Pharmaceutical Salary Survey Results – 2012/2013 [email protected] www.clinicalprofessionals.co.uk +44 (0)118 95 94 990

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Pharmaceutical Salary Survey

Results – 2012/2013

[email protected]

www.clinicalprofessionals.co.uk +44 (0)118 95 94 990

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1) Survey Methodology

2) Overall Observations and Analysis

3) Individual Sectors

a. Clinical Research

b. Regulatory Affairs

c. Drug Safety (Pharmacovigilance)

d. Medical Information and MSL’s

e. Health Economics and Market Access

f. Biostats

g. QA/QC

Back Cover – Disclaimer and Company Information

1) Survey Methodology The Clinical Professionals Salary Survey was administered online with employed pharmaceutical professionals responding in the month of August 2012. Respondents were invited to participate in the survey through links distributed on online and social media, as well as registered professionals on our database. A cookie methodology was used to ensure that there was no duplication of responses between or within the various sample groups, and duplicate responses from the various sources were removed when identical contact details were seen.

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2) Overall Observations and Analysis

The last few years have been fairly consistent for the pharmaceutical industry despite the economic downturn, but this year we started to see some fragments of its effect within the UK market. Although not directly affected by its influence, the economic downturn has caused salary raises to slow down for those that remained at their jobs within the same company. However, salaries have still risen on the whole for the various positions within the pharmaceutical industry, which means there is a great deal of flexibility still available to those that wish to continue their career ladder at their next company. This table shows loose comparisons between the salaries of differing sectors within the industry and their senior positions. For actual in depth looks at the different sectors, see their corresponding areas in this document.

Experience in Industry

Sector 0 - 1 Years 1 - 2 Years 2 - 3 Years 3 - 5 Years 5 - 10 Years 10+ Years

Clinical Research 0 - 19.9k 20 - 29.9k 20 - 29.9k 30 - 40k+

Senior 40 - 59.9k 40 - 59.9k 60 - 70k+

Regulatory Affairs 20 - 29.9k 20 - 29.9k 20 - 29.9k 30 - 40k+

Senior 30 - 39.9k 40 - 59.9k 60 - 70k+

Drug Safety 20 - 29.9k 20 - 29.9k 20 - 29.9k 30 - 40k+

Senior 40 - 59.9k 40 - 59.9k 60 - 70k+

Med Info/ MSL 40 - 59.9k 40 - 59.9k 40 - 60k+

Senior 40 - 59.9k 60 - 70k+ 60 - 70k+

HEOR 20 - 29.9k 30 - 39.9k 40 - 59.9k 40 - 59.9k 40 - 60k+

Senior 80k+ 80k+

Biostats 30 - 39.9k 40 - 60k+

Senior 40 - 59.9k 60 - 69.9k 70 - 80k+

QAQC 20 - 29.9k 20 - 30k+

Senior 30 - 39.9k 30 - 39.9k 40 - 60k+









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Overall - Pharma Benefits

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0 - 20k 20 - 30k 30 - 40k 40 - 60k 60 - 70k 70 - 80k 80k+

% Responses Happy With their Salary



As expected, the increase in experience usually results in an increase in seniority and salary banding, as well as generally being happier with their wage level and benefits. From the next graph you can see that at about the £50,000 pa level, you have a switch in those that are happy with their salary and those that are not. When we investigated this further with their level of benefits (including bonuses), we found that it was the best point to aim for when in the lower bands in order to have a gratifying career ladder. Those we later talked to in depth whilst recruiting for them, found that being able to identify the positions with this salary banding (within their sector) and therefore the career path required to get there, meant they were much more successful in reaching this step in their profession than if they had aimed directly for the higher salary.

For each sector we have detailed you will be able to see the levels and job titles most associated with this career sweet spot (the ‘salary banding switch point’ - SBSP), and therefore an ideal target if in lower bandings, or a recognised point if above that allows you to show your sought after skills and experience that continue to be highly valued by the industry. Since the different sectors in pharma can vary in this way, we are happy to break any areas down further upon request, especially if you would like to know an accurate SBSP for your particular expertise.

