Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn

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  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Picturi muralen vechi biserici de lemn dinTransilvania

    Mural Paintingin Old Transylvanian

    Wooden Churches

    Mihaela Ghi


    Horia Mitrofan

    CIMEC Institutul de

    Memorie Cultural,2007

  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn




    Un pretext excelent pentru a ajunge n cele mai neumblate

    cotloane ale Transilvaniei l ofer bisericile romneti din lemnpictate. Vechimea lorcoboarpn n inima secolelor XVIII-XIX.

    Prin insolit i expresivitate, picturile care le mpodobesc sendeprteaz n bun msur de prescripiile canoanelorbisericeti, evocnd n schimb, adesea, plastica modernist.

    Acest gen de pictur este ntlnit n mai multe zeci de sate carepar a cptui pe interior - chiar dac nu neaprat riguros centura muntoas a Carpailor.

    Porfirie de la Feisa, 1852Evanghelist An EvangelistDeag, judeul Mure Deag, Mure county


    To get into Transylvanian places that virtually nobody ever heard

    of, you have an excellent pretext: the painted Romanian woodenchurches.

    The concerned mural paintings, which date back to the 18th and

    the 19th centuries, are both weird and expressive: they

    significantly depart from the church imagistic prescriptions, while

    instead strongly reminding of modernist art.

    The hide-outs of those relics are several tens of villages whichseem to coat although not quite rigorously the Carpathiansmountains belt at its interior.

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    Primul cercettor romn (i timp de aproape 40 de ani, adicpn prin1970, singurul !) care s-a preocupat de lcaurile de lemn ale acelor locuria fost un matematician: Atanasie Popa din Cluj. Articolele saledezvluiau arta pn atunci complet ignorat a unui careu de ai aivechii picturi romneti: Ioan Pop din Ungurai, Iosif Perso, parohulElciului, Urs Broin, preot din toboru, i mai ales inimitabilul DimitrieIspas din Gilu.

    ns pe lng acetia, cel puinnc vreo 15 zugravi, muli dintre eianonimi, pars fi fost integrai n originala micareartistic.

    Ioan Pop din Ungurai, 1800Sfnta Marina lovete n diavol Saint Marina hits the devil

    Pua, judeul Slaj Pua, Slajcounty

    The first Romanian scholar (and for almost 40 years - until the late

    nineteen-sixties - the sole one !) who expressed interest in the wooden

    churches of this region has been a mathematician: Atanasie Popa fromCluj. His papers revealed the art, utterly ignored before him, of an ancient

    Romanian painting quadruplet of aces: Ioan Pop from Ungurai, IosifPerso, priest of Elciu, Urs Broin, priest of toboru, and above all, theunparalleled Dimitrie Ispas from Gilu.

    Nonetheless, 15 more painters at least - many of which remainedanonymous - seem to have been integrated in this fine arts movement.

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    Ceea ce ne uimete n primul rnd la aceste picturi este de excesul destilizare i de decorativism. Realitatea vizibil este att de distorsionatn acele imagini, nct ajungi s te ntrebi dac zugravii lor nu eraucumva nitemucalii - un fel de Ion Creang ai vizualului.

    Nu este mai puin surprinztor s descoperi cum, aceiai zugravi,

    excelau atunci cnd pe chipurile personajelor sacre reprezentauexpresii de ndoial, de deziluzie, ori chiar de derut. Erau uitatetririle imperturbabile, abstracte, ale canoanelor bizantine, ori gesturilepatetice caracteristice barocului, adoptat de catolicismul din acele


    Formal, acestor picturi li se pot gsi unele corespondene n manieragoticului liniar-narativ, cea n care fuseser pictate mai multe biserici dezid din Transilvania medieval (secolul al XIV-lea). Dar nu pot fineglijate nici trimiterile ctre ambientul de nelinite i derizoriu pe

    care-l creau (mult mai trziu - n primele decenii ale secolului al XX-lea!)pictorii expresioniti de felul unui Kokoschka, Munch sau Modigliani.

    Iosif Perso, 1831Pilda celor zece fecioare. Fecioare nebune The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Foolish Virgins

    Voivodeni, judeul Slaj Voivodeni, Slajcounty

    Anonim, pe la 1800 Anonymous, around 1800Dubl reprezentare a lui Iona vrsat pe pmnt din pntecele chitului

    Double image of Jonah spewed out by the great fishDobricu Lpuului, judeul Maramure Dobricu Lpuului, Maramure county

    In the first place, those paintings are puzzling thespectator by their abundance of stylization and

    decorativism. The images distort the visible reality to such

    an extent, that one may suspect the artist to be an actualmocker - some kind of Jerome K. Jerome of the visual art.

