Physical Education @ Home: ACES Education are a leading provider of PE, Sport and Holistic learning. We use creativity, high activity levels and differentiation to allow all children to explore and engage in being physically active. This booklet aims to provide support to develop the following areas of physical education at home or in school when our staff are not there to lead the activities: Movement skills - ABC’s (Agility, Balance and Coordination) Fundamental skills (catching, throwing, kicking and striking) Physical health (fitness circuits and understanding the human body) To support you challenging all children simply follow the STEPS model, a method of differentiation, which makes activities more or less difficult for the learner involved. The S.T.E.P.S Model can be used in any of the activities can is broken down into the following: Space (change the size of the area, Smaller areas make it more Challenging/Bigger allows more time) Time (change the amount of time 1min, 2min, 5 min) Equipment (change the item your using e.g. when catching using bigger or smaller balls) Participants (how many people are be involved 1v1, 2v1, 3v2) Score (aiming for a different amount or how many you can get in a row) Equipment: We appreciate everyone may not have PE equipment at home so please be create and use safe alternatives - socks for a ball, buckets for areas to aim at etc. Activities in this booklet are provided with extensions and/or personal challenges to complete. You can either stick to these or be creative and think of your own to ensure your learner is being stretched to learn new skills/perform skills to a higher level - Remember all you need to do in order to challenge the learner is to change one or more of the STEPS. Good Luck! JOIN THE ACES FAMILY, BE FAMOUS! We would love to see you activities in action. You can either Tweet us @ACESport_UK or tag us in a facebook post (@educationACES) Using the #ACESPEatHome Please stay safe and healthy. We look forward to seeing you all in PE really soon. p.1

Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

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Page 1: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

Physical Education @ Home: ACES Education are a leading provider of PE, Sport and Holistic learning. We use creativity, high activity levels and differentiation to allow all children to explore and engage in being physically active. This booklet aims to provide support to develop the following areas of physical education at home or in school when our staff are not there to lead the activities:

• Movement skills - ABC’s (Agility, Balance and Coordination) • Fundamental skills (catching, throwing, kicking and striking) • Physical health (fitness circuits and understanding the human body)

To support you challenging all children simply follow the STEPS model, a method of differentiation, which makes activities more or less difficult for the learner involved. The S.T.E.P.S Model can be used in any of the activities can is broken down into the following:

• Space (change the size of the area, Smaller areas make it more Challenging/Bigger allows more time) • Time (change the amount of time 1min, 2min, 5 min) • Equipment (change the item your using e.g. when catching using bigger or smaller balls) • Participants (how many people are be involved 1v1, 2v1, 3v2) • Score (aiming for a different amount or how many you can get in a row)

Equipment: We appreciate everyone may not have PE equipment at home so please be create and use safe alternatives - socks for a ball, buckets for areas to aim at etc. Activities in this booklet are provided with extensions and/or personal challenges to complete. You can either stick to these or be creative and think of your own to ensure your learner is being stretched to learn new skills/perform skills to a higher level - Remember all you need to do in order to challenge the learner is to change one or more of the STEPS. Good Luck!

JOIN THE ACES FAMILY, BE FAMOUS! We would love to see you activities in action. You can either Tweet us @ACESport_UK or tag us in a facebook post (@educationACES) Using the #ACESPEatHome

Please stay safe and healthy. We look forward to seeing you all in PE really soon.


