Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide

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  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


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    Lamp Specification and Application Guide


    PH ItI PS

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Philips LightingLighting North AmericaPhilips Lighting Company provides products for everylighting appllcation.We are devoted to a comprehensive understanding of the

    challenges and opportunities facing those who specifu,purchase and, ultimately, use Philips lamps. Thisunderstanding is evident in our strong commitment toresearch and development, and our company-wide dedicationto market leadership through on going quality improvement.

    This guide is designed to assist distributors, specifiers andend users in making well informed judgments when theyselect lamps for any application. Themissionof PhilipsLighting Company is to deliver added value to our customers,specifically with superior quality lamps featuring high energyefficiency and high color rendering.

    Philips provides outstanding quality lighting solutions forevery business, industrial and consumer lighting situation.

    Phil ips Lighting CenterPhilips Lght ng Center in So.nerset, NewJersey is the argest and rnosttech no ogica y advaf ced fac ty ol ts kind in the worid. EdLrcat of prog ramsafd fLr lsca e demonstratrons are offered in 24 app caton aieas, nc ud ngoffce, retai, hote, ndustra and resdenta env ron.nents For flrthernfor..ation and proqram schedlles, please phone 100$31 1259

    An the Covet:over 10,000 Ph ips amps were used to create the l2joot wde mode ofl'\onn Amer -. r_o^ or . e.o.e o'r 5C-de

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Table of Contentspage

    General Lamp lnformationHow to Use This Book........ 2Expanatlon o{ Symbos and Highliqht ng .2CoorTemperature............. .. ...3Coor Rendering .......... 4 5Energy Eificlency . . . .... . 5F Lrorescent Lighting App catlons .... .. 6l lH gh lntns ty Discharge Llghting App catlons ........ .. 12-11ncandescent Lighlrng App catlons .......... .. .......18 23Techn ca Descriplons .. ........24nches 1o Metric Converson .........24Glossary of Tems ................ . 24lncandescent Lampslncandescent Lamps by Wallag 25 48Philinea Lamps. .48Hlgh ntensly Lamps ..48Decorative ........ 48'51Slreel Light ng (N4ultiple) . . 51 52Street Light ng lseres) ....... 52Lamps Listed byAmps &Volts, or Lumens .... ........ 52Speca Llghring (N ght Llght Plug ln, Ponable Flash gh0 ......... 52Tirnqsten Ha109en............ 53_54Accent 1200 Halogen Dspay Larnps (Standard MR-16) .. ....54Square MRl6lvasterLine Ha ogen Drsplay Lamps ... ........55Round MR 16 MasterL ne Halogen Display Lamps . .... . .......55Masterline PAR 20 Long Neck Halogen. . . .. . ...... . . ...55MasterLine PAR 30 Long Neck HaLogen .... . .... ....... . 55MRC16/NIRC-l1 DlsplayLampslclosedMRl6/MRl1).... ...... 56Haloqen AlLrminu m Reilector.... ..... ....... .. .. ...... 56

    Ha ogenA Lamps .... ....... ...... ..... . ..... 56H! ogen Capsu es {Bumers) .... ..... . .... ..57Cross freierence Gudes (lla ogen) . ..... 5lTubu ar ouaftz nlrared .. .. . ...... .. ... ... 58 53Fiiament Designalons.... ..... ...... ...60Base Types and Bulb Shapes . . . ....... ..... . ...60Foolnotes - /ncandescenl Lamps .. ..... . ..... . ....... .. 61Cross Refe.ence Gu des I ncandescent) ...... . 61-63Compact Fluorescent LampsSL* Lamps. . ...64PL Adapter Systm. . ................... 64P1ShortF1r0rescen1................ ............ .....64PL C uster Fluorescenl (10mm TLrbe Dia ) ... .. .....64PL C Lrster F uorescenl (10mm Tube Dia USA Base) .... 64PLClsterFuorescent(l5mmTubeDia)........... 64PL Long F uorescent ..................... ... . .65Cross Fefereice Guide (Compact Fluorescenl)........ .... ..65Fluorescnl LampsPreheat................. .. .......... 66-68U tlume Prheat. ..66,68Econ-o'wait Preheat ..68,70Ecofto'watt Fapd Start ... . ...........68,70Fapld Start .............. ............ . ......... . 68Ll lralume Rapd Siart 68TL 70 Fluorescent . .... .. 69TL 80 F uorescent ........ . . .. . . ..... 69ll tra ume Econ o watt Rapid Staa(.... . ............14Preheat Fapld Start ............. . .....10-11Llltralume Preheat-Rapd Starl . .........11Ad.dnrdge X P ! eot-aaoOSlan ._o-oFoSp^,.e... IPrehedr.R"od S "11[^rended Se^ celnstant Sta.t... .......... . ... .. .......11H gh oulput (800 ma). .......... .. ...J213ti tralume Hgh oulput. .....12Econ-o-watt llgh outplt (800 m) . .. . ......... . ......... . .... 73U iralume Econ-o-watt High Output 1800 ma) .......... . ... 13Utralume Hgh 0utput(800 ma).............. ... ........... .....73Very Hioutput 11500 rrla) . .... .. ........ 73-74Econ o watt Very Hloutput (1500 ma) .. ...74outdoor {1500 ma)T-12 ..14Low Temperature Jacketed (1500 ma)..... . .14Econ-o-wattSmnelnstanlStart)........... ........... 1416Slim ne Fluorescent 1 nstant StaTd ...... .. .. .. .... ..... ..........7476tllira Lrme SlimLrne ........14-75

    PageFluorescent Lamps (cont )Lllira ume S m n ( nstant Start) ........ .. .......... . 15,11tllrra Lrme Econ+wait S m lne { nslanl Stalt} 76Circ ne .. 11LJltra ume Circlne.. 11Econ o watt ll-Benl . . ......... 77ll Beni....... .........77Ullralume U-Ben1....... 78Appliance F uorescent .7BFootnotes F uorescenl Lamps .. . . ..78Base Types and Bulb Shapes . .. ... . . . .....19Cross Relerence Guide (F Lrorescent) ...80CoorCrossFeferenceGuldes{Fuorescen.. 80High lntensity Discharqe Lampsr.Pi;m; ." n on P'-"ssu'e Soo,um 8 82Cerama Lrx Co:infort High Pressue Sod um ... 82WH TE SoN F qh Pressure sodium .......... . ...... .. 82nstant Restrike H gh Pressure Sodrlrn .. ....... 82SoN AGRO High Pressure Sod um . . 82Econo ux Hlgh Pressure Sod um ... . ......... .82Ceramalux RETRo LUX High PressLrre Sod Lrm . . ...83Low Pressure Sodium Lamps SoX-Slandard Eflcacy . ......83Metal Ha de Lamps...... 83-85llHN'TD DoLrh e Fnd-"d Melal Ha de ... 85

    Safety Liieguard Meta Hallde ... . .......... . . .85MercuryVapor 1amps........ . .... .. . 867Saiety Lifeguard Vlercury Vapor. .......... . ......... . .87Sel Ballasted Mercury Vapo. .......... ............... .. .88Foolnotes - H gh ntensty Discharge Lamps 89High lntensty Dlscharge Lamp nformation.................. .... ... 89BaseTypes and Bulb Shapes . .... .... 90Cross Ref,"rence Guides lH D.) .. 91 95Miniature/Sealed Beam L.mpsMinatureLampsNLrmericalLstlng ... ...... ...............96101Minature B ster Carded (MBC) .................. 101-102Sealed Beam Lamps Numerca Lislinc... ...... .103'105Phifups European Haogen ]Vln ature LampTypes ..... 106Phllips European Min ature Lamp Types..... 147FeelServceLEmps...... ........ ....... 108M niature/Sealed Beam Termrnoogy ................. .109M nlature/Sealed Beam F ament Desgnations... ...109lvln ature Bu b Desgnations....... ............110Auto Replacement Ha ogen Head amp Bu bs .. ...............110Sea ed Beam Bu b Desgnatlons. 110Minalure/Sea ed Beam Base Designallons ........ ... 111Bulb D mensions . 111Photo, Proiection, Sound Reproducer and Film Viewer LampsLamps Lsted by ANS Code........ ... ..112116Cross iefe.ence Lsl of ECndANS Ease Designatons.... .ll6Bulb Shapes .... . .111Base Types .. .118Stage/Studio/TV LampsLampsLsledbyANS|Code........... ........... ll9-120Surespot Lamps .... . .... . .. ........ . .124MSR Lamps Slngle Ended Gas D scharge .......... . . ..120MS Lamps lHM Types)Gas Dscharge ..120Base Types and Bulb Shapes.. . 121Specialty LampsCompact Source 122Short Arc .......... . .. .. . .. 122SpecalMercury ... .......... 122I/ed Lrm Pressure Meta Ha lde ......... 122Low Pressure Pu sed Xenon Discharge Laiips ........... . 122SpeciralLamps .. 123Fluoresceni Lamps with SuperActinc Fad ation ... ...........123FluorescentLampswithAclnlcRadiaion. ............. .......... 123Gemicida Ster amp Tubes (Hot Cathode, Co d Cathode, S mlne)......... I23Footno{es-SpecatyLamps.................. .... 124Bulb Shapes . ..... . .. . 124Lamp Substituton ou de.... ..... ... ..125127Sales Offlces and Lamp order ng ntormaton ...... 128Philips Lghting Com pa ny Trademarks ............. ....lnsde Back CoveI

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    hrnzvstfiQatun@ffiqNAHow to use this book toyour best advantage,

    The full co or sections at the beginning of this guide werecreated to help you evaluate the many lighting optjonsavailab e for fluorescent, incandescent and high intensitydischarge (HlD) applications. Each section ends with a tab ethat lists common lighting app ications and recommendssome ofthe Phi ips lamps particularLy well suited to thoseuses.

    The remainder of this guide is a comprehensive listing of thespecifications for over 3,000 Philips Lighting products.

    . Green highlighting and the synT bol i,:S indicates lampswith high energy-efficiency, which will reduce electricityexpenses..Light red highlighting lndicates lamps with high colorrendering, which makes people and objects appear moretrue to life..The Philips Shield l[.1 ] indicates proprietary productserclusive to ohilips .ighting Corpa^y..The dagger symbol It] indicates new products from Philips.

    The illustration below shows you the meanings of thevarious specifications used to describe each lamp listed.

    Bulbr 8L bdero,a ors Bair F- l0d e ra. e',ro od.ring cod: V' s b"rd.arFaoo0t:dlp .o'aLaro0arlqsao,ro0^lp,oq.roodqr."h*",";.* shown rn the ba(lofeach' ampsectlon.Volr!: For amps sled withpage 2,1 lor correspondingvolags designs

    Psckage Oty.: Numberol L.C.!.: Lighlcenter L-.ngthainpspackaged na nlnches'shipp ng conlaine'.

    m n rnum shlpp n!

    lncandescent LampsI

    t_.1i Els o!nr: )l (]Er,t oUErzrFlrsmid symbol: Foolnole N gh eneqyexo anal on is s1edal etfcency amp Shildlvmbol: Lamp5 NAED umbr EDrhNAEDmanLrld(rurcd eic us !e y NumbsandrompdP

    by Ph p! ordering codeshould be usedwhen da(lnq orders number listed in lhe backofM.0.1.: Max mum Approximal Hourgorera lLengtlr in Lils,lnitial Lunon3:inches.. Approximare hoLrls feandapprox mate nitia umens

    ral ngs represent averageperlornrance.

    8ub BaseNAED04 6677 0rderingCode vors 3f' Descr plron Cass LCLlnr Mt)L(nl ri,.rTt',r "rle Lumens30 T rg 3cr70 Mca ^100 2045r l 30J00I'!,i

    L 121 120 1l Lonqer Lle Soll Wh lo C 2CO 6 It)Ll34 29117I

    29175 i' 40A-344'EW 120 r201ra C CC6 s r500t500 1l0A-34tuEW 130 Econ o wan. F c.[t629232 6 401,344/99iEW 120 121) Eru ir a,rrr E4 !! | l] 0c6 2500,5oll !c29?35I 40A-34u99/EW 125r30 Lcon o $ai1 Erl Sv F C CC6

    'Fcr more comD ete del i l ois see page 24

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    6,rr&.ah4dColor Temperature

    Color temperature is a measure of the color appearance oflight, not actual temperature. lt can have a dramatic effect onan individual's response to an environment, and is crucial inestab ishing an atmosphere or evoking a mood.

    Light sources that appear bright white to blue-white have ahigh color temperature (3600K and above) and are describedas "cool." These are often used in industrial applications andsome office environments and hospltals. Sources that appearyellow-white to red-white have a low color temperature(3400Kandbelow) and are described as "warm." These areoften used in applications where people socialize, includingretajl, hospltality, and residential settings, Sources measuring3500K are considered "neutra1." These are commonly used inwork settings including offices, conference rooms, lobbies,factories, etc.

    Color te m peratLrres beow 3400K are cons dered warm, 3500K s consdered neutral;3600 -4900K and above s cons dered coolD fferefl co or teanpe ratl.rres ca n be Ltsed to evoke d ffe re nt responses n you r g hting a pp ications

    The lnfluence of Color Temperatureon Mood and Lighting Applications


    COLOR TEMPERATURES OF SOME PHILIPS LAMPS500045004000350030002500200015001000

    -s"' / *",".$,/ *--,,'.{:- ,/ /\s



  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Color RenderingColor rendering is a cruclal measure of lighting qua ity whichmust be considered in every lighting application. Colorrendering is measured on an index from 0-100, with natural

    day lght and incandescent lighting both equal to 100. Oblectsand people viewed under lamps wlth a high co or renderingindex (CRl) appear more true to life. In addition, high CRI lightsources tend to produce a higher perceived level of light,which helps make them more energy effective.

