Washburn High School 2017-2018 Physical Science Course Syllabus School year 2017-2018 Teacher Room Phone E-mail After School Availability Ms. Duren Room 018 612-668-3400 [email protected] Mon, Tue, Thu 3:15-4 pm Mr. Hoogheem Room 015 612-668-3400 [email protected] Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 3:15-4 pm Mr. Miller Room 140 612-668-3400 [email protected] Tues, Wed, Thu (appt.) 3:15-4 pm Ms. Osuji Room 119 612-668-3400 [email protected] Mon, Tue, Thurs. 3:15-4:15 pm Mr. Miller Room 013 612-668-3400 [email protected] By appointment 3:15-4 pm Course Description: Through this laboratory course students will master their understanding of the required high school Physical Science standards, as well as much of the required Earth and Space Science and Nature of Science and Engineering standards. Students will learn about motion and forces, energy, electricity, atomic structure, and chemical and nuclear reactions. These concepts are in turn used to investigate earth and space systems such as evolution of the universe and Earth. Content learning takes place through the continued development of students’ skills as scientists and engineers. The course sets the stage for further core and advanced science coursework. Instructional methods include hands-on investigations, guided inquiry, demonstrations, group work, lectures, projects, reading, and writing. Course Units and Summative Assessments: Every unit will include at least one traditional assessment (quiz and/or test). Every quarter will include a summative project and/or summative lab report. Quarter 1 Unit 1: Motion and Forces (Q1 - 9 weeks) Quarter 2 Unit 2: Energy (Q2 - 7 weeks) Unit 3: Astronomy (Q2 - 2 weeks) Quarter 3 Unit 4: Atomic Structure & Behavior (Q3 - 9 weeks) Quarter 4 Unit 5: Chemical / Nuclear Reactions (Q4 - 6 weeks) Unit 6: Earth Systems (Q4 - 3 weeks)

Physical Science Course Syllabus School year 2017 …washburn.mpls.k12.mn.us/uploads/commonsyllabusphysicalscience_17...Physical Science Course Syllabus School year 2017-2018 ... project

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Physical Science

Course Syllabus

School year 2017-2018

Teacher Room Phone

E-mail After School Availability

Ms. Duren Room 018 612-668-3400

[email protected] Mon, Tue, Thu 3:15-4 pm

Mr. Hoogheem Room 015 612-668-3400

[email protected] Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 3:15-4 pm

Mr. Miller Room 140 612-668-3400

[email protected] Tues, Wed, Thu (appt.) 3:15-4 pm

Ms. Osuji Room 119 612-668-3400

[email protected] Mon, Tue, Thurs. 3:15-4:15 pm

Mr. Miller Room 013 612-668-3400

[email protected] By appointment 3:15-4 pm

Course Description: Through this laboratory course students will master their understanding of the required high school Physical Science standards, as well as much of the required Earth and Space Science and Nature of Science and Engineering standards. Students will learn about motion and forces, energy, electricity, atomic structure, and chemical and nuclear reactions. These concepts are in turn used to investigate earth and space systems such as evolution of the universe and Earth. Content learning takes place through the continued development of students’ skills as scientists and engineers. The course sets the stage for further core and advanced science coursework. Instructional methods include hands-on investigations, guided inquiry, demonstrations, group work, lectures, projects, reading, and writing. Course Units and Summative Assessments: Every unit will include at least one traditional assessment (quiz and/or test). Every quarter will include a summative project and/or summative lab report.

Quarter 1 Unit 1: Motion and Forces (Q1 - 9 weeks)

Quarter 2 Unit 2: Energy (Q2 - 7 weeks) Unit 3: Astronomy (Q2 - 2 weeks)

Quarter 3 Unit 4: Atomic Structure & Behavior (Q3 - 9 weeks)

Quarter 4 Unit 5: Chemical / Nuclear Reactions (Q4 - 6 weeks) Unit 6: Earth Systems (Q4 - 3 weeks)


Required Materials: Pencil, pen, notebook(composition college ruled or quad), folder, scientific calculator.

Physical Science Grading Scale: Letter grades will be assigned to the following percentage of points earned:

A = > 90 % B = 80 – 89.9 % C = 70 – 79.9 % D = 60 – 69.9 % F = < 60 %

Plusses and minuses are given in the top and bottom three percent of each range, respectively. For example: 71.9 % = C- 78.2% = C+

Gradebook Categories:

In this course, all assignments are NOT weighted equally; this means that you ARE NOT graded on total points. Assignments will fall in one of two categories:

• Academic practice (formative assessments) will count for 30% of your grade.

