Photo Contest Announcement GHWA

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  • 7/27/2019 Photo Contest Announcement GHWA


    Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health


    The Global Health Workforce Alliance is pleased to announce a photo competition for

    its upcoming 3rdGlobal Forum on Human Resources for Health, which will take place

    in Brazil, from 10-13 November 2013


    The Global Health Workforce Alliance (the Alliance) is a partnership dedicated to

    identifying and implementing solutions to the health workforce crisis. It brings together avariety of actors, including national governments, civil society, finance institutions,workers, international agencies, academic institutions and professional associations. TheAlliance is hosted and administered by the World Health Organization.

    Since 2008, as part of its mandate, the Alliance has been convening Global forums onhuman Resources for Health (HRH). The 3rd Global Forum will take place from 10-13November 2013 under the theme Human Resources for Health: foundation forUniversal Health Coverage and the post-2015 development agenda. The Forum aims

    at eliciting new HRH commitments to accelerate progress, and to update the humanresources for health agenda to make it relevant to the current global health policydiscourse, including the final push to accelerate progress towards attainment of thehealth MDGs.

    Call for photo submissions:

    In light of the upcoming Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health, - we aredelighted to invite professional and non-professional photographers worldwide toparticipate in a photo contest under the themea day in the life of a health worker.

    Health workers are the single most important element of any health service. They savelives. Without them, no vaccine can be administered, no life-saving drugs prescribed, nofamily planning advice provided and no woman can be given expert care during childbirth.

    In our efforts to advocate for health workers - we are calling for photo submissions toinclude a broad range of photographs covering health workers in action and looking atglobal health issues, such as maternal, newborn and child health; non-communicablediseases; and infectious diseases.

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    The contest aims to raise awareness of the importance of all cadres of health workers,who save lives every day, despite difficult conditions and inadequate resources. Webelieve that photos in action will reinforce health messages, and will presentinformation in a visually interesting format, which will go a long way in influencing


    Submissions are to be made under the following categories:

    Category 1: Africa (including North Africa)

    Category 2: Americas

    Category 3: Asia

    Category 4: Europe

    Category 5: Middle East

    Category 6: Oceania (Australia, etc.)


    Across the categories, the following prizes will be given:

    1stPrize - 500 US$

    2ndPrize - 300 US$

    3rdPrize - 150 US$


    The closing date for entries is 30 August 2013. If you would like to take part in thecontest, please carefully read the Competition Rules that follow. Contest winners will beannounced by late September 2013. The list of winners will also be posted on the Forumwebsite and the Alliance Facebook page.

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    The Health workers count photo contest is open to professional and non -professional

    photographers who are 18 years or older. Photographs that have already been publishedelsewhere or are the property of a third party are not eligible.

    Entry fees:

    Participation in the contest is free.

    Submission Procedure and Material Specifications:

    Photographers can submit up to three photographs per category. Photographs should

    be in JPEG or TIFF formats and be no larger than 9 megabytes . Slides, prints andscans of non-digital photographs are not accepted. Each file should be named with an IDname in the following manner:

    o Category,o Family name of contestant,o Entry item number.

    For example: MiddleEast_Smith_01.jpg



    Each photo must be submitted in separate emails with the completed Entry Forms [email protected].

    If you do not receive confirmation of receipt within 48 hours, please contact us.


    Judging is scheduled to take place in mid-August. Entries will be judged by professionalsin the fields of photography, journalism, public relations as well as human resources for

    health. Photographs will be assessed on relevance to the contest theme, power of themessage, creativity, and technical quality. If necessary, captions of the selectedphotographs will be edited and adapted according to the WHO style guide. The decisionsof the Global Health Workforce Alliance are final.

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    Announcement, Notification and Publication of Winners:

    The winners of the photo contest will be announced at the Third Global Forum on HumanResources for Health. The winning and nominated photographs will be displayed at theForum venue and will be published on the Forum website and the Alliance Facebook page

    together with the contest results.


    The prizes will be transferred to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, selected by the jury to bankaccounts indicated by the winners.

    Publication or dissemination of submitted photographs:

    The Alliance reserves the right to reprint, use, distribute and publish, with appropriatecredit to the photographer, all photo submissions (including non-winning entries),without any compensation to the photographer in question. However, copyright andintellectual property in the entry will remain with the photographer. Also, the Alliancereserves the right to grant permission to third parties to reprint, use, name, distribute andpublish the photographs for non-commercial purposes in order to raise awareness of thecrisis of the health workforce (all the foregoing always with appropriate credit to thephotographer).

    Claim of Ownership:

    Contestants must own all right to the photographs submitted, and releases for thephotographs submitted are the contestant's responsibility. If a photograph(s) submittedcontains any material that belongs to a third party, the producers must obtain permissionfor the use of that material, so as to allow the Alliance to fully exercise its rightshereunder without any obligation on the part of the Alliance to make any payment to anyparty whatsoever. If the WHO has any doubt on the ownership of the photograph(s), theAlliance reserves the right to eliminate the photograph(s) from the contest. Contestantsmust be able to supply a signed release from any person(s) appearing in thephotograph(s) (or their legal representatives or guardians).

    Use of the GHWA/WHO name or logo:

    No participant in the contest shall be authorized to use or allow third parties to use theWHO/GHWA name and/or logo for any purpose.


    Prizes will be awarded in the Alliance's sole discretion. The Alliance reserves the right notto award any prize at all. There is no obligation on the part of the Alliance to reveal or

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    discuss with any contestant how entries were assessed or to provide any otherinformation relative to the award process. The selection process shall not be open toappeal. Incomplete entries and entries after the deadline will, in principle, be disregarded(unless the Alliance, in its sole discretion, decides otherwise in respect of any suchincomplete or late entry).

    Any and all costs incurred in relation to an entry will exclusively be borne by thecontestant. The submission of any entry will not be subject to claims for financialcompensation of any kind whatsoever.

    Participation in the contest may not be construed as an endorsement by the WHO of thephotographer and/or his/her work.

    Acceptance of Rules:

    By submitting an entry, each contestant agrees to the rules of the contest.

    For more information, please contact Ms. Sonali REDDY [email protected]

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    Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms.

    Last name: First name: Middle name:

    Street Address: City: State/Province: Country:

    Home phone no.: Office phone no.: Cell phone no.:

    Email Address: Alternative Email Address:


    ID Name: Contest Category:

    Africa Americas AsiaEurope Middle East Oceania

    Date the Photo was Taken: Place the Photo was Taken:

    Title of the Photo: Caption:


    Are you the owner of the image and able, ifrequested, to supply a signed release from

    any person(s) appearing in thephotograph or from their legalrepresentative or their guardians?1

    Yes No Do you accept the contest rules as set outin the announcement for the contest? 2 Yes No

    The above information is true to the best of my knowledge. Should I win any of the photo contest prizes, I authorize the prize to be paiddirectly into my bank account as detailed above. I also authorize the Global Health Workforce Alliance to release any information requiredto process my claims.

    Signature Place and Date

    1 If the answer is No, the photograph will not be allowed to participate in the contest.2 If the answer is No, the photograph will not be allowed to participate in the contest.