Phenomenological Prediction of Tensile Strength of E-Glass Composites from Available Aging and Stress Corrosion Data EVER J. BARBERO* Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26505, USA THOMAS M. DAMIANI Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering West Virginia University, USA ABSTRACT: A simple model to predict the time- and environment-dependent degradation of tensile strength of unidirectional E-glass fiber composites is presented .. The model is phenomenological; that is, based on curve-fits of data for the individual time- and environment-dependent behavior, for which data is available in the literature. These include stress corrosion, zero-stress aging, interphase aging, and moisture-dependent matrix stiffness. The ineffective length at fiber break sites is corrected for debonding length. The average strength of the fiber is reduced to account for zero-stress aging. The concept of inert aged strength is proposed to be able to.use' data developed under different environmental exposure and load-testing conditions. The conditions for which exposure and aging affect the composite significantly are discussed. Different exposure and loading times are accounted for in the model. Model predictions are compared with available experimental data. 1. INTRODUCTION A LTHOUGH OTHER FIBERS have similar and even superior performance, the main attractive of glass fibers is that they are inexpensive. *Author to wholn correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] Journal of REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES, Vol. 22, No. 4/2003 373 0731-6844/03/040373-22 $10.00/0 DOl: 10.1106/073168403023269 © 2003 Sage Publications

Phenomenological Prediction of Tensile Strength ofE-Glass ...barbero.cadec-online.com/papers/2003/10.1177/0731684403022004269.pdfFurther fiber degradation is caused by stress corrosion

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  • Phenomenological Prediction ofTensile Strength of E-GlassComposites from Available

    Aging and Stress Corrosion Data

    EVER J. BARBERO*Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

    West Virginia UniversityMorgantown, WV 26505, USA

    THOMAS M. DAMIANIMechanical & Aerospace Engineering

    West Virginia University, USA

    ABSTRACT: A simple model to predict the time- and environment-dependentdegradation of tensile strength of unidirectional E-glass fiber composites ispresented..The model is phenomenological; that is, based on curve-fits of data forthe individual time- and environment-dependent behavior, for which data isavailable in the literature. These include stress corrosion, zero-stress aging,interphase aging, and moisture-dependent matrix stiffness. The ineffective lengthat fiber break sites is corrected for debonding length. The average strength of thefiber is reduced to account for zero-stress aging. The concept of inert aged strength isproposed to be able to.use' data developed under different environmental exposureand load-testing conditions. The conditions for which exposure and aging affect thecomposite significantly are discussed. Different exposure and loading times areaccounted for in the model. Model predictions are compared with availableexperimental data.


    ALTHOUGH OTHER FIBERS have similar and even superior performance,the main attractive of glass fibers is that they are inexpensive.*Author to wholn correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]

    Journal of REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES, Vol. 22, No. 4/2003 373

    0731-6844/03/040373-22 $10.00/0 DOl: 10.1106/073168403023269© 2003 Sage Publications


    In addition, they have high strength, good fatigue life, good corrosionresistance in most common environments (in conjunction with a polymermatrix) and they are good electrical a~d thermal insulators. However, thereare certain long-term phenomena that need to b~ accounted for successfulapplication of glass fibers to structures with long expected life cycle, suchas civil infrastructure. First, the strength of glass fibers is a function oftime when subject to permanent loads (stress corrosion). Second, strength isaffected by the environment (aging) even if no stress is applied. Third, thefiber-matrix interphase also ages, which is detrimental for the strength of thecomposite. Finally, the matrix plasticizes in the presence of moisture, thusimpairing the ability to transfer the load among broken and sound fibers.

    Numerous studies are being carried out to assess the effect of agingand environmental exposure on strength of composites. --Many fiber-matrixcombinations, in many laminate stacking sequences, and many hybridsystems involving composites and conventional materials are beinginvestigated experimentally. Aging under exposure is being recorded withand without applied stress. A simple procedure is necessary to interpretthese data, one that does not require us to go back to measure pa~ametersthat were not measured in the first place.

