14 The Beacon Sports November 19, 2009 +DYH 4XHVWLRQV DERXW WKH +HDOWK &DUH 'HEDWH" ǡ Ȁ ǣ Ȃ ǣ Ǥ ǯ ǥǡ Dz dz Ȃ ǣ Ǥ ǯ ǡ Ȁ Ȃ ǣ Ȁ Ǧ Ȃ ǣ ǥǡ ǣ Dz dz Ȃ ǣ ǡ Ȁ ǣ Ǥ Ǥ Ȃ ǣ ǥǡ Ǯ Ȃ ǣ Ǥ ǯ ǡ Ȁ ǣ ǣ Ǥ Ȃǣ 83 +HDOWK &DUH :HHN ǡ Ȅǡ ǯ ǫ ǫ :KDW GRHV :KDW GRHV :KDW GRHV :KDW GRHV ´VLQJOH SD\ H ´VLQJOH SD\ H ´VLQJOH SD\ H ´VLQJOH SD\ H PHDQ" PHDQ" PHDQ" PHDQ" :KDW LV WKH ELJJHVW SUR EOHP ZLWK RX U FXUUHQW V\VWHP" What is a “public opt ion?” :KD W GRHV WKH +RXVH ELOO V D\ DERXW DERUWLRQ" +RZ ORQJ EHIRUH KHDOWK FDUH FK DQJ HV DFWXDOO\ WDNH SODFH " playoff games against Denver and Washington. “Michelle told me that she pulled freshman Taylor Brooke DVLGH EHIRUH KHU ¿UVW DSSHDUDQFH RQ WKH ¿HOG´ 6PLWK VDLG ³6KH told Taylor what to expect and ZKDW WR GR RXW WKHUH´ %URRNH¶V ¿UVW SOD\ LQ WKH JDPH DJDLQVW 'HQYHU ZDV DQ DVVLVW WR VRSKRPRUH 'DQLHOOH )R[KRYHQ $FFRUGLQJ WR 6PLWK %URRNH¶V VXFFHVVIXO ¿UVW SOD\ ³PLJKW KDYH KDG VRPHWKLQJ WR GR ZLWK ZKDW 0LFKHOOH WROG KHU´ %URRNH ZRXOG ODWHU JR RQ WR VFRUH KHU ¿UVW FRO- OHJLDWH JRDO LQ WKH VDPH JDPH Roommate and teammate, junior Kendra Chandhoke, has VHHQ (Q\HDUW ULVH WR WKH FKDOOHQJH ZKHQ LW FRPHV WR VXSSRUWLQJ KHU WHDP WKURXJK WKH SOD\RIIV ³6KH KDV such a posi- tive attitude and outlook for the future, it just shows KHU VWUHQJWK and determi- nation that she ZLOO EH EDFN´ Chandhoke VDLG ³6KH¶V an inspiration WR DOO RI XV´ While Enyeart has played a strong role for her teammates as they prepare for the big game against Virginia Tech, her team- mates have been supporting her while she overcomes this injury. The team’s support has been absolutely phe- nomenal since WKH LQMXU\´ (Q- \HDUW VDLG ³(Y- HU\ VLQJOH SHU - son has been emotionally and physically sup- portive, I could not have asked IRU PRUH´ $FFRUGLQJ WR Enyeart, she has DOVR VHHQ D VWURQJ response of sup- SRUW IURP WKH 83 FRPPXQLW\ ³)URP P\ IULHQGV WR WKH IDQV and professors and UP staff, it KDV EHHQ DPD]LQJ WR KDYH WKH VXSSRUW´ (Q\HDUW VDLG ³, WKDQN everybody from the bottom of P\ KHDUW IRU WKHLU NLQG WKRXJKWV DQG SUD\HUV´ As the team practices and pre- pares for their third round play- RII PDWFK WKH\ ZLOO EH WKLQNLQJ DERXW WKHLU PLVVLQJ WHDPPDWH DQG KHU UHFRYHU\ LQ &DOLIRUQLD “Michelle will continue to EULQJ H[FLWHPHQW DQG FUHDWLYH- QHVV WR RXU VSRUW´ &KDQGKRNH VDLG ³,¶P VXUH ZH ZLOO EH UHDGLQJ DQG VHHLQJ KHU PDQ\ DFFRPSOLVK- PHQWV LQ WKH \HDUV WR FRPH´ “Michelle will continue to bring excitement and creative- ness to our sport. I’m sure we will be reading and seeing her name in years to come.” Kendra Chandhoke, junior ENYEART: A force on and o the eld Pilot men advance to postseason :LWK D ZLQ RYHU 6HDWWOH University last Thursday, and a VWRPSLQJ RI WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6DQ )UDQFLVFR RQ VHQLRU 6XQGD\ the men’s soccer team now looks DKHDG WR WKH SRVWVHDVRQ They will play the University RI 1HZ 0H[LFR /RERV LQ WKH ¿UVW URXQG RI SOD\RIIV RQ 7KXUVGD\ The Pilots and the Lobos both UHFHLYHG DQ DWODUJH ELG LQ WRXU - QDPHQW VHOHFWLRQ 7KH ZLQQHU RI WKH JDPH ZLOO JR RQ WR IDFH 1RUWK &DUROLQD 6WDWH ZKR UHFHLYHG D ¿UVWURXQG E\H 3ULRU WR WKH NLFNRII RI 6XQ- day’s matchup with the Univer- VLW\ RI 6DQ )UDQFLVFR 'RQV WKHUH was a special ceremony for the VHQLRU SOD\HUV DQG WKHLU IDPLOLHV 'HIHQGHU *UHJ 5RXVH VDQJ the National Anthem and was KRQRUHG DORQJVLGH PLG¿HOGHU &ROOHQ :DUQHU PLG¿HOGHU 'UHZ &KURVWHN DQG GHIHQGHU /RJDQ Emory were honored before their ¿QDO JDPH DW 0HUOR )LHOG “It’s weird to think of the se- QLRUV OHDYLQJ ,W MXVW ZHQW E\ VR IDVW <RX NQRZ LW¶V OLNH \RX ZDNH XS DQG LW¶V VHQLRU \HDU´ (PRU\ VDLG 6XQGD\¶V JDPH ZDV SDUWLFX- ODUO\ URXJK ZLWK D WRWDO RI IRXOV EHWZHHQ 3RUWODQG DQG 86) )UHVKPDQ IRUZDUG 0DUF 7RQNHO KDG WKH ORQH JRDO RI WKH ¿UVW KDOI The score broke wide open in WKH VHFRQG KDOI ZLWK IRXU JRDOV LQFOXGLQJ RQH IURP :DUQHU ZKR DOVR KDG DQ DVVLVW RQ WKH QLJKW ³, QHYHU WKRXJKW WRGD\ ZRXOG FRPH , UHDOO\ FRXOGQ¶W DVN IRU PRUH´ :DUQHU VDLG ³,¶YH JRW P\ ¿QJHUV FURVVHG IRU WKH SRVW VHD- VRQ´ The Pilot’s 5-0 victory over WKH 'RQV ZDV LPSRUWDQW IRU WKH seniors and for a chance in the SRVWVHDVRQ DV ZHOO ³7KLV JDPH ZDV D PXVW ZLQ IRU WKH SOD\RIIV´ $VVLVWDQW &RDFK 5RE %DDUWV VDLG ³,W¶V WKH ODVW JDPH RWKHUZLVH´ )RU WKH IRXUWHHQWK WLPH VLQFH WKH SURJUDP¶V LQFHSWLRQ WKH 0HQ¶V VRFFHU WHDP ZLOO EH KHDGLQJ WR WKH SOD\RIIV DIWHU SODFLQJ WK LQ WKH :HVW &RDVW &RQIHUHQFH In conference the Pilots are DQG RYHUDOO ³, MXVW NHHS UHPLQGLQJ P\VHOI that my dream was to come here and make a run into the playoffs and I’m very blessed to have the opportunity to do so in my senior \HDU´ (PRU\ VDLG LQ DQ HPDLO UP is one of four schools from the WCC that made it into WKH WRXUQDPHQW LQFOXGLQJ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6DQ 'LHJR /R\ROD 0DU\PRXQW 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG 6DLQW 0DU\¶V The Pilots will face off Thurs- GD\ DW VL[ DJDLQVW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 1HZ 0H[LFR /RERV IRU WKH ¿UVW URXQG RI WKH 1&$$ SRVWVHDVRQ 7KH /RERV DUH LQ OHDJXH DQG RYHUDOO 7KH\ ODVW faced the Pilots in NCAA tourna- PHQW SOD\ LQ “We’re obviously happy to be LQ DQG ZH¶UH ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR JRLQJ WR 1HZ 0H[LFR´ 'LUHFWRU RI 6RFFHU DQG PHQ¶V +HDG &RDFK %LOO ,UZLQ VDLG ³7KH JX\V KDYH done well and deserve to be there DQG ZH ZLOO EH UHDG\ IRU WKH JDPH 7KXUVGD\ QLJKW´ $V WKH 3LORWV ORRN WR JR LQWR WKH SRVWVHDVRQ IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH since 2007, they will certainly be ORRNLQJ WR VKXWGRZQ 1HZ 0H[- ico’s number one forward Justin 'DYLV ZKR OHDGV WKH WHDP LQ JRDOV DVVLVWV SRLQWV DQG JDPH ZLQQLQJ JRDOV 7KLV LV QRW WKH ¿UVW WLPH WKH Pilots have faced the Lobos in the postseason, recently the Pilots were eliminated by the Lobos in E\ D VFRUH RI New Mexico also holds an HGJH RYHU WKH 3LORWV LQ WKH DOO LPSRUWDQW 5DWLQJV 3HUFHQWDJH ,Q- dex (RPI), ranked 28th while the 3LORWV KROG UG The Pilots, however, hold an equally powerful scorer in War- QHU ZKR PDWFKHV 'DYLV LQ HYHU\ FDWHJRU\ H[FHSW JDPHZLQQLQJ JRDOV The Pilots also hold a slim ad- YDQWDJH LQ WKHLU RZQ JRDO ZKHUH MXQLRU $XVWLQ *XHUUHUR KDV SRVW- HG ERWK D EHWWHU VDYH SHUFHQWDJH DQG JRDOV DJDLQVW DYHUDJH WKDQ 810¶V MXQLRU JRDONHHSHU -XVWLQ )LWH Continued from page 16 John McCarty 6WDII :ULWHU [email protected]

