Photo History of New Hampshire College/SNHU The following presentation is intended to provide you with the history of SNHU.

Photo History of New Hampshire College/SNHUit.snhu.edu/hr/2013 History1.pdf · New Hampshire School of Accounting & Commerce was founded in 1932 in Manchester, NH. The first location

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Photo History of New Hampshire College/SNHU

The following presentation is intended to provide you with the history of SNHU.

• Southern New Hampshire University was founded in 1932 by Harry A.B. Shapiro as the New Hampshire School of Accounting and Secretarial Science. The school remained relatively small until 1961, when it was incorporated and renamed New Hampshire College of Accounting and Commerce.

• The state of New Hampshire in 1963 granted the university its charter, which gave it degree-granting authority. The first associate’s degrees were awarded that year; and the first bachelor’s degrees were conferred three years later. The college became a nonprofit institution under a board of trustees in September 1968 and the name was shortened to New Hampshire College in 1969.

New Hampshire School of Accounting & Commerce was founded in 1932 in

Manchester, NH. The first location was on Hanover Street pictured here.

Some of the first students are pictured here.

Students in class at 88 Hanover Street.

School meetings were sometimes held in the Palace Theater which is a landmark

in Manchester.

In the late 1960’s the first student housing emerged. Merrimack Hall was located

in downtown Manchester.

Sample dorm room.

The New Hampshire School of Accounting & Commerce was renamed

New Hampshire College on September 1, 1969.

• The 1970s were a time of growth and change. In 1971, the college moved from its downtown Manchester site to a new 200-acre campus on the Merrimack River. In 1974, the college introduced a master of business administration program; in 1976, it created a B.S. in hotel management; and in 1978, the college assumed human services degree programs created by Franconia College that later were organized into the programs of the Graduate School of Business and the School of Human Services.

In 1971 the Shapiro Library was completed in the first wave of construction on the

North River Road campus.

Campus apartments on North River Road, Manchester.

Aerial view of campus, 1974.

• In the spring of 1981, the general court of New Hampshire authorized New Hampshire College to award a Master of Human Services degree and the Master of Science degree in business related subjects.

• That same year, to accommodate the two rapidly expanding programs, the university purchased the former Mount Saint Mary College in Hooksett. In 1982, the college introduced a master’s degree in community economic development.

• The two-year culinary arts program was established in 1983 to prepare students for careers in the hospitality field.

Campus continues to grow. Aerial view of campus early 1980s.

Athletic Center opens Olympic-size swimming pool, 1989

• New Hampshire College continued to evolve in the 1990s. Academic programs were offered at off-campus locations to serve adult learners in Manchester, Laconia, Nashua, Portsmouth, and Salem, NH; and in Brunswick, Maine.

• The university also offered degree programs in the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia.

• New undergraduate liberal arts and teacher education majors were added in 1992.

• The institution’s reach was extended globally to students by the innovative, Internet-based SNHU Online program, which was launched in 1996.

• The campus saw a growth spurt in 1996-97 with the construction of four new state-of-the-art buildings, including a residence hall, new buildings for the School of Business and School of Hospitality, and a structure that houses the International Student Services, the School of Education and Public Safety.

• All of the university’s operations at the north campus, located in Hooksett NH were moved to the main campus.

New Hampshire College begins construction on new resident hall in1996.

Webster Hall, home of the School of Business opens in 1996.

• New Hampshire College became Southern New Hampshire University on July 1, 2001. New residence housing and an addition to the Athletic Complex were completed.

• A new academic facility, Robert Frost Hall, containing the McIninch Art Gallery and a new Center for Financial Studies, was completed in 2002.

• The university transferred three graduate education programs and two undergraduate education programs from nearby Notre Dame College when that institution closed and established a School of Education.

New Hampshire College becomes Southern New Hampshire University! Pictured

here is President Dick Gustafson at the unveiling of the new Southern New

Hampshire University sign for the university status celebration, June 29, 2001.

In 2001, Robert Frost Academic Center opens.

Athletics opens new fitness center in 2002.

Two new resident halls open in 2004. Pictured is Lincoln Hall,

• In 2004, expansion on the east side began with the construction of several residence buildings to accommodate a growing undergraduate population.

• In 2007, SNHU became the first carbon neutral university in New Hampshire.

• In the fall of 2009 an academic building opened, and in 2010 a new dining facility.

In 2006 two additional resident halls open. Pictured here is Windsor Hall.

In 2009 the Academic Center opens.

In 2010 newly constructed Dining Center opens.

SNHU College of Continued Education is located in the Historic Manchester mill

yard to accommodate the growing population of online students.

A look inside the COCE operation center.

Inside look at COCE operations.

SNHU continues to innovate in the educational space

• In 2012, the university introduced College for America, a self-paced online program that helps students earn an associate’s degree at a highly affordable rate per year.

• CFA is the first program of its kind to be approved by a regional accreditor and the first of its kind to be on its way to approval for Title IV funding by the Department of Education. – The program is designed to support students in their pursuit of a

degree by encouraging them to seek mentors in the workplace or the local community and by using and measuring a set of key competencies defined, in part, by employers. There are no courses, no credit hours, no traditional faculty, and no grades. Instead, students develop an Individual Mastery Plan that outlines the key competencies they will master throughout the program.

In 2012, Fast Company named SNHU the 12th most innovative organization in the world in its World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies.

– SNHU ranked with such industry giants as Apple, Google and HBO, and was listed ahead of such companies as the National Football League, Starbucks and LinkedIn. Fast Company touted SNHU, the only university to make the list, “for relentlessly reinventing higher education online and off.”

• Other accolades:

– Top 20 “Best College for Socially Conscious Students”

– New Hampshire Business Review Names “SNHU Best of Business 2013”

– Online MBA Organizational Leadership named Best Buy by Education.com

– “Military Friendly School” designation by G.I. Jobs.

-“Great College to Work For” designation

by The Chronicle of Higher Education since 2008!,

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On behalf of the Divisional of Human Resources and Development we wish you success in your new role with SNHU!