    Most studies report a small number of parameters that are practical tomeasure. These include the age, conditions of exposure, value of appliedstress during exposure, remaining strength after exposure, and conditions ofstrength testing. In addition, the type of fibers, matrix, and processingtechnique used to manufacture the samples is reported.. More sophisticateddata, such as variability of Weibull modulus with age and so on, are notavailable nor are they feasible to measure because of the complexity of thematerial and structural systems being studied (e.g., concrete beams wrappedwith carbon fabric impregnated and cured in-situ). Most studies on agingdo not measure the Weibull modulus of their fibers, nor do they report thegage length used in strength testing. In view of this, a model that does notrequire such detailed knowledge is useful even if approximate. The proposedmodel provides a reasonable interpretation of the available data while usingnominal values, taken from the literature, for parameters such as Weibulldispersion m, inert strength So, and so on. The remaining parameters (aginga and b, stress corrosion susceptibility N, and so on) can be adjusted fromthe available data without the need for refined measurements. The proposedapproach does not neglect such refined quantities but incorporates theireffect via curve-fit of observed behavior for each degradation mechanism.The resulting model evaluates their combined effect on the life of thecomposite.

    Most every new study changes the exposure conditions to better representpractical applications of the materials under study. For example, exposure

  • Phenomenological Prediction of Tensile Strength of E-Glass Composites 375

    conditions for bridge decks and pier piles are completely different.Geographic location also plays a role. Testing conditions also vary broadlybecause of the particular dimensions and processing conditions of varioussystems. For example, concrete fiber wraps are usually thin, pultruded struc-tural shapes may contain voids, VARTM-produced bridge decks samplesdo not resemble anything else, and so on. Therefore, because of ~he varietyof exposure conditions and testing conditions being used, a simple pheno-menological model is deemed necessary to allow for comparison amongseemingly different studies. Simplicity of the resulting model and the scarcityof sophisticated measurement mandates that the model includes only themechanistic aspects that most dramatically impact the observed behavior.The present work is developed under such premises. More sophisticatedmodels have been proposed [11,15,21-23,38,39] but so far they havenot found its way into applied durability studies because of complexity andthe concomitant need for parameters that are either very difficult to measureor for which no measurement technique has been proposed.

    Quasi-static tensile strength of unidirectional composites can be predictedby the weakest link model [10,12,44]. The main feature of this model is toconsider the influence of fiber average strength, Weibull dispersion, andmatrix shear stiffness. The influence of initial fiber damage and creep ofthe matrix were added in [3,27]. The weakest link model highlights theimportance of the shear-lag zone at the fiber break points, since fiber-matrixdebond at the same points has a detrimental influence on compositestrength. The debond length is a function of time and environment [49].Available experimental data is used to quantify its effect.

    An extensive review of the effects of chemistry, structure, andmorphology of the effects of the interphase on the durability of compositesis available in [45,47]. Fiber-matrix adhesion has been measured byfragmentation tests [14,17,33,50], micro-bond tests [19], fiber pull-out [40],and micro-indentation [29]. A round-robin study revealed large differencein bond strength among these measurement techniques [41]. Because ofthis, [49] used the surface energy to quantify the fiber-matrix debonding.The results of their study provide a practical procedure to measure debondlength as a function of time and environment of exposure. Such data isincorporated into the predictive model developed in this work.

    In addition to time- and environment-dependent debonding length, theinfluence of time- and environment-dependent fiber strength is integratedinto the proposed model, by including the degradation of the· average fiberstrength as a function of time and environment, which is called zero-stressaging. Zero-stress aging data is available for exposure in air at 0% RH and100% RH [48], air at 500/0 RH [18], in distilled water [34], all at 20°C, and100°C distilled water [34].


    Further fiber degradation is caused by stress corrosion. Stress corrosiondata is available for exposure in air at 100% RH [35], air at 500/0 RH [2,37],and in distilled water [2], all at 20°C., The scope of this study is limited toE-glass composites, unidirectional and some laminates. Only data that isavailable for both, stress corrosion and zero-stress aging, for the sameenvironmental conditions of exposure is used whenever possible.

    Fiber stress corrosion reduces the strength of the fiber and thus thestrength of the composite. In order to quantify stress corrosion of glassfibers under various environmental conditions, several authors have useda linear fit in logarithmic scale of the time to failure versus applied stress.The stress corrosion susceptibility is computed as the negative of the slopeof the linear fit. The data deviates from the linear fit for long testing times,suggesting that other mechanisms act to degrade the fiber beyond thephenomena of stress corrosion [9,13,16].

    Fiber strength also reduces when fibers are aged without applied stress, inwhat is called zero-stress aging. Since zero-stress aging takes place whether ornot a stress is applied, the phenomenon takes place concurrently with a stresscorrosion test, but it is not noticeable at short times. This concurrent action oft~vo phenomena causes long-term stress-corrosion data to deviate from aline.An approximate solution to the interaction problem assumes that stresscorrosion along acts for the first half of the time-to-failure and agingdominates that last half of the life of the sample [43]. An alternate solution ispresented in this work by using the concept of inert aged strength.

