment that was !erformed %& 

    geo!h&sical de!artment carried o#t the most 

    #!dated technological a!!lications tomeas#redata.

    Researchwasdoneontheve!ro9ects and three

    geothermal areas. -he im!lementation of (ownhole

    Sensor icroearth=#a;e 0E=1 a!!lication has %een

    done in )*+, in  Kamo9angJ  #l#%el#J  and 

    lahendong.  Sensors  installation was  !lanted

    dee!erJ together with ESE new ealand. & 

    dee!ening the installationJ the noise eNect on the

    s#rface is eliminatedJ res#lting in a %etter E= data

    recorded. -he !rocessed E= is #sed to monitor re"

    in9ection !rocess and nat#ral seimicit& from

    geothermal #tili/ations.

    Re4ervoir &e2artment 

    -his de!artment cond#cted its research on two

    geothermal areas. onitoring was done on all wells

    that have %een com!letel& drilled. -his tracer test 

    in9ection was done to determine the direction of 

    in9ection Q#id. S&nthetic chemical Q#ids thro#gh the

    in9ection wells were monitored for its a!!earance

    intensit& at the !rod#ction wellsJ in order to ma! o#t 

    the Q#id direction on the reservoir. 2ood reservoir 

    management will ma;e s#re the contin#it& of 

    geothermal #tili/ations.

    Geomatic4 and IT &e2artment 

    4ne of the research and develo!ment that was done

    in these de!artment were ma!!ing with l(AR

    sensors and aerial !hotosJ to gain detail to!ogra!hic

    data and high resol#tion aerial !hotos on

    geothermal locations. -he researches were done in

    KerinciJ H#l#laisJ #;it (a#nJ asigitJ KarahaJ

    -om!asoJ #l#%el#J and Kamo9ang. -he ma!!ing was

    cond#cted #sing an air!lane tted with l(AR

    sensors and high resol#tion camera to ca!t#re

    to!ogra!hic relief and aerial !hotos.

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $= Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    RP. (.1 MILIARGeolo2i * Geolo2@ RP. #.) MILIAR

    Geokimia * Geo?hemitr@RP. (.) MILIARGeoika * Geo/h@i?

    ea#%sas% b%a>a r%set $antekno#og% tahun 201

    ea#%at%on of researAh an$ teAhno#og> Aost for 201

    RP. (.' MILIARReeroir RP. 1"#.) MILIAR

    Geomatika B IT * Geomati? B IT

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $)Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    STRUKTUR ORGANISASI(rgani@ation tructure

    RON@ G8NAwANDi!e#t"! tama

    President (irector 

    6 HAIR8l ROLAMDi!e#t"! Pe!enanaan danPengem&angan(irector of Planning @


    RICHAR- H. TAM;ADi!e#t"! 7pe!asi(irector of 4!eration

    -8--@ ERMAwANepala Sat"an PengaGas Inte!nalnternal Chief A#ditE3ec#tive

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    $ Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    5"Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    M8HAMA- H8EN6omiari 8tamaPrei>ent Commiioner

    M8HAMMA- @AHI-6omiariCommiioner

    PRO(IL DE!AN KO"ISARIS2oard of Commissioners Profile

    e!"sia 58 ta"n lai! tanggal 2 'a!et 1958 dan men:a&at se&agai omisa!is tama

    Pe!"saaan ;ang diang#at melal"i RPS se:a# tanggal 2 ,"li 2011 ingga se#a!ang elia"

    men:a&at se&agai omisa!is tama di PT Pe!tamina EP dan men:a&at se&agai Di!e#t"! $"l" PT

    Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o) sampai dengan -oem&e! 2014

    '"amad $"sen me!ai gela! Sa!:ana %eologi di Instit"t Te#nologi and"ng (194) dan

    'agiste! Sains di nie!sit; o+ ondon (199) a!i! di d"nia pe!min;a#an dim"lai pada194 se&agai %eologist di Diisi E#splo!asi E'I%*S Selan:"tn;a '"amad $"sen men:a&at

    se&agai epala Remote Sensing @ 2S St#dies 2ro#! dan epala nit a;anan Te#nis

    E#splo!asi E'I%*S #em"dian men:a&at se&agai epala Diisi E#splo!asi E'I%*S (2001@

    2004) *sisten Dep"ti idang Pe!min;a#an pada Dep"ti &idang Ene!gi S"m&e! Da;a

    'ine!al dan e"tanan di anto! emente!ian oo!dinato! idang Pe!e#onomian

     Age B &ears oldJ %orn on arch )J +GBJ and c#rrentl& resides as the President 

    Commissioner of the Com!an&J a!!ointed thro#gh 2eneral eeting of 

    Shareholder since 5#l& )IJ )*++ #ntil now. He was the President Commissioner 

    of P- Pertamina EP and the #!stream (irector of P- Pertamina 0Persero1 #ntil

    novem%er )*+,.

