Photo Drama of Creation 1914 No Photos

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    Kingdom, which the clay on thefeet of the Image imitated. TheStone represents God's ElectChurch, gathered out from Jewsand Gentiles, and from every nation and denomination, toconstitute Messiah's Kingdom.Shortly, this Kingdom will beestablished in power and great glory, and the kingdoms of thisworld will disappear as by magic. Messiah's Kingdom willthen grow until it fills the wholeearth, and brings all thingsunder its control, every wilfulsinner being cut off in theSecond Death.

    Daniel's Dream-Another View

    Between Zedekiah and Messiah,there has been a long period of time. During this period God gave a lease of government tothe Gentile Kingdoms,

    represented inNebuchadnezzar's Image. That

    lease of power to rule the worldas best they could was to last for"seven times"--seven symbolic years, each day of which (lunartime) would represent a year.Thus "seven times" would meanseven times three hundred andsixty, that is, 2520 years. Thatperiod is apparently due toexpire in 1915. In other words,very soon the Gentile lease of Earthly Dominion expires. Thenthe due time will come forMessiah's Kingdom to begin itsreign. This seems to explainpresent social unrest.

    The same facts presented toKing Nebuchadnezzar, Godshowed under different symbols

    to the Prophet Daniel. Instead of a great Image, Daniel saw greatBeasts. This means that theGentile governments, so grandto worldly men, appear beastly from the Divine viewpoint.

    Surely we can agree to this aswe look over the bloody pages


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    of history; the world has beenunder beastly rule, even thoughthe best it was able to providefor itself--and though muchworse conditions could beimagined--for instance,Anarchy.

    The first beast of Daniel'sdream, a lion, representedBabylon; the second, a bear,Medo-Persia; the third, aleopard, Grecia-- the fourheads representing Alexanderthe Great's successors, four generals. The fourth beastrepresented the Roman Empire.Its ten horns corresponded tothe ten toes of the Image. Thehorn that had eyes and was

    crowned, is believed by many torepresent ecclesiastical powerenthroned amid political power.

    A judgment scene was shown toDaniel, in which all these

    governments were disapproved,and the dominion taken from

    them and given to One whoappeared like unto The Son of Man. The Kingdom given Himwas a perpetual one, that allshould serve and obey Him; andall beastly governments weredestroyed.--Daniel 7:13-27.

    King Belshazzar's Feast

    Pride overbalancedNebuchadnezzar's judgment,and, in the plain of Dura, hewas led to erect a great image of himself as Earth's Ruler, towhich all people were requiredto bow down in obedientreverence! If the people couldregard him as a god, they would

    be the more sure to obey him.But among them were threeHebrews who refused to bow the knee. Their religiousscruples were not respected. Itwas enough that they were

    defying EmperorNebuchadnezzar. A great


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    furnace was heated seven times,or as hot as possible, and into itthe three servants of God werecast. The men who threw themin inhaled flame and died.Nebuchadnezzar and his lords,looking over toward thefurnace, saw the three unhurtand with them One like untothe Son of God.Nebuchadnezzar acknowledgedthe God of the Hebrews andcommanded all the people toworship Him. Although God'speople today may be subjectedto fiery trials, they will probably not be literally burned in afurnace. Nevertheless, God'spower can keep their hearts inevery trouble.

    It was after this thatNebuchadnezzar became insaneand beast-like lived uponherbage, seven years, afterwhich his reason was restored

    and he gave glory to God.

    Later on came Belshazzar'sFeast, the handwriting on thewall and the fall of Babylon,when the kingdom of the Medesand Persians, represented in theImage by the silver, and by theBear in Daniel's vision, took possession of the dominionsonce ruled by Babylon. Cyrus'army turned aside theEuphrates, marched in throughthe river-bed and captured thecity supposed to beimpregnable.

    Babylon is the symbolical namein Revelation for a greatEcclesiastical System. Its fall isdescribed as accomplishedthrough the drying up of the

    symbolical river Euphrates, thatthe way of the Kings of the Eastmight be prepared--a RoyalPriesthood, of which Christ isthe Head. The river representspeople and wealth.--Revelation



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    King Darius and Cyrus

    Daniel the Prophet ranked highwith King Darius for hisintegrity. His associates hatedhim because he prevented graft.They knew of no way to gethold of Daniel except onaccount of his religion. They urged upon King Darius theinfluence that would accruefrom announcing himself theonly one to be worshiped. They urged that this would impressthe people, make them moreloyal to his government. They got a decree issued that anybody worshiping any other god thanDarius should be thrown into a

    den of lions. Then they spiedupon Daniel and convicted him.It was a Medo-Persian law thatroyal decrees could never beignored. Hence, although KingDarius was very sorry to know

    of his most faithful officer beingcaught, he was unable to

    change the arrangement. Hisonly hope was that Daniel's Godmight do something for hisdeliverance.

    Daniel was cast into the den of lions, but in the morning wasbrought forth safe. Then thosewho had thus entrapped him,by the King's command werecast into the den of lions, thesame as Daniel, anddevoured.--Daniel 6:14-24.

    At the end of the seventy yearsof the desolation of Jerusalem,God stirred up the heart of Cyrus, who then was on thethrone, to issue a proclamation giving liberty to all Israelites to

    return to Palestine. He also gavemoney, and decreed that thevessels of the Lord's House,which had previously beentaken, should be restored.Approximately fifty thousand

    Israelites returned--so few outof the many taken into captivity.


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    The zealous, full of faith in theAbrahamic Promise, returned,rebuilt the city, and, in Ezra'stime, the Temple. The othershad become worldly-mindedand interested in Babylon. ThusGod separated the dross of Israel to prepare them forMessiah. Yet the "Israelitesindeed" were few compared tothe whole, when their day of visitation came.

    The romantic story of QueenEsther, wife of King Ahasuerus,follows the period of KingCyrus' decree.

    The Valley of Dry Bones

    Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones, which came together,were clothed with sinews, andthen with skin, an exceeding

    great army, is supposed torepresent the resurrection of the

    dead. But this conjecture seemsto be erroneous. The Prophetdeclares that this picturerepresents the revival of Israel'sHopes. First the dry bones of hope, then sinews of strength,and finally comeliness andcompletion. We read, "This isthe whole House of Israel,which say, Our hope [of againbecoming a nation] is dried; weare cut off from our parts."--Ezekiel 37:1-14.

    The fulfilment of this predictionseems to be in progress now amongst the Jewish people.Only a short time ago they hadno hope; then came Zionism,the dry bones of hope for

    amelioration from suffering, butwithout any faith in theAbrahamic promise. Later, wesee the Jews growing in trust inthe Abrahamic promise andcoming together with strength,

    wealth and faith. The time isevidently not far distant when


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    their national hope will berehabilitated and they shallrejoice again as a people.--Isaiah 40:1, 2; Romans 11:25-33.

    The Scriptures tell about theresurrection of the dead; that itwill not be the body which diesthat will be resurrected. Thebody returns to dust. In themorning of Messiah's Reign,God through Him will granteach of Adam's race "a body as ithath pleased Him." The saintly few will share in the FirstResurrection, to glory, honorand immortality, the divinenature, far above angels. Thenwill come God's blessing upon

    the world, to give themRestitution--earthly bodies. It ismanifestly much easier for Godto give as He purposes, a new body, than, as we oncesurmised, to gather each atom

    of dust from every quarter torestore it as the same body. Not

    a passage of Scripture mentionsthe resurrection of the body, butmany passages mention theresurrection of the soul, whichwill be awakened and given anew body, earthly for theearthly class, Heavenly for theHeavenly class.--1 Cor. 15:37-40.

    The Logos Made Flesh

    The Jewish nation, failing tokeep the Law Covenant of Sinai,failed to make good as the Seedof Abraham fit to bless theworld. Then the due time camefor God to provide Messiah-Redeemer and Deliverer for

    Israel and all peoples. He wouldbecome flesh, of Abraham'sfamily, fulfil the Law Covenantterms, and then by self-sacrificewould become Abraham's Seedon the Spirit plane, able to

    succor all who would come tothe Father through Him.


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    In St. John's Gospel (1:1-5) Jesusin His pre-existent condition isdescribed as the Word of God,or Logos, "The Firstborn of allCreation."--Colossians 1:15.

    Ancient kings addressing theirpeople sat behind a lattice, infront of which stood arepresentative who uttered theking's message to the people.Such representative was calledthe Logos--the king's word, ormouthpiece. The illustration isforceful, beautiful, whenapplied to God's Only BegottenSon, through whom God speaksto humanity--to the Churchnow, to the world shortly,

    through the MessianicKingdom.

    The literal translation of John1:1 throws much light upon asubject hitherto dark. "In the

    beginning was the Logos, andthe Logos was with the God, and

    the Logos was a God; the samewas in the beginning with theGod. All things were made by Him, and without Him was notone thing made that was made.The Logos was made flesh anddwelt among us, and we beheldHis glory, as the glory of theOnly Begotten of the Father." Jesus tells us the same thing inother language, saying, "He wasthe beginning of the creation of God." (Rev. 3:14.) "He was thebeginning and the ending, thefirst and the last, the Alpha andthe Omega." (Rev.21:6.) Thethought is clear; Jehovah Goddirectly created no other beingthan the Logos, and Him very great and in the likeness of

    Jehovah. How distinctly, yetbriefly, all this is stated by St. John!