The overall locations of our responses were: 27.2% London 7.2% East 36.0% South East 8.4% South West 2.4% East Midlands 2.0% West Midlands 5.2% North West 3.6% North East 4.8% Scotland 2.1% Ireland 1.2% Wales The Overall Experience levels of our responses were:

0-1 years 6.6% 1-2 years 7.4% 2-3 years 9.4% 3-5 years 18.0% 5-10 years 24.6% 10+ years 34.0%

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Benefits at a Glance

3a) Clinical Research

The table below shows average salaries for clinical research job titles across all levels of experience. This shows how salaries generally increase as the role gains in seniority.

The results of the average salary by experience show that as experience increases, salary levels also rise to reflect the greater knowledge gain about the industry by the individual. Although the initial increase is fairly steady, there is a big difference once employees have over five years experience.

Average Salary by Experience in Industry 0 – 1 Years £28k

1 -2 Years £29.3k

2 -3 Years £33.6k

3 – 5 Years £35.3k

5 – 10 Years £46.2k

10+ Years £62.2k

The results also showed that the benefits provided in the clinical research sector were fairly standard for the pharmaceutical industry, with respondents most likely to receive group personal pension scheme and/or private medical cover.

Average Salary by Job Title

Clinical Trial Administrator (CTA) £24.5k

Senior CTA £34.3k

Clinical Research Associate (CRA) £33.1k

Senior CRA £47.5k

Clinical Project Manager (CPM) £50.7k

Senior CPM £54.2k

Clinical Trial Manager £56.3k

Clinical Study Manager £48.6k

Clinical Director £74k

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

0 - 20k

20 - 30k

30 - 40k

40 - 60k

60 - 70k

70 - 80k


Proportion of Responses within Salary Bandings (%)

Experience in Industry

Job Title 0 - 1 Years

1 - 2 Years

2 - 3 Years

3 - 5 Years

5 - 10 Years

10+ Years

Clinical Trial Administrator (CTA) 0 - 19.9k 20-29.9k 20 - 29.9k

Senior CTA 30 - 39.9k 30 - 39.9k

Clinical Research Associate (CRA) 0 - 19.9k 0 - 19.9k 20 - 29.9k 30 - 39.9k 30 - 39.9k

Senior CRA 30 - 39.9k 30 - 39.9k 40 - 59.9k 40 - 59.9k

Clinical Project Manager (CPM) 30 - 39.9k 40 - 59.9k 60 - 69k+

Senior CPM 40 - 59.9k 40 - 59.9k 70 - 80k+

Clinical Trial Manager 40 - 59.9k 60 - 69k+

Clinical Study Manager 30 - 39.9k 30 - 39.9k 40 - 59.9k 40 - 59.9k+

Clinical Director 70 - 80k+ 80k+

The experience in industry table shows that director and management roles have higher salaries than those in less senior roles with the same level of experience. Over the years, it will be interesting to note and compare how these levels change with inflation and global economic situations, and what sort of differences can be observed between the UK and Eurozone markets.

Of the people surveyed, 54.0% thought that their salary reflected their level of experience. Within the clinical research sector, most respondents were within the £40 – 60k salary range, with respondents who earned over £40k generally being more satisfied with their salary than those earning less than £40k.

The clinical research sector has fairly average salary and benefits when compared to other sectors that were surveyed in the salary survey. Future salary surveys can be used to compare the changes in salaries across different job titles and experience over time, and analyse how any changes in salaries or benefits relate to the economic climate.