    #hamad H#sen gained his achelor in 2eolog& from and#ng nstit#te of -echnolog& 0+GI,1 and agister in Science from the #niversit& of london 0+GIG1.

    His career in oil started in +GI, as a 2eologist in  E3!lor ation (ivision of 

    lE2 AS. #hamad H#sen  then  r esided  as  the  Head  of   Remot e  Sensing @ 2S

    St#dies  2r o#!  and   the  Head  of   E3!lor ation - echnical Ser vice  of   lE2 ASJ  and 

    then as the Head of E3!lor ation of  lE2 AS 0)**+")**,1J  Assistant  (e!#t&  of  4il

    on (e!#t&  of  iner al Reso#r ce Ener g& and 'orestr& at the 4?ce of Coordinating

    inistr& of Economic ANairs.

    e!"sia 51 ta"n lai! pada 13 ,"li 1963 elia" dit"n:"# se&agai omisa!is di Pe!"saaan

    ;ang diang#at melal"i RPS se:a# tanggal 1 ,"li 2012

    elia" memili#i lata! &ela#ang pendidi#an gela! Sa!:ana E#onomi *#"ntansi da!i nie!sitas

    %a:a 'ada >og;a#a!ta pada ta"n 193 dan gela! pasa sa!:ana p!og!am *#"ntansi

    'anagement nie!sitas Indonesia pada ta"n 1995 'em"lai #a!i! di PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o)

    se:a# ta"n 2008

    @ 2009 se&agai 'anage! *ngga!an se&agai 'anage! Pengel"a!an Dana se:a# ta"n 2009

    2010 dan sempat men:a&at se&agai 'anage! Cash (is%#rsement pada ta"n 2011@2011

    Te!a#i! se&agai 8ice President anagement Acco#nting ta"n 2011 2012 Saat ini

     :"ga men:a&at se&agai et"a omite Inestasi

     Age + &ears old %orn in +G6

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    51 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    wIM TANG6IlIAN6omiari In>e/en>enIn>e/en>ent Commiioner

    ;ITO6 IM;OlON6omiariCommiioner

    e!"sia 59 ta"n lai! di :a#a!ta pada 10 -oem&e! 1955 elia" dit"n:"# se&agai

    omisa!is Pe!"saaan ;ang diang#at melal"i RPS pada tanggal 23 'ei 2011 Saat ini elia"

     :"ga men:a&at se&agai et"a omite *"dit dan 'ana:emen Risi#o

    'en;andang gela! sa!:ana dan pasa sa!:ana dalam &idang Te#ni# Sipil da!i Cali+o!nia

    State nie!sit; *me!i#a Se!i#at elia" sedang men;elesai#an p!og!am Do#to! di &idang

    "#"m da!i nie!sitas Pelita $a!apan Pe!na men:a&at se&agai Di!e#t"! PT Capitol

    '"t"al Co!po!ation PT imanta!a *!ti#a Cit!a dan President (irector PT Tang#as !ip

    %!o"p Sampai saat ini masi men:a&at se&agai P!esiden omisa!is %lo&e 'edia %!o"p se:a#

    ta"n 2001 dan se&agai oard of (irector PT +i!st 'edia dan e!ita Sat" 'edia $olding

    se:a# ta"n 2005

     Age G &ears old %orn in 5a;arta on novem%er +*J +GJ He was a!!ointed as

    the Commissioner of the Com!an& thro#gh 2eneral eeting of Shareholder on

    a& )

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    5(Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    RON@ G8NAwAN-irekt4r 8tama

    Prei>ent -ire?tor

    6HAIR8l ROA-irekt4r Peren?anaan >an Pen2em3an2an-ire?tor o0 Plannin2 an> -eelo/ment