    Next in the Divine Program wasthe annunciation to Mary, then,

    the greatest event of history, thebirth of our Redeemer.


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    Tidings of Great Joy

    Only as we associate the Babe of Bethlehem with the Logos by and through whom all thingswere made, do we get ourmental focus respecting Jesus.His life was not from Adam,through Joseph--a forfeited life.It was a transferred life. TheLogos, who was rich in spiritprivileges, glory and honor, "forour sakes became poor [TheMan Christ Jesus] that we by His poverty might becomerich"-- that mankind might beredeemed from the curse--theDeath Sentence and all it

    includes of sorrow, pain andalienation from God. "A body hast Thou prepared Me for thesuffering of death!" The death of a spotless One was necessary asa Ransom-price for Adam and

    his race.--1 Timothy 2:6.

    No wonder the angels rejoicedto announce to the shepherdsthe Logos made flesh--the Babeof Bethlehem. "Fear not! Behold,we bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be untoall people!" Few have analyzedthe Message, few have seen how comprehensive its scope. It is for Jews and Gentiles--sinnersall--"all people." Only a few have yet had opportunity to getthis great joy; but the Redeemerpromises that He will yet be theTrue Light to lighten every manthat cometh into the world.-- John 1:9.

    "For unto you [mankind] is bornthis day in the City of David a

    Savior, which is Christ theLord." Ah! the meaning of thatword Savior! It means Life- giver! The right to live had beenlost--all are dying. The Life- giver came to provide life

    everlasting for the dying race.Thank God for a Life-giver, a


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    Great One, able to save unto theuttermost!--Hebrews 7:25.

    The "Peace on Earth, good-willto men" prophecy has not yetbeen fulfilled, but it is nearing.The birth of the Babe was onestep toward it; the death on thecross was another; the gloriousresurrection and ascension of the Logos again to the Spiritplane were other steps. Theselection of the Church asMessiah's Bride is another,nearly completed. TheMessianic Kingdom willcomplete the blessed prophecy.

    John the Forerunner

    The work of redemption beganwith Jesus' consecration todeath at 30 years of age,symbolized by His baptism.There He who was made flesh

    for the purpose, gave Himself tobe a Ransom-price for all, to be

    testified to all in due time. Thehumbling of the Logos to takehuman nature, the birth of theBabe of Bethlehem, and the years of development afterward,were incidental. Similarly, thework of John the Baptiser was apreparation. His mission wasthe announcement of Jesus as"the Lamb of God which takethaway the sin of the world." Hereproved sin and exhorted torighteousness as necessary to allwho would receive Messiah andbe received and blessed by Himas sharers in the Kingdom Hewould establish.

    John preached, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Repent ye!"

    Only the Israelites indeed,without guile, received Messiah,and became associates in His glorious work. John's Baptismwas the washing away of sinsagainst the Jewish Law, and was

    intended only for Jews notwholly faithful.


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    John's Baptism symbolizedcleansing from defilement, andwas preached to the Jews, andwas applicable to them only.Gentiles were excluded. How could they repent and get back into covenant relationship whenthey had never been inrelationship? The Jews, stillunder the covenant made withthem at Sinai through itsmediator, Moses, hadrelationship with God, for, as St.Paul says, they "were allbaptized into Moses, in the seaand in the cloud." Every Israelitein heart relationship with Godthrough Moses, was transferredfrom Moses, to Christ, and

    needed no additional baptisminto Christ, because already accepted in Moses, the type of Christ.

    When the call began to go to

    the Gentiles, several at Ephesusbelieved and were baptized by

    John's Baptism, as though they had been Jews. This was amistake. At St. Paul's word they were rebaptized, into Christ'sdeath. Gentiles needed to bebaptized directly into Christ'sdeath.--Acts 18:25; 19:3-5;Romans 6:3;11:17-25.

    The Baptism of Jesus

    When Jesus presented Himself to John at Jordan to be baptized,it caused surprise. Johndeclared, I have more need toask You to baptize me! Youhave no sin to wash away! Jesusdid not explain the matter. Hemerely said, "Suffer it to be so

    now." He thus intimated that Hewas not following John'sbaptism to wash away sins, butthat His baptism had anotherspecial meaning, which He didnot disclose. St. Paul explains to

    us that Jesus' baptismsymbolized His full consecration


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    of His life to God as a sacrifice,even unto death.--Hebrews10:5-9.

    Jesus afterward indicated thatHis entire ministry was afulfilment of the consecrationmade at thirty, when He wasbaptized. It symbolized Hisimmersion into death--yieldingHis life to the service of God. Atthe close of His ministry, Hesaid, "I have a baptism to bebaptized with, and how am Istraitened till it beaccomplished!" (Luke 12:50.)The next day, on the cross, Hecried, "It is finished!" Hisbaptism into death, begun at Jordan, was there completed.

    In this matter the followers of Jesus copy Him. They arebaptized into His death, andthus into His Body, the Church.(Romans 6:3.) This baptism into

    The Christ company, or Body,will not be completed until the

    last member shall have passedinto death. Then the baptism of Christ as a whole will befinished. Then beyond the veil,by the First Resurrection, theentire Body will receive glory,honor and immortality and be joint-heirs with Jesus in theKingdom then established. "If we suffer with Him, we shallalso reign."

    As Jesus came up out of thewater, the heavens [higherthings] were opened to Him.Heavenly Truths becameclearer. He could understandthe "deep things of God." (1Corinthians 2:10.) Thisenlightenment came by the

    receiving of the Holy Spirit. SoHis followers received ameasure of the Spirit, begettingthem as sons of God, joint-heirswith Christ. They also areilluminated.--Hebrews 10:32.


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    Gospel of the Kingdom

    For more than sixteen centuriesIsrael had waited and prayedfor the coming of Messiah'sKingdom to exalt them, and tobless the world. Theannouncement that theKingdom was at hand was a good Message--or Gospel.

    But not enough Jews were incondition of heart to beIsraelites indeed, worthy toshare with Jesus in the gloriousservice of His great, long-promised Kingdom. "He cameunto His own [people], but Hisown received Him not"--they crucified Him. But to as many as

    received Him [few] He gave theliberty, or privilege, of becoming sons of God, of passing from the House of Servants, under Moses, to theHouse of Sons, under the

    Headship of Jesus. This waseffected at Pentecost, by the

    begetting of the Holy Spirit.-- John 1:11-13; Heb. 3:1-6.

    Not enough worthy Jews beingfound, the Kingdom offer waswithdrawn from them, and fornineteen centuries God hasbeen completing theforeordained number fromsaintly Gentiles. Outward signsand the prophecies demonstratethat the Kingdom was not set upthen, and did not begin to blessthe world. Instead, all theunready of Israel were brokenoff from Divine favor for a time,while the Call to the Kingdomwas sent to the Gentiles, to takeout of them a people tocomplete the foreordained

    "Body of Christ." (Romans 11:1-7,11,12.) Holy, saintly characters from every nationhave been gathering fornineteen centuries, until now the number is nearly complete

    and the Kingdom about to beestablished.


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    When, therefore, the election of the Spiritual Seed of Abrahamshall be accomplished, thisGospel Age will end. Then willbegin the Messianic Age, inwhich Christ and the Churchshall reign in spirit power.--Revelation 5:10;20:6.

    Then the blindness of Israel willbe removed, and the blessings of the New Dispensation will cometo them, and through them toall the families of the Earth, asGod promised. That the Churchis the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, to bless Natural Israeland the world, is clearly shownin Galatians 3:16,29.

    Parables of the Kingdom

    Jesus' parables chiefly relate tothe Kingdom. Some of them

    show how the Jews failed tobecome heirs of the Kingdom,

    and how the Gentiles came infor a share. Others show theKingdom class sufferingviolence during this Age as apart of their preparation for theKingdom glories. "The Kingdomof Heaven [class] sufferethviolence." The violent havedominated it by force forcenturies.

    The parable of the King's Sonshows that the Jews had the firstopportunity for joint-heirshipwith Messiah in His Kingdom.Then the Gentiles received theinvitation. And these, not many wise or learned, have foreighteen centuries beenprepared for Messiah's

    Kingdom. "Do ye not know thatthe saints shall judge theworld?"--1 Corinthians 6:2.

    In the parable the "WeddingGarment" represents a faith

    relationship with God throughChrist's merit. The one who


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    discarded it was cast out of theBridal Company. This prefiguresthe fate of all who reject theefficacy of the sacrifice of Christin atonement for their sins. They will be forced out of the light of Present Truth--into the "outerdarkness" of the world. By andby they will realize their loss of the Kingdom with chagrin--weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    The Pearl of Great Priceillustrates the Kingdom'spriceless value--it is worth itscost--our all.

