My ideal home Like each girl so I had a lot of dreams about my future, my husband, my children and also my family house. First, when I was nine my ideal house was an enormous mansion like Scarlett O’Hara’s in the Gone with the Wind, after that a luxurious chateau, then a beach cottage and so on. It changes from year to year depending on my style. But I think my current taste will not change a lot. First of all, the relaxed environment is really important for me and because of that I would like to live in a quiet place near a woods or a river, far from a city’s noise on the countryside, maybe in England. I think a large house isn’t as important as homely area and a nice country. I would like a huge garden with stone walkway surrounded by flowering plants, a small lake and a terrace - with wooden furniture, with bean bags, a hammock and a Jacuzzi- where I can meditate, read and drink a coffee on the sunny afternoons. The interior would be also comfortable, not big and the design should be a mixture of antic, bohemian and Moroccan style. The rooms will be furnished by wooden things; the walls would be painted in pastel and light colours and covered by India and Africa inspired pictures and photos of my family and friends. The floors will be made from hardwood. I would like many windows overlooking a valley or a river. I love art so I think my rooms will be cluttered with everything from antic decorations, modern pictures, sculpts and Buddha statues to candles, lanterns and incense sticks. In the living room there should be a stone fireplace and in front of that a rug, a huge sofa and armchairs. I don’t have any special expectations for other rooms, but my biggest dream is a home library where a great many classic English and Hungarian literature books, lexicons and encyclopaedias filled up the shelves. The library will be also the study room, so there would be a massive mahogany desk where I could work, study or read. It is possible that all these just a daydream, but I think when I have chance to realize that imaginary world, I will do it.

Pismene engleski

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Page 1: Pismene engleski

My ideal home

Like each girl so I had a lot of dreams about my future, my husband, my children and also my family house. First, when I was nine my ideal house was an enormous mansion like Scarlett O’Hara’s in the Gone with the Wind, after that a luxurious chateau, then a beach cottage and so on. It changes from year to year depending on my style. But I think my current taste will not change a lot.

First of all, the relaxed environment is really important for me and because of that I would like to live in a quiet place near a woods or a river, far from a city’s noise on the countryside, maybe in England. I think a large house isn’t as important as homely area and a nice country. I would like a huge garden with stone walkway surrounded by flowering plants, a small lake and a terrace - with wooden furniture, with bean bags, a hammock and a Jacuzzi- where I can meditate, read and drink a coffee on the sunny afternoons.

The interior would be also comfortable, not big and the design should be a mixture of antic, bohemian and Moroccan style. The rooms will be furnished by wooden things; the walls would be painted in pastel and light colours and covered by India and Africa inspired pictures and photos of my family and friends. The floors will be made from hardwood. I would like many windows overlooking a valley or a river. I love art so I think my rooms will be cluttered with everything from antic decorations, modern pictures, sculpts and Buddha statues to candles, lanterns and incense sticks.

In the living room there should be a stone fireplace and in front of that a rug, a huge sofa and armchairs. I don’t have any special expectations for other rooms, but my biggest dream is a home library where a great many classic English and Hungarian literature books, lexicons and encyclopaedias filled up the shelves. The library will be also the study room, so there would be a massive mahogany desk where I could work, study or read.

It is possible that all these just a daydream, but I think when I have chance to realize that imaginary world, I will do it.

My ideal home

I would like my house to be a small, double-storeyed detached bungalow, modest by modern by modern standards but a place which will complement my desire for harmonious living. What I have in mind is a building in a gated community on at least ten thousand square feet of land overlooking a slope where I

can enjoy the cool breeze, the fresh air and the beauty of a mature garden.

My garden will be a riot of colourful blooms- ixoras, cannas, daisies and the flighty birds of paradise irrespective of the season. My garden will be beautifully landscaped with a rock garden, a fountain and a man-made pond where colourful carps dart around merrily. At the back it will be wild. My backyard will

be a haven for birds to build their nests on just as there will be the fragrance of flowers to attract the bees. There will be nuts and fruits for squirrels and bats. I will have the best of two worlds within my

compound and one component will complement the other.