    PRO(IL DIREKSI2oard of Directors Profile

    e!"sia 53 ta"n lai! di >og;a#a!ta pada 19 ,"ni 1961 elia" m"lai men:a&at se&agai

    Di!e#t"! tama se:a# 23 -oem&e! 2013 ;ang diang#at melal"i RPS

    '"lai &e!ga&"ng dengan PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o) se:a# ta"n 199 mengaGali #a!i! 

    se&agai PengaGas %eo+@ap di ali#papan Se:a# ta"n 2004 se&agai 'ana:e! Pe!enanaan

    dan Pendanaan P!o;e# Di!e#to!at $"l" (2004) 'anage! Pengelolaan P!o;e# di Pe!tamina EP

    (2006) Se#!eta!is Pe!"saaan (2008 @ 200) di PT Pe!tamina %as 8ice President 

    #!stream nvestment dan #siness (evelo!ment (2011@2012) di PT Pe!tamina EP

    Senior 8ice President #!stream Strategic Plan dan S#%sidiar& anagement (2012@

    2013) PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o) Senior 8ice President E3!loration (2013@ -o 2013) PT

    Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o) elia" me!"pa#an l"l"san sa!:ana %eolog; di Instit"t Te#nologi and"ng

    (IT) pada ta"n 19 dan &e!asil men;elesai#an gela! pasa sa!:ana E#onomi di

    nie!sitas %a:a 'ada pada ta"n 199 dan gela!  pasa sa!:ana + isi#a di nie!sitas Indonesia

    pada ta"n 2000

     Age < &ears oldJ %orn in 7og&a;arta on 5#ne +GJ +G6+. He %egan wor;ing as the

    President (irector since novem%er )

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    5# Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    -R. AI@AH 688MAAn22otaMem3er

    HERA ERAAn22otaMem3er

    KO"ITE AUDIT DAN "ANAJE"EN RISIKO Audit and Ris? Management Committee

    e!"sia 66 ta"n Pengalaman di &idang ene!gi ;ang dimili#in;a tida# pe!l" di!ag"#an lagi

    e!ga&"ng dengan Pe!"saaan se:a# ta"n 2012 #ini &elia" men:adi anggota omite *"dit

    dan 'ana:emen Risi#o &e!dasa!#an S -omo! 112BptsBD@P%EB?IIB2014

    elia" mempe!ole S1 dalam &idang 'atemati#a di nie!sitas Indonesia dan

    men;elesai#an pendidi#an S2 dalam &idang $"#"m isnis di nie!sitas Pad:ad:a!an

    elia" mempe!ole gela! Do#to! dalam &idang $"#"m Ene!gi da!i nie!sitas Pad:ad:a!anelia" pe!na men:a&at se&agai legal and Strategic #siness E3!ert Staf to CE4 of PT

    %eo Dipa Ene!gi legal and #siness Contract E3!ert staf to DESD' P"sdatin and

    i!o $"#"m DESD' legal and #siness Assistant to (irector 2eneral for 4il and

    2as 4il and 2as (irectorate of Re!#%lic ndonesiaJ 8ice President ar;eting and

    #siness (evelo!ment of #!stream Services PT E-S* a s#%sidiar& of 

    PERT*'I-* 8ice President E3!loration and Prod#ction Services in PT E-S*

    oard of Commissioners of PT E-S* $7DI-% s#%sidiaries

     Age 66 &ears old. She has e3cellent e3!erience in energ& %#siness. 5oined with

    the Com!an& since )*+)J now  she  is  a  mem%er   of   the   A#dit and   Ris; 

    anagement   Committ eeJ  %ased  on  (ecision  lett er   n#m%er ++)K!ts(K"


    She has a achelor (egree in athematics from the #niversit& of ndonesiaJ

    and nished her aster (egree in #siness law in Pad9a9aran #niversit&. She

    gained her (octoral (egree in Energ& law from Pad9a9aran #niversit&. She

    was once resided as a legal and Strategic #siness E3!ert StaN to CE4 of P- 

    2eo (i!a EnergiJ as a legal and #siness Contract E3!ert staN to (ES(J

    P#sdatin and legal #rea# of (ES(J legal and #siness Assistant to

    (irector 2eneral for 4il and 2asJ 4il and 2as (irectorate of Re!#%lic

    ndonesiaJ 8ice President ar;eting and #siness (evelo!ment of #!stream

    Services of P- Eln#SAJ a s#%sidiar& of PER-AnAJ 8ice President E3!loration

    and Prod#ction Services in P- Eln#SAJ and mem%er of the oard of 

    Commissioners of P- Eln#SA H4l(n2 s#%sidiaries.

    e!"sia 40 ta"n &elia" &e!ga&"ng dengan Pe!"saaan se:a# ta"n 2011 ini &elia"

    men:adi anggota omite *"dit se:a# pe!tengaan ta"n 2014 &e!dasa!#an S -omo! 

