12 THE' HTTSBIJKGr DISPATCH, TttESDATfr 1, convenes In the city. Democratic delegates leave Tor the State Convention at Harris- bnrg. Judge White decides that Pittsburg Brewers and wholesale dealers cannot be granted more than one license. A residence on Locust street wrecked by natural gas. SB The Knights Templars give a grand parade and reception at the Opera House. Brown & Co., of the Wayne Iron Worts, Issue an order reducing wages 10 percent. D. W. Carroll Co., of the R Fitt Boiler and Bridge Works, forced to assign. Councils bare a healed de- bate over the natnral pas contract for the . water works' pumping station. 9 The Knights Templar Conclave elects and in- stalls new officers with much ceremony. Mem- - lerj of the County Democracy haneW. L. Bcott In efllgy from the club window. Knights or Labor appoint a committee to confer with the management ot the National Tube Works in regard to the reduction of wages demanded by the firm. The Department of Awards re- considers the contract for two Amoskeag fire engines, and decides to again advertise lor bids. N. Eav and Thomas Chldlow- - killed by the Braddock express at Roup station. The bneet Iron Manufacturers' Association meets and discusses the provisions of the Mills bill. Charles CUndinning celebrates his one hun- dredth birthday at his borne in W est leer township. The Concordia Club gives lta annual May festival. -- The Allegheny Natural Gas Committee ar- rives to take their protest against Increased rates Into court. The officials of the Philadel phia Companv refuse to lower their bla for the fuel supply or the water works pumping station. The Iron City Mlcroscopiai Society rlu-f- i Its sixth annual exhibit at the Oeutral Kink. The Coroner's jury censures the 1'enn sylvanla road for the killing of Kay and Chid' low. SBayne and Walter win the tight for delegates 'to the National Convention in the Allegheny Republican primaries. The employes of Sing- - er, Klmlck & Co. agree to accept a reduction. K H.H.Jones, bank defaulter from Stafford. " Kan., arrested in Pittsburg. The License Court grants seven out of eight license appli- cants. 17-- Sam Small lectures to a crowded house in Liberty Hall, East End. An Incendiary fire discovered on the corner of Center ax enue and Arthur street. John Hartenberg shoots and severely wounds William Myers at No. 11 Penn avenue. meet In convention and resolve to re- sist a reduction of wages. The shady ave- nue bridge pronounced unsafe by reason of the manner in which the traction conduit was constructed, Select Council discusses the question ot grade crossings and the accidents resulting therefrom. The Court hands down an opinion refusing all rehearing! In license cases. Schowlder kills Mrs. Bridget Mullen, on Bedford avenue. Patrick Mulherron total- ly wounds George Martin with a pick. Penn- sylvania railroad officials In the city on their annual tour or Inspection. The various Re- - conventions meet, elect Magee. Kllnn, ayne and X alter as National Convention delegates and nominate legislative tickets. K. of L. salesmen refuse to work the evenings fcerore legal holidays. Exposition plans cepted. Day celebrated In a fitting manner In the various sections of the ilty George Martin dies from the effects of his wound. The Kerormed Presbvtcrian Synod expresses Its wish for a union with the other branches of the ehureh. Jl-T- be Scale Committee of the Amalgamated As- sociation meets to perfect a schedule for the ensuing vear. The R. P. Synod decides that it is not yet ready to comblue with the United Presbyterians. The Randall Club completes arrangements to attend the St. Louis Conven- tion. Twenty-fourt- h district Republican con- ferees fail to agree on a nomination. JUNE. X The employes of the National Tube Worksagree to a reduction of 1H to 10 per cent in wages. Clerk Bothwell presents a series of charges against Mayor Pearson to the Allegheny Police Committee The Twentv-fonrt- h district Re- publican Congressional Conference again falls to nominate a candidate. The R, P. Synod declares against church fairs. Allegheny Natural Gas Committee protests that the pas companies violated contracts in raising the rates. estern glass factories decide to close June 15. S The Scale Committee orthc Amalgamated As- sociation completes the schedule of wages. The Bar Association requests the Judges to wear black robes The Trades Assembly pases resolutions denouncing W. L bcott and the Mills bill. The Duauesne Water company re quests the right to lay pipes to supply water lor hydraulic purposes. Pittsburg freight agents make a big reduction in the rates on Iron and steel for Western points. The R. P. bvnod Informs its members that they must keep clear ol all political matters. 8 K. of L. salesmen threaten to strike if the rules of the Merchants1 Association are not changed. The Randall Club leaves for the St. Louis Convention German Lutherans give their sixth annual excursion to the Concordia House. 4 The Board of Assessors complete their work of assessing the business tax. Peter E. Qulnn arrested for embezzling ? IS. O00, which he lost In gambling houses. N. T. A. 217, K. on.,., t composed of iron and steel workers, meets to arrange foaa scale or wares. The employes of the Pennsylvania Tube W nrks to accept a reduction. Ine grand jury finds Indictments against a number of persons far selling without a license. 6 'Ihe thirteenth annual convention of the Amal- gamated Association of Iron and steel Work- ers meets at Turner Hall. The R. P bvnod decides that woman can 11 the office of deacon. The Western Iron Manufacturers' Association meets and decides that wages must be reduced The Pittsburg Diocese of the Episcopal Church meets at St. Andrew's Church. Mrs. Richard Dunn, of Wylle avenue, beaten ahd drugged bya burglar. 7 Ihe Count) Deinocracvand Randall Club cele- brate the nomination "of Cleveland and Tltur-za- n. The iron manufacturers' scale makes a reduction of from 10 to SO per cent in wages. Judge Agnew talks on the tariff to the Men's Republican Tariff Club. The founda- tion stone of the Episcopal Guild House on the bouthslde laid with murh ceremony. Blhon Whitehead presented with SLOOP by the Pitts- burg diocese. The W. J. Hammond property sold to the Baltimore and Ohio to be used as a railroad yard. 8 Freyvogle and McClure have a hearing before Alderman CassldvQn a charge or getting from Peter Qulnn through gambling. The cornerstone or the memorial building of the Pennsylvania Female College laid Controller Epeer notified the County Commissioners that Uray's accounts would not balance, owing to a deficiency of 15,663 30. Battery li holds its annual reunion. The new Court House building finished. The ninth annual reunion of the Amalgamated Association attended by 18.000 people. George M. Von Bonnhorst elected Chairman of the Republican County Committee. Controller I S peer has Alderman O'Brien and Constable J Aletzgar, of the Twelfth ward, arrested on a I charge of perjury and extortion The Randall Club returns from the St. Louis convention, and is given a reception. Ri er men draft a protest to present to the Senate against the construction ofa dam on the lower Ohio. An explosion of a gas tank at the Pittsburg Fuel Gas Works, on South First street, seriously Injures two men. JO Children's Day observed in the various Meth- odist and Presbyterian Churches. Brewers ark for shorter hours and the employment of union men. 11 The Amalgamated Association convention completes its scale of wages Councils ask the Board of Awards to examine the dlflerent tire engines belore awarding the contract. The Prohibition County Convention meets and nominates a Legislative ticket. The Bar Association gives a picnic at Idlewild. district Congressional con- ferees again meet but fail to agree on a can- didate. The Carbon Iron Company fits up the Fort Pitt works to make structural 6teel. Railroad rates to Chicago cut down to A. I Bishop Bowman Institute holds Its annual commencement It The Amalgamated scale presented to the manufacturers. John K. Cox withdraws from the Twenty-fourt- h district Congrcslonal con- test. John Schrcitt attemDts suicide in the Allegheny lockup. The feast of it. Anthony celebrated with great ceremony on Troy Hill, Allegheny. Ihe water works' fuel contract let to the Philadelphia Company for M.W'. 14 Republican clubs aud politicians leave for the Chicago Convention, iron masters' and workers' committees dlscucs the wage scale, but jail to reach an agreement McClure aud Preyvogle gl e bail for court. Acheson comes within two votes of being nominated for Con- gress In the Twenty-fourt- h district, faults against bunday trains entered before Alder- - TbeTeuty-ronrI- h District Conference again fails to make a Congressional nomination, but elects J. P. Moore as national delegate. The Iron masters' committee insists on a big re- duction in wages. Councils authorize the ' building of two new police stations. TheCcn- - j tennlal Committee announces its plans for an i Industrial parade. i 1J The Amalgamated Association announces that ', it prelcrs a shut-dow- n for three months to a reduction In wages. The Trades Assembly de- cides to participate In the centennial cele- bration. Special Agent O'Shea resigns from the Builders' League. Foundry and stables on Grant street, Allegheny, burn with a loss of 1000, and SO mules aud horses perish. James Gathwood's machine shop damaged by fire to the amount ol'Siaroo. ' 17 A boating party narrowly escapes drowning in theAlleghen river. The Catholic chapel in ' bt. 31ary's Cemetery dedicated. "18 A searcltyof water causes Chief Brown to issue an order stopping the use of street hoe. The Americus and Tariff clubs leave for the Chi cago conventions. Patrice Koyle, of Alle- gheny run over aud killea by a orewcrv wag- on. The Amalgamated Association Conven- tion revises the constitution of the order. fa Iron masters refuse to agree to a three months' shutdown unless all of the mills are closed bv the Amalgamated Association. The Citizens' Traction Company awards the contract for ca- ble cars to the Pullman Company, blxth ward citizens hold an indignation meeting to protest agatnst the scarcity of water. Daniel Frey dies at the Homeopathic Hospital from iujuries re- ceived in a mysterious manner. 10 Mills forced to closedown for lack of water, and great suffering caused In some sections of ' the city. Josephine Marek, or 26 Sycamore street, Allegheny, kills herself and two chll- -' dren with poison, and attempts the life of her husband aud another child. G. Grouse, the driver of the brewery wagon which killed Pat- - rick Doyle, held for manslaughter by the Cor- oner's Jurv. Jl The cause of the water famine discovered to be , a broken vali e In tbc big main at Penu aveiiLe and Butter streets. Commencement excrci-t- s or the Western University held at the BIJou Theater. A new steel scale providing lor Clapp-Grlfa- th workmen Introduced at the Iron and bteel conference. Cantaln Clark slvcji "free excursion on the steamer Mayflower to the poor of the city. SS J'ontlnual suffering In the hill dlstiicA from the water famine. BIshon Phelan nrenpnta ' medals to the successful students at the annual commencement of the UolyGhost CfeUcge. The Amalgamated Association electsofilcers for the ensutugyear. Curry Institute holds Its annual commencement at the Opera House, and an address is made bv Got crnur Beaver. SS3 The big main Is fixed, and the waterfamlne uiHlcioauvna. aiic Amaigamaien Associ- ation completes Its work and adjourns. Many r jaud'ien oeatns. cansea Dy sunstroke and the ; lt)rotracted licit. Two thousand members at . . .. ..a .!.. .. I ine l.iocraiu ocnenciai Association picnic at Rllullon. George W iulen shot b an unknown BTiian In a row at Tom's Run. -- WJialen dies at the west I'rnn Hospital from VtliB enVets of his wounds. Ihe AraerlcnarTini, I returns from the Chicago Convention. 25 The employes of Painter'a mill notified that a reduction Is necessary, but they decline to ac- cept a rut of wages. Councils discuss the na- tural gas contract and the water famine, A magnificent memorial window placed In the East Liberty Presbyterian bnrch by Mrs. Judge Mellon. 36 Pittsburg Republicans ratify the nomination or Harrison and Morton with speeches, parades and red fire. Thomas Mitchell arrested lor complicity in the murder or George Whalen. 27-- Frances Wlllard talks prohibition In the East End Tabernacle. Singer, Mmlck & Co. discharge all or their striking employes. Post- master Larkln applies to the Department for additional letter carrier rendered necessary by the adoption of the eight-ho- law. John Cain placed on trial for the murder of George Booshardt, commencement exercises of the Pitts- burg High School held at the llljon Theater. Allegtieiiv scholars graduate at the Opera House. The ladles of the East End tfelvary Church establish a permanent cooking school. 29 Iron manufacturers and workers failto agree os a scale of wages. The jubilee of the Alle- gheny schools po.tponed on account of rain. Bros.iirMlllps brcakfrom the Western Iron: Association rule and sign the Amalga- mated scale. An equity suit filed in Common Pleas Court No. 1 In relation to theUrsullne Convent trouble. The Coroner's lury charges William Draper with the murder of George Wialen. (illmore gives two grand concerts at the Bijou Theater. JULY. manufacturers continue positive in their Kfusal t0 Sign the Amalgamated Scale. Cor- ner stone laid for the new school house of the M. Augustine German Catholic Church. Francis and Edward Murphy bold a monster temperance meeting at the Butler btreet M. E. Church. Announced that Colonel Kevins will return home and answer all charges against him. Z Carnegie's mills sign the Amalgamated Asso- ciation scale, together with several smaller firms. Three hundred and seventy-si- x out of 19 pupils succeed in pissing the examination fur admission to the High School. Councils finallyapprovc the decision of the Department of Awards in giving the contract forwatcr works fuel to tne Philadelphia Company. The grand Jury decides to reopen the case of the Police Bureau against Homer Kcdpath for policy writing. An Investigation of .charges of cruelty made against the Home for the Friendless shows them to be groundless. S Two more firms sign the Amalgamated scale, making 15 In all. beventv-thre- e scholars suc- cessfully pass the examination for admission Into the Allegheny High school, and nearly aa many more are decided to be entitled to an other trial. The Master Painters' Association elects delegates to the National convention at Cincinnati. Richard bplane convicted of renting property for immoral purposes. Judge Hawkins fnvalluates the will of Mrs. Mary Hailett, because or undue Influence, 4 Non-unio- n men secured to operate Singer, Mmlck Co.'s West End Mills, and organ- ised labor not to be recognized in tl.e future. Pittsburg citizens observe the glorious Fourth In an appropriate manner. D. A. 3, K. of L.; elves a monster picnic at Silver Lake Grove for the benefit or the Armstrong memorial fund. The Law and Order Society issues a lcngthv address declining to stop prosecution or Sunday milk shake dealers. 6 The County Commissioners and the Prison Board decide to assist the District Attorney In convicting illegal liquor sellers. Slnccr, Mra-ic- k & Co. succeed in partially operating their works. Two chair factories, a wagon works and two dwellings in the rear of Madison ave- nue, Allegheny, destroyed by fire. A new supply of stone for the Federal building ar- rives. H. O. Price and partners placed on trial beforeJudge Collier on a charge of pool selling. Moorbead Bros. Co. sign the Amal- gamated scale. 6 Boilers burst In the tannery of A. J Groet-zlng- Allegheny, wrecking the buildings, killing the engineer, William Wetzel, and fatally injuring others. Three more firms sign the Amalgamated scale. Judge Collier decides against the pool sellers, and Chief Brown is- sues an order for the place to close. J. T. ry writes an open letter attacking Francis Murphy. Knights of Labor at blnger's mill remain firm.. 7 The I'ittsburg Cvde and Athletic Club openB its new park witu appropriate amuseuietus. The Chartlers Gas Company passes a dividend. 8 Fred G. A ellncr shoots himself through the the head at ITS Third avenue. Francis and Edward Murphv hold a meetlne at the Opera House, and criticize the line of conduct pur- sued by the Law and Order society. H. W Weir appointed Chief Justice of the supreme Court of Idaho, the Coroner's Jury finds that the Groetzlnger boilers were defect- ive, and that wet tan bark should not have been used in conjunction with natural gas. The Amalgamated and K. of L. strikers at Singer's mill hold a Joint meeting and resolve to stand firm. 10 A July flood suddenlymakes Its appearance on IheMonongahela, causing great destruction to property. Police placed on guard at Singer's mill. The Allegheny Board or School Control consider the subject of Industrial education. 11 Ihe Monongahcla continues to create great havoc among the coal fleets and property along the banks. Jfies &, Laughllns sign the Amalgamated Icmc Both sides confidant of victory in the Singer strike. The Phila- delphia Company brings in a new roarer at Canonsburg. The National Association of Spring Manufacturers meets at the Mononga-hel-a House. 12 The Monongahela flood begins to subside. Or- angemen celebrate tbelr day. Rev. Alexander Jackson called to the largest l'resb) terlan church In Canada. 'Hie Mage Committee of the window glass workers and manufacturers hold a conference. Allegheny Turners dedi- cate leutonla Hall. The Don Cameron Club holds a lively session. 13 Peter Mack dies at No. 78 Clark street, and Dr. J. GuyMcCaudlessdelares it is a case of sporadic Asiatic cholera. A number of Pitts- burg aud Allegheny grocers sued for selling olcomargerlne. The Lake Erie road refuses to issue passes to its employes. John Irwin wounds his cousin, Barney Irwin, at 155 South avenue, Allegheny. Five more im- portant iron firms sign the Amalgamated scale and prepare to resume operations. 14 The Amalgamated Association aud the Na- tional Tube Works arrange wages for the en- suing year. Dressed beet rates cut once more. 15 Natural gas discovered at a depth of 80 feet on Last 6trcet, Allegheny. Many ministers up- hold the Law and Order Society In their pul- pits and denounce the Murphys. New M. E. Church at Erasworth dedicated with appropri- ate ceremonies. 16 Five more firms sign the Amalgamated scale. Unlet Drown lurnisnes special Agent jurcaii with a large list or illegal liquor sellers. Com- mittees from the Flint Glass Workers' Union and the Manufacturers' Association meet to adjust the wage scale. EmiiMlnutn arraigned In court for the murder of Peter Voelker. G. Rosenthal's clothing store on ylle avenue robbed and fired. 17 Two more signatures to the scale received by the Amalgamated Association. Corner stone ofthebt. George Episcopal Church at Irwin laid with much ceremony. The case of Minuth, the alleged murderer of Peter Voelker, goes to the jury. 18 The estern Iron Association meets, absolv- ing the manufacturers from all pledges, and Zug & Co. and the Kensington Iron AN orks immediately sign the scale. The bear- ing in the equity suit, of C G. Dixon & Co. against McClure JtFreyvoglc commenced be- fore a master, and Peter Qulnn tells how he lost 13,000 In gambling. J. Warren Ray, of Green county, nominated for Congress bv the Twentj-fift- h District Convention ontheJMth ballot. A company organized to put a new bridge across the Allegheny river irem Arch avenue to Fifth street, 19 Claus bprecklcs experiments on refining sugar in Pittsburg. The ordinance authorizing the plans ot the Duquesne Water Company passes Common Coupcil. Max Roger arrested ior the murder of August Wetzel on June 12, 15S7. The Finance Committee arrange to secure the funds necessary for the county centennial cclebra- - 20 Robert D Layton elected as a delegate to the K. of L. General Assembly, aud a warm light made lor the other places. Seven I'ittsburg steamboat men lose their r?es by the bursting of a steam pipe of the towboat Conroy. The Faraday Carbon Company flies a suit against me I'nuaaeipnia was company tor extortion, and secures a pnllmlnary injunction. 71 fhe blxtv-rjr- st Regiment monument in the Chartlers Cemetery unveiled ind dedicated. The department decides to Increase the num- ber of Pittsburg letter carriers to about 100. Herdlr arrested for g, at the Insti- gation of tne Law and Orde Society. The Allegheny County Republican Committee ap- - a to conduct the various epartmentsof the campaign; Master Work- man Doyle elected as the second delegate to the K. of L. General Asseinblv. C. T. and Charles Long, bouthslde glasworkers, Invent a wondeiful machine method for topping bot- tles. S-T- hc Brotherhood of Locojiotive Engineers holds an Important mcetlnr and arranges for a blgunlon meeting August 27 and 2S. Will- iam Wessle, a n Alleghenlan, sui- cides by Paris green Prof. Aery, of the Ob- servatory, measures the temperature of the moon during an celipe. 23 Four men seriously injured by an explosion of hot metal at fchoenberger's mill. The union employes of Singer's mill hold an enthusiastic meeting and resolve to continue the fight. James McHenry and Joseph March, alleged counterfeiters, arrested bv Detective Conlsan. Tne contract ror the Baltlmote aud Ohio depot secured by Philip Walsh A Sons. P. A. Stout arraigned before Judge blagle on the charge of murdering his son Adolf. 24 Corner stone of the Chnrch of Eplphanv, In j.cuevue uuruu 11, utiu wuu appropriate cere- monies. Three more Important firms sign the Amalgamated scale. The defense attempts to show that btout was Insane when he killed his son. 25 singer, N lralck & Co., with their fight against the K. of 1 and Amalgamated Association, and the striking employes apply for work on the firm's terms. The stout murder case goes to the Jurv. Cornerstone of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Innocents at Leech-bur- g laid with appropriate ceremonies. Magis- trate McCeuna holds March and McHenry, the alleged counterfeiters, for attempted bunko. 