    The Wheat-field parable of theKingdom represents the Churchduring this Age. The wheat,

    almost choked out by tares of error, yet finally ripened and gathered into the Heavenly garner, will be the Sun of Righteousness to usher in theNew Day of Messiah's

    Kingdom.--Matthew 13:43.

    The parable of the Talentsrepresents how eachconsecrated disciple of Jesus is asteward of his own talents, andthat according to hisfaithfulness will be his share inthe Kingdom. Faithfulness inusing the few talents of thepresent will bring greatopportunities for blessing theworld in the next Age. "I willmake thee ruler over many things."--Matthew 25:21.

    The Prodigal Son

    The Scribes, Pharisees andDoctors of the Law were theElder Brother of the Prodigal

    Son parable. Publicans andsinners, careless of spiritualprivileges, were the Prodigal,estranged from their Father'sHouse. Jesus shows God'sattitude toward the returning

    prodigal. For such He provides a"feast," a blessing which all may


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    share, if they will. Those whoreceived Jesus' Messageincluded not many great, wiseor noble, but chiefly penitentprodigals.

    The parable of Dives andLazarus illustrated the samelesson. The Jewish nation wasDives, the Rich man. His table,his spiritual food, the promisesof God, was abundantly supplied; his raiment, fine linen,represented justification,effected through the typicalAtonement-day sacrifices. Hispurple robe represented,symbolically, the fact that hewas identified with God'sKingdom, purple being a

    symbol of royalty. Lazarusrepresented the hopelessness of the sinners and Gentiles, whohungered for a share in thepromises to Abraham, but who got only "crumbs" until Israel's

    rejection.--Matthew 23:38.

    The Poor man's soresrepresented a sin-sick condition; the dogs whichlicked them represented thesympathy of Gentile "dogs." Thiswas illustrated in theSyrophenician woman whosedaughter Jesus healed. She wasnot a Jewess, and therefore Jesusat first refused to aid her,saying, "It is not proper to takethe children's bread and give itto dogs." But she pleaded: "Yes,Lord, yet the dogs eat of thecrumbs that fall from thechildren's table." Jesus gave herthe crumb.

    The Rich man, the Jewishnation, died to his great

    blessings. Nationally he fellasleep in Hades, and awaitsreawakening. But personally the Jews passed into a great time of trouble, symbolically represented as fire, for eighteen



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    Lazarus also died to hiscondition of disfavor, and foundhimself in "Abraham's bosom"--a child of Abraham. Thus theGentiles have becomeAbraham's Seed, and heirs of theSpiritual part of the AbrahamicPromise.--Galatians 3:29.

    Not Dead But Sleepeth

    When Jesus found the mournersbewailing the death of Jairus'daughter, He put them forth,saying, "The maid is not dead,but sleepeth." Then Heawakened her. Man does not diethe same as beast. Althoughdeath to man and beast is

    cessation of life, yet to man Godhas given precious promises of a future life by a resurrection.There are numerous assurancesthat mankind shall be restoredfrom death to receive things

    promised. Therefore theScriptures speak of man as not

    dying, but merely falling asleep.The unconscious sleepers are allpromised an awakening in theResurrection Morn. Jesusdeclared that all in their gravesshall hear His voice and comeforth--some to a life of eternalreward, for present faithfulness;others to a trial, or judgment, todetermine their everlastingdestiny.--John 5:28,29 R.V.

    Jesus awakened Lazarus, whosesisters were Martha and Mary,at whose home He frequently stopped at Bethany. WhenLazarus was seriously sick, thesisters sent Jesus the message,"Lord, he whom Thou lovest issick." To their surprise he

    allowed Lazarus to die.Mentioning the matter to Hisdisciples, He said, "Our friendLazarus sleepeth," and later,"Jesus said unto them plainly,Lazarus is dead." Jesus said not a

    word about the dead going toHeaven, purgatory or hell, as


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    was once believed. See John3:13;11:13,14; Acts 2:29-35.

    This word sleep has long beenused as symbolical of death."Abraham slept with hisfathers," and his fathers wereheathens. St. Paul refers to"those who sleep in Jesus," andtells us "We shall not all sleep,"referring to those who remainalive until the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom, and theFirst Resurrection--at thebeginning of His Reign.

    These sleep neither in Heaven,purgatory nor a hell of torment.The Bible declares, "They thatsleep in the dust of the earth

    shall awake," some to shine asstars, and others to be incontempt and shame, until they have demonstrated theirrepentance and loyalty.--Daniel12:2.

    Capernaum "Cast Down to Hell"

    Capernaum, the scene of themajority of Jesus' mighty works,is now marked merely by a ruin.In it we see fulfilled Jesus'prophecy, "Thou, Capernaum,which art exalted to heaven,shalt be brought down to hell"--to Hades--the tomb.Symbolically that city was liftedto heaven in privilege as beingthe Master's own city during Hisministry. Its great privilegesmeant great responsibility, andhence Jesus told them that if thesame mighty works done intheir midst had been done inSodom and Gomorrah, they would have repented. He said,

    "In the Day of Judgment, it willbe more tolerable for Sodomand Gomorrah than for you."

    The Day of Judgment isundoubtedly the thousand-year

    Day of Christ's Reign, in which judgment, or trial, will be


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    granted to the world, toseparate "sheep" from "goats"--to determine those worthy andthose unworthy of everlastinglife. That glorious Epoch will bea blessed Day of privilege, lightand grace, in which all thedarkness of sin will vanish. Itwill be "more tolerable" forthose who sinned without lightthan for those who enjoyed great privileges andopportunities.

    Bible students are coming to seethat the Day of Judgment hasbeen greatly misunderstood. Ithas been thought of as a time of condemnation, instead of whichit will be a period of testing, to

    see who, under trial, will befound worthy and whounworthy of everlasting life,which Jesus died to secure forall of Adam's race desiring it onGod's terms.

    The first Judgment Day was in

    Eden. Father Adam because of disobedience was sentenced todeath. For six thousand yearshis race has been under thatsentence. Jesus died to releaseall from that sentence, and to grant to all an opportunity of everlasting life. Only a faithfulfew, an Elect class, have yetbeen blessed. Their judgment, ortrial, is in advance of the world,that they may be with Jesus judges of the world during theworld's trial, or Judgment Day--the thousand years.--1Corinthians 6:2; Acts 17:31.

    Sheep and Goats Parable

    This parable pictures theKingdom conditions after theChurch is glorified and theKingdom established. It willbegin fulfilment "When the Sonof Man shall come in His glory,

    and all the holy angels withHim." All nations, including


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    those now asleep in death, willbe on trial before Christ's Judgment Seat, to determinetheir willingness orunwillingness to come fully intoharmony with God, and toreceive the Divine blessing of life everlasting, or, contrariwise,to be destroyed in the SecondDeath.

    Those developing the wayward, goat-like disposition will pass toMessiah's disfavor, representedby His left hand. At the close of the Millennium, the separationwill have affected the entirehuman family, and havebrought all into one of twoclasses. One class will be

    rewarded with "the gift of God,eternal life." The other class,unworthy, will get thepunishment which God hasprovided, namely, destruction--kolasin, cutting off from life.

    "The soul that sinneth, it shalldie."

    Their destruction issymbolically represented by fire,and was illustrated by the firesin the Valley of Hinnom(mistranslated "Hell"), in whichthe garbage of Jerusalem wasdestroyed. The Valley of Hinnom (Greek, Gehenna) wasonce quite deep. Only deadcarcasses were put into it,including those of very viciouscriminals. It symbolizedhopelessness--annihilation. Jesus used Jerusalem as a figureof the New Jerusalem. Thisvalley--Gehenna--prefiguredthe Second Death, from whichthere will be no redemption--no recovery.

    Gehenna was earlier calledTophet. When Israel becameidolatrous, the image of Molochwas erected there and childrenwere roasted alive in the arms

    of the image--sacrifically--devilishly. Good King Josiah


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    defiled it for garbage purposes.

    Our pious fathers providedworse idols for us--Creed-idols!To these we were taught tosacrifice millions of heathens,and non-elect infants. But theirday is gone! Thank God! Sanerviews of God are ours, and atruer interpretation of the Bible.

    Kingdom Work Illustrated

    Not only did Jesus and Hisdisciples preach about theKingdom, and teach about it inparables, but the mighty workswhich Jesus did were intendedto foreshadow the still greater

    work to be accomplished by HisKingdom during His MillennialReign.--Matt.4:23; Isa. 35:5,6.

    This is intimated by the words,"These things did Jesus and

    manifested forth His glory." Inother words, the works of Jesus

    were foregleams of the work of His Glorious Kingdom. Many of His mighty works were done onthe Sabbath for the same reason.As the six days in the week represent toil and travail, theresult of sin, so the seventh day represents the Millennium, "therest of the people of God,"secured to all who accept itthrough the merit of Christ'ssacrifice.

    The turning of water into winerepresented how the plainthings of the present time, thesimplicity of present Truth, will yet be transmuted by the Lordinto the joys of the Kingdom, atthe Marriage Feast in glory.