    112BptsBD@P%EB ?IIB2014

    elia" mempe!ole gela! pasa sa!:ana da!i P!og!am Pasa Sa!:ana 'ana:emen

    e"angan nie!sitas Indonesia elia" adala pegaGai nege!i sipil pada Depa!temen

    e"angan Rep"&li# Indonesia ;ang dit"gas#an di ement!ian '- Saat ini &elia" :"ga

    mend"d"#i :a&atan st!"#t"!al se&agai epala s"&&idang Rest!"#t"!isasi '- IIIa di

    emente!ian '-

     Age ,* &ears old she 9oined the Com!an& since )*++ as a mem%er of 

    nvestment Committee. now she is a mem%er  of  the  A#dit and  Ris;  anagement 

    Committ eeJ %ased on the (ecision lett er  n#m%er  ++) K!ts(K"P2E8)*+,.

    She gained a !ostgrad#ate (egree in 'inance anagement from the #niversit& 

    of ndonesia. She was a Civil Servant at the ndonesian inistr& of 'inanceJ

    assigned to the inistr& of State"4wn Enter!rises 0#n1. C#rrentl& resides as

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    the head of s#%"director& of #n Restr#ct#ring aJ at -he inistr& of State"

    owned Enter!rises.

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@



    RINI @8lI8An22otaMem3er

    KO"ITE IN)ESTASI1nvestment Committee

    e!"sia 44 ta"n e!ga&"ng dengan Pe!"saaan se:a# ta"n 2013 #ini &elia" men:adi

    anggota omite Inestasi &e!dasa!#an S -omo! 113BptsBD@P%EB?IIB2014

    elia" adala Sa!:ana E#onomi da!i nie!sitas atoli# Pa!a;angan di and"ng dan pasa

    sa!:ana te#ni# :"!"san St"di Pem&ang"nan di Instit"t Te#nologi and"ng 'en:a&at se&agai

     *sisten Dep"ti Do#"mentasi dan Diseminasi In+o!masi Se#!eta!iat

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    5'Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

     TA+I+ AIM8-INekretari Per4ahaanCor/orate e?retar@

    -8--@ ERMAwAN6e/ala at4an Pen2awa InternalInternal Chie0 A4>it E,e?4tie

    SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAANCorporate ecretary 

    e!"sia 50 ta"n lai! pada ta"n 1964 elia" diang#at se&agai Se#!eta!is Pe!"saaan

    se:a# 24 'a!et 2014

    elia" me!"pa#an l"l"san sa!:ana Te#ni# %eologi m"m da!i nie!sitas %ad:a 'ada

    pada ta"n 1990 elia" :"ga mengi#"ti 2eothermal -raining Program ;ang

    diselengga!a#an ole #nited nations #niversit& pada ta"n 1995 di Islandia elia"

    m"lai &e!ga&"ng dengan Pe!"saaan se:a# 1991 dan tela men:a&at &e&e!apa posisisampai dengan saat ini Posisi te!se&"t anta!a lain se&agai Sta+ %eologi

    Pengem&angan (2002@2006) Pimpinan P!o;e# otamo&ag" (2008@2010) dan

    oo!dinato! Pela#sana dan Pengendali P!o;e# (2010@2014)

     Age * &ears old %orn in +G6,. -af A/im#din was designated as Cor!orate

    Secretar& since arch ),J )*+,.

    He received a achelor (egree in 2eneral 2eolog& Engineering from 2a9ah

    ada #niversit& in +GG*. He also attended the 2eothermal -raining

    Program held %& #nited nations #niversit& in +GG in celand. He 9oined the

    Com!an& since +GG+ and has %een on several !ositionsJ among which was

    as the (evelo!ment 2eological StaN 0)**)")**61J Head of Kotamo%ag#

    Pro9ect 0)**B" )*+*1J and Coordinator of Pro9ect m!lementation andControl 0)*+*")*+,1.