The locations of our responses were: 26.5% London 5.1% East 41.0% South East 10.3% South West 2.6% East Midlands 1.8% West Midlands 3.6% North West 3.2% North East 4.3% Scotland 1.5% Ireland Experience levels

0-1 years 4.4% 1-2 years 6.2% 2-3 years 6.2% 3-5 years 15.9% 5-10 years 31.0% 10+ years 36.3%

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3b) Regulatory Affairs Although the average salary (by job title) within regulatory affairs compares well to other sectors within the industry, it is important to note that greater levels of experience garnered much higher salaries past the 10+ year mark.

Average Salary by Job Title

Regulatory Affairs Officer 29k

Regulatory Affairs Associate 28.3k

Regulatory Affairs Executive 40k

Regulatory Affairs Manager 45k

Head of Regulatory Operations 63.3k

Associate Director 86.2k

Senior Registration Officer 35k

When looking at the average salaries by industry experience, you see there is slight exponential growth across all levels, not just from senior leadership or director level roles. This does expectedly show that experience in the industry, and even in the same roles does garner higher salaries. It would also be interesting to compare this to next year’s results to see how inflation increases have an effect on experience levels, and see if they keep up with the overall average increases of the country.

Average Salary by Experience in Industry 0 – 1 years 25k

1 – 2 Years 27k

2 – 3 Years 32k

3 – 5 Years 39k

5 – 10 Years 42k

10+ Years 63k

It’s clear to see when you compare salary against industry experience, that as an employee spends longer in a position, inevitable promotions can come their way which allow them to climb the salary ladder further.







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Benefits - at a glance (%)

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12

0 - 19.9k

20 - 29.9k

30 - 39.9k

40 - 59.9k

60 - 69.9k

70 - 79.9k


Proportion of Responses within Salary Ranges (%)

Experience in Industry

Job Title 0 - 1 Years

1 - 2 Years

2 - 3 Years

3 - 5 Years

5 - 10 Years

10+ Years

Regulatory Affairs Officer 20k – 29k 20k - 29k 20k - 29k 30k - 39k 30k - 39k+

Regulatory Affairs Associate 20k - 29k 20k - 29k 30k - 39k 30k - 39k 30k - 39k+

Regulatory Affairs Executive 30k - 39k 30k - 39k 30k - 39k+

Regulatory Affairs Manager 40k - 59k 40k - 59k+

Head of Regulatory Operations

60k - 69k+

Associate Director 80k+

Senior registration officer 30 - 39k+

At about the 3 – 5 year mark, salaries start rising quite exponentially, with benefits and bonuses equally rising in tow (not shown here). Over the years, it will be interesting to note and compare how these levels change with inflation and global economic situations, and what sort of differences can be observed between the UK and Eurozone markets. Of those we surveyed in Regulatory Affairs, about 65% responded they were not happy with their current salary level, with a majority of that particular answer within the low to mid range salary banding.

Our company uses all of this knowledge and analysis to help us further candidates’ careers both up the career ladder, and expand their prospects in their sector. Its part of what helps us to tailor your career to you, and why we are not only one of the fastest growing pharma recruiters, but also the leading pharmaceutical staffing company in the UK and Eurozone.

The locations of our responses were: 28.9% London 10.5% East 31.6% South East 2.0% South West 2.6% East Midlands 2.9% West Midlands 15.8% North West 3.0% North East 5.3% Ireland Experience levels

0-1 years 2.6% 1-2 years 13.4% 2-3 years 18.4% 3-5 years 13.1% 5-10 years 13.8% 10+ years 39.5%

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3c) Drug Safety The Drug Safety sector has a steady increase in the job title and salary range, showing a common correlation in this sector. Entry level roles start at around £30k, and the most senior roles from our results were £85k+.

Average Salary by Job Title

Drug Safety Associate 29.3k

Senior Drug Safety Associate 41k

Drug Safety Manager 42k

Pharmacovigilance Director 70k

Qualified Person Pharmacovigilance (QPPV)


The increase from entry level to 3 years is very slight on average, the majority of our respondents were in the senior stages of their drug safety career. As we can tell from the results there is a vast increase when you have worked in the drug safety sector for more than 3 years, with the experience levels 3-5 showing salaries rising by around £15k. Nearly 20% of the candidates that replied to our survey had worked in drug safety for 10+ years, with an average salary of £70k.

