PGL Winmarleigh Hall Lancashire

PGL Winmarleigh Hall

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Page 1: PGL Winmarleigh Hall

PGL Winmarleigh Hall Lancashire

Page 2: PGL Winmarleigh Hall


• Welcome to PGL

• Courses

• Activities

• Accommodation

• Facilities

• Catering and diet

• Health and Safety

• FAQs

• Questions

Page 3: PGL Winmarleigh Hall

Welcome to PGL

• The market leader!

• Fully risk assessed

• AALA licensed

• ABTA bonded

• Over 50 years experience

• Founding member of BAHA

• LOtC Quality Badge holder

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Multi Activity Challenging and fun!

• Tailor-made programmes

• 4 action-packed sessions

per day

• Evening entertainments

• Personal development

• Confidence building

• Increased motivation

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Premium Quality Outdoor Education

• Abseiling

• Aeroball

• Archery

• Canoeing

• Climbing

• Fencing

• Jacob’s Ladder

• Quad Biking

• Trapeze

• Zip Wire

Activities vary according to centre. This list is a sample.

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Winmarleigh Hall Accommodation

• Main House - en suite rooms

sleep 4-10

• Patten House - en suite rooms

sleep 4-6

• Stables - en suite rooms sleep

2, 4 or 6

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Winmarleigh Hall Facilities

• Games rooms

• On-site lake

• Football pitch

• ICT classrooms

• Floodlit activity areas

• Shop

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Catering & dietary needs

• 3 nutritious, balanced

meals per day

• Vegetarian option

• Salad bar

• Special diets catered for

by prior arrangement

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Staying safe! The PGL Code of Practice describes all safety and

operational procedures both on and off-site including:

• sample risk assessments

• staff to pupil ratios

• staff vetting and training

• equipment specifications

• site security

• medical cover

• emergency procedures

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Suggested Kit List

Packed lunch on day 1!


Bath towel / hand towel

Casual clothes for evening

Disposable camera/films

Insect repellent

Old T-shirts: lots!

Jumpers and or fleeces

Pen & paper, perhaps a book

Any necessary medication, labelled

Bin liner for dirty clothes

Sunglasses with UV protection

Waterproof SPF50+ sun cream

Sun hat

Swimming gear

Tie-on for glasses / sunglasses

Toiletries, lip salve, moisturiser

Torch and spare batteries

Tracksuit bottoms

Trousers & shorts

Underwear, spare socks especially



Wet Shoes (eg Crocs)

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Day 1 schedule: Friday 12th June 2015

• Arrive at school normal time at 8:55am: we will be ready to

board the bus as soon as it arrives

• Coach will depart at 9:15am: you are welcome to stay to wave

your child off

• 1st stop off: Housesteads Roman Fort approx. 10:30 – 12:00

• 2nd stop off: Hadrian’s Wall: Cawfields Car Park approx. 12:15

– 1:00 where they will be able to eat their packed lunch they

will bring with them from home

• 3rd stop off: Killington Services on M6

• Arrive Winmarleigh Hall approx 3:30pm: first meal there will

be the evening meal at 6:00pm

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Day 2 and 3 typical schedule

Exact timings very approx and vary from day to day depending on our

group management instructions from PGL staff

• Awoken by Centre and MBMS staff around 7:00

• Breakfast around 8:00

• Assemble for activity briefings around 9:00 and move to activity

groupings for morning sessions

• Regroup to canteen for lunch 1:00

• Afternoon activities begin about 2:00

• Return to base 5:00 for some free time to shower, change, relax etc

• Evening meal 6:00

• Evening activity begins 7:00

• Getting ready for bed from 9:00

• Lights out 10:00

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Day 4 schedule: Monday 15th June 2015

• Normal PGL schedule until after lunch

• Departure from PGL centre 1:30pm

• Stop off: Tebay Services

• Arrival Marden Bridge very approx 5:30pm but dependent on

traffic etc. Pupils will be given mobile phones on coach to text

more detailed journey timings as we approach.

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5 things pupils can do to prepare for SUCCESS!

1. Practise now being efficient by taking letters and

payments home or to school immediately

2. Practise now being independent by getting

yourself into good routines morning and evening,

and by helping out at mealtimes

3. Practise now being responsible for your

belongings and personal organisation

4. Practise now your manners, respect and

courtesy by saying (when appropriate!) please,

thank you, sorry, excuse me, and allowing adults


5. Practise now listening to instructions carefully;

these will keep you safe

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5 things parents can do to support their child

1. While your child is away, answer your phone promptly. We may need

a quick yes or no, and the signal at the Centre is poor. If urgent, the

centre landline is 07894 512724

2. Be punctual when dropping off and picking up your child

3. If any sort of change or problem arises between now and the trip, let

us know straightaway on [email protected] or ring school

4. Remember that in the run up to departure, you are role-modelling

personal organisation for your child. Show them how to keep all the

trip info together for reference, and how to use the website if anything

needs checking

5. Pack proper outdoor gear. Every year, someone arrives in unsuitable

clothes. Beg or borrow items if you don’t have them!

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• Breathable waterproofs

• Overtrousers

• Use weather forecast to fine tune packing

• Small valuable items eg jewellery

• Electronic items eg iPods

• Denim for daywear

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FAQ’s •

•Medical forms: ensure completed

•Packed lunch: day 1

•Sweets: in suitcase only, no eating on bus

•What to take with you: kit list etc on MBMS website

• Pocket money: max £30 suggested for vending

machines and small shop

•Valuable items: best left at home

• Electrical appliances: must be safe, share if poss

• Deodorants: roll-on only please

• Laundry service: emergencies only

•Bed linen and pillows are provided

• Contacting your child: via school please

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Thank you for your attention!

Are there any questions?