    E-ecutivee!"sia 55 ta"n ai! di and"ng 21 Desem&e! 1959 Dit"n:"# se&agai epala SPI se:a#

    ta"n 2010

    elia" men;elesai#an S1 +a#"ltas E#onomi ,"!"san *#"ntansi da!i nie!sitas Pad:a:a!an

    dan 'agiste! *#"ntansi da!i nie!sitas Diponego!o Pengalaman se&el"mn;a adala se&agai

    ,"nio!  *"dito! Inspe#to!at Pe!tamina (1991@1996) *"dito! di Inspe#to!at Pe!tamina di

    So!ong dan ,a;ap"!a (1996@199) *"dito! tama Inspe#to!at Pe!tamina di Sema!ang dan

    Cilaap (199@2003) *sisten 'ana:e! di SPI idang o!po!at (2003@2008) dan 'ana:e! SPI

    idang epat"an (2008@ 2010)

     Age &ears old %orn in and#ng on (ecem%er )+J +GG. (#dd& Ermawan was

    a!!ointed as the nternal Chief A#dit E3ec#tive since )*+*.

    He nished his achelor (egree in Econom&J ma9oring in Acco#ntanc&J from

    Pad9a9aran #niversit&J and agister in Acco#ntanc& from (i!onegoro #niversit&.

    His former e3!eriences are 5#nior A#ditor at Pertamina ns!ectorate 0+GG+"

    +GG61J as an A#ditor at Pertamina ns!ectorate in Sorong and 5a&a!#ra 0+GG6"

    +GGI1J as the Head A#ditor at Pertamina ns!ectorate in Semarang and Cilaca!

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    4Gaolito@>7 HCeoalrt/h7oraa0 teet@GBoEnerinroannm?eent Mana2ement @temLING68NGAN TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL


    Cor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@Goo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    KRONOLOGIS PENATATAN SAHA"Chronology of hares (9nership

    Se:alan dengan &e!di!in;a Pe!"saaan menatat #!onologis#epemili#an saam se&agai &e!i#"t .

    D e!dasa!#an *#ta Pendi!ian Pe!"saaan saam dimili#i

    ole PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o) se:"mla 45000 lem&a! 

    saam (90=) dan PT Pe!tamina Dana ?ent"!a se:"mla

    5000 lem&a! saam (10=)

    D  *#ta Pe!"&aan -omo! 22 tanggal 2 ,"ni 2010 atas

    dasa! RPS tanggal 1 ,"ni 2010 pe!"saaan menatat

    pe!"&aan #omposisi saam PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o)

    menam&a :"mla lem&a! saam melal"i in%reng

    men:adi 625521 lem&a! (9921=) dan PT Pe!tamina

    Dana ?ent"!a tetap se&an;a# 5000 lem&a! saam


    D  *#ta Pe!"&aan -omo! 10 tanggal 1 Septem&e! 2010

    atas dasa! RPS tanggal 5 *g"st"s 2010 Pe!"saaan

    menatat pe!"&aan #omposisi saam PT Pe!tamina

    (Pe!se!o) tetap se&an;a# 625521 lem&a! saam (9006=)

    dan #epemili#an saam PT Pe!tamina Dana ?ent"!a

    &e!tam&a men:adi 69052 lem&a! saam ata" 994=

     Along with its fo#ndingJ the Com!an& recorded the

    chronolog& of share ownershi! as follow

    F P#rs#ant to (eed of Esta%lishmentJ shares

    owned %& P- Pertamina 0Persero1 are ,J***

    shares 0G*>1J P- Pertamina (ana 8ent#ra J***

    shares 0+*>1.

    F (eed of Amendment n#m%er )) dated on 5#ne

    )IJ )*+* %ased on the 2eneral eeting of 

    Shareholder on the +Ith of 5#ne )*+*J the

    Com!an& recorded changes in sharescom!osition. P- Pertamina 0Persero1 thro#gh

    in%reng added its shares into 6)J)+ shares

    0GG.)+>1 and P- Pertamina (ana 8ent#ra

    remained at J*** shares 0*.BG>1

    F (eed of Amendment n#m%er +* dated on

    Se!tem%er +J )*+* %ased on the 2eneral

    eeting of Shareholder on the th of A#g#st 

    )*+*. -he Com!an& recorded changes in shares

    com!osition. P- Pertamina 0Persero1 remained at 

    6)J)+ shares 0G*.*6>1J while P- Pertamina(ana 8ent#ra was added into 6GJ*) shares or 