    Each of the models, corrosion, zero-stress aging, and debond length,are fitted with experimental data, which are available in the literature. Bycombining these models into one it is possible to predict the strength ofcomposite fiber bundles and laminates. Predicted values are then comparedto independent available experimental data that was not used to fit theparameters of the individual models. The model seems to predict well thestrength of unidirectional composites and of some laminates [5], whenthe strength is controlled by the unidirectional layers in the laminate.Different exposure and loading times are accounted for in the model asrequired by seasonal exposure of composites in civil infrastructure.


    When a fiber breaks, it carries no load at the break point. However, thesame fiber is fully loaded a certain distance away from the break point. Theload carried by a broken fiber is transferred from the fiber into the matrix,into the adjacent composite, then back into the broken fiber on the other sideof the break point. Since stress transfer takes place through the interphaseand the matrix, both playa crucial role in the strength of the composite.

  • TensileStressill-Fiber


    8 .2~: s·

    Debondi gZones

    Figure 1. Schematics of a fiber break.

    A fiber break is illustrated in Figure 1. A debonded length 2Ld wascreated upon fracture of the fiber. The ineffective length ~ is the distancerequired to recover the stress in the fiber almost to the far-field stress, oru(8) = l/J *ufo, where l/J = 0.9 means a recovery of 90o~ of the far-field stressafo [44].

    Fiber strength data follows a Weibull distribution with dispersion mand characteristic value J-L. The characteristic value JL of the Weibull dis-tribution is related to the average strength a of the fibers by the Gammafunction [36] as


    where L is the fiber length used while testing for average strength a andWeibull dispersion m [26,31,32,46]. In this work, the Weibull dispersionfor E-glass used was m =8.89 [26]. The average strength as function of timeis given by the modified stress-corrosion model (Equation (16)) developedin Section 6.

    The debonding length 2Ld increases the ineffective length to 8 + Ld . Usingthe weakest-link model of [10,12,27,44] but with provision for the debond


    length, yields a prediction for the strength of the composite as


    where e is the base of the natural logarithms. For an elastic matrixwith shear modulus Gn1 , the ineffective length can be estimated as [44]

    ~ = df[(l - /Vi) (EI)]-1/2 h[l + (l - 4>i] (3)o 2 /Vi Gm cos 2(1- 4»

    It can be inferred from the model that the longer the ineffective lengtht.he lower the composite strength. As shown in [27,28], the ineffective lengthcan increase due to the viscoelastic reduction of Gnt with time, so thelong-term modulus Gn100 should be used in conjunction with long-term tests.Another cause for increase of 8 is the reduction of shear moduluswith moisture. In this work, we used the retention factor ([4] Equation(2.5» to modify the shear modulus in account of temperature and moisturecontent as

    ( )

    1/2G= Tgw-T G

    m 'T' 'T' moo.1 gd - ~ 0


    where To is the reference temperature, Tgd is the glass-transition temperatureof the dry matrix. The glass-transition temperature of the wet polymer'can be estimated ([4] Equation (2.4» as

    Tgw = (l - O.lmsat + 0.005m;at)Tgd (5)

    in terms of the saturation moisture content, which can be estimated by apower law of the relative humidity RH [8] as


    msat = a 100

    where a=O.018 and b= 1 for epoxy matrix composites [8,13].



    The fiber-matrix interphase is a thin layer that bonds the fiber to thematrix. Temperature, time, moisture, and other solvents tend to degrade

  • Figure 2. Fragmentation test for determination of fiber-matrix debond length Ld•

    the interphase, causing fiber-matrix debond near the fiber breaks. Thestrength of the composite reduces when the fiber-matrix debond lengthIncreases.

    The strength of the interphase can be measured in several experimentalmethods, such as fiber fragmentation [14,17], micro-bond [19], fiber pull-out[40], and micro-indentation [29]. The fragmentation test consists of a singlefiber embedded in a polymer sample, as depicted in Figure 2. The sample isloaded in tension and fiber breaks are observed. The breaks reach saturationat a distance 8+Ld because the matrix is unable to load the fiber unless ithas room to transfer the load by shear. Then it is possible to measure thedebonding length from the measured saturation spacing and knowledge of 8from Equation (3). Also, it is possible to directly measure the debondinglength by optical observation [49]. By measuring the debonding length asfunction of time, it is possible to infer the degradation of the interphase dueto aging. Debonding length as function of time for E-glass fibers in epoxymatrix, immersed in 95°C water are reported in Table 3 from [49]. The datawas fitted with the following equation

    Ld = K + A In(t) (7)

    where K = 1822 X 10-6, A = 179 X 10-6, time is in days and length in meters.Equations (2)-(7) can then be used to predict the time-dependent strength ofunidirectional E-glass composites, provided the time- and environment-dependent strength of the fibers O'av is known. A model for fiber strength isdeveloped in the next sections.


