Phencyclidine (PCP) ABC XYZ Period 1

Phencyclidine (PCP) ABC XYZ Period 1. The type of drug The category of the drug Nicknames How its taken Side effects Dangers Statistics

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Phencyclidine (PCP)ABCXYZ

Period 1

The type of drug The category of the

drug Nicknames How its taken Side effects Dangers Statistics Interesting facts

This presentation will include…

This drug distorts or alter moods, thoughts and senses

Delusions Hallucinations Stimulations Impaired judgment

and reasoning Five senses may

become intensified or mixed-up


This drug is an illegal drug unless you are involved in drug research

Not legal for medical use


PCP Angel dust Ozone Wack Tic-tac Crystal Rocket fuel


Tablets Colored powder Capsules Snorted Smoked Eaten Injected

How is the drug taken?

People who take this drug feel stronger and more powerful when high on the drug

Vomiting Drooling Increased breathing

rate Stronger blood

pressure/pulse sweating


Memory loss SpeechDifficultiesDepressionWeight loss


In 2008 99,000 Americans age 12 and older had abused PCP at least once a year

1.1% 12 graders abused at least once a year


% of 12th Graders Who Have Used PCP

Sometime During Their Lifetime

Effects last 4-6 hours In the 1960s it was known as a street

drug but now its known as a club drug

It was used as an anesthetic because of its numbing effect in the 1950s

Interesting Facts

PCP STORYA 26-year old mother, Hope Brodie, used a pot to cook an illegal drug, PCP. Then the next day, a relative used the same pot to cook her 5-year-old girl's meal. The girl had to be hospitalized.




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_dust http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/pcp.html http://www.drugfree.org/drug-guide/pcp http://

www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/224252.php http://


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