    The cleansing of the lepersrepresented cleansing from theleprosy of sin. The one whoreturned to give glory to Godrepresents the fact that only a

    "little flock" appreciate the favorof sins forgiven during this Age.


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    The healing of the sick represented the great fact thatall diseases (mental, moral,physical) will be healed by Messiah, the "Good Physician,"Royal Priest, typed by Melchisedec.

    The opening of the blind eyesand of the deaf ears representedthe greater fact that in due timethe eyes and ears of understanding of all mankindwill be opened, and God's glory will be appreciated. "All fleshshall see it together."--Isa.40:5.

    Our Lord's Transfiguration onthe Mount was another

    illustration of the Kingdom. Hisdisciples knew not whether itwas a reality or a vision, until Jesus said, "Tell the vision to noman until The Son of Man berisen from the dead." Later,

    St.Peter declared that what they saw in the holy mount

    represented Messiah'sKingdom.--2 Peter 1:16-18.

    Hosanna in the Highest

    Toward the close of Jesus'Ministry He came to Bethany, tothe home of Lazarus, Marthaand Mary-- the same Lazaruswhom He had awakened fromthe sleep of death. Mary chosethis opportunity to anoint theMaster's feet with PreciousOintment, which He declaredwas an anointing for Hisburial.--Matthew 26:12.

    The next day He sent for an assand rode thereon into

    Jerusalem, after the manner of Israel's kings. When Jesus camein sight of Jerusalem, He weptover the city, exclaiming, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, whichkillest the Prophets, and stonest

    them that are sent unto thee,how often would I have


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    gathered thy children as a hen gathereth her brood under herwings, but ye would not! Now, Isay unto you, Your house is leftunto you desolate! Ye shall seeMe no more until that day [of Messiah's glory] when ye shallsay, 'Blessed is He that comethin the name of the Lord!'"(Matthew 23:37-39.) Meantimethe Kingdom is not abandoned,merely delayed. Messiah's Bridewill be only partly Jewish."Israel hath not obtained" thecoveted chief favor; but theElect obtained it.

    The multitude caught the spiritof the occasion, that Jesus wasthe promised King, and hailed

    Him as Messiah. They scatteredclothing and palm-branchesbefore Him, implying that thebest of Earth was not too goodfor One so great. Meantime,they shouted, "Hosanna to the

    Son of David!" The long-promised Messiah of David's

    line! "Blessed is He that comethin the name of Jehovah!"--Matthew 21:9.

    The Pharisees, who did notbelieve, thought the proceduresacrilegious, and told Jesus tostop the shouting. Jesus repliedthat the Prophet Zechariah (9:9)said, "Shout," and thereforethere must be a shout. "If they should hold their peace, thevery stones would cry out." Godhad declared it; there must be ashout; the prophecy must befulfilled.

    Cleansing the Temple of money-changers andmerchants followed our Lord's

    triumphal entry into the city.

    The Cost of the Kingdom

    The Bible surely tells us that the

    way to the Kingdom is difficultand narrow, that the cost of


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    being disciples of Jesus is self-denial and cross-bearing. Many wonder that the promises arethus restricted and not to allwho strive to do right, withoutfaith or self-sacrifice.

    The parable of a camel creepingthrough a Needle's-eyeillustrated how the rich mustunload their wealth if they would prepare to share theKingdom. The little gate in thelarger one was called a"Needle's-eye."

    Bible students now explain thatdifficulties are attached to the gaining of the Kingdom becauseGod desires a very choice little

    company for that gloriousposition. He has made the trialsso severe that only the saintly will avail themselves of theopportunity to gain theKingdom.

    The young ruler asked Jesus:

    "What shall I do to inheriteternal life?" Jesus referred himto the Law, which promisedeternal life to any Jew whowould keep it. The young manreplied that he had done hisbest, but still was dying. Jesusloved him for his goodendeavors, and pointed him to anew way to life everlasting, by self-sacrifice as His disciple.Additionally he might become a joint-heir with Jesus in glory,honor and immortality.--Mark 10:17-25; Romans 2:7;8:17.

    Two dear disciples asked to sitnext Jesus on the Throne of HisKingdom. The Master replied,Are you able [willing] to drink

    of My cup of self-denial, self-sacrifice, ignominy and shame?Are you able to be baptized intoMy death--to self- will, tocutting off from every earthly privilege, if such be God's

    providence for you?--Matthew 20:22; Mark 10:35-38.


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    Those loving disciples answeredthat they were ready foranything, with the Master'shelp. He assured them and usthat He will furnish trials andassistances, and that if faithfulto the end, we shall have acrown of life. But the honorsand glories of the Kingdom willnot be determined by grace, butby Justice.--Matthew 20:23;Revelation 3:21;2:10.

    The Memorial Supper

    Five days after Jesus rode on theass, offering Himself as Israel'sKing, came the Passover, typical

    of the passing over of theChurch of the First-borns.

    Jesus was the Lamb of God totake away the sin of the world.In order to do this, He must be

    the Passover Lamb. St. Paul says,"Christ our Passover is slain,

    therefore let us keep the feast." Jesus ate the typical Passoverlamb with His disciples. ThenHe took unleavened bread, andfruit of the vine, as representingHis own flesh and His ownblood, and instituted anantitypical Passover Supper.

    Jesus' followers were to do thisin remembrance of His death asthe antitypical Lamb. He said,"Except ye eat the flesh anddrink the blood of The Son of Man, ye have no life in you." Of course, the outwardperformance would be nothingexcept as it would symbolizeheart experiences. In theirhearts, Jesus' followers must

    realize that His death is theRansom- price for the sins of the whole world; that without itthere would be no everlastinglife. Such believers constitutethe Church of the First-borns,

    who pass into life in advance of the world--in the First


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    Resurrection.--Revelation 20:6.

    St.Paul shows a still deepermeaning to the MemorialSupper. All the followers of Jesus are represented in the OneLoaf that is being broken, and assharing in the One Cup of suffering, shame, ignominy anddeath. (1 Cor. 10:16,17.) Only such will be members of His glorious "Body," the world's"Prophet like unto Moses."--Acts3:19-23.

    The disciples neglected to washeach other's feet or even theMaster's. Jesus performed theservice as a lesson in humility--not as a ceremonial. The spirit

    of the lesson is that we rendereach other any service possible,as "members" of Christ.--Acts9:5; 1 Corinthians 12:27.

    After the Supper, Jesus with the

    Eleven went to Gethsemane,where Judas betrayed Him to

    the officials with a kiss. Thenfollowed the memorable closingscenes of our Lord's life.

    "Ecco Homo!"--Behold the Man!

    Early the next morning Jesuswas led to Pilate and chargedwith Treason against theEmperor in asserting Himself aKing. His accusers were theforemost Jews. Pilate realizedthe malice of the charge, tosecure the death of aninoffensive person. Learningthat Jesus was from Galilee, hesought to rid himself of theresponsibility by sending Him toKing Herod. But Herod would

    have nothing to do with Jesus.He had heard of His miracles,and feared. After Herod'ssoldiers had mocked Jesus, Hewas returned to Pilate. Hisaccusers insisted that if Pilate

    should let Him go, that wouldprove disloyalty to the Roman


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    Pilate sought to release Jesus,and to satisfy the clamor,ordered Him to be scourged. Butthis did not satisfy the mob,which cried, "Crucify Him!"Finally, Pilate, placing Jesusprominently, exclaimed, "EcceHomo!"--Behold the Man! Youhave no other Jew His equal!Would you crucify Him? Themob cried the more persistently,"Crucify Him!" Nothing is moreheart-hardening than religiouserrors.

    Jesus was not the mob's ideal of a king. Had He been coarse,vulgar, a boaster, He would

    have been more nearly theirideal of a person likely to lifttheir nation from under theRoman yoke, and to becomeconqueror, like Alexander theGreat. The world looks with a

    measure of reverence upon Jesus, but still He is far from the

    human ideal. Neither are thefootstep followers of Jesus theworld's ideals. They with Jesusare counted peculiar. As St. Johnwrote, "As He is, so are we, inthis world"--despised asrespects human ideals.

    Humanity fails to realize thatGod's purpose in Christ and Hisfollowers has been to preparethem by meekness, gentleness,patience, long-suffering andlove for the glorious work of Messiah's Kingdom, to bless allmankind. Present experiencesare necessary, the Bibledeclares, that this RoyalPriesthood may be, later on, asympathetic Priesthood in

    respect to mankind.--Hebrews2:10;3:1;5:8-10;12:11.

    The Dying Thief's Hope

    Pilate washed his hands in thesight of the people as expressing


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    his innocence of Jesus' death;then he gave the necessary orders for the execution. TheRoman Government expectedhim to be absolutely just inrespect to Roman citizens;dealings with others were to beconciliatory.

    Two thieves were crucified atthe same time, one on eitherside of Jesus, over whose headwas charged the crime forwhich He was crucified: "Jesus,the King of the Jews." Few deaths are so painful ascrucifixion.--Matthew 27:37.