    Zero-stress aging is defined as the reduction of strength when no stressis applied during the time of exposure to a given environment. Fordetermination of zero-stress aging, samples are aged in a given environment


    at constant moisture, temperature and so on; then load-tested for strength.No load is applied during the time of exposure. The data is then fitted with


    where l10 is the strength at time zero, at the environment of exposure, a andf3 are empirical constants adjusted to fit the experimental data. For example,fiber strength aged in various moisture environments is shown in Figure 3,fitted with Equation (8).

    In the sequel it is necessary to distinguish between exposure and load-testing conditions. In most studies available in the literature, load testingtakes place after exposure to determine the remaining strength, due topractical reasons. Load testing is not necessarily performed under identicalenvironment as during aging. Some of the available data have been load-tested at the conditions of exposure while other were tested at roomtemperature after removing the samples from the environment of exposure.The initial strength £10 (at t = 0) is a strong function of the environmentat which the sample is load-tested to failure, and it is obviously independentof subsequent aging. This is evident in Figure 3, where the initial strength(at t = 0) varies from one data set to the next eventhough they are all E-glassfibers.

    10 ~----------------- ...

    - 0-- - 0-- - 0-- - o..o...~

    • 0 %RH data~ 50%RH data• 100 %RH data1:1. distilled ¥later data

    --O%RHfl--50%RH1It--100%RHfl-dlstHled water fit-0. RH In Str


    1 ~ ....-.-... ...

    OJD01 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10

    Immersion time (days)

    Figure 3. Zero-stress aging data and fit for all environment exposures.

  • Optical fibers aged at 20°C were load-tested. at inert conditions (zeromoisture and very low temperature), and at room temperature ambient(RTA) conditions yielding data of "inert strength" and "RTA strength",respectively. The inert strength of aged fibers fits an equation similar toEquation (8), namely

    S(t) = So(l + at)-fJ (9)

    where So is the inert strength at time zero, load-tested at inert conditions, aand f3 are the same empirical constants determined by fitting Equation (8) tothe data load-tested at RTA.. That is, the curves represented by Equations (8)and (9) are parallel on a log-log plot. The ambient strength was measured at20°C and the inert strength in liquid nitrogen (LN2) at -196°C [16].

    No aged inert strength data exists for E-glass but the initial inert strengthof E-glass is So = 5.817 GPa, as measured in [6]. Based on the observationsfor optical fibers, we postulate that for E-glass fibers, the effect of envi-ronment during load-testing is independent of the age of the sample. Inother words, the reduction of strength from its inert value S to its valuewhen tested at other environment should be independent of the age of thesample, resulting in a parallel shift of strength, downward in log-log scale.This is illustrated in Figure 3 by the two curves corresponding to 00/0 RH.The inert strength curve for any condition of exposure can be obtained byan upward shift of·the curve obtained by load testing at RTA.

    The only effect of inert load-testing conditions is to shift up the strengthcurve by a constant. The shift can be easily computed for any material ifthe inert strength at zero time So is known. Then, the inert aged strengthcurve can be obtained from available data as follows. First, determine theconstants a and fJ by fitting Equation (8) using available data (a(t), t) ofaged fibers which were load-tested at the condition of exposure, at RTA,or at any other condition. Then, simply use the same constants a and fJinto Equation (9). The value of the inert strength at time zero So has tobe determined independently by load-testing un-aged samples at inertconditions, but this data is available for E-glass [6,7]. Therefore, all thecurves available in the literature can be shifted to inert condition in order tocompare then with each other.


    Stress corrosion, also called static fatigue, stress rupture, or delayedfailure, represents the loss of strength as a function of time under a constantapplied stress. The mechanism of failure of glass fibers is dominated by thegrowth of cracks and defects in the fiber. Surface energy is required to


    produce the new surface associated to the growth of a crack. The externalloads or the strain energy stored in the fiber can provide such energy.The Griffith energy approach states that a crack will grow only if the totalenergy of the system deceases [1]. The critical condition of imminent growthis given when the rate of change of the total energy is zero. In this case,the rate of change of the surface energy Ws with respect to crack length aequals the rate of change of potential energy Wp , which is the sum of theexternal work done by the applied loads and the strain energy stored inthe fiber. The surface energy can be written as twice the area of the cracktimes the surface energy density Ys, recognizing that two mirror images areproduced when a crack opens. Therefore, the rate of change of surfaceenergy with respect to crack area is 2ys. The surface energy density is amaterial property that represents the ability of the material to resist crackformation. In fracture mechanics, it is called strain energy release rate, andit is proportional to the fracture toughness of the material.