Average Salary by Experience in Industry 0 – 1 years 23.3k

1 – 2 Years 25k

2 – 3 Years 26.5k

3 – 5 Years 41k

5 – 10 Years 43.6k

10+ Years 69k

It’s clear to see when you compare salary against industry experience, that as an employee spends longer in a position, inevitable promotions can come their way which allow them to climb the salary ladder further.












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Benefits - At a Glance

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Experience in Industry

Job Title 0 - 1 Years

1 - 2 Years

2 - 3 Years

3 - 5 Years

5 - 10 Years

10+ Years

Drug Safety Associate 20 - 30k 20 - 30k 20 - 30k 30 - 40k 30 - 40k+

Senior Drug Safety Associate 30 - 40k 40 - 60k+

Drug Safety Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 60 - 70k +

Pharmacovigilance Director 60 - 70k 60 – 70k +

Qualified Person Pharmacovigilance (QPPV)

80k +

From the results we collated, we can see that the entry level job title of Drug Safety Associate salary will not change until more than 3 years expertise in this role. The senior drug safety role and the management roles are similar, with only a slight difference in the maximum salary. The Director role starts at 5 years experience with a salary of £60k with the most senior QPPV role being the highest salary with £80k+, although you will require 10 years drug safety industry experience. Of those we surveyed in drug safety, about 67% responded they were not happy with their current salary level, with a majority of that particular answer within the low to mid range salary banding.

From these results we can see the most common salary in the drug safety sector is between £20k and £39k, which cover the entry level and associate roles. Over 60% of all our responses were on a salary in this range. There are fewer senior salaries, but a higher number of £80k salaries suggest this is the main step to director level, possibly from a £69k management level.

The locations of our responses were: 30% London 8.5% East 41% South East 11% South West 2% East Midlands 7.5% Scotland Experience levels

0-1 years 15% 1-2 years 10% 2-3 years 7% 3-5 years 19% 5-10 years 30% 10+ years 19%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30


£20K - £29K

£30K - £39K

£40K - £59K

£60k - 69k

£70k - £79k

£80k +

Proportion of Responses within Salary Ranges (%)

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3d) Medical Information and MSL’s The average salary by job title shows, as expected, that salaries generally increase as the role gains in seniority, with managers earning a lot more than MSLs or Medical Information Associates.

Average Salary by Job Title

Medical Science Liaison (MSL) £50k

MSL Manager £60k

Medical Affairs Manager £55k

Medical Information Associate £32k

Medical Information Scientist £45k

The results from the ‘average salary by level of experience’ demonstrate that there is a steady growth in salary as industry experience increases. In comparison to other pharmaceutical sectors reviewed in the survey, the results indicate that medical information and MSL roles have higher average salaries for equivalent levels of industry experience than the majority of other sectors in the pharmaceutical industry.

Average Salary by Experience in Industry 0 – 1 years £26.7k

1 – 2 Years £29k

2 – 3 Years £30k

3 – 5 Years £43.3k

5 – 10 Years £55k

10+ Years £67k

The survey results showed that the benefits provided in the medical information and MSL sector were a lot higher than the average for the pharmaceutical industry, with some benefits being received by approximately 90% of respondents. Within the medical information and MSL sector, respondents were most likely to receive private medical cover and/or a bonus.