Page 2: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

Physical Health:

Can you beat your record? Set up a variety of stations or do one after the other, you can set up 1,3,5 or all the stations at the same time. Time yourself for 1 minute on each station and set a target of what you want to beat! See if you can beat your personal best next time? Stations:

Target Muscles

Red = Lower body Blue = Core stability Yellow = Upper body

Green = Cardiovascular fitness

• Press Ups - These make your back biceps and core stronger. • Crunches - Helps strengthen your core. • Sit Ups - These help with your core, strengthen your hip muscles also they improve your balance and stability. • Toe Taps - This helps strengthen the core (stomach muscles) this is good for every sport but more specifically gymnastics, swimming. • Tummy Twists (use a heavy object, heavy toy, flour, rice, pasta bag) • Planking - (side or front) helps strengthen your core and helps with majority of sports. • Crunches - Helps with flexibility, balance and stability and making your core stronger. • Squats - This can be useful for explosive sports (strong burst of energy) such as Football, Basketball, Rugby. • Lunges - These help strengthen your leg muscles and core as well as your balance. • Vertical Jumps - Strengthen your legs, can help with posture. • Squat thrusts - full body workout mainly targeting your core & legs. • Box Jumps (can be used with a bed, chair, sofa, steps/stairs) this helps you workout your whole leg muscles. • Mountain Climbers - full body workout mainly working on fitness. • Jogging on the spot - increases your fitness levels so you can run for longer and further. • Burpees - Endurance this gets your muscles moving and helping them to perform for a longer period. • Speed Bounce - this helps with weight loss, making your bones and muscle tissue better, and your fitness levels. • Star Jumps - Endurance this gets your muscles moving and helping them to perform for a longer period.


Page 3: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


Planning a Fitness Session All stations are to be timed for 1 minute Try and alternate each station so have one standing then one sitting or lying down so it gives your muscles chance to rest have 30 seconds rest between each station. Have some music on you enjoy it will help motivate you! make sure the stations you are doing u enjoy them Challenge your self can you beat your record or can you go longer? Have fun!











Page 4: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


Agility (p.6):

1. Ball Centipede: Work as part of a team to get the ball from one end to the other. 2. Hulk: Become the hulk as part of a team. 3. Noughts & Crosses: Individual/pairs racing to place markers. develops speed, agility, decision making 4. Scarf Toss: Pairs switch places and try to catch the scarf, develops speed, agility & communication 5. Time Machine: players have to jump quickly to the end zone, develops speed, agility & stamina 6. Finger Fencing: Players battle each other trying to score a point, develops fencing technique, speed & agility

Balance (p.9):

1. Frogs across the pond: Players race across the river by standing on islands. develops balance, coordination, and accuracy 2. Stand Up: working in a pair to be ab le to stand up. 3. Hula-Hoop Game: Get the hula hoop from start to finish without losing touch of anyone.

Coordination (p.11):

1. BeachBall Float: Keep the ball in the air for as long as possible in a team. 2. Balloon Smash: Players need to identify which balloon to hit, develops coordination, speed and decision making. 3. Balloon Keep Up’s: Players aim to keep the ballon going for a time period, develops coordination, speed & accuracy


Page 5: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

Throwing, Catching & Target (p.13):

1. Argentine & Ball - The object of the game is to throw the ball between people losing a body part every time it is dropped. 2. Blanket Ball - Tennis with blankets as rackets. 3. Bolf - Get the most balls into the opposition’s bin whilst conceding as few as possible in your own. 4. Hot Potato: - Pass the ball around the circle without it hitting the floor. 5. VolleyBall Dig - Learn the dig technique whilst aiming for a target. 6. End-ball - Get as many balls as possible across the opponent’s end-line whilst conceding as few as possible across your own. 7. Bomber - Free for all dodgeball – last man standing. 8. Slap-ball - Same as bomber but hitting the ball no throwing.

Football (p.16):

1. Four corner football: Players must protect their goal as well as attacking another teams. 2. Monkey football: A football game but using hands. 3. Wembley: free for all football tournament 4. Elephant football: Players need to use hands to nutmeg other players

Home Gymnastics (p.19): a variety of Balances, Rolls and shapes you can do at home.

Alternative Games (p.28):


Page 6: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


1. Ball centipedeDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Teams/pairs and line up, one person behind another.

• Place ball in space between stomach and back of the person in front.