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    5)Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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    %$angPenghargaan#ield of "

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    5 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort

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    Pe!ing#at Sile! "nt"# SS a;" DedeSilver Ran; for SS a (ede

     Ann#al Pertamina =#alit& 0AP=1 Award

    Pe!ing#at Sile! "nt"# P' S"pe!man  Ann#al Pertamina =#alit& 0AP=1 AwardSilver Ran; for PK S#!erman

    Pe!ing#at Sile! "nt"# %' T"!&in  Ann#al Pertamina =#alit& 0AP=1 AwardSilver Ran; for 2K -#r%in

    est Inoasi "nt"# %' E'CQ #!stream m!rovement @ nnovation 0#1est nnovation for 2K EC)

    ,,," 'irst R#nner #! m!lementation of Comm#nit& PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o)S$%I"' (evelo!ment pada *:ang *nn"al Pe!tamina S#%sidiar&

    (*PS*)-he 'irst R#nner #! for m!lementation of Comm#nit&(evelo!ment on the Ann#al Pertamina S#%sidiar&

    Penga!gaan 'it!a Pem&ang"nan ,aGa a!at melal"i p!og!am %"&e!n"! ,aGa a!atCSRBP

    -he :est 5ava (evelo!ment Partner AwardJ thro#gh !rograms

    -o! CSR"Ente!rene#rshi! Program Dompet D"a+a

    L,I-L,I>, -he est (oc#ment Acc#rac& @ Com!leteness '#nction PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o)!IS%E''"NE$*S Share @ learn 2013 dan Kic; 4N 2014

    -he est (oc#ment Acc#rac& @ Com!leteness '#nctionlearn )*+< and Kic; 4N )*+,

    -he ost Coo!erative #!stream '#nction pada a:ang PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o)2013 dan Kic; 4N 2014-he ost Coo!erative #!stream '#nction on the Shareand Kic; 4N )*+,

    -he est -ransformation of #!stream S#%sidiar& 2014 PT Pe!tamina (Pe!se!o) Ann#al H#l# (a& II 2014-he est -ransformation of #!stream S#%sidiar& )*+,

     Ann#al H#l# (a&

    Laporan Tahunan 2014 Ann4al Re/ort '"

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    Mana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i8M;ER -AYA MAN8IA

    H4man Reo4r?e



    ,4, ;"II,;I

    N"!E $# %ERTI#I%"TI$N



    &,) LI)&P





     "R $#

    1 Integ!asi Sistem A$SE 0=#alit&J IS7 9001.200 E#sploitasi dan Pen;al"!an ap Panas 10B8B2012

    Health @ Safet&J and IS7 14001.2004 "nt"# Pem&ang#itan ist!i#

    =HSE S&stem ntegration 7$S*S 1001.2008 E3!loitation and (istri%#tion ofHealth @ Safet&J andEnvironment 

    Steam to 2enerate Electricit& 

    2 Integ!asi Sistem A$SE 0=#alit&J IS7 9001.200 E#sploitasi dan Pen;al"!an ap Panas 12BB2014

    Health @ Safet&J and IS7 14001.2004 "nt"# Pem&ang#itan ist!i#

    =HSE S&stem ntegration 7$S*S 1001.200 E3!loitation and (istri%#tion of

    Health @ Safet&J andEnvironment 

    Steam to 2enerate Electricit& 

    3 Sistem 'ana:emen ing#"ngan

    Environment anagementS&stem

    IS7 14001.2004 E#sploitasi dan Pen;al"!an ap Panas

    "mi "nt"# Pem&ang#itan ist!i#

    E3!loitation and (istri%#tion of

    2eothermal Steam to 2enerate


    4 Sistem 'ana:emen '"t" e"angan

    =#alit& @ 'inance

    anagement S&stem

    IS7 9001.200 ,asa Pe!enanaan Pengelolaan danPelapo!an e"angan *ngga!an

    Pe!pa:a#an *#"ntansi Pendanaan dan as

    -he Services of PlanningJ anaging

    and Re!orting of 'inanceJ #dgetJ

    -a3esJ Acco#ntanc&J '#nding and



    5 Sistem 'ana:emen '"t"

    Implementasi 5S

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    '1 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

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     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    '(Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report