26 The trial of W. L. Penney and Robert Barnet. charged with bunkoing William Munlock out of $3,000, commenced, and the former dis- charged bocause of there being no evidence against him. The steamer Mayflower takes 700 orphans on the annual Guky excursion. The loti Cameron Club expels Felix Anderson. The scale of the bottle blowers accepted by the manufacturers. n Z7 7iteports to the Finance Committee show that $110i0 has been raided lor the Centennial cele- bration. Joseph Welsh sentenced to 5 years in the penitentiary for his participation in the Last End robberies and assaults. Ihe occu- pants of Municipal Hall picnic at Shlngtss Park. The Allegheny Reform Association asks the Mayor to have the Immoral houses closed. S&-- Pittsburg Natural Gas Company secures an Injunction against the city officials, re- straining them from Interfering with the lay- ing of new mains. The Ninth Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Association holds its fifth annual reunion at West Elizabeth. The mem- bers of the Catholic Diocesan Total Abstinence Union, to the number of 3.0U), plcnlpatTurner Grove. 23 Pittsburg capitalists form a company for the develunment or tlu territory In Mexico, with a capita! or fI.00U.0CO. Chaplain McCabe ad- dresses the occupants ot Valley Camp. Felix Oimpbelt fatally slabbed in a row at Robinson station. 30 Minnie Phillips, a girl or Lacock strett. Allegheny, discovered to have stolen trio from James Dwtnney. and purchased a piano and an extensive outfit. John CaulBeld, charged with the murder of Patrick Hanloo, pleads guilty to manslaughter. Agent Dean, of the Anti-Cruel- ty Society, threatens to pros- ecute stores which do notprovlde.eatsfor their lady clerks, according to law, held for Court ror the murder of August Wetzel. Typhoid fever epidemic on Twelfth ward hillside. Two more firms sign the Amalgamated scale. AUGUST. l--The largest of the three great cables for the Firth avenue traction road arrives. Select Council postpones action on the Duquesne A atcr Company ordinance. Mrs. Mary Ferree celebrates her 90th birthday at Coraopolis. Allegheny icrocera picnic at ifoss Grove. Sev- eral dwelling houses on Carson street, South-sid- e, badly burned, the fire originating 'from a lamp explosion at No. 2606. Spang, Cnalfant & Co. sign the Amalgamated scale. Allegheny citizens petition Councils for the construction of boulevards around the parks. 2 MayPatton kills CMrles DeKnlght and her- self at the Metropolitan Hotel. Frederick Brandes, of No. 183 Federal street, Allegheny, suicides rather than be sentenced for Illegal liquor selling. The remains of Bartley Camp- bell laid to rest in St. Mary's Cemetery. Her- bert E. Pennypacfcer, a well-kno- oil oper- ator, arrested for extensive forgeries luoll jesses. S The first attempt to move the big cable from the Shadyslde depot results in complete failure, J.l'alnter & Sons sign the Amalga. mated scale, and the lockout is nractlcally ended. Cantaln Clark's attornevs decide to take the case or illegal liquor selling against him to the United btatcs Supreme Court. John Mackln and Thomas McNally badly injured by a fall- ing building on Mary street. Bouthslde. 6 bt. Mary's Chapel, at Sharpsburg, dedicated. Samuel Hamilton returns from Alaska, and tells some interesting facts concerning that country, Robinson arrives In the city after being released from the Ravenna Jail, where he was charged with complicity in the Hulllgan mur- der. The Committee on surveys consider the cutting of the bump. The corner-ston- e of bt. Barnabas Episcopal Church, atTarentum, laid Tvltli appropriate ceremonies. Pittsburg pub-li- e buildings draped because of the death of General Sheridan. 7 Reese, Lindsay ts Co. awarded the contract for the mammoth W estinghouse Air Brake Works at Wllmerdlng stations. The flint glass workers and manufacturers adjust the wage scale satisfactorily. The Centennial Celebra- tion Committee holds au Important meeting. 8 Nearly lu,000 people attend the picnic of the Pittsburg Retail Merchants' Protective As- sociation at Ross grove. Pavers and rammers on the traction road strike against non-uni- men. 9- -"I nomas Murray fatally wounds Anthony Sheridan. Messrs. Utppley Hopf accident- ally strike a vein of natural gas in the center oi Aiiccneny at a aeptu ot vai ieei. oouu Walsh sues the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany for (50,000 damages for Injuries received. Ihe association of the One Hundred and Thirty-four- th Regiment, P. V., holds lta firth reunion at Forest Grove. Miller severely injures Frank Lawler, a Pittsburg fireman, at a picnic at Idlewild. Memorial services held at the South Nineteenth btreet Baptist Church in honor or General Sheridan. blvitz, the new chief rabbi, delivers his first sermon in the city. G. A. R. men gave a big sham battle exhibition atMaysvllle, James McDermltt, a bouthslde merchant, charged withlorgery. 12- -A surgical outfit added to the equipment Of the Police Department. The Western Union moves Into its new quarters. 13 Ihe Congressional Immigration Investigating Committee sends word to Chief Elliot that they will visit Pittsburg, Is The Coroner's Jury holds Thomas Murray for the murder or Anthony Sheridan. John Dona- hue, who claimed to be acting as an agent for bpencer Jt Llddell, Is sentenced to a $5(0 fine and three months In the workhouse by Judge blagle, for illegal liquor selling. 15 Nearly 9, 000 people attend the annual barbecue and picnic of the Butchers' Association at Ross Grove. The A French Spring Works damaged by fire to the extent ot fo0,iO0. The English Beer Trust makes a proposition to a Pittsburg brewery firm. ' IS Many mills and factories compelled to shut down because of the Intense heat. The Ran- dall Club makes some Important changes In its constitution. 17 The City Assessors make a radical change In the mode of assessing the Schenley and Denny esi&ics. 18 Ihe County Democracy gives a big picnic at Exposition Park, speeches being made by Sen- ator Vauce aud Congressmen McMlllln, Malsh and Tarsney. Secretary Dillon and threeother prominent members of the American Flint Glass orkers' Uuion arrested on a charge of conspiracy, preferred by H. C. Fry, of the Rochester Tumbler Works. George V. Morris, General Manager of the A. trench Spring Company, claims the water supply was Insuf- ficient at the fire at the spring works. l&beorge Martin, a Law and Order detective, arrested on a serious charge. Frank Waitzer slant August Bieuner at a social garnering in Bloomfield, with probably fatal results. !The CountyDemocracy entertains its distinguished guests and shows them the sights of the city. 20 Nearly 5,000 colored people celebrate Emanci- pation Day at Hulton Grove. xl Continued heavy rains cause floods and conse- quent damage to property. The Allegheny County Medical Society discusses the subject of pure and wholesome milk. 22 Hie rivers recede rapidly, after doing great damage, railroad travel being greatly delayed and impeded by washouts. Treasurer Con- troller Durham decides that the bank is liable In the Colonel Nevin's case. The Cathedral Sunday bchool gives a celebration at Central Turner Hall. 23 Ihe Randall Club opens its i.ew building, at No. 73 Sixth avenue, with feasting and merri- ment. The Survivors' Association of the One Hundred and Third Regiment, p. v., holds a successful reunion at Ross Grove. An equity suit filed in Common Pleas Court No. 1 to test the right of a natural gas company to remove its pipes and break connections with any party to whom it has contracted to supply fuel. 24 Master Workman George Doter placed on trial oeiore tne court oi Xj. a. iuju, a. oi Li. 'The Exposition Society decides to readvertlse lor bids for the superstructure. 25 -- J. M. Nollnd, of Shad) side, attempts suicide under sensational circumstances. The Demo- crats hold their primaries to elect delegates to the County and Legislative Conventions. Al- legheny Councils of the Jr. O. U. A. M. de- cide to place an American flag on every school house In the city. 26 Rev. Alexander Jackson resigns from his bouthslde church to accept the pastorate of the Ivnox rreso teriitu luurcn, uait, untario. Bishop Phelan delivers an address at the lay- ing ot the corner-ston- e for the Home of the Aged in Allegheny. 27 A Mrs. Simmons attempts to commit suicide by Jumping over the Blxth street bridge. Judge Stowe hears the nrguments in the equltv suit to restrain Bishop Phelan from lnterler-in- g with the operations or the TJrsullne Con- - ent. The Brotherhoods of Locomotive En- gineers aud Firemen give a picnic at Grove. A lad named James Mills shot and badly injured in aflght betwecnjuvenlle olltIcal clubs on Penn avenue r. M. H. Borland commits suicide with the deadly cocaine The Heptasophs hold a grand decennial celebration at Silver Lake Grove, 6.500 people being In attendance. Chief Ar- thur addresses the Brotherhoods of Locomo- tive Engineers and Firemen at Allqnlppa. Chief Brow n summons illegal liquor sellers to appear before him, and Insists that they shall stop tbelr hidden traffic. 29-- Democratic County Convention nomi- nates J. W. Jilesfor Jury Commissioner, and candidates are placed In the field In the vari- ous legislative districts. Pittsburg members of the Grand Army of the Republic make ar- rangements to attend the national encamp- ment at Columbus. Manager McCrca and other offlclals of the Pennsylvania Company present plans for elevated tracks to the Allegheny Council Com- mittees. The Centennial Committee arranges for a grand military parade. Brass workers of the K. of L. organize into a National Iradcs Assembly. 31 Bunko men swindle a prominent Alleghenlan out of 3,000. but detectives succeed in recover- ing the money. Captain W hltehouse appoint- ed to the place vacated by Inspector Negley. Arrangements made for the opening ol the evening schools in the cltv. The Faraday Car bon Co. sues to recover overcharges from the Philadelphia Company. SEPTEMBER. 1 H. C. Frick voluntarily advances the wages ot his employes 5 per cent. The Junior Order of United American Mechanics holds a grand tri- bute reunion at Exposition Park. A malig- nant type or 6carlet fever makes its appear- ance on the hill in the vicinity of Pasture street. Samuel and David Nibloch arrested for extensive robberies from Liberty street merchants. 2- -1 he Eighth Street Hebrew Temple rededlcated with much ceremony. The magnificent new East Liberty Presbyterian Church opened for worship. General Lecturer Walls delivers an address to the Knights or Labor at Tarentum. Rc. J. T. McCrorj attacks the attitude of the Catholic Church toward the public schools. 3 Five hundred men strike at the Wayne Iron Works, owing to a dispute over some spoiled steel. Jndge Ewlng Is very severe on con- stables ror not making proper returns of illegal llqudr sellers.' Attorney Yost pavs 8, 103 75 into the municipal treasury as tfie city's half of the fines Imposed upon law and order violators. The Avery Trades bchool, exclusively for colored student, opened in Allegheny. The Vigilant Fire Company ar- range for a rjarade of the old volunteer fire- men during the Centennial celebration. The Junior Order of United American Mechanics presents 57 American fligs to Allegheny schools with appropriate ceremonies. 4 William Miller, a private watchman of Alle- ghenv. killed by George Dennv. A deeren arrives from Rome to the effect that there Is to be no division of the Pittsburg Catholic dio- cese. 'Ihe btandardOnderground Cable Com- pany secures larger contracts to put wires under the earth in Jiuflalo and New York cities. President Negley, or the Bar Associa- tion, resigns from the County Centennial Committee. The Pittsburg Carbon Company also brings suit against the Philadelphia Com- pany for alleged extortion. 6 Richard Marks knocks Thomas Rooker Into the Monongahela river, where he drowns. Miss Lena I ibermycr commits suicide at Mill-val- e. The Lutheran Synod opens at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Madison ave- nue, Allegheny. Ihe Randall Club gives Its third annual fete champetre at Silver Lake Grove. Chairman Morrison Foster replies to Mr. Negley's attack upon the manner or the proposed Court House dedication in connec tion witn me centennial ceicDraiion 6 AU of the electric light companies who bid on the illumination of Alleghenv ask lpv tn withdraw their bids. The Halnsworth fcteel Comrjanv organized for. the manur&rtnri. nf steel car wheels, with a capital or 500,000. The Coroner's Jury holds Richard Marks for the murder of Thomas Rucker. T The work of stretching the first cable of the Fifth avenue traction road commenced. S Local veterans meet and dratta bill providing dismissal and (too fine for any official who falls s to give Union soldiers the preference in mak- ing appointments, beveral of the Centennial Committee confer on the details of the celebra- tion, and the lunds on hand are appropriated among the various departments. Detectives Coulson and McKeivy cloaca Jewelry auction shop at 1006 Liberty street and arrest a pro- fessional ntdder. 10 passes through the city on his way from New York to Columbus. The police close the German Method hit Episcopal Church, North avenue, Allegheny, at the request of the pastor. Bishop Phelan presides at the. dedi- cation of the St. James catholic Church in Wilklnsburg. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrates its Offl-ce- rs raid a poker room at the corner of Forbes and Boyd streets. Campbell, President of the American Window Glass Workers' Assoclatlan, returns from Europe. Tho Presbyterian Ministerial Association denounces the establishment of a parochial school In the First ward public school building. Councils hold their first meeting after their annual summer vacation. The Pittsburg Tennis Club holds a tournament at Us grounds In Brnshton. John Mulherron arraigned before Judge Ewlng for the murder or George Martin. Eccles Robinson resigns from his position as Worthy Foreman of D. A. 8, K, of L.. In order that lie maybe free to make political speeches. The grand Jury finds an Indictment (gainst Thomas Murray for the murder or Anthony Sheridan. 11 The Allegheny County Woman's' Christian Temperance Union has a lively discussion over an lnyitatlon sent to Mrs. J. Ellen Foster to be present at the State Convention, and Mrs. H. C. Campbell Is elected County President. Barbara Frantz commits suicide by taking Paris green at her home in Oakland. er Workman George C. Dovey acquitted of the charges made against him. The corner stone of the Fifth Avenne Masonic Temple laid with solemn ceremony. The Evangelical Lutheran bynod closes a successful session. Knights and Ladles of Honor celebrate the eleventh anniversary of the order at the Grand Central Hint ohn Bristol robbed by highwaymen on the Fort Wayne bridge. Mrs. Elizabeth Curry, an alleged sorceress, held for court for causing the suicide of Lena Obermeyer. The Ea6t End Merchants' Protective Association gives a mammoth picnic at Silver Lake grove. Tho Thirty-nint- h Street cPresbyterlan Church splits, a majority of the members voting against a call to Rev. D. Jones' or Cincinnati. 13 Meat Inspector McCutcheon makes an official report of his investigation or the condition of the dressed beef Industry at Chicago. Mon- tour Presbyterians celebrate the centennial of the "Old Red Church." Western window glass manufacturers decide to resume opera- - nons uctoDer i. 1- 4- Four Pittsburg- - physicians volunteer to goto Florida to combat the )el!oir fever scourge. Ground broken for the construction of a big stone depot for the Pittsburg and Western road. The Executive Committee of the National Reform Association meets at the Y. M C. A. building. Charles Deltrich shoots his wife in a marital quarrel. 15 The Window Glass Workers' Association de- cides to put speakers on the stump to talk for protection. City Attorney Morcland gives his official opinion on the diseased drcssed-bee- f and proposes a State quarantine, he German-Americ- Technical Association holds it fourth annual convention in tha Ger- man Library rooms. A natural cas Are burns the Keystone Rolling Mill to the extent of 16 Phil Armour, the Chicago beef king, 6tops In the city and brands the stories of diseased dressed beef being sent out by him as false. Kev. father rollard paralyzed while celebrat- ing mass at St. Mary's Church in Lawrence-- vllle. Six Protestant ministers and Bishop Phelan give their views on the First ward school controversy. Flro breaks out at No. 37 Firth avenue, and does damage to the amount off50.000. 17-- Tho Pittsburg Steel Casting Company casta stem-po- st for the cruiser Maine weighing 11 tons. Councils decide to participate in the Centennial parade. Andrew Luehn aud George Hantz fatally Injured by the breaking of a ladder at the No. 4 engine house, Fifth avenue. 18 An Indignation meeting at Lafayette Hall de- nounces parochial schools. The Allegheny Market Committee has a lively discussion over the hour for closing that building, but 10 o'clock Is finally adopted. The Centennial Committee arranges for the pyrotechnic dis- play or the celebration. 1 Judge White arraigns constables for neglect-in- s; to report illegal liquor sellers. Allegheny Councils and city officers picnic at Forest Grove. The Western Theological Seminary opens its school year. 20The Allegheny Gas commltteo receives bids from the various electric light companies for the illumination of the cltv bv that means. Tony Newell's remains laid to rest with appro- priate ceremonies. Congrulty Church cele- brates its centennial anniversary. The Gen- eral Committee or the Labor Division of the Centennial parade is assured that 20, COO men will be In line. David L. Mitchell mysterious- ly shot while driving in a buggy on Penn avenue. Zl Pittsburg citizens commence the work of ac- - uro preparation ior tne great centennial cele- bration, elaborate decorations being arranged on every side. Businessmen agree to endow the U. P. Seminary. 12 Every detail of the Centennial arrangements completed, and the general orders Issued for the Immense parades. Elmer Washburn, Su- perintendent or the Union stockyards at Chi- cago, comes to Pittsburg to deny the reports of diseased cattle being slaughtered there. Tho Y. M. C. A. holds a field day of athletic sportsat their grounds. The Coroner's Jury brings in a verdict of guilty in the David L. Mitchell case. 23 Visitors commence to throng into Pittsburg to witness the great celebration, Hayes and wife being among tbc arrivals. The new St. Pbllomena Seminary consecrated. Captain Wlshart inaugurates a war against dealers in flashy literature. 24 The Centennial celebration duly Inaugurated. Vast throngs or people witness the dedication of the new Court House, addresses being made by Judge Stowe, Commissioner Mercer and R. B.Hayes. The police and firemen give a fine exhibition paiade. Fifteen hundred trained school children Join in one vast, triumphal chorus. Ihe Monongahela illuminated; at night. Braddock workmen make money under iuu buuing baie. 25 Second day of the mammoth celebration. More than 20, 000 persons in line in the industrial and civic parade, which is witnessed by Immense crowds who come from 100 miles around, 120,000 people being brought Into the city on the vari- ous railroads. 'Ihe Allegheny river illuminated at night with fireworks and natural gas foun- tains. A number of slight accidents occur in the great Jam. 26-- The great Centennial celebration concluded. - . 'An Imposing military parade of militia and G. " A. R. veterans the feature or the day, being reviewed by Governor Beaver and staff. The G. A. R. men hold a campflre at Old City Hall in the evening, addressed by Commander-in-Chi- ef William Warner, of Missouri. The Hampton Battery holds Us eighth annnal re- union and banquet. The Union Veteran Legion holds an enthusiastic meeting at the Grand Central Rink. Milton Weston released. 27 Centennial visitors leave the city by train loads. The Republican campaign opened In the East End with a parade and speeches. Com- mon Council considers the selection of addi- tional depositories for the city funds. 23 The Protestant Committee prepares to bring a suit against the occupation of the First ward building for a parochial school. 29 The Republicans hold a grand rally and parade In Lawrencevllle. A company formed to build . a new hotel In the East End. Milton Weston leaves ror Chicago, after being congratulated by his frlcads upon his release. Allegheny county W. C. T. u. committees me;t and ar- range for the State convention. SO Father James McTighe defends the position of' the Catholic Church on the public schools. Francis and Edward Murphy address large temperance meetings at the Penn Incline Re- sort and Christ Church. The East Liberty Presbyterian chnrch formally dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. OCTOBER. 1 Southslde glass factories resume operation after a shutdown of 11 weeks, state Superin- tendent Hlgbee decides that the Board of Di- rectors of tfie First ward could not legally rent that building for a parochial school, select Council passes the ordinance. Increasing tho number of city depositories. Street cars com- mence running again on a portion of Penn av- enue. Supreme Court convenes In the city, and hands down a number of decisions, among which is one deciding that the Basic steel pat- ents are not the property of Jacob Reese. Judges White and Magee grant a preliminary Injunction restraining the Allegheny Heating Company from shutting off gas from consum- ers wno refused to pay increased rates until the matter should be determined by the Court. i Third ward citizens file two petitions in court, alleging that the register assessor unlawfully failed to enter their names, and that they will thus lose their votes if the court docs not inter- vene. The Committee on Highways and Sew- ers recommends the opening of a large num- ber of new streets. The Allegheny County Union Labor Committee Issues an appeal for support. Mr. Edward Frauenhelm and Miss Nettle Vilsack wedded. a Boston Buck's daughter tells a sensational story explaining how her father came to be ar- rested for counterfeiting. The Protestant Committee tesolves to take legal steps to have the First ward building vacated by lather Sheedy'a parochial school. The W. C. T. U. Committee met at the Third Presbyterian Church to complete arrangements for the State Convention. The Pittsburg Central Circle of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle celebrates Its tenth anniversary. 