• Line squeezes together so that the ball is only being held by the players’ torsos, not their hands or arms - If ball touched with hands/if any players fall out they must stop to reposition before they can continue.

Move as fast as you can with a partner whilst not letting the ball hit the floor.

Develops teamwork, communication, strength, coordination, balance.

• Increase distance they have to travel • Only allow certain body parts to be

used. • Limit number of points of contact with

the floor • Do it whilst shouting out times table

or spelling out a word

2. HulkDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Define a start and finish line approximately 15 meters apart.

• Each group must transform into a “hulk” by interlocking body parts (or limit the number of body parts the group can have in contact with the ground).

• First one to cross the line wins

• Move a group of people with only a limited number of body parts on the ground.

• Develops teamwork/ communication, strength, coordination, balance.

• Increase distance they have to travel • Only allow certain body parts to be

used. • Limit number of points of contact

with the floor • Increase number of people per ‘Hulk’ • Do it whilst shouting out times table

or spelling out a word


Page 7: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

3. Noughts & CrossesDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Set up a Noughts & Crosses board, each player needs to run to the board and place their item in the space they want to choose

• they then race back to get another object to place down first to connect 3 wins.

• Each player races to the ‘board’ and places their marker down.

• Players must be quick and decisive about where to put their marker

• Anything for a counter (T,shirt, socks etc) and skipping ropes or belts for the board

• Extension: change the way you move hopping, skipping, lunges.

4. Scarf TossDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Two people face each other and have either a scarf tissue or handkerchief.

• Throw them in the air at the same time and try to switch places and catch them without them touching the floor.

• Players must communicate effectively

• Players must switch positions as quickly as possible

• Extension change either the object or the distance you have to run.


Page 8: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

5. Time MachineDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• One player must stand in the ‘time machine’ whilst the other player lifts a ‘hoop’ shaped item over the top of them,

• This player then puts the ‘hoop’ item down next to the other player to which they then jump back into the time machine.

• Keep going until you reach your ‘end zone’. The hoop could be a hula hoop, if you don’t have one you could make one out of belts, a dressing gown belt, a skipping rope or towels.

• Players must move as quickly as possible to the end zone.

Extension • 1. Try hopping/balancing on one leg

• 2. Try doing a frog/squat jump.

• 3. Change the movement to lunges

6. Finger FencingDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation• Standing in a fencing position with your feet in a ‘L’

shape your leading foot is facing your opponent. • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your

leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape.

• Move your front foot forwards with your heel touching the floor before your toes.

• Have your arm out in front with a slight bend, Pointing your finger at your opponent.

• Moving backwards and forwards try to tap your opponent in the chest without being tapped yourself.

• Players must move backwards & forwards to strike or dodge.

• Players must have fast reactions to tag their opponent



Page 9: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


1. Frogs across the PondDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Set a start and a finish line, players must make it from start to finish using the stepping stones.

• Pick the ‘stones’ up and throw them to help get across the river.

• Stones can be made out of anything you can think of, such as towels, a frisbee, cardboard (from old packaging or boxes).

• Players must navigate over the pond accurately.

• players must jump with power • players must try to land efficiently

without falling over • players must throw with accuracy to

be able to place their stone.

• Extension: Try using a smaller stepping stone.

• Try hopping on one leg.

2. StandupDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Pairs sit on the ground back to back. They must attempt to stand up with their partner without using their hands.

• To make it harder you can add a few more people to the group. See how many people can do it at once.

• The object of this game is to get a group to stand up without using their hands.

• Develop teamwork/ communication, strength and coordination.

• Add more people • Only use one leg • Start from lying down position, head

to head • Try solo


Page 10: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

3. Hula-hoop gameDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• The object of this game is to get the whole group to move through a hula hoop while holding hands in a circle.

• Give the hula hoop to one person in the group. • Each person in the group must then pass

through the hula hoop, making sure they keep holding hands. The hula hoop must pass over every person.