    Philips Lighting is a pioneer in the development andimprovement of high color rendering products, which arestrongly recommended for applications where it is importantthat the people and objects viewed musl appear as realisticand natura as possible.ln practical terms, for example, Philips high color renderingamps make merchandise more appealing in retail settings,

    Oblects and peope appear more lrue lo fe u/hen vre\'\red !nder ar'rps!vt1h gh coor rerderi.g fdexes lcRil The CR s of lratura da! ght andncandescent rghtfg both measlre 100food more appetizing in restaurants, and people in generalook better, hea thler and more natural. ln office lightingapp ications, high color rendering lamps have been tied toincreased worker productivity, and reduced absenteeism anderror rates.

    High color rendering makes people and objects appear moretrue-to life. Philips offers many lampsthat combine high colorrendering with high energy efficiency and a choice of calortemperatures.


    Lumens per Waft *CFl

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Energy EfficiencyThewor dwide leadership of Phiips Lighting in energy

    saving technology means you can meet every lightingneed with the most energy efficient lamps available,anlvvhere - without sacrificing you r need for high qualityand perlormance.

    Lamps that use less energy genera y save many times theircost in lower electricity bi ls. n addition, because energyefficient lamps often give off less heat, you save through lowerair conditioning expenses, as well. Beyond that, theenvironmental rewards of energy efficient lamps pay longterm benefits for everyone - every single kilowatt hour ofelectricity spared saves nearly three pounds of coalJueledernissions.Higher energy efficiency can be gained through changing thetype of lamp used in your application. Auality of light is alsaaffected, in terms af colar rcndering and/or color temperature;it is impartant to balance energy efficiency with the overalllighting requirements of yaur particular application.The trend in liglrting.

    For most cornmon ighting applications, the preferredsolution is a lighting system that combines high energyefficiency with high color rendering using sources with acomplementary color temperature.Philips Lighting experts are available to help you choose thelamps that best meet your specific application. For productllterature and Jurther assistance, call your loca Philipsrepresentative, or the Philips Lighting Information Centerar 1-800-631,1259.

    Color Rendering lndexesof Some Philips Lamps

    Colortone 75 95Colortone 50 92TL 80 85

    85a11h [iqht (SL*18) 82Compact PLNat!ra B1Advantaqe X 80TL 70 15SPEC Line 13CoolWhlte 62


    White SON 80MHN TD 80"3K" l\y'eta Halide 70CeramalLrx Comfort 65lMeta Ha ide Reflector 65l\,lera Halide \lH 70, 100) 62lvlerc u ry Vapor (standard) 50Ceramal!x (standard HPS) 21S0N Agro t8

    Spot ine 100Dire.ror 100175W PAR nfrared 100i\4asterLine Square l\4 R.l6 100N/asterLine Ror nd MR 16 100MasterLine PAF 100HalogenA 100Phi inea 100Low Volt PAR r00

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    f/',,zafiret-Setting new standards forquality and e{ficiencY.

    Tnere is a oreat econom;c motivation to use energy-e'{ c'entfluorescent ighti"g systems thal offereouced erergy costslower maintenance and improved productivity'

    The pronounced trend in fluorescent lighting is away frominefficient, low color rendering lamps, and toward lightingsvste-s tnat deriver comlortable, high color rendering lightw'tn '.igh energy efficie"cv The reasols {or this are clear:oAdvanced fluorescent lighting systems deliver substantiallymore light per watt than standard cool white lampsrUse of high color rendering lamps inqeases visual clarity ofpeople anJ oblects, and helps to create a more pleasantworking atmosphere..A variety of color temperatures offers the option of creatingdifferent moods and e{fects.

    Philips Lignling offers nearly 500 different fluorescent lampsto, vitiuattv"evei appricat o", including oO''"t, to'nme'cialand inoustlia'senings; retail and residential surroundings;schools, profess'onjl, nealth care, institutiona' andoovernment app|cations; and outdoor lighting'- tfre chans in inis section are provided as references to helpvo.r dete,mine the light;ng best su ted for your application andio ioenrify rne prod,cts that best meet Vo"r needs

    \r\NPh ps TL 80 Advantage X, and U tra ume f uorescent amps

    The TL 80 System:the Peakpedormer in fluorescent lightingfor office, retail, and more'Philios TL 80 +luorescent lamps represent a rnajo' innoval'on

    n liohiino oualitv and e'ficiency When powe'ed by electronicba'tists, iL 80 tarnps delive. e"ergy thr,fV ight output up 10'104 lumens per watt, with an outstanding high color renderingindex of 85.

    For offices, retail settings, and other situations where it'simoortalt to minimize overhead expenses wn'le max'nizingrhe quality of right o+fered, the TL 80 System represenls thefuture of fluorescent lighting.

    Trim, 1 incn oiametei philips TL 80 Series Lamps installedwith erectron;c ballasrs resrlt'" a /B9o savings in energy costscompared to standard '1 1/4-inch fluorescents with magneticballasts. Return on the investment to retrofit an office withthe TL 80 System is typically under three years, including labor'Of allthe fluorescelnt tighting systems available, the TL80Svslem stands alone in providing virtually the same lighlaulput as slandard fluorescenl lampswilh fie lowest energyconsumption.

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide






  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Other superior fl uorescentlighting solutions.Philips prime color fluorescent light sources are designed to

    orooLce oriqqter il uri.lation a-d h g'er colo're-de;ng thansranda.d f,u"orescent lamps. Liletheoh;l ps TL 80 Ser;es 'amp,these fluorescent lamps are energy efflcient, and produce trjchromatic light in colors that correspond closely to the responsesofthe human visual system, for more tu+to'life appearance

    Philips UtfalumerM and AdvantageX TM lamps are an excellentchoice for office, retail, and industial applications, as well asresldential applicatlons that ca I for high energy efliciency andh qh co,or rerderinq. Phi'ips SPEC line of lampsareanec"ono-ical wav to achreve h grer l;ght oulout ano betler co o'rendering than standard cool white fluorescents without a greatinitial lnv;stment. U ltralu me, Advantage X and SPEC lamps areavailable in a variety of color temperatures to suit the particularlighting subjects and effects desired

    E -' r04 ^hof op"r'1ed on ' Flgh Freqrerc! Ba asl

    Fluorescent Lamp Performance Comparisons

    I3000K 4100K


    Ach eve goodenerqv sav nq9w th good lqhtoutpLrlanCqualllyGenera offl!ePharmaciesCorridorsL brar esLow end reta

    70.733000K -4100K

    Achieve ooodI ghl oLrtiul andqLralty

    GeneralolfceHardware storesPharmaciesCollidorsLibraries


    2100K 5000K

    Achieve h ghcoJor renderlngwith good Llght0utput

    Hote roomsBout quesJe!!e ry sloresl\4!seumsGaleriesEmergencyExamlnllrgNLrrser es


    Achleve highestlqht outpLrt;rddLrce Iampunils needed;Achieve hlgheneTgy savingsGeneralofficeDepartmentsloresJewe ry storesClassroomsCoffidorsLibra.lesPatient rooms

    3000K 4100K

    Ach eve hlgheslenerqy savrnqsw thhoheslco or rdnderinq

    Genera ofllcePr vate ofliceShowroomsDepanmentsloresCLassroomsN{!seumsBoutiques

    EnerqyEfficiency.cRrCoL'r TemD.Range AvailableLumens 0utputLite ExpectancY{hours)Kev EndLJsi Needs


  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide



  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Compact fluorescents:the ahernative to incandescents.Compact fluorescent lamps are an oubtanding way to save on

    energy consumption and maintenance in commercial, industrial,government, educational and residential lighting applications.Philips Earth Liglrt {SL*) compact fluorescent lamps directlyreplace incandescent lamps. They combine high color rendering(82), outstanding energy efflciency (using 75% less electricity thancomparable incandescents) and long life (10 l3times longerthanincandescents). ln color appearance and temperature, Philips SL*lamps match incandescent lamps and eliminate the "cold,impersonal" feeling previously associated with fluorescent lamps.

    Philips PL-S and PL{ compact fluorescent lamps are ideal foruse in applications as diverse as high hab, wall sconces, ceilinggtask lighting, exit signs and outdoor liglrting, Philips PL-C lampsare clustered compact fluorescents which provide a substantialincrease in light output compared to standardPL-S lamps, with allthe other benefits ofcompact size.

    Philips PL-L compact fluorescents provide outstandingflexibility in commercial interior lighting applications, with highlight output and excellent color rendering performance in aversatile compacl size well-suited to two-foot-long fi)dures.Philips PL-L lamps can be operated in vertical and horizontalpositions with rapid start, electronic and dimmable circuits.

    Philips PL-S, PL-C and PL-L lamps are available in a variety oflengths, wattages, and color temperatures for your specificapplication needs.

    The Lght lSL.)compact lllorescent amp

    Some recommended Philips Compact Fluorescent lampsfor Hotel, Restaurant, Retail and Office Applications

    I Warm = 2600 3400KjNeLrtra = 3500K, Coo = 3600K 4900Kand lbove2 Compansons are aganst 75'waft ncandescent amp

    Phi ps compact floresceit lamps PL C, PL L, PL S

    Energy$v ngsuplo 769d vercuscomparableRepacingGilng FixtursandTableLrmp6

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide



    Some Recommended PhilipsFluorescent lamps for Commercial Applications.

    l. Wam =2t00-3400( Neulra =3500K;Cool= 3600K 4900Kandabove.2. Comparisonsare aga nststandard 4Gwatt, cool white f uorescenl lampwith standard magnetic ba last

    Some Recommended PhilipsFluorescent lamps for Retail Applications.

    1 Warm = 2600-3400Kt Neutral = 3500( Coo = 3600K-4900K and above2. Compar sons are agalnsl standard 40 wan, coo wh ite flLorescent am p w th standard mgnetic ballast.

    GeneralOfficeConlerence Rooms Highest energysav ngsExcel ent colorrenderingCreate a p easant workenvironment to aidproductivity

    TL 80 Serles

    M nl pl104 LPW

    85 CRt. Energy savingsup to 43%. Excel ent color


    General Office . Very high lightoutput' Energy savingsAdvantaqeX F] lru tl 93 LPW24,000 hrs.rated life . 21% more lightoutput. 20% longer life

    Executive/ PrivateOffice High color renderingto create comfonableworking atmospherelM in imlzemaintenancecosts/timeSave energy

    llltralurne ltl Lrl 85 CR 'High colorrendering makespeople and objectsappear naturalHospital ExaminingandEmergency Rooms

    ' Hiqh visualclaritv. Energy savings AdvantageX tr tl 80 cFt93 LPW . Bright, white light.21% more lighto!tputlnstitutionsClassroomsLibraries

    Highest energysavrngsExcellent colorrenderingCreate comfortableand stimulatingwork atrnosphere

    TL 80 Series

    t-l t- 104 LPW85 CFt ' Energy savingsup to 43%. Exce lent co orrendering

    Department Stores . ncreasedmerchandise appea' Energy savingsTL 80 Series tq tr 104 LPW85 CRt . Highest f uorescentcolor rendering. Energy savlngs upto 43%

    Discount Stores andSuper Markets ' Bright, efflcientatmosphere' Energy savings


    IT tr 93 LPW ' Eright, white ig ht'2T% more llghtoutPutBoutiques 'Warm, personalenvironment.lncreasedmerchandise appeal

    l.J ltralu me F] 85 CRI. Warm, inviting light. Highest fluorescentcolor rendering

    Jewelry Stores . Cool, brightatmosphere.lncreasedn'rerchandise appeal

    Advantage X cll80 cRt . Eright, co orfulenvironment. High co orrenderlng

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    /i'aaProductivity boostersfor business and indufi,

    The use of High Intensity Discharge (HlD) lighting has movedindoors, bringing with it the features - high light output andlong life that have established HID as the preferred lightingsolution for most outdoor lighting applications. And Philipsleadership in the field has resulted in the broadest selection ofHID lamps available.

    In both indoor and outdoor uses, Philips Lighting hasachieved significant advances in the quality of light availablefrom the HID group of lamps: high pressure sodium (HPS),melal halide and mercury vapor.

    Indoor applications for HID lighting.Dramatic increases in the color rendering of HPS lamps, andimprovements in the color temperature of metal halide lamps,

    have made these light sources a worthy, new ahernative tolluorescents and incandescents for interior lighting byindustrial and commercial users. Since better lighting meansproducts and people appear more attractive to customers, theresults generated with Philips HID lamps can be dramatic.In retailstores and decorative applications, Philips White

    SONrM high pressure sodium lamps represent a breakthroughcompared to incandescents. They feature brilliantwhite (CRlgreater than 80) color that is more energy efficient thanincandescents, and with a warm color temperature that closelyresembles incandescent light. The result is a superior lightsource, available in a clear, tubular bulb for accent and displaylighting, and in a white, elliptical bulb for use in down-lighting,decorative, hallway. foyer and olfice lighting.

    Lighting designers also have a highly efficient metal halideoption, when highlighting areas that have cooler colors orproducts in relail, office and other indoor applications. PhilipsMHN-TD double-ended lamps for both display and arealighting are available in a 4100K color temperalure design.

    Both White S0N and l\4HN-TD lamps deliver long life, highenergy efficiency and minimal heat dissipation, making them anew favorite of lighting designers, retailers and other userswho desire dramatic lighting effecb.

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    .::. t.

    !'!'h ie SON h ghlress!re sod u.n lamp

    Ph ps [/NN TD"ieta hakde amls.