    One thief made sport of Jesus,saying, If you are God's Son, the

    Messiah and King, prove it by coming down from the cross. If Jesus had saved His life, Hecould not have become the Kingand Savior of the world, becauseonly by His death could the

    Death Sentence against Adamand his race be met. Jesus died

    willingly a sacrificial death.

    The other thief defended Jesus,saying that He had donenothing amiss, whereas they were receiving a just penalty.

    After this defense the penitentthief turned to Jesus, saying,Lord, if You are a King and evercome into Your Kingdom,remember this poor thief--dosomething for me! Jesus replied,Amen! i.e., So be it--as you ask!Although I seem to have not afriend in Heaven or Earth, yet Isay unto you this dark day, Youshall be with Me in Paradise.My Kingdom will be established.Under its influence Earth will

    become a Paradise. You shall berewarded there.

    The misplacement of thecomma in our common EnglishVersion has thrown us all

    astray. Evidently Jesus did not go to Paradise that day, because


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    Paradise is not yet established.Furthermore, three days after,when He arose from the dead,He said to Mary, "I have not yetascended unto My Father."St.Peter tells us that He wasdead and that His soul wasraised from the dead on thethird day. (Acts 2:31.) "Allpeople" are to be blessed by Messiah's Kingdom, butpenitence prepares for quickerblessings and fewer "stripes."

    "Quickened in Spirit"

    Because still natural men, thedisciples could not comprehendspiritual things--until

    Pentecost. It was necessary,therefore, that Jesus'resurrection should be humanly demonstrated. Only believerscould receive the Pentecostalillumination. They must believe,

    and know also that He is nolonger a man, but again a spirit


    The third day after Calvary thewomen who carried embalmingspices found the sepulchreempty. Mary met Jesus, butknew Him not, for He appearedas a gardener. Jesus revealedHimself by His voice. He said, "Ihave not yet ascended to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God." The newsspread. St. Peter and St. Johnwere amazed, and both ran tothe sepulchre. They saw nothingbut the vacant tomb and thefolded clothes.

    Later the same day, two of them journeyed to Emmaus. They

    were conversing eagerly when Jesus, in another form,unrecognized by them, joinedthem. He quietly explained tothem the types and prophecieswhich foretold Jesus' death as

    man's Redeemer, saying, "Thus itbehooved Messiah to suffer and


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    to enter into His glory." Tellingthe experience afterward they said, "Did not our hearts burnwithin us as He talked with usby the way and opened unto usthe Scriptures?" At their eveningmeal, He revealed Himself, andvanished.

    The same evening many of themwere gathered in the upperroom discussing the remarkableevents of the day, the doorsbeing shut, yea, bolted, for fearof the Jews. Suddenly while thedoors were still shut, Jesusappeared in their midst, stilldifferently. This time Heappeared like His former self.Even this affrighted them,

    though He told them that whatthey saw was flesh and blood,and proved it by eating. He wasno longer the fleshly Jesus; inHis resurrection He returned tothe spirit condition. (1

    Corinthians 15:44.) But, He hadpower to materialize, as the

    holy angels (and Himself, beforemade flesh) had done.

    St. Thomas the Doubter

    On the following Sunday, Jesusagain appeared--in the upperroom--St. Thomas beingpresent. He had rebuked hisbrethren for being too easily convinced that they had seen Jesus, and said that he wouldnot believe unless he felt theprint of the nails and the spearwound.

    Jesus appeared again in a body like that of His humiliation,with the marks of the spear and

    the print of the nails. He urgedThomas to be convinced, buttold of still greater blessings forthose who without those proofswere able to fully believe.--John20:26-29.

    The Bible tells that Jesus is no


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    longer flesh, but a spirit being,since His resurrection. As St.Paul declares, the Church mustall be changed, because "fleshand blood cannot inherit theKingdom of God." We must allbe changed that we may bespirit beings--like Him, whichsurely means that He is nolonger flesh. He was "put todeath in flesh, and quickened inspirit," writes St. Peter.--1 Peter3:18.

    Jesus appeared to His followersthree times on His resurrectionday, and five times more duringthe succeeding thirty-ninedays--briefly. This was a part of the great lesson that Jesus was

    no longer dead, and no longerflesh--that He is "highly exalted."--Philippians 2:9; John6:62.

    Saul of Tarsus caught a glimpse

    of the risen, glorified Jesus,unveiled by flesh, shining above

    the brightness of the sun atnoonday, and the brief glimpsecost him his eyesight. If Jesushad thus appeared to Hisdisciples during the forty daysafter His resurrection, they would have been alarmed,bewildered, unable tocomprehend the matter. St. Paulrefers to his glimpse of Jesus,saying, "He was seen of me asone born before the time." Hiswords are explained to meanthat all of God's people, theChurch of the First-borns, are tobe born into spirit conditions by their resurrection. Thuschanged they will see Messiahas He is, in His great glory. ButSaul saw Him before the time.--

    1 John 3:2.

    The Pentecostal Rest

    Pentecost, the fiftieth day, was

    the Jubilee day, as the fiftieth year was the Jubilee year. The


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    fiftieth day followed a SabbathDay cycle (7x7=49), as the Jubilee year followed a SabbathYear cycle (7x7=49). As theantitype of the Jubilee Year willusher the world into the glorious rest in Messiah'sKingdom and in the New Covenant relationship withGod, so the antitype of the Jubilee day ushered believersinto a rest of faith at Pentecost.So St. Paul explains, "We whobelieve do enter into rest." Alltruly Christ's are enabled tokeep a Sabbath rest of faith andtrust all the time, not merely onthe Seventh Day, or on the FirstDay. Every day to them is a restby faith in Christ's sacrifice--a

    Sabbath to the soul--foreshadow of Heavenly Rest.

    None could enter into this trueSabbath rest, until Jesus hadopened the way. His death was

    necessary as man's Ransomprice. His resurrection was

    necessary to enable Him toapply that price on our behalf.He ascended on High, there toappear in the presence of Godas the Advocate for Hisdisciples. He imputes His meritto cover their imperfections,and to make their sacrificeacceptable to God, that they may suffer with Him and be glorified with Him. For thefaithful there remaineth a rest,still more complete--to beattained in their resurrection"change."--Hebrews 4:3, 9, 11.

    Under Jesus' direction, theApostles, His followers, were notto begin their work until they received the Pentecostal

    blessing--the Holy Spirit--theevidence of their acceptance assons of God. The only thing they did during that time beforetheir own acceptance, was thechoosing of a successor for

    Judas' place; but evidently Godnever recognized their choice.


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    In His own due time Godbrought forth St. Paul to be thetwelfth Apostle--one of thetwelve foundation stones of theNew Jerusalem. (Revelation21:14.) The error of supposingApostolic Succession in theChurch's bishops was a costly one. It led to many grievouserrors.

    Pentecostal Preaching

    Only The Twelve were specially ordained to Apostleship, to bemouthpieces of Jesus to theChurch. Their decision wouldbind on Earth the things boundin Heaven, and loose on Earth

    things loosed in God's sight.Even these did not receive theHeavenly Father's sanction untilPentecost, when they receivedthe Holy Spirit. Scripturally, noone is authorized to preach or

    teach except he has received theSpirit of God. And every one

    who has received that Spirit hasDivine authority to preach,wholly irrespective of earthly ordinations.--Isaiah 61:1.

    This we are told is the import of the prophetic words respecting Jesus the Head and the ChurchHis Body: "The Spirit of the LordGod is upon Me, for He hathordained Me to preach goodtidings to the meek." All whohave received that Divineanointing, have the Divinecommission to preach the goodtidings. Whoever has notreceived that Heavenly authority cannot be a Divineambassador.

    In fulfilment of Jesus' words, "I give unto you the Keys of theKingdom," St. Peter symbolically used two Keys in connectionwith the Gospel: the first Key onthe Day of Pentecost, to open

    the door of invitation to all Jewsto become members of the Body


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    of Christ, the Church, throughbegetting of the Holy Spirit.Three and a half years later heused the other Key and threw open the door to the Gentiles.Cornelius was the first Gentileadmitted to membership inChrist.

    Thousands of the holiest Jews by obedience to God's commandcame yearly to Jerusalem toobserve Pentecost. Thousandsthus were attracted to thePentecostal preaching andcarried their blessing andenlightenment throughout theworld.

    There will yet be a second

    Pentecostal blessing. Only thespecial servants and handmaidsof the Lord share the first andattain the Kingdom. UnderMessiah's Kingdom God's Spiritwill be poured out on all flesh.

    They will see that of which theirancients prophesied.--Joel

    2:28,29; Acts 2:16-18.

    God's Chosen Vessel

    Of St. Paul, Jesus said, "He is achosen vessel unto Me to bearMy Name to the Gentiles." (Acts9:15.)

    He is first brought to ourattention as one of those whoconsented to the death of St.Stephen. Subsequently, he wentabout "breathing outthreatenings and slaughteragainst the disciples of theLord."--Acts 9:1.