• The object of this game is to get the whole group to move through a hula hoop while holding hands in a circle.

• Develops teamwork/ communication, balance, coordination, problem solving.

• Multiple hoops • Only allowed on one leg • Not allowed to hold hands • Must do different movements whilst

playing – eg. jumping, Mexican wave etc


Page 11: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


1. Beach ball floatDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Similar to hot potato but you are only allowed to hit the hit to keep it up, if you fail to keep it up or hit it out of the circle you are out.

• Keep the ball from going out of the circle or hitting the floor.

• Develops teamwork/communication, coordination, relfexes

• Change size of the circle • Only allowed one hand • Only allowed weak hand • Use feet • Have to do task/movements after

every throw – e.g. shout out next answer in a times table, spin in a circle

• Have opportunity to save yourself after out by answering school work related question.


Page 12: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

2. Balloon SmashDescription Aims/Outcomes DifferentiationThe ‘thrower’ has two different coloured balloons in each hand, E.g. 1 Red 1 Blue the ‘thrower’ releases both balloons at the same time then shouts either red or blue which ever colour the ‘thrower’ shouts the player has to hit!

• Players must quickly decide the correct balloon to smash

• Develop speed & agility • develop quick thinking

• Extension 1: Make a pattern so rather than shouting one colour a combination could be said. E.g. Red, Blue, Red before both balloons hit the ground.

• Extension 2: Try and relate it to learning so it could be questions about maths so you could write times tables on them or even try relating the colours of the balloons to items such as “what colour is mums car?” or “what colour is a banana?

3. Balloon Keep Up’sDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Set up two baskets about a meter apart. • fill one of them with balloons and leave one out

for the thrower. • When the ‘thrower’ throws the balloon in the air

the other player must hit the balloon that’s been thrown back in the air and move a balloon in the full basket to the empty one. The ‘thrower’ then repeats the process.

• be able to move quickly and efficiently

• be able to multitask • develop coordination

• Extension: if the player finds this too easy you they can do the same process but keep hitting the balloon in the air whilst continuously moving all the balloons to the empty basket.


Page 13: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

Throwing, Catching & Target

1.Argentinean BallDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• In pairs throw the ball back and forth, and each catch they make they move further and further back.

• If they miss the ball or there is a bad throw, the first time they go on one knee, the second time they go on both knees.

• The third time they have to put one elbow on the ground.

• The fourth time they have both elbows on the ground.

• The fifth (last) time they miss they put their chin down.

• If they miss on the last time they are out. • The last pair left throwing and catching wins.

Only the catcher needs to touch the ground with their elbows, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to throw.

• The object of the game is to throw the ball between people without dropping it.

• Develops teamwork/ communication, and coordination.

• Increase size of group • Increase/decrease size of ball • Can play solo throwing the ball in

the air. • Must do task/movements whilst

playing – eg. shout out next answer in a times table , starjumps, high knees etc.


Page 14: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


2. SlapballDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• The objective is to hit someone else below the waist with the ball by slapping the ball with an open hand.

• Once they have been hit they must sit down. If you catch the ball the person who has slapped, it is out. You will need to be moving.

• Be the last person in by hitting everyone with a ball without getting hit yourself.

• Develops coordination, reflexes

• Add more balls • Smaller area • Allow bounces before it hits to get

out. • Only allowed to move around doing

specific movement eg. hopping • Have opportunity to save yourself

after being hit by answering school work related question.

3. BomberDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Group stands inside a marked off space and on the command, anyone with a ball throws it into the air.

• Anyone can grab the balls when they come down, and the object of the game is to peg others with the ball, while avoiding it yourself.

• You cannot move with the ball, and you are only allowed one ball at a time.

• Head shots and bounces don’t count, shoulders and below only.

• Once you get hit you have to sit down, and you can be used by the players that are still in to pass the ball to.

• You don’t have to pass it back to the same person. Last person standing is the winner.

