i PLATTSBURGH PRESS ltf©?$BAY, BtSCJatyBtiSL 28, 191-.& Published Daily, except Sunday, by *feb»' Sentttncl Publishing Co., Platte* burgh, N4 ¥,. :£ta«red liianinnyi ihl the Plattsburgh, N. as second Class Mail. lp|tiQn'a Payable in Advance :-'s- OXE $3.00 .25 iMOJOT SiB& J&J& I W » 1 X .-. * -Presideat * : iife--l*i.. vW&&£~ . Seeretary^li^sure* M* BlfefCH., .... -..,. Maaagerf Swwftn circulatit>n larger than that '«# any a*fepaper polished In Cila- tbn Count! **«$%; ha Haftad.-ftwt *n#r« fttseOi*' i f lew Yarli $ ty ba* tn*B»tl< a. usa cefiifie» *o t th* circa* » iftaifr pub"cation Th«3f iTavt beea t a t a o u ^ *•* £• advertisers, :; : _'; ;: A-,«:<M > i , ft!P6ndeat of the Assoeiatelr,] ; B?«sa- writing from Southampton : 'ta^?s'lr»^ been demonstrated in the .^j^'three months that "no. soldier is An? /better, than bis teeth." I*ar&e -ft^**»3S/In the '1|a«li&h army, life •-;':$oe*;0». state, have been ineapaei* .jtttldL by Wfci&r. teeth and swollen, ~' : .a?£»yated. t by/standings Wi ;itt;«t-waic*.e».in which t h e r e w*«- " *jeja* ta not';at;.a,a-dideuit; *$ 3 he correspondent, adds that ©fitcetfrwere'at first e*> »"^!r*fcui*r*ab©:»t the teeth- of fox, admJfM^a $G.']^*,a*myi- .waaaoaa. foum? fbat in ordef jbfctaitt: : «oyw^*srf..,»f%'* ifcef' "aa'si,* •>, ifr-Miifffit* xfpttred,'«' ^oaSd'be. ~<**&i^'tot .fee less, strict in'fi&S»>e« « « *a%%#. -^^te^i^li^ffi iili#tSlfewll «^iiiliii ttrtftM, »!V am ..«s1^A3Sr^Ha]H-^e#iiMly ttt'jk r e a d y ^ * ~w.«ar.'store,;/ •i|f««t-;l>#'' capable -]b£ ieaxnin« ; the abatem* of - babkJwepInk Aadte»* i «'''*«t«P"rfJlBi;0nlie, ..?( •¥;i'»i'iji<>.i.i H]ll*|iH.'lil>l| ill. fj-.' ,Witl9^1>--*-||i:*n r - wbmeiij'_set," g$i~ : ' ernma?% -'JobB,]'-' -f^4rtT -w'^iftMs. Write-to*-Hiti -, '^ranMlnt-Snstitjui*! tf . 'itfAKf$&^&fmrwri. to **$& -'<s*i[e of child anii.aisiat-ia.' ^n«*tt- r 'Wfote WOrk^'A^dras*- A, :Care. Breaa; Office*; 1'' .•(ifi-nriji'iiir in 'mi "i nm i 11*n;i.T,I jfITJIT.I^M,Mim'iijjuTii-1^.«n r,| t i-i'iipnii.--ijin ii' ntb'kt'h* vfft* '-«^k"i»j6**y liid ; -*fW«* a»Wr 3j^i gsdd' : -fojjfoit&»tttr find iltr^t otiiefvan** of fWi» tnWrtea |ftppn. .p& -id' Matron M ^ v i i o w i n i .'• - itteti.. -md .*OJ[n^n. •• ^40 Jo' : .'|f ^fcjpfe. »oirth-., # f i t * * iniihidiaietyVfor 'jpOtgf •ilw.CaieW^'^^ielwa^'aiidfr With, ^ ; {#i<elec« «i ^ f l l l ^ i ^ ittractive « i t » here, • j ^ f N I ^ * J * B g ^ ' * t t a gift selection will be i!i r ^Wtfe^eiftfee:^^N-iws^idwa to tell Nt a*tow as we an, ^te|iilWli^:«|f^.4^^ APe «?" 4 ^r^oods to r^ .^» * - . ,-*,• --:-,-':—•«?•• = —-,,. ' ^. fleet not ottiy the fthsfr" acter k oi the giter, bat alto icirej|ejtthe cfear* acter o^ oar store. Kb matter h«# aotall a gilt jrou b«y, it» artwtic worth .will aaquoaidaed and tt» Kiuattfy'aMteat l«« jereryoaa trlwn yOo fefcet hlttra. :sly.!fS R«S -v -^^ ^•;\ *.•*• -"^-' ; 'BBSIil!i, '.".lii'i^iii"'' 335 —~i-^-« '• Ti> ~ &1&^**~0m'Mti}i^m§;- flit •'$&% occupied -by ..j« j»«' <Oti&p^b»t^ $$a*70 and 54. ;W?er.-^re«t r wlH b^ |or jamt, about Aprit ,lM,--'" i 'ia^ttii'Sfej^;^* : jii. TSeomblay;,Box,li4, PiattaWt^h/3s; *|» »o^.-a is; scot aimaaal fo #e# 3 *ijiwattt : - , %ifb)o...*re iftlaas. »d^.<>f .ftteir and ,fiaipe o t h e ^ . t h a t aj?e .|r: ; ,d^sai«e«i, >As a inattet «* ,<acl, 'ttejseajondfewt asseriis. tliafi? the '""'" K-*«i »«itink - '©&Cfi3» l*e*fe.' *f ,t-|WL*0ttad tee&ik-Qoir^d $ot t^^^pmitb -the iaMJerican army they" " ; %^ld: ;: iM!«'-*««y-atew" tseeruifs,- whieh M*m &&m. *feat] <Jie JSngiWh people ,p4' : «% -»f|r*>tti**'t*«iJ? deatisissas they ti*iti"Wfe : l!«iehtiii to- the -S61- tit«ib: *%?&&- ^«ni" 4» .asaiti- _<«• hia ratioa* pT»»«rly* -'As.a--'»rMt """" '' ""'•""«ibii.-- an'-'-awny Hgb%» ott tf»- ;* iMr'tt ^pu-ttot ^ K<?od w<J*lt ilia*-&ptefc ^*. Sl«d **th ; *«4* j^.%iMk't»apfe'rlBeetty masti««t?ti« - • " '^m ••• *tmsfi vtomm - P*^ ^m^ r \ !-«««*• as Ju*bi it' -their vTfclr* «434d '^m achla? »*>* ^iu*^d""inis^-3a**''^aHea as ; a «*ei: JgpWi» •••«*, *^w'-. MOJ** rp»C-«ao*|t 'nt«*€ ,3S»«'aia|owa.Kiif-'- " :t«»H : ifet*4*h6.'' M -vsi- t«t» liiMtt-otf'-'& a* 1H9A-footer -that OST,mtISM lttSPROl?E» Resident S.. E...Bryan of Colgate fTnivedfity does 'oot l ^ e e with, Dr paler ctjncetnins tbe woi , thlessnes& t>t m*n att^r they have reached sisty years. The Iattt*> -said it was'time to ch4o*Q*#3fttt th«m wheft they feacb« ! e that'.&g*. --the" intimafioii being th&\ they are no longer ftapabie ot/dolnfe ,^c.od tvoi-is»; .' ' ; .'". ' -Sut.,Pi:eaid ; eh^-Sk'yi!i& take* ..an *i together datereat yfew of the auWe.ct. ttf %n addresa* de3j,v«red- -beirore the Wftf tern diyisida of the Oregon Veaok- era' a»3E?ftlation 'test »««k he declared -that investigation fey keen «aea *tas ihown that man's best «?ork has been doita b*tweea the ages of ^s©? and «e-tenty .years. He-'said thm "'ais Madted of the most impwtant acften- tiats» statesmen and old-worJd Ja,nions jtten were selected and ii was found thai onjy ftv* per- .cfent of t h e w ajes- 5U*fac% 'oser the,si>ainfm part— com.plished their «?orld^ ' w o % be 1 * »^ t rtfb 't t |». §to4#* Iiitifa|Mnt.p«ft **.«! forwi" leajfe' rettder tftfc ce'na«is» "pfrt .j#"«4fl»-«very _tt|n year* : ;'?cftKe«i^a'-l»* tnattlii *' 'j|i|^.i4M%»fc m d^"ia']HSay-aid Jane ' j y i ^ i ^ n a t ''eda^eiffition .Which • ttjeeti ,.{!* j^'^^^o^ We-'^o-oik. -Ol: coiurs© '''Ir^Sislisfe!: lai^rietee^ith- «s|l taJ0n|!: '^; c "-i£. ili> |*eat atadfce. ^alsusv-'but it roughs. ••}! -- : :--;i^'v^'fjAltBitej!'jatat "• ' to- tatas- f*»«' '•'•' ; ^ ^ -sila ios£,*ibont f4fi«,!DUG. il|,'|^" : i«lte'tp § e m <rf e3scpeid£e ]ana ' J -|reVernm6ikt-takes a" census every M <$&i:'.if£&£&'.and .thei, assembly "a«|d |sen- ^V-^^i^lSfilon«W,^ttid.be based pa |fek|; ? .,^am the •[;|^|$^'^feoradia«Bjit is, just as ,e as the, cgnstea- Isell H^e.-;expense)s «f the state .Kpvi -*«*Lt /**e. fafjte -wp- t^o^ 'high '"fwid %&0M; -W. ^nfellddwn." JffiJliois--' a r e •^sr-vu.-;-.--^ .,.. 'L a U. ed .a n 4 & M Ws& ^tk .fefegin;W'pnt, aft- said tt^ a» -.^^^guiicies.'1 "the state *nu|mera- i-'-'i^ri^hicH proWk wore oo-stiy(-e|ery f^jnie It Ss takeiL can be cut' <mt aad '^w!state w-oaif : .n:6t©ixffier in t»« lie.aat ^? s a. conseqa^a •ttiffir- FOft'-|Ctt»!!tKyis-* . " " t^ *t Or. -X Y. B, -%*!»-. <Sr»envfl:i* # -Sd, :*»* 84y« that la !hi« 30 years at <*. »erJehc# ha ha* fonnd ho »r#baB4* im for the kldtt«y« equal to JBWltjj'*. Kidney POJUfc Paitt .ftt-bacjt. and nip* i« an indicailoa or kianey troa* mie—a Draining to|bjtHd «p the we^H* ^ t ed kl4»*y», a a l r i ttofro viforwil*, *»-ldto# yonr Wo***- of *ctd4 mH #QU 4OB#. iPol*y Kida^y P*n» #itt fttjip 1 ay cftfe of kldntjf And bladder trou- pe not beyutid thej r*ach of modlciiJ* fa SOis *nA tl4H»-ftoMfc SoM ^11 yimir town by<?ady fivix^tSp. '<• .