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    plants, warehouses and other similar applications.Philips comprehensive selection of metal halide and mercuryvapor amps also offer hlgh color temperatures for a broad

    range of industrial applications.Greenhouse growers can enjoy improved plant quality and

    prod uctivlty with horticultural ighting using Philips SONAGRO lamps, the only HPS source offering 30% more lghtinthe critical b ue spectrum which is crucialto natural, healthyplant growth.


    ?h ps Ce,arna ur Ccmforth gh pressLrre soo !n' an p

    lndustrial lighting users can enjoy new levels of lightingquality with excellent energy e'fficiency by relamping withPhilips CeramaluxrM Comfort HPS 1amps, and other HID lights0urces.

    Ceramalux Comfort lamps offer the long life, lowrnaintenance and high energy efficiency of standard HPSLamps, with the important added benefit of greatly improvedcolor rendering (CRl 65, compared to CRI 21 for standard HPS)and better color temperature. The resulting lightoutputcanyield improved safety and productivity in manufacturing

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide



    sjnPh lips SON AGBO h ghpressure sod um ampNG lt)/i'sl-tu$#'\'Ph rps Cerama ux hghpressuae sodi!m larnp

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide



    Outdoor applications for HID liglrting.Exterior lighting demands the highest levels of light output,reliability and energy efficiency, with long life and lowmaintenance. Philips HID light sources deliver these qualities

    with the most comprehensive selection of lamps availablea n!.vvhere.For street lighting, garages, landscape lighting and generalexterior area lighling, high color rendering lamps can yieldimproved salety and comfort, since better identification of

    colors helps us more readily identify and respond to oursurroundings. Philips Comfort HPS lamps, along with the fullrange of metal halide light sources, are the preferred sourcefor lighting public areas of alltypes. Philips Celamalux HPSlamps, with their patented anti-vibration design, offer longer

    Ph ps Low PressureSodiLrm amp

    Ph ps hlgh waftage [/]eta Halde(BT-56) amp

    life by virtue of their ability to withstand the rigors of streetand bridge lighting applications.For signage, Philips metal halide reflector flood lamps andhorizontally-mounted lamps offer very bright, high colortemperature light that makes road and location signs easy to

    read and ideniify. while offering long life and lowinergyconsumption.Sports lighting is another area where Philips Lightingleadership is well established. Lighting designers and fixturemanufacturers specializing in arenas, stadiums, and otherlighted fields of activity -for municipalities, school districts,universities and other applications - depend on Philips highoutpul 1000w- 1500w metal halide lights for lowmaintenance and superior lighting quality.

    For security lighting, Philips low pressure sodium {LPS)lamps offer the highest lumen eificacy (LPW) along with aunique color that provides the sharpest image on surveillanceTV and good penetration in fog. In applications where lightpollution interferes with astronomical observations, LPS is theprefened light source.


  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Some Recommended PhilipsHID lampsforyour liglrting needs,Retail . l\4ake products moreattractive'Reduce energy costs

    White SoN highpressure sodiumlampsl\,1HN-TD metal halidelamps"3K" metal halidelamps

    High lumen outputHigh color renderingEnergy efficientl\4akes merchandisemore attractiveBrilliant white lightTrue-to-lifeappearancesLower energy costs

    lndustrial Bright, uniform arealightingReduce energy costsReduce maintenancecosts

    . Ceramalux Comforthigh pressure sodiumamps. Metal halide lamps

    Higher color renderingthan standard HPSLong life constructionEnergy efficient

    High light outputlmproved safety &productivityLower maintenancecostsLower energy costs

    0utdoor areaand street lighting lmproved safetyEasier identification ofpeopLe, objects,sunoundingsReduced energy costsReduced maintenancecosts

    . Ceramalux Comforthigh pressure sodiumlamps.lvleta halide lamps

    Higher co or renderingthan standard HPSLong life constructionEnergy efficient

    High light outputlmproved safetyLower maintenancecostsLower energy costs

    Horticulture lncreased greenhouseoutputBetter plant gradingBeduce energy costs

    .SON AGR0 highpressure sodiumlamps30% more light in thecritical blue spectrum8% more lumen outputRetrofits in standard400W HPS fixtures

    Faster plant groMhBetter plant qualityEasy retrofitLower energy costs

    Flood and backlightedSigns and billboards ' lmproved readabilityof signs. Reduced energy andmaintenance costs

    . l\4etal halide reflectorla mps. Ceramalux Comforthigh pressure sodiumamps

    High color renderingHigh lumen outputLong life constructionEnergy efficient

    Very bright light outputlmproved safetyLower maintenancecostsLower energy costs

    Sports lighting Eright lighting ofplaying fieldsReduced energy andmaintenance costsBroadcast illuminationlevels

    . 400W - 1000W metalhalide amps' 1500W metal halidela mps

    High color renderingHigh lumen outputLong iife constructionEnergy efficient

    Very bright light outputlmproved safetyLower maintenancecostsLower energv costs

    outdoor securityLighting Safety and cornfortlncrease nighttimebusinessBeduce energy andmaintenance costs

    Low Pressure Sodium(LPS) lampsCeramalux HPS lampslvletal halide lamps

    Long lifeDurabilityEnergy efficientCompactHigh lumen outputVersatile

    . l\4aximum lightoutputfor minimaienergy use. Low cost operationover long service life

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    ./naltd?zetInnovation for specific applications Special incandescentsand general lighting, for special applications.

    lncandescent lamps continue to set the standards againstwhich other lamps are measured. The color rendering indexfor incandescents is'100-the closestto natural light;theircolor temperature is warm, giving them a cozy, friendlyfeeling. However, their energy efficiency is low whencompared to fluorescent and HID light sources.lnnovations by Philips Lighting have led to increased energysavings opportunities from many incandescent lamps. Sinceretrofitting with energy saving incandescent lamps involvesthe least initial cost compared to installing new fixtures andballasts, significant savings can be enjoyed by using newPhilips incandescent lamps.

    Philips high performance halogen lamps provide additionalalternatives for increased light output and reduced energycosts compared to standard incandescenls.

    Philips Lighting is committed to an ongoing program todevelop new and improved lamps for incandescent and otherlighting applications. New and innovative additions to theincandescent products group include:

    For high intensity directional lighting, Spotline RM reflectorlamps were created with a computer designed double reflectorsystem to concentrate 25% more light in the center thanexisting R lamps of a similar size. Excellentfor use in retail,hotel, restaurant and home applications as accent and displaylighting, or general lighting in downlights and spot tracks.

    Where high levels of local lighting are required, Philips softwhite Directord bulbs combine a partial soft white finish with asatin frosted window to provide 35% more light on theworking surface compared to standard incandescents,providing a cleaner, crisper light that ;s more efficient andeasier on the eyes. Well su ited for track and recessed lighting,as well as desKop applications.For food service, space heating, aglicultural, and industrialapplications, the Philips 17s-watt PAR inllared heat lamp, inclear or red, provides excellent heat generating capability,along with long life and energy saving features compared topopular reflector "R" bulbs, The 175-watt PAB heal lampdirectly replaces 250 -watt R40 lamps using 30% of the energywhile delivering the same results,

    Phi ps Spotline reflector amps lRM']9 and Rlvl 25).


  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Philips Softone PastelsrM soft white bulbs add a hint of colorto create a subtle mood, accentuate color schemes andtextures, and make furnishings look richer and more attractive.Available in six subtie, pastel shades of peach, pink, blue,yellow, green and ivory for retail, residential, hotel andrestaurant accent llghting.For decorative lighting in hotelt restaurants, showcases

    and other applications, the PhilinearM lamp features a slender

    shape, small diameter and high luminous intensity, withlinear, uniform end-to end lighting that is flattering to thehuman eye.The physically demanding conditions at repair shops,construction sites and other similar areas, demand Philipsrough service and silicone coated lamps for added safety anddurability.

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Halogen lamps for crisp,white light where you need it,lf your lighting applications call for incandescent ljghtingwith bright white lght output, long amp ife and high energy

    efficiency, you can depend on Philips high performancehalogen lamps. Halogen light output iswhiterthan standardincandescent ight, with a warm colortemperature of3000K,and offers the added benefits of longer lamp life. lowmaintenance, high energy efliciency, and near perfect lumenmaintenance (low loss of light output) over the llfe of thelamp.

    For accent and display lighting applications in jewelry stores,restaurants, shop windows, showcases, hotels, exhibitionsand boutlques, museums and galleries, Phi ips offers lheMasterline Collection, an exclusive line of high performancehalogen lamps, which offer added lightlng value by deliveringhigh energy savings, increased light output, and greaterefficiencies from existlng lighting fixtures. MasterLine lampsare available in compact, 12 volt lvlR 16 and medium base,standard voltage PAR lamps.

    Pf ps VasierL ne Co ecton cl h gr perlormance ha qlen anrps 1 io 1PAF 38 Bornd [/R ]6, PAn 20, S.Lrare IVR 16, PAR 30

    MasterLine Square MR-16 amps offer outstanding energysavings, as demonstrated below (left), while providing thesame lighting effect as the standard 5o-watt and 75-wattMR l6s they replace. lvlasterLine RoundMR-16 lampsofferhigher light oLrtput than standard MR 16 lamps, as indicatedbelow (right), delivering more light with the same wattage.Masterline PAR lamps offer allthe superior lightlngqualities of haiogen with specia ref ectors for better lightcontro ln spot andflood lighting applications. Available lnPAR 20, PAR-30 and PAB-38 slzes, they retrofit intostandard lghting finures. The MasterLine PAR-20 andPAR 30 lamps deliver more ight oul of recessed flnuresthan ordinary PAR-20 and PAR 30 halogen lamps, thanks totheir exc uslve long neck design which a ows retrofit intoexisting flxtures without the need for adapters.

    Squale MR-16 Retrofit Energy Savings'$800 x$400 I$200


    4S.W Maslsrl ne SquarB t"in 16{rpadig ?tW $andard lVfr .1639 W liasteil ne Squa irn l6.op acinq 50.W sGnCard ,ffi.16

    Round MB-16 Reirofit Light Output



    10 Lamps 25 Lamps 100 Lampslnstalled lnstalled lnstalled a:!t"rl,r.r:r. ,. i!"'r fts:4 reli. r'l llf'a F..,.r1,'' i,+rrr! r..a: _qrii'rsrlr: rl !l ir i,: dt'r 'l l'l,ri8..{,I rti . ;..:re,::..11l.rlr._

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    General and task lighting can be improved with PhilipsHalogdnArM lamps, which bring the many benefits of halogenlighting to standard, medium base applications - includingimproved efficiency, long life, crisp white light output and highlumen maintenance.

    For low voltage task and accent lighting, Philips offers acomprehensive line of halogen capsules suitab e for a greatvariety of interior decorating appllcations.For floodlighting of large areas, Philips offers a broad

    se ection of double-ended linear halogen lamps that can beused as an inexpensive lighting source for security lighting,sports fields, and other commerclal, industrial and residentialapplications.

    Phiips fa ogenA BT-15med um base ha ogen arnps

    Phi ps doLrbe ended lineartunqsten halogen amps.

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Some Recommended Philips incandescentand halogen lampsforyour liglrting needs.

    Display, accent,downlighting Bright, directionallightingConcentrated light areaHigh energy savingsLow maintenance

    'lVasterLine SquareMB-16 halogen lamps.l\4asterline RoundIVR-16 halogen lamps

    ' High efficiency designprovides more lightthan comparablehalogen lights, with lessenergy consumption

    lncreased merchandiseappealLower energy costsLow maintenance;longer lamp life

    'High intensitydirectional lighting. Concentrated light area'Spotline BM 19reflector lamps

    . Doub e reflectorsystem. Concentrates 25%more light in centerthan existing R 20reflector amps

    Accent Lighting . Attractive, soft, co oredlighting. Enhance roomappearances

    . Softone Pastels . Available in peach,pink, blue, yellow,green and ivory. Attractive lighting

    accentuates colorschemes and textures

    . Attractive, bright whiteinterior light. Halogen capsules High efficiency, long

    life, crisp white lightoutput, high lumenmaintenance

    Bright white lightLower energy costsLow maintenance;long lamp life

    General &Task lighting,Track & RecessedLightingHigh evels of locallightingHigh efficiencylVinimize eye strain

    . Director lamps Soft white finishSatin frosted bulb"window"Diffused beam

    35% more light onworking surfaceEnergy efficientEasy on the eyes

    High intensity generallightingFnergy savingsLow maintenance

    . HalogdnA amps . High efficiency, longlife, crisp white lightoutput, high lumenmaintenanceBright white iightLower energy costsLow maintenance;long lamp life

    Decorative Lighting inNarrow Spaces. Attractive, unilormlighting to fit in show

    cases, displays, etc.. Philinea lamps Slender shapeSmalldiameterHigh luminousintensity

    . Permits bright,attractive lighting innarrow spaces. Uniform linearlighting; flattering tothe eye.