    The stress intensity represents the severity of the stress concentrationat the crack tip. It is a function of the load, the geometry of the crack, andthe geometry of the body in which it is immersed. For a crack in a uniaxial,uniform stress field we have [I]


    where a is the crack length, u is the far field stress, and Y is a geometricfactor.

    There are two mechanisms that bring about fracture as a function of time,the continuously decreasing surface energy density of the material and thecontinuous growth of the crack length that increases the stress intensityat the crack tip. The former effect is a strong function of the environmentthat corrodes the fiber, and we call it aging. The latter effect is a strongfunction of time and stress, since time is necessary to allow cracks to growuntil they reach a critical dimension, and we call it stress corrosion.

    A crack will grow if the stress intensity exceeds the facture toughness ofthe material, which is proportional to the surface energy. The surface energydensity of the material decreases as a function of time due to corrosioninduced by the environment [5-7]. Eventually, the surface energy densityfalls below the threshold and fracture occurs. Such effect is accounted forin this work by a curve-fit of remaining strength of aged, unstressed fibers(see Section 4).

    Since stress intensity is proportional to crack length, cracks grow (underpermanent load) until they reach a critical dimension that causes fracture[20]. The slow growth of cracks is called stress corrosion and it is modeled

  • in this section with the slow crack model [1]. The relationship between crackgrowth velocity V and stress intensity K[ is Paris law:

    v= da = AKfdt



    where A and N are constants, N is called stress corrosion susceptibility.Proof of this model cannot be obtained by direct observation since it isnearly impossible to measure crack velocity. However, an indirect proof canbe offered if it can be shown that A and N are constants, and theycan be obtained from experimental data.

    Solving Equation (10) for the crack len~th a and taking a derivativewith respect to crack intensity yields an expression for the increment ofcrack length da, which can be set equal to da from Equation (11) to yield

    dt 2K[dK[ - a 2 y 2:rrAKf

    The time to failure is obtained by integrating over the range of stressintensity factors [16,25,43], as


    where the limits of integration are the initial stress intensity at time zero K/iand the final stress intensity at fracture K/c. The latter is the fracturetoughness of the material, which is proportional to the surface energydensity. For typical values of susceptibility N (on the order of 10-20), thefirst term in the square bracket of Equation (13) is much smaller than thesecond and thus can be neglected [25]. Zero-stress aging can be interpretedeither as a reduction of K/c [23] or a reduction of the average strength ofaged, unstressed fibers. We chose the latter because it leads to a simplecurve-fit of available data (Section 4). Such data and the curve-fit for themare available in the literature. If on the other hand we were to model zero-stress aging as a change in K[c, the first term in Equation (13) could not beneglected over long times [23]. Then, Equation (15) would not give a line inlog-log scale, and the stress susceptibility could not be defined as the slopeof such line. For our purpose, this would render impractical the classicalstress-corrosion theory [34,35,37], which provides a credible interpretationof over fifty years of data (under conditions for which zero-stress agingis negligible, i.e., RTA). Therefore, we chose to leave the classical stresscorrosion theory unchanged, and to model zero-stress aging as a reductionof the average strength of the fibers.


    Since stress intensity is directly proportional to applied stress, the ratio ofinitial stress intensity to initial applied stress is the same as the ratio offracture toughness to inert strength S, or


    That is, the fiber would break at time zero under inert environment at astress S when the stress intensity equals the inert fracture toughness of glassK/c . The inert strength S and corresponding inert fracture toughness of glassK/c must be measured under dry conditions to avoid the detrimentalinfluence of moisture. The most effective way of accomplishing perfectly dryconditions is to test at very low temperatures or in vacuum [43]. UsingEquation (14), we can write the time to failure as

    tf = [BSN - 2]u-N = Cu-N

    B= 2y2rrA(N - 2)Kf:-2


    In this work, Equation (15) is called conventional stress corrosion (CSC)model. A power-law regression of time-to-failure versus failure-stress datayields the sllsceptibility N and the coefficient C. The coefficient B can becomputed from C as B =CS2- N • Stress-corrosion data of E-glass at 50%RH from two sources [2,37] is displayed in Figure 4.