*&» th* .age at fwty» .teu'per ceat ho- f#een forty and ' llfty?. twenty -p*f ; eent be^sen fifty and **siyr ^thirty^- $y« |)fe* c$nt- bftwiec. « x | y a.nd B»V- enty.; t^fnty-one s»6t -cent toetwee-n seventy and eighty, land njfee per eeht niter they' had r*ached eifhty." •Splits Is goad evidence and k aho*« 'ftow foolish l«.:tbe b « i r idea that a mm r te, all 'Iti'a* «txty. . ^ome, «ie« ar« -it- |s truty >tj*'..*hftt^ utra other* | «•£«*«• .wti-o, ar* fnll of strength and yifer af •QuiM agr^ aa^ even -ft *.eventy.and wsv* ,#nty*Hv%^f »bw and then o>je at ftifh^. i ' - ''" .'• . . • \ it a^ th#' : tec«at jn*a in «eiew*», phi|o*bphy «n,d statesmanship -had tht:oHp;j.jap |heJr,hattda m.*mviw »t thifeiir #lst|etfe jnilestone, deo'Iarlhg' rtMSf'.<rd»ld: dd no «*$*©, .««$ *?6tld- w*tt-lll.'jbiva s«^ered ?t loss -and the H»«aiMi *aise #4atd.not 'have-near to- -grieai i, fecdrd of- ^fMeveih-est; to 1*8 '" mt Wn ^ ^'mii that ».r, btfevt reip^rka wsre ;«std'ty misinterpreted ajid-;fe#"ho -n-eyer meant *o cpafey SQCh' a imeaafngr as has been ascribed to him,; and,' 'Cohsiaerinf Ws tatte'nt a»d '«s4at"#Ao,d aeas«, we ore f»<0te«d t«j the, "belief--that he.- never aaid 1-t ittM i&e n?ray he baa been credited : ^ith- ha-vi»jr -spofeeh. .-TRY 1KKIS fOtt SKU'R-ILGIA,. Inotiaarada ot »,eople t c « p ©it t u t ferinsf ifrtth neuralgia 'beviaaa« they..4o. wftt itnow what : to] ar»f^r it. N«ara3gja is a paia to the serves. What yaft KCant $o do i« **» |HM>tli tbt nerva Iti self, Ji^ply Sloan** Unimc«t tti* fjsattfs Mry*«u&Wy to. ttye mtt, Jtrj tated ncrvo and alliija the iiilUmma- of SXo*a*# .-^fcajt- any drUKyiit'mnd -Ion. ©et *- tesfttie men* ipr 2a c««ar «l have it io tise H$iaJie—^atiwt ^oJd^- aore and awotlcn .loiata, iurnba«ro, acjh &tf«a *ad Hk* •*!!««««».' ITonr «tton#y ba^ if not aa€ttS44 fctt* » ^«W «Hre 'almost itaKtant rpliff . : t .' •-For,*se« by-Oadw l|rug^©.» #l&4tih'ai(s ^i - : ' .1 ' • "'I 93WS-^AKI> «WK!' OESJS: IJONT MISS THIS,. Cttt tfut ,««i ••tip, enclot»e Bve cent* Feti*.A ©*.* Chicago. Hl,» w;itSn« your i|a|me and addreaa deiur^y. Tou **ih rceaiv*. in return *•. ft**, trtaj-- pacleafa: itontaiB- liMC Foley* Bt»ney and Tar Cobpouad for couirhi, ooids and' cr»tipj; Foi*v Kidn*y Pill*, for pain* i n . aid«s aal back, rh*-umatL«<m. oacKaoh^ kid« n*y *»«J W«dd*r atlTxMtta; and folty Cathartic Tablets a- irholeimnjia .and .thoroughly tfteDMsifttff. «nMc°,««<' peciifty omfartiiMi to atd«t pieiMnm *W sale la ^owtoira by Oa^y -Dttt* <»4, i:.. '• --«"^ '.jjA ^* " v , - - S^w^*a . ||||;[||j| * V . Fptt R$INT-^After-Jan*il«e,, the 'store 'nam. occupied .•by-' the\<L 't%- : mm ereeery Co.,bft..Br^|i-'^tr^4' furthar 'partlctijiara 1 ,-a-pply, to .#,---^' KosE*rt, # W Brittkerhpa: su 'PMitt** 'butgrn, N. T. 1 •••''• ' i^- FOR "I'IIIIII a i'if i. •• i>iim mi] i) >ii.i|iiiiiiiir' Iinninii nifi)_i i.liviin|] JPO». SAI^&UA five year;-- old .'cottt sound %ix& gentle; a «ood aingle or double *orkeir» Alto harjftaaa, aleigii and backboard for iasn*. Apply to •Wal|er K o d t y . ' m Br^ad.Sfc,»'-pJatiii; bulfTO* 1SJ»' T» •!" -1' " ,IH^ -ii.i-|iiiniiij«i^#t^#^>MMai^wwrtMMM«w«lw^wirt»y^w^j ''i'Ott -SAI-BJ—A. few *ox«a of i?o, % | ^StaftW Apples ,*t ;|#l.S6' per! box,, d«i Iis*r#d.byi^tprjeiga; O'rdW'a box fof the holidays. 'jCSprk* & Holden, J?*ru| & \ % ' : ; ! .-1-.- '•^l^jk'S.'j^oi^-i^S!^l!tabii r I i' •- • ' ' - ' ' ' ; *• '*' * ' j !' ' _ -in •» •nuitilT.-.I'lj' " . ' •* : - tdjii ( .kno?|y croup '*» danserotts. And you should alao knoyr the a««o„of se- ©«it!^-. tSia-tjCoaiea frotpi alSpayi ; -.h'*Viini th*-bl^iae*;' lt-'cut*.^b* thicit'mucoua Attd'^aisn jiway #*.'j»hloa% #top» t&e -ati^^pB|f 1,couffh, .-and: fey^ ;««fy brea'QitiB« |nd ^.uifetalee-p. - $^ii'SW- « i ^ j ^ ; $ ) » l J**-fe.?kjiht"H»r<«0- ^Itoarie- tteii-.-pijid-for -fei-««c«J!«i And' i^t"-j|rfppe outha,. Contains . no - opiate*. tev«r.v .' FOR 8AUS- -i«ms mlraady < printed #*>•* "Boarders Wantad*.*- *M«aJ» -a* *i! ttour»»** m « r « n » U a f r *«oi»a* Siai" 'ITor S t l k * 5 « * 'A4iiiItta«o*i«' Inquire at l>r*a» Offtc*. .1 tt^!|^ f Cl^t sei :That ig„oai* Jeak v 0im misfit be:tt|r\ *e . plasse-4-'-and mmm *re pient? pf oihers. ''[:. •+• WB call partfcallar attention to j the illQiteidmeftt p» i ano'tJier coltti^f of ^injie-'of the pirtjlculars -of the ^ p u - : '.^irity contest Tae'i-P-rpas it soon' io in.- :i^b^ra*e* Tbi'prises are the imain . r.^g afare's- •* TMre | wiU be t h r ^ o-f ,'pftttif, all- in sola, Cain of' the re^lm. . g^i^-Jeade*' wSi be,, rewarded by..|,fpv- ; .fjijj.fSfO of t i e preefaua-aietal h^,nd- . ;ed .,mw- to -him tlje pigh.% the oaiittest ; cio^s.. "The second' prizes planer,,'will ^fi|?eiVB,|:35fl and the third %lQb. Tfjiere ..lsSsl!be-no losers, for i&qse wha do .jsp.t,..wift one of tie capital* prizes) wil' .!>&jpa$3 a percentitse on a^ the «n|ne-y f « f ' tnrn.intf this office. ; Nothing : ,-^j ild^be. ifS*i| ..I aa©, that. ".'-•p»- - '•'-•'.«^ i ;i | -:.,"!'r^"?'' »r j ' 'n' ' ; ' -ilfflfHftaatt\i»' i ; is6 induaterious 'aallbe - ^Qpw y&^;'&' : ^'&M$S.K%t sorofetkin kv$ cii' '-'ivimfi • vma&t'Bt ..hini.—-Xlf Son - '•tip-'?a- S'erald. '• < \ • ' l r - i ^ t t yoit-ave. 1 No ope is so puay •^fife4^',.^^^ fe^IoJfc... t&Bt.jpon ' .jjgggp r .i^t©Bt5e*t5M 6 .j.a|£pt-. .Jhetl? ,neigh *««i-a; •wof-i: p$%if&se fV-gfy '.das ^ |lf they were^-as ift'dus- 't^theip-'pwn pusl- •Li 1 J' TSSord from over,in Berlin is tliat. a8f foreisn .'Words have beetx. cut-out •t>t m&mems, Hkifcs food, itwfulft fee tnigEhty good if such a thins wets done here in this land of democrricy* A ^IIO*- would stand something^ of *t ehincc of getting; -something to «at and, knowing what it is he's jrattinjr mw ^vhii© thinking ^ of the <so»t>— y^hnlstowtt TindJcator. , . Sere •«'© have another evidence of the bard dense of the Soliners. Plate Gertnan is ^>od eiiough for t:hem' attd plain Bnclish ought • to be : good enough ( for "W Americans* It is, t'ne lang.uapie' of the couujtry and mCfttts should' be printed in it so that every- body could read them-. We profess to be democratic, but too often it p> only a pretense. Irffs be done 'with snobbery a»d h^\*e our bills of fare aqd .