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My dream house will be built in the shape of a pentagon with a porch that will accommodate at least two cars, The house will comprise five bedrooms with attached bathrooms, a lounge area for guests and private living room for family members. Besides these, there will be a study-cum-den where I can relax after a day’s work or retreat into my world where even my close ones will have no access. It will be my

hideout and haven, and in there I will have my private space. Needless to say, it will be done up in a way that reflects my taste.

My house would be tastefully furnished and decorated with contemporary décor Instead of heavy fabric drapes, I will opt for the modern and practical. I will have blinds in pleasant shades instead add a touch

of style to every room. The blinds will allow light to filter through so the rooms would have a cheery ambience. There will be Italian-made light fittings that will lend an air of sophistication to the interior.

My diet (healthy )

Life today is not like how it was before. Along time ago, people ate foods that were field with balanced amount of nutrients value. Not with chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors which are

known as Fast Foods. Long days of working and training effects our choices for food, a meal from nearest fast food restaurant becomes most appealing idea. Most of people who eat junk food more frequent

don't know its bad effect on their body which can be prevented if they use more healthy alternatives .Although, we consume both of them as food, yet they are majorly different. Fast food remains extremely popular, despite their unhealthy impact to our body. However, there are many

reasons to try to make healthier choices.

Eating junk food as a primary method of nourishment will lead to diseases and illness because your body is being deprived from its needed nutrias. While, by eating healthy you are strengthening your body and giving it proper nutrients to defend it in a time of illness .While, Obesity, diabetic, Hypertension, cancer

and other chronic diseases are highly related to fast food. It has more calories on average meal than healthy food do, leading to greater weight gain and illnesses.

It is important to watch carefully what you eat, especially at fast food restaurant. Knowing the nutritional content is very important. Beware of the processed and fast foods that have long ingredient list you can

hardly pronounce Junk foods are loaded with lots of sugar, salt and worst types of fat .Healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain, lean meat and fish provides a balanced amount of nutrients .They

are by definition nutrient-rich, with vitamins, Minerals and fiber that benefit your body.

If you are trying your best to be healthy it is essential to find food that will treat your body well .Healthy food helps you focused and make you more productive.

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My diet

Junk food is any food that is perceived to be unhealthy and of low nutritional value (Smith 2005) is a serious prevailing issue nowadays. In Australia, the statistic shows that the nutritional value of food

eaten by the children mark a gradual decrease over the past 30 years. The availability of junk food in the school has turned the children to consume more fast food rather than bring their home-made lunch. In

Weekend News (2005), Reynolds suggests an early ban on the sale of junk food in the school canteens to avoid overconsumption among students. Some may say that junk food benefits on the school funds and must not be blame at all. However, in my opinion, the sale of junk food in the school canteen should be

banned for several reasons.

The first and most important reason for the banning is that junk food itself is found to be unhealthy. Junk foods that relatively high in fat, salt and sugar are actually contributing to childhood obesity. “Products such as instant noodles, potato chips, and chocolate bars raise the kilojoule intake and lead to weight gain” (Weekend News 2005, p.6). Consequently, the youth weight gain risks them with other future

cases of heart disease, osteoarthritis and cancers. In addition, Dental Association reports on the sale of soft drinks in schools that causes ‘a decline in the dental health of Australia’s primary-school children’

(Weekend News 2005). Hence, the unhealthy foods must be prohibited in the school canteens.

Another reason is that junk food can trigger behavioural problems. Usually, fast food contains chemical additives to give colour and flavour instead of lengthening the shelf-life. “Many of these additives have been shown to cause behavioural problems in children, such as hyperactivity and poor concentration”

(Smith 2005, p.3). Besides, this may distracts the students from giving their focus in the classes. According to The Food Show (2005), Cray said that when such foods are readily available at school every


*ovo junk food to ti je fast food samo sto ovdje tako navedeno **

My diet (food)

Some experts think junk food is somehow healthy to eat once a month. Others think you shouldn’t eat it at all. Should we or shouldn’t we eat it? And if in which way? Junk food isn’t healthy

there is absolutely not any good nutrition in the food. It has a high content of salt, sucker and fat. you can also be depended on it. It makes you want it often and gets an irresistible urge for junk food. The most serious dietary issue affecting today’s American people is junk food. The result of eating more

food than is needed or eating too much junk food and this affect as for a number of reasons.