Pilot volleyball closes season strong

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Despite dropping a tough match to San Francisco, the Pilots returned in full force for three seniors' final match.

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Page 1: Pilot volleyball closes season strong

14 The Beacon Sports November 19, 2009

What is a

“public option?”

playoff games against Denver and Washington.

“Michelle told me that she pulled freshman Taylor Brooke

told Taylor what to expect and


Roommate and teammate, junior Kendra Chandhoke, has

such a posi-tive attitude and outlook for the future, it just shows

and determi-nation that she


an inspiration

While Enyeart has played a strong role for her teammates as they prepare for the big game

against Virginia Tech, her team-mates have been supporting her while she overcomes this injury.

“The team’s support has been absolutely phe-nomenal since


son has been emotionally and physically sup-portive, I could not have asked

Enyeart, she has

response of sup-

and professors and UP staff, it

everybody from the bottom of

As the team practices and pre-pares for their third round play-

“Michelle will continue to -


“Michelle will continue to bring excitement and creative-ness to our sport. I’m sure we will be reading and seeing her

name in years to come.”! Kendra Chandhoke, junior

ENYEART: A force on and o! the "eld

Pilot men advance to postseason

University last Thursday, and a

the men’s soccer team now looks

They will play the University

The Pilots and the Lobos both -

-day’s matchup with the Univer-

was a special ceremony for the

the National Anthem and was

Emory were honored before their

“It’s weird to think of the se-


The score broke wide open in


The Pilot’s 5-0 victory over

seniors and for a chance in the

In conference the Pilots are

that my dream was to come here and make a run into the playoffs and I’m very blessed to have the opportunity to do so in my senior

UP is one of four schools from the WCC that made it into

The Pilots will face off Thurs-

faced the Pilots in NCAA tourna-

“We’re obviously happy to be

done well and deserve to be there

since 2007, they will certainly be -

ico’s number one forward Justin

Pilots have faced the Lobos in the postseason, recently the Pilots were eliminated by the Lobos in

New Mexico also holds an

-dex (RPI), ranked 28th while the

The Pilots, however, hold an equally powerful scorer in War-

The Pilots also hold a slim ad-


Continued from page 16

John McCarty

[email protected]