[everything else' possible printed in. .g^od United States la'agttajgre; sf Chfit .he?, who runs n»a.y read, Of tfa« $wk - : JBt01$ Sold III 4 ^ f (Qwaiitity Best % a % 11 ij \ $em>mb% '''•-' -Wi 286 Ho. 10 South i€atberliie Si; J-fTo, live content With small meana; 4 seek elegance rather.' than luxury ind refteenient ratber than fashjion; ig think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to hear "all cheerfully,!.,-do- all' bravely, await., occasion, "hwrry ne^-ef-^^in a word, tP let the spiritual, uubidden and unconscioaa grow up throusb., the common—-iixin is to be my syajphony.:—Channins. •arhere is no other symphony of,'life egual to «hat to which dhaiining pledged ,hirosBlf« The- very conson- ance off his thoughts, acta aud Hv«* ing. esalted him into the higher < at-' mosphere and mad© bla life a bene- diction. "Wc cofltld all have such a syn^ok^f aa£t. be the toet?er far It if Meat'ifntpeetol-s in Eeflia ar^ em- ploying the moving picture .isamar** Ift" •tbieir work, -enlarged "* photographs gij,owi'#. .niierojor^rJsms in amotion' t— . ~< *»***ca*rtH •' taken at face *HJ-'|-#elI '.'wfttcbe*.: aHw'rpiraafe*. clpcfer, WhiMi | *&? .can, be, value. . ''••)> X can aali and diamonds, jefrelryvj : cut iflaaa, imx&, pjiinteA'.china, etc at tt par c#»t«3os?er"'t"3a« «tny pther- ^tfire m •XJffr.th^m , °.. N*» : : ?#r*fe, 'Tfy fo» befoVe buyipir ib*% ;Smaa «ift. A,n :toad» g*iara:rteed 'to ha" '£b|e td jConrt St, Engiravinjgr free, 'lie fountain. ty Squam;. TKfe' atore 'near ,«, 8 §jBeHted^*teif¥ on .Vmfc. n ''A. •S*5P , * i JfjSSS il n 55R5^ to let the public know that oar »ye- tern of c$y3»I* '«ae-«(|i *$& CHILDHEX If stopJcp*.*. ln», H\SY WEEKLY PATXEXTS ~~4)iiaUty and price* tight, ' Banc- ttf> chaacea to earve yoo sow, Whfle price* banc^»rn iriOdii yoiur - naach. «10K , - Ufii J '! Samuel Cor Margaret & Cornelii Sts FOR aAUB-HJ**' aiuriaa, eaa eaaily! be convertad iato f»aeUa« aagia*, la perfect coodltioa havia« ^««a> used very Utile, Term* rcasonabta. Apply or addreae Prsae Offio* ; ? . ' ' fj: ;< uft*^-A -waijtat '0?at*iaifl*;--$f2 'm, - -"cjeey, ja$t#* and valu*bl«i papers, fwtiKittt'^C.tiMOnl Jfc* Bws|lte <ita4'sSJar*'| ttafat fo i»o»t o«rte»i. I l n d e ^ ; Sitn4I)f: s**-! ;*tem' to f , r««*„#ff}ce-' J 0i' noitijfy "<3L" d, '".Suiji-vajn,, West'' ^byaay, -K. TEj 5 ^' A OTPB"' CITY NATIONAL BAM OF PfcATMOCBGH lOHN r.;Q , BRl'BjM.»-*..*.Pia<ddei>f fO^-^JBEAtTGHffiSAJI'!*!-* *"fIo«*JWai*dait - Ceeeiar *ohn It ; 0*B5t$»» *ohn Badfhraa f ft 8hed(S»a : ' 3,. Wi iCoapp « : ^3f PMirne' JWhguK>«a^y^^Ma[ !Mt^ae%*l^ , ve'a^v 9%s4^Mhvib^t^^Mt ' 1 Dspoeltora'" of tared •hick thalr balano|», •wponeibillty Wfirttnt Smith ,Kfe«f tnmaij GfCt CJhaiiO%n OoaasMNPotaJ *.' .' *bwiina as.- and f^awBiro^m ilm QamMm sleigh c^|^ ; ^d'','.2^ts R„W. SfifeiS'' <wr UMBl 3< 3rQXICB. -0*f. ^HiF^AlD.' 5J3SJK RSTO j , ^?he annual mec^ngrof the.Clinfoft' County .Patrons!:Ftre Belief J^o£iav;rt:> JSyO i^'a o,nk %'ili h e ' o n jsaae ;a;t' * tioh will be held in the O^uri in the City of.H-a^irb^r^, K, Y„vdlu jan*. 8, x^i5-,-.sat'-• i;$i9 i». m,,..;for Jttte pu,ypose of- electing, 'dtreetifta '.and tTAnsacttttif' each. 1 {other • bug Ii *e.ss : |Hs may property come biefore.tl|v<|>:.3»#ei- ingl : - , s - .•.',--•'• ••,;.. . " ,^»ted, X>ec\'^t, K>14, ?' H«"-C, j^.ys*|i|tI3,- j^efcftdent, mim***m*w**lm Tht Kind You Hate Always •'lr ji /FOJR/*SAJ^-HSwo' 8US»B^. . Tfinterj a^d- : '#i*W««f* - vkih good tojpi, '.'j**, maUe'.-by-N.. l&,;i&»dvk*« .Far. aaJte bi^ A. iJttourclle, j^ivtrslde Inr, K«e»e-j vlU*. N* if- .' - ' ' ' NOTICE ^ :**fC«t<#' ^f;^d)ft*ctora' for,tb.«,!8*- year willlb* beld a.|.-the,bank*- ln« rftomsUf said b^nk on Tueaday, lafmiily- [if: t£M t - -between, ''the hourg otielte^-jH^oo^ ** «»'« *»*- twelve *Weio>?*i -ttoo a,, "' -tsttl«».l||»aab'«r*n,^.'*r,,-t>Be. tt& »! s .H." , :**tWTW. iCa«hie» ( "' J '"' ! ' SLPPLJilstRNTAIi CltTAlfON JX>R ^tJOIC^UJ .JW?OTJLEMENT • The people os£ the State of .Jstew York to Horace Bavniond "Spencer, Cfalchvell, Idaho; Matilda tt/W^«% Plattsburgh, N* *f.. and to: HiiPfsr- sona itttereeted ta tn* et*fttf s %f,Eff- ace Jk. Spencer, lale of the tawij of 5>ilenbur4rh, Clinton fcsunty* -deceas- ed, as credU«rs» .l«#af«ee, next oft kin, or othe-twiae^ *end vfcflafiti•.]•'' Yon" and aaaJr ot yott^are -hers'py cited to ahosjr cause «efof£ our-Bdrro- gate of tbe Couhty of Oliat|fe»? KeW York; et bis ««ic« 4» FI»tts«raa^tif, on the 28th d*y of OeoemtWrlW^ at ten o'clock in the tor^noein^of ."iSiat day, why tit* Account of aeor#e .ffi. Wood aad Jtorftce f. Johiiaonv "as executors of th* la»t wi« attd'teata* •potfit: "*T*" -*W Af. -|j0S3V-rBttweiM* tfce poat «j#ce afid CUhton street on! Iiprion street, a «old lr*<j«l*t,;, ."stndjif ^«tte^*jjt»nji to- f»rta* ^ofttca* • ' \ '• , • ' -*"•! - Oak:'' imd- jforflit Cathar&i^. lettee^ a; -minis ihttflf* "Pfeaae- '-a«W4' 'to .i^j •Corne'Ba Streeiu. ! t '" 1 - •"' •'-•:•- ''.j-': 1 - 11 -"""-"' 1 V ; 111 '"' ' -JM3®t?—A - spoffced • 'h-ound'-aeniHtilpjf iilta * coach '•&$$? r^HEound fl*aaf-*e- turn: t o B^ank i*a.«JBfer%rt ?* ; #iliiiam-'St. pO&&~-giiLtxaq!i7 .eviaittir [.bjelweaa .B(ftel5t^latt;'-'anfec 1, |*nd^'--lDrI-"8a*naa , '• rea- idt'n«M?v- 1'adle* ©lack ^han^bagj contain- •loir ^urae.-amdf bals amou-ssiMg-" •• to -ei^ht'di611a*ir;' ajfeo~»ome- loose" change ^isd'1.ii«*oij : p«fcha»e», -*PIeaie : te4.ye- at^'"fr'I*rklii1» d>.usf *t(?reW'*t.,3'a B.eekma»' atteeti ' ' ^ v - - • • ( r '- * -' S853S ; <5ora r . -434;^=J*i -A* -^orsaji.ji'^haa; 'oc- casion' rftce^tly. to.sjs* a^nver-:medl§lap «ad •l^,«f , -"l^*i«y. Cktbartict Ablets: r^e^;,.thoWi|^fJy, cieansod: : 'any ,.fy*- tem- Ami I psaf' 'f-ke.%- t * w mjw-*-l|g5v* and .ifrec, ^li^y ..ax^ifhe. b«jat- m#ii* i-ctae .• I .hav|e-', .•^ejr '-taBsea for eonstipa- -ttom-. ^Dhey ..ki^p^ > tne,.-5ttomai?4i^-awfeet, -'iiv«x;-ac4vk. .bowels- x'esular,!'. jg*oley .Cljl^axtic a*abl«jb* .-«#», »tb»t*](atbif ;to .aMoh-^ndz-ii^pM-'lErip* "floir -sicken-.. ¥iw$ ara^ fwrbol^sbme an# thoroughly cl^aii^p^'Ui^: r : lc«ap.^he H^t active 'Stottt people' Urn "teem* €ady "Prag QyT ''' ' Peru St,' B J j J F MORS13S i^r, pame vrill'i&rrjve in-tn^ city on oi'..ul*»u-t'-J.tw* 'l3t,"t9'^..ifrttn> <&? oi •Ijarae^'f^can-'£'0. 4>gckom; - ; 1!hej?o jtisrs^ rinse' ;,n^ iyeighjLfrom l?aO T . '. .iSTOy. 'i;HE'T<SEEtti-O v S -Cp-fJOS [...•jlirttilKpl -©Jft^i Xtc«^''SfuHE^^R-, .- lCsid«,. i kou-pa' and.>l%bop;iiiig goiisrh are chj^oren** ailnienta-.'vrmch.' need - l # m « ^ t ' k 4^«W4np.- .^ba |"ai|ter*ef^ fecta, .nxf.Mim liph&%mwtii.; .Don*t taWthc' ^iakr4y|o,u"' don*t.haVe^>. ^rv ' KJ»'f** t .|ferw-..'BjAogyaty. -0m0B-\i%f cold, aoctliea irbe cotifh. ..alj^a '•-. 'i£k ,inflamm$Sien,.- Mt»"'*«W germ*'^f|;tal* towa. ?j&to#e.'tc'' dO:*lie--|' jfeeatiftf .^s-orJt 5«c. at^yOur "drpis^iifc. '3uy-a h^Ha-^o- ^»v^ - j x y-r r .:-"•••'•' 4 . * " r ';, ' For *a|Sa'.'?>y <Ja#J5«!g'<r.o r « ?l*1iabttr$. - -r" . . . ' ' • ' ' V * ; " ' * ' • • " ' " '-'""* " ' • " l . -A ,^*a4t,-ftd %/tae--JPrefi« ; -ii§. the-..bast Ftret-'NattdfBl Ikuik c^ inattabtirai), >-i j-.'i -i ." 3^ "HV •jSfllittstiiKh, jfe'T, Pec, KJ, 1st*. W*:-aiittJHfcl m f t t ^ i t -Ofr'the : atoek- h#dialf*»of .jt'ttte b a n * for the, flection off- ;di*|fMJtprA Sor -the -eioa"tti»g;>ear wilJ : *B* tte|l,il' , 'atlthe -%an:kit« feouafe'of tht* *»fr,\,I» tms C|iSy '«*. Plattabairsh, on ifte. 4*fgk 4*y of ^attuary, ^SI5» ,&«- t«r^j : ai#.p-ur* Bt.