    ,D, ;"II,;I



    2015  *RE* *'7,*-%

    KA45An2 AREA

    T? R$EI-*-DI-D7-ESI*

    2018  *RE* *$E-D7-%

    lAHEn(4n2 AREA

    T? R$EI-*-D


    2018  *RE* E

    #l#El#  AREA

    T? R$EI-*-D


    2015 DIRET7R*T E*-%*- T? R$EI-*-D

    @ PT P%E I-D7-ESI*

    'nAnCE (REC-4RA-E P2E

    2015   + -%SI SC'


    T? R$EI-*-D


    2018   + -%SI SC'


    I*P'7 RT

    2018  *RE* *$E-D7-%

    lAHEn(4n2 AREA

    SC7+ I-D7

    2018  *RE* *'7,*-%

    KA45An2 AREA

    SC7+ I-D7

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web



    MANAJEMENmanagement discussionand analysis

    Pe!"saaan mem&"#"#an a&a omp!eensi+ 2014

    se&esa! S 811 :"ta men"n:"#an pening#atan #ine!:a#e"angan

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    -he Com!an&s Com!rehensive ncome in )*+,

    acco#nted for #SD IB.++ million shows an im!rovement

    in the nancial !erformance

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    PRO+IL PER8AHAANCom/an@ Prole

    ANALIA B TINJA8AN MANAJEMENMana2ement -i?4ion B Anal@i

    8M;ER -AYA MAN8IAH4man Reo4r?e

    Area 8l43el4

    ID&;"I P,,; &4I

    Panas &"mi adala s"m&e! ene!gi panas ;ang te!#and"ng

    di dalam ai! panas "ap ai! dan &at"an &e!sama mine!al

    i#"tan dan gas lainn;a ;ang sea!a geneti# sem"an;a tida#

    dapatdipisa#an dalam s"at" sistem panas &"mi Ene!gi panas

    &"mi !elati+ !ama ling#"ngan dan &e!#ont!i&"si sangat #eil

    te!adap emisi %as R"ma aa Peman+aatan panas &"mi

     :"ga dapat meng"!angi #ete!gant"ngan te!adap '

    seingga a#an mengemat deisa nega!a

    Indonesia memili#i potensi ene!gi panas &"mi se&esa! 40=

    da!i sel"!" potensi panas &"mi di d"nia S"m&e!@s"m&e! 

    te!se&"t te!se&a! di 286 lo#asi S"mate!a ,aGa -"sa

    Tengga!a 'al"#" ingga ":"ng &a!at Pap"a Indonesia

    menempati posisi #etiga setela *me!i#a dan +ilipina dalam

    al peman+aatan panas &"mi "nt"# s"m&e! ene!gi list!i#

    Saat ini Indonesia tela &e!asil meman+aat#an 14035

    '< da!i total potensi panas &"mi di Indonesia se&esa! 2903

    ' of the geothermal !otential in

    the worldJ scattered in )B6 locations in S#matraJ

     5avaJ n#sa -enggaraJ al#;#J to the west end of 

    Pa!#a. ndonesia is ran;ed third after the #nited

    States and the Phili!!ines in terms of #tili/ation of 

    geothermal energ& for electrical energ& so#rce.

    C#rrentl&J ndonesia has managed to ta;e advantage+J,*

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


    '5 Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report

  • 8/16/2019 Pge Ar 2014 Final _ Lowrest_web


     TATA 6ELOLA PER8AHAANGoo> Cor/orate Goernan?e

     TANGG8NG JAFA; OIAL PER8AHAANCor/orate o?ial Re/oni3ilit@

    Di dalam e&i:a#an Ene!gi -asional pengg"naaan Ene!gi

    a!" Te!&a!"#an (ET) dita!get#an se&esa! 23= pada 2025

    dan 31= pada ta"n 2050 a!ena it" emente!ian Ene!gi

    dan S"m&e! Da;a 'ine!al (ESD') melal"i Di!e#to!at

    ,ende!al Ene!gi a!" Te!&a!"#an dan onse!asi Ene!gi

    te!"s mengoptimal#an s"m&e! ET ;ait" di anta!an;a panas


    pa;a optimalisasi peman+aatan ET diG":"d#an dalam

    #e&i:a#an Peme!inta anta!a lain pem&e!ian ta!i+ ;ang

    mena!i# insenti+ +is#al dan non +is#al :aminan