Academic practice assignments (classwork/homework) are designed to give you the opportunity to work with course material in and out of class so that you can determine your progress towards the learning targets (i.e. I need help with all of this, I need help with part of this, I have mastered all of this, etc.). Students will have the opportunity to receive feedback on these assignments (ask questions and/or given answers) and they will be given credit for work completed.

• Academic performance (summative assessments) will count for 70% of your grade.

Academic performance assignments (tests, quizzes, projects, formal lab write-ups) are designed for you to demonstrate your mastery of the material/skills. In other words, to “show what you know and can do.”

Missing & Late Work: Due date: The day on which the instructor indicates an assignment is expected to be submitted. *Deadline: The absolute last day on which an assignment can be turned in for credit. Assignments turned in after the due date but before the deadline will be marked late. No points will be taken so long as the assignment is turned in by the deadline. Extra Credit:

Extra credit is not offered in this course; students wishing to improve their grade should take advantage of test retake opportunities.

Test Retakes: You may retake a test once. The retake must be completed within one week of receiving the original test back. Prior to retaking a test, all formative assessments for the unit must be completed and the student must demonstrate their relearning during office hours. No retakes are permitted for quarter finals and district-required interim assessments. If a retake is done, that score will be used in the gradebook (most recent score, not the BEST score). Students with 504 or Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) will have grading parameters adjusted as stipulated in these plans.


Class Expectations: All students will be expected to:

1. Be Prompt

Be in class and on time every day. You are expected to be in your seat before the bell rings. You are expected to have a

signed pass if you are not coming to class on time. An email will be sent to your parent/guardian upon your third tardy.

Upon your fourth tardy of the quarter (and every subsequent tardy of the quarter), a referral will be made to your dean.

Understand that chronic issues of tardiness and absences may put you at risk of failing the course.

2. Be Prepared

3. Be Polite Come to class with a good attitude and abide by classroom policies. Raise your hand to contribute to a discussion and give your full attention to others presenting. Electronics: Electronics, headphones, and related

accessory items should be put away, silenced, and completely out of sight. (hiding them behind your backpack, under your shirt, in your hair, etc. does not count as “out of sight”).

· 1st offense: retrieve device from dean at the end of the day.

· 2nd offense: retrieve device from dean at the end of the day.

· 3rd offense: parent/guardian will retrieve device from dean at the end of the day.

· Subsequent offenses will be treated on a case-by-case. Food/drink: Only water is allowed. Students will be asked to put all other food/drink away.

4. Be Positive

Always be positive in interactions with teacher and classmates. Politely disagree with other’s views – offer a counterpoint

or alternate view.

5. Be Productive

Come ready to engage in the day’s learning activities. Check your notes and ask classmates for help before asking for help

from the teacher.

Passes: You must have your planner signed by the teacher to leave the classroom. Students will be allowed 2 passes a

quarter. No passes will be issued in the first and last 10 minutes of class unless you have a previously scheduled


Academic Honesty: There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for academic dishonesty.· Cheating on tests and quizzes =

First offense will result in a redo. Second offense will be a zero. · Copying homework assignments = 0 pts (all students



6. Demonstrate Miller PRIDE – Treat school like it is your job. Show up on time, focus on your work, and abide by school dress code. Respectful – Treat others the way you want to be treated. Abide by expectations of the classroom, including electronics policies. Use respectful language.Integrity – Give an honest effort in class; you will get out of it

what you put in. Be accountable for your own learning. Determination – Stay positive and keep trying even if it gets difficult. Do not allow the attitudes or behavior of others to distract you from your goals.Excellence – Do your best

work. Push yourself to achieve more. Don’t settle for just getting by.

Getting Help: If a student does not understand the material or needs to make up a l then he/she needs to come in for help. I will post a schedule in the front of my room with available times. This is subject to change, so students should check it regularly.

Communication: E-mail is the best way to get an immediate response. I check my e-mail frequently. My email address is [email protected]. You can find information about this class by checking the class webpage at: winonaduren.pbworks.com

Tear below the line and return to your teacher by Friday September 1st ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have read the syllabus for Physical Science and I understand the expectations and objectives of

this course. ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Student Name Grade ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Student Signature Date ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Parent Signature Date