% -B, 34* and 8 .p. , - ih ., 0. a .fti&mg*am\' ' ^ rj;;.; "•'/;••' : ' ; @a4hif»r.' The annual -^eetut9-'0#---th4~* toCkfts holdeie of the„Plattsburgh Nation-, m ^ ,. M _, ^.. And tf aay <rfthep'emTw?4l#^r«Bt- ed be Under the aye of *1, they are required to appear 'by their ^Sar^ian, rf they have one, or, if thaiy aave none, to^sjppear and apply *0r bfie to he sppolaaed;.orv in. the evaat of their neglect or failure to do so, a jtuardian will be appointed by the. Surrogate to represent and act for them 1A Hie proceeding. ' . / In teatimony whereof, W4 iave , caused the seal of our se-ld Suy?p£|£e> Gourt to v be herronto - affixed. TWit- <L. 8.) neas, Hon. Vietebr 1 " »• Boire, JSurro^ate : .o* tne t County of caintohiT].af the •City of __pjafc*bui«rfc> la said county, %h% S(Srd day &; U v ' ^ a ^ ^ S A ^ ^ r •' - Clerk of '^»0^m^0^d'X!im^U -0..B. $mm^^]f :l< -'•'•: ?;- . '• - !•' T'i." i.v ^ ' i i a i i . '...,.i.;»gr".g» •.'•' - . NOS'ICSS^ia .p«if8»a : ftce.of an-'ip&st - ^f fiC^r. '^ei^li!'f»-«®i^.Su!rfoi jate-of ^tt^;l^ii^^iJB^^:#li*k^ ^y_ gi^n, a^coidlitjsVtO'.I^W'tb^^^r/* 4aits' havln-g; '^lal^ui;.',, against' : d|wii*l jShampine Jtw''j^ft»iMi^-*»i^*a'at Jieasaty. of pl'4^»1»Mifc-in^sai^oia|y \.i .-CSiafon deie'l^a*. ''to '~yitijfi6$$fa. •ulam MjB*-„ Ittb^vbttcherra- thereof, to :he--i«btcrj&fex,t-;ia,t i '.h^r pia^b'lot ttaa- «aca»g- feua^«^- : 4t^.-j|he f |^|l^ said .e^Ee^^^^^Kiou '^^ij^'3«&aet i tn' m^ }^^^^^%tEhnr$ii~ :: l^.'Mij k "on - ; or /b««btMi|ai#tt» 5ay et%#»*«***,, . isi6«. " • • ^ • i ; ' . i r -':- ••'-•; ',»•-,•;.;•.. ," v i - ..' • - -i^bM'p^e^l^ Bbcetmbrbt ' at^#j^H^- t -iv-'?, -^^Sp'tt Attoi|ney-''l^r t ®jtacu^aJi- . : -::•,' •- - • - . ; ' - .;• -'^laliHWB^flii *N?.rF"fc.' C.. % TBDE Nation Stqd 3»epository «f 'tiheitpaitsd Stated:-ajn|l Sta«s of New %oik & St!* »)ioF*Bn*. .•.»;»-.•'*« ;-^eeidisif #.fe,;BAB^33R ...... Vlce^pjjesldenf'. F.-a- OTSl?e?.....'. .:«•.,.-.. .^asMer ',.-''-' ' Directors - ,: Jjohw Hau.£hra»' *' @,--S, % r b e r " Wl' 3$,. J^i*y>... *. J, -j^-jfbaUtt ^osi^F. Coiway A..^K; 2siarab.ali _^Ei ^*e*dy ikn* oti&imoa' . '. W r .i|: J»at^oa - . >efc»'"'jkyera ' :, w^n|ral ^a;: Ikingr Bu^aesa B^m 6 "*^ ; :; oo4 FpreigiiB "Ofafta, .'••.•-:' "' '*' ! ' ! i : ^f$N|reBtsrPaid pn Deposits, *• & 1^^ ?p"bi| ta Effect, Defo ^ 4»1#. ; . ji ,-"- sjauth Bound Ars-iyeii frojtft | Xieave for :i •IMJM P;;<Ml !;'. ' j; f\ : JKJmrCh. Bound. Arrive' -Iro^t Albisy •! ' .... •.•-SS2S A. SI!,--- ... ..; S*:45 A. jj£,s XHEbTltf. {to llottses Point) i:i5P.M. &«D« *'*j4if|0 'P.-M. t ''i)o^ft.-%' M.: ChateaugayBivision Afijive from V&#- Placid »\mm A: M 1 *l!4'j4ff P . ' M. Ar^lvd.t'Ceom AufeaWa fork^ Zih A. '-M, -mi- B. -24. Arxlyb ,;frpjn '8:151 A. V M. iitaf A. M. '.,4:45 B--.M. -*.Q:25j B, M, Jjeavs for >KO^C9B^Hfi-.-3Bhrau«nca 'of •kk'^tier if M^t : ^$&U& & #Q|^*«ur>o^ .fate %f • ' • # l f i j t o 4 ^ a i # r l i i ^ . . .*or?s. aolice jM hereby ^ven aecdrding, to »acw to all persons navS3ag claims iftalftBtrpel&'^^ai^tjft^^sa^itts* ;'6urgJ|i- Jl^ -mp? fbu'm3?--'^-#fft«>nv -de? ceased to present IheJsamei^Wth the ^m^chfi^ther^ofe^^orti^lSef -at his place of tr|a|m5aBti^ umihieaa at vtbe office of,Artnur S. mpgM, # d 32 C^ton' Street, •Bitattsbur«irr.ifcv'^;j.--on -rr before the 1st day of #ab*Uafy, IMS. • ' • ; . ; *•:•-• ;.- ' W, A, THF^ni.AY,.E?CBcutor, • . ; Attor&ey-f^r^*au|o^ •-.'.. - • B, .M«.- » Ausable Division ieave for l^akei Biacid * 'JL.e4.ve for Ausatblel Forks . ,.., 6.:4Xt A. M, . .. 3L»46| P . M,= is Bi^si^n. i . * IJefeve for . -. - Jffioe;ra -#et» ., .,, «;4fl ,A« _"k.. which leaves aere at doi&a'.-«ati -ttiako any Montreal connec- tion at m$ Mt,^me^mm j ; *mm locjal |ieav^ngf Jtwfniy minutes before th^a^Va^ 9fjthe B. & H, traThi, "Ifo. •W«. "^e'-'sontii bound sleeper, makes no WWil^twpop mp eity and Whitehall for.^^ni^e, of letttuB ^ j j t i i e n i |bm^^^J^.'j^;-^wt T :iegrh' eea Boaa^ Bofiit* and WMteaaiL Another ranrio&d king has passed. to Jiis- reward, JEl^gene 55im«hermau, of,-<anclnnaa..^^| v %;a.a also a atahd- ard oit magna|© fl ^fSe was probably known by name! to niore people on iiGcoirnt of his daughter havjin^lroar- rledjthe worthlessr^uW-»f ,|fen^jest- ? er'. than. because j Q$ms f ^mi^^lih, •.Jtr, Zim-mernian*sja»meChayinW fre- lijently appeared |n print in connec- tion -with that o%^ti;e«dnk,e,.;'-'' ••"•T;;-j -ry -,^.-,-v^- Africa is i.n tihiPd*.' plaoe in the amount of cotton goods coi|^unied. Jn ao.tae Sections of.Afr,|g% JO' per'-ceiit. of the nn-hIeached^o'0|t^n|^ade ig. v with' -She United SteitasJ- ftftb? dray "3$. per cent, with England* .' . r*.... "TV ~r«Fr~T~~ The annual meeting of the sfoek- •holdexs of The cyty^atLonal-^a^k^of P&ttsbuj'gh, N.. t^lbr'tle^leotiba'of directors tor : thej,emste3|i5 yfear-wiH be bold a* the ba"n1tl^-%K>trj3 of^.aald •>a»k on Tuesday, ?4§gjagfr!tkJ£. )j$>l5, oetween.tea and eteven o'clock |ft the '©re^oon, «" • -''- " Dited at Hattsb^^jR-^i-JSao, 3Tdft. £Sii4. ' - ; -H •" *' " • *V!*T] p f' *"" T ATTSB .CRATER i*1F VESUVFUS u *^_ | | H Ill '" '"-'' 39& *J Advance Side of Seat * .. .} ^^^^^^g^^||M^gMBYMnBMBaSBiB|SsstaasjsaHa«SMMSissi jg^eggS^.-f •'•1" 7ir '' " r.'i"".^-«- Palace Th. 0»Cst4>iHERO*S, Al j*eatnne i 1 i. "«• A-BJa*m«?*k d*aina, . .;A*JSdj«aa a*am.iu-! .- A.^ta»paiplt drama^ 1 A Selifr drama. , ' KJEDKAPPIIfG A yoarini: T-.uM» come 1 S BIG R Ep Wf Admtoston 1«^ '-. j"-. * r Afternoon f fie 5rf*-*J^v^ 1^ K. Wonderland j s:^ •*< $ 4 J3ff O B K BJEBBABY" k SPJE^aAJD KOIdBAIT Ai two feel ffsewse d r a i Moore- aasd Bswwiay .% Owe aid hm ^atsre statie A 1 rlp*reasjhg comedi- * ^PWo-other reels. *- B o n ' t 1&«r«e|fe to eome, a ^4*a. - ' j . -* i •+ t # . ADMISSION 50 S 3S* Pimples Ren Wfth our Saxo *wiuckgrew until it WJ a ctorssaidj' ; 3' ' Tte M e a t out and wKenmysd t^Bd«» to try-S^xa Salve, IJ '.«|Qng*a in pta ;lK Cah*i cure your . S^ife^Ottr^sxoSal-ve'ana 53a oSg^lftek tike eeapty tat ©ABX 1 OECG COM | P1»ttRhnrfflv -W.. rBifle'ld. cn ; t %-imr*B.asBoa o^ an order ^^tSNWSU>^B0'IBB, "Sii/rc ^^4w*'*^tfB^y ? New' Y^. ^j^ba? l^eSf ;kcco-rdins'| tv "s ^°oa, havilng cjaSms? as g? * 'B. M Keidi late o!Cb " ("to sid* County of c - ^ to- Present thcj-same, -.• l l •W-'^Oxooify to |the s-u f- - J | * Iace »* transactir'-^ i ^ Office pf Ag-new ^->r, " " * OUntoa street, P!a: >' > J of befor^-the l4ih '>*-.. "}'- •:.>H 'M ;jwi« , B-EnbiA -ivi -' OSfOS' L> Attbraeys°for Ex—- 'i-i r York, n ~Si »— . ^ 1 ,>*f HOJf VICTOR .°' Of__Ji*i|nt^r. -J nptice' is ^.---^.p^e •*& ..lasv ^aavtifis; elaima agairj-- p* JMa tf Chazy .fe sa ,- gS *oa* deceaaed, to E- li'flrtth, the vlftsch^rs t ilRsribalr, at' his 1 pi.^ v | business, at the .-.^ - I^Mrbaijk, at Ch^'r- " |fore tlhe 1st day .,: ^TTIE M. KX.4 AtjEXAKDER , > f % J. V1JRT; '' ^Attcrney for E Sf 5X C$3H$JikSv-- 8 ,