    Nor it is less surprising to discover how accurate the same

    painters could be, when their sacred characterscountenance mirrored doubt, disillusion, or even dismay.

    There seemed to be forgotten the unperturbed, abstractattitudes characteristic to the Byzantine art, or the patheticgestures that the catholic church cherished in its Baroque


    In terms of formal look, there is a certain correspondence

    with the linear-narrative Gothic art preserved in several

    stone churches painted in Medieval (14th century)

    Transylvania. But there are also noticeable suggestions of

    a derisory and anxious ambiance, like the one created

    (much later - in the first decades of the 20th century !) by

    expressionist painters like Kokoschka, Munch orModigliani.

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    Cltoriile pe care noi, modetituriti mic-burghezi, le-amfcut ntr-acolo ne-au prut a fi, de fiecare dat, opermanent provocare: ce surprize avea s ne rezerveurmtoarea biseric? Nu era timp de plictiseal. Ce-idrept, erau i surprize deprimante: de 50 de ani s-adrmat biserica aia; a ars, acum vreo civa ani;

    au mutat-o la ora i au repictat-o; am vzut-o, eundeva ntre blocuri, lng stadion; n-avei voie sintrai dect dacavei aprobare de la Episcopie.

    De cele mai multe ori ns oamenii locului - preoi parohi,paracliseri, ori pur i simplu ngrijitori ai lcaului nentmpinau mndri de patrimoniul pe care-l aveau spre

    pstrarei ne ndeamnau ca, prin intermediul fotografiilorpe care le facem, s ncercm s popularizm acelevalori.

    Trips across those Transylvanian lands always seemed to

    us, ordinary middle-class tourists, a never-ending

    challenge: what surprise shall meet us at the next church?

    No time to get bored! There were yet, to be honest, sad

    surprises too: its been 50 years since that church hasbeen dismantled: it burned down, a few years ago:

    they transferred it to town and they painted it; I saw itrecently, somewhere surrounded by blocks of flats, next to

    the stadium; you are not allowed to enter, unlessyouve got a permit from the Archdiocese.

    Yet in most instances local people priests, bell-ringers,or just simple care-takers were welcoming us, proud ofthe patrimony they had been entrusted with. Moreover,

    they urged us to do all our best for promoting, by means of

    pictures we were taking, those valuable monuments.

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    S nu uitmc, adesea, bisericile de care vorbim se afl n ctuneizolate, n zone mai srace, departe de drumurile tradiional turisticeale Romniei. Semee totui pe vrfuri de deal, ele oglindescdemnitatea, mndria i sensibilitatea artistic a ranului romn.

    Lcaurile n care se mai oficiaznc sunt, de regul, cel mai bineconservate. Altele sunt pstratei ngrijite ca mici muzee ale satului,chiar dac n decurs de un an doar civa cltori le calc pragul:muli dintre acetia sunt strini, mai bine informaii mai interesai detezaurul cultural i artistic al rii noastre.

    Din nefericire, exist i cazuri cnd indrila este rupt, acoperiulspart, iar intemperiile deterioreaz de la an la an, din ce n ce maimult, picturi a cror strlucireoriginal nu va mai putea fi nicicndreconstituit.

    One must not forget that in many instances, the churches we are

    speaking about occur in isolated rural communities, within areas for

    which poverty is a rather general standard, far away from the

    traditional tourist roads of Romania. Still their bell-towers boldappearance on hill-tops seems to epitomize the Romanian peasantsdignity, pride and sense of beauty.

    The best preserved edifices are, as a general rule, those where

    religious service is still held. Others are conserved and looked afterlike small museums of the village, even though only few people come

    to visit them during one year: many such visitors are foreigners, much

    more interested and better informed about Romanias cultural andartistic heritage.

    Unfortunately, there are also instances when the shingle is damaged,

    the roof is broken and rainfall wrecks out, year after year, paintings

    whose original gleam will never recover.

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    Transilvania rmne - n ciuda tuturor vicisitudinilorenumerate - singurul teritoriu al Europei unde se maipstreaz nc zeci de biserici din lemn pictate n perioadasecolelor al XVIII-lea ial XIX-lea.

    Acestui fenomen plastic par s-i lipseasc totui, cel puindeocamdat, nite puni de comunicare: ntre publicul dinzilele noastre i vechii zugravi cu viziunile lor adeseori


    Iar umilii autori ai acestui album - nimerindu-se pe undeva pe

    la mijloc - s-au riscats ncerce sfac oficiul de P.R.