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Benefits - At a Glance

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Experience in Industry

Job Title 0 - 1 Years

1 - 2 Years

2 - 3 Years

3 - 5 Years

5 - 10 Years

10+ Years

Medical Science Liaison (MSL) 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 40 - 60k+

MSL Manager 40 - 60k 60 - 70k 60 - 70k+

Medical Affairs Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 60 - 70k+

Medical Information Associate 20 - 30k 30 - 40k+

The experience in industry table shows that although average salary increases as experience increases, this is mainly due to respondents holding a more senior role as they gain more experience within the industry. The table shows that the number of years experience in industry does not appear to have a large direct affect on the salary range for individual job roles within Medical Information and MSL. There is quite a wide range of salaries for 2 – 3 years, depending on the job role, as the more senior roles earn a considerably higher salary for the same number of year’s experience. Benefits also increased as experience in industry increased (not shown here), with respondents with greater levels of experience being more likely to receive a wider range of benefits. Of the people surveyed within the Medical Information and MSL sector, 55.0% thought that their salary reflected their level of experience. Most respondents were within the £40 – 60k salary range, with not many respondents earning over £60k.

Overall, in comparison to other sectors, Medical Information and MSLs appear to earn higher salaries whilst gaining the initial three years of experience in the industry. After gaining the initial three years of experience, Medical Information and MSL roles appear to have more similar salary ranges to the other pharmaceutical sectors that were surveyed. Future salary surveys can be used to compare the changes in salaries and benefits over time, and relate to any changes in inflation and global economic situations, and investigate what differences can be observed between the UK and Eurozone markets.

The locations of our responses were: 27.8% London 5.7% East 33.4% South East 10.9% South West 5.3% East Midlands 11.4% North East 5.2% Scotland Experience levels

0-1 years 16.0% 1-2 years 10.9% 2-3 years 11.1% 3-5 years 33.8% 5-10 years 16.7% 10+ years 11.6%

0 2 4 6 8 10

0 - 20k

20 - 30k

30 - 40k

40 - 60k

60 - 70k

Proportion of Responses within Salary Ranges (%)

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Benefits - At a glance

3e) Health Economics/Market Access Health Economics and Market Access has been a dramatically increasing sector for Clinical Professionals. As we can see from the results, the salaries are higher than the average pharmaceutical sectors. Entry level roles start at around £38k, and the most senior roles from our results were £100k+

Average Salary by Job Title

Health Economics Consultant 41.7k

Director 105k

HTA Policy Manager 65k

Project Manager 70k

Market Access Manager 77k

Senior Market Access and Pricing Manager


The average salary for entry level roles into HE/MA is £37.5k which does not change until 2 years of experience. The salary then increases significantly to £50k, for experience levels between 2 – 5 years. The most senior roles including experience of 10+ years then rises to nearly £100k.

Average Salary by Experience in Industry 0 – 1 years 37.5k

1 – 2 Years 37.5k

2 – 3 Years 50k

3 – 5 Years 52k

5 – 10 Years 80k

10+ Years 92k

There are 3 main salary ranges, depending on experience, with only the senior roles having much of a difference.

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Experience in Industry

Job Title 1 - 2 Years 2 - 3 Years 3 - 5 Years 5 - 10 Years 10+ Years

Health Economist £20k - £29k £30k+

Health Economist Manager £40k - £59k

Heath Ec Consultant £40k - £59k £40k - £59k £60K +

Pricing / Market Access £50k £50k

HTA /HEOR £60 - £65K £70K

UK Market Access Manager £60K-69K £70k - 79k

Health Economist Lead / Director

£80k+ £80k+

Director of Market Access £100k+ £120k+

From the results we collated, we can see the entry level salaries for the health economics sector is £20k. There is an increase in the salary with an increase in experience, including a promotion in job title. The Health Economics consultant role seems to have the best range, with salaries starting at £40k, ranging to £60k with over 5 years experience. The Health Economic Leads / Directors are at the top of the scale, with the minimum 5 years experience exceeding £100k. Of those we surveyed in health economics and market access, about 46.2% responded they were not happy with their current salary level, with a majority of that particular answer within the mid range salary banding with 2-3 years experience.

From these results we can see permanent salaries were all above £40,000, with a high number being over £70k and even £80k. Over 90% of all our responses within the Health Economics / Market Access industry were on a higher salary than £40k with 50% being made up of the senior roles and a salary in excess of £70k. Contract numbers averaged around £600 per day.