    Floodlighting lorSecurity, Sports Fields,lndustryBright llghtLong lifeEnergy efficiency

    . Double ended linearhalogen lamps.High efficiency, longlife, crisp white lightoutput, high lumenmaintenance

    Bright white lightLower energy costsLow maintenance;long lamp life

    lnftared Heating& Drying Generate focused heatEnergy savingsLong life. 175-Watt PARInfrared heat lamp(clear or red)

    PAB bulb for higherefficiencyNo warm-up required95% reduction in light(red lamp)

    Energy savings (30%)Long life:5000+ hoursHigh heat generatingefficiency

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    Technical DescriptionsLamp Listing SequenceLamps ale isied inwattagesequenc exceplforspecia groupingssuch as StreetLightlng,0uanz nfr6red, Tungsten Nalogen, Nigh lntensityand Sillcone Coated lamps0rdering CodeTh complete informalon shown nlheoderlngcodecolumnlogtherwththevotage,ifapp cabe, shouid be usedwhen p acing nunrbrof instaicesa amplypemaybeavailabeindlfferentklfdsof packaging

    suclr as2 or4larnpwrappers. Somesma lamptypsswhhh are generally muhiplepacked on a padorm wlih an oveMrap are also packaged as a blnercarded item tortheretail ma *ei. Each of rhes items is shown as a spa rare listin g. To identify them,addilionalinformaton is inc uded wilh lhe o.dering code. Thefollowing examplesOrde ng P*9.Code Oty.' ExplanationBC.7T7M

    1212l2cds Carded pack 2 ps percard.

    60T/SW 481214

    The numberslrown in the "Pkg.oty "co Lrmn islhe numberolcardspermin mumsh pp ng case.l2 4lpwrappers= 48 ps per minimum

    50/150lML 96 961 lp wrappeG =96 ps per nrinimum//TP 96/1 sh pping case.'Ouantty shown s m n mum shipping conta ner. EefertoNetPrceSchediresfornumberof amps required iarqualiflcaliorl asa standard caseVoltageLamps isted a.e avaiabk onlyin th volages shown.Lamps isted in rafge vo tages such as 115125 or 230 250 are inlended lor use on c rcuitsnormallyvarying within thesevoltag lim ts and arc deslgnedfor an average!ollagesuitabefor opecton on such circ!ils. Lampsintendedforoperationinrangevotageshave a design volcenter aslollows, !n ess otheBise noled by a footnote:RangeVoliage DesignVoltage11t125..... ........... ........... ..120120 125...... ........... ................120120130..... ............ .......... ...125r2513n 130230 250..... ........... . ............240Class ol Lampncandescent anrpsare cassified astype B ortype C. Thelype E lamp s one inwh ch

    the likf-ienl operates n a vac!um ThelypeC amplsone nwhichthef ameiloperalesin an atnrosphere olinerrgas Forgasjiled lampswhich can be operaied h aiy postonrhe lumen maintenance is bestwhen la.nps are operated base Lrp. For the vacuum typeampswhich have no reslrictlons on opemllig poslton lhe unren ma ntenance isthe

    same in a opeGtlng postionsLamp DimensionsBu b Deslgnarionsconsistoja enerorlettersro nd cate shap and a nu.nberto indicalethe approx male d ameter in elghths of an iich.Ivaximu m overall Length s meas! red from lh e top of lh e bu b lo bonom of the base.Nominal LengthA measuremenl of i uoresceni amp lenglh based on the englh olthe amp pllslheproper alowance forstandard amp hoLders.LightCenter Length is thedistancelrom a reference point0f a lamp base lusua ytheeveel)lothecentero{lhe ghlsource.Forhlghinlensitydscha.gelamps,itslhedistancelrom the cenierofthelilamenl or cenlerofthe arctothe po ntshown belowforA Screw Bases- Botlom base conlact[4ed um and Mogu Prelocus Topolb3sel]n[4ed um Eipost Eotlom olb! bBdyo prCdnoFabrd a-d [4"o .- Bdvo-"r opofod(ep,n(SC or DC Prefocus Plane of ocat ng bosses ofprefocuslng colar[4in]-Ca n - nle rsection ol 45' tape r w th maxim um dia meler ol baselnches to Metdc ConversionTo calcu late the metric equlvalent of inclres n mi nrelers 1mm)use the{ollowinglomula inches x 25 400r = milllmele6operating PositionLamps may be opcted in any pos tion u. ess olheese noted.Base Pin Position for Bayonet Candelabra Based LampsWhen amps are based with a bayonl cande abra base, the plane oflhe base pins willbeapprox mare y al rlght angles ro the plaie olthe f lamenr, unless othelwise indicared.SC or DC Prefolus Based lampsThe planecoitaining the base axis and the major locklng eye el wh ch is lhe eyelotequ distanrJromrhe two othereye els, willbe at rlghtanglestothe p ane olthelikmenlar ead w res !nLess oihetuise indicatedThelenerlA)showi nlhe EasecoiumnaierSCorDCPri. based ampsindicatesthatthedistancefrom th bottom ofbase conlact o. contacts to th botton ofthe co ar is406' ln thecase ofDC Pref. based amps, the etler lA)aLso ndicaresthatlh planeconraln ng the baseax s and contacrs is at right ang esto the planecontainingrhe baseaxisand the maiorlock nq evelel.

    Glossaryof TermsCandlepower - A term used for the uminousinlenstyola ghtsource. Thelntensity nany onedkection trom thestandard caid e is ca ed onecaidela {formfllyoneColor Rendering lndex (CRll A measurementofrhe co orsh ftan object undsgoeswhen i uminaled bylh ghtsource, ascomparedlo a relerence source al lhe same co 0rtemperalure. Colorrender ng is measured on an indexlrom 0100,with naturu dayilghtand incandescentlght ng boih equalto 100. Objeclsand peopevlewed Lrfder ampswith a hlgh colorrefder ng index 1CF )appear more r.ue 1o llie.Color Tomporatur6-The ch romaticity of an ideal"back body'when il is healedto a specific rempemtu.e n Kelvln lK) ll Gthe measure oftheco orol ighl,Dolign Lumns Lumen va ue atha ilhe Gted liietimeFootdndle A unil used in measuring dlred ill!nr nation. ll is deJined as the

    uminatlon produced lrom a sourceofone candea ata pointon a s!rface ofonefoorawayand perpefd cularto the sourceoflight A umen persquarelootlllumination The rcsu I of lhe lse of ght lllum nance, lhe densily of uminous flurof a surface, is uslallymeasured n foolcandleslnstant Stsrt -Actcuilusedlo stan specia y.desgned fluorescent ampswilhoultheaid ofa sraner. Thecircututilizeshgheropenci.cutvoltagetlranisrequiredlo.lhesame ength prehear amp, to slrikerhe arc instanty. Th s cicuills used lodayon sllmlneand cold cathode lamps lnstanlstart40wanbipinlampsaremadewithashonclrcutngacvi.P h!ih inr. $c hascKilowatt (KW) A arger unit oJpower, athousand wanslwans x 1000 = k owatts)Kilowstl Hour (KWH) The measure olelectrcalusage{rom whlch eleclricty billngis determined Fo. examp e, a 10o'watl bulb aperated for 1000 hours wou d consume 100kilowatt hours, {100watls x 1000 hours= 100 KWNI. Arab ling mte 01S0.l0/kwh, th sb! b wou d cost$10.00 (100kwh xS010/kwh)to ooerate.Light Theterm generally applied tolhe vsible energylrom a source. Lightis usua ymeas!red n umefs orcand epower. When ghl strikesas!rface lt s e therabsorbed,refecied ortraismined. Lighl is sa dlolrave in nraighl lnes.[umen -The unil lhat erpresses the lota quanlityotlighlg ven off by a source,regard ess ofdi.ection. A lumen is deiined as theamounl af ghl{allng on a su ace oione squarefoor, every point ol which is one foot awav trom a source of one cand epowetA unllorm sou rce ol one can dlepowe. pkced n asphereemts 12.57 Lrmensormeanspherica candela equal to 12.57 lumeirs.tumens Pe. liUatt {LPWI A measure olthefficacyof a I ghlsou.ce intermsoltheghr produced forthe powerconsumed. Forerampe, a 100wan lamp prodrcing 1750Lrmensg ves lT.5lumens per watt.Luminance or Brightnls - The lghl emitled, tra n smitted or ref ected lrom a !i tareaoithesourceoJs!rlaceisilsbrlghtness lisLrsua y expressed in candles persqu e nch orLanrbens orloot LambensProhgat A circu t used on fluorcscent amps whrein the elecrrodes aie healed orwamdtoa glowslage, byanauxl aryswitchorstader(canbea gowswtch,thermatype ora mechan caldevice llke a push button)blorethe lamps a.e ghted. This synemwas used on lhe origlna Jluorcscent ampsand is st in ustoday.Rapid Stsn - A circuit designed lo start amps by cont nuousy heat ig or preheatlngthe e ectrodes Thiscircu t is a modem version oftheirggersia(sysiem and requ resampsdeslgned forlhiscncLr t ln the rapidstadtwo amp c rcuil, one end oieach lamp sconnededto a separare start ngwind ng. The atherend of each lamp isconnected toacommon wlnding. Excepl lor sliml ne amps, alimodern I xlurs using 40 wan and higherlampsar equ ppedwth rapid starrba asls.Raled Average Life The opemling ile lhoursl at which 50% ol th lamps arc slilloperaring. Where a plus 1+)is used in statingthe le, su NlvaL cte is 67% al the stated 1ime.Trigger Slart AcncuitusedloeLiminatelheslanerandstartthepreheatampalmostinstanty. hr th s c rcuil each e eclrode sconnectedtoaseparalewindinglntheba aslsollral the e ectrode scontnLrousyheated. Thscircuit sprimar yusedon20wattandlower wanage I uorescenl lamps loday.Volt8ge lV or E) A measurcment oi eieclromolive lorce o r the pressu re of electr cily.This s analogouslorhe pressore n a walr llfe; i.e pounds persquare inch. The votageoia cncuilisthe eectricalpressure tgives. ln an incandescent amp, "voltagedesgnatesthe supplyvotage to which the kmp shou d be connected. norherlamplypes,ilmayreierto'operalingvoLlage' of a amp.Wstt (W)-Unlt used to measure powerconsumprion oi amp.

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lamps

    "i,0 = s,6 0a=c 7 = s-14 aU?l-a't,

    For pric ng information referro PSr0l-U 25

    Watls Bub EaseNAEDNLrmber04 6677 0rderiIgCode Volls 3[,: . Description C assandFiameni L C.L.(ln. ) l\4.0. L.(ln ) l'lo!rsLie lnitalLLlrnens

    3 5-6 Cand.a 21002-1 3S6/5 120 120 0 ear B C7A 17/s 3000 1221009-6 3S6/5 125"130 124 C eat B,C74 17/s 3000 124 C-7 Cand.a $SSt $$s

    $s$25706-3 8C-4C7 142 115-125 120 C ear, N oht Liaht B,C7A 21/B 3000 1624741-1 BC-4C7/4 1214 120 4A C ear. N oht Lioht B,C7A 21/s 3000 t625708-9 BC-4C74,\, jztz n5-125 121 Soft Wh le Niaht Liohl B,C7A 21/a 3000 14

    5 St4 l\rld.^XXX

    24006-9 5S14 124 C eat B, C-6 21b 31/t '1500 4524013 5 5S14 34 124 C ear B, C-6 31/t 1000 4032221 4 5S14/G 60 124 Green B, C-6 31/, 150030027-7 5S14/B 60 124 Red B, C-6 31/z 1500

    6 5-6 Cand a XX

    24021-8 6S6 6 124 C ear B, C-2R 11/a 1500 5424023-4 6S6 124 C eaI B, C-2V 11/a 1500 5424030-9 6S6 18 124 C eal B,C2V 17/a 1500 5424034-1 6S6 24 124 Clear B,C2V 11/a 1500 5424038-2 656 30 124 Tra n Clar B. C-2V 11/a 1500 50Cand. 26283 2 6S6/8F 32 124 Clear B, C-2V 1l/s T500 50

    Cand.a 24059-8 6S6 60 124 Clar B, C-9 1Va T500 4621424-3 656 't20 120 Clcar B,C9 1500 4021045-0 656 125-130 121) Clcar B,C9 1'/s 1500 4021051.8 656 135 120 Clear B.C7A 1'/s 1500 3B21055-9 6S6 145 120 Clear B.C7A 1'/s 1500 3B21059-1 6S6 155 120 Clear B, C-7A 1% 1500 3821033 6 6S6/R 115-125 120 Red B. C-9 17/s 150021024 5 6S6/3 120 120 Vibrat on, C ear B, C,17 1% 1500 2A21048-4 6S6i3 125-130 120 Vibral on, C ear B, C,17 1'/s 1500 2A


    21106-0 6S6,? 120 120 Clear B,C9 11%a 1500 44z11A-2 6S6,? 130 120 Clar B, C-9 1131a 1500 44