4 John Leahy shoots and fatally wounds Thomas Miller In a saloon near the N lnth ward market house, Penn avenue. Mrs. Jennie Boylesends a bullet through her brain at No. 710 Du- quesne way, and dies Instantly. The Alle- gheny Gas Committee, alter a warm fight, recommends that the electric light contract be awarded to the Indianapolis Jenny Company. The Supreme Court adopts a memorial culo- - kuiuk uic iaie uuoge jcrunney. rnomas Burke arraigned for toe murder of John G. bplegelon Julj-3- . The Randall Club celebrates the fourth annlversarj or Its organization. The first cable car makes a anccesstul trial trip from Oakland to Market street. 6 Thomas Carnahan fires a bullet through his brain at the West Penn depot, Alleglienr. The twelfth annual Congress of Ihe American Secular Union convenes at Lafayette Hall. The Jr. O. U. A. M. presents flags to the East End schools with impressive ceremonies. The aix-- x outers uoia a joins ineeung Willi tne Don Cameron Club. Principal Woods asks for a revision orsalarlesat the High School. Thomas Miller dlea from the etlccts of his wounds. The Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Com- pany votes to issue bonds to the amount of fe 500, Olio. 6 Powderly sends Master Workman Doyle a breezy letter, answering a series of questions on political subjects. Tne hecular Congress resolves that church property should be taxed. 7 Ihe bt. Leo I. Church In Wood's Run dedi- cated with appropriate ceremonies. Leahy, the murderer ot Thomas Miller, arrested, and Oyster Paddy Jailed lor complicity In an at- tempt to conceal him. Thomas Harry attacks the General Executive Board of the Iv. of L. 8 Superintendent Starr, of the Ft, Wayne road, charged before Alderman Carlisle with negli- gently causing death, and waives a hearing, giving ball ior court. River pilots hold an im- portant meeting, and agree to stand firm for an increase of salary, ordinances providing 18 for the hump cut introduced in Councils? Judge Collier decides that the city cannot levy tax on natural gas mains as real estate. The Third National Encampment of theUnlon Vet- erans' Union assemble at McKeesport. IV. P. 19 wauipierucceiJi! uiciciuucrauc nomination for Congress in the Twenty-fourt- h district, The Catholic Diocesan 'total Abstinence Union Indorses the Brooks law. The grand Jury Ignores the charge of pool selling presented against Frank Herdlc. tA stubborn dre dam- ages the DuqcesneFurnlturcCompany'sprop-'ert- y to the amount of f.'u.ouo. Delegates to the State Convention or tho Women's Chrlstiau 20 Temperance Union arrive. count Ouiseppa C. dl Montrecoli and Miss Virginia Knox wedded with three separate ceremonies. The state Convention of the W. 21 C. T. U. assembles at the First Presbyterian Church, with Mrs. Frances L.bwlft presiding. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster addresses an evening ses- sion Of the temperance women, and RevvSam kllralEilMliiiSwS 'JANUARY" -- "TlmiHHSBT3 fW,.mrfflSFWT3J"W3SffiHB:. Small talks straight prohibition at Lafayette Hall. The Veterans' Union declares for per diem pensions. Drs. Wood and Lowe have heating before Alderman Cassldyonacbarge of practicing medicine without a diploma, and are held for court. 11-- Tbe Prohibition party element in the W. 0. T. U. State Convention defeated, and Mrs. Swift President. The Shadyslde Presby- terian Church accepts the resignation of Rev. J. M. Richmond, after stormy discussion. Allegheny Councils light on the electric light contract, and are unable to come to an agree- ment. 12 The W. a T. U. State Convention adjourns, after a warm contest upon political topics. Dllworth, Porter & Co. announce that they will attempt to start their mill with n men. The Jr. 0. U. A. M. presents American flags to the Southslde schools. 13 The Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, of the Bouthslde, falls. Bookkeepers hold a meeting and perfect an organization. The Assessors or the various wards report tho number oftaia bles under their Jurisdiction. Master Work- man Schilling, or Chicago, visits the city to consider the advisability of ordering a strike of the grip men on the cable road. Pittsburg Republican clubs glrea mammoth torchlight parade in the central portion of the city. 14-- bt. Mary's Cemetery, McKcesnort, dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. Toerge brothers hauled over the coals by the Pittsburg Musical Union. 15 Depositors of the defunct Farmers and Me- - enames' JJanKnoid a meeung, ana rraiucus Borg promises that all claims shall be paid In full. E position Society directors return from an inspection of the Cincinnati Exposi- tion. Chief Brown suspends AJax Jones for being implicated in a row during a Republican parade. lWudgcs White and Magee hanttHown lengthy opinions, granting an lnlunctlon against an Increase of natural gas rates by the Allegheny Heating Company, until the matter shall be determined by the Supreme Court and a mas- ter's decision. Dilworth. Porter & Co., re- - sume operations with n men. 17 Citizens of the Twenty-nint- h ward assemble at the Bedford school and protest against the proposed hump cut. D. A. Stewart chosen as Chairman of the Carnegie Arm, In place of Henry 1'hlpps, Jr., resigned. The Freehold Bank (lies Its bond as a city depository. Kev. Boyd Vincent notified or his election as Bishop of the Southern Diocese of Ohio. citizens gather at St. Paul's Cathe- dral and make a vigorous protest against the cutting of the hump. A gang of Southslde shoplifters arrested. The Butchers' Associa- tion indorses Inspector McCutcheon's report on diseased Chicago dressed beef. Pittsburg Builders' Exchange considers the advisability of erecting a building for their use. 19 The Cincinnati express on the B. 0. wrecked at Little Washington, two persons being killed and many injured, including several persons from Pittsburg. The Allegheny Citizens' Gas committee holds a meeting to outline future work in tne fuel suit against the Allegheny Heating Company. The lion Cameron Club passes resolutions denouncing Chief Brown, for the suspension or AJax Jones. 20The Democrats paradeln PlttsburgiOOOstrong, while 4,000 Republicans march through the streets of Allegheny. The new apportionment on the basis of the number of taxables reduces the membership ot Common Council one mem- ber. Thomas Burke sentenced to the penlten- - tlarv seven vears. for the manslaughter of vuun opiegie. 21 Lawrencevllle Citizens cut down obnoxious telephone poles. St. Mary Magdalen's new Catholic Church, at Homestead, dedicated with Impressive ceremonies. Oakland Me thod-1- st Episcopal Church dedicated. 22 A broken gas main near .the wells causes a great shortage In the city and many mills are forced to suspend operations. The Ursullne Academy celebrates St. Ursula's Day. 23 The Department of Awards again lets the con tract ior two Amoskeagnre engines to me jian Chester Locomotive Works. U. E. Penny Council from the Ninth ward. The United States court appointed Republican and Demo- cratic election Inspectors. 24 River coal operators aid miners to organize. Fifth avenue car stock and equipments sold at auction. 25 The Pittsburg Domestic Training School opened at 5.132 penn avenue. Sunday scnooi workers of the Allegheny valley hold a con- vention at Tarentum. The Philadelphia Com- pany Issues an authoritative statement of the condition of the corporation. Plttsburgarchl-tect- s withdraw from the contest for the plans for the Presbyterian church at Shadyslde, and those of Alden & Harlow, Boston, are adopted. Thomas Murray arraigned before Judge Ewlng for the murder or Anthony Sheridan, ana enters a plea of 26 Southslde Orangemen hold amass meeting and denounce the alleged encroachments ot Rome. Congressman Dalzell and A. C Robertson ad- dress a large Republican meeting in Lawrence- vllle. The Murray murder case goes to the Jury. City Attorney Morcland rules that the Schenley and Denny estates must pay taxes on the houses as well as the land ot which they are a part, 27 Republicans give a mammoth parade on the Southslde and the Democrats make a demon- stration In Allegheny. The Republican County Committee bas a fierce fight o er the introduc- tion of new rules. 28 The cable road grlpmen prepare a scale of wages, xoerge oroiners expeuea xrom me Musical Mutual Protective Union. 29 Democratic leaders quarrel over the appoint- ment of United States deputy marshals. Com- mon Council postpones the consideration of the bump ordinance. Frank Walzer arraigned before Judge Ewlng for the murder of August Blettner. 30 Stated that the Pennsylvania Company has purchased tho Turtle Creek Railroad. alzer claims that he stabbed Blettner In Chief Kirsehler, of Allegheny, runs down a man who had been selling ordinary horses as stock with a pedigree. SI The members or St. Paul's Catholic Cathedral and bt. Peter's Episcopal Church unite in op- posing the hump cut. Two boys killed and another one badly Injured by the breaking of a patent fire escape that was being tested at the Monongahela House. . The murder case against Frank Wlzer committed to the Jury. NOVEMBER. 1 The Monongahela Water Company buys out the Manufacturers' Water Company and In- creases its capital stock. Charles McNamy, of Webster avenue, shoots himself through the brain and dies Instantly. The explosion of a furnace at Zug's mill kills one man and in- - two others. Tbc Coroner's Jury holds 1. Wilson for manslaughter, on the gronnd that his negligence caused the ac- cident at the Monongahela House. Frank W alzer convicted of murder in the second de- gree. 2 Harry Darlington leases the Elba Iron and Bolt Works. The Supreme Court decides the Lake Erie Railroad case in favor of the and against the trustees. J United StatesMarshal Miller appoints a long list of deputies for election day. Denver par- ties order ?75. 000 worth of Iron, nails and rails from a Pittsburg firm. The Bar Association discusses the draft of an act regulating the Jury commissioner s stem. he First Evangelical Lutheran Chnrch. on Grant street, dedicated. Cornerstone of tho St. Peter's German Lutheran Church laid at the corner of Collins avenue and station street. East Libertv, with appropriate cere- monies. Ihomas Cain stabs his wife at tho notorious "Eagle's Nest," with probably fatal results. 5 The Pittsburg Baptist Ministers' Conference expels Rev. r. R. Scully from Us membership. An explosion of at Shannopm shakes the earth for miles around, and an un- known man is believed to be killed. Constable William Billings, of Allegheny, arrested on a cnarge oi extorting euu irom Keepers oi houses. Considerable monev wagered on the result of the general election. The Americus Club returns from New York. 6 Great interest taken In the general election, and Immense crowds gather to hear the re- turns. The local Republican ticket uniformly successful in Allegheny county. The Alle- gheny natural gas suit taken into the Supreme Court. . 7 Three prominent Allegheny policemen ar- rested for Indulging in a disgraceful row. Ca- ble road offlclals deny that there is any con- solidation scheme on foot. 8 The Iron City Engineering Society organized at the East End Hotel. The Pupils of Institute hold a cele- bration. The committee appointed to oppose the hump cut ordinance arranges plans ol action. ' 9 A large number of tho taxpayers of the Seventh, Eighth and Eleventh wards assemble at the Franklin school bouse and denounce the proposed hump cut. Pittsburg delegates to the K. of L. General Assembly leave for Indianapolis. The remains of Dr. Hostetter laid to rest in the Allegheny Cemetery. 10 Four hundred Anarchists meet at Lafayette Hall and commemorate the execution of their Chicago comrades. itepnDiicans celebrate the election of Harrison and Morton with two big Earades. The Department of Aw ards receives illuminating the city by electricity, gas and gasoline. 11 Twenty-secon- d annual meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association of Pittsburg held at the First Presbyterian Church. New Meth- odist Episcopal Church at McKec's Rocks ded- icated, 12 Common Council sides with the remonstrants, and indefinitely postpones the consideration of the hump-c- ut ordinance. Select Council discusses the Amoskeag fire encrlnn aw-irrf- . So. lect Knlglita hold their annual reception at Old City Hall. 'Ihe annnal session of the Alle- gheny County Teachers' Institute opened at the Sinlthfleld Street M.E. Church. U Ihe committee appointed to examine the Jury commissioner system hands in a lengthy series or recommendations to the Bar Association. The "teachers' Institute discusses a variety of educational topics. Allegheny Select Council refuses to reconsider its action on the electric light contract. 14 Mrs. Mary Ingoldsby mysterioasly mnrdered at N o. 42: Liberty street. Nearly 3, OCX) persons attend the annual tea party for the benefit of the St. Paul's Orphan Asylum, at Lafavette Hall. The shortage of gas necessitates a shut- down In a number of Southslde mills. Thomas Maxwell brings suit against the occupation of First ward school building for parochial purposes. 15 The Coroner's Jury Investigates the Ingoldsby murder, but adjourns without result. William Gevser. a tailor at the corner of f!lrfc- nrf Townsend street, commits suicide by shooting. 16 Enfranchisement of women discussed at the Sixth U. P. Cnurch. East End. Allegheny Common Council refuses to concur with tho Select branch in ordering the electric light contract back to the committee. 17 The Exposition Society wants 5oC0,C00 to put matters In first-cla- shape. The city's attor- neys tile a scathing answer to the allegations in the Hartupee case. The Point Breeze Presbyterian Church dedi- cated with solemn rites. The East Liberty branch of the Y. M. C. A. holds a meeting to arrange for the erection of a new association building. The coal operators and shippers of the Monon- gahela Valley decide to close down December 1. juuras .n.euer ana orotuer cnargea witu Deing engaged in an extensive scheme to defraud creditors and insurance companies. Joseph Evans arraigned before Judge Ewlng for the murder of Sadie Prnner. Select Council con-cu- ri In the resolution to compromise the Lowry royalty difficult). The Standard Oil Company magnates hold a secret conference In Pittsburg. Boiler Inspect- ors meet and form a national assoclatlan. Mrs. A. H. Newell commits suicide by shooting. Kev. Boyd Vincent accepts bis election to the msiiupnc oi tne aoutuem isiocee oi umo. in the Evans innrder trial Jndge Ewlng charges thelurythat a drunken man may deliberate sufficiently to do murder In the first degree. m .. .' 'Xhwt! r " t icl SrV"i i," " ' l "' 11 - w- - !&" - t vj - ,j . " 1889. ' f7 - r - - ' . : VlZSmtmB Point Breeze Presbyterian Church divides on the choice ofa pastor, and the election is post- poned. 22 A syndicate or. capitalists represented by George B. Hill secures control of the Pitts- burg, Allegheny and Manchester street car line. Joseph Evans found guilty of murder In the second degree. The Republicans of Mt, Oliver ratify the election of Harrison and Morton. Beaver and Colonel F. W. Parker address a teachers' institute at the First Pres- byterian Church. A broken valve causes a shortage of natural gas, and necessitates the closing of manr public schools until the break is repaired. The Allegheny special council committee estimates that It will cost fo!,2W2S to arrange for the elevation of the raiiroaa tracis through the city. . 116 Amencus Club decides to attend the In- auguration or Harrison and Morton. The De- partment of Awards changes the form of tne bids tor the electric lighting contract. arly 4,000 people attend the Murphy testi- monial meeting at the BIJou Theater. Window lass workers consider the project or 6 New cable cars for the Penn avenue line arrive. Produce dealers form an organization to prosecute the sellers of oleo- margarine. Councils battle over the question Of wooden buildings, and the ordinance is de- feated. Allegheny members of the Jr. O. U. A. M. decide to endow a room in the General Hospital. signs the ordinance compro mising tne Lowry royalty aimcuuy ior , wv. Adolph Rledel sues the Southslde Turner So- ciety foritlO.000 for alleged blacklisting. The Bellevue and North side natural gas es bought hv Messrs. PIttock & Mueller. Assessors express a determination to list real estate at Its cash value. Southslde manufacturers consider the advisability of forming a natural gas company to supply their own fnel. Day observed throughout the city. Jr. 0, U. A. SI. members pfesent Ameri- can flags tu tho public schools with impressive ceremonies. fever almost epidemic at Braddock. Propertv owners along Peilu avenue, between Point Breeze and the cltv line, hold a meeting and ask for asphalt pavements. Deputy United StatesMarshal chambers arrests sevenl al- leged counterfeiter'! DECEMDEK. Agnew reads a history of the Allegheny county Barataipecialmeetlngof the Bar Asso- ciation. Samuel Keller held fn JJ1.0C0 ballor conspiracy to defrauds JohnSnowden Holmes found dead at Wnrtemburg, and is believed to have been killed and robbed. Methodist Protestant Church at Knox-vll- le dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. The Salvation Army celebrates the arrival of Marshal Balllngton Booth. Cochran Ramsey accidentally killed at Dun station. 3 Ihe Presbyterian Sabbath School Institute as- sembles at the rirst Presbyterian Church. Milton Weston comes to the city to work ror the pardon of Absalom Bowser. Nellie Camp-be- n arrested on a charge of stealing $1,800 from Hugh Conroy. 4 John Sweltzer killed and five others badly burned by molten metal at Shoenberger's mill. An immense audience attends theflr of a scries of concerts for the benefit of West Penn Hosnltal at Old Cltv Hall. The Pitts- - burg Presbytery meets at the First Presby-- J iuidu vuui lu auu ainugci ior a uumDer OI Important changes. The news of the falling of the cast steel gun nnder the test at Annapolis causes great re- gret In the city. The majority of the Phila- delphia Company shares are voted in favor of the Issue of bonds to the amount of fl 500, 000. The court enjoins the Department of Awards from contracting for Ainoskeag engines at prices largely In excess of those asked for other similar machines. The Foster Evening of the West Penn Hospital benefit very suc- cessful 6 The Department of Awards opens the bids for illuminating the city, and the electric light propositions are found to be verylow in com- parison with other methods. The Wilklns- burg Company strikes natnral gas at a depth or 1,740 feet, Tho farewell entertainment of the West Penn Hospital benefit well attended. Druggists bold a meeting at Pharmacy Hall, to take action regarding tho modification of the Sunday Blue laws. 7 The phonograph and graphophone placed on exhibition at the office of Whitney & Stephen- son. 9 Prominent Chinamen arrive to organize a branch of Chinese Masons in the city. James Campbell announces himself as in favor of a labor bank. Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, said to be a candidate for County Controller. John Harper arrested, charged with an ex- tensive series of robberies m Allegheny, lather Tobln bids farewell to the congrega-tlo- n ot the St. James Catholic Church. 11 The Monongahela Navigation Company flies its answer in the United States District Court, Srotestlng against the condemnation or lock Board of Education bas a warm contest over the revision or the salaries of the High School faculty. The White Rose and W hltc Ribbon elements bavo a spirited con- troversy at the meeting or the Allegheny County W. C.T. U. at Natrona. 12 Thomas Maxwell, the plaintia in the suit against the occupation of the First ward build- ing as a parochial school, removes from the ward. 13 A large number of Allegheny meat dealers ar- rested for selling meat on Sunday. Henry Landseldel commits suicide at No. 25 Ridge avenue, after making an unsuccessful attempt to kill his wile. The Standard cooper shop on Butler street burns. 14-- Wilklnsburg Natnral Gas Committee holds an important meeting to consider the ad- - v jaauuiir oi uniiing more wens m ineir terrl- - tory. llev. Dr. Talmage lectures to a large buuieuvc a. ciu I.UJT xinii. 15 Unknown prospectors lease seven forms In the . Wilklnsburg gas field. One of the big cables 1 j. of the Citizens' traction road, weighing 45 tons and 23,400 feet In length, successfully placed In the conduits. criticises "Robert Hsmere" In a sermon at St. Mary or Mercy's Church. Four houses and a school burned at Cook's Run, Chartlers township. 17-- BIIl Nye and James Wbltcomb Riley entertain a largo audience at Lafayette Hall. Chler As- sessor Frank Case reviews 19 appeals from the new assessment. The Pittsburg Presbytery discusses the Canonsburg split, and listens to an address from Judge Ewlng on the subject. Daniel Leahey arraigned In court for the mur- der of Thomas Miller. IS The Allegheny and East End Electric Light Companies consolidated. Daniel Leahey takes the stand In his own behalf, and testified that he killed Thomas Miller In e. The Diggest came on tne Citizens' traction road. weighing 50 tons, successfully stretohed. -- The Ltahey murder case given to the Jury. The standard Oil Company decides to rebuild its cooper shop In the Eighteenth ward, mak ing it twice its lormer size, ine St. Paul Cathedral lair opened. The Ford Congres- sional Immigration Investigating Committee arrives In the city. 20 Congressman Ford and his colleagues spend the day in making the preliminary arrange- ments for tbelr investigation. Druggists "Retail Druggists' Association of and Alleghenv. " for the numo.e of securing legislation relative to Sunday sales. K. of L. miners ol the Pittsburg district de- - cicie to leave tueoruer ana join tne national Progressive Union. The Ninth Pennsylvania Reserve Association holds a reunion. Leahey convicted or second degree murder. 21 The Ford Congressional Committee completes Its work or investigation and leaves lor De- troit. Fifty-fiv- e more appeals from the as- sessments of the City Board sent in. An en- gine Jumps from a trestle in Temperancevllle, and an engineer. Thomas Ganeow, is badly hurt. 22 The first public electric light erected at the corner of Penn avenue and Garrison alley. The depositors of the defunct Farmers and Mechanics' Bank hold a meeting and decide to sue the bank. Chief Assessor Case decides to give out no more appeals until they are all de- cided. 23 The handsome new Catholic church at Wil- klnsburg badly damaged by fire. A servant girl knocked down and robbed on Fifth ave- nue, between Denntston avenue and Point Breeze. Glan Catamcrl, an Italian, attempts t commit suicide on the Chicago express near Allegheny. 