Pimples Ren - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-12-28/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · i PLATTSBURGH PRESS ltf©?$BAY, BtSCJatyBtiSL 28, 191-.& Published Daily,

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i PLATTSBURGH PRESS ltf©?$BAY, BtSCJatyBtiSL 28, 191-.&

Published Daily, except Sunday, by *feb»' Sentttncl Publishing Co., Platte* burgh, N4 ¥,.


liianinnyi ihl

the Plattsburgh, N. as second Class Mail.

lp|tiQn'a Payable in Advance


OXE $3.00

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SiB& J&J& I W » 1 X .-. * -Presideat *:iife--l*i.. vW&&£~ . Seeretary^li^sure* • W» M* BlfefCH., . . . . - . . , . Maaagerf

Swwftn circulatit>n larger than that '«# any a*fepaper pol ished In Cila-tbn Count!

**«$%; ha Haftad.-ftwt *n#r« fttseOi*' i f lew Yarli $ ty ba* tn*B»tl< a. usa cefiifie» *ot th* circa* » iftaifr pub"cation Th«3f iTavt beea t a t a o u ^ *•*

£• advertisers,

:;:_';;:A-,«:<M>i,ft!P6ndeat of the Assoeiatelr,] ;B?«sa- writing from Southampton

: ' ta^?s ' l r»^ been demonstrated in the .^j^ ' three months that "no. soldier is An? /better, than bis teeth." I*ar&e -ft^**»3S/In the '1|a«li&h army, life

•-;':$oe*;0». t« state, have been ineapaei* .jtttldL by Wfci&r. teeth and swollen,

~':.a?£»yated. t by/standings Wi ;itt;«t-waic*.e».in which there w*«-" *jeja* ta not';at;.a,a-dideuit; *$

3 he correspondent, adds that ©fitcetfrwere'at first e*>

»"^!r*fcui*r*ab©:»t t he teeth- of fox, admJfM^a $G.']^*,a*myi-

.waaaoaa. foum? fbat in ordef jbfctaitt: :«oyw^*srf..,»f%'* ifcef' "aa'si,* •>, ifr-Miifffit* xfpttred,'«' ^oaSd'be. ~<**&i^'tot .fee less, strict in' fi&S» >e«

• « «


-^^te^i^li^ffi iili#tSlfewll «^ i i i l i i i ttrtftM,


am ..«s1^A3Sr^Ha]H-^e#iiMly ttt'jk ready^* ~w.«ar.'store,;/ •i|f««t-;l>#'' capable -]b£ ieaxnin«; the abatem* of - babkJwepInk Aadte»*i«'''*«t«P"rfJlBi;0nlie, ..?(

•¥; i '»i ' i j i<>. i . i H]ll*|iH.'lil>l| ill.

fj-.' ,Witl9^1>--*-||i:*nr- wbmeiij'_set," g$i~:

' ernma?% -'JobB,]'-' -f^4rtT - w ' ^ i f t M s .

Write-to*-Hiti -, '^ranMlnt-Snstitjui*!

tf . 'itfAKf$&^&fmrwri. to **$& -'<s*i[e of child anii.aisiat-ia.' ^n«*tt- r 'Wfote WOrk^'A^dras*- A, :Care. Breaa; Office*; 1'' .•(ifi-nriji'iiir in 'mi "i nm i 11*n;i .T, I jfITJIT.I^M,Mim'iijjuTii-1^.«n r,| t i- i ' i ipnii .-- i j in i i '

ntb'kt'h* vfft* '-«^k"i»j6**y liid;-*fW«* a»Wr 3j^i gsdd':-fojjfoit&»tttr find iltr^t otiiefvan** of fWi» tnWrtea |ftppn. .p& -id' Matron M ^ v i i o w i n i .'• -

itteti.. -md .*OJ[n^n. •• 4 0 Jo' :. ' |f fcjpfe. »oirth-., # f i t * * iniihidiaietyVfor 'jpOtgf

•ilw.CaieW^'^^ielwa^'aiidfr With, ^ ; {#i<elec« «i ^ f l l l ^ i ^ ittractive « i t» here, • j ^ f N I ^ * J * B g ^ ' * t t a gift selection will be

i!ir^Wtfe^eiftfee:^^N-iws^idwa to tell N t a*tow as we an , ^ t e | i i l W l i ^ : « | f ^ . 4 ^ ^ APe «?"4 ^ r ^ o o d s to r^ .^» * - . ,-*,• --:-,-':—•«?•• = —-,,. ' ^ . fleet not ottiy the fthsfr"

acter koi the giter, bat alto icirej|ejtthe cfear* acter o oar store.

Kb matter h«# aotall a gilt jrou b«y, it» artwtic worth .will b« aaquoaidaed and tt» Kiuattfy'aMteat l«« jereryoaa trlwn yOo fefcet hl t t ra .


R«S -v -^^ •;\ *.•*•

-"^-' ; 'BBSIil!i, ' . " . l i i ' i ^ i i i " ' '

335 —~i-^-«

''• Ti> ~ &1&^**~0m'Mti}i^m§;- flit •'$&% occupied -by ..j« j»« ' <Oti&p^b»t^ $$a*70 and 54.;W?er.-^re«tr wlH b^ | o r jamt, about Aprit ,lM,--'"i'ia^ttii'Sfej^;^*:jii. TSeomblay;,Box,li4, PiattaWt^h/3s; *|»

»o^ . -a is; scot aimaaal fo #e# 3*ijiwattt:-,%ifb)o...*re iftlaas. »d^.<>f .ftteir

and ,fiaipe othe^. that aj?e .|r:;,d^sai«e«i, >As a inattet «* ,<acl, 'ttejseajondfewt asseriis. tliafi? the '""'" K-*«i »«itink - '©&Cfi3» l*e*fe.' *f

,t-|WL*0ttad tee&ik-Qoir^d $ot t^^^pmitb -the iaMJerican army they" ";%^ld:;:iM!«'-*««y-atew" tseeruifs,- whieh M*m &&m. *feat] <Jie JSngiWh people ,p4':«% -»f|r*>tti**'t*«iJ? deatisissas they

ti*iti"Wfe:l!«iehtiii to- the -S61-tit«ib: *%?&&- ^«ni" 4» .asaiti-

_<«• hia ratioa* pT»»«rly* -'As.a--'»rMt """" '' ""'•""«ibii.-- an'-'-awny Hgb%» ott tf»-

;* iMr'tt ^pu-ttot ^ K<?od w<J*lt i l ia*-&ptefc ^*. S l « d **th ;*«4*

j^.%iMk't»apfe'rlBeetty masti««t?ti«

- • " '^m ••• *tmsfi • vtomm - P*^ ^m^r\ !-«««*• a s Ju*bi i t ' -their

vTfclr* «434d '^m achla? »*>* ^ iu*^d"" in i s^ -3a** ' ' ^aHea a s ; a

«*ei: JgpWi» •••«*, * w'-. MOJ** rp»C-«ao*|t 'nt«*€ ,3S»«'aia|owa.Kiif-'-" :t«»H :ifet*4*h6.'' M -vsi- t « t»

l i iMtt-otf ' - '& a * 1H9A-footer -that

OST,mtISM lttSPROl?E» Resident S.. E...Bryan of Colgate

fTnivedfity does 'oot l ^ e e with, Dr paler ctjncetnins tbe woi,thlessnes& t>t m*n att^r they have reached sisty years. The Iattt*> -said it was'time to ch4o*Q*#3fttt th«m wheft they feacb«!e that'.&g*. --the" intimafioii being th&\ they are no longer ftapabie ot/dolnfe , c.od tvoi-is»; .' ' ; .'". ' -Sut.,Pi:eaid;eh^-Sk'yi!i& take* ..an *i

together datereat yfew of the auWe.ct. ttf %n addresa* de3j,v«red- -beirore the Wftf tern diyisida of the Oregon Veaok-era' a»3E?ftlation 'test »««k he declared -that investigation fey keen «aea *tas ihown that man's best «?ork has been doita b*tweea the ages of ^s©? and «e-tenty .years. He-'said thm "'ais Madted of the most impwtant acften-tiats» statesmen and old-worJd Ja,nions jtten were selected and ii was found thai onjy ftv* per- .cfent of thew ajes-

5U*fac% 'oser the,si>ainfm part— com.plished their «?orld^ ' w o % be1* » ^ t r t f b 'tt | » . §to4#* Iiitifa|Mnt.p«ft

* * . « ! forwi" leajfe'


tftfc ce'na«is» "pfrt .j#"«4fl»-«very _tt|n year*:

;'?cftKe«i^a'-l»* tnatt l i i 1» * '

' j | i |^ . i4M%»fc m d^"ia']HSay-aid Jane

' j y i ^ i ^ n a t ''eda^eiffition .Which • ttjeeti ,.{!* j ^ ' ^ ^ ^ o ^ We-'^o-oik. -Ol: coiurs©

'''Ir^Sislisfe!: lai^rietee^ith- «s| l taJ0n|!: ' ;c"-i£. ili> |*eat atadfce. ^alsusv-'but i t roughs.

••}! --::--;i^'v^'fjAltBitej!'jatat "•' to- tatas- f*»«' '•''•'' ; ^ ^ -sila ios£,*ibont f4fi«,!DUG.

il|, ' |^" :i«lte'tp §em <rf e3scpeid£e ]ana

'J-|reVernm6ikt-takes a" census every M <$&i:'.if£&£&'.and .thei, assembly "a«|d |sen-

^ V - ^ ^ i ^ l S f i l o n « W , ^ t t i d . b e based pa |fek|;?.,^am the

•[ ; |^ |$^ '^feoradia«Bji t is, just as ,e as the, cgnstea-


H^e.-;expense)s «f the state .Kpvi -*«*Lt /**e. fafjte -wp- t^o^ 'high '"fwid %&0M; -W. ^nfellddwn." JffiJliois--' are • sr-vu.-;-.-- .,.. • 'L a U. e d . a n 4 & M Ws&

^tk .fefegin;W'pnt, aft- said tt^ a» - .^^^gu i i c ies . ' 1 "the state *nu|mera-

i-'-'i^ri^hicH proWk wore oo-stiy(-e|ery f^jnie It Ss takeiL can be cut' <mt aad

'^w!state w-oaif :.n:6t ©ixffier in t»« lie.aat ^?sa. conseqa^a

•ttiffir- FOft'-|Ctt»!!tKyis-* . " "

t *t Or. -X Y. B, -%*!»-. <Sr»envfl:i*# -Sd,

:*»* 84y« that la !hi« 30 years at <*. »erJehc# ha ha* fonnd ho »r#baB4* im for the kldtt«y« equal to JBWltjj'*. Kidney POJUfc Paitt .ftt-bacjt. and nip* i« an indicailoa or kianey troa* mie—a Draining to|bjtHd «p the we^H* ^ ted kl4»*y», a a l r i ttofro viforwil*, *»-ldto# yonr Wo***- of *ctd4 mH #QU 4OB#. iPol*y Kida^y P*n» #itt fttjip 1 ay cftfe of kldntjf And bladder trou­pe not beyutid thej r*ach of modlciiJ* fa SOis *nA tl4H»-ftoMfc SoM 11 yimir town by<?ady fivix^tSp. '<•

.*&» th* .age at fwty» .teu'per ceat ho-f#een forty and ' llfty?. twenty -p*f

; eent b e ^ s e n fifty and **siyr ^thirty^-$y« |)fe* c$nt- bftwiec. «x|y a.nd B»V-enty.; t^fnty-one s»6t -cent toetwee-n seventy and eighty, land njfee per eeht niter they' had r*ached eifhty."