    Since the value of N can be found from time-to-failure versus appliedstress data, it is not necessary to know the geometric factor Y in Equation(10) and the crack-velocity coefficient A in Equation (11). We postulate herethat the inert strength must be independent of time for Equation (15) totruly represent the behavior of a material for which loss of strength iscontrolled only by slow crack growth according to Equation (11). Becauseof zero-stress aging (Section 4), the inert strength of the material remainsconstant only for a limited time. Therefore, the initial inert strength at timezero So must be replaced for S in Equation (15) while determining theconstant susceptibility N and coefficient C from stress corrosion data. Thisallows for a univocal definition of susceptibility N, which must beindependent of time. The inert strength of the material cannot changedZlring the time interval used to compute N. This imposes a restriction on thestress corrosion data that can be used to compute N, as we shall elaborate inSection 6.

    The complete set of stress-corrosion data for E-glass at 1000/0 RH from[35] is displayed in Figure 5. No data were censored in any way. The line fit

  • 10

    N = 17.672E Glass F ibelS

    • Aves:ton time vs. stress:It Otto time lJS. str ess

    --Fit 01 Aveston Data--Fit of otto Dala


    Stress (6Pa)

    Figure 4. Stress corrosion susceptibility for 50% RH at 20°C.




    ...."" 0.1;;-=.....Q) N= 17.173E 0.01 E Glass Sirandsi=





    10 '-""'--"""--,---,---':==::J::==E::::==I

    1000 10000100

    • Etcperimental 0 ata

    -a-zero-stress: agl ng--0- complete d..tl fit-short-term dlta fie..... MSC model

    0.011oD001 0.001 0.1 . 1 10

    Time (days)

    Figure 5. Stress corrosion susceptibility for 100% RH at 20°C.


    was performed using short-term data, that yields N =16.274. When longertest data is used, the incorrect value of susceptibility to stress-corrosiondecreases to N =10.182. Similar devi~tions from a. straight line have beenobserved previously for optical fibers [16,42]. A reduction of N means asmaller time to failure for any given applied stress. The parameters Band Nare dependent on the environment ofexposure but they must be independent oftime. Therefore, a second mechanism must be acting to further degrade thefiber. Since zero-stress aging takes place independently of the applied stress,it must be taking place concurrently with stress corrosion test. Therefore, allstress corrosion tests of long duration are affected by zero-stress aging,unless the environment is so benign (e.g., RTA) that zero-stress aging is notnoticeable. Since zero-stress aging is negligible at short times, the stress(~orrosion susceptibility can be found when short-term data is used.


    To account for stress corrosion and zero-stress aging in a unified model,we replace the aged inert strength S(ta) as a function of aging time fa fromEquation (9) into the classical stress corrosion Equation (15). Then, wesolve for the stress to obtain the proposed modified stress corrosion (MSC)model as


    where ~l is the time to failure. Note that the values of Nand B weredetermined with Equation (15); that is, with the short-term data for whichS = So is a constant. The susceptibility N represents the stress corrosionphenomena, which does not change for the entire life of the fiber. Any long-term reduction of fiber strength not accounted for by stress-corrosion isaccounted for by a reduction of the inert strength S according to the zero-stress aging model Equation (9). Note further that no testing is necessaryat inert conditions since only the values of a and f3 need to be found fromaging data. The initial inert strength is known from un-aged tests at inertcondition, which are available [6].

    Since all the available stress corrosion data was obtained at constantenvironmental exposure, the aging time is the same as the time to failure(ta = ~f)' However, from practical applications of composites, aging atadverse exposure conditions may take place for a reduced length of time.For example, if seasonal conditions expose the material to high moistureonly for a fraction of the service lifetime of the structure, then ta < ~f.

  • This is particularly important since aging is only detrimental for severeconditions of exposure, as it is demonstrated using available experimentaldata next.

    An environment at 20°C and 500~ RH is known as RTA. Two sets ofstress corrosion data are available for RTA exposure, from [2] for fiberstrands and [37] for individual fibers. The load on a strand was used tocompute the fiber stress dividing by the area of a strand, given asO.0564mm2• The susceptibility coefficients Nand B pbtained by fittingEquation (15) are reported in Table 1 and the fit is shown in Figure 4.Zero-stress aging data at RTA is available in [18]. The parameters a and fJare obtained by fitting Equation (8) to the data shown in Figure 3. Thevalues are reported in Table 2. For RTA exposure, the zero-stress aging isnegligible. The modified stress corrosion Equation (16) results in very smalldeviation from the straight line predicted by classical stress corrosion. AtRTA exposure, the susceptibility N is independent of time. It can be seenin Figure 4 that very similar values of stress corrosion susceptibility Nwere obtained eventhough the time of exposure are different for the twosets of data.