    Iosif Perso, 1806Moartea i Lenea The Death and the IndolenceDragu,judeul Slaj Dragu, Slajcounty

    Transylvania remains beyond all recorded detrimentalcircumstances the only territory of Europe where tens ofwooden churches painted during the 18th and the 19thcenturies are still preserved.

    Yet - at least for the moment being - this art phenomenon

    seems to lack some efficient communication channels:

    between the public of our time, and the old masters, whose

    visions are sometimes so disconcerting.

    As for the humble authors of this album who happened tobe, by chance, somewhere in-between they only ventured toattempt taking up a P.R. position.

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  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Data construciei: 1758

    (apare n inscripia de pe ancadramentulintrrii)

    Nu se cunosc n ic i numele autorului pictur i i

    murale, nici data execuiei acesteia.

    Monument is toric c od SJ-II-m-A-05023

    Wooden chu rch b ui l t in the year 1758

    (date indicated by the inscr ipt ioncarved on the door frame)

    The date of the paint ing and the art is t name

    are unknown

    Historic al monument cod e SJ-II-m -A-05023

    Judeul SLAJ SLAJ county


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    Cina cea de tain The Last Supper

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    Prinderea lui Isus The Betrayal of Christ

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    Isus adus n faa lui Pilat

    Jesus before Pilate

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    Dataconstruciei: seco lul al XVIII-lea

    Pictura mural realizat de Urs Broin,nu cu mult nain te de anu l 1787

    Monument isto ric, cod SJ-II-m-B-05046

    SLAJ county

    Wooden churc h bui l t in the 18thcentury

    Mural painting by Urs Broin,sho rt ly befor e 1787

    Historic al Monument, c ode SJ-II-m -B-05046

    Judeul SLAJ


    Isus adus n faa lui Irod Jesus before king Herod

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    ncununarea lui Isus cu spini

    The Crowning with Thorns

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    Batjocorirea lui IsusObservai personajul aflat n colul din

    dreapta-jos, care i ureaz Fii sntos !

    The Mocking of ChristNotice the character at the bottom-right

    corner, who says I wish you good health !

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    Biciuirea lui Isus

    The Flogging of Christ

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    Dataconstruciei: 1753 (apare ca inscripiepe masa de piatr a altarului)

    Pictura mural realizat n anul 1812,autor necunoscu t

    Monument is toric c od SJ -II-m-A-05050

    Wooden chu rch b ui l t in the year 1753(date carved on the ston e slab of the altar)

    Walls painted in 1812

    by an anonymou s art is t

    Historic al monument code SJ-II-m-A-05050

    Judeul SLAJ SLAJ county


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    Prinderea lui Isus The Betrayal of Christ

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    Punerea lui Isus n Mormnt

    The Deposition of Christ

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    Sfnta Maria Egipteanca Saint Mary of Egypt

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    Dataconstruciei: 1730

    Pictura mural realizat de Ioan Pop dinUngurai n anul 1800

    Monument isto ric, cod SJ-II-m -A-05092

    SLAJ county

    Wooden chu rch b ui l t in the year 1730

    Mural paint ing by Ioan Pop from

    Ungurai, 1800

    Historic al monument, code SJ-II-m-A-05092

    Judeul SLAJ


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    Presupus autoportret al pictorului

    Presumed self-portrait of the painter

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    Pilda celor zece fecioare. Fecioare nebune The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Foolish Virgins

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    Dataconstruciei: 1707(apare n inscripia

    cioplit deasupra intrrii)Nu se cuno sc nic i autorul , nic i data

    execuiei picturii murale din naos. Pereiialtarului i ai pronaosului au fost pictai deDimitrie Ispas din Gilu n anul 1824.

    Monument istoric , cod SJ-II-m-B-05111

    Wooden chu rch b ui l t in the year 1707

    (date indic ated in the inscript io n carved

    above the church entrance)

    The author and the dateof the nave and

    iconostasis paint ing are unknow n. The

    narthex and th e chancel wal ls have been

    painted b y Dimi tr ie Ispas fromGiluin 1824.