• Be the last person in by hitting everyone with a ball without getting hit yourself.

• Develops coordination, reflexes

• Add more balls • Smaller area • Allow bounces before it hits to get

out. • Only allowed to move around doing

specific movement eg. hopping • Have opportunity to save yourself

after being hit by answering school work related question.

Page 15: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

5. Hot PotatoDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Pass ball around a circle, the ball is a hot baked potato out of the oven so cannot be held more than a few seconds if you drop it you have no dinner so you are out. Last person in wins.

• Pass the ball around the circle without it hitting the floor.

• Develops coordination, reflexes

• Change size of the circle • Only allowed one hand • Only allowed weak hand • Reduce time allowed to hold the ball • Have to do task/movements after

every throw – e.g. shout out next answer in a times table, spin in a circle

• Have opportunity to save yourself after out by answering school work related question.


4. End ballDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Make pitch with two halves each player/team must stay in their half.

• At each end of the pitch there is an endzone – the idea of the game is to get as many balls across the opponents endzone as possible and stop any from coming in yours.

• Once a ball crosses the endzone it is out of the game, when there are no balls left the team with the least balls in their endzone wins.

• Get as many balls as possible across the opponents endline whilst conceding as few as possible across your own.

• Develops coordination, reflexes

• Increase size of the pitch • Increase number of balls • Make endzones smaller (not whole

width of pitch) • Add extra thing to hit for points eg.

cones • Must answer question on school

work after they score before it counts

Page 16: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot



1. Four Corner FootballDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Essentially just four way football game, each team has a goal and must try score in any of the other goals and not concede in theirs.

• The team who has the best goal difference at the end wins.

• Score as many goals as possible in the opponents goals whilst conceding as few as possible in your own.

• Join players together to form teams. • Must answer question on school

work after they score before it counts.

• Can only take a maximum number of touches on the ball.

• No goalkeepers • Can can move doing specific

movement – eg. bunny jumps. • Play it in rounds – every time you

concede you are out, last team in wins.

Page 17: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


3. WembleyDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Free for all football, one goal keeper and everyone scores in the same net, when you score you sit behind the goal and are into the next round.

• Last person to score in each round is out. Eventually end with 1v1 and winner is first the score.

• Free for all football in one goal, score a goal to go through to the next round, last to score is out.

• Join players together to form teams. • Must answer question on school

work after they score before they are aloud through.

• Can only take a maximum number of touches on the ball.

• No goalkeeper • Can can move doing specific

movement – eg. bunny jumps.

2. Bear FootballDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

Play a normal game of football but you are only allowed to use your hands. You are not allowed to pick up the ball.

Normal football played with hands on all fours like a bear.

• Only use one hand • Only use weak hand

Page 18: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


4. Elephant footballDescription Aims/Outcomes Differentiation

• Aim of the game is to hit the ball through others legs. Group makes a circle with legs apart (big enough for ball to fit through).

• Bend over with hands linked together in front of legs hit ball away with your hands to stop it going through your legs and try get it between someone else’s.

• If ball goes between your legs you lose one arm, then if it happens again you’re out. Play until one person remains.

Standing in a circle the aim is to hit the ball through opponents legs to get them out.

• Everyone must recite a times table whilst playing

• Have opportunity to save yourself after conceding by answering school work related question.

Page 19: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

Home Gymnastics

Gymnastics is a really active sport and can be done in many places so long as there is soft flooring. Gymnastics at home can be broken down into key shapes, Rolls (as long as there is room) and balances. Ask you child if they know any of these its always a good thing to see what they have learned and could maybe teach you!

Key Shapes Pencil: Arms Straight, fingers pointed to the ceiling, legs together, arms cover ears. tight body tension.

Star: Arms and legs out toes and fingers pointed using your body as the centre and your legs and arms making the points of the star.

Tuck: Sat on your bottom, bring your knees to your chest, heels off the floor toes pointing into the ground, arms wrapped around your knees.