    Stress corrosion data for exposure at 20°C and 100% RH are availablefrom [35]. The susceptibility coefficients Nand B obtained by fittingEquation (15) are reported in Table 1 and the fit is shown in Figure 5.

    Table 1. Stress corrosion parameters for each environmental exposure.

    Relative TemperatureEnvironment Humidity (%) (0) N B (Pa2 s) Reference

    Air 50 20 17.670 5.355E16 [37]Air 50 20 17.173 1.82E16 [2]Air 100 20 16.046 9.151E14 [35]Distilled water 20 14.98 2.011£9 [18]

    Table 2. Zero-stress aging parameters for each environmental condition.

    Relative TemperatureEnvironment Humidity (%) (0) a (1/s) f3 Reference

    Air 0 20 1.446£-6 0.04712 [48]Air 50 20 3.880£-4 0.01248 [37]Air 100 20 1.770£-5 0.06189 [48]Distilled water 20 4.973£-7 0.27980 [18]Water 100 7.490E-4 0.23192 [34]


    Table 3. Debonding length Ld of E-glass-epoxyin 95°C water as function of time [49J.

    ImmersionTime (Days)



    DebondlngLength Ld (J-lm)



    Note that only the short-term data can be fitted with a line. The slope ofsuch line is the susceptibility N = 16.274. The complete data, including long-term data, shows signs of zero-stress aging which results in a poor linear fitand an artificially lower value of N = 10.182. Therefore, we propose that Nbe computed with stress-corrosion data for samples that fail before zero-stress ageing becomes noticeable. The zero-stress aging curve in Figure 5reveals noticeable aging by 1 day. Therefore, only data corresponding toapplied stress bins for which all samples failed by 1 day were considered forthe computation of the susceptibility N = 16.274.

    Stress corrosion tests are done with many replicates at the same stress,which give a broad scatter of time to failure data. All data correspondingto the same applied stress is grouped into a data bin. The number ofdata points in each bin is not the same. Therefore, the susceptibility Nshould be calculated by a regression of the actual data, not of the averagetime to failure for each applied stress. The median time-to-failure values areshown in Figure 5 to avoid cluttering, but the slopes were computed usingall the data. In terms of the median time-to-failure, the short-term dataincluded all data points up to 0.2 days.

    Zero-stress aging data at 1000/0 RH is available in [48]. The parameters ctand fJ are obtained by fitting Equation (8) to the data shown in Figure 3,then shifted to the inert condition and shown in Figure 5. The values arereported in Table 2. For lOO°/ti RH exposure, zero-stress aging is noticeable.The modified stress corrosion Equation (16) results in a reduction of 270/0 atone year from the strength predicted by classical stress corrosion. Stresscorrosion data for exposure at 20°C immersed in distilled water are availablefrom [18]. Zero-stress aging data in distilled water is available in [2]. Sincezero-stress aging is significant for distilled water exposure, the modified

  • stress corrosion Equation (16) results in a reduction of 50% at one yearfrom the strength predicted by classical stress corrosion.

    The susceptibility decreases with moisture content, as shown in Table 1.A decreasing v~lue of N represents faster reduction of strength with timeand shorter time-to-failure for a given stress. Stress corrosion alone cannotmodel the observed reduction of strength at long times. Zero-stress aging,which is negligible for short time and for low moisture content, becomesimportant at long times and high moisture. In addition, time and moisturedegrade the fiber-matrix interphase, which results in longer debondinglengths and consequent further reduction of composite strength, as modeledin Section 3. Therefore, the proposed composite model incorporates thedegradation of the fiber and interphase, so that it can be used to predictthe long-term strength of composites. Predicted values are compared nextwith available data for composite strands, laminates, and hand lay-upsamples.


    All the parameters of the model have been determined in previoussections. The stress corrosion susceptibility N and constant B weredetermined from fiber data for each type of environment (50 RH, 100%RH, water, all at 20°C) and reported in Table 1. The inert strength ofE-glass is a known constant So = 5.817 GPa. The parameters ex and fJ ofthe zero-stress aging model were determined from fiber data for each typeof environment and reported in Table 2. Experimental data requiredfor determination of the parameters K and A of the debond-Iength modelEquation (7) are available only for water immersion at 95°C, so this datawill be used for the predictions. Since this is a more severe environmentthan the environments for which susceptibility and aging data are available,they are likely to result in conservative estimates of composite tensilestrength.