Page 2: Pilot volleyball closes season strong

The Beacon 15November 19, 2009 Sports

West Coast Conference Standings:Men’s Basketball

1) #18 Saint Mary’s (5-0)2) #20 Gonzaga (5-0)3) Portland (4-1)4) San Diego (4-1)5) Santa Clara (1-4)6) Pepperdine (1-4) 7) San Fransisco (0-5) 8) LMU (0-5)

Women’s Basketball

1) Gonzaga (5-0)2) LMU (3-2)3) San Diego (3-2)4) Portland (3-2)5) Saint Mary’s (3-2)6) Pepperdine (2-3)7) San Fransisco (1-4)8) Santa Clara (0-5)

Portland went 1-2 on the week, dropping games to the University of Oregon 55-64 and to LMU 43-64. The Pilots won against Pepperdine 59-56.

(Courtesy of WCCsports.com)

Men’s Baseball

Recently signed four new recruits out of High School.

Chris Johnson- RH Pitcher

RH PitcherChet Thompson- Outfeilder

Men’s Tennis

Currently 3-1, 1-0 WCC

Still missing men’s no.1 singles Joel Kincaid, out on injury.

Won 5-0 against UTSA Roadrunners on Sunday

Upcoming home match against U.C. Davis on Jan. 30.

Women’s Tennis

Currently 1-3

Lost 1-6 against University of Oregon on Friday

Won 6-1 against University of Idaho on Sunday

Upcoming home match

6 at 9:30 a.m.

(courtesy potlandpilots.com)

This week in sports

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Pilots ended the half with a 2-0

After the second whistle, the Pilots hit the turf poised and still

to come back in the second half, the Pilots continued to shut down

passes and stolen balls, the Pilots

Kendall Johnson, assisted by

Brooke scored with help of junior

of people in, lot of rest for the

to make sure that the team had -

“As the playoffs wear on, it


from both sides, each player that

heckles from fans of both schools

Mixed in with these rowdy


music, the air was electric as the


The Pilots passed well, often



As the Pilots returned to the


received another yellow and was


54 minutes and 55 seconds, bury-



“I mean it’s just a little bit

and we just had to continue to be

This paid off in the 88th min-ute when Kreminski scored an-

‘keep it low,’ hit a far post and naturally a forward should be

“Exactly what we expect out

too familiar with each other not

especially this late in the sea-son, as everybody deserves to be


end of the day that we kept our

In preparation for the next

can clean up and make ourselves -

opportunities … but it all comes

travel to Portland tomorrow to play the Pilots in the third round


Portland, on the other hand,

Additionally, the Pilots, who

opposition all season, have al-


Portland’s offense has the po-

are able to maintain the ability to

They will have to outshoot

If the Pilots are successful, they will then move to the quar-

-ther UCLA Bruins (19-2-1) or the

years, three senior volleyball

-leyball team lost to the Univer-


come out focused and ready to

from 12-24 to 22-24 in mere min-

after the Pilots’ 10-point scor-


into Portland’s record books,

team in kills with 18, followed by freshman Ariel Usher’s 15, fresh-


“We played well and only lost

our way instead of in the other



ers, and Kaylyn Jones, who were


“There is a team aspect, but we’re a family on and off the


of volleyball at UP affected the

“The determination from the

the best and most consistently I have seen the three of them play, and the leadership they showed

The Pilots maintained a lead


Bostwick led the Pilots with 12 kills and Clemens clenched her third double-double of the season with 10 kills and 10 de-

The volleyball team is now -

conference record of 2-10, the


compete in playoffs, the seniors believe the team has done re-

series of adjustments made over

“The seniors have made an ef-

second year as head coach for the Pilots, saw his players accept that they controlled the team’s reac-

with that emotional side of com-petition much more than the ‘can

The team hopes to apply this


-demics, “and this weekend is the

Continued from page 16

SOCCER: Looking forward

Pilot volleyball closes season strongDespite dropping a tough match to San Francisco, the Pilots returned in full force for three seniors’ final match.

This week in sports

Women’s Soccer The Pilots took on the Uni-

versity of Denver as well as

the University of Washington

Huskies at the Clive Charles

Soccer Complex this week-

end by scores of 4-0 and 2-1,

respectively. The Pilots will now

face no. 3 seed Virginia Tech

this Friday at 7 p.m. Should the

Pilots claim the matchup, they

against either UCLA or the

University of Virgina.

