PITESTI ARGES ROMANIA Forests, source of life Proiect etwinning 2014 Scoala “Nicolae Iorga” 1

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  • PITESTI ARGES ROMANIA Forests, source of life Proiect etwinning 2014 Scoala Nicolae Iorga 1
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  • The project team working Secondary School "Nicolae Iorga" Pitesti, Arges, Romania Arges, Romania Luminita Bratu, prof. chemistry physics Mihaela Ionescu, prof. english language Luminita Bucsan, primary teacher education Luminita Enache, primary teacher education 2
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  • The town of Piteti Piteti, the residence of Arge departement, lies among the intercrossings of the most important European commercial roads, in an area blessed by God, protected from history and natures hostilities. The town of Piteti is situated in a naturally picturesque environment, in the countrys central part, at the junction of the Arge River with the Ladys River. The town is crossed by the parallel of 445130 East latitude, being at only 20 km south of the parallel of 45. Situated at an altitude between 250 and 350metres, the town of Piteti lies at the edge of two lage geographical units: the Getic Plateau an the Romanian Plain. Two hypotheses have been issued concering the toponym of Piteti, one would be that the name of our town derives from the eponym Pitea or Pitu, hypothesis sustained by the great historian Nicolae Iorga( our chool is named the Nicolae Iorga Gymnasium School), and the other hypothesis, sustained by the local searches, has been determined by its placement among hills(pitit= hidden). 4
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  • Ever since the Middle Ages, Piteti has been known as a commercial town. Even if the first written document recording Piteti has the hall mark of Mircea the Old, one of the most important rulers of Romania, and dates from May 20, 1388, the historical vestiges are a living proof of the human activity in this region. Piteti is a very old place, numerous archaeological sources attesting the existence of people living in this part of the country ever since the Inferior Paleolithic and the Age of Bronze. There is no doubt that this seltlement was inhabited during the Getic and Dacian period and also during the Romanization process. The exhibits from the Arge County Museum stand witness for peoples activity during the Age of Bronze and the Inferior Paleolithic. Nowadays, Piteti is a modern, dynamic town, its 200,000 inhabitants being proud of the changes that occur. 5
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  • The modern contemporary image of our town is given by the vast green areas, the batural parks, the culture and the art, the educational system, the performance sports activities and the beautiful attractive areas in the centre of the town. Piteti is also known as the tulips town. Each spring Piteti is the host of a flower show, called the Tulips Symphony. Between 11 th -13 th April, 2014, the Municipality of Piteti organized the 37 th edition of this magnificent flower show in which the students of our school took part in the Flowers Parade. 6
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  • In point of education, Pitesti has a lot of primary schools, grammar schools and high schools. It is also an important university centre, having both a state university and a private university. The schools, the art schools, the museums, the theatres, the cinemas, the libraries are also the values of our town, many of them being known in the whole country. Our school, the "Nicolae Iorga" Gymnasium School, is situated in the centre of the town of Pitesti. This co-educational school was built in 1965 and both boys and girls attend it. There are 336 primary school students who go to school in the morning and 242 middle schoolchildren who go to school in the afternoon. The teaching staff is represented by 13 schoolmistresses and 22 teachers. Our school has 15 modern classrooms, 2 laboratories, the Biology lab and the Physics lab, 3 cabinets, normaly the R.E. cabinet, the I.T. cabinet and the phsycho- pedagogical cabinet. There is also the gym on the ground floor, the school library and the consulting-room on the second floor. There are also 2 playgrounds where students can play football, handball and basketball. For those who enjoy swimming there is a covered Olympic Swimming-pool just a few hundred metres away. Our school has its own emblem and its own hymn. 7
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  • www scoala5.ro On its site, www scoala5.ro, one can see some of the most enjoyable and interesting activities in which students are involved. In the last years many new buildings, public institutions and important private commercial centres have been built in our town. The town has a covered Olympic Swimming Pool, three uncovered swimming pools, a skating-rink, a gymnasium hall and many stadiums. The tradition of the people who live in Pitesti is to keep the town clean, to have many "green area", many parks and forests and famous public gardens. 8
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  • The Trivale Forest The Trivale Forest, "older than centuries", that lies in the northen part, is a vast area covered with green trees, both deciduous and coniferious trees. This forest represents for the inhabitants of Pitesti a great source of life, the true "lungs" of the people of Pitesti, a shelter for the species of animals that live in this forest and a suitable place to grow for the flora, specific to this region. The Trivale Forest represents for the people of Pitesti not only a source of life, but also a source of relaxion. What can be more relaxing than having long walks through the forest or sitting on benches under the green old trees or visiting the zoo in this forest? Therefore, it is our duty to save this forest, to plant new trees every year to that the future genertions to come may enjoy the fresh air of the forest. We must stop polluting nature, we must stop cutting down trees, we must stop throwing garbage away, we must stop destroying NATURE, who is our mother, actually. We should lend ear to Nature's cry, because solutionrobs air to breathe. We should join our efforts to fight for her children ; the trees, the plants, the grass, the animals, the birds and the Earth people. 9
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