    D. C. Bay N llx-l



    24068 S 6S6DC 6 120 Clear B, C.2R 1500 5424069:/ 6S6DC 12 120 Clear B C.2V 1500 5424071 3 6S6DC 24 120 Clear B, C-2V 150024075-4 6S6DC 30 120 Clear B, C-2V 1500 5024087-9 6S6DC 120 Clear B C9 11i/,t 1500 4621066-6 6S6DC 121 120 Clear B C-7A 1'/,t 1500 4021085 6 6S6DC 12s-130 120 0lear B. C-7A 1'l,u 1,3/,t 1500 4021098 q 6S6DC 14s 120 C ear B, C-7A 1'3h 1500 3821104 5 6S6DC 155 120 C ear B, C-7A 11/r, 1'3/,t 1500 3821068 2 6S6/1DC 120 120 V brat on, Clar B, C-17 1"/r T500 20S.C.Bay ,lXJ 24095-2 6S65C 40 120 Clear B. C-9 1'%a 1500 4621113-6 6S6SC 120 120 C ear B. C-7A 1'%o 1500 4432908,6 6S6SC 155 120 C ear B, C-7A 113/t 1500

    s,14 N4ed. XX

    21127 6 65 14/tF '115t25 120 lnside Frosted B. C-9 3'/z 1500 4221126-8 65 14 115-125 120 C ear B. C.S 21/, 3t/, 1500 43I-AYz Cand.a 21139t 6f41/zt1 115-125 60 nd cator. C ear B,C9 1fa 1500 4021143-3 6f41/ ,11 130 60 nd cator. C ear B, C-9 1/t 1500 40

    c-7 Cand.a 23503-6 7C7 115-125 2Alt C P,at B,C9 21h 3000 4523617-4 7C7 24Pk. 130 24 0 ear B,C9 21/s 3000 4523512 7 7C7 tW 11s-12s 240 Niqht L qht White B, C-9 2'/s 3000 3525714 7s$s-c( BC-7C7/'ljti 12t2)NSIDER BC-4o7,\tr/ 115t2515-125 V 12AOLT FC Soft Whit N qht LiqhlIB ENERGY SAVINGS B, C-9 2'/s 3000 3523621 6 7C7tW 24Pk. '130 24 Niohr L 0ht white B, C-9 21/s 3000 3523516 8 7t7tB 24Pk. 115-125 24 Blue B, C-9 21/t 300023522 6 7C7tG 24Pk. 115-125 24 Green B, C,9 21/s 300023549-9 7C7tO 24Pk. 115-125 24 0range B.C9 21/s 300023912-9 7C7tR 24Pk. 115-125 24 Red B, C-9 21/s 3000

    E\cLsrveoroduct f--__--l $r$ E']ergy Savr-g P 00uct \e$511p drP, to-

    l-orders wl be shipped unti nventory s depleted no longer manufactlred

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lamps

    oEs-()= s 11 14

    Walts Bulb BaseNAEDNurfber04-6677- 0rderingCode Volts ?r's .uv Descr pt on ClassandFilament t.c. L(ln. ) N,1.0. L(ln. ) HoursLife lnitalLumens

    7 C'] Cand.aXUxtlXU

    29365-4 7C7 N 24 Pk. 1'15-125 24 B C-9 21/t 300029910-7 BC-7C7,18 1212 115125 120+ Trans0arent Bl!e B. C-9 21/a 300029912,3 BC-7C7/TG 1212 115t25 120+ Transoatent Green B. C-9 21h 300029920 6 BC-?C7/TR 12n 115-125 120' Transoarent Bed B.CS 300029924 I BC-7C7,'rY 12t2 115t25 120* Transparent Yellow B,CS 2'/a 3000

    D.C 25096-9 ?C71DC 24 Pk. 1t5-125 24 C ear B, C-9 3000 4571/z S ll l\4ed a


    236?2 4 71/zS 120 240 C ear B,C9 2,/, 1400 5023s06-9 7Y,S 130 240 C ear B, C-9 2'/a 1400 5023626-5 7v,sM 115-125 240 Niqht Llaht Whit B, C-9 21/a 1400 4229889-3 BC-7%Sl,r,l 1211 120 12 Niaht Liqht White B, C-9 21/a 1400 4223661-2 7l,StW 130 244 Niaht L qht White B, C-9 21h 1400 4223665-3 lY,SlB 24 Pk. 115-125 24 Blue B C-9 21/t 140023675-2 lY,SlG 24Pk. 1t5-125 24 Green B. C-9 140023677 8 TYzSlO 24Pk. 't15-125 24 0ranqe B, C,9 2'/" 140023681 0 11/zStO 24 Pk. 130 24 0ranqe B,C9 2'/a 140030329-7 11/zStR 24 Pk. 115t25 24 Red B,C9 21/r 140030331-3 1V,SIR 24 Pk. 130 24 Red B, C-9 21/r 140023692-7 1v,sN 24 Pk. 115-125 24 B, C-9 21/r 140029927-1 BC-7%S/TB 12t1 120 12 Transoarent B ue B, C-9 21/a 140029929-7 BC-7%S/TG 12t1 120 12 Transparent Green B, C-9 21/l 140029932-1 BC-7%S/TR 12t1 12n 12 Transparenl Red B C-9 21/l 140029997 4 8C-7US.|-Y 12tl 12n 12 Tmnstarent Ye low B,C9 2'/, 14009 s-11 s.c. 29447 0 ss11/sc 12 120 Rw Ll. Siqnai(72) c.c2v 11/" 2%t 1500

    10 C-7 Cand aX

    21209 2 10c7 115-125 120 Clear B,CS 2'/a (3) 5636519 7 10c7 130 120 Clear B,C9 2'/s (3) 56

    DC 21220,9 10c7DC 115"125 120 C ear B.C7A 21/,t (3) 56S-11 Cand.^ 21232-4 10s11r9 120 120 C ear B, C-9 1ls 2'/a 1500 80lnler. r, 2s094-4 10s11N/tF 24 Pk. 120 24 Frosted B, C,9 25/s 1500 80lnler



    23707.3 10s11N 120 240 Clear B, C-9 1% 25ls 1500 BO23709,9 10s11N 130 240 Clear B, C,9 1% 2s/t 1500 BO23765-1 '10s11N/B 24 P*.. 120 24 Blue B C,9 2s/t 150023805 5 '10s11N/G 24P[. 120 24 Grcen B, C,9 25/'t 150023852 7 't0s11N/0 24Pk. 12n 24 0range B,C9 25/n 150023833 7 10s11N/B 24 Pk. 120 24 Red B.C9 25h 150010s11I{M 24 Pk. 120 24 B.C9 2tr, 1500 6223854-3 10s1' {,"Y 24 Pk. 120 24 B.C9 150023855-0 10s11 /Y 24 Pk. 130 24 150023857,6 10st1N/TB '130 24 Transoarent BlLe B. C-9 150023865 I 't0s11N/TG '130 24 TranspaTent Green B C-9 27$ 150023866 7 10s11NnB '130 24 Transpareft Bed B,C9 2s/t 150023891 2 't 0s11 t't,TY 130 24 Transparent Yelow B,C9 25h 1500

    s14 [4ed 21294 4 10s14/tF 't20 124 lnside Frosted B C9 3'/t 1500 8221308 2 10s14/tF 130 124 Insrde Frosled B.C9 3'/t 1500 8221291-0 10s14 121 120 Clear B.C9 21h 3'/, 150021304-1 t0sl4 130 120 Clar B, C-9 2'h 3'/z 150024460-B '10s14 230-25i 120 Clear B, C-9 31/z r000 6021267-0 10s14/B 't15-125 60 Blue B, C-9 31/z 150021272 0 10st4/G 115-125 60 Green B, C-9 31/z 150021265 4 10s14/0 115-125 60 0range B. C-9 31/z 1500212761 10s14/B 115-125 60 Bed B C9 31/z 150024464-0 '10s14/R 230-250 120 Red B C9 3ft 100021278-7 10s14/R2 115t25 60 B C-9 3'/z 1500

    l]Excl!sive Product26

    -_ J $5$ - r lerqy Sav ng ProoLLl - New 5 nce -dql Dr nl n0-

    O'dpr" w ll bp rh'ppPo J It t_ve-lo ! s oeo elPd -o o-0Fr n arulaLlulPo

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lampsra)

    =: S 14lnitialLumens








    A l5


    tt3t5 190


    liledI\4ed.r, X



    Orl 0 - \/ V=s-6 = U.i =A.ri = A..5D.C Bay \E 14








    A-T 9 Med a

    lvled r. XX:t


    lJExc !s ve Producl $$$ Eneroy Sav nq Pr0duct tNew Sirce Last Pflnt ngX orders wll be shipped unti inventory s dep eled no longer manufactured


  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lamps

    -r a)I IJs.rr UEs- Iu| 014 =TB UI.7 =T8 T-10 : l19?? \JEn-15 I| /)!vr-0,r, 3 n rgWalls Bulb Base

    NAEDNumber04 6677- 0rderingCode Volts lks.. DescriptionClassandFiament L.C.1.(ln.J t\4.0.1iln. )

    HoursLile InitialLumens15 s-11 D. 24T69-5 15511/3DC 75 120 Clear B, C.7A 1Y4 2% 1000 140Cand.a 21464-3 15511/tF 120 120 lndicator, Frosied B,C7A 21/t 750 135

    ?1460-1 15St1n4 120 60 Spotl ght B, C-7A 1% 21/q 200 160l\4ed. ^ 24484-6 15S11/'102 120 24 Reiriqerator, Clear B, C.7A lgla 2% 400 142S'14 Med.^ 24179-4 15S14/lF 34 120 Tra n. LF B, C-6 3V, 1000 141

    24180-2 15S14/lf/l 34 120 Tra n. LF lnsu ated Lead B, C-6 31/, 1000 141T-6 Cand.^ X 24186-9 15T6 60 60 Switchboard B, C-7A 31/r 2000 124214B6-6 15T6 115125 60 Switchboard. Clear B. C-7A 31/s 2000 11421490-8 15T6 140-150 60 Swrtchboard, C ear(63) B, C-74 31/s 2000 106

    D 21492-4 15T6DC 115-125 60 0lear B.C7A 2000 114I-7 D.C.Bay. XX

    21506t 15nDC/lF n5-125 60 ADp iance Frosled B.C7A 2Y1 4) 11321510-3 15T7DC/lF 130 60 ADpliance, Frosled B.C7A 2V1 (4) 11321503-B 15T7DC n5t25 60 Apolianc, Clear B.C7A 2v1 (4) 11529890r BC,15T7DC "t211 115-125 12 Ap0liance, Clear B. C-7A 21/q (4) 115

    Cand.a X 21499 S 15T7C4F 115-125 60 Apphance, Frosted B, C-7A 21/q (4) 11321496 5 15T7C 115-125 60 Applance, Cledr B, C-7A 21/t ta) 115lnter.a X 21513,7 15T7N/tF 115-125 60 Appliance Frosled B, C-7A 2t1 11321511-1 15T7N 115-125 60 Appiiance Clear B, C-7A 2v1 (4) 11529904-0 BC-l5T7N 12t1 115-125 12 App ianc, Clear B, C.7A 2v1 (4) 115T-8 Cand.a

    lnter.^21515-2 15T8C 11s-125 60 Clear B.C7A 2% 1000 15020115-2 15T8 115-125 60 Clear B C7A 2% 1000 150Tl0 l\4ed.^ 37671-5 BC-15T10 1211 115-125 12 Aouarium, Clear B, C-9 5% 2500 11515 Ttg 3Ct U135 l!4ed.^15036688-0 15/150T,4irrI 1211 121 12 Longr Lile Soft White

    Three-Way (8)c, 2cc-6 55/i 1600 100

    2240230017 8,20 [.,redst1 s.c. 23263-7 17820 6.3 60 Reieclor, Lt., LF. c,c6 3'%6 200024197-6 r7s11SC 120 Rw. Lt. Sianal{72) c, c-2v 11/' 2Ys 2000

    ta Al5 2 Pin Sl 24200-8 18415/3 10 60 Rwy. Lt. Sional(74) c, c-2v 2%t 3r/a 15003 Pin 24203-2 't8415,? 10 60 Rw Lt. S onal(74) c,c2R 2%e 3t1 15002PinSl X 24201-6 '18/3.5415/5 10 60 RW Ll. S qnalboth Fi . if N,4ull olel74) c, c-2vcc-6 21/v 3% 150011 S.C.Bay 24210'1 18S11/1SC 10 120 BWv' Lt. Sional(72) c. cc-6 1'/t 23/B 200024213-1 18/5S11SC 12 120 Bwy. Ll Srgna (72)(73) c, cc-6cc6 1'A 23/s 100020 s-11 S.C.f-d/, lntel 26616-3 20s11/1SC 10 1?0 Rw Lt Sional(72) c, cc-6 11/a 23/a 300022511-0 20161/,It 120 60 Exl Siqf, Frosted B, C,8 5Y/ (3) s025795-6 20161/,tcL 120 60 Ex I Siqf, Clear B,C8 51/t (3) 90

    D.C. Bay. 22512-8 2nT /zDCtlt 120 60 Exrl Sion, Frosled B,C8 51/z (3) 9022121 I 2nr /zDC 120 60 Exrt Srqn, Clear B, C-B 51/z (3) 9024 r-6'/z lnter U

    DXSa\r tl28112I 24r /ztlF 129 60 Exit SiCn, trostedone Year Lile B, C-B 5t/z 8760 17028714-4 24TM,nAtF 121 60 Exit Sign, Frostd

    one Year LifeB, C-8 5v, 8760 170

    25 Al5 [.4ed. ^ XU 23165-4 25A'15/1 't15-125 120 Befriqerator,.F B, C-9 3v, 1000 21031055-7 25A'15/l/TF 115-125 120 Belriqerator, Frost B, C-9 31b 1000lVed. 22638-1 25415/BFL 130 120 S on Belector, LF. B,C9 31/z 2500A-19 lved ^ X 24222 2 6 120 lnside Frosted 41/t 1000 38036804-3 254 142 12 24 lnside Frosled c, c-6 41/t 1000 375

    24224-8 254 12 124 lnslde Frosted 41h 1000 37524227-1 254 24 120 lns de Frosted c, c-6 41A 1000 34524229-7 25 30 120 Train, I F c, c-6 4t/, 1000 32524235-4 25A 34 120 Trdin. I F. c,c6 4'/t 1000

    flFxclusive P'00uct f l$5$- E-e'gy Sdvrg ProdJcl I New Si-ce I asl P'r'l11qX 0rders wi I be shlpped until inventOry is depleted; n0 lonler manufacl!red

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lamps


    Reolaces 25R12N and25h14Nl\4in -Rei . Lt. Fr.Actual Bu b Dia.1%"

    llErclusNe P.oducl f __l $$$ Energy Savi-g Prodrcl lNew Si-re I ast P.i-ti19.-C0nside'corpartllL0resLent amp\ lsred on paqe 64 l0r enerqy savi-qsX-0rders wil be shipped uati inventory is depleted; n0 ionger manufact!red

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lamps

    tr I tot1M& 0vera Lenarhls barI ot 5ocletro bi.l olsoL[elL-1, -riT-8 Lumilne ll

    all r ) .-) .lt-JV.Vu=T-8 , = r.ig U s.t- E a'i =crvl 19

    JItl JT10 g"

    l-jExclusive Product f-'''l $$S Enerqy Savinq Product tNew Since Last Pr nt nq30-

    x Orders wil be shipped unt nveflory s dep eted; no onger mafulactured.