    When we see the power of the

    Truth in its transforminginfluence upon the humanmind, we are amazed. Yet weshould remember that Godnever coerces the free will. In St.Paul's "conversion," Jesus merely

    showed an honest man whereinhe was wrong, and what


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    privileges he would have inconnection with a Divinely-directed course.

    St. Paul became the successor of Judas. There were to be twelveApostles of the Lamb--a crownof twelve stars on the Church'sbrow--and twelve foundationsto the New Jerusalem, and inthem were the names of thetwelve Apostles of the Lamb. Weare sure St. Paul's name isamongst them. This is in accordwith the testimony that he wasnot one whit behind the very chiefest of the Apostles, and wasmore abundant in visions andrevelations than they all.Matthias was chosen before

    Pentecost and was neverrecognized by God.

    St. Paul is the most prominentamongst the Apostles, all of whom were glorious characters,

    especially chosen of God for Hisspecial service. Like the other

    Apostles, St. Paul had nothing tosay respecting an eternity of torture for anybody. Hedeclared that those ultimately found unworthy should "bepunished with everlastingdestruction." It is St. Paul whoespecially set forth that Jesusmust come a second time, andthen must reign until He shallhave put all enemies under Hisfeet. Through this noblemouthpiece Jesus sent usparticulars of the resurrectionof the just and the unjust, the"change" of the Church atChrist's Second Coming, thecharacter of Antichrist, etc. If St.Paul's Epistles were omitted,how great would be our

    ignorance on many subjects!

    Gentiles Fellow-Heirs

    God's Covenant with Abraham

    gave assurance that all theblessings God purposed for


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    mankind would come to themthrough his posterity. The Jewswere the natural seed of Abraham, and properly to thembelonged the promises. Butwhen all Jews possessed of thefaith of Abraham had beenprivileged to come in with Jesusand become His joint-heirs inthe Messianic Kingdom, thenGod through St. Peter used thesecond Key to the Kingdom. Hethrew open the door of opportunity to the Gentiles, thatthey might become fellow-heirswith the Jews in the MessianicKingdom.

    Three and a half years afterPentecost the angel of the Lord

    appeared to Cornelius. He toldhim that now God was ready toaccept his prayers and hisdevotion. He told him to sendfor St. Peter at Joppa. From himhe would hear "words"

    necessary to be believed inorder that he might be fully

    accepted of God and receive theHoly Spirit.

    Three messengers were sent tofetch St. Peter. Meantime Godprepared the Apostle. He wastold that what God had cleansedhe should not consider any longer unclean. St. Peterassociated his dream with hisvisitors, and promptly went toCornelius' home. He foundCornelius and his family devoutand ready to hear. He proceededto tell them the true story of Jesus: His death, Hisresurrection, the call of theChurch to be His Bride class--proving their worthiness by loyalty and faithfulness even

    unto death.

    While St. Peter was speaking,these consecrated people,drinking in the Message, fully accepted the terms of

    discipleship. Then God gave amanifestation of His acceptance


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    of them by the gift of the Spirit,such as was common to allChristians at the beginning of this Age. St. Peter, astonished,then said, If these have receivedthe Holy Spirit, who can forbidthem water baptism, which isonly a symbol of theirconsecration to be dead withChrist? Here Gentiles firstbegan to be grafted into the"Olive Tree" of Romans 11:17.

    The Church at Antioch

    Gradually the Gospel Messagefound hearing ears amongst theGentiles, but fewer in number.The Law training of the Jews

    had been God's special blessingto them, preparing some of them for the Gospel. The firstChurch in which Gentilesseemed to predominate innumbers was at Antioch.

    Barnabas, Silas and others wereprominent amongst the

    brethren there, and later St.Paul. It was at Antioch that thefollowers of Jesus were firstcalled Christians. Many Christians wish that no othername had ever been accepted.

    The Antioch Church, accordingto the Bible record, had very simple arrangements, similar tothose practiced by Jesus and theApostles. Forms and ceremonieshad not yet entered, to crowdout the simplicity of Christ withmere forms of godliness. They met for growth in grace,knowledge, love and to assisteach other in the narrow way.When fairly under way in theirstudies, they partook of the

    missionary spirit, andauthorized and financed amission which was conductedby St. Paul and Barnabas. Othermissions were also conducted,as recorded in the Book of

    Acts.--Acts 13:1-5.


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    Not long after this, the terriblepersecutions of Nero andDiocletian came upon theChurch. These Roman Emperorsfound diversion and relief fromennui in the horrible torturesthey inflicted upon theinoffensive followers of Jesus,whose mission in the world ismerely to "do good to all men asthey have opportunity,especially to the household of faith," and to preparethemselves and each other forassociation with their Redeemerin the coming Kingdom.--Galatians 6:10.

    Why did God permitpersecutions? The answer is

    that testings of faith and loyalty to God are as necessary to Jesus'followers as they were toHimself, and for the samereason-- to develop andcrystallize character. These

    corresponded to Jesus' ownpersecution and crucifixion.

    Thus He explained, saying, "Itwas necessary that The Son of Man should suffer and enterinto His glory." The Elect walk inHis steps.

    Berean Bible Students

    The little gathering of believersat Berea is famous amongstGod's people by St. Paul'sdeclaration: "They of Berea weremore noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they searched the Scriptures daily tosee if these things [which St.Paul preached] were true." (Acts17:11.) They were but a littleclass, yet their faithfulness to

    God's Word caused them to beknown as Berean Bible Students.The early Church met not incostly temples, nor did theirelders and deacons have richrobes of office, nor did the

    services consist of showy display. They simply gathered as


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    children of God, begotten of theone Holy Spirit and inspired by the One Faith once delivered tothe saints. They gathered as thebrethren of Jesus, that they might be under His directionand care as the only Head of theChurch--as He declared, "Oneis your Master even Christ, andall ye are brethren." They met tostudy the Message of Jesus andthe Apostles.

    Bible students in our day havemuch advantage over these. Wehave convenient cheap Bibles,ability to read them, and goodlights such as our forefathersnever thought possible.

    Bible students today areencouraged also when they consider that the Bible distinctly teaches that when men shall berunning to and fro, and world-wide knowledge shall be

    increased, then the WiseVirgins, the Lord's people, will

    understand certain features of the Divine Plan previously kepthidden by Divine intention.They perceive that we are inthis day of running to and froby every means of conveyance,and that free schools,compulsory education, etc., arebringing the foretold increase of knowledge. These things mark the time for the wise of God'speople to understand the Bible.How needful for this speciallight, when so many are fallingaway from all faith in the Bible,under the teachings of so-called Higher Criticism, whichdenies that the Bible is theDivinely inspired Message of God! (Daniel 12:1-10.) We

    should not only awake, but "puton the whole armor of God."

    Apostolic Succession

    All Christians claim that therewere erroneous doctrines


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    taught in the past which cannotbe supported in the clearer lightof our Day. All rejoice in thespirit of greater amity spreadingamongst Christians of variousdenominations-- Catholic andProtestant. How did Christianity get into such a befoggedcondition that followers of Jesusthought they were honoringGod in torturing their fellow-men? With great unanimity,Bible students seem to bereaching the conclusion that thedifficulty started in the doctrineof Apostolic Succession--thedoctrine that Bishops of theChurch were Apostles, inspiredin the same sense as The Twelve.

    Pope Pius X realizes that thepeople no longer regard theBishops as inspired authority and successors to the Apostles inoffice. Evidently himself dissenting, he has recently

    commanded that RomanCatholics be instructed to study

    the Bible, thus to come underthe influence of the teachings of the inspired Twelve Apostles. Allare gradually seeing that TheTwelve Apostles of the Lamb (St.Paul taking the place of Judas)are the only Divinely inspiredauthorities of the Church.

    The Church, after the death of the Apostles, not having theconveniences of Bibles andeducation, looked too implicitly to their Bishops, or Pastors, andwithout authority accreditedthem with Divine inspirationsimilar to The Twelve. After twohundred years the mistake waspartially recognized, and anattempt was made to rectify it,

    but in the wrong direction. Itwas found that the differentBishops taught widely different,contradictory doctrines. It wasrealized that thesecontradictions were not

    inspired by the Holy Spirit. TheEmperor Constantine (not


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    baptized) called the NiceneCouncil of all the "ApostolicBishops," at Nicea, A.D. 325.About one- third, 384, came.These were commanded todecide on a Creed. They wrangled for months. Then theEmperor decided and theNicean Creed was the result.The Emperor's edict was that allnot consenting to it should beexiled.

    "The Holy Roman Empire"

    Gradually the name of Christianity spread among thepeoples of Europe, without itsMaster's Spirit. The name

    "Christian" became popular. Inthe day of King Charlemagne,the title, "Holy Roman Empire,"was established. Thesignificance of the title isillustrated by a famous picture

    in the Chapter House atFlorence, Italy. It shows the

    Emperor and the Pope seatedside by side upon a throne, anddescending from each by steps,the various officers of theEmpire; on the Emperor's side, generals, etc., and on the Pope'sside, bishops, the clergy, etc.Some claim this as a publicacknowledgment of themarriage of the professedVirgin of Christ to Civil Power,in the Book of Revelation styledharlotry.--Revelation 17:1-5.