24-- special committee appointed by Allegheny Councils to prepare a new charter holds an im- portant meeting. Joseph Stnrtcvant, a mes- senger of Dilworth, Porter & Co.. robbed of 1,000. An informal meeting of the Pittsburg coke operators held for the purpose of taking the preliminary steps necessary to an advance in prices. ?S I'hrletmflft rolehratpd thrnnirhnnt ho ntv Tf, Manchester Turnverein decides to build a new t hall. 28-- lhe Builders' Exchange nominates otncersor the ensuing year. George J. Lindner re- nounces the Hebrew faith at the blxth U. P. Church. Tbc hearing In Brace Bros, cqnlty suit postponed. 27 The Bar:Assoclatlon holds a banquet at the Monongahela House. Henry Remaley sues the and Penn Fuel Gas companies for 550,000 each for gas taken away from his lands. A meeting of the carpenters' councils orthe city resolves to place n boycott upon the planing mill of Evans. Cunningham & Jones. 28 Chair lactoryof William Conklc & Co., on Spring Garden avenue, destroyed bv fire. Wages at the Edgar Thomson Steel Worki advanced. a 29 Louis Kiause ffiakes five attempts to commit cuicide. The Central Trades Council organ- ized. The strike at Evans. Cunningham 10 Jones' planingmill settled. THE MEMBEll FK01I ST. I0DIS. A Curious Character to be Introduced Into ihe New Consres. Correspondence Richmond Dispatch. There will be some odd specimens in the next House of Representatives, and people who happen to meet a few of the new mem- bers 16 will wonder how they ever got to Con- gress. Mr. Niedringhaus, of St. Louis, who will succeed John J. O'Neill, pres- ent Chairman of the Committee on Labor, is a manufacturer of kitchenwnre nnd has a fortune estimated at between $1,000,000 13 and S2.000.b00. He obtained some valuable patents and made his money in a compara- tively 20 short period. He doesn't reside in the district w men ne is to represent, bat mi big fnctory is in the district and he employs 22 more than 1,000 men, women find children. Outside ot business matters in which he is directly interested, Niedringhaus is a thor- oughly ignorant man. He absolutely knows 21 nothing of public men and affairs. It is estimated that the Republican managers in IS St. Louis who put him up made him carry the whole ticket in the district, and they bled him for "campaign expenses" to the tune of 575,000. He was being introduced 27 around the capitol this week, and when pre- sented 28 to a man as well known as Senator Hissock, of NewtSTork, said: "Glad to meet 29 you, Jlr. Hiscock. "What State are vou irora, sir?" On meeting Senator Sherman, and others equally as prominent be asked the same question. Mr. Niedringhaus, it is useless to remark, hasn't made a verv good impression among his brethren in the Re- publican, 1 party. THEGMMESSEMER Carries Sorrow and Desolation Into Many a Home, and Strikes MANY OP THE WOfiLD'SNOTED ONES A large taberofEespected local Kesi- - dents Among Those WHO OBEY TAB I5IPBBATIYB BUMMOKS Death has knocked at many a door daring the past year, and stricken down many a shining mark. Two Emperors of Germany and one beloyed General of the United States army are among those who hare passed away. MNtJAirsr. of at Berlin, Ger- - uiaur. ohn Peffer, wealthy nonagcnarlan.at Carlisle, Pa. 3 Benjamin Latshaw Pahnesstock. one of Pitts- burg's earliest glass makers, at Homewood. General ST. B. Alexander, ors:. Paul, at Wash- ington. Mrs. Sarah Brlnton McConkey, at Westchester, Pa. 4 Dr. John W. Kerr, at his home, 87 Arch street, Allegheny. . Horn, at 53 Tunnel street, aged 75 years. William N. Brwln, E7 S'tmben street, .I'ittsburg. Jeremiah Porter, the first school teacher of Chicago, at Santa Barbara, Cal. Robert NIrson, Sr In Chartlers' township, aged W years. Knapp, an old-ti- Pittsburg manu- facturer, at Washington, D. 0. Mrs. Emily Elliott, at X ew Castle, aged 64 years, 8 J. S. Strlckler, Negley avenue and Rlpler street. East End. John Fife Johnston, at 435 Liberty street. Mrs. James M. McKee, of Somers street, Pittsburg. Jacob J. Ross, at Freedom, aged 78 years. Uoden, Lincoln avenue, Allegheny, aged 53 years. ' 10 James McDermott, the oldest printer In the country, and a veteran of the AVarofUlZ, dies at Washington, Pa. William J. Sturgeon, at Philadelphia. William B. Gallaher. Lacock street, Allegheny. Gottlieb Wcttocn, No. 69 Taylor avenue, Allegheny. D.--C. A. Black, at Turtle Creek, Pa. Mrs. Mary E. Davis, at 49 Anderson street. Ali- e- gueny. juijan a. negisier, as jrimaucipuia, aged 99 years. Keed. prominent citizen at Washing- ton, Pa aged 83 years. ohn A. Welsse, eminent physiologist and author, at New York, aged "77. Samuel h, Jones avenne. aged 62 years. Charles Lungenfelter. atHoboken, Pa. E. Slocum, prominent Odd Fellow, Sidney and Nineteenth streets, Southslde. lS-J- Kolb, prominent cltizeu of Cumberland, Md. Albert Speidle, at Braddock. Bishop Wm. H. Hlckelooper, at Salt Lake City, aged 8.1 years. James T. Bovard, Boggs avenue, Mt. Washington. 15 Wm. W. Evans, Second avenue, aged 67 years. Wm. Langkamp, Sr., aged 70 years. 17 Thomas Cain. Second avenne, aged 78 years. William M. Boyle, Thirtieth and Smallman streets. 18 Louis Haas, a former resident or Allegheny.at San Francisco, Cal. Oscar B. Ford, former law partner of Thomas A. Hendricks, at Indianapolis. Martin Benzing, 39 Second street, Allegheny. 19 Mrs. Maria Moore Laughlln. Beaver avenue and Franklin street, Allegheny, aged 74 years. Miss Natalie Shanks, n vocalist, re- siding on Forty-four- th street. ev. Robert Lloyd Gouldsborougn, at New Brunswick, N.J. James Bingham, corner of Thirty-fir- st and Smallman streets. Zl James Lincoln, portrait painter, at Provi- dence, R. I. Stephen Nash, atLlnden station. Grandma Garfield, at Mentor. 22 Jndge C. Anson Jones, prominent citizen and e resident of Texas. Mrs. Margaret Redman, atCrafton, aged 72 years. 23 Belshazzar Roth.well-know- n bote! proprietor, at Cincinnati. Mrs. Barbara Kelso Murdoch, Thirty-thir- d street, aged si years. 24 Prof. Natnanlel Sheppard, of Saratoga Springs, at New York City. Robert J. Ayl-war- d. 49 Roberta street. 25 David Whitney, the last witness to the Book or Mormurr. at Richmond, Mo. J. K. Sidle, President of the First National BankorUlnne-apoll- s. Thomas Pldeard. 407 Fifth avenue. 26 William H. Michaels, a veteran soldier of the Southslde. P. H. WelL Chancellor of the UnlversltyofGeorgla, at Athens, Ga. Mm. Elizabeth Young, 106 Wvllo avenue. W. FinneR, or Covington, Ky., at Helena. Mont. Michael Costello, of Penn township, aged 71 years. ot 61 Twenty-fir-st street. Plttshurg. xnsnoporiutcine. as unicontime. Onehec. zo Thomas Anderson. Scott township, aged 80 years. George Brown, 112 Washington street, Allegheny. R. McCune, President or the First Na- tional Bank, at his home on Fifth avenue. Daniel Dougherty, Keating station. FEBRUARY. 1 Cyrus S. Oberly. well-kno- Journalist, at Houston, Tex. James Espy Mccormick, Scott township. N. W. Knox, at Dresden. I Mrs. John Myers, Second and East streets, Allegheny. Louis Horning, well-kno- real- - dent ofthe Southslde. 3- --ft illiam W. Ford. 16 Pine street, Allegheny, aged 70 years. Joseph Hall, Beaver. Pa., aged 81 years. Frank J. Hall, at Monongahela City. 4 L. K. Chapman, at Sprlngboro, Pa., aged 74 years. George H. Rupp, 1JS4 Second avenue. Valentine Stock,.at Butler, Pa. 5 Henry Charles Eleventh ward, Allegheny. aged 71 years. Samuel P. HoUls, Lower St. Clair township. Frldolln Wade, Mt. OUver. 6 John H. Anglloch, 437 Carson street. Wm. Lloyd. 44 Ohio avenue. Allegheny. 7 John Hodlfer, pioneer manufacturer, at Bel-lal- re, O. John Messert, or Shaler township. D. B. Benson, of Tltusvllle.ln New York City. Matthews, at New Castle. Jacob Wllberr, 177 Betondan street, Mt. Washington. Miss Ella B. Mien, of Chartlers borough. John Owens, No. 21 Second avenue, aged 84 years. 10 Patrick Fay, Sr., 1538 Second avenue. William Hill, 153 Franklin street, Allegheny. 12 WUliam McLaughlin, 114 Webster avnue, aged 62 years. Mrs. Thomas Farrell, at Eliza- beth. Charles H. Tallman. wealthy manu- facturer, of Wheeling. John T. Holmes, at Beaver Falls, aged 61 years. 13 Colonel Frank TI. Tracy, at Troy, Kan. Mrs. Eliza M. Axtell, East End. Timothy Maloney, loo X ouy-tuir- u 5.1 cefc. 14 Colonel Duncan B. McRae, at New York City. Joseph R. Jones, 213 Federal street. 15 John Fitzgerald, Independence street. James Welsh. Fifty-fift- h and Butler streets. Mrs. Barbara Whltmyre, Oakland avenue, aged 90 years. D. B. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby), at Toledo. lS-J-ohn Kelley. 122 Forty-fift- h street. George W. Danoe. Union City. Hon. John B. Seidei, at Lebanon. 17 Daniel Ahl, Sr., at Red Bank, aged 86 years. Mrs. Mary Clement Garrison, 218 Ridge ave- nue, Allegheny. Barton, eminent lawyer, at Shadyslde. James N. Silllnburg, Rebecca street. Alle- gheny. Henry Kornman, at Chicago, 111. 20 Joseph R. Donnelly, 64 Ann street, Allegheny. Mrs. barah Graham, aged 85 years. 22 William Chalet, at the St. Charles Hotel. Robert Crangle. at Wheeling, aged 72 years. John Mauch, Mt. Oliver. Dilworth, prominent oil dealer, Fifth avenne. dge G.W.Thompson, at Wheeling, aged 82 j cars. William Grabcnsteln, Firth aryenue and Gist street. 26 Francis Cain. 285 Colwell street. James Scott, 24 Cabinet street, Allegheny. Barker, at Canton. O., aged 70 years. Michael J. Duggan, 171 Second avenue. MARCH. U. Clark, 19 Taylor avenue, Allegheny. Andrew Crawford, 172 first avenue. 2 William C. Alston, McCandless township. Mrs. Jane Brown, 30 Market street, Allegheny, agea io years. 3 John Hampsey, 69 Soho street. R. C. G. Sproul, at Emsworth, Pa. 4 Amos Bronson Aleott, philosopher and author, at Boston, Mass. Prank P. McCnllough, 22 Seventh avenue. 6 --Miss Louisa M. Aleott, the eminent author, at Boston. Charles Frederick Flatkowskl, at Concmangh. John H. TJIam, Eaat End. St. Clair Cooper, 234 Omega avenue, East End. 9 William, Emperor of Germany, at Berlin. Samuel 8. Bausman, Baikam street, Alle- - aged 74 years. J. P. Jennings, No. 6 lncoln-avenu- e, Allegheny. John Drlpps, Perrysvllle avenne, Allegheny, aged 31 years. Charles Blanton, 146 Loyall Johnston, at Blalrsville, Pa. Louis K. Mnrray, at Sharon, Pa. . ohn G. Van Ryn, Park Place, Wilkinabnrg. aged 81 years. John Rlchey, at West Econ- omy. Schoonmaker, architect. Shetland ave- nue. East End. Joseph D. Wilson, at Layton station, aged 80 years. 15-- Ellen McKenna, Liberty street, aged 77 years. James W. Connor. 96 Ward street. Allegheny. James K. Polk Meyers, H3 Butler street. John Preston, 03 Center avenue. Jacob Vogel, 17 Avery street, Allegheny. Gallagher, 163 Ilamblln street, Alle- gheny, aged 71 years. James J. Kelly. Char tlers township. Jacob Rusch, Forbes street and Oakland avenue, aged 61 years. Rev. K. C. Holllday. at Indianapolis. Louis II. Thlei, 716 Fifth avenue. B. Miller, 75 Arch street, Allegheny. 10 James Flaherty, 24 Third street. Cornelius N. Shaw, formerly managing editor of Tin Dispatch. Mrs. Martha Held, at 210 Robinson street, Allegheny, aged 80 years. 12 W. S. Strlckler, No.NlTownscnd street. Prof, llarmond D. W lUlams, of Curry Institute, at Detroit. Mich. Justice Morrison R. Waite, of theUnlted State Supreme Court, at Washington. John N. WelcIieL Sharpsburg. Mrs. Sarah J. Ford, 313 Wylle avenue, aged 69 years. Michael Belbllng, 13S Thirty-eight- h street. Charles Latimer, eminent engineer, at Cleve- land. Joseph Mclntyre, 153 Rush street, Alle- gheny. 15 Michael Sullivan, Hiland and Ells- worth avenues. Hanorah Mulligan, 324 Forty-fir- th street, aged 63 years. Mrs. Mary Huckensteln, 37 Falrmonnt street, Allegheny. 16 Mrs. Jane Agnew, Euclid avenue. East End, aged 81 years. Edward Hill. 1C2 Webster street, Allegheny. 17 Thomas Qulglcy. 96 River avenue. Scheppert, 362 Fifth avenue. Mrs. Catharine Kelly, RaUroad street, aged 79 years. Is APRIL. George Crygier, veteran of the War of 1811 at New York city. Francis Edwin Jarrett, 1307 Wharton street, Robert C. Boyd, CUntoa J. i.fti nJiTa-- b ' Siv :a L3&&XI Pi .lMin TJn.rn(t, lUtf PailO hvmbji f , j.r..r.u.r" "5?m if""' -- ;. 4rV? f uauiei at11 iv douo street. . - k McGraw, formerly of Allegheny, at . Chicago. Moses H. Haddock. No. M Austin street. D. N. White, Sewiekley, aged 8f years. Andrew C. Patterson, M Crawford street. Mary E. McMillan, Enon Valley, Pa.,' Thomas CoIUns, Sr., Harrison street, aged 81 years. George Hlte. 607 Chestnut streetbonth-sld-e. Colonel Andrew Scott, Shetland avenue. East End. Stone, welMcnown newspaper man, at Chicago. Mrs. Katherlne Luff, SharpJ- - burg. Samuel James McGuIre. Ottawa, Iowa. 6 Wm. Sheldon Newell. Youngstown, O.. aged 84 years. James Farrill, 530 Fifth avenue. Harrison P. Reynolds, Allegheny, aged 70 Tears, John 8, Wlllwk,4.13eeeh street, Al- - a legheny. . 3Ians, at Erie. Pa. Patrick Lanr- - .' ' don. Sycamore street. Mt. Washington. M. 'j S.Mellons. Bellevue borough. Robert Wa-t- g son. Perryrllle aTenne, Allegheny, aged 75 , tj. r"- - M Blerman. Fifth avenue and High street. UB Dr. James A. Reed, New York. John East- - 'and, Sharpsburg. Falek, Davis avenue, Allegheny, aged wy a years. Adolph Unvcnagt, l Forty-flr- st , onvr.i. i U-J- ohn Wagner, Charles street KnoxTllIe. - Daniel Neeman. Forth-seven- th and Center X streets, aged 70 years. Mrs. Margaret L.Law-- jj !?1' Hr?ad street. East End. . at 48 Maple avenne. -- 1 JJcUowau. fl Mforil avenne, Grorfrs ijooth, ldlewood. Mrs. Ann M. Walker, im street, aged 73 years. Llewellyn, 118 Stenben street. West ' End. Mrs. Margaret Carr. No. 43 Monterey street. Allegheny, agedTOvears. T. Richards, 12C8 Virgin street, South . side. Mrs. Margaret L.Harris, of Allegheny, In New York City. Peter Pollott. Slgle street, Allegheny. 17 Livingston R. Labagh. Fnlton and Talkner streets, Allegheny. Mrs. Mary Evans, at Ulngham street, Southslde, agedn years. at the Hoffman House, New xork city. Edward M. Diddle, Carlisle, Pa. Dr. Cornelius M. Agnew, ew York. Isaac Ward Andrew. D. D., Marietta, O. J. B. . Hassard, journalist, New York founder of the Sun, Baltimore, Md. Major W. L. Dewart,at Sunbnry. Hsnry L. Bollman an old Pittsburg manufacturer, at Spartansburg, S. C. a E. Mueller, of Allegheny, at Mo- nongahela City. ADnerP.Lacocir, .freedom, aired 76 years. H. Clark, at Hoehester.Pa. John A. Rice. Chicago; 111. Simon Cassaday, Flndlay, O. Thomas Jefferson. Cunningham, McKees- port. Joshua Sheldrake, Beaver. Hon. Thomas White, Minister of the Interior, Otta- wa, Ont. Mrs. James McFarlane, Towanda. ' William JJwIght, Boston, Mass. Ad. mlral Charles Stewart Bogg. New Brunswick, N. J. Colonel John A. Graham, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Alfred Huldekoper.Meadvllle. Pa. John H. Sullivan, Collins' arenie. East End. ohn Coyle, the well-kno- attorney. No. 336" Edmond; street. Mrs. James BUlr Smith, New York City. 24-- Mary H. G. Maxwell. 2M Western ave-au- e. Allegheny. Judge J. T. McKlbben, of Newport, Ky. Westley, at Flndlay, 0. Mrs. Johanna Sillier, Lafayette street, Uazelwood. Sebastian Sallada. Lemington avenue, aged 73 years. P. Covert, New Brighton. Kev. J. A. J. Zabn, Greenville. Edward Conroy, Hodga street. Inhoff, at Carlisle, Pa. John Cham- berlain. atGreensburg, Pa. J3.B. Clark, Chi- cago. Cleraence S. Lozler, New York city. 28 Mrs. Prudedce P. Curran. 61 Congress street. William Semmelrock, 1702 Wharton street, Southslde. 29Daniel Worley, at Canton, O. Mrs. George W. Jones. Dubuque, Iowa. James White, 4S07 Butler street. 30 Alexander A. Stewart, Columbus. Albert T. Bohrujs Cincinnati. John Brown, No. 123 Charters street. Allegheny. MAY. Mcllvalne. Washington. Pa. Mrs. Ellen A. Haslett. No. 7 Park way. Alleg 2 George H. Harsh. Des Moines, Iowa. John C. agner, .aicoxesporc. cnaries a. jouro. Watt street. 3 Rev. George R. Hursn, Harrisbnrg. John Henry Hobart Brown, Fond da Lac, Wis. Francis M. Thayer. Indianapolis. Mrs. Martha W. Ferrer. New York. Mrs. Mary Snillran. Butler, Pa. John R. Creese, Se- wiekley township. Peter Jolce, Carson street, Southslde, aged ,6 years. 4 Charles Lyman at Washington. Hon. J. F. Kreps. McKeesport. Mrs. Jabob Sharer, Phinipsburg. Eva Guskv. Monongahela House. John Llndenfelser, Penn avenue. S Mrs. .Maria Fullwood. No. 20 Fremont street, Allegheny. General Warner Lewis, Dnbuque, lowa. C.S.Mnscrott, Cincinnati. Hon. J.M. Estep, Cadiz. O. Louis King, Etna. KUllnger, 115 Boyd street. Thomas Keenan, 90 Fayette street, Allegheny., Dr. Isaiah White, New Castle. Rev. Charles J. Clarke, New York City. Major N. Bostwlck, Newark, O. 7 Daniels. Thomas, Youngstown, O. Dr.Laurenr P. Nlckok, Amherst, Mass. W. C. Reed, War- ren. O. Prof. Wm. A. Lawton. East End. Samuel Mnrphy, sr., 234 River avenue, Alle- gheny, aged 78 years. W illlamson. New Castle. Dr. Channcey L. Mitchell,-- . New York City. Hon. Jimes Birney, Bay City. Mich. Scott B. McNabb, Sharon. Billings, at Chicago. William S. Matthews. Youngstown. Naaman Pierce, corry. Nathaniel Watts, Baltimore. General George DIbbrell, Chattanooga. Henry Kirk-Patric- k, Stahon avenne. aged 70 years. 10 Rev. James Drummond, D. D.. at Cadiz, U. John Barnd. Flndlay. O. Joseph Llndey, 249 Fourty-rourt- h street, aged 71 years. Mrs. D. Strasbnrger. S Franklin street, Allegheny. ror. Felix De Lannoy. Chester, Pa. William Fitzgerald. McKeesport. John George Bend- er. Ho. 87 Second avenue. Mrs. A. Kenwell, No. 5 cnifton avenne. Alleghenv. 13 George Amberson. Ridge street, aged 63 years. Mrs. Mary A. W atson, 62S Carson street. 13 Archbishop John J. Lynch, Toronto, . Ont. Caleb Cope. Philadelphia. J. C. Selden, Erie. W. W. Algeo, No. 9 Acklev street. Allegheny., Mrs. Marv D. Conrtnev at Emsworth. 14 Admiral Sir William Hewitt at Portsmouth, England. Joseph Brunswick at Chicago. Andrew B. 31111c, formerly of Pittsburg, at West Philadelphia. Captain A. J. McConneU, at Sewiekley. 15 Hon. George S. nart. Washington, Pa. A. B. Lowrle, San Diego, Cal. Mrs. Phoebe Travis, Travis Creek, Pa., aged 104 years., William Stewart, 323 Pennsylvania avenue. Allegheny City. John Henry Succop, 170 Wylle avenue. IS Robert C Schmertz, Fifth avenne and Craig street. Mrs. Mary E. Schlver, Penn township, 72 years. 17 William N. West, at Meadvllle, Pa. i. B. Wilder, at Louisville. Jarvis Patten. Wash- ington, D. C Joseph L. Caches. Mnnhall station. Mrs. Catharine Staving. 122 Buena Vista street, Allegheny. Jacob H. Slgmnnd, East street and Perrysvlllo road. Mrs. Catha- rine Boschert, 74 Ohio street, Allegheny. 18- -P. F. Keeny, at 1112 Penn avenne. Mrs. Emma C. White. Forest Grove. B. A. Welter-shause- n, 29 Pike street, Allegheny. 19 Edward Carroll, Thirtieth street, Samuel R. Duncan, 77 James street, Allegheny. Jacpb Zelgler, of Butler. A. A. Anderson. Craft avenue. Oakland. Jnllus Rockwell. Spring-Hel- d. Mass. Rev. William F. Morgan, New York City. 20 Ernest A. Hardtmaver, West View, Perrys- vllle road. Mrs. Margaret White, 75 River avenue. Allegheny. A. Wilson NorrK at Philadelphia. Mrs. Senator Sawyer, at Washington. Rev. Edward J. Sourln, at Baltimore. George wasnmgton r.wmg, at uiuisviiie. .lexeme Raum, Sharpsburg. 22 George Lobler, Chartlers township. Mrs. ' Ellz-ihet- Landerbach, Stanwlx street, aged 72 years. B. Elliott, Washlpgton. D. a Almlra T. Brown, Ward street, Oakland. Adam Monnlnger. 49 Page street. H. Markland. Washington, D.C. Thomas Bowman, Carlisle. Mrs. Emlir Scroggi, Beaver. Mrs. Jane Forrester. 40 Race street, Allegheny, aged 77 years, ilrs. Mary D.Thompson. Drum street, Allegheny, aged81years. 25 Major John Brua, at Harrisbnrg. Judge Tim- othy O'Connor. Cincinnati. Joseph W. Kerr, architect. No. 14 Stockton avenue. Alleghenv. 27 Robert McAdams, 133 Larimer avenue, aged 78 years. Mrs. Mary Taylor, Chartlers township, aged 82 years. D. C. Houston, Canonsburg. 2S--L. B. Rock, Milwaukee. Wis. David Snyder. Braddock. George Arnold. Tarentum. Cap- tain Richard C. Gray, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, new loric cur. rof. B. D. Irving, Madison, Wis. Rev. C S. Evans, springneia, o. Henry j. Chadwlck, carimeiana wy lie streets. JUNE. Henry W. Blerge, New York City. Judge James B. Hays. Boise City, Idaho. Captain Aaron K. Dnnkel, Philadelphia. Wm. K. Thompson. 2514 smallman street. 3 Benjamin McGtnley, New York City. Mrs. Flora A. Remington. San Francisco. Robert Newcomb, Seattle, W. T. Charles A. Boush, Meadvllle. Jacob Tanebangb. McKeesport. . 3Irs. Virginia Brown, 24 Colwell street. at No. 323 North avenue, aged 72 years. Samuel Irwin, 145 Frankstown avenne. East End. 4 Mrs. Mary Messamer. at Flndlay. O., aged 101 George Anderson, Meadvllle, Pa. William Johns, Louisville. Ky. 5 Peter Ulghberger. Manor station. Pa. Mrs. MaryMaser. 113 High treet. Allegheny. 6 John Behrtnger. 3416 Charlotte street. Rev. G. ' Bochert, Boggs avenue, Mt. Washington. James Kernan, 270 Market street. Allegheny. James McCrea.Eq.. Ohio township. J.Harvey McCausland, 401 Frankstown avenue. 7 Captain J. II. Harris. Louisville, Ky. Thomas McElratb, New York City. Blaslus Roach, 2T24 Barah street. 8 Rev. James Freeman Clarke, 'Boston. John Allen Crittenden, Frankfort. Ky. Ezra U. Baker, Boston. Hugh 11. Cunningham, 63 Sedgwick street, Allegheny. Charles Eglia- - dorf, Southslde. B. Oldham. Dublin, Ireland. Sir Francis Hastings Doyle, London. Mrs. Sarah Black, MiKesnnrt. Mrs. ratherlne SheUahv. Allegheny, aged 83 years. Sally Holan, prima donna, London, Canada. N. B. Ravmond, Akron," O. Mrs. Annie Hamilton Patterson, New York City. Jllllcr. Milwaukee. Wis. John Manley, Wylle avenue, aged 75yeari. Jndge Joseph Bigger. LoaUvllle. Ky. 9. H. Corburn, Akron. Mrs. James W. Forsythe. at Riley, Kan. Miss A. E. Hamilton. Ben Venue, aged 79 years. William Wilson, 31 Avery street, Allegheny. 13James Thompson, Shaler township, aged 81 years. Mrs. Maria Klnstrv, 4823 .Butler street, Crampton. Jacksonville, III., Will- -, lam M. Rust, Belfast, Me. Henry Kampheros, 32 Vine street, aged 82 years. Henry 20 Seventh street. Emperor Vrederlck, of Germany, at Potsdam. William Kinney. Altoona. Mary N. Prescott, author and poet, at Newburyport. Mass. Nathaniel Murphy, Erie. William G. Ander- son, Larimer and Station streets. Dr. Rachel L. Bodley. Philadelphia. John Blgley. McKeesport. JohnBrenned, 2827 Sarah street. Southslde. Dr. James Beck. Sharon, Pa. 'Squire Cun- ningham, Grovo City. John Davis. Oakland. James Vandergrift. 271 Preble avenue, Alle- - . gheny, aged 77 year. C W . Anhntz. 3 Resaca street. Joseph Hnn- - ter. at Wilklnsburg. agedTOyearsMra. Eliz ffpit 77 vears. .i 19-- Elizabeth Emmert, 82 Perry street. Gus--l Continued on Eighth Fage. ft Sru

Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-01-01 [p 12]. · 12 THE' HTTSBIJKGr DISPATCH, TttESDATfr 1, convenes In the city. Democratic delegates leave Tor the State Convention at

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Page 1: Pittsburg Dispatch. (Pittsburgh, PA) 1889-01-01 [p 12]. · 12 THE' HTTSBIJKGr DISPATCH, TttESDATfr 1, convenes In the city. Democratic delegates leave Tor the State Convention at


convenes In the city. Democratic delegatesleave Tor the State Convention at Harris-bnrg. Judge White decides that PittsburgBrewers and wholesale dealers cannot begranted more than one license. A residenceon Locust street wrecked by natural gas.

SB The Knights Templars give a grand paradeand reception at the Opera House. Brown &Co., of the Wayne Iron Worts, Issue an orderreducing wages 10 percent. D. W. CarrollCo., of the R Fitt Boiler and Bridge Works,forced to assign. Councils bare a healed de-bate over the natnral pas contract for the

. water works' pumping station.9 The Knights Templar Conclave elects and in-

stalls new officers with much ceremony. Mem--lerj of the County Democracy haneW. L.Bcott In efllgy from the club window. Knightsor Labor appoint a committee to confer withthe management ot the National Tube Worksin regard to the reduction of wages demandedby the firm. The Department of Awards re-

considers the contract for two Amoskeag fireengines, and decides to again advertise lorbids.

N. Eav and Thomas Chldlow- - killedby the Braddock express at Roup station. Thebneet Iron Manufacturers' Association meetsand discusses the provisions of the Mills bill.Charles CUndinning celebrates his one hun-dredth birthday at his borne in W est leertownship. The Concordia Club gives ltaannual May festival.

--The Allegheny Natural Gas Committee ar-

rives to take their protest against Increasedrates Into court. The officials of the Philadelphia Companv refuse to lower their bla forthe fuel supply or the water works pumpingstation. The Iron City Mlcroscopiai Societyrlu-f- i Its sixth annual exhibit at the OeutralKink. The Coroner's jury censures the 1'ennsylvanla road for the killing of Kay and Chid'low.

SBayne and Walter win the tight for delegates'to the National Convention in the Allegheny

Republican primaries. The employes of Sing- -

er, Klmlck & Co. agree to accept a reduction.K H.H.Jones, bank defaulter from Stafford." Kan., arrested in Pittsburg. The License

Court grants seven out of eight license appli-cants.

17-- Sam Small lectures to a crowded housein Liberty Hall, East End. An Incendiary firediscovered on the corner of Center ax enue andArthur street. John Hartenberg shoots andseverely wounds William Myers at No. 11Penn avenue.

meet In convention and resolve to re-

sist a reduction of wages. The shady ave-

nue bridge pronounced unsafe by reason ofthe manner in which the traction conduit wasconstructed, Select Council discusses thequestion ot grade crossings and the accidentsresulting therefrom. The Court hands downan opinion refusing all rehearing! In licensecases.

Schowlder kills Mrs. Bridget Mullen,on Bedford avenue. Patrick Mulherron total-ly wounds George Martin with a pick. Penn-sylvania railroad officials In the city on theirannual tour or Inspection. The various Re- -

conventions meet, elect Magee. Kllnn,ayne and X alter as National Convention

delegates and nominate legislative tickets.K. of L. salesmen refuse to work the eveningsfcerore legal holidays. Exposition planscepted.

Day celebrated In a fitting mannerIn the various sections of the ilty GeorgeMartin dies from the effects of his wound.The Kerormed Presbvtcrian Synod expressesIts wish for a union with the other branches ofthe ehureh.

Jl-T- be Scale Committee of the Amalgamated As-

sociation meets to perfect a schedule for theensuing vear. The R. P. Synod decides that itis not yet ready to comblue with the UnitedPresbyterians. The Randall Club completesarrangements to attend the St. Louis Conven-tion. Twenty-fourt- h district Republican con-ferees fail to agree on a nomination.

JUNE.X The employes of the National Tube Worksagree

to a reduction of 1H to 10 per cent in wages.Clerk Bothwell presents a series of chargesagainst Mayor Pearson to the Allegheny PoliceCommittee The Twentv-fonrt- h district Re-

publican Congressional Conference again fallsto nominate a candidate. The R, P. Synoddeclares against church fairs. AlleghenyNatural Gas Committee protests that the pascompanies violated contracts in raising therates. estern glass factories decide to closeJune 15.

S The Scale Committee orthc Amalgamated As-

sociation completes the schedule of wages.The Bar Association requests the Judges towear black robes The Trades Assembly pasesresolutions denouncing W. L bcott and theMills bill. The Duauesne Water company requests the right to lay pipes to supply waterlor hydraulic purposes. Pittsburg freightagents make a big reduction in the rates onIron and steel for Western points. The R. P.bvnod Informs its members that they mustkeep clear ol all political matters.

8 K. of L. salesmen threaten to strike if therules of the Merchants1 Association are notchanged. The Randall Club leaves for the St.Louis Convention German Lutherans givetheir sixth annual excursion to the ConcordiaHouse.

4 The Board of Assessors complete their workof assessing the business tax. Peter E. Qulnnarrested for embezzling ? IS. O00, which he lostIn gambling houses. N. T. A. 217, K. on.,.,

t composed of iron and steel workers,meets to arrange foaa scale or wares. Theemployes of the Pennsylvania Tube W nrks

to accept a reduction. Ine grand juryfinds Indictments against a number of personsfar selling without a license.

6 'Ihe thirteenth annual convention of the Amal-gamated Association of Iron and steel Work-ers meets at Turner Hall. The R. P bvnoddecides that woman can 11 the office ofdeacon.The Western Iron Manufacturers' Associationmeets and decides that wages must be reducedThe Pittsburg Diocese of the EpiscopalChurch meets at St. Andrew's Church. Mrs.Richard Dunn, of Wylle avenue, beaten ahddrugged bya burglar.

7 Ihe Count) Deinocracvand Randall Club cele-brate the nomination "of Cleveland and Tltur-za- n.

The iron manufacturers' scale makes areduction of from 10 to SO per cent in wages.Judge Agnew talks on the tariff to theMen's Republican Tariff Club. The founda-tion stone of the Episcopal Guild House on thebouthslde laid with murh ceremony. BlhonWhitehead presented with SLOOP by the Pitts-burg diocese. The W. J. Hammond propertysold to the Baltimore and Ohio to be used as arailroad yard.