    Watls Bulb BaseNAEDNufirber04 6677- 0rderingCode Volls lks .utv. Description C assandFilarfent L.C. L.(ln.) t\4.0. L(ln. ) Ho!rsLife lnitialLumens

    25 T-10 N4ed. r, 22856-9 25f61/z 24Pr.. 115-125 24 Clear B,C8 5% 1000 25021720-B 25r61, 130 60 Clear B, C-8 51/z 1000 2s0D C.Bay. 21710-9 25I6Y,DCllF 1'15-125 60 Frosted B, C-8 5./, 1000 250

    21713-3 2516Y,DCllF 130 60 Frosted B, C-8 51/, 1000 25021749-1 25l6Y,DC 115-125 60 Clear B, C-8 51/, 1000 25021712-5 2516Y,DC 130 60 Clear B C-B 51/, 1000 250

    T 8 D.C.Bay.X


    21730 7 25T8DCiIF 115-125 60 Applance, Frosted B, C-7A 2% (4) 23521136'4 25T8DC/tF 130 60 Applance, Frosted B, C-7A 2% (4) 2352S909-9 BC-25T80C 12t1 115"125 12 Apolance, Clear B,C7A 2% 4) 23521726-5 25T8DC 115-125 60 Aoolance, Clear B. C-7A 2% (4) 23521735-6 25T8DC 130 60 Aooliance, Clear B, C-7A 2% (4) 23524521-7 25T8DC 2s0 60 C ear B, C-7A 2% (4) 210

    Cand.a 21722-4 25T8C nst25 60 ADo iance Clear B, C-7A 2% (4) 235lnter a

    X20116 0 25T8t't n5t25 60 Aoo ianc, Clear B, C-7A 25h 4) 23533208 0 25T8t{ 230 60 Clear B C-7A 25h (4) 210I-BI, l\4ed.^ X 24218-4 25f81/ztlF 34 60 lns de Frosted c-8 51/, 1000 350

    T-10 31674-9 BC-25T10/|F 12t1 121 12 Frosted B.C8 554 1000 26021764-6 25T10/tF 12n 60 Frosted B,C8 55/s 1000 26021782-B 25T10/lF 130 60 Frosted B, C,8 5% 1000 26020363-B BC-25r10 12t1 120 12 Clear B, C-8 5% 1000 26021760-4 25T10 120 60 C ear B, C-8 5% 1000 26021780-2 2sT10 130 60 C ear B, C-8 5% 1000 26024526 6 25T10 230-250 60 C ear B, C-17 5% 1000 22028558 5 25T10 277 60 Clear B, C-17 5% 1000 220Tl9 l\y'ed a .a 36500-7 25TiSW 12t2 120 24 Soft Wh ie C, CC,6 4%a 2500 23520433,9 25Tll,tl 12t2 120 24 Lonaer Lle Soft Whlte c,cc6 4'ta 3350 205

    2A st1 s.c X 28S11/4SC 10 124 R\,'iv' Lt. S onal(72J c cc6 11/a 2% 200030 A-15 2.Prnsl 24289-1 30415n 10 60 R!{v' Lt. S qnal(74) c c'2v 21/sz 33/+ 1500S-11 D.C.Bay 24294-1 30s11/'100 32 60 Clear c,c9 11/t 500 40524296-6 30s11DC 64 60 Train lVarker. Clar c,c7A 1% 2% 500 34024298 2 30s11DC 75 60 Clear c, c-9 1% 2t/s 500 340

    A15 [.1ed X ?1932 I 30A15 120 120 Slon Serv c, l. F. c, c-9 3'/, 3000 225XUx!

    30448 5 30415 '130 120 S qn Serv c, l.F. c-9 31/, 3000 22524275-4 30415/TF 130 120 S gr'r Service, Frost SiliconeCoated c, c-9 31/, 300020207-7 30A15/Ct 120 120 Srqn Service, C ear c9 21/ 3v? 3000 22530452-7 30A15/CL 130 124 Srqn Service, C ear c9 23/s 31/t 3000 225

    Rt\,1 19 [4ed. tU $S$^ |.1 $$$ 31199 3 30RM19/25' 120 12 Spotlne Ref cc 11 41/s 200031512-1 30HM19/25" 130 12 Sootlne Ref. cc-11 41/s 2000R-20 N4ed a 20165-7 30820 1211 115-125 12 Rellctor, 11. LF c c-9 31sh 2000 21023884-0 30820 115-'125 60 Rellector, Lt. LF c,c9 31%t 2000 21037453-B 30n20 130 60 Rellctor, Lt. LF c,c9 2000 210

    Med. 1urrltll

    20264 B 30n20/sFt 120 60 Rellector S qf, Ll. LF. c,cs 600022601 I 30820/SFL/TF 125t30 60 Rellector S gr, Frost S liconeCoated c, c-9 3"/'a 600021557-B 3{]R2(]/SFUSTD 120 60 Refl. Sion,Transp. Dayliqhtll0) c. c-9 3'%6 6000275tl -A 30R2{]/SFUsTR 120 60 Befl. Slan, Transo Bed(10) c c-9 3s/$ 600027553-7 30B2()/SFUsTG 120 60 Befl. Sian, Traisp. Grenl10) c,c9 3r%s 6000

    T 8 End Caps 37727-5 130 11s-125 24 Lumiine li Clea(7 B,C8 1B%e 1500 24537725 9 t30/lF 115-125 24 Lumiine L Frosl(7) B. C-B I B/,6 T500 24537t291 t3()fi, 115-125 24 Lumiine ll, White(7) B, C-8 181/6 150030 T1S70roo N4ed.^ 36662 5 30/100T/sw

    12t1 120 12 Soft Wh le Three'Way(8) c,2cc-6 576 1200 310945


  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lamps' -] 1161 p-A'() - r O \iJ IJ \ IJ LJ L]! n-rs 3 n.v . pAR.36 :E A 15 j t-zt,KlL_lI Er-rg

    Watts Bulb BaseNAEDNumbera4-6677- 0rderinqCode Volls lhs . Dscript on ClassandFilament L.C.L.0n. ) t\4.0. L.(ln. ) HoursLife lnitiaLumens

    30 Tre 3c1. u70 [Ied. atoo 20451-1 30n00T,'r,vl'1211 120 12 Longer Llle Solt Wh teThree-Way(B) c,2cc.6 55/ti 1600 s00940

    124032 A-1S 39441-1 32415/49 120 120 Sign, Clear c,c9 21/s 4Y4 3000 25533 A-19 lVed. 22145-7 3341S/5 130 60 S gr, C ear c, c.9 3$/$ 300030549-0 33AlS/GF/CL 130 60 Slan, Clear B C9 3'%6 3000 260R-17 Med 26998,5 33R17 120 60 Srgn ltlinr-Reil . Frost(12)(31 ) c,c9 23A 250026997-7 33817 '130 60 Siqn, NIin'Bei Frosl(12)131) c, c-9 23/t 2500 225g A'19 lved.^. ggg

    s$s. $$$$$$

    29117-9 40A-34A/EW '120 120 Econ o wan, lF c, cc-6 4t/'a 1500 41029175-7 404-3{A/EW 130 120 Econ o walt. l.F c cc-6 41/rc 1500 41029232-6 404-34A/99,8W 12t 120 E(on o waft Ex1 Sv, F. c, cc-6 4h, 250029235-9 404-34A,gS/EW '125-130 120 Econ o watl, Exl Sv , I F c, cc-6 4t/n 2500 36535 PAR,36 r\,4-P 28667-4 35PA836/5P 12 12 ' PAR CompaclSpot c. c-6 2% 2000 200

    N Ats tMed.^U

    29999-0 8C-40A15/LL 1211 1'15-125 244 HomeAlol , C ear, Lnar Lf. c,9 31/z 1750 40020684-7 40415 115125 124 Horne Appliance, I F c,9 31/z 1000 45525109-0 40415/TF 115-125 120 Befigerator, FrostSrlicone Coated c,c9 3% 100039462 1 40A15 130 120 Home Applance, LF c, c-9 31/z 1000 4552n002-2 40415/22 1't5t25 124 Home oven. clear c, c-9 1000 45sA'19 lved.^ X 2430s-s 40A 30 120 Train, LF c, c-6 4'/t 1000 58027081-9 40A 1214 128 4B lnside Frosle.i c, cc-6 41/rc 1500 48039B91-7$$$- c( 40A)NStOER 40A-34r!i E\ 120v 120 vo 120T FOI lns de FrostedENERGY SAVINGS c, cc-6 47/i 1500 48039893 3$$$- c( 404}NSIDEB 4OA-34AE\ 130v 130 vot 120-T FOF lfside FrostedENEBGY SAVINGS c,cc6 47/r 1500 48030033,5 4OliTF 115-125 124 Frost Silicone Coatd c, c-9 4l/t 150036644-3 404/Ct 12t2 120 24 C ear c, cc,6 3'/a 41/n 1500 4802184A-4 40AicL 120 120 Clear c.cc6 31/s 1500 48021857 I 404/CL 130 120 Clear c06 3Ys 41/t 1500 48021850-3$s$- cc 4t}tus9rNsloEF 40A-34AJ99 120iEw 120 120 lExtended Service. LF/OLT FOR ENEFGY SAVINGS c, c-9 41/t 2500 41s21863-6 I$$s- cc 404/99 ITNStDER 40A-34Ai99 125130 I 120 |/EW 125-130 VO Extended Service, l.F. C, C-gLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGS 4'/t 2500 415218s9-4 404./99Ct 125-130 124 Extended Service. Clear c, c-9 41/a 2500 41535554-5 404/99Y 125-130 4B Buq-A-Wav Yel ow c, cc,6 2500

    [4ed. 25846-7 40A19i 35 12n 60 lndustralServce. l.F c. c-9 4'/t 3s00 400UXU25845-9 40A1S/35 125-130 60 lnduslrialServlce, I F c-9 4'/t 3500 40020276-2 40Ats/TF 130 1?A S qn Service. Frost

    S licone Coated c, c-9 4l/t 2500l\4ed. ^ 24424 4 BC-4l]A/GD 1212 128 24/. Garage Door, LF c,cs 3'5/ rc 3500 370A?1 Nred.


    21871-9 40tu8 115-125 120 BlLre B C-9 10002187 4-3 4otuG 115-125 124 Green B, C-9 4%a 100021870-1 404i0 115-125 120 0range B, C-9 4t,/r 100021876-B 4(lA/B 115-'125 120 Red B. C-9 4;/n '100021878-4 4oA/R2 n5-125 120 Rose B, C-9 100021879-2 4t}A'Y 115125 124 Yilow B,C9 1000218S2 5 40A/Y 130 120 Yellow B,C9 41/$ 100020197-0 4OM1lGR/CL 130 120 Sran Clear B, C-9 21/P 300030891-6 4OA21i GR/TB 1'15-125 124 Siqn, Trafsparenl Blue B, C-9 300030895-7 40A21/G8/TG 115-125 124 S qn, Trans0arent Green B, C-9 4la 3000

    UExcusive Producl f __l SSS - fnerqy Savif g Product tNewSince Last priftin!1\ r Consider c0mpact i uorescent amps I sted 0f page 64 ior savtfgs.X- 0rdrs wlll be shipped unti nvenlOry is dep eted; n0 onger mafLlactLred.

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lamps'r -\"1,\ )\lI :A- o21 s-11 T-10a oVo]IIti=nIL]ft ?t a'r, -8 : i19 = PAR'38 = A-19

    llFxc'usrve P ooricl f '.l$S$ lnerqy Sdlir0 P 0duLl 'Newcn'P d'P l-q-

    X Orders willbe sllipped unti inventory s dep eted, no orqer manlfactLred32

    Watts Bulb BaseNAEDNumber04 6677- 0rderingCode Volls Bff . Description ClassandFiamenl L.C. L.(ln. ) N4.0.1(ln. ) HoursLile lnitialLumens

    & A-21 l\.'led. XXXNledr X

    3089s-9 40A21/G R,/T0 115-125 120 S qn, Transparni 0range B,CS 41/s 300030888-2 40A21 /GR/'TR 115-125 124 Srqn, Transparent Bed B,C9 300038845,4 40421/GB/TY 115t25 120 Sian. TrafsDarenl Yellow B, C,9 41At 300021881-B 40A,|IS 120 120 Traflic S onal{12) c,c9 2t/t 41At 2000 36521885-9 40MS 130 120 Trafnc S qnal(12) c, c-9 2Ua 4%a 2000 365

    Kts 30728,0 40K19/DL 120 6t2 llireclor c, c-9 41/z 1150Sll lnter.^ 322741 40s11tt/tF 120 120 Frosted c, cc-2v 25/n 500Sl4 lved.^ 28453-9 BC-40S14/FAl{ 12l2 '115-125 24' Fdn Servrce, C ear C, C-9 21/z 31, 1000 455I-6t/' lnier,r 21949-7 (ffi61/t2lF 115-125 60 Frosted B. C,B 5'/z 1000 44021908-9 41161/,12 115-125 60 RfnQeralor, C ear B C8 51/, 1000 44020491-7 ac"40161hi2 1211 '115-125 12 BefnQeralor, C eaI B,C8 5rt 1000 440

    T I Med.r. 21916-2 40T8/tF 115-125 24 Frost B,C8 111/B 1000 41021914-1 40T8 115-125 24 C ear B,C8 1000 410

    End Caps 37716,8 140 115-125 24 Lum line ll, C ea(7) B,C8 1?Vr 1500 37037715 0 140/lF 1'15-125 24 L!m llne ll, Frost(7) B, C.B 121/16 1500 37037723 4 140m, 115125 24 Lumilne ll, White(7) B, C-B 121/s 1500T-10 Md a 37679-8 BC-40T10/|F 12t1 120 12 Frosted B. C-B 5% 1000 44021928-7 40T10 i tF 120 60 Frosted B. C.B 5% 1000 44421940-2 40T10/lF 130 60 B CB 1000 44020368-7 BC-40Tt0 't2t1 't20 12 Clcar B CB 5% 1000 44021924-6 40T10 120 60 Clear B C-8 5% 1000 44021938-6 40T10 130 60 0lear B.C8 5% 1000 440

    Nrled. Pf 21941-0 40T10P 120 60 Avrahof ALrport [/]ar[er c. cc 2v 1'/, 31%o 1000TIS Med r..!

