Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 An essential teaching skill is the ability to present a terrific picture- book read-aloud. You are going to have some formal opportunities to do that this semester, although you are encouraged to read aloud informally to your placement class on a regular basis. As you prepare, choose a quality book that will interest and engage the children in your particular placement class. Use bibliographies provided on our class web page to help you select texts. If you can find a quality book on a topic the children are studying in class, so much the better. Have your placement teacher approve your book selection beforehand . You are not permitted to read aloud books that have been read aloud in our ASU courses for your “assigned” read-alouds (but feel free to use them any other time). Adhere to the teacher’s discipline procedures when you read aloud—and remember that you are less likely to need them if you are well-prepared with an engaging book. Be sure to prepare yourself based on the guidelines on the next page and the evaluation sheet. Place small post-its with subtle colors in your book ahead of time as reminders of interactions you want to initiate with the kids before, during, and after the reading. Ham it up with different voices for various characters, exaggerated facial expressions, loud and soft, fast and slow, movement, having the kids chime in or sing, etc., as appropriate for your chosen text. The kids will love it (and you). DOCUMENTATION: 1. Your placement teacher is to observe the read-aloud. Give him/her the feedback sheet before you begin so he/she can mark it. Written comments from your placement teacher are optional . Have your placement teacher sign the evaluation sheet. 2. Discuss the experience with your placement teacher to get feedback on what went well and what you can improve. 3. Reflect in writing on the experience. What are you learning about sharing literature with children? Articulate what went well and your plans to improve future read-alouds and teaching experiences, responding to the feedback your placement teacher gave you in the process. Your reflections need to be word-processed. 4. Turn in the evaluation sheet with your reflections. The due date listed is not set in stone. If circumstances in your placement class require you to turn this in a bit late, that is fine.

Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 · Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 An essential teaching skill is the ability to present a terrific picture-book read-aloud. You are going

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Page 1: Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 · Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 An essential teaching skill is the ability to present a terrific picture-book read-aloud. You are going

Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1

An essential teaching skill is the ability to present a terrific picture-book read-aloud. You are going to have some formal opportunities to do that this semester, although you are encouraged to read aloud informally to your placement class on a regular basis.

As you prepare, choose a quality book that will interest and engage the children in your particular placement class. Use bibliographies provided on our class web page to help you select texts. If you can find a quality book on a topic the children are studying in class, so much the better. Have your placement teacher approve your book selection beforehand. You are not permitted to read aloud books that have been read aloud in our ASU courses for your “assigned” read-alouds (but feel free to use them any other time). Adhere to the teacher’s discipline procedures when you read aloud—and remember that you are less likely to need them if you are well-prepared with an engaging book.

Be sure to prepare yourself based on the guidelines on the next page and the evaluationsheet. Place small post-its with subtle colors in your book ahead of time as reminders of interactions you want to initiate with the kids before, during, and after the reading. Ham it up with different voices for various characters, exaggerated facial expressions, loud and soft, fast and slow, movement, having the kids chime in or sing, etc., as appropriate for your chosen text. The kids will love it (and you).


1. Your placement teacher is to observe the read-aloud. Give him/her the feedback sheet before you begin so he/she can mark it. Written comments from your placement teacher are optional. Have your placement teacher sign the evaluation sheet.

2. Discuss the experience with your placement teacher to get feedback on what went well and what you can improve.

3. Reflect in writing on the experience. What are you learning about sharing literature with children? Articulate what went well and your plans to improve future read-alouds and teaching experiences, responding to the feedback your placement teacher gave you in the process. Your reflections need to be word-processed.

4. Turn in the evaluation sheet with your reflections. The due date listed is not set in stone. If circumstances in your placement class require you to turn this in a bit late, that is fine.

Page 2: Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 · Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 An essential teaching skill is the ability to present a terrific picture-book read-aloud. You are going

WWhhyy RReeaadd AAlloouudd??

• Students experience great books they can’t yet read on their own• Natural starting point for learning to comprehend• “Notches up” vocabulary & background knowledge• Models fluent, expressive reading• Introduces unfamiliar genres and authors• Increases interest and pleasure in reading• Builds community

Preparing to Read Aloud• Read the whole text yourself

• Practice reading the text expressively

• Think about how the text might pose challenges in terms of the students’ comprehension

• Plan for interaction before, during, and after the reading, using post-it reminders

Page 3: Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 · Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 An essential teaching skill is the ability to present a terrific picture-book read-aloud. You are going

Picture Book Read-Aloud #1Intern’s Name _____________________________

Teacher’s Name _____________________________Grade Level _______ Date___________

Book Title: _________________________Author: _________________________

Placement Teacher Ratings (please )


ExpectationsApproaches Expectations

Does Not Meet

Minimum Requirements

Pre-reading addresses children’s prior knowledge and helps them begin the comprehension process

Holding/displaying of picture book is appropriate; children are seated so that they can see

Vocal volume is adequate, with varied inflection, pauses, facial expressions, etc.

Reading is supported with engaging interactions (questions, explanations, etc.)

Reader has prepared ahead of time by placing post-it reminders in the book

Text is engaging and appropriate for the listeners in terms of topic, concepts, and length

Classroom management is effective

An appropriate closure wraps up the reading experience

Signature of Placement Teacher X_____________________________________________

Placement Teacher’s Comments (Optional—You are welcome to give feedback verbally)

Intern Checklist Have teacher approve your

book selection in advance Prepare carefully Present read-aloud while

placement teacher fills out this sheet

Discuss experience with placement teacher

Type reflections (see #3 on assignment sheet)

Attach reflections to this sheet and turn in

Page 4: Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 · Picture Book Read-Aloud Assignment #1 An essential teaching skill is the ability to present a terrific picture-book read-aloud. You are going

Dear Placement Teacher,

Thank you so much for hosting an ASU intern this semester. Opening your classroom puts demands on your time and energy, and I appreciate your inviting anovice to learn by your side. I hope your intern’s enthusiasm and assistance make the experience worthwhile for you and your students.

As part of the Language & Literacy 1 course, I encourage you to have your intern read to the class regularly, but two of these experiences will be more formal and observed by you. On these occasions, which your intern will schedule with you in advance, a brief checklist will be given to you. Please be candid as you rate each area. Written comments are optional, but it will be helpful for your intern to have a conversation with you about how things went in order to build on strengths and make refinements.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this assignment. Thank you once again for helping to prepare your intern for the profession.

With warm regards,

Diann Christensen

Faculty Associate


[email protected]