Many people weigh more than they should. Doctors call them overweight. When a person is extremely fat, doctors call the condition obesity. The principal reason for this problem is junk food. If we

eat junk food more than two time a weak we will be obesity people. In fact, more than two-thirds of adults over 20 are either overweight or obese, "It's not that we're morons and have no idea what's good

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for us. Food and beverage companies have long argued that if their products are used in moderation, they don't pose a danger to public health. They also say it's unfair to blame them for causing the obesity

epidemic. But we are the only responsible about our lives.

The lifestyle right now Is not the same than five years ago. People are always busy and they don’t have time to cook at home. So they prefer eat out is more easy and quit especially fast food but for

this reason they don’t spent time in family. In the past the parents and children sitting on the table eat together more than one times a day for breakfast, lunch or dinner and they can spend time in family. But

now everybody have their own schedule. Now the time for parents and children’s is lest every day.

Junk food is cheap. In all fast food restaurants there is always the dollar menu and many people prefer to save money on food.

My future

All my life I have been asked what do I want to do with my life. I used to have answers like a doctor, a princess , or a veterinarian. Now, people who ask want a serious answer. Many people have the same answer who honestly knows. Now, I somewhat do have an idea which is to graduate with a degree in

something with computers and to try and start my own business.

To begin with, when I was eight or so, I had the dream to become a veterinarian. Only because my mom had this dog and she became very sick and almost died because she had parvo. So, I thought that I would

be one of the ones to help with sick and hurt animals. I later realized that I was not able to see hurt animals. So, I decided later that the career for me was to become a teacher because I love being around kids. I realized that it was not the job for me I then decided that I wanted to become someone who deals

with computers.

Next, is what I want to do now that I am a senior in high school. I want to get a degree in computers. I want to go to Pearl River Community College to get my basics then I want to go to ITT Tech. Whether it is

for graphic design or web design. I have taken classes in high school such as Business and Computer Technology, which I had for two years, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I want to get my degree in Computer

Technology and graduate from high school and college. I was very successful in this class, which made me decide that I wanted to do something with computer. On top of that I was very good at the things we

had done in class.

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My dreams of the future

Do you pay attention in how fast time goes by? From the age of 5 we spend our time busy with school, and then we grow up to find a job and build up a family. Before we realize, time has passed by and all the dreams we had for our future have not yet come true. The reason is because our dreams are just dreams and haven’t yet become goals. The only way to achieve our goals is to know what we want to

plan how to get it. Life is a dream, realize it.

In my future I want to do so many things. One of the things I want to do is become a Civil Engineer so I can help build a better Panama. To become an Engineer, I will have to study more than ever. Graduate from National Taiwan University is one of my short-time goals I want to achieve. After that I want to get a well-paid job as an Engineer, doing all kind of projects to improve the infrastructure of different

cities. I also want to create an organization for the poor and shelterless people in my country; I believe that we should all have the same privilege like have a place to live in and receive an education. I wish for a happy and healthy life, who doesn’t? But this is something I can only wish for. On the other hand

I can work hard to make my dreams come true.

There are also other things that I would like to do at some point. One of my dreams is to travel around the world. I have always been curious about other cultures and the differences between people in

other countries. It would be amazing to travel the whole world. Furthermore I would love to bungee jump or swim with sharks, experiencing life to the limits.

In the future I may have new dreams, but the first goal I have to achieve is getting my diploma. This is one of the keys to accomplish my other goals and dreams. After becoming a professional, I want to

start a family, one lovely wife and maybe three children’s and have one beautiful cozy home to raise my kids and grow old with the people I love the most.