•Splits Is goad evidence and k aho*« 'ftow foolish l«.:tbe b « i r idea that a mmrte, all 'Iti 'a* «txty. . ^ome, «ie« ar« -it- | s truty >tj*'..*hftt^ utra other* | «•£«*«• .wti-o, ar* fnll of strength and yifer af •QuiM agr^ aa^ even -ft *.eventy.and wsv*

,#nty*Hv%^f »bw and then o>je at ftifh^. i ' - ''" .'• . . • \

it a^ th#':tec«at jn*a in «eiew*», phi|o*bphy «n,d statesmanship -had tht:oHp;j.jap |heJr,hattda m.*mviw »t thifeiir • #lst|etfe jnilestone, deo'Iarlhg' rtMSf'.<rd»ld: dd no «*$*©, .««$ *?6tld-w*tt-lll.'jbiva s«^ered ?t loss -and the H»«aiMi *aise #4atd.not 'have-near to--grieai i, fecdrd of- ^fMeveih-est; to 1*8

'" mt Wn ^ ^'mii that ».r, btfevt reip^rka wsre ;«std'ty misinterpreted ajid-;fe#"ho -n-eyer meant *o cpafey SQCh' a imeaafngr as has been ascribed to him,; and, ' 'Cohsiaerinf Ws tatte'nt a»d '«s4at"#Ao,d aeas«, we ore f»<0te«d t«j the, "belief--that he.- never aaid 1-t ittM • i&e n?ray he baa been credited :^ith- ha-vi»jr -spofeeh.

.-TRY 1KKIS fOt t SKU'R-ILGIA,. Inotiaarada ot »,eople tc«p ©it tut

ferinsf ifrtth neuralgia 'beviaaa« they..4o. wftt itnow what: to] ar»f^r it. N«ara3gja is a paia to the serves. What yaft KCant $o do i« **» |HM>tli t b t nerva Iti self, Ji^ply Sloan** Unimc«t t» tti*

fjsattfs Mry*«u&Wy to. ttye mtt, Jtrj tated ncrvo and alliija the iiilUmma-

of SXo*a*# .- fcajt-any drUKyiit'mnd

-Ion. ©et *- tesfttie men* ipr 2a c««ar «l have it io tise H$iaJie—^atiwt ^oJd^-aore and awotlcn .loiata, iurnba«ro, acjh &tf«a *ad Hk* •*!!««««».' ITonr «tton#y b a ^ if not aa€ttS44 fctt* » ^«W «Hre 'almost itaKtant rpliff . :

t . ' •-For,*se« by-Oadw l | r u g ^ © . » #l&4tih'ai(s

^ i -:' .1 ' • " ' I

93WS-^AKI> «WK!' OESJS: IJONT MISS THIS,. Cttt tfut ,««i

••tip, enclot»e Bve cent* t« Feti*.A ©*.* Chicago. Hl,» w;itSn« your i|a|me and addreaa deiur^y. Tou **ih rceaiv*. in return *•. ft**, trtaj-- pacleafa: itontaiB-liMC Foley* Bt»ney and Tar Cobpouad for couirhi, ooids and' cr»tipj; Foi*v Kidn*y Pill*, for pain* i n . aid«s a a l back, rh*-umatL«<m. oacKaoh^ kid« n*y *»«J W«dd*r atlTxMtta; and folty Cathartic Tablets a- irholeimnjia .and .thoroughly tfteDMsifttff. « n M c ° , « « < ' peciifty omfartiiMi to atd«t pieiMnm *W sale la ^ o w t o i r a by Oa^y -Dttt* <»4, i:.. '• --«"

'.jjA ^* "v, - - S ^ w ^ * a

. ||||;[||j|

* V

. Fp t t R$INT-^After-Jan*il«e,, the 'store 'nam. occupied .•by-' the\<L 't%-:

mm ereeery Co. ,bf t . .Br^ | i - '^ t r^4 ' furthar 'partlctijiara1,-a-pply, to .#,---^' KosE*rt,# W Brittkerhpa: su 'PMitt**

'butgrn, N. T. 1 • • • ' ' • ' i-

FOR i» " I ' I I I I I I a i ' if i. •• i>iim m i ] i) > i i . i | i i i i i i i i r ' Iinninii nifi)_i i . l i v i i n | ]

JPO». S A I ^ & U A five year;-- old .'cottt sound %ix& gentle; a «ood aingle or double *orkeir» • Alto harjftaaa, aleigii and backboard for iasn*. Apply to •Wal|er K o d t y . ' m Br^ad.Sfc,»'-pJatiii; bulfTO* 1SJ»' T» •!" -1'

" ,IH^ -ii.i-|iiiniiij«i^#t^#^>MMai^wwrtMMM«w«lw^wirt»y^w^j

' 'i 'Ott -SAI-BJ—A. few *ox«a of i?o, % | StaftW Apples ,*t ; |#l.S6' per! box,, d«i Iis*r#d.byi^tprjeiga; O'rdW'a box fof the holidays. 'jCSprk* & Holden, J?*ru| & \ % ' • • • : • ; • !


' • ^ l ^ j k ' S . ' j ^ o i ^ - i ^ S ! ^ l ! t a b i i r I i ' •- • ' • ' - ' ' ' ; *• • '*' * ' j ! ' ' _ -in •» •nuitilT.-.I'lj' " . '

•*:- tdjii (.kno?|y croup '*» danserotts. And you should alao knoyr the a««o„of se-©«it! -. tSia-tjCoaiea frotpi alSpayi;-.h'*Viini

th*-bl^iae*;' lt-'cut*.^b* thicit'mucoua Attd'^aisn jiway #*.'j»hloa% #top» t&e -ati^^pB|f 1,couffh, .-and: fey^ ;««fy brea'QitiB« | n d ^.uifetalee-p. - $^ii'SW-«i^ j^ ;$)»l J**- fe.?kjiht" H»r<«0- ^Itoarie-tteii-.-pijid-for -fei-««c«J!«i And' i^t"-j|rfppe o u t h a , . Contains . no - opiate*. tev«r.v

.' FOR 8AUS- -i«ms mlraady < printed

#*>•* "Boarders Wantad*.*- *M«aJ» -a* *i! ttour»»** m « r « n » U a f r *«oi»a* » S i a i " 'ITor S t lk* 5 « * 'A4iiiItta«o*i«' Inquire at l>r*a» Offtc*. .1

tt^!|^f Cl^t

sei :That ig„oai* Jeak v0im misfit be:tt|r\ *e . plasse-4-'-and mmm *re pient? pf oihers. ''[:.

•+• W B call partfcallar attention to j the illQiteidmeftt p» i ano'tJier coltti^f of

^injie-'of the pirtjlculars -of the ^ p u - : '.^irity contest Tae'i-P-rpas it soon' io in.-

:i^b^ra*e* Tbi 'pr ises are the imain . r. g af are's- •* TMre | wiU be t h r ^ o-f

,'pftttif, all- in sola, Cain of' the re^lm. . g^i^-Jeade*' wSi be,, rewarded by..|,fpv- ; .fjijj.fSfO of t i e preefaua-aietal h^,nd-

. ;ed .,mw- to -him tlje pigh.% the oaiittest ;cio^s.. "The second' prizes planer,,'will ^fi|?eiVB,|:35fl and the third %lQb. Tfjiere ..lsSsl!be-no losers, for i&qse wha do .jsp.t,..wift one of t i e capital* prizes) wil' .!>&jpa$3 a percentitse on a^ the «n|ne-y f « f ' tnrn. intf this office. • ; Nothing

: , -^j ild^be. ifS*i| ..I aa©, that. • ".'-•p»- - '•'-•'.«^ i;i |-:.,"!'r^"?'' »r j ' 'n' '

; ' -ilfflfHftaatt\i»'i;is6 induaterious 'aallbe - ^Qpw y&^;'&':^'&M$S.K%t sorofetkin

kv$ cii' '-'ivimfi • vma&t'Bt ..hini.—-Xlf Son -'•tip-'?a- S'erald. '• < \ • ' l r - i ^ t t yoit-ave.1 No ope is so puay

• ^ f i f e 4 ^ ' , . ^ ^ ^ fe^IoJfc... t&Bt.jpon ' .jjgggp r .i t©Bt5e*t5M 6 .j.a|£pt-. .Jhetl? ,neigh

*««i-a; •wof-i: • p$%if&se fV-gfy '.das ^ |lf they were^-as ift'dus-

't^theip-'pwn pusl-

•Li1 J '

TSSord from over,in Berlin is tliat. a8f foreisn .'Words have beetx. cut-out •t>t m&mems, Hkifcs food, itwfulft fee tnigEhty good if such a thins wets done here in this land of democrricy* A ^IIO*- would stand something^ of *t ehincc of getting; -something to «at and, knowing what it is he's jrattinjr mw ^vhii© thinking ^ of the <so»t>— y^hnlstowtt TindJcator. , .

Sere •«'© have another evidence of the bard dense of the Soliners. Plate Gertnan is ^>od eiiough for t:hem' attd plain Bnclish ought • to be : good enough (for "W Americans* It is, t'ne lang.uapie' of the couujtry and mCfttts should' be printed in it so that every­body could read them-. We profess to be democratic, but too often it p> only a pretense. Irffs be done 'with snobbery a»d h^\*e our bills of fare aqd .[everything else' possible printed in. .g^od United States la'agttajgre; sf Chfit .he?, who runs n»a.y read, •

Of tfa« $wk - : JBt01$

Sold III 4^ f (Qwaiitity

Best % a % 11 ij \ $em>mb% ' ' ' • - ' -Wi


Ho. 10 South i€atberliie Si;

J-fTo, live content With small meana; 4 seek elegance rather.' than luxury

ind refteenient ratber than fashjion; ig think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to hear "all cheerfully,!.,-do-all ' bravely, await., occasion, "hwrry ne^-ef-^ in a word, tP let the spiritual, uubidden and unconscioaa grow up throusb., the common—-iixin is to be my syajphony.:—Channins.

•arhere is no other symphony of,'life egual to «hat to which dhaiining pledged ,hirosBlf« The- very conson­ance off his thoughts, acta aud Hv«* ing. esalted him into the higher < at-' mosphere and mad© bla life a bene­diction. "Wc cofltld all have such a syn^ok^f aa£t. be the toet?er far It if

Meat'ifntpeetol-s in Eeflia ar^ em­ploying the moving picture .isamar** Ift" •tbieir • work, -enlarged "* photographs gij,owi'#. .niierojor^rJsms in amotion'

t— . ~< *»***ca*rtH •'

taken a t face

*HJ-'|-#elI '.'wfttcbe*.: aHw'rpiraafe*. clpcfer,

WhiMi | *&? .can, be, value. . ''••)>

X can aali and diamonds, jefrelryvj

: cut iflaaa, imx&, pjiinteA'.china, etc at t t par c#»t«3os?er"'t"3a« «tny pther-^tfire m •XJffr.th m,°.. N*»:: ?#r*fe, 'Tfy fo» befoVe buyipir ib*% ;Smaa «ift.