    26407-l 40T/SW 12t4 120 48 Soft Whlte c, cc-6 1000 49029777 0 40T/SWTP 24t4 't20 96 Solt Wh te Tm-Pak c, cc-6 1000 49026312-3 40T/WL '12t4 120 48 Lonaer L fe, Sofl Wh le c, cc-6 4'/,a 1350 48029715-4 40TAllLfP 2414 12t q6 LonqerLile,SW.TraPak c, cc-6 4'/,a 1350 48045 PAR-38 lved. S$$

    skt $$$$$$s$$

    26365-7 45PAR38/H/FL 120 12 aHaIOsen IT,IASTERLINEFlood(2Sl(42X50) 0-cc-B 5sh 200026366-5 15PAM8/g/FL 130 12 lHa oaen [.TIASTEBLINEFlo0d(29)(42)150) c-cc,B 5ts 200026363'2 45PAR38/H/SP 12n 12 *HaIOsn ]\4ASTERLINESootl29)(42){50) c cc-B 55/$ 200026361-6 45PAB38/H/SP 130 12 iHalogen tulASTERLlNESoot(291142X50) c-cc-B 55h 2000

    50 A-19 l\4ed ^ X



    35546-1 50A 6 120 inside Frosted c,c6 4'/t 1000 81036805-0 504 12t2 24 lnside Frosted c,c6 4'/a 1000 79034774 0 s0A 't2 124 lns de Frosled c,c6 4'/a 1000 79034765 8 504 24 120 lns de Frosted c c6 41/t 1000 82534766-6 504 30 120 lnside Frosted c, c-6 41/t 1000 80534769-0 504 34 120 lnsrde Frosted c. c-6 4'/" 1000 79024558-9 50A 230 120 nside Frosted c, c-174 3'%o 100024s69-6 50A 250 120 lnside Frosted C. CITA 3r%e 100024553-0 50A1S/37 230 120 Clear C. CITA 3r5lr 100024567-0 5041Si37 250 120 Clear c, c 17A 3r7, 100024321-2 50tu8S 30 120 Rouqh Service, I F B,C6 1000 50024324 6 50tuRS 34 120 Bouqlr Service, .F B,C6 3$t^ 1000 500243261 50A1S/RS 75 120 Train. Bouah Sery ce, l.F B, C-]7 3s/s 1000 50021952,7 50A19/31 115-t25 120 commercial0ven. clear B, C-9 3tr/$ 1000 50020163-2 5oAi BS 1212 120 24 Rouah Sery ce, I F B CITA 3r5/r 1000 46521972-5 50Ai RS 120 124 Rouqh Service, i.F. B C 17A 3'%e 1000 46522004-6 50tuRS 125-130 120 Rouqh Service, .F. B, C 17A 31'/t 1000 46524560-5 504/BS 230 120 Rouqlr Service, LF c 17A 3r%a 100024572-A 50I'/RS 250 120 Bouoh Servrce I F c-t7A 3 5/s 1000

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lamps--T7a=) lltlti Ir u \:i ll )rlnv-r, ln26 *.',0 Er.r, 5r,, E.ot1N\)t\./ - roL L.'| ,/'\r()=, _-lnltialLLmensatls

    50 A-19 [,4ed. a

    : LH-JU

    ER 30 [,4ed.^ $$$$$$


    PAR 36 ITI.P 300300300


    N4ed. tU $$$i.4-19 ^ tu ssslled. a

    R-30 lVed.^ $$$

    r-12 3Ct. [4ed

    R-20 420





    50 P-2s 3cr.Nrog.5o50 T-19100t50

    3Cr.l\.{ed. a


    . -C0nsider c0mpact lluorescent lamps isted 0n page 64 for energy savingsX-0rders will be shippd untl inventOry s dep eted; no longer manulactured

    c, c,17Ac, c-17A

    C, C 17Ac, ctTA

    '12t1 115-125 112 lRelector, Lr. LF(82)$$$ - CONSIOEF 3OBM19/25'120 VOLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGS115-125 60 lRellector, Lt. LF(82)$$$_CONSIDER 3ORM19/25'120 VOLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGS130 160 JBellector Lt LF.(82)$$$-CONSIDER 3ORM19/25'I3O VOLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGS

    DExclusiv Product f- l $$$-Energy Saving product tNew Since Last printinq

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent LamPslal"l \ )r:llnllialLufirens

















    50 r-2120lJ25l)-19

    A 19


    54 A-19

    55 PAR-38

    NIed.^. S$S$s$o $S$s$s

    lVed. U $S$$$$

    lved Skl. $SS$s$ 860T-19 NIed.^ S$$

    PAR-46 l\rl-P

    ed. UUU

    O.)-/l\UUV\II Irzr E a--g E"co:e \jr'Pqq qo3C1. t llN,4ed. a

    TUt t-JtllTUt r-l

    3Ct. lllled.^Med t! S$$1! $S$


    A-19 l\4ed. a

    tl Erc usrve Prooufi f-_ l 55$ F e'0y Sdli-q P ooucr '\F"t 5 nLp -aqr P'i i 0-

    -0'oers wtt oe siippoo nl nvp_lo ) ' oeo o od 'o or0" -dn'-dcll ed34

    120 I 120 llnsrde Frostd$$$ _ CONSIOER 60A.52A'EW 120 VOLT FOB ENERGY SAVINGS

    130 120 llns d Frosted$S$_CONSIDEB 60A.52'VEW 130 VOLT FOB ENEBGY SAVINGS,2123-4 60NgS 1120 120 lExtended Service, .F$S$_ CONSIDEB 60A.52A99iEW 120 VOLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGSt48 1 I 60ll/sg 125-130 I 120 lExtended serv ce, I F.S$S_CONSIDER 6OA-52AJ99/EW 130 VOLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGS

    125-130 I 60 llndustr al serv ce. I F$$$_CONSIDER 54419i35125.130 VOLT FOB ENERGY SAVINGS


  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lampst ,-ro?ffv OV? = A_lY :421 = K-19 :i1 zu T,10 : l19 : fAtl Ju -


    Walls Bub BaseNAEDNumber04-6677- 0rderingCode Volls lhs .UW Descr pt on C assandFiament tcL(ln. ) M O.L.(n) HoursLf lnitalLumens

    60 4,19 N4ed ^ 20148-3 604/Ct 1212 120 24 C ear c cc,6 31/a 4%s 1000 8S022111 I 60I'/Ct 120 124 C ear c cc-6 3,/a 4%a 1000 89022141 6 60a/ct '130 120 C ear c cc.6 31/s 4%a T000 89022113-s 60aig9CL 120 120 Extended Service. C ear c, cc-B 31/s 2500 74031218-1 60A/9SCL 125-130 120 Extended Serv ce Clear c, cc,B 3ls 2500 74036292-1 6llA/AGBO 24t1 120 24 Aqro Lite P art Liaht c,c9 100022086-3 6()Ai D 115,125 120 Da\/ iqh1, LF c.cc6 1000 51522149-9 6{]A/D 130 120 Da\/ iqht. .F c, cc-6 1000 515222281 6()A,'Y 11s-125 124 BLq-A-WaV Ye low c. cc-6 4Ur 100022227-3 6l }A,Y 130 12A BLq A'WaV Ye low C CC,6 4/r 100022099-6 60A19/8 115-125 60 Bue c cc6 4la 100022102-B 60419/C 115-125 60 Green c cc6 4la 100022097-A 60A19/0 115-125 60 0ran!e c cc6 4t/r 100022106-9 6041S/R 115-125 60 Bed c cc6 41/t 100022109-3 60419/R2 115t25 60 Bos C CC.6 10002211A 1 60419/Y 115t25 60 Yel ow c, cc-6 T00023941 I 60aisB '115-125 120 Srvered Bow , F.143) CC-6 1000 8T0Nrled. $$$

    s$$21056-7 K6l)A1g,TS/EW 120-125 120 Krypton Econ-o-\aal tTraflic Siana, Cea(121 C, C 11V 21/E 4% 8000 61037167-4 K60At9nS/EW 130 120 Krypton Econ o watlTratfic Siqna, Clea(T2) c, c-11v 246 43/B 8000 610

    NIed.^ 28TT1-3 604 230 124 lns d Frosled c ctTA 3$tE 1000 545281121 604 250 124 nslde Frosted C C-T74 315/s 1000

    A-21 N4ed. XX

    22166-3 60A21/TS 12n 124 TraffcSiona, C ea(12) c c9 21/s 4Ua 2000 66522168-9 60421/TS 124 TralfcSiana. Cea(121 c, c-9 2%a 4%t 2000 6652?17?-1 60421/TS 130 124 TrafficSiqna.Cea(Ti c c-9 21/n 2000 665K-19 Med ^ 22486-5 60r(19/Dt- 6t2 120 12 D rector c, c-9 41/t 1150 770R-20 [/ed. 30231-5 60R2{)/SFUSTB 120 60 Rfl. Slon Trairso Blue(101 C. C.9 3r%t 6000T-8 End Caps 31731 7 150 115125 24 Lum lne I Cla(7) B.CB 1B/,6 1500 53531730I 160/tF 115-125 24 LLm ine I Frost(7) B.CB 181/4 1500 53537732 s L60nv 115-125 24 Llm lne l, Wh te(7) B,C8 181/n 1500 450T-10 lved. 22178-8 60T10/64tF 115-125 60 Frosted B C-B 1000 74522176-2 60T10/64 115-125 60 C ar B C-B 54 1000 745T-19 Med.a



    26408 5 |$$$-cc 60T/SW 12141120INSIDER 55T,^/V/ES 120 VOLT 48 IEOF EI,IERGY SAVINGS C CC.B 41/ft 1000 86026621-3 60Ti SWTP 2414 120 96 Sofl Wh te, Tra Pak C CC.B 4Ud 1000 86026376-4 60T l,tl 12t4 120 48 Longer L fe Soft Wh le C CC-B 4 /.a 1350 84026602,3 6OTML/TP 2414 120 96 Lonqer Life Soft Wh te C. CC.B 41,/ft 1350 84036639,3 60T/PK 12t2 115-125 24 Bea!ly Tone Pink c,cc8 100030058-2 60T/S]P/81 8t2 '120 16 c, cc-6 100030055-B 6OT/STP/GHN 812 120 16 softone Paste Grecn cc-6 43/n 100030381,8 60r/sTPi tvY 8t2 120 16 softone Paste lvorv cc-6 10003004c 1 60T/STP/PCH 8t2 120 16 soltone Paste Peach cc6 100030048 3 6OT/STP/PK 120 16 softone Paste Pink c.cc6 1000300s0 I 6OT/STP,Y 812 120 16 softone PastelYelow c,cc6 100022573-0 60T,ryt 1212 115-125 24 Buq-A WaV Yellow, Lonqer Lfe c.cc8 47/6 135065 PAR-38 N4ed. skt.ggg


    30232-3 75.65P4R/FL/EP 't20 12 *Econ-o-Par F ood(29) c cc-6 55tE 200n30234-9 75'65PAR/FUEP 130 12 rEcon-o-Pa F ood(29) C CC-6 5%5 200030235-6 75.65P4R/SP/EP 120 12 iEcon-o-Prr Spol(29) CCC6 5%r 200030236-4 75-65PAR/SP/rP 130 12 *Econ-o Par Spol(29) c,cc 6 5,'/,; 2000

    R 30 lvled. tXU

    24195-0 65830/SFL 120 24 Ref. S qn, F c, c-17A 5%a 500024270-1 65830/SFL4F 125-130 24 Reflector Sign, FrostSi icone Coated c, c-17A 5f.o 5000

    ',-lExclusve Product l- ]$$$-EnerqySavng Product tNew Since Last Pr nt n!. Cons der compact I uorescent lamps I sted on page 64 for energy sav ngs.X Orders wil be sh pped unt I nventory s dep eted; no onqer manLiactured. 35

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent LamPs /-\'!Eentt\/3ra)\fEn-oa-21





    lnitialLumensA 19 lved.a $$$ 1'130












    7075 T-19 lvled ^ S$$l\4ed. a


    Med r.