8 Freyvogle and McClure have a hearing beforeAlderman CassldvQn a charge or getting

from Peter Qulnn through gambling. Thecornerstone or the memorial building of thePennsylvania Female College laid ControllerEpeer notified the County Commissioners that

Uray's accounts would not balance,owing to a deficiency of 15,663 30. Battery liholds its annual reunion.The new Court House building finished. Theninth annual reunion of the AmalgamatedAssociation attended by 18.000 people. GeorgeM. Von Bonnhorst elected Chairman of theRepublican County Committee. Controller

I S peer has Alderman O'Brien and ConstableJ Aletzgar, of the Twelfth ward, arrested on aI charge of perjury and extortion The Randall

Club returns from the St. Louis convention,and is given a reception. Ri er men draft aprotest to present to the Senate against theconstruction ofa dam on the lower Ohio. Anexplosion of a gas tank at the Pittsburg FuelGas Works, on South First street, seriouslyInjures two men.

JO Children's Day observed in the various Meth-odist and Presbyterian Churches. Brewersark for shorter hours and the employment ofunion men.

11 The Amalgamated Association conventioncompletes its scale of wages Councils askthe Board of Awards to examine the dlflerenttire engines belore awarding the contract.The Prohibition County Convention meets andnominates a Legislative ticket. The BarAssociation gives a picnic at Idlewild.

district Congressional con-ferees again meet but fail to agree on a can-didate. The Carbon Iron Company fits up theFort Pitt works to make structural 6teel.Railroad rates to Chicago cut down to A.

I Bishop Bowman Institute holds Its annualcommencement

It The Amalgamated scale presented to themanufacturers. John K. Cox withdraws fromthe Twenty-fourt- h district Congrcslonal con-test. John Schrcitt attemDts suicide in theAllegheny lockup. The feast of it. Anthonycelebrated with great ceremony on Troy Hill,Allegheny. Ihe water works' fuel contractlet to the Philadelphia Company for M.W'.

14 Republican clubs aud politicians leave for theChicago Convention, iron masters' andworkers' committees dlscucs the wage scale,but jail to reach an agreement McClure audPreyvogle gl e bail for court. Acheson comeswithin two votes of being nominated for Con-gress In the Twenty-fourt- h district, faultsagainst bunday trains entered before Alder- -

TbeTeuty-ronrI- h District Conference againfails to make a Congressional nomination, butelects J. P. Moore as national delegate. TheIron masters' committee insists on a big re-duction in wages. Councils authorize the

' building of two new police stations. TheCcn- -j tennlal Committee announces its plans for ani Industrial parade.i 1J The Amalgamated Association announces that', it prelcrs a shut-dow- n for three months to a

reduction In wages. The Trades Assembly de-cides to participate In the centennial cele-bration. Special Agent O'Shea resigns fromthe Builders' League. Foundry and stableson Grant street, Allegheny, burn with a lossof 1000, and SO mules aud horses perish.James Gathwood's machine shop damaged byfire to the amount ol'Siaroo.

' 17 A boating party narrowly escapes drowning intheAlleghen river. The Catholic chapel in' bt. 31ary's Cemetery dedicated.

"18 A searcltyof water causes Chief Brown to issuean order stopping the use of street hoe. TheAmericus and Tariff clubs leave for the Chicago conventions. Patrice Koyle, of Alle-gheny run over aud killea by a orewcrv wag-on. The Amalgamated Association Conven-tion revises the constitution of the order.

fa Iron masters refuse to agree to a three months'shutdown unless all of the mills are closed bvthe Amalgamated Association. The Citizens'Traction Company awards the contract for ca-ble cars to the Pullman Company, blxth wardcitizens hold an indignation meeting to protestagatnst the scarcity of water. Daniel Frey diesat the Homeopathic Hospital from iujuries re-ceived in a mysterious manner.

10 Mills forced to closedown for lack of water,and great suffering caused In some sections of' the city. Josephine Marek, or 26 Sycamorestreet, Allegheny, kills herself and two chll- -'dren with poison, and attempts the life of herhusband aud another child. G. Grouse, thedriver of the brewery wagon which killed Pat- -rick Doyle, held for manslaughter by the Cor-oner's Jurv.

Jl The cause of the water famine discovered to be, a broken vali e In tbc big main at Penu aveiiLe

and Butter streets. Commencement excrci-t- sor the Western University held at the BIJouTheater. A new steel scale providing lorClapp-Grlfa- th workmen Introduced at the Ironand bteel conference. Cantaln Clark slvcji

"free excursion on the steamer Mayflower to thepoor of the city.

SS J'ontlnual suffering In the hill dlstiicA fromthe water famine. BIshon Phelan nrenpnta

' medals to the successful students at the annualcommencement of the UolyGhost CfeUcge. TheAmalgamated Association electsofilcers for theensutugyear. Curry Institute holds Its annualcommencement at the Opera House, and anaddress is made bv Got crnur Beaver.

SS3 The big main Is fixed, and the waterfamlneuiHlcioauvna. aiic Amaigamaien Associ-

ation completes Its work and adjourns. Manyr jaud'ien oeatns. cansea Dy sunstroke and the; lt)rotracted licit. Two thousand members at. . ....a .!.. .. Iine l.iocraiu ocnenciai Association picnic at

Rllullon. George W iulen shot b an unknownBTiian In a row at Tom's Run.--WJialen dies at the west I'rnn Hospital fromVtliB enVets of his wounds. Ihe AraerlcnarTini,I returns from the Chicago Convention.

25 The employes of Painter'a mill notified that areduction Is necessary, but they decline to ac-cept a rut of wages. Councils discuss the na-

tural gas contract and the water famine, Amagnificent memorial window placed In theEast Liberty Presbyterian bnrch by Mrs.Judge Mellon.

36 Pittsburg Republicans ratify the nominationor Harrison and Morton with speeches,parades and red fire. Thomas Mitchell arrestedlor complicity in the murder or GeorgeWhalen.

27-- Frances Wlllard talks prohibition In theEast End Tabernacle. Singer, Mmlck & Co.discharge all or their striking employes. Post-master Larkln applies to the Department foradditional letter carrier rendered necessary

by the adoption of the eight-ho- law. JohnCain placed on trial for the murder of GeorgeBooshardt,

commencement exercises of the Pitts-burg High School held at the llljon Theater.Allegtieiiv scholars graduate at the OperaHouse. The ladles of the East End tfelvaryChurch establish a permanent cooking school.

29 Iron manufacturers and workers failto agreeos a scale of wages. The jubilee of the Alle-gheny schools po.tponed on account of rain.

Bros.iirMlllps brcakfrom the WesternIron: Association rule and sign the Amalga-mated scale. An equity suit filed in CommonPleas Court No. 1 In relation to theUrsullneConvent trouble. The Coroner's lury chargesWilliam Draper with the murder of GeorgeWialen. (illmore gives two grand concerts atthe Bijou Theater.

JULY.manufacturers continue positive in their

Kfusal t0 Sign the Amalgamated Scale. Cor-

ner stone laid for the new school house of theM. Augustine German Catholic Church.Francis and Edward Murphy bold a monstertemperance meeting at the Butler btreet M. E.Church. Announced that Colonel Kevins willreturn home and answer all charges againsthim.

Z Carnegie's mills sign the Amalgamated Asso-ciation scale, together with several smallerfirms. Three hundred and seventy-si- x out of

19 pupils succeed in pissing the examinationfur admission to the High School. Councilsfinallyapprovc the decision of the Departmentof Awards in giving the contract forwatcrworks fuel to tne Philadelphia Company. Thegrand Jury decides to reopen the case of thePolice Bureau against Homer Kcdpath forpolicy writing. An Investigation of .chargesof cruelty made against the Home for theFriendless shows them to be groundless.

S Two more firms sign the Amalgamated scale,making 15 In all. beventv-thre- e scholars suc-

cessfully pass the examination for admissionInto the Allegheny High school, and nearly aamany more are decided to be entitled to another trial. The Master Painters' Associationelects delegates to the National convention atCincinnati. Richard bplane convicted ofrenting property for immoral purposes.Judge Hawkins fnvalluates the will of Mrs.Mary Hailett, because or undue Influence,

4 Non-unio- n men secured to operate Singer,Mmlck Co.'s West End Mills, and organ-ised labor not to be recognized in tl.e future.Pittsburg citizens observe the glorious FourthIn an appropriate manner. D. A. 3, K. of L.;elves a monster picnic at Silver Lake Grovefor the benefit or the Armstrong memorialfund. The Law and Order Society issues alcngthv address declining to stop prosecutionor Sunday milk shake dealers.

6 The County Commissioners and the PrisonBoard decide to assist the District Attorney Inconvicting illegal liquor sellers. Slnccr, Mra-ic- k

& Co. succeed in partially operating theirworks. Two chair factories, a wagon worksand two dwellings in the rear of Madison ave-nue, Allegheny, destroyed by fire. A newsupply of stone for the Federal building ar-

rives. H. O. Price and partners placed ontrial beforeJudge Collier on a charge of poolselling. Moorbead Bros. Co. sign the Amal-gamated scale.

6 Boilers burst In the tannery ofA. J Groet-zlng-

Allegheny, wrecking the buildings,killing the engineer, William Wetzel, andfatally injuring others. Three more firms signthe Amalgamated scale. Judge Collier decidesagainst the pool sellers, and Chief Brown is-

sues an order for the place to close. J. T. ry

writes an open letter attacking FrancisMurphy. Knights of Labor at blnger's millremain firm..

7 The I'ittsburg Cvde and Athletic Club openBits new park witu appropriate amuseuietus.The Chartlers Gas Company passes a dividend.

8 Fred G. A ellncr shoots himself through thethe head at ITS Third avenue. Francis andEdward Murphv hold a meetlne at the OperaHouse, and criticize the line of conduct pur-sued by the Law and Order society.

H. W Weir appointed Chief Justice of thesupreme Court of Idaho, the Coroner's Juryfinds that the Groetzlnger boilers were defect-ive, and that wet tan bark should not havebeen used in conjunction with natural gas.The Amalgamated and K. of L. strikers atSinger's mill hold a Joint meeting and resolveto stand firm.

10 A July flood suddenlymakes Its appearance onIheMonongahela, causing great destruction toproperty. Police placed on guard at Singer'smill. The Allegheny Board or School Controlconsider the subject of Industrial education.

11 Ihe Monongahcla continues to create greathavoc among the coal fleets and propertyalong the banks. Jfies &, Laughllns signthe Amalgamated Icmc Both sides confidantof victory in the Singer strike. The Phila-delphia Company brings in a new roarer atCanonsburg. The National Association ofSpring Manufacturers meets at the Mononga-hel-a

House.12 The Monongahela flood begins to subside. Or-

angemen celebrate tbelr day. Rev. AlexanderJackson called to the largest l'resb) terlanchurch In Canada. 'Hie Mage Committee ofthe window glass workers and manufacturershold a conference. Allegheny Turners dedi-cate leutonla Hall. The Don Cameron Clubholds a lively session.

13 Peter Mack dies at No. 78 Clark street, andDr. J. GuyMcCaudlessdelares it is a case ofsporadic Asiatic cholera. A number of Pitts-burg aud Allegheny grocers sued for sellingolcomargerlne. The Lake Erie road refuses toissue passes to its employes. John Irwin

wounds his cousin, Barney Irwin, at155 South avenue, Allegheny. Five more im-portant iron firms sign the Amalgamated scaleand prepare to resume operations.

14 The Amalgamated Association aud the Na-tional Tube Works arrange wages for the en-suing year. Dressed beet rates cut once more.

15 Natural gas discovered at a depth of 80 feet onLast 6trcet, Allegheny. Many ministers up-hold the Law and Order Society In their pul-pits and denounce the Murphys. New M. E.Church at Erasworth dedicated with appropri-ate ceremonies.

16 Five more firms sign the Amalgamated scale.Unlet Drown lurnisnes special Agent jurcaiiwith a large list or illegal liquor sellers. Com-mittees from the Flint Glass Workers' Unionand the Manufacturers' Association meet toadjust the wage scale. EmiiMlnutn arraignedIn court for the murder of Peter Voelker. G.Rosenthal's clothing store on ylle avenuerobbed and fired.

17 Two more signatures to the scale received bythe Amalgamated Association. Corner stoneofthebt. George Episcopal Church at Irwinlaid with much ceremony. The case of Minuth,the alleged murderer of Peter Voelker, goes tothe jury.

18 The estern Iron Association meets, absolv-ing the manufacturers from all pledges,and Zug & Co. and the Kensington IronAN orks immediately sign the scale. The bear-ing in the equity suit, of C G. Dixon & Co.against McClure JtFreyvoglc commenced be-fore a master, and Peter Qulnn tells how helost 13,000 In gambling. J. Warren Ray, ofGreen county, nominated for Congress bv theTwentj-fift- h District Convention ontheJMthballot. A company organized to put a newbridge across the Allegheny river irem Archavenue to Fifth street,

19 Claus bprecklcs experiments on refining sugarin Pittsburg. The ordinance authorizing theplans ot the Duquesne Water Company passesCommon Coupcil. Max Roger arrested ior themurder of August Wetzel on June 12, 15S7. TheFinance Committee arrange to secure the fundsnecessary for the county centennial cclebra- -

20 Robert D Layton elected as a delegate to theK. of L. General Assembly, aud a warm lightmade lor the other places. Seven I'ittsburgsteamboat men lose their r?es by the burstingof a steam pipe of the towboat Conroy. TheFaraday Carbon Company flies a suit againstme I'nuaaeipnia was company tor extortion,and secures a pnllmlnary injunction.

71 fhe blxtv-rjr- st Regiment monument in theChartlers Cemetery unveiled ind dedicated.The department decides to Increase the num-ber of Pittsburg letter carriers to about 100.Herdlr arrested for g, at the Insti-gation of tne Law and Orde Society. TheAllegheny County Republican Committee ap- -

a to conduct the variousepartmentsof the campaign; Master Work-

man Doyle elected as the second delegate tothe K. of L. General Asseinblv. C. T. andCharles Long, bouthslde glasworkers, Inventa wondeiful machine method for topping bot-tles.

S-T- hc Brotherhood of Locojiotive Engineersholds an Important mcetlnr and arranges fora blgunlon meeting August 27 and 2S. Will-iam Wessle, a n Alleghenlan, sui-cides by Paris green Prof. Aery, of the Ob-servatory, measures the temperature of themoon during an celipe.

23 Four men seriously injured by an explosion ofhot metal at fchoenberger's mill. The unionemployes of Singer's mill hold an enthusiasticmeeting and resolve to continue the fight.James McHenry and Joseph March, allegedcounterfeiters, arrested bv Detective Conlsan.Tne contract ror the Baltlmote aud Ohio depotsecured by Philip Walsh A Sons. P. A. Stoutarraigned before Judge blagle on the charge ofmurdering his son Adolf.

24 Corner stone of the Chnrch of Eplphanv, Inj.cuevue uuruu 11, utiu wuu appropriate cere-monies. Three more Important firms sign theAmalgamated scale. The defense attempts toshow that btout was Insane when he killed hisson.

25 singer, N lralck & Co., with their fight againstthe K. of 1 and Amalgamated Association,and the striking employes apply for work onthe firm's terms. The stout murder case goesto the Jurv. Cornerstone of the ProtestantEpiscopal Church of the Innocents at Leech-bur- g

laid with appropriate ceremonies. Magis-trate McCeuna holds March and McHenry, thealleged counterfeiters, for attempted bunko.

26 The trial of W. L. Penney and Robert Barnet.charged with bunkoing William Munlock outof $3,000, commenced, and the former dis-charged bocause of there being no evidenceagainst him. The steamer Mayflower takes 700orphans on the annual Guky excursion. Theloti Cameron Club expels Felix Anderson.The scale of the bottle blowers accepted by themanufacturers. n

Z7 7iteports to the Finance Committee show that$110i0 has been raided lor the Centennial cele-bration. Joseph Welsh sentenced to 5 yearsin the penitentiary for his participation in theLast End robberies and assaults. Ihe occu-pants of Municipal Hall picnic at ShlngtssPark. The Allegheny Reform Associationasks the Mayor to have the Immoral housesclosed.

S&-- Pittsburg Natural Gas Company securesan Injunction against the city officials, re-straining them from Interfering with the lay-ing of new mains. The Ninth PennsylvaniaReserve Volunteer Association holds its fifthannual reunion at West Elizabeth. The mem-bers of the Catholic Diocesan Total AbstinenceUnion, to the number of 3.0U), plcnlpatTurnerGrove.

23 Pittsburg capitalists form a company for thedevelunment or tlu territory In Mexico, witha capita! or fI.00U.0CO. Chaplain McCabe ad-dresses the occupants ot Valley Camp. FelixOimpbelt fatally slabbed in a row at Robinsonstation.

30 Minnie Phillips, a girl or Lacockstrett. Allegheny, discovered to have stolentrio from James Dwtnney. and purchased apiano and an extensive outfit. John CaulBeld,charged with the murder of Patrick Hanloo,

pleads guilty to manslaughter. Agent Dean,of the Anti-Cruel- ty Society, threatens to pros-ecute stores which do notprovlde.eatsfor theirlady clerks, according to law,

held for Court ror the murder ofAugust Wetzel. Typhoid fever epidemic onTwelfth ward hillside. Two more firms signthe Amalgamated scale.

AUGUST.l--The largest of the three great cables for the

Firth avenue traction road arrives. SelectCouncil postpones action on the DuquesneA atcr Company ordinance. Mrs. Mary Ferreecelebrates her 90th birthday at Coraopolis.Allegheny icrocera picnic at ifoss Grove. Sev-

eral dwelling houses on Carson street, South-sid- e,

badly burned, the fire originating 'froma lamp explosion at No. 2606. Spang, Cnalfant& Co. sign the Amalgamated scale. Alleghenycitizens petition Councils for the constructionof boulevards around the parks.

2 MayPatton kills CMrles DeKnlght and her-self at the Metropolitan Hotel. FrederickBrandes, of No. 183 Federal street, Allegheny,suicides rather than be sentenced for Illegalliquor selling. The remains of Bartley Camp-

bell laid to rest in St. Mary's Cemetery. Her-

bert E. Pennypacfcer, a well-kno- oil oper-ator, arrested for extensive forgeries luolljesses.

S The first attempt to move the big cable fromthe Shadyslde depot results in completefailure, J.l'alnter & Sons sign the Amalga.mated scale, and the lockout is nractlcallyended.Cantaln Clark's attornevs decide to take thecase or illegal liquor selling against him to theUnited btatcs Supreme Court. John Macklnand Thomas McNally badly injured by a fall-

ing building on Mary street. Bouthslde.6 bt. Mary's Chapel, at Sharpsburg, dedicated.

Samuel Hamilton returns from Alaska, andtells some interesting facts concerning thatcountry,

Robinson arrives In the city after beingreleased from the Ravenna Jail, where he wascharged with complicity in the Hulllgan mur-der. The Committee on surveys consider thecutting of the bump. The corner-ston- e of bt.Barnabas Episcopal Church, atTarentum, laidTvltli appropriate ceremonies. Pittsburg pub-li- e

buildings draped because of the death ofGeneral Sheridan.

7 Reese, Lindsay ts Co. awarded the contract forthe mammoth W estinghouse Air Brake Worksat Wllmerdlng stations. The flint glassworkers and manufacturers adjust the wagescale satisfactorily. The Centennial Celebra-tion Committee holds au Important meeting.