A,n :toad» g*iara:rteed 'to ha" '£b|e

td jConrt S t ,

Engiravinjgr free, 'lie fountain.

ty Squam;.

TKfe' atore 'near

,« ,


§jBeHted^*teif¥ on



''A. •S*5P,*iJfjSSSil



to let the public know that oar »ye-tern of c$y3»I* '«ae-«(|i

*$& CHILDHEX If s t o p J c p * . * .


~~4)iiaUty and price* tight, ' Banc-

ttf> chaacea to earve yoo sow, Whfle

price* a « b a n c ^ » r n iriOdii yoiur

- naach. «10K , - Ufii J '!

Samuel Cor Margaret & Cornelii Sts

FOR aAUB-HJ**' aiuriaa, eaa eaaily! be convertad iato f»aeUa« aagia*, i« la perfect coodltioa havia« ««a> used very Utile, Term* rcasonabta. Apply or addreae Prsae Offio* ; ?. ' ' fj:

;<uft*^-A -waijtat '0?at*iaifl*;--$f2 'm, - -"cjeey, ja$t#* and valu*bl«i papers, fwtiKittt' C.tiMOnl Jfc* Bws|lte <ita4'sSJar*'| ttafat fo i»o»t o«rte»i. I lnde^ ;Sitn4I)f: s**-! ;*tem' to f,r««*„#ff}ce-'J0i' noitijfy "<3L" d, '".Suiji-vajn,, West'' ^byaay, -K. TEj 5^'A



lOHN r.;Q,BRl'BjM.»-*..*.Pia<ddei>f fO^-^JBEAtTGHffiSAJI'!*!-* *"fIo«*JWai*dait -


*ohn I t ;0*B5t$»» *ohn Badfhraa f ft 8hed(S»a : ' 3,. Wi iCoapp • « : 3f PMirne'


!Mt^ae%*l^,ve'a^v 9%s4^Mhvib t ^Mt ' 1

Dspoeltora'" of tared •hick thalr balano|», •wponeibillty Wfirttnt


,Kfe«f tnmaij

GfCt CJhaiiO%n OoaasMNPotaJ

*.' .'

*bwiina as.- and

f awBiro m

ilm QamMm sleigh c^|^ ;^d'','.2^ts

R„W. SfifeiS''


UMBl 3<

3rQXICB. -0*f . HiF^AlD.' 5J3SJK RSTO j , ^?he annual mec^ngrof the.Clinfoft'

County .Patrons!:Ftre Belief J^o£iav;rt:> JSyO i^'a o,nk %'ili he'on jsaae ;a;t' * tioh will be held in the O^uri in the City of.H-a^irb^r^, K, Y„vdlu jan*. 8, x i5-,-.sat'-• i;$i9 i». m,,..;for Jttte pu,ypose of- electing, 'dtreetifta '.and tTAnsacttttif' each.1 {other • bug Ii *e.ss: |Hs m a y p r o p e r t y c o m e biefore.tl|v<|>:.3»#ei-ingl : - , s - .•.',--•'• ••,;.. • . "

,^»ted, X>ec\'^t, K>14, ?' H«"-C, j^.ys*|i | tI3,- j^efcftdent,


Tht Kind You Hate Always •'lr


/FOJR/*SAJ^-HSwo' 8US»B^. . Tfinterj a^d-:'#i*W««f* - vkih good tojpi, ' . ' j * * , maUe'.-by-N.. l&,;i&»dvk*« .Far. aaJte bi^ A. iJttourclle, j^ivtrslde Inr, K«e»e-j vlU*. N* if- .' - ' ' • '


:**fC«t<#' ^f;^d)ft*ctora' for,tb.«,!8*-year willlb* beld a.|.-the,bank*-

ln« rftomsUf said b^nk on Tueaday, lafmiily- [if: t£Mt- -between, ''the hourg o t i e l t e^ - jH^oo^ ** «»'« *»*- twelve *Weio>?*i -ttoo a,, "'

-tsttl«».l||»aab'«r*n,^.'*r,,-t>Be. tt&

»! s .H." , :**tWTW. iCa«hie»( "' J'"' ! '


• The people os£ the State of .Jstew York to Horace Bavniond "Spencer, Cfalchvell, Idaho; Matilda tt/W^«% Plattsburgh, N* *f.. and to: HiiPfsr-sona itttereeted ta tn* et*fttfs%f,Eff­ace Jk. Spencer, lale of the tawij of 5>ilenbur4rh, Clinton fcsunty* -deceas­ed, as credU«rs» .l«#af«ee, next oft kin, or othe-twiae^ *end vfcflafiti•.]•''

Yon" and aaaJr ot yott^are -hers'py cited to ahosjr cause «efof£ our-Bdrro-gate of tbe Couhty of Oliat|fe»? KeW York; e t bis ««ic« 4» FI»tts«raa^tif, on the 28th d*y of OeoemtWrlW^ at ten o'clock in the tor^noein^of ."iSiat day, why tit* Account of aeor#e .ffi. Wood aad Jtorftce f. Johiiaonv "as executors of th* la»t wi« attd'teata*

•potfit: "*T*" - * W Af.

-|j0S3V-rBttweiM* tfce poat «j#ce afid CUhton street on! I i prion street, a «old lr*<j«l*t,;, ."stndjif ^«tte^*jjt»nji to-f»rta* ofttca* • ' \ '• , • ' -*"•! -

Oak:'' imd- jforflit Cathar&i^. lettee^ a; -minis ihttflf* "Pfeaae- '-a«W4' 'to . i ^ j •Corne'Ba Streeiu. ! t '"1- •"' • ' -• :•- ' ' . j - ' : 1 - 1 1 - " " " - " ' 1 V ;111'"' '

-JM3®t?—A - spoffced • 'h-ound'-aeniHtilpjf iilta * coach'•&$$? r^HEound fl*aaf-*e-turn: to B^ank i*a.«JBfer%rt ?*;#iliiiam-'St.

pO&&~-giiLtxaq!i7 .eviaittir [.bjelweaa .B(ftel5t latt;'-'anfec1, |*nd '--lDrI-"8a*naa,'• rea-idt'n«M?v- 1'adle* ©lack han^bagj contain-•loir ^urae.-amdf bals amou-ssiMg-" •• to -ei^ht'di611a*ir;' ajfeo~»ome- loose" change ^isd'1.ii«*oij :p«fcha»e», -*PIeaie:te4.ye-at^'"fr 'I*rklii1» d>.usf *t(?reW'*t.,3'a B.eekma»' atteeti ' ' v - - • • ( r'- * - ' • •

S853S ; <5orar. -434; = J*i -A* -^orsaji.ji'^haa; 'oc­casion' rftce^tly. to.sjs* a^nver-:medl§lap «ad •l^,«f,-"l^*i«y. Cktbartict Ab le t s : r^e^;,.thoWi|^fJy, cieansod:: 'any ,.fy*-tem- Ami I psaf' 'f-ke.%- t*w mjw-*-l|g5v* and .ifrec, ^li^y ..ax^ifhe. b«jat- m#ii* i-ctae .• I .hav|e-', .•^ejr '-taBsea • for eonstipa--ttom-. ^Dhey ..ki p^>tne,.-5ttomai?4i -awfeet, -'iiv«x;-ac4vk. .bowels- x'esular,!'. jg*oley .Cljl^axtic a*abl«jb* .-«#», »tb»t*](atbif ;to .aMoh-^ndz-ii^pM-'lErip* "floir -sicken-.. ¥iw$ ara^ fwrbol sbme an# thoroughly cl^aii^p^'Ui^:r

:lc«ap.^he H^t active 'Stottt people' Urn "teem* €ady "Prag QyT ''' '

Peru St,'

BJjJF MORS13S i r, pame vrill'i&rrjve in-tn^ city on

oi'..ul*»u-t'-J.tw* 'l3t,"t9'^..ifrttn> <&? oi •Ijarae^'f^can-'£'0. 4>gckom; -;1!hej?o jtisrs^ r inse ' ;,n^ iyeighjLfrom l?aO

T . '. .iSTOy. 'i;HE'T<SEEtti-OvS -Cp-fJOS

[...•jlirttilKpl -©Jft^i Xtc«^''SfuHE^^R-, .-lCsid«,.ikou-pa' and.>l%bop;iiiig goiisrh

are chj^oren** ailnienta-.'vrmch.' need - l # m « ^ t ' k 4^«W4np.- . ^ba |"ai|ter*ef fecta, .nxf.Mim liph&%mwtii.; .Don*t • t aWthc ' iakr4y|o,u"' don*t.haVe^>. ^rv

' KJ»'f**t.|ferw-..'BjAogyaty. -0m0B-\i%f cold, aoctliea irbe cotifh. ..alj^a '•-. 'i£k ,inflamm$Sien,.- Mt»"'*«W germ*'^f|;tal* towa. ?j&to#e.'tc'' dO:*lie--|' jfeeatiftf .^s-orJt 5«c. at^yOur "drpis iifc. '3uy-a h^Ha-^o-

^ » v ^ - j xy-rr.:-"•••'•' 4. * " r ';, ' For *a|Sa'.'?>y <Ja#J5«!g'<r.or« ?l*1iabttr$. - - r " . . . ' ' • ' ' V * ; " ' * ' • • " ' " ' - ' " " * " ' • " l . -A ,^*a4t,-ftd %/tae--JPrefi«;-ii§. the-..bast

Ftret-'NattdfBl Ikuik c^ inattabtirai), • >-i j-.'i -i ." 3^ "HV

•jSfl l i t tst i iKh, j f e ' T , Pec, KJ, 1st*. W*:-aiittJHfcl m f t t ^ i t -Ofr'the:atoek-

h#dialf*»of .jt'ttte ban* for the, flection off- ;di*|fMJtprA Sor -the -eioa"tti»g;>ear wilJ:

*B* tte|l,il','atlthe -%an:kit« feouafe'of tht* *»fr,\,I» tms C|iSy '«*. Plattabairsh, on ifte. 4*fgk 4*y of ^attuary, ^SI5» ,&«-t«r^ j : a i# .p-ur* Bt.% -B, 34* and 8 .p.