    Med a








    Nrled. L H.lA 19 l\,led.aA21 l\4ed. aER-30 Nled.^K 19!e P oouLl f- l $$$ I P gy S.vl-q Proolc TNe$ Sl-ce I dcl prrnl ngCon5io...o-pd.tll-Orenp- ldmpS'slFoo_ ooge6l o P P gySdvnoX-Orders wlllbe shipped unti inventory is depleted;no lonqe r man ufact! red36

    Econ o-watt, Ext Sv., l. F.120 120 lTraflic slanal clea(12)

    SI$ _ CONSIDER K6OA19/TS/EW 1M-125 VOLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGS130 | 120 lTrafilc Signal, c ea(12)-coNsrDER K6OA1g/TS/EW 130 VOLT FOR ENEIG! q4V!!99

    120 I 120 lTraftic Siqnal, Clea(]2)$$'-CONSIDER K6OA19/T9EW 120.125 VOLT FOR ENEBGY SAVINGS

    22204 2l6gA21fiS 1130 120 lTraflic S gnal. clea(l2)-coNsrDER K6OA1g/TS/EW 130 VoLT FOR ENERGY SAVIIIGS398s74175A 1120


    130 120 llnsrde FrostedS$t-CONSIDER 75A-67r'iEW 130 VOLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGS120 l12o lExtnded Service, LF$$$-coNslDEn 75A-674'/99/EW 120 VOLT FOB ENERGY SAVINGS:ro g-o I zsl ss | 125130 I20 lE(ended sprv ce l I$$$ _ CONSIDER 75A-67A99/EW 125-130 VOLT FOR ENERGY SAVINGS

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lampsf-----Jt{IJ3 aroe Rt\l- 19 l ---tl=_ ---11 tua\-11r I\f L--JE n.:o 3 r,ro


    1\. Consider c0mpact flu0rescent amps llsted on paoe 64 f0r ener0y savin0s.X-0rderswilbe shipped ufli inventory is depleted;no lonQer manufact!red.

    Watts Bulb BaseNAEDNumber04-6677- 0rderinqCode Volts 8i,g . Description ClassandFiament L. C. L.(ln ) r\,t.0. L(ln ) HoursLile JnitiaiLumens

    75 PAB 36 r\r-P ! 26278-2 75PAR36ATNSP 12 12 *PAR CompactVery Narrow Spot c,c-6 2% 2000PAR-36 End Pronq 20191 3 75PAB36/NFT 128 12 r.PAR Comoact Narrow Flood c,cc 6 37/'a 200020187t 75P4836/NFL 't25"130 12 *PAR Comlaci Narrow Flood c,cc 6 31/n 2000PAR-38 l,4ed Sh X


    32452,5 75PAR/FL 32 12 *PAR Flood c, c-6 5t6 100024167,3 75PAR/FL 6n 115-125 6 *PAR F ood(29) c,cc,6 5s/o 2000 75023236-3$$$- cl 75PAR/FL)NSIDER 75.65PAR] 115125:LiEP or 11215PAR I*PAR Flood(2g) C,CC-6]SiHiFL 120 VOLT FOR ENEBGY SAVINGS 2000 750232421$s$-c(l7sPAR/Ft | 130 12)NSIDEB 75-65PARIFUEP or 4sPAR IaPAR Flood(29)]8,/HTFL 130 VOLT FOR EN iccc6:BGY SA 55laVINGS 2000 75030069-9 75PAH/FI-/LI 6n 120 6 *PAR Flood, Lonaer Lile(2g) c,cc-6 5%o 2500 72430070-7 75PAB/FL/LL 120 12 *PAB Flood, Lonqer L fe(291 C,CC.6 55/'a 2500 72036223-6 7'PAB/SP 6/1 115-125 6 -PAB Spot(29) 5'/c 2000 75023233-0$$$- c(I75PAR/SP 1115-125)NSIDER 75-65PARrSP/EP or 1215PAR I*PAR spot(2g) lc,cc-o38iH1SP 120 VOLT FOR ENEPGY SI )su'VINGS 2000 75023241-3$$5*C( 75PAB/SP)NStOER 7s-6sPAR, 130iPr'EP or 12{5PAB l*PAB Spot{29)3SJHiSP 130 VOLT FOR EN c,cc-6ERGY STVINGS 2000 75039817,2 75PAR38/2Ft 115-125 12 *PAR Cool Beam

    F ood(52X82) c,cc 6 55/t 2000 75035582-6 75PAB38/2FL 130 1? *PAR Coo BeamFlood(52X82) c,cc 6 5s/'a 2000 750


    23245-4 75P48/3FL 115-'t25 12 * PAB Compact Flood{32) c,cc-6 2000 75023246-2 75PAR/3SP 115-125 12 rPAR Compact Spot(32) c,cc-6 4'/^ 2000 75024126-9 75PAR/3SP 130 12 rPAR Compact Spot(32) c,cc 6 2000 750PAR-46 III-P 37698 8 75PAB46 48 12 r.PAR Headli0ht(33) c,cc 2v 3% 800B[419 lved.^ 31193 6 75RM19/25" 120 12 Soot ine Retl (41)(82 cc 11 41/s 2000R-20 [4ed. l] 23352-8$s$- c( 75820)NSIDEF 50RM19125" 115125120 VOLI 60FOR Rflector, Lt. LF.(82):NERGY SAVINGS c,c-9 3"la 2000 800R-30 lved.a


    20235-8 75R30/FL 8t1 '120 B Rel ector Flood c,cc-6 5v1l 2000 83031873-7 75R30/FL 120 24 Refleclor F ood c cc-6 53/$ 2000 83024225 5 75830/FL 125-J30 24 Reflector Flood c,cc 6 53/i 2000 83024271,6 75n30/Ft/TF 115-125 24 Reflector. Frost Silicone Coated c,cc-6 53h 200022590-4 75R30/FU[L 8n 120 8 Reflctor Flood, Lonqer Lif c,cc-6 5J/,t 2500 80024254-5 75R30/FL/4M 120 24 Befeclor Flood c,cc-6 53/r 4000 69024262-B 75830/FU4ti4 125-130 24 Beflector Flood c cc-6 5'lt 4000 69020236-6 75830/SP 8/1 12t 8 Reflector Spot c cc-6 5%e 2000 B3024196-B 75830/5P 120 24 Rellector Spot c,cc-6 5%t 2000 83024209-9 75R30/SP '125-130 24 Belector Spot c,cc,6 5%a 2000 83020242 4 75R30/AGB0 6n 120 6 Aqro-Lite Plant Liaht{19) c,cc 6 5%a 200036299-6 75830/A 811 115-125 8 Ambe(lS) c,cc 6 5%s 200036300-2 75830/B 8/l 115-125 I Blue(19) c,cc,6 5%a 200036311-9 75R30/G 8/1 115-125 I Green c,cc-6 51/a 200036312-7 75R30/P( 8/1 115-125 B P nk(19 c,cc-6 53/tr 200036317-6 75R30/R 8n 115-125 I Red(19) c,cc-6 5%E 200036333-3 75R30/'Y 8/1 115-125 B Ye low(19 c,cc-6 5%e 2000R-40 lved.a o 23426-0$s$*cc 75R/FtNSIDER sOER3O 120 't20 lzq lFlood IVOLT FOR ENERGY SAVING IN DEEP REI c,cc,6]ESSED LTIMIN 6v, )2000AIRES 85023433,6 l$$s-co75R/FL ]NSIDER sOER3O 13O r25-130 IVOLT FO24 IR ENEFlood lc,cc,6 I IRGY SAVING IN DEEP RECESSEO LUMIN 6y, 12000AIFES 85023424-5 758/SP 120 24 Spot c,cc,6 6t 2000 85023431-0 758/SP 125-130 24 Spot c,cc-6 6'/z 2000 850T'10 l\4ed ^ 22258-8 75T10/45 115-125 24 Cleat B,C-B 111/a 1000 820

    fExclusive Product f l S$S Energy Saving Product lNew Since Last printinq

  • 7/29/2019 Philips Lighting 1991 Lamp Specification Guide


    lncandescent Lampstl\/Er,:lu 19 o r-)\l? ezt : HII pnn ssA 19

    Walls Brli) BaseNAEDNumber04 6677- 0rderingCode Volts ?ks .UN Descr pl of ClassandFiament tcL.(n.) M O.L(in.l HoursLfe lntalLumens

    75 T 1o [.4ed . 33474-B 75T10/SPBF 121 24 rSoatterl)roof Clear c c-74 3 51/, 500 750T 19 N4ed.aoU

    26409-3 l7sT/sw 1214 |$$$-coNslDEB 7oTM/ES 1l

    12120 VOLT

    48l:OR Ei Solt WhiteIERGY SAVINGS C CC-B 4/" 750 118026622-1 75T/SWiTP 24t4 120 96 Soft White cccS 4'/,t 750 T18026381-4 75Tl,lrL 12t4 120 48 Lonoer Life Sofl Wh te C,CC 8 1000 115026603-1 75l/'l,rrUTP 24t4 120 96 Lonqer Llfe Soft Wh te c,cc I 1000 115088 PAR,36 r\4 P 29863,8 88PAR36/FL 75 12 Foodllaht Ant V bration c,cc 6 T50090 A-19 NIed.^ $$$


    29138-5 '1004-904/EW 120 120 Econ-o-waft LF. ccc8 750 162029149 2 1004-904/EW 130 120 Ecor-o watt l. F. cccS 750 162029246-6 100A-90A/9g/EW 't2t 120 Econ-o walt. Ext. Sv., LF cccS 2500 137529280-5 '100A-90A/9g/EW 125-130 120 Econ-o watt. Ext. Sv. l.F. c,cc B 2500 1375lled. $$$

    $$$37168-2 x90A19/TS/[W 128125 120 Krypton Ecof o-wal'tTraftc Sional C ear(121 c. c 1tv 2t/ 't 4/s 8000 104031615-2 t(90A19/1/TS/EW 120-125 120 Krvoton Econ-o-watlTrafl ( Sonal cear(12) c, ctl v 3 4/, 8000 1040A-21 Med [l$$$ 26829-2 s0421/35 125t30 60 Econ-o-wan lndus. Serv . I F c,c I 5%r 3500 1090PAB'38 [4ed $$$skt


    3057B-9 SIPAB38/H/FL 120 12 iHalooen MASTERLINE F ood(29)(42)(50) c,cc8 55/,, 200037784'6 Sl)PAR3S/H/FL 130 12 *Haloqen I,4ASTERLINE Flood(2s)(42)(50) c ccB 5'/s 200037782-0 St)PA838/H/SP 129 12 *Halogen N,4ASTERLINE Spot(29)(42)(50) c, cc-B 200037783-8 90PAH38i H/SP 't30 12 iHa ogen I!4ASTEBL NE Spol c, cc,B 200031766 g g0l^,ll/'l,t ATCHMAN 120 12 Sofl Whlte c,2cc-6 1204 90095 T19 [,4ed ^ ss$ 36567 6 95T rrlEs 't2/4 120 48 Enerov Savinc. Whrte c,cc-8 4r/l 750 1710100 Med a 27086 8 1004 12t4 't20 48 lns d Frosted c,cc 8 4f|i 750 175022279 4s$$ - cc

    '1004INSIDER 1OOA.gOI,/E

    12n:w 120 v( 120 I)LT FO lns d FrostedR ENERGY SAVINGS cccS

    750 1750

    22287-7 '100A 125 124 lns de Frosted c,cc-B 4 /.t 750 175022291 I$$$ - c(

    '1004)NStDER 100A-901,,/t

    130iw 130 v( 120 I)LT FO lns de FrosledR ENERGY SAVINGS C.CC 8 750 175022286-9$$$ - cc 100A/99)NSIDER 100A-90A'i9 1209i EW 12(


    Extended Srvlce LF.FOB ENERGY SAVINGS

    c cc-B 2500 151022295 0s,$l- cc 1004i99NSTDER 100A-90A./9S

    125-130tEW 125j

    120 |t30 vol Extended Serv ce. l.FTFOR ENERGY SAVINGS c.cc8 4t/n 2500 1510

    20150-9 100tuc1 12t2 120 24 C ear c, cc-B 31/a Afn 750 175022277-B lOBfuCL 120 1?tt C eat c, cc-B 31/a 4 /.; 750 175022290-1 1004,/ct 130 1?0 Clear cc8 31h 750 1750374221 1004/ssct '125-130 124 Extended Service. Clear cc8 2500 15T0

    A-21 l\4ed. ^ 34803 7 1004 't2 124 lns d Frosted c6 5%, 1000 205034793-0 1004 2 120 lns de Frosted cc6 57n 1000 r94024363,4 't00A2'l,B 32 120 Loco. Hdlt (12)(22) cc5 3 500 r57034781-5 1004 34 120 Traln, lF. c.c-6 1000 194022338-B 100A21 120 120 lnside Frosted C, CC-B 750 168022393,3 '100421 130 120 lnside Frosted C, CC,B 750 16803005T 7 100A21iTF 115-125 120 Frost Silcon Coated C,CCB 75029956 0 1004 230 120 lnside Frosted C,C74 1000 121t29955 2 '100A 250 120 lnside Frosted C.C74 5./,6 1000 121024661-1 1004 277 124 l\4 ne. l. F c,c7A 5"/f, 1000 107024668-6 100A 300 124 lns dc Frosted c, c-7A 1000 1040

    100A2,ligq 121 120 Extended Service, LF. c cc-B sfs 2500 142522440-6 100A21/99 125t30 120 Extended Seru ce LF cc,B 576 2500 1425

    []rlus ve ProdJc- f J $$$ E-e'gy S"v'nq Drod rc ll\e bl-( e Lasl P rnl'nq

    -o Co_s oer c0mod'l ll ore'c