8 Nearly lu,000 people attend the picnic of thePittsburg Retail Merchants' Protective As-

sociation at Ross grove. Pavers and rammerson the traction road strike against non-uni-

men.9- -"I nomas Murray fatally wounds Anthony

Sheridan. Messrs. Utppley Hopf accident-ally strike a vein of natural gas in the centeroi Aiiccneny at a aeptu ot vai ieei. oouuWalsh sues the Pennsylvania Railroad Com-

pany for (50,000 damages for Injuries received.Ihe association of the One Hundred andThirty-four- th Regiment, P. V., holds lta firthreunion at Forest Grove.

Miller severely injures Frank Lawler,a Pittsburg fireman, at a picnic at Idlewild.Memorial services held at the South Nineteenthbtreet Baptist Church in honor or GeneralSheridan.

blvitz, the new chief rabbi, delivers hisfirst sermon in the city. G. A. R. men gave abig sham battle exhibition atMaysvllle, JamesMcDermltt, a bouthslde merchant, chargedwithlorgery.

12- -A surgical outfit added to the equipment Of thePolice Department. The Western Unionmoves Into its new quarters.

13 Ihe Congressional Immigration InvestigatingCommittee sends word to Chief Elliot that theywill visit Pittsburg,

Is The Coroner's Jury holds Thomas Murray forthe murder or Anthony Sheridan. John Dona-hue, who claimed to be acting as an agent forbpencer Jt Llddell, Is sentenced to a $5(0 fineand three months In the workhouse by Judgeblagle, for illegal liquor selling.

15 Nearly 9, 000 people attend the annual barbecueand picnic of the Butchers' Association atRoss Grove. The A French Spring Worksdamaged by fire to the extent ot fo0,iO0. TheEnglish Beer Trust makes a proposition to aPittsburg brewery firm. 'IS Many mills and factories compelled to shutdown because of the Intense heat. The Ran-dall Club makes some Important changes In itsconstitution.

17 The City Assessors make a radical change Inthe mode of assessing the Schenley and Dennyesi&ics.

18 Ihe County Democracy gives a big picnic atExposition Park, speeches being made by Sen-ator Vauce aud Congressmen McMlllln, Malshand Tarsney. Secretary Dillon and threeotherprominent members of the American FlintGlass orkers' Uuion arrested on a charge ofconspiracy, preferred by H. C. Fry, of theRochester Tumbler Works. George V. Morris,General Manager of the A. trench SpringCompany, claims the water supply was Insuf-ficient at the fire at the spring works.

l&beorge Martin, a Law and Order detective,arrested on a serious charge. Frank Waitzerslant August Bieuner at a social garnering inBloomfield, with probably fatal results. !TheCountyDemocracy entertains its distinguishedguests and shows them the sights of the city.

20 Nearly 5,000 colored people celebrate Emanci-pation Day at Hulton Grove.

xl Continued heavy rains cause floods and conse-quent damage to property. The AlleghenyCounty Medical Society discusses the subjectof pure and wholesome milk.

22 Hie rivers recede rapidly, after doing greatdamage, railroad travel being greatly delayedand impeded by washouts. Treasurer Con-troller Durham decides that the bank is liableIn the Colonel Nevin's case. The CathedralSunday bchool gives a celebration at CentralTurner Hall.

23 Ihe Randall Club opens its i.ew building, atNo. 73 Sixth avenue, with feasting and merri-ment. The Survivors' Association of the OneHundred and Third Regiment, p. v., holds asuccessful reunion at Ross Grove. An equitysuit filed in Common Pleas Court No. 1 to testthe right of a natural gas company to removeits pipes and break connections with any partyto whom it has contracted to supply fuel.

24 Master Workman George Doter placed ontrial oeiore tne court oi Xj. a. iuju, a. oi Li.'The Exposition Society decides to readvertlselor bids for the superstructure.

25 --J. M. Nollnd, of Shad) side, attempts suicideunder sensational circumstances. The Demo-crats hold their primaries to elect delegates tothe County and Legislative Conventions. Al-legheny Councils of the Jr. O. U. A. M. de-cide to place an American flag on every schoolhouse In the city.

26 Rev. Alexander Jackson resigns from hisbouthslde church to accept the pastorate of theIvnox rreso teriitu luurcn, uait, untario.Bishop Phelan delivers an address at the lay-ing ot the corner-ston- e for the Home of theAged in Allegheny.

27 A Mrs. Simmons attempts to commit suicideby Jumping over the Blxth street bridge.Judge Stowe hears the nrguments in the equltvsuit to restrain Bishop Phelan from lnterler-in- g

with the operations or the TJrsullne Con- -ent. The Brotherhoods of Locomotive En-

gineers aud Firemen give a picnic atGrove. A lad named James Mills shot

and badly injured in aflght betwecnjuvenlleolltIcal clubs on Penn avenuer. M. H. Borland commits suicide with the

deadly cocaine The Heptasophs hold a granddecennial celebration at Silver Lake Grove,6.500 people being In attendance. Chief Ar-thur addresses the Brotherhoods of Locomo-tive Engineers and Firemen at Allqnlppa.Chief Brow n summons illegal liquor sellers toappear before him, and Insists that they shallstop tbelr hidden traffic.

29-- Democratic County Convention nomi-nates J. W. Jilesfor Jury Commissioner, andcandidates are placed In the field In the vari-ous legislative districts. Pittsburg membersof the Grand Army of the Republic make ar-rangements to attend the national encamp-ment at Columbus.

Manager McCrca and other offlclals ofthe Pennsylvania Company present plans forelevated tracks to the Allegheny Council Com-mittees. The Centennial Committee arrangesfor a grand military parade. Brass workersof the K. of L. organize into a NationalIradcs Assembly.

31 Bunko men swindle a prominent Alleghenlanout of 3,000. but detectives succeed in recover-ing the money. Captain W hltehouse appoint-ed to the place vacated by Inspector Negley.Arrangements made for the opening ol theevening schools in the cltv. The Faraday Carbon Co. sues to recover overcharges from thePhiladelphia Company.

SEPTEMBER.1 H. C. Frick voluntarily advances the wages ot

his employes 5 per cent. The Junior Order ofUnited American Mechanics holds a grand tri-bute reunion at Exposition Park. A malig-nant type or 6carlet fever makes its appear-ance on the hill in the vicinity of Pasturestreet. Samuel and David Nibloch arrestedfor extensive robberies from Liberty streetmerchants.

2- -1 he Eighth Street Hebrew Temple rededlcatedwith much ceremony. The magnificent newEast Liberty Presbyterian Church opened forworship. General Lecturer Walls delivers anaddress to the Knights or Labor at Tarentum.Rc. J. T. McCrorj attacks the attitude of theCatholic Church toward the public schools.

3 Five hundred men strike at the Wayne IronWorks, owing to a dispute over some spoiledsteel. Jndge Ewlng Is very severe on con-stables ror not making proper returns ofillegal llqudr sellers.' Attorney Yost pavs

8, 103 75 into the municipal treasury as tfiecity's half of the fines Imposed upon law andorder violators. The Avery Trades bchool,exclusively for colored student, opened inAllegheny. The Vigilant Fire Company ar-range for a rjarade of the old volunteer fire-men during the Centennial celebration. TheJunior Order of United American Mechanicspresents 57 American fligs to Alleghenyschools with appropriate ceremonies.

4 William Miller, a private watchman of Alle-ghenv. killed by George Dennv. A deerenarrives from Rome to the effect that there Is tobe no division of the Pittsburg Catholic dio-cese. 'Ihe btandardOnderground Cable Com-pany secures larger contracts to put wiresunder the earth in Jiuflalo and New Yorkcities. President Negley, or the Bar Associa-tion, resigns from the County CentennialCommittee. The Pittsburg Carbon Companyalso brings suit against the Philadelphia Com-pany for alleged extortion.

6 Richard Marks knocks Thomas Rooker Intothe Monongahela river, where he drowns.Miss Lena I ibermycr commits suicide at Mill-val- e.

The Lutheran Synod opens at St. John'sEvangelical Lutheran Church, Madison ave-nue, Allegheny. Ihe Randall Club gives Itsthird annual fete champetre at Silver LakeGrove. Chairman Morrison Foster replies toMr. Negley's attack upon the manner or theproposed Court House dedication in connection witn me centennial ceicDraiion

6 AU of the electric light companies who bid onthe illumination of Alleghenv ask lpv tnwithdraw their bids. The Halnsworth fcteelComrjanv organized for. the manur&rtnri. nfsteel car wheels, with a capital or 500,000. TheCoroner's Jury holds Richard Marks for themurder of Thomas Rucker.

T The work of stretching the first cable of theFifth avenue traction road commenced.

S Local veterans meet and dratta bill providingdismissal and (too fine for any official who falls sto give Union soldiers the preference in mak-ing appointments, beveral of the CentennialCommittee confer on the details of the celebra-tion, and the lunds on hand are appropriatedamong the various departments. DetectivesCoulson and McKeivy cloaca Jewelry auctionshop at 1006 Liberty street and arrest a pro-fessional ntdder. 10

passes through the city on hisway from New York to Columbus. The policeclose the German Method hit Episcopal Church,North avenue, Allegheny, at the request ofthe pastor. Bishop Phelan presides at the. dedi-cation of the St. James catholic Church in

Wilklnsburg. St. John's Evangelical LutheranChurch celebrates its Offl-ce- rs

raid a poker room at the corner of Forbesand Boyd streets.

Campbell, President of the AmericanWindow Glass Workers' Assoclatlan, returnsfrom Europe. Tho Presbyterian MinisterialAssociation denounces the establishment of aparochial school In the First ward publicschool building. Councils hold their firstmeeting after their annual summer vacation.The Pittsburg Tennis Club holds a tournamentat Us grounds In Brnshton. John Mulherronarraigned before Judge Ewlng for the murderor George Martin. Eccles Robinson resignsfrom his position as Worthy Foreman of D. A.8, K, of L.. In order that lie maybe free tomake political speeches. The grand Jury findsan Indictment (gainst Thomas Murray for themurder or Anthony Sheridan.

11 The Allegheny County Woman's' ChristianTemperance Union has a lively discussion overan lnyitatlon sent to Mrs. J. Ellen Foster tobe present at the State Convention, and Mrs.H. C. Campbell Is elected County President.Barbara Frantz commits suicide by takingParis green at her home in Oakland. er

Workman George C. Dovey acquitted ofthe charges made against him. The cornerstone of the Fifth Avenne Masonic Templelaid with solemn ceremony. The EvangelicalLutheran bynod closes a successful session.Knights and Ladles of Honor celebrate theeleventh anniversary of the order at the GrandCentral Hint

ohn Bristol robbed by highwaymen on theFort Wayne bridge. Mrs. Elizabeth Curry,an alleged sorceress, held for court for causingthe suicide of Lena Obermeyer. The Ea6tEnd Merchants' Protective Association givesa mammoth picnic at Silver Lake grove. ThoThirty-nint- h Street cPresbyterlan Churchsplits, a majority of the members votingagainst a call to Rev. D. Jones' or Cincinnati.

13 Meat Inspector McCutcheon makes an officialreport of his investigation or the condition ofthe dressed beef Industry at Chicago. Mon-

tour Presbyterians celebrate the centennial ofthe "Old Red Church." Western windowglass manufacturers decide to resume opera- -nons uctoDer i.

1- 4- Four Pittsburg- - physicians volunteer to gotoFlorida to combat the )el!oir fever scourge.Ground broken for the construction of a bigstone depot for the Pittsburg and Westernroad. The Executive Committee of theNational Reform Association meets at the Y.M C. A. building. Charles Deltrich shootshis wife in a marital quarrel.

15 The Window Glass Workers' Association de-

cides to put speakers on the stump to talk forprotection. City Attorney Morcland gives hisofficial opinion on the diseased drcssed-bee- f

and proposes a State quarantine,he German-Americ- Technical Association

holds it fourth annual convention in tha Ger-man Library rooms. A natural cas Are burnsthe Keystone Rolling Mill to the extent of

16 Phil Armour, the Chicago beef king, 6tops Inthe city and brands the stories of diseaseddressed beef being sent out by him as false.Kev. father rollard paralyzed while celebrat-ing mass at St. Mary's Church in Lawrence--vllle. Six Protestant ministers and BishopPhelan give their views on the First wardschool controversy. Flro breaks out at No. 37Firth avenue, and does damage to the amountoff50.000.

17-- Tho Pittsburg Steel Casting Company castastem-po- st for the cruiser Maine weighing 11tons. Councils decide to participate in theCentennial parade. Andrew Luehn audGeorge Hantz fatally Injured by the breakingof a ladder at the No. 4 engine house, Fifthavenue.

18 An Indignation meeting at Lafayette Hall de-nounces parochial schools. The AlleghenyMarket Committee has a lively discussion overthe hour for closing that building, but 10o'clock Is finally adopted. The CentennialCommittee arranges for the pyrotechnic dis-play or the celebration.

1 Judge White arraigns constables for neglect-in- s;

to report illegal liquor sellers. AlleghenyCouncils and city officers picnic at ForestGrove. The Western Theological Seminaryopens its school year.

20The Allegheny Gas commltteo receives bidsfrom the various electric light companies forthe illumination of the cltv bv that means.Tony Newell's remains laid to rest with appro-priate ceremonies. Congrulty Church cele-brates its centennial anniversary. The Gen-eral Committee or the Labor Division of theCentennial parade is assured that 20, COO menwill be In line. David L. Mitchell mysterious-ly shot while driving in a buggy on Pennavenue.

Zl Pittsburg citizens commence the work of ac--uro preparation ior tne great centennial cele-bration, elaborate decorations being arrangedon every side. Businessmen agree to endowthe U. P. Seminary.

12 Every detail of the Centennial arrangementscompleted, and the general orders Issued forthe Immense parades. Elmer Washburn, Su-perintendent or the Union stockyards at Chi-cago, comes to Pittsburg to deny the reportsof diseased cattle being slaughtered there.Tho Y. M. C. A. holds a field day of athleticsportsat their grounds. The Coroner's Jurybrings in a verdict of guilty in the David L.Mitchell case.

23 Visitors commence to throng into Pittsburg towitness the great celebration,Hayes and wife being among tbc arrivals. Thenew St. Pbllomena Seminary consecrated.Captain Wlshart inaugurates a war againstdealers in flashy literature.

24 The Centennial celebration duly Inaugurated.Vast throngs or people witness the dedicationof the new Court House, addresses being madeby Judge Stowe, Commissioner Mercer and R.B.Hayes. The police and firemen give a fineexhibition paiade. Fifteen hundred trainedschool children Join in one vast, triumphalchorus. Ihe Monongahela illuminated; atnight. Braddock workmen make money underiuu buuing baie.

25 Second day of the mammoth celebration. Morethan 20, 000 persons in line in the industrial andcivic parade, which is witnessed by Immensecrowds who come from 100 miles around, 120,000people being brought Into the city on the vari-ous railroads. 'Ihe Allegheny river illuminatedat night with fireworks and natural gas foun-tains. A number of slight accidents occur inthe great Jam.

26-- The great Centennial celebration concluded.- . 'An Imposing military parade of militia and G." A. R. veterans the feature or the day, beingreviewed by Governor Beaver and staff. TheG. A. R. men hold a campflre at Old City Hallin the evening, addressed by Commander-in-Chi- ef

William Warner, of Missouri. TheHampton Battery holds Us eighth annnal re-union and banquet. The Union Veteran Legionholds an enthusiastic meeting at the GrandCentral Rink. Milton Weston released.

27 Centennial visitors leave the city by trainloads. The Republican campaign opened Inthe East End with a parade and speeches. Com-mon Council considers the selection of addi-tional depositories for the city funds.

23 The Protestant Committee prepares to bringa suit against the occupation of the First wardbuilding for a parochial school.

29 The Republicans hold a grand rally and paradeIn Lawrencevllle. A company formed to build. a new hotel In the East End. Milton Westonleaves ror Chicago, after being congratulatedby his frlcads upon his release. Alleghenycounty W. C. T. u. committees me;t and ar-range for the State convention.

SO Father James McTighe defends the position of'the Catholic Church on the public schools.Francis and Edward Murphy address largetemperance meetings at the Penn Incline Re-sort and Christ Church. The East LibertyPresbyterian chnrch formally dedicated withappropriate ceremonies.

OCTOBER.1 Southslde glass factories resume operation

after a shutdown of 11 weeks, state Superin-tendent Hlgbee decides that the Board of Di-rectors of tfie First ward could not legally rentthat building for a parochial school, selectCouncil passes the ordinance. Increasing thonumber of city depositories. Street cars com-mence running again on a portion of Penn av-enue. Supreme Court convenes In the city,and hands down a number of decisions, amongwhich is one deciding that the Basic steel pat-ents are not the property of Jacob Reese.Judges White and Magee grant a preliminaryInjunction restraining the Allegheny HeatingCompany from shutting off gas from consum-ers wno refused to pay increased rates untilthe matter should be determined by the Court.i Third ward citizens file two petitions in court,alleging that the register assessor unlawfullyfailed to enter their names, and that they willthus lose their votes if the court docs not inter-vene. The Committee on Highways and Sew-ers recommends the opening of a large num-ber of new streets. The Allegheny CountyUnion Labor Committee Issues an appeal forsupport. Mr. Edward Frauenhelm and MissNettle Vilsack wedded.

a Boston Buck's daughter tells a sensationalstory explaining how her father came to be ar-rested for counterfeiting. The ProtestantCommittee tesolves to take legal steps to havethe First ward building vacated by latherSheedy'a parochial school. The W. C. T. U.Committee met at the Third PresbyterianChurch to complete arrangements for the StateConvention. The Pittsburg Central Circle ofthe Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circlecelebrates Its tenth anniversary.

4 John Leahy shoots and fatally wounds ThomasMiller In a saloon near the N lnth ward markethouse, Penn avenue. Mrs. Jennie Boylesendsa bullet through her brain at No. 710 Du-quesne way, and dies Instantly. The Alle-gheny Gas Committee, alter a warm fight,recommends that the electric light contract beawarded to the Indianapolis Jenny Company.The Supreme Court adopts a memorial culo--kuiuk uic iaie uuoge jcrunney. rnomasBurke arraigned for toe murder of John G.bplegelon Julj-3- . The Randall Club celebratesthe fourth annlversarj or Its organization.The first cable car makes a anccesstul trial tripfrom Oakland to Market street.

6 Thomas Carnahan fires a bullet through hisbrain at the West Penn depot, Alleglienr.The twelfth annual Congress of Ihe AmericanSecular Union convenes at Lafayette Hall.The Jr. O. U. A. M. presents flags to the EastEnd schools with impressive ceremonies. Theaix-- x outers uoia a joins ineeung Willi tne DonCameron Club. Principal Woods asks for arevision orsalarlesat the High School. ThomasMiller dlea from the etlccts of his wounds. TheBoard of Directors of the Philadelphia Com-pany votes to issue bonds to the amount offe 500, Olio.

6 Powderly sends Master Workman Doyle abreezy letter, answering a series of questionson political subjects. Tne hecular Congressresolves that church property should be taxed.

7 Ihe bt. Leo I. Church In Wood's Run dedi-cated with appropriate ceremonies. Leahy,the murderer ot Thomas Miller, arrested, andOyster Paddy Jailed lor complicity In an at-tempt to conceal him. Thomas Harry attacksthe General Executive Board of the Iv. of L.