    Historic al monument, cod e SJ-II-m-B-05111

    Judeul SLAJ SLAJ county


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    Isus n potir (reprezentare simboliznd mprtania) Jesus in the chalice (Eucharist imagery)

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    Pilda celor zece fecioare. Fecioare nelepte The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Wise Virgins

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    Sfntul IoanEvanghelistul

    Saint John

    the Evangelist

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    Dataconstruciei: secolu l al XVIII-lea

    Picturamuralrealizat de Iosif Perso,paroh al Elciului , 1845

    Monumen t isto ric, cod SJ-II-m-B-05114

    SLAJ county

    Wooden churc h bui l t in the 18thcentury

    Mural paint ing by Iosi f Perso,

    priest o f Elciu, 1845

    Historic al monum ent, code SJ-II-m-B-05114

    Judeul SLAJ


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    Pilda celor zece fecioare. Fecioare nebune The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Foolish Virgins

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    Iona este vrsat pe pmnt din pntecele chitului Jonah is spewed out by the great fish

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    Dataconstruciei incert (1764?); adus

    pe actu alul amplasamen t n anu l 1802

    Pictura mural realizat n anul 1802de Dimitrie Ispas din Gilui de tefan

    Monumen t istor ic, cod CJ -II-m-B-07592

    Wooden church w hose bui ld ing date is

    unc ertain (1764?). Transferredto the cur rent location in 1802

    Mural painting by Dimitrie Ispas from Giluand bytefan, 1802

    Historic al mon ument, code CJ-II-m-B-07592


    Judeul CLUJ CLUJ county

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    Heruvim Cherubim

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    Splarea picioarelorucenicilor lui Isus

    Washing of the Feet

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    Drumul spre Golgota Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross

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    intuirea lui Isus pe cruce The Nailing of Christ to the Cross

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    Rstignirea The Crucifixion

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    Data construciei: secolul al XVIII-lea

    Nu se cunosc nic i num ele autorului pictur i i

    murale, nici data execuiei acesteia.

    Monumen t istor ic, cod CJ -II-m-B-07620

    Wooden church bui l t in the 18thcentury

    The date of the painting and the art ist name

    are unknown

    Historic al mon ument, code CJ-II-m-B-07620

    Judeul CLUJ CLUJ county


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    nvierea lui Lazr The Raising of Lazarus

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    Sfntul Evanghelist LucaSaint Luke the Evangelist

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    nvierea. Maria Magdalena l vede pe Isus The Resurrection. Mary Magdalene sees Jesus

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    Dataconstruciei: secolul al XVIII-lea

    Picturamural a fostrealizat, celpuin npart e, undev a nt re ani i 1793-1811. n naosi

    respectiv n p ronaos au lucr at doi zugravidiferii, ambi i rmai anonimi. Pictura dinnaosprezint un st i l pu ternicinfluenatde celal zugravului Radu Munteanu din Ungur eni .

    Monument isto ric, cod MM-II-m-A-04568

    MARAMURE county

    Wooden churc h bui l t in the 18thcentury

    At least part of the m ural paint ing dates back to

    the per iod 1793 - 1811. Two d ifferen t artists ,

    both u nknow n, have painted the nave and thenarthex w alls respectively. The style of the nave

    paint ings bears many simi lar i t ies to that of

    Radu Munteanu from Ungureni .

    Historic al monument, code MM-II-m-A-04568

    Judeul MARAMURE


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    Pcatul originar. Detaliu: Eva

    The temptation of the serpent. Detail: Eve

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    Lot i fiicele sale fug din SodomaObservai sticla pe care o duce una din fiice, aluzie la episodul n care fetele i vor mbta tatl ca s se mperecheze cu el.

    Lot and his daughters flee from Sodom

    Notice the bottle carried by the second daughter, an allusion to the episode when the girls will inebriate their father in order tohave intercourse with him.

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    David vede capul lui Avesalom

    David sees the head of Absalom

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    Cina cea de tain The Last Supper

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    Rugciunea lui Isus n Grdina Ghetsimani Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

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    Iuda napoiaz arginii trdrii Judas returns the silver coins

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    Drumul spre Golgota Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross

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    Rstignirea Sfntului Petru

    The Martyrdom of the apostle Peter

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    Judecata de Apoi. Detaliu The Last Judgement. DetailObservai diavolul care l trage de urechi pe unul din pctoi. Notice the devil who gives an ear pull to a sinner.

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    Judecata de Apoi. Detaliu:Femeia care i suduie brbatul.

    The Last Judgement. Detail:The woman who curses at her


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    Judecata de Apoi. Detaliu. The Last Judgement. Detail.