Men’s SoccerThe Pilots earned an at-large

bid to the NCAA playoffs this

week, following a 5-0 rout of the

University of San Diego. The

Pilots will travel to New Mexico

to face the Lobos tomorrow

since 2007 that the Pilots have

reached the postseason, and

hope to even the series against

UNM, who defeated the Pilots

in the second round of the

playoffs in 2004.

Cross Country Last Saturday the Pilots raced

West Regional in hopes of

claiming an automatic berth to

the NCAA championship. The

men’s team placed second

and clinched a berth, while the

women’s team placed 16th, and

did not receive an invite. The

Pilot men will race in the NCAA

championship this Monday in

Terre Haute, Ind.


season this past weekend,

San Francisco, but followed

with a win over the Santa Clara

Broncos, the last match of the

season for the Pilots, and for

seniors Maria Clemens, Shelley

Sievers and Kaytlyn Jones, the

last match of their careers as

Pilots. The Pilots closed theiir

season 6-20 in regular season

play and 2-10 in the WCC.

(courtesy portlandpilots.com,


Lisa McMahan

[email protected]

Page 3: Pilot volleyball closes season strong

16 The BeaconSports

November 19, 2009

Pilots advance

through two roundsNicholas Slepnikoff

[email protected]

the women’s soccer team hosted

Round Playoffs last weekend, as

-lot women continued to show the

Enyeart to injury, the Pilots have -

pionship title in their now 20-1

While rain sprinkled on Mer-

with an eruption of screams from the stands as the Pilots took to the

-fense, the Pilots took an early


-son there and I haven’t played

“I think that our performance


that’s exactly what coach told us



with the help of freshman mid-

footwork, received the ball in front of the box and punched into



See Soccer, page 15


number 12 soccer jersey will be

A recovery room will substitute

As the Pilots prepare to play

for the Pilots, has been a cor-nerstone for the women’s soccer

success can be seen from her presence on the Pilots this season

Enyeart was named WCC Player

Enyeart received multiple inju-

with Toreros keeper Courtney

-ever, when I tried to take a step,

Enyeart would later learn that she had torn her ACL, LCL, and


“It will probably be around 10 to 12 months until I can play

a more accurate timeline after

Enyeart is currently fourth on both the University of Portland’s


Before the injury, Enyeart planned to enter the draft for the

her knee with the aspiration of

“I really want to play profes-

back of my mind as I recover

As Enyeart recovers from sur--


“Obviously we are a better team with Michelle,” Smith said “She has a presence as a senior.”

Supporting the team during their playoff season has been very important to Enyeart, who can be seen with her crutches cheering her team from the sidelines.

“I realize that I cannot lead my team as I would like to on the

able to contribute to my team in

According to Smith, Enyeart’s leadership qualities have been extremely evident to the team as she watched her teammates win

Erica Ellingsen | THE BEACONSophomore Danielle Foxhoven winds up in the net after sophomore Halley Kreminski scores her second goal. The goal came in the last two minutes of the game, giving the Pilots the 2-1 win over UW.

UP cross county fans were out -




“It came out of nowhere, total-ly unexpected based on how the

a sudden near the end I realized

the way I wanted to feel before


-pressively for 40th place as Port-




hard for the past month and a -

Led by winner Canadian Ken--

with 66 points, with freshman

The Pilot women placed 16th -

McInturff was 61st and Theresa

The Portland women raced

will host a watch party for the --

NCAA Championships in Terre


Kim Spir works for

the School of Engineering

Roya Ghorbani-Elizeh

[email protected]

See Enyeart, page 14

Cross country races in NCAA regional

Kim SpirSpecial to The Beacon

Courtesy of Kim SpirSenior Tommy Betterbed and sophomore Alfred Kipchumba run dur-ing the NCAA regional meet last Saturday. The Pilots finished 2nd.

Pilots face vs. Virginia Tech, Friday 7 p.m.

Pilots tip-o! against Oregon, Saturday 7 p.m.

Men’s and women’s XC raced in Spring-field, Ore. for berth to NCAA Championships

Despite injury,star supports team