The locations of our responses were: 48% London 6% East 2% Ireland 2% North East 11% North West 3% Scotland 20% South East 4% Wales 4% West Midlands

Experience levels

0-1 years 14% 1-2 years 3% 2-3 years 16% 3-5 years 2% 5-10 years 29% 10+ years 36%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


£20K - £29K

£30K - £39K

£40K - £59K

£60k - 69k

£70k - £79k

£80k +

Proportion of Responses within Salary Ranges (%)

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3f) Biostatistics A fast expanding sector within our business, biometrics has shown large increases across salary bands directly correlating with experience. The averages may be much higher in general against most other sectors, but the positions are much more competitive, and we’ve often seen smaller benefit packages than offered to other areas. Experience in Industry

Job Title 0 - 1 Years

1 - 2 Years

2 - 3 Years 3 - 5 Years 5 - 10 Years 10+ Years

SAS Programmer 30k - 39.9k 40k - 59.9k

Senior SAS Programmer 40k - 59.9k 60 - 69.9k 70k - 79.9k+

Senior Clinical Data Manager 30k - 39.9k 40k - 59.9k 60k - 69.9k+

Statistical Director 70k - 79.9k+

Average Salary by Experience in Industry 2 – 3 Years 35k

3 – 5 Years 45k

5 – 10 Years 54k

10+ Years 72k

When we asked biometrics professionals if they were happy with their salary, 43% said they were happy with their current level, however a majority of these positive responses were of course above the favourable 50k mark (SBSP) mentioned at the start of this document. It also seems though, that this sector benefits from a much steeper curve of experience against salary compared to most other sectors, which therefore shows larger incremental increases in salaries when furthering their careers.

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3g) Quality Assurance / Compliance Compared to other pharmaceutical sectors, quality assurance has a more linear salary increase in retrospect of industry experience. As one of the more stable sectors though, it does allow for some better benefits overall in line with the diverse specialists this sector covers.

Average Salary by Experience in Industry 2 – 3 Years 25k

3 – 5 Years 30k

5 – 10 Years 32k

10+ Years 44k

Of those we surveyed, almost twice as many employees were receiving bonuses from this area than almost any other area in pharmaceutical. However, those that were happy with their salary were much lower, with ~80% of responses reporting they were not currently happy with the level of their salary.

Experience in Industry

Job Title 0 - 1 Years

1 - 2 Years

2 - 3 Years 3 - 5 Years 5 - 10 Years 10+ Years

QA Associate 20k - 29.9k 20k - 29.9k

Senior QA Associate 30k - 39.9k 30k - 39.9k

QC Analyst 20k - 29.9k 30k - 39.9k

QA manager 30k - 39.9k 40k - 59.9k

Quality Systems Officer 20k - 29.9k 30k - 39.9k 30k - 39.9k

When we compared this with our data in house and got in touch with a few employees we had recruited into positions within the industry, we found higher salaries than those that had completed our survey, and a much higher level of satisfaction. Although we saw this across all sectors we surveyed, the largest difference was for QA/QC, showing an industry tendency for lower average salaries when remaining within their position.











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About Clinical Professionals Ltd Clinical Professionals provide jobs within the Life Science community, being the most effective European online pharmaceutical jobs and careers management company in the pharmaceutical, clinical research, medical device, biotech and health care industries. Each of our consultants are strategically aligned to one of these specialist sectors which means that job seekers are assured they are working with consultants who have in-depth role and job knowledge and are experts at placing individuals in their chosen jobs sector. Clinical Professionals recruits for various clinical jobs including Pharmacovigilance, Regulatory Affairs, Biometrics, Health Economics, Scientific and Medical Information. For more information about roles and how we can help further your career, get in touch: UK Roles - 0118 9594 990 EU Roles - +44 (0)207 822 1710 Or [email protected] Thank you for reading. The Clinical Professionals Team