    Data and model predictions for unidirectional E-glass strands in epoxymatrix (Gn1 = 1.130 GPa) are shown in Figure 6. The samples were agedunder load in distilled water at 20°C [2]. The fiber volume fraction is vf= 0.5.The prediction by Equation (2), including stress-corrosion and aging (MSC,Equation (16)) as well as debond (Equation (7)) does match the datavery well for the whole range of time. Conventional stress-corrosion cannotpredict the long-term data accurately. It is worth emphasizing that thecurves are not empirical fits of the data shown, but true predictions; that is,based on independently obtained fiber and interphase data.

    Data from two sources were combined in Figure 7. First, unidirectionalhand lay-up E-epoxy samples were aged in water at 20°C [24]. The fiber


    2.5 .....---~--------------------.

    .-Modified SC model prediction

    - - Classical SC model prediction

    2 T- --t. _st_r_es_s_d_ai_a..:..,(G_P_a;..)------1---1


    O+---a............~LIf--a.. ............a..IoolI.Aol.t-.......---.a.....a..&~-..................I.&oIoIoI--~a....&...Il.W.Yf0.00001

    0.5 +-----------~~~-----.~--____t

    ~CL. 1.5 +---------~---------------____cc.!)~

    .c...enc-m.:= 1 +--------~~~--------------I


    time (days)

    Figure 6. Experimental data and model predictions for E-glass-epoxy strands in distilledwate/; 20°C.

    o.e .....----------------------.


    ~a. 0.4S:2.

    ic:! 0.3...,en


    .-MSC model predictiono Llmlnat. dat. It 38 Cwith no loadA Unidirectional data wi" no loado Llminate dati at 39 C with sustaIned 10ada ni 0 d t wi in


    0.1 -+-__......._..a----'-.................-..~--_a-------.......-.-............~10 100

    time (days)

    Figure 7. Laminate E-glass-vinylester and hand lay-up E-glass-epoxy data and modelpredictions.

  • volume fraction is vf= 0.47 and the shear modulus of the matrix isGn1 = 1.274. Some samples were unloaded during aging, while others wereloaded during aging. All samples were then removed from the agingenvironment and tested at RTA conditions. The effect of sustained load wassmall and could be observed only past 100 days.

    Next, laminated [Oj90/45j-45]2s E-glass-vinylester samples were aged inwater at 38°C. Some samples were not loaded during aging while otherswere loaded, then tested [5]. The effect of sustained load was not significant.The fiber volume fraction is reported in the range 0.48-0.57, so 0.525was used in the analysis along with a shear modulus for the matrixGn1 = 1.232 GPa. Classical laminate theory was used to distribute the stresson the laminate into the layers and into the appropriate orientations. Thelaminate was assumed to fail when failure was predicted in the 0° layers.That is, it was assumed that while the 90 and 45 layers contribute tostiffness, they do not control the ultimate failure of the laminate. The MSFmodel (Equation (16») was used to compute the average fiber strength to beused in Equation (2). The model matches the data reasonably well takinginto account that fiber data, debond data, and composite data weremeasured on separate studies. Furthermore, the model predicts the correcttrend (Figure 7).


    The weakest link model was modified to include time- and environment-dependent reduction for fiber strength and fiber-matrix debonding length.The concept of inert aged strength was introduced to allow for the useof aging fiber data from various sources obtained in dissimilar conditions.The shift to inert conditions also allows for future aging studies to performload-testing at ambient conditions rather than expensive load-testing at theconditions of exposure or at inert conditions. The same concept allowedus to derive an exact expression for the modified stress corrosion model.The fiber model seems to capture the essential features of stress corrosionand aging, which are displayed in long-term stress corrosion data of E-glassfibers. The composite model can predict the correct magnitude of strengthand correct rate of degradation of composite samples when the environ-ment of exposure is severe enough to trigger the same degradationmechanisms in the composite and the naked fiber. For mild conditions ofexposure, the polymer matrix seems to protect the fibers resulting indegradation rates for the composite that are slower than for the fiberssubjected to the same environment. Incorporation of a diffusion model isenvisioned to be able to compute the actual environment inside thecomposite.



    The financial support by the National Science Foundation (USA) throughgrant CMS-9612162 is gratefully acknowledged.


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