, - ih ., 0. a .fti&mg*am\' ' ^ rj;;.; "•'/;••' :'


The annual -^eetut9-'0#---th4~*toCkfts

holdeie of the„Plattsburgh Nation-, m ^ , . M _, .. „

And tf aay <rfthep'emTw?4l#^r«Bt-ed be Under the aye of *1 , they are required to appear 'by their ^Sar^ian, rf they have one, or, if thaiy aave none, to^sjppear and apply *0r bfie to he sppolaaed;.orv in. the evaat of their neglect or failure to do so, a jtuardian will be appointed by the. Surrogate to represent and act for them 1A Hie proceeding. ' . /

In teatimony whereof, W4 i a v e , caused the seal of our se-ld Suy?p£|£e> Gourt to

vbe herronto - affixed. TWit-<L. 8.) neas, Hon. Vietebr1" »• F»

Boire, JSurro^ate :.o* tne t County of caintohiT].af the

•City of __pjafc*bui«rfc> la said county, %h% S(Srd day

• &; U v ' ^ a ^ ^ S A ^ ^ r •' -Clerk of '^»0^m^0^d'X!im^U

-0..B. $mm^^]f:l<-'•'•: ?;- . '• -

• !•' T'i." i.v ^ ' i i a i i . '...,.i.;»gr".g» •.'•' -. NOS'ICSS^ia .p«if8»a:ftce.of an-'ip&st -^f fiC^r. ' ^ e i ^ l i ! ' f » - « ® i ^ . S u ! r f o i jate-of ^ t t ^ ; l ^ i i ^ ^ i J B ^ ^ : # l i * k ^ y_ g i^n , a^coidlitjsVtO'.I^W'tb^^^r/*

4aits' havln-g; '^lal^ui;.',, against' :d|wii*l jShampine J tw' ' j^f t»iMi^-*»i^*a 'a t Jieasaty. of pl'4^»1»Mifc-in^sai^oia|y

\.i .-CSiafon deie'l^a*. ''to '~yitijfi6$$fa. •ulam MjB*-„ Ittb^vbttcherra- thereof, to :he--i«btcrj&fex,t-;ia,ti'.h^r pia^b'lot ttaa-«aca»g- feua^«^-:4t^.-j|hef|^|l^ said .e^Ee^^^^^Kiou ' ^ ^ i j ^ ' 3 « & a e t i

tn' m^ }^^^^^%tEhnr$ii~::l^.'Mijk "on -;or /b««btMi |a i#t t» 5ay et%#»*«***,, . i s i 6 « . " • • ^ • i ; ' . i r - ' : - ••'-•; ',»•-,•;.;•.. ,"v i

- ..' • - -i^bM'p^e^l^ Bbcetmbrbt ' a t ^ # j ^ H ^ - t - iv- '?, • - ^ ^ S p ' t t

Attoi|ney-''l^rt®jtacu^aJi- . : -::•,' •-- • - .;' - .;• -'^laliHWB^flii *N?.rF"fc.' C.. %


Nation Stqd 3»epository «f 'tiheitpaitsd

Stated:-ajn|l Sta«s of New %oik & St!* »)ioF*Bn*. .•.»;»-.•'*« ;-^eeidisif # . fe, ;BAB^33R ......Vlce^pjjesldenf'. F.-a- OTSl?e?.....'. . :«• . , . - . . .^asMer ' , . - ' ' - ' ' Directors - ,:

Jjohw Hau.£hra»' *' @,--S, %rber" Wl' 3$,. J i*y>... *. J , -j^-jfbaUtt ^ o s i ^ F . Coiway A..^K; 2siarab.ali

_ Ei ^*e*dy ikn* oti&imoa' . '. Wr . i | : J » a t ^ o a - . >efc»'"'jkyera ' :, w^n|ral ^a;: Ikingr Bu^aesa B^m6"*^ ; :;oo4 FpreigiiB "Ofafta, . ' • • . • - : '

" ' ' * ' ! ' • ! i

:^f$N|reBtsrPaid pn Deposits, *•


1 ^ ^ ?p"bi| t a Effect, Defo ^ 4»1#.

; . ji ,-"- sjauth Bound Ars-iyeii frojtft | Xieave for:i

• I M J M P;;<Ml !;'. ' j; f\ : JKJmrCh. Bound.

Arrive' -Iro^t Albisy •!'

. . . . •.•-SS2S A . SI!,---. . . . . ; S*:45 A. jj£,s

XHEbTltf. {to llottses Point) i : i5P.M. &«D« *'*j4if|0 'P.-M.

t''i)o^ft.-%' M.: ChateaugayBivision

Afijive from V&#- Placid

»\mm A: M1

*l!4'j4ff P . ' M .

Ar^lvd.t 'Ceom AufeaWa fork^

Zih A. '-M, -mi- B . -24.

Arxlyb ,;frpjn

'8:151 A.VM. i i t a f A . M . '.,4:45 B--.M.

-*.Q:25j B, M,

Jjeavs for

>KO^C9B^Hfi-.-3Bhrau«nca 'of •kk'^tier if M^t:^$&U& & # Q | ^ * « u r > o ^ .fate %f • ' • # l f i j t o 4 ^ a i # r l i i ^ . . .*or?s. aolice jM hereby ^ven aecdrding, to »acw to all persons navS3ag claims i f ta l f tBtrpel&'^^ai^ t j f t^^sa^i t t s*

;'6urgJ|i- Jl^ -mp? fbu'm3?--'^-#fft«>nv -de? ceased to present IheJsamei^Wth the ^ m ^ c h f i ^ t h e r ^ o f e ^ ^ o r t i ^ l S e f -at his place of tr|a|m5aBti^ umihieaa at vtbe office of,Artnur S. mpgM, # d 32 C ^ t o n ' Street, •Bitattsbur«irr.ifcv'^;j.--on -rr before the 1st day of #ab*Uafy, IMS. • ' • ; . ; *•:•-• ;.- '

W, A, THF^ni.AY,.E?CBcutor, • . ;Attor&ey-f^r^*au|o^ • - . ' . . - •

B , .M«.-

» Ausable Division

ieave for l^akei Biacid

* 'JL.e4.ve for Ausatblel Forks

. , . . , 6.:4Xt A. M,

. .» . . 3L»46| P. M,= i s Bi^si^n. • i . *

IJefeve f o r • . -. - Jffioe;ra -#et» . , .,, «;4fl ,A« _"k..

which leaves aere a t

doi&a'.-«ati -ttiako any Montreal connec­tion at m$ Mt,^me^mmj; *mm locjal |ieav^ngf Jtwfniy minutes before th^a^Va^ 9fjthe B. & H, traThi, "Ifo. •W«. "^e'-'sontii bound sleeper, makes no WWil^twpop mp eity and Whitehall f o r . ^ ^ n i ^ e , of letttuB ^ j j t i i e n i

|bm^^^J^. ' j^ ;-^wtT : iegrh ' eea B o a a ^ Bofiit* and WMteaaiL

Another ranrio&d king has passed. to Jiis- reward, JEl^gene 55im«hermau, of,-<anclnnaa..^^|v%;a.a also a atahd-ard oit magna|©fl ^fSe was probably known by name! to niore people on iiGcoirnt of his daughter havjin^lroar-rledjthe worthlessr^uW-»f ,|fen^jest-

?er'. than. because j Q$msf ^mi^^lih, •.Jtr, Zim-mernian*sja»meChayinW fre-lijently appeared |n print in connec­tion -with that o%^ti;e«dnk,e,.;'-''

• •" •T; ; - j • -ry - , ^ . - , - v ^ -

Africa is i.n tihiPd*.' plaoe in the amount of cotton goods coi|^unied. Jn ao.tae Sections of.Afr,|g% JO' per'-ceiit. of the nn-hIeached^o'0|t^n|^ade ig.vwith' -She United SteitasJ- ftftb? dray "3$. per cent, with England* .' .

r*.... "TV


The annual meeting of the sfoek-•holdexs of The cyty^atLonal-^a^k^of P&ttsbuj'gh, N.. t ^ l b r ' t l e^ l eo t i ba ' o f directors tor: thej,emste3|i5 yfear-wiH be bold a* the ba"n1tl^-%K>trj3 of^.aald •>a»k on Tuesday,?4§gjagfr!tkJ£. )j$>l5, oetween.tea and eteven o'clock |ft the '©re^oon, «" • -''- "

Dited at H a t t s b ^ ^ j R - ^ i - J S a o , 3Tdft. £Sii4. ' -;-H •" *' " • *V!*T] p f' *""



. C R A T E R i*1F


u * _ | | H Ill '" '"-''


* J

Advance Side of Seat

* . . . } ^^^^^^g^^||M^gMBYMnBMBaSBiB|SsstaasjsaHa«SMMSissi

jg^eggS^.-f •'•1"7ir'' " r.'i"".^-«-

Palace Th. 0»Cst4>iHERO*S, Al

j*eatnne i 1 i.

"«• A-BJa*m«?*k d*aina, .

.;A*JSdj«aa a*am.iu-!

.- A.^ta»paiplt drama^1

A Selifr drama. , ' KJEDKAPPIIfG

A yoarini: T-.uM» come1

S BIG R E p Wf Admtoston 1«^ '-. j " - . , * r Afternoon f fie 5rf*-*J^v^

1^ K. Wonderland j

s:^ • * < ^ »

$ 4



Ai two feel ffsewse d r a i Moore- aasd Bswwiay .% Owe a i d hm ^atsre statie

A1 rlp*reasjhg comedi-* ^PWo-other reels. *- Bon't 1&«r«e|fe to eome, a

^4*a. - ' j . -* i;

• + t

• # .


S 3S* Pimples Ren

Wfth our Saxo

*wiuckgrew until i t WJ a ctorssaidj';3'

' Tte M e a t out and wKenmysd t ^ B d « » to try-S^xa Salve, I J

'.«|Qng*a in pta,

; l K Cah*i cure your • . S^ife^Ottr^sxoSal-ve'ana 53a

oSg^lftek tike eeapty tat


| P1»ttRhnrfflv -W..

rBifle'ld. cn ; t%-imr*B.asBoa o^ an order ^^tSNWSU>^B0'IBB, "Sii/rc ^^4w*'*^tfB^y? New' Y ^ . j ba? l^eSf ;kcco-rdins'| tv

"s ^°oa, havilng cjaSms? as g? * 'B. M Keidi l a t e o ! C b " ("to sid* County of c -

^ to- Present thcj-same, -.• ll •W-' Oxooify to |the s-u f- -

J | * I a c e »* transactir'-^ i ^ Office pf Ag-new ->r, " " * OUntoa street, P!a: >' > J of befor^-the l4ih '>*-..


•:.>H 'M

;jwi« , B-EnbiA -ivi -' OSfOS' L>

Attbraeys°for Ex—- ' i - i

r York, n

~Si » — . ^ 1

,>*f HOJf VICTOR .°' Of__Ji*i|nt^r. -J

nptice' is ^.---^.p^e •*& ..lasv ^aavtifis; elaima agairj--

p * JMa t f Chazy .fe sa ,-gS *oa* deceaaed, to E-

li'flrtth, the vlftsch^rs t ilRsribalr, at' his1 pi. v | business, a t the .-. -I^Mrbaijk, at Ch^'r- " |fore tlhe 1st day .,:

^ T T I E M. KX.4 AtjEXAKDER , >

f % J . V1JRT; ' ' ^Attcrney for E S f

5X C$3H$JikSv-- '*-•

8 ,