    The basis of the alliance was thedoctrine which then obtained,that the Second Coming of Christ as the Messiah to rule theworld for a thousand years wasthus fulfilled. The claims set

    forth were that it was theDivine intention that Christshould be represented in theearth by the Papacy, and thatHis government should becarried on through earthly

    princes. This condition of thingsprevailed in Europe for


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    centuries. In the SixteenthCentury the Reformationmovement sprang up. Thesedaughters of the Church of Rome married earthly power,and started "Holy Empires" of their own.

    This entire theory and itsSystems received a severe blow when Napoleon Bonaparte took the Pope a prisoner to France.The spell of sacerdotal rule wasbroken. In September, 1870,Victor Immanuel took possession of Rome--a fatalblow.

    Bible students are generally agreed that Church and State

    union is contrary to the spirit of the Bible, an error of the Dark Ages; that the Church of Christis not to reign with the princesof the Earth, nor to be marriedto them, but to wait for her

    marriage till the Second Comingof her Redeemer, to be united

    with Him in the FirstResurrection. Then she shallreign with Him forever.--Revelation 19:7;20:6.

    Crusades and Crusaders

    The name Christian had becomepopular in Europe. Nearly everybody was recognized aChristian unless he disavowed itand claimed to be a Jew. Thedrowsy spell was broken by what some would term afanatical outburst of fervor,which claimed that Christiansshould wage war on the Turks, Jews and others. The Crusadesmade their mark in history.

    Under the spirit of the time,thousands of the noblest of theirday traveled hundreds of milesby land and sea to fight for theCross against the Crescent. Itwas considered specially

    grievous that Jerusalem wasunder Moslem control, and


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    thousands of lives and fortuneswere spent in "Crusades todeliver the Holy Sepulchre fromthe Infidel Turk."

    From our present-day standpoint and clearerperception of things, people generally style the Crusades anoutbreak of foolishness, wastedeffort, manifest ignorance andbigotry. But perhaps Christianstoday have something equally foolish and irrational. Thehuman mind will be active insome way. The folly of others iseasier to recognize than ourown.

    Some day it will be owned that

    Christendom today is as foolishin some respects as in the daysof the Crusaders. Do not the great kingdoms of earth stylethemselves divisions of Christendom (Christ's

    Kingdom)? Are they notbuilding great Dreadnaughts

    that cost a fortune for every discharge of their cannons? Arethey not drilling vast armies,and equipping them with costly implements of war? For whatpurpose? Either because they have evil designs upon the otherso-called Christian nations, orthat they distrust the others.How foolish this shall yetappear!

    How much better it will bewhen the Word of God is fully accepted, and when its spirit of Justice and Love will govern theworld! Then the wealth andenergy wasted in Crusades,Dreadnaughts and armamentwill be used to the general

    betterment of the people. Only Messiah's Kingdom can restoreman to God's image and makeGod's footstool glorious.


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    Huss, Wycliffe, Tyndale Etc.

    The lessons of the past shouldnever be forgotten. But weshould cover with a broadmantle of charity much of itswickedness. The Church early lost the inspired Message, andunconsciously adopted the errorthat the teachings of the Bishopswere the equivalent in authority of those of the Apostles.Through this broad channel grievous errors swept away precious truths. Lord's OldRoman World declares, "In theSecond Century there werequiet bishops, intrepid martyrs,who addressed their flocks in

    upper chambers, and who heldno worldly rank. The ThirdCentury saw the Church morepowerful as an institution.When Christianity, in theFourth Century, became the

    religion of the court, it was usedto support the very evils against

    which it originally protested.The clergy, ambitious andworldly, sought rank anddistinction. They became lazy,arrogant and independent. TheChurch was allied with theState, and religious dogmaswere enforced by the sword of the magistrates."

    Fortunately there are alwaysadvanced thinkers on all lines.Such are generally consideredfools, and persecuted. In reality they are the greatest benefactorsof mankind. Huss suffered forhis faithfulness to the Bible.Wycliffe and Tyndale werepersecuted. Tyndale's Bible wasburned publicly by high

    ecclesiastics, in front of St. Paul'sCathedral, London.

    Later on, Cranmer, Latimer andRidley, once associated with theRoman Hierarchy, but

    subsequently with the EnglishHierarchy, were publicly


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    burned, because of their changeof faith. In the light of today wesee less difference between thetwo Hierarchies. Both Catholicsand Protestants agree incondemnation of the atrocitiesof the past, perpetrated in thename of our Redeemer, one of whose titles is "Prince of Peace,"and who admonished, "Blessedare the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." Thank God! Our mentaleyes, with clearer light, see greater lengths and breadthsand heights and depths of LoveDivine!

    Luther, Zwingli, Melanchthon

    Nobody today believes thatMartin Luther stepped so fully out in advance of all others thathe could be said to have graspedthe Truth, the whole Truth and

    nothing but the Truth. EvenLutherans cut two of his

    Ninety-five Theses, but wishingto keep the number the samethey divided two others. Allagree, however, that about thetime of Luther, civilization took a step forward. Catholics arebetter Catholics today, andProtestants better also.

    Dr. Luther was the head of aCatholic College for theinstruction of German youth forthe priesthood. He had heardabout the Bible, but like othersfor thirteen centuries beforehim, he trusted in the decisionsof the various "ApostolicCouncils" of the Church--thevarious promulgated Creeds.These he believed to be Biblical.

    But one day he chanced to see aLatin copy of the New Testament. His curiosity led himto read it. He was amazed at itssimplicity. He wrote the Pope,

    suggesting the calling of aCouncil to ascertain whether


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    there had been a gradualdigression from the Bible. ThePope did not take the suggestionkindly. Luther was branded aheretic, unfrocked,excommunicated. Thistreatment only convinced himthe more of the differencebetween the Bible methods andteachings and the modern ones.He began to write tracts whichhe scattered all over Germany,amongst the comparatively few people then able to read--inany language. Gradually,through much tribulation, theBible became more prominent.

    Those holy, honest-heartedReformers only partially

    comprehended the Bible. Muchof the smoke of superstition andbigotry still affected theirmental eyes. Nor have we gottenout of the fog yet. Thank God,however, Bible study is reviving,

    influencing people of every denomination. Let us remember

    that only the few of old wereable to read. A Bible cost afortune. It was thought uselessbecause of erroneous trust inBishop-Apostles and theirCreeds.

    Tetzel Selling Indulgences

    About the time that MartinLuther began to study the New Testament and was amazed atits simplicity-- when he was grasping the great Bible Truthof justification by faith--heencountered Tetzel. The effectwas to convince him the morethat great errors had gradually crept into the faith and spirit of

    the Church. Tetzel was sellingIndulgences under the Pope'sauthority. The proceeds were tobe used in completing St. Peter'sCathedral at Rome.

    Tetzel may or may not haveexceeded his authority, but the


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    record is that he preached, notthe merit of Christ's sacrifice,but the power of the Pope, andof himself, his agent, saying,You have friends in Purgatory,suffering there for various sins.The Pope has the power torelease them; I am his agent.Those who donate to this funddrop their money into this box,assured that the moment they do so their friends will bereleased from Purgatorialsuffering.

    Catholic though he still was,and a believer in Purgatory,Luther could not tolerate such acommercial proposition as thatthe grace of God should be

    purchased with money. Hedenounced Tetzel vigorously.

    So far as we are aware, thepublic sale of Indulgences hasbeen stopped in most civilized

    lands, but until recently inMexico many Church tables

    were spread with Indulgences,specifying various sins andcrimes, and bearing fixedprices.

    Protestants, and some Catholics,have assumed that theseIndulgences are permits to sin.The Church of Rome, however,claims that they never issuepermits to commit sin, butmerely so much remission of Purgatorial sufferings.

    Amongst Bible students today,there seems to be a growingconviction that the Bible teachesthat there is no consciousness indeath--that the awakeningmoment in the Resurrection

    Morning will connect up withthe dying thought. The proof-texts for Purgatory they apply tosaints in this life, to the world's"stripes" in the next Age, and tothe "time of trouble."


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    The Holy (?) Inquisition

    Catholics and Protestants areinclined to call the doings of theInquisition very unholy. Facingthe facts charitably, weremember that it belonged to aless favored day. Withenlightenment, thank God, hascome a keener sense of the Justice and Love which Jesusinculcated: "Love your enemies,do good to them that hate youand persecute you and say allmanner of evil against youfalsely, for My sake."--Matthew 5:44; Mark 13:13; Luke 6:27.

    The Law given Israel at Mt.Sinai expressed merely Justice

    in its command, "Thou shaltlove thy neighbor as thyself."How seriously indeed portionsof God's Word were overlookedin the persecutions of theInquisition! Not only was there

    no love nor sympathy, but Justice in every sense of the

    word was violated. Thank Godfor the light of a better day!