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    ArhanghelulMihai i bogatul nemilostiv

    The Archangel Michael tormentingthe soul of a pitiless rich man

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    Dataconstruciei: 1671; adus pe actualulamplasam ent n anul 1811

    Pictura mural realizat n anul 1811,autor necunoscu t

    Monument istoric , cod MM-II-m-A-04596

    Wooden chu rch b ui l t in the year 1671

    Transferred to the cu rrent loc ation in 1811

    Walls pain ted in 1811

    by an anonymou s art is t

    Historic al monument, code MM-II-m-A-04596

    Judeul MARAMURE MARAMURE county


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    Adam i Eva Pcatul originar Adam and Eve - the temptation of the serpent

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    Tierea capului Sfntului Ioan Boteztorul Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

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    Rugciunea lui Isus n Grdina Ghetsimani

    Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

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    Drumul spre Golgota

    Simon of Cyrene helps Jesuscarry His Cross

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    intuirea lui Isus pe cruce The Nailing of Christ to the Cross

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    Dataconstruciei: 1663, nlocuind o biseric maiveche incendiat cu doi ani nainte de ctrenvlitorii ttari.

    Pictura mural realizat n anul 1785de ctreRadu Munt eanu din Ungu reni, asistat de Nicolae

    Man de la Poiana Po rcu lui. A mai int erven it, n

    anul 1834, un pictor rmas anonim.

    Monument istor ic, cod MM-II-m-A-04618

    MARAMURE county

    Wooden chu rch b ui l t in 1663, in order to replace

    the one bur ned by Tartars two years before.

    The churc h walls have been paintedin 1785 byRadu Munteanu from Ungureni , assisted by

    Nicolae Man from Poiana Porcului . Addi t ional

    intervent ions were made by an unknown p ainterin


    Historic al monum ent, code MM-II-m-A-04618

    Judeul MARAMURE


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    Rstignirea The Crucifixion

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    Rstignirea. Detaliu The Crucifixion. Detail

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    Adam i Eva Pcatul originar Adam and Eve - the temptation of the serpent

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    Adam i Eva sunt izgonii din rai The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise

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    Adam i Eva muncind pe pmnt Adam and Eve labor for their food

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    Dataconstruciei: secolul al XVIII-lea

    Cea mai mare parte a pic tur i i mu rale (ntr eg

    naosul i o parte din pronaos) a fost realizatde ctre popa Ion, naintea anului 1782. npictura pron aosului au m ai interveni t ul ter ior

    Radu Munteanu din Ungureni (n 1782) iBuda Pro copie (pe la 1824-1826).

    Monument istor ic, cod MM-II-m-A-04788

    MARAMURE county

    Wooden church bui l t in the 18th century

    Most of the mural paint ing (that of the nave and

    of some parts o f the narthex) has beencom pleted by the priest Ion before 1782.

    Subsequent paint ing of the narthex has b een

    com pleted by Radu Mun teanu from Ungureni ( in

    1782) and b y B uda Proco pie (around 1824-1826).

    Historic al monument, code MM-II-m-A-04788

    Judeul MARAMURE


  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    nvierea Pogorrea n iadThe Resurrection Anastasis

    (Descent into Limbo)

  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Heruvim Cherubim

  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Lupta lui David cu Goliat

    David slaying Goliath

  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn



    (1711? 1760?)

    Nu se cunosc n ic i numele autorului pictur i i

    murale, nici data execuiei acesteia.

    Monument istoric , cod BN-II-m -A-01626

    Wooden church w hose bui ld ing date is

    un certain (1711? 1760?)

    The date of the paint ing and the art is t name

    are unknown

    Historic al monument , code BN-II-m-A-01626



  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Samarineanca la fntn

    The Samaritan woman at the well

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    Cina cea de tain The Last Supper

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    ncununarea luiIsus cu spini

    The Crowning withThorns

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    Batjocorirea lui Isus

    The Mocking of Christ

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    Drumul spre Golgota

    Simon of Cyrene helpsJesus carry His Cross

    Proorocul Ilie se nal la Ceruri Ascension of Elijah

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    Dataconstruciei incert(1757?)

    Zaharie Apitis din Sineft este menionatdrept autor al p ictur i i mur ale orig inale.

    Pictura actual este rezultatul intervenieizugr avulu i Vasile Hojda n anul 1784.

    Monumen t istor ic, cod BN-II-m-A-01691

    Wooden church w hose bui ld ing date is

    unc ertain (1757?)

    Reportedly, the author of the orig inal

    paint ing is Zacharias Api t is from Sineft .

    The present-day paint ing is d ue to the

    intervention of Vasi le Hojda, in 1784.