Arch: Stomach on the floor raise your head, arms and legs off the floor keeping them straight so only your stomach is on the floor keep toes and fingers pointed.

Dish: Similar to the ‘Arch’ shape except this time starting on your bottom, rise your legs at an angle and try and sit up hold this position with your fingers and arms straight pointing towards your feet.

Straddle: Sit up straight, legs out wide making a V shape, arms over the top your legs pointing out straight. Remembering to point toes and fingers straight.

Pike: Sit up straight, legs together, toes pointed out straight, arms matching your legs and hold the position.


Page 20: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

Rolls Pencil Roll: follow the key shapes for the pencil position and lie down on your back, keeping a tight body tension roll all the way over using your shoulder and hip as pivoting points.

Teddy Bear Roll: sitting in the straddle position, place your hands under your knees and roll onto your shoulder first, then with the momentum use the top of your back to roll to the other shoulder whilst bringing the opposite foot over the same shoulder. e.g if your roll onto your left shoulder first your right foot should be coming over the top of you.

Tuck Roll: Starting in the tuck position roll backwards onto your back nice and slowly and hold the position. or you can roll onto your back and sit back up in the same motion.

Balances If you have a space Try some of these balances below, all balances should be slow and controlled and be held for a total of 4 seconds. Balances can be supported to help learn. Do not balance solely on your head


Page 21: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


Basic Shapes!ARE YOU: Strong? Straight? and Stretched? with a 3-second hold?!









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FINISH StartStart

Start Start Start

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Page 24: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


Page 25: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot








Page 26: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot





Page 27: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot



A.Getintostraddleposition. D.Rollontooneshoulder,thenontoopposite.

B.Stretchedandtightbody. E.Rotateintosittingpositionandrepeat.


Page 28: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot

Alternative Games


Clapping clue• Choose one player to be the seeker and walk away from the group. • The rest of the group hides the small object. The seeker returns and tries to locate the hidden object. • The group claps softly as the seeker moves around looking for the object. • As the seeker gets closer to the object, the clapping becomes louder. • If the seeker moves away from the object, the clapping becomes quieter.

Marco, poloOne person, with eyes closed, is “it”. When the “it” person shouts “Marco”, everyone else has to shout “Polo”, Marco tries to find them by listening to where they are when they say “Polo”.

SardinesEveryone else in the group must try to find that person. When a seeker finds that person they hide with him/her until all seekers are hiding.

Page 29: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot


Dog bone• Select one person to be the guard dog and blindfold them. • The rest of the group sits behind the guard dog. • A small object or “bone” is placed behind the dog and in front of the group. Select one player from the group to try and sneak

up behind the dog and steal the bone. • If the dog hears anyone approaching, then he or she must bark and the sneaking player must return back to the group. • If someone can successfully steal the bone without being heard, they return to their seat and hide the bone behind them. • The group then chants, “Dog, where’s your bone?” The dog has three guesses to identify who stole the bone.

Page 30: Physical Education @ Home€¦ · • Your back foot is facing a 90 degrees away from your leading foot with your heels touching creating a ‘L’ Shape. • Move your front foot



• One person is the seeker, they pick a spot and can not move. The seeker yells “camouflage!”, closes their eyes, and counts to 20.

• Everyone else must run and hide. They must be able to see the seeker from their hiding spot. • The seeker opens their eyes and must identify the hiders by name. Once identified by name they will show themselves and sit

next to the seeker. • When the seeker cannot identify anyone else, they can either yell “change your hiding places”, or “food and water” close their

eyes, and count to 20. • Change your hiding places: Any remaining hiders must choose another hiding place. • Food and water: Any remaining hiders must run touch where the seeker is stood and run back to their hiding place. • If a hider can touch the place the seeker is looking from without being caught everyone is free to hide again. • This continues until one person remains and then they become the seeker.