    There is in the human heart atreacherous disposition to doevil, if only an excuse for it canbe found. As the Jews found anexcuse for crucifying Jesus,stoning Stephen, etc., so theInquisitors found an excuse fortheir persecutions. Like Saul of Tarsus, they thought they didGod service. Matters havechanged greatly, butpersecution is still practisedalong different lines--ostracism,slander, boycotting. The Biblerefers to this, saying, "Yourbrethren which cast you outsaid, The Lord be glorified! But

    He shall appear to your joy, andthey shall be ashamed."--Isaiah66:5.

    The mob spirit, the lynchingspirit, is but a less legal form of

    "The Holy Inquisition." AChicago Methodist Episcopal


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    minister, angered at Prof.Farson, is quoted by theIndianapolis News and the New York Tribune as saying: "If I hadthe power I would skin thatman, salt his hide and tack it ona barn door." The secular editorof the News says, "If such aviolent outbreak was made by one who preaches the Gospel of Peace, what may we not expectfrom the sons of Belial?"

    Evidences multiply that the mobspirit, the Inquisition spirit is growing. All should be on guard.

    Calvin and Servetus

    In Geneva, Switzerland, therewas dedicated in 1912 amonument bearing thefollowing inscription: "Inmemory of Michael Servetus--

    victim of religious intoleranceof his time, and burned for his

    convictions at Champel, onSeptember 27, 1553. Erected by the followers of John Calvin,three hundred and fifty yearslater, as expiation for that act,and to repudiate all coercion inmatters of faith."

    Thus have the followers of JohnCalvin demonstrated to theworld that they have progressedfar beyond the teachings of their leader in the spirit of trueChristianity--the spirit of Justice, of Love. Calvinistsdeserve congratulations on theirprogress, from all Christians--Catholics and Protestants -all of whom have been makingsimilarly good progress during

    the intervening four centuries.None now would justify Calvin'scourse in sentencing Servetus tobe burned.

    Others burned at the stake

    usually had the fuel piled attheir feet. The flames were


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    inhaled with the smoke, and thevictim was speedily unconscious to suffering. ForServetus Satanic ingenuity arranged the burning fagots at adistance. He literally roastedalive, in horrible torture, nearly five hours --in the name of God, of Jesus, of Righteousness,Truth, Justice, Love, Christianity and Civilization.

    It seems remarkable that only now we are realizing that aman so deficient in the spirit of his Master as to murder hisbrother, should not be anaccepted teacher of the Word of God and its spirit. Only now areBible students realizing that

    Brother Calvin was not theinventor of the doctrine of Election, but merely of thedoctrine that all the non-electwould suffer everlastingly. Now we see that the terms, "the Elect,"

    "the very Elect," are Bible terms!and that those who make their

    calling and election sure, will be glorified in the FirstResurrection. Now we see thatthe Elect will be associated with Jesus in His Kingdom, whichwill bless the non-elect-- "allthe families of the Earth."--Galatians 3:29.

    The Wesleys Mobbed

    Regret as we may the multipliedsects of Christendom, we mustlook upon them all withsympathy. The establishment of each, marked a furtherendeavor to get nearer to Godand the true Light. The Wesleysreturned to the simplicity of the

    early Church in preaching,Class gatherings, Bible study,etc. Naturally they wereopposed by Churchianity. Cattlewere driven amongst theworshipers to interrupt their

    meetings; they were mobbed.Similarly, Baptists, Presbyterians


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    and others have had theirexperiences of persecution,hindering Bible study andworshiping of God according totheir consciences.--2 Timothy 3:12.

    "What manner of persons oughtwe to be?" As we note the bitterpersecutions of the past, and the"narrow way" of all who follow Jesus only, we should the moreforgive arrogance and bigotry.All should turn away fromhuman traditions andeverything contrary to theBible.--2 Peter 3:11.

    Christian people in alldenominations are reaching this

    conclusion, and studying God'sWord without creedalspectacles, in Bible classes, or intheir homes.--2 Timothy 2:15.

    Wesley uncovered another

    precious Bible truth. Hedeclared Calvin's doctrine

    impossible for his acceptance, asCalvinists now do. BrotherWesley's theme was Free Grace,and his favorite text, "The Spiritand the Bride say, Come, andwhosoever will may come andtake of the Water of Life freely."His heart was broad and loving,but the real breadth of GraceDivine was not then seen. Hedid not discern that hisbeautiful text relates to theblessing of the non-elect duringMessiah's Reign; that theChurch will not become theBride until the marriage, at ourLord's Second Coming. Soonafter, the Spirit and the Bridewill bid all mankind partake of life everlasting.

    Now we see the connecting link between Election and FreeGrace. God's Election of a saintly Kingdom class is the work of this Age. The Elect in glory will

    in the next Age extend God'sFree Grace to all.--Romans


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    8:28,29; Revelation 22:17.

    Our Modern Temples

    Great Temples, or Cathedrals,have been erected throughoutthe civilized world. Theirfounders doubtless wereinspired more or less to emulateSolomon and Herod in their great Temples of the past. Nofault need be found with thesefrom some standpoints. All thecircumstances being equal, itwould be a shame for Christiansto meet for Divine worshipunder conditions inferior tothose of their homes. In many instances, however, the people

    who have donated the money for the erection and upkeep of these buildings have beenextremely poor, and have beencajoled into the expenses by misleading sophistries.

    In the days of Jesus and the

    Apostles, it was not considered"Christian work" to raise money for Church purposes. Today money-raising is the ideal"work for Jesus." The Apostlestaught that the real work of theChurch of Christ is not to buildup costly edifices beyond theirmeans, involving them in debt,but to build themselves up inthe most holy faith. "The Templeof God is holy, which Temple yeare," "if so be that the Spirit of Christ dwell in you." God'speople are the living stonesunder Divine supervision, beingshaped and polished for placesin the Glorious SpiritualTemple. Through thatantitypical Temple, God will

    send His blessings. The removalof the curse, and the wipingaway of all tears, will follow.

    While using these modernTemples, let us not forget that

    they are not the real Temple, orChurch. It is composed of the


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    saints of God, who day by day are seeking to walk in thefootsteps of Jesus, in the serviceof the Truth, "doing good to allmen as they have opportunity,especially to the household of faith." If inclined to criticize ourforefathers for building costly Cathedrals while neglecting theBible, let us remember thatcoming generations may makesimilar or worse comments onus for building scores of costly Dreadnaughts for injury to ourfellows. With what shame wewill look back upon our ownfaults! The thought should makeus humble.

    Rejected and Despised

    Christ is here in contrast withthe rich, the learned, thereligious and the irreligious of our day--"Christendom." The

    Holy Spirit gives "the spirit of asound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7.)

    To sacrifice present interests foreternal ones is wise. Is it any wonder that artists representthe world as wealth-mad, glory-mad, pleasure-mad?

    The Christian Herald of asomewhat similar picture, says:"This allegory--which a critichas aptly called 'A Painter'sSermon'--is applicable toconditions in every part of thecivilized world. It is a picture tostudy and to ponder over, thatthe full import of its teachingmay be understood."

    The Christian Commonwealthof the same, said: "On either sidepasses the heedless crowd. A

    prominent figure is a priest,proudly conscious of theperfection of the ritual withwhich he is starving a higherlife. Over the shoulder of thepriest looks a stern-faced divine

    of very different type, and, Biblein hand, he turns to look at the


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    Divine figure. The startled look on the face of a hospital nursein the foreground is very realistic. So absorbed is the manof science with his test-tubethat he never glances at theChrist at his side. One of themost striking features is that of a false beauty, hurrying fromone scene of pleasure toanother. In the backgroundstands an angel with bowedhead, holding the cup which theworld He loved to the death isstill compelling the Christ todrink."

    The passers-by represent thenon-elect, whose only hope liesin the Kingdom of Messiah. The

    Elect in this picture arerepresented in the person of thesuffering Savior--members of the Body of Christ, the Church."He that despiseth you despisethMe." These faithful members of

    the Body of Christ are notconfined to one denomination,

    but constitute the saintly ones of every church and outside of every human system. They arethe "Wise Virgin" class, beingfitted by ignominy for theHeavenly Kingdom, and its great work of blessinghumanity--the non-elect.

    Daniel in the Critics' Den

    A master of art has given us apicture which well representsthe attitude of the Higher Criticstoward the Book of Daniel andits wonderful prophecies, whichmore clearly than any otherspoint out our day, its presentexperiences and what is to be

    expected. Of course, indiscrediting Daniel and theProphets, and the Psalms of theOld Testament, these criticsreally discredit Jesus and theApostles. These Higher Critics of

    all the great colleges haveundermined faith in the Bible as


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    the Word of God, and thusundermined all faith in apersonal Creator with many.

    These critics have little to say against Him who spake as neverman spake; but the discerningminds of our day perceive thatas Jesus and the Apostles quotedDaniel and the Prophets asDivinely inspired, thediscrediting of the one is therejection of the other. How could we rely upon thetestimony of Jesus and theApostles resp