PIChE Constitution IN THE NAME OF ALLAH MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL (REGISTERED UNDER ACT, XXI OF 1860) 1- GENERAL 1-The name of the Institution shall be "Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers hereinafter called "The Institute". 2-The affairs of the Institute shall be directed by: The General Body 3-The Headquarters of the Institute shall be at Lahore 4-The official year of the Institute shall be the calendar year i.e. from 1 st January to 31 st December 5-The Institute shall be a non-profit making organization devoted solely to professional uplift and service of Society at large. 6-The Institute shall have its own seal and insignia and shall issue certificates to its members. 7-The institute shell prepare its own event calendar. 8- The institute shell act as a bond between Chemical Engineers.

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Page 1: PIChE Constitution 2piche.weebly.com/uploads/2/2/7/9/22795218/piche...PIChE Constitution IN THE NAME OF ALLAH MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL (REGISTERED UNDER ACT, XXI OF 1860) 1-GENERAL

PIChE Constitution





1-The name of the Institution shall be "Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers hereinafter called

"The Institute".

2-The affairs of the Institute shall be directed by: The General Body

3-The Headquarters of the Institute shall be at Lahore

4-The official year of the Institute shall be the calendar year i.e. from 1st January to 31

st December

5-The Institute shall be a non-profit making organization devoted solely to professional uplift and

service of Society at large.

6-The Institute shall have its own seal and insignia and shall issue certificates to its members.

7-The institute shell prepare its own event calendar.

8- The institute shell act as a bond between Chemical Engineers.

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1. The following shall be the entrance fees and Annual subscriptions for the various grades of

members: (National)

Entrance Fee (Rs.) Annual Fee (Rs.)

Lifetime Member 2000 ----

Fellow 500 500

Member 500 500

Associate Member 500 500

Affiliate 500 500

Student Member 500 500



Membership charges for the local members and some additional

charges along with national membership charges will b decided by

the general body.

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1. The following Officers of the Institute shall be selected from amongst the members of the


A. Staff advisor

B. chairman

C. President

D. Vice President Communication

E. Vice President Events and Seminars

F. Treasurer.

G. Joint Secretary

H. General Secretary

I. Assistant General secretary

J. Team leader

K. Event manager

2. Tenure of the Officers

An Officer will hold office for one year

3.Duties and Power of the Offices

Staff advisor :

1. He will provide proper guidance to the students in events and society affairs ,

2. He should be a staff member and associate member of PIChE.

3. He will b selected by the HOD of department of chemical engineering, UET Peshawar

4. He will discuss society performance and agendas with the chairman of department of chemical


5. He will have to conduct regular meetings with the chairman and president of society and discus

the plan of action of society

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1. He should be associate member of PIChE

2. He should be selected by the HOD of Department of Chemical Engineering UET Peshawar

3. He will have regular meetings with President and vice presidents to discuss the performance

of society

4. He will plan for the betterment and improvement of society activities

5. He should bring upon his skills to keep the society active


1. He will have powers to convene meetings of the General Body and shall preside over them. He

may nominate any person to preside over lectures and other functions.

2. He will, on the recommendations of the Secretary, older payments for services procured or

expenditure incurred for the Institute subject to any limitation imposed by the Council.

3. He may take decisions he deems fit in emergency on behalf of the Council or General Body. He

will subsequently report to the Council of the action taken in such a case.

Vice President

One of the Vice-President shall act as Chairman of duly convened meetings in the absence of the

President and as Acting President on being authorized by the President.

Secretary General.

1. He will be responsible for the efficient execution of the affairs of the Institute..

2. He will act as Secretary at all business meetings of the Institute. However, on his short absence

the Joint Secretary or a member nominated by the President will do the work.

3. He will maintain an orderly record of the proceedings of all meetings held on behalf of the


4. He will supervise and direct the work of the employees of the general body and the council

5. He will be in charge of the property of the Institute and maintain its record.

6. He will present the report of activities for approval at the Council meeting before the Annual

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General Meeting for presenting to the General Body

7. He will notify information to members and officers as required.


1. He will keep accounts of the funds of the Institute and maintain necessary books for the purpose.

2. He will make payments authorized by the Council or the President or the Secretary General.

3. He will prepare the balance sheet along with an audited report and present it to the Council at a

meeting before the Annual General Meeting.

4. He will invest funds under the direction of the Council any part of whole of the balance at any

time to the credit of the Institute, in a suitable manner or make such investments as the Council


5. He will receive dues from members and issue receipts and membership cards and shall also

maintain a register for members in good standing and in arrears. He will issue reminder notices

to the members in arrears.

Joint Secretary

He will assist the Secretary General in carrying out his Office and other duties of the Institute and in

particular he shall help in publications of the Institute and their distribution to its members.