    Historic al monument, code BN-II-m-A-01691



  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Intrarea lui Isus n Ierusalim Entry into Jerusalem

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    Isus adus n faa lui Caiafa Jesus before Caiaphas

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    Punerea lui Isus n Mormnt The Deposition of Christ

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    Dataconstruciei: 1755

    Pictura mural realizat n anul 1755,autor necunoscu t

    Monument istoric , cod BN-II-m -A-01694

    Wooden chu rch b ui l t in the year 1755

    Walls painted in 1755

    by an anonym ous art is t

    Historic al monument, code BN-II-m-A-01694



  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Intrarea lui Isus n Ierusalim Entry into Jerusalem

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    Mironosiele la Mormnt

    The Holy Women at the Tomb

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    Necredina apostolului Toma

    Christ and Doubting Thomas

    Rstignirea SfntuluiSimon The Martyrdom of the apostle Simon

  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Dataconstruciei: 1723

    (apare ca inscripie deasupra uii naosului)

    Pictura mural realizat n anul 1775,autor necunoscu t

    Monument istoric , cod MS-II-m-A-15604

    MURE county

    Wooden chu rch b ui l t in the year 1723

    (date carved abov e the entrance of the nave)

    Walls painted in 1775

    by an anonym ous art is t

    Historic al monum ent, code MS-II-m-A-15604

    Judeul MURE


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    ncununarea lui Isus cu spini

    The Crowning with Thorns

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    Biciuirea lui Isus

    The Flogging of Christ

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    Mironosiele la Mormnt

    The Holy Women at the Tomb

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    Rstignirea Sfntului Petru

    The Martyrdomof the apostle Peter

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    Rstignirea Sfntului Andrei

    The Martyrdomof the apostle Andrew

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    Dataconstruciei: secolul al XIX-lea

    Pictura mural realizat n anul 1834,din semntura pictorului se mai cunotedoar ...de la Feisa.

    Monument istoric , cod MS-II-m-B-15640

    MURE county

    Wooden churc h bui l t in the 19th


    Mural paint ing dat ing from 1834. From the

    painters signature, only the name of itsplace of origin, Feisa, has been preserved.

    Historic al mon ument, code MS-II-m-B-15640

    Judeul MURE


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    Prinderea lui Isus. Detaliu

    The Betrayal of Christ. Detail

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    Mironosiele laMormnt. Detaliu

    The Holy Women

    at the Tomb. Detail

    Cina cea de tain The Last Supper

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    Dataconstruciei: secolu l al XVIII-lea

    Picturamuralrealizat de Pop Nicolae Zugrav, 1796

    Monument istor ic, cod MS-II-m-B-15651

    MURE county

    Wooden churc h bui l t in the 18thcentury

    Mural paintin g by Pop Nico lae, 1796

    Historic al mon ument , code MS-II-m-B-15651

    Judeul MURE


  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Judecata de Apoi.Chipul unei pctoase

    The Last Judgement.Image of a sinner

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    Coborrea de pe cruce Descent from the Cross

    Prinderea lui Isus The Betrayal of Christ

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    Dataconstruciei: 1784 (aninscripionatpe ambele ancadramente deui)

    Nu se cunos c nic i num ele autorului pictur i i

    murale, nici data execuiei acesteia

    Monument isto ric, cod MS-II-m-A-15740

    MURE county

    Wood en chu rch b ui l t in th e year 1784 (date indic ated

    by inscr ipt ions carved on both door frames)

    The date of th e painting and th e art ist name are


    Historic al mon ument, code MS-II-m-A-15740

    Judeul MURE


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    Rstignirea The Crucifixion

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    Iuda napoiaz arginii trdrii Judas returns the silver coins

  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Spnzurarea lui Iuda The hanging of Judas

    Pilda celor zece fecioare. Fecioare nebune

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Foolish Virgins

  • 7/28/2019 Picturi Murale Din Biserici Biserici de Lemn


    Dataconstrucieiincert(1749? 1841?)

    Nu se cunosc n ic i numele autorului pictur i i

    murale, nici data execuiei acesteia.

    Monument istoric , cod MS-II-m-A-15755

    MURE county

    Wooden chu rch, bui ld ing date is uncertain

    (1749? 1841?)

    The date of the paint ing and the art is t name

    are unknown

    Historic al monum ent, code MS-II-m-A-15755

    Judeul MURE


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    Sfntul Gheorghe ucide balaurul Saint George and the Dragon

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    Apostoli Apostles

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    Rstignirea The Crucifixion