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It shall consist of all grades of membership of the Institute

a. It shall be the supreme body of the Institute

b. Regular meetings among the cabinet members and members of society.

c. President for the next period of year will be selected in a combine meeting of staff advisor, Chairman

and President of society.

d. Rest of the cabinet will be selected by the President and Vice presidents for the current year.

e. President or in his absence of the Vice Presidents shall act as the Chairman of the meeting. In case of

the absence of all three, those present will elect a Chairman for the meeting.

f. The Secretary General will act as Secretary and Convener of meetings as directed by the President.

g. The General Body at Annual General meeting will:

i. Consider and approve the annual report and the balance sheet of the Institute as presented by the

secretary and the Treasurer on behalf of the Council.

ii. Direct such actions for the guidance and pursuance of the Council as it may consider desirable to

further the objects of the institution.

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The Fundamental Principles Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of

the engineering profession by:

a. using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare;

b. being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity their clients (including their employers)

and the public; and

c. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession.

The Fundamental Canons

1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the

performance of their professional duties.

2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence; they shall build their

professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with


3. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall

provide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of those engineers under

their supervision.

4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or

trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest.

5. Engineers shall respect the proprietary information and intellectual property rights of others,

including charitable organizations and professional societies in the engineering field.

6. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner and shall

avoid any conduct which brings discredit upon the profession.

7. Engineers shall consider environmental impact and sustainable development in the

performance of their professional duties.

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8. Engineers shall not seek ethical sanction against another engineer unless there is good

reason to do so under the relevant codes, policies and procedures governing that

engineer’s ethical conduct.

9. Engineers who are members of the Society shall endeavor to abide by the Constitution,

By-Laws and Policies of the Society, and they shall disclose knowledge of any matter

involving another member’s alleged violation of this Code of Ethics or the Society’s

Conflicts of Interest Policy in a prompt, complete and truthful manner to the chair of the

Ethics Committee.


1. Any member who has been found guilty of a charge of violating the Constitution, By-Laws or

Code of Ethics of the Society, may be expelled by the affirmative vote of seven members of the

Board of Governors after being given the opportunity to be heard.

2. The Board of Governors shall vote on the expulsion of any member only upon the

recommendation of a Hearing Board appointed to hear the accusation and the defense.

3. The Hearing Board which shall hear and present a report upon charges against an accused

member shall be chosen from among the available past Presidents of the Society. Each Hearing

Board will be appointed by the President of the Society and will be specific to a particular case.

Members of a Hearing Board will continue to serve until the case assigned to that Hearing Board

has been completed


1.The Society and its individual members shall be governed by this Constitution and these By-Laws

and by the current Society Policies and procedures established by the Board of Governors,

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including any amendments that may be made from time to time.

2.An Annual Report shall be prepared for the fiscal year ending on December 31.

3.The material included in the portion of the report covering the Society year shall show the

following in appropriate detail:

a. A report by the President;

b. A listing of the Society Officers;

c. Summaries of major Society activities; and

d. A listing of recipients of Society awards


1. Unless otherwise provided, for all decisions at any meeting shall be determined by a majority of

those present at the meeting. In the event of equality of votes, the Chairman of such meeting shall

be entitled to a casting vote.

2. Unless otherwise provided for, normally the voting at any meeting shall be by the show of hands.

The chairman's decisions on the count of votes shall be final.

3. Where there is a provision of voting by ballot, the Chairman shall appoint two tellers for

counting the votes. The tellers shall sign the ballot papers as a token of counting. The result will be

announced by the Chairman of the meeting.

4. Each proposal at a meeting will be made by a member and seconded by another, otherwise it will

not be considered.

5. If a notice of any meeting is inadvertently sent to or if any such meeting is inadvertently attended

by, or if any votes are cast at such meeting by the person not duly qualified to attend such meeting,

the proceedings of that meeting shall not be invalidated; nor shall accidental omission to give notice

by a member duly qualified to attend such meeting invalidate the proceedings of any such meeting.

6. The decision of the Chairman of any meeting in all matters pertaining thereto shall be final.

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7. In any emergency no quorum will be required in the case of a meeting held after its adjournment

for want of quorum. The adjournment for the time and place will be decided by the members

present at the time of adjournment, and the business under the agenda previously circulated may be

transacted. Views of members sent in writing will be presented at the meeting.

8. Annual General Meeting and meetings to amend the constitution will require 30 days prior notice

to members excepting in any emergency.


1. The funds shall consist of:

a. Fees and subscriptions from the members

b. Grants from the Government Agencies

c. Donations, endowments and any other income.

2. All amounts received shall be deposited in a Bank

3. The Bank account shall be operated jointly by the Treasurer and the President.

4. The Treasurer or his representative shall acknowledge all sums of money paid to the


Signature: Signature : Signature:

Dr. M.Younis Dr.Imran Ahmad Dr.Saeed Gull

Staff Advisor Chairman HOD

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Staff Advisor: Dr.M.Younis

CONTACT: 03333811139

Chairman:Dr.M.Imran Ahmad

CONTACT: 03449020774

President: Farooq Khan Khalil

CONTACT: 03335069079

Vice president Communication: Ali Ahmad Durrani

Vice President Events and Seminars: Faisal Abbasi

General Secretary: Aqib Ullah Khan

Assistant General Secretary: Amir Rais

Joint Secretary: Ahmad Raza

Team Leader: Taimoor Ahmad KakaKhel

Treasurer: Gul Naimat Shah

Event manager: Sara Abid



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