8 Superintendent Starr, of the Ft, Wayne road,charged before Alderman Carlisle with negli-gently causing death, and waives a hearing,giving ball ior court. River pilots hold an im-portant meeting, and agree to stand firm foran increase of salary, ordinances providing 18for the hump cut introduced in Councils?Judge Collier decides that the city cannot levytax on natural gas mains as real estate. TheThird National Encampment of theUnlon Vet-erans' Union assemble at McKeesport. IV. P. 19wauipierucceiJi! uiciciuucrauc nominationfor Congress in the Twenty-fourt- h district,

The Catholic Diocesan 'total Abstinence UnionIndorses the Brooks law. The grand JuryIgnores the charge of pool selling presentedagainst Frank Herdlc. tA stubborn dre dam-ages the DuqcesneFurnlturcCompany'sprop-'ert- y

to the amount of f.'u.ouo. Delegates to theState Convention or tho Women's Chrlstiau 20Temperance Union arrive.count Ouiseppa C. dl Montrecoli and MissVirginia Knox wedded with three separateceremonies. The state Convention of the W. 21C. T. U. assembles at the First PresbyterianChurch, with Mrs. Frances L.bwlft presiding.Mrs. J. Ellen Foster addresses an evening ses-sion Of the temperance women, and RevvSam


'JANUARY"--"TlmiHHSBT3 fW,.mrfflSFWT3J"W3SffiHB:.

Small talks straight prohibition at LafayetteHall. The Veterans' Union declares for perdiem pensions. Drs. Wood and Lowe haveheating before Alderman Cassldyonacbargeof practicing medicine without a diploma, andare held for court.

11-- Tbe Prohibition party element in the W. 0. T.U. State Convention defeated, and Mrs. Swift

President. The Shadyslde Presby-terian Church accepts the resignation of Rev.J. M. Richmond, after stormy discussion.Allegheny Councils light on the electric lightcontract, and are unable to come to an agree-ment.

12 The W. a T. U. State Convention adjourns,after a warm contest upon political topics.Dllworth, Porter & Co. announce that theywill attempt to start their mill with n

men. The Jr. 0. U. A. M. presents Americanflags to the Southslde schools.

13 The Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, of theBouthslde, falls. Bookkeepers hold a meetingand perfect an organization. The Assessors or

the various wards report tho number oftaiables under their Jurisdiction. Master Work-man Schilling, or Chicago, visits the city toconsider the advisability of ordering a strikeof the grip men on the cable road. PittsburgRepublican clubs glrea mammoth torchlightparade in the central portion of the city.

14-- bt. Mary's Cemetery, McKcesnort, dedicatedwith appropriate ceremonies. Toerge brothershauled over the coals by the Pittsburg MusicalUnion.

15 Depositors of the defunct Farmers and Me- -

enames' JJanKnoid a meeung, ana rraiucusBorg promises that all claims shall be paid Infull. E position Society directors returnfrom an inspection of the Cincinnati Exposi-tion. Chief Brown suspends AJax Jones forbeing implicated in a row during a Republicanparade.

lWudgcs White and Magee hanttHown lengthyopinions, granting an lnlunctlon against anIncrease of natural gas rates by the AlleghenyHeating Company, until the matter shall bedetermined by the Supreme Court and a mas-

ter's decision. Dilworth. Porter & Co., re- -sume operations with n men.

17 Citizens of the Twenty-nint- h ward assembleat the Bedford school and protest against theproposed hump cut. D. A. Stewart chosen asChairman of the Carnegie Arm, In place ofHenry 1'hlpps, Jr., resigned. The FreeholdBank (lies Its bond as a city depository. Kev.Boyd Vincent notified or his election as Bishopof the Southern Diocese of Ohio.

citizens gather at St. Paul's Cathe-dral and make a vigorous protest against thecutting of the hump. A gang of Southsldeshoplifters arrested. The Butchers' Associa-tion indorses Inspector McCutcheon's reporton diseased Chicago dressed beef. PittsburgBuilders' Exchange considers the advisabilityof erecting a building for their use.

19 The Cincinnati express on the B. 0. wreckedat Little Washington, two persons being killedand many injured, including several personsfrom Pittsburg. The Allegheny Citizens' Gascommittee holds a meeting to outline futurework in tne fuel suit against the AlleghenyHeating Company. The lion Cameron Clubpasses resolutions denouncing Chief Brown,for the suspension or AJax Jones.

20The Democrats paradeln PlttsburgiOOOstrong,while 4,000 Republicans march through thestreets of Allegheny. The new apportionmenton the basis of the number of taxables reducesthe membership ot Common Council one mem-ber. Thomas Burke sentenced to the penlten- -tlarv seven vears. for the manslaughter ofvuun opiegie.

21 Lawrencevllle Citizens cut down obnoxioustelephone poles. St. Mary Magdalen's newCatholic Church, at Homestead, dedicatedwith Impressive ceremonies. Oakland Me thod-1- st

Episcopal Church dedicated.22 A broken gas main near .the wells causes a

great shortage In the city and many mills areforced to suspend operations. The UrsullneAcademy celebrates St. Ursula's Day.

23 The Department of Awards again lets the contract ior two Amoskeagnre engines to me jianChester Locomotive Works. U. E. Penny

Council from the Ninth ward. The UnitedStates court appointed Republican and Demo-cratic election Inspectors.

24 River coal operators aid miners to organize.Fifth avenue car stock and equipments sold atauction.

25 The Pittsburg Domestic Training Schoolopened at 5.132 penn avenue. Sunday scnooiworkers of the Allegheny valley hold a con-

vention at Tarentum. The Philadelphia Com-pany Issues an authoritative statement of thecondition of the corporation. Plttsburgarchl-tect- s

withdraw from the contest for the plansfor the Presbyterian church at Shadyslde, andthose of Alden & Harlow, Boston, are adopted.Thomas Murray arraigned before Judge Ewlngfor the murder or Anthony Sheridan, anaenters a plea of

26 Southslde Orangemen hold amass meeting anddenounce the alleged encroachments ot Rome.Congressman Dalzell and A. C Robertson ad-dress a large Republican meeting in Lawrence-vllle. The Murray murder case goes to theJury. City Attorney Morcland rules that theSchenley and Denny estates must pay taxes onthe houses as well as the land ot which theyare a part,

27 Republicans give a mammoth parade on theSouthslde and the Democrats make a demon-stration In Allegheny. The Republican CountyCommittee bas a fierce fight o er the introduc-tion of new rules.

28 The cable road grlpmen prepare a scale ofwages, xoerge oroiners expeuea xrom meMusical Mutual Protective Union.

29 Democratic leaders quarrel over the appoint-ment of United States deputy marshals. Com-mon Council postpones the consideration ofthe bump ordinance. Frank Walzer arraignedbefore Judge Ewlng for the murder of AugustBlettner.

30 Stated that the Pennsylvania Company haspurchased tho Turtle Creek Railroad. alzerclaims that he stabbed Blettner InChief Kirsehler, of Allegheny, runs down aman who had been selling ordinary horses as

stock with a pedigree.SI The members or St. Paul's Catholic Cathedral

and bt. Peter's Episcopal Church unite in op-posing the hump cut. Two boys killed andanother one badly Injured by the breaking ofa patent fire escape that was being tested atthe Monongahela House. . The murder caseagainst Frank Wlzer committed to the Jury.

NOVEMBER.1 The Monongahela Water Company buys out

the Manufacturers' Water Company and In-creases its capital stock. Charles McNamy, ofWebster avenue, shoots himself through thebrain and dies Instantly. The explosion of afurnace at Zug's mill kills one man and in- -

two others. Tbc Coroner's Jury holds1. Wilson for manslaughter, on the gronnd

that his negligence caused the ac-cident at the Monongahela House. FrankW alzer convicted of murder in the second de-gree.

2 Harry Darlington leases the Elba Iron andBolt Works. The Supreme Court decides theLake Erie Railroad case in favor of the

and against the trustees.J United StatesMarshal Miller appoints a long

list of deputies for election day. Denver par-ties order ?75. 000 worth of Iron, nails and railsfrom a Pittsburg firm. The Bar Associationdiscusses the draft of an act regulating theJury commissioner s stem.

he First Evangelical Lutheran Chnrch. onGrant street, dedicated. Cornerstone of thoSt. Peter's German Lutheran Church laid atthe corner of Collins avenue and stationstreet. East Libertv, with appropriate cere-monies. Ihomas Cain stabs his wife at thonotorious "Eagle's Nest," with probablyfatal results.

5 The Pittsburg Baptist Ministers' Conferenceexpels Rev. r. R. Scully from Us membership.An explosion of at Shannopmshakes the earth for miles around, and an un-known man is believed to be killed. ConstableWilliam Billings, of Allegheny, arrested on acnarge oi extorting euu irom Keepers oi

houses. Considerable monev wageredon the result of the general election. TheAmericus Club returns from New York.

6 Great interest taken In the general election,and Immense crowds gather to hear the re-turns. The local Republican ticket uniformlysuccessful in Allegheny county. The Alle-gheny natural gas suit taken into the SupremeCourt. .

7 Three prominent Allegheny policemen ar-rested for Indulging in a disgraceful row. Ca-ble road offlclals deny that there is any con-solidation scheme on foot.

8 The Iron City Engineering Society organizedat the East End Hotel. The Pupils of

Institute hold a cele-bration. The committee appointed to opposethe hump cut ordinance arranges plans olaction. '

9 A large number of tho taxpayers of theSeventh, Eighth and Eleventh wards assembleat the Franklin school bouse and denounce theproposed hump cut. Pittsburg delegates tothe K. of L. General Assembly leave forIndianapolis. The remains of Dr. Hostetterlaid to rest in the Allegheny Cemetery.

10 Four hundred Anarchists meet at LafayetteHall and commemorate the execution of theirChicago comrades. itepnDiicans celebrate theelection of Harrison and Morton with two bigEarades. The Department of Aw ards receives

illuminating the city by electricity,gas and gasoline.

11 Twenty-secon- d annual meeting of the YoungMen's Christian Association of Pittsburg heldat the First Presbyterian Church. New Meth-odist Episcopal Church at McKec's Rocks ded-icated,

12 Common Council sides with the remonstrants,and indefinitely postpones the considerationof the hump-c- ut ordinance. Select Councildiscusses the Amoskeag fire encrlnn aw-irrf-. So.lect Knlglita hold their annual reception atOld City Hall. 'Ihe annnal session of the Alle-gheny County Teachers' Institute opened atthe Sinlthfleld Street M.E. Church.

U Ihe committee appointed to examine the Jurycommissioner system hands in a lengthy seriesor recommendations to the Bar Association.The "teachers' Institute discusses a variety ofeducational topics. Allegheny Select Councilrefuses to reconsider its action on the electriclight contract.

14 Mrs. Mary Ingoldsby mysterioasly mnrderedat N o. 42: Liberty street. Nearly 3, OCX) personsattend the annual tea party for the benefit ofthe St. Paul's Orphan Asylum, at LafavetteHall. The shortage of gas necessitates a shut-down In a number of Southslde mills. ThomasMaxwell brings suit against the occupation ofFirst ward school building for parochialpurposes.

15 The Coroner's Jury Investigates the Ingoldsbymurder, but adjourns without result. WilliamGevser. a tailor at the corner of f!lrfc- nrfTownsend street, commits suicide by shooting.

16 Enfranchisement of women discussed at theSixth U. P. Cnurch. East End. AlleghenyCommon Council refuses to concur with thoSelect branch in ordering the electric lightcontract back to the committee.

17 The Exposition Society wants 5oC0,C00 to putmatters In first-cla- shape. The city's attor-neys tile a scathing answer to the allegationsin the Hartupee case.The Point Breeze Presbyterian Church dedi-cated with solemn rites. The East Libertybranch of the Y. M. C. A. holds a meeting toarrange for the erection of a new associationbuilding.The coal operators and shippers of the Monon-gahela Valley decide to close down December 1.juuras .n.euer ana orotuer cnargea witu Deingengaged in an extensive scheme to defraudcreditors and insurance companies. JosephEvans arraigned before Judge Ewlng for themurder of Sadie Prnner. Select Council con-cu- ri

In the resolution to compromise the Lowryroyalty difficult).The Standard Oil Company magnates hold asecret conference In Pittsburg. Boiler Inspect-ors meet and form a national assoclatlan. Mrs.A. H. Newell commits suicide by shooting.Kev. Boyd Vincent accepts bis election to themsiiupnc oi tne aoutuem isiocee oi umo. inthe Evans innrder trial Jndge Ewlng chargesthelurythat a drunken man may deliberatesufficiently to do murder In the first degree.

m .. .' 'Xhwt! r " t icl SrV"i i," " ' l "' 11 - w-- !&" - t vj - ,j ." 1889. ' f7

- r - - ' . : VlZSmtmBPoint Breeze Presbyterian Church divides onthe choice ofa pastor, and the election is post-poned.

22 A syndicate or. capitalists represented byGeorge B. Hill secures control of the Pitts-

burg, Allegheny and Manchester street carline. Joseph Evans found guilty of murder Inthe second degree. The Republicans of Mt,Oliver ratify the election of Harrison andMorton.

Beaver and Colonel F. W. Parkeraddress a teachers' institute at the First Pres-

byterian Church. A broken valve causes ashortage of natural gas, and necessitates theclosing of manr public schools until the breakis repaired. The Allegheny special councilcommittee estimates that It will cost fo!,2W2Sto arrange for the elevation of the raiiroaatracis through the city.


116 Amencus Club decides to attend the In-

auguration or Harrison and Morton. The De-

partment of Awards changes the form of tnebids tor the electric lighting contract.

arly 4,000 people attend the Murphy testi-

monial meeting at the BIJou Theater. Windowlass workers consider the project or

6 New cable cars for the Pennavenue line arrive. Produce dealers form anorganization to prosecute the sellers of oleo-

margarine.Councils battle over the question Of

wooden buildings, and the ordinance is de-feated. Allegheny members of the Jr. O. U.A. M. decide to endow a room in the GeneralHospital.

signs the ordinance compro

mising tne Lowry royalty aimcuuy ior , wv.Adolph Rledel sues the Southslde Turner So-ciety foritlO.000 for alleged blacklisting. TheBellevue and North side natural gas es

bought hv Messrs. PIttock & Mueller.Assessors express a determination to

list real estate at Its cash value. Southsldemanufacturers consider the advisability offorming a natural gas company to supply theirown fnel.

Day observed throughout thecity. Jr. 0, U. A. SI. members pfesent Ameri-

can flags tu tho public schools with impressiveceremonies.

fever almost epidemic at Braddock.Propertv owners along Peilu avenue, betweenPoint Breeze and the cltv line, hold a meetingand ask for asphalt pavements. Deputy UnitedStatesMarshal chambers arrests sevenl al-

leged counterfeiter'!

DECEMDEK.Agnew reads a history of the Allegheny

county Barataipecialmeetlngof the Bar Asso-ciation. Samuel Keller held fn JJ1.0C0 ballorconspiracy to defrauds JohnSnowden Holmesfound dead at Wnrtemburg, and is believed tohave been killed and robbed.

Methodist Protestant Church at Knox-vll- le

dedicated with appropriate ceremonies.The Salvation Army celebrates the arrival ofMarshal Balllngton Booth. Cochran Ramseyaccidentally killed at Dun station.

3 Ihe Presbyterian Sabbath School Institute as-sembles at the rirst Presbyterian Church.Milton Weston comes to the city to work rorthe pardon of Absalom Bowser. Nellie Camp-be- n

arrested on a charge of stealing $1,800 fromHugh Conroy.

4 John Sweltzer killed and five others badlyburned by molten metal at Shoenberger'smill. An immense audience attends theflrof a scries of concerts for the benefit of WestPenn Hosnltal at Old Cltv Hall. The Pitts- -burg Presbytery meets at the First Presby-- Jiuidu vuui lu auu ainugci ior a uumDer OIImportant changes.

The news of the falling of the cast steel gunnnder the test at Annapolis causes great re-gret In the city. The majority of the Phila-delphia Company shares are voted in favor ofthe Issue of bonds to the amount of fl 500, 000.The court enjoins the Department of Awardsfrom contracting for Ainoskeag engines atprices largely In excess of those asked forother similar machines. The Foster Eveningof the West Penn Hospital benefit very suc-cessful

6 The Department of Awards opens the bids forilluminating the city, and the electric lightpropositions are found to be verylow in com-parison with other methods. The Wilklns-burg Company strikes natnral gas at a depthor 1,740 feet, Tho farewell entertainment ofthe West Penn Hospital benefit well attended.Druggists bold a meeting at Pharmacy Hall,to take action regarding tho modification ofthe Sunday Blue laws.

7 The phonograph and graphophone placed onexhibition at the office of Whitney & Stephen-son.

9 Prominent Chinamen arrive to organize abranch of Chinese Masons in the city. JamesCampbell announces himself as in favor of alabor bank. Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny,said to be a candidate for County Controller.John Harper arrested, charged with an ex-tensive series of robberies m Allegheny,lather Tobln bids farewell to the congrega-tlo- n

ot the St. James Catholic Church.11 The Monongahela Navigation Company fliesits answer in the United States District Court,

Srotestlng against the condemnation or lockBoard of Education bas a warm

contest over the revision or the salaries of theHigh School faculty. The White Rose andW hltc Ribbon elements bavo a spirited con-troversy at the meeting or the AlleghenyCounty W. C.T. U. at Natrona.

12 Thomas Maxwell, the plaintia in the suitagainst the occupation of the First ward build-ing as a parochial school, removes from theward.

13 A large number ofAllegheny meat dealers ar-rested for selling meat on Sunday. HenryLandseldel commits suicide at No. 25 Ridgeavenue, after making an unsuccessful attemptto kill his wile. The Standard cooper shop onButler street burns.

14-- Wilklnsburg Natnral Gas Committeeholds an important meeting to consider the ad- -v jaauuiir oi uniiing more wens m ineir terrl- -tory. llev. Dr. Talmage lectures to a largebuuieuvc a. ciu I.UJT xinii.

15 Unknown prospectors lease seven forms In the. Wilklnsburg gas field. One of the big cables1 j. of the Citizens' traction road, weighing 45

tons and 23,400 feet In length, successfullyplaced In the conduits.

criticises "Robert Hsmere" Ina sermon at St. Mary or Mercy's Church. Fourhouses and a school burned at Cook's Run,Chartlers township.

17-- BIIl Nye and James Wbltcomb Riley entertaina largo audience at Lafayette Hall. Chler As-sessor Frank Case reviews 19 appeals from thenew assessment. The Pittsburg Presbyterydiscusses the Canonsburg split, and listens toan address from Judge Ewlng on the subject.Daniel Leahey arraigned In court for the mur-der of Thomas Miller.

IS The Allegheny and East End Electric LightCompanies consolidated. Daniel Leahey takesthe stand In his own behalf, and testified thathe killed Thomas Miller In e. TheDiggest came on tne Citizens' traction road.weighing 50 tons, successfully stretohed.

--The Ltahey murder case given to the Jury.The standard Oil Company decides to rebuildits cooper shop In the Eighteenth ward, making it twice its lormer size, ine St. PaulCathedral lair opened. The Ford Congres-sional Immigration Investigating Committeearrives In the city.

20 Congressman Ford and his colleagues spendthe day in making the preliminary arrange-ments for tbelr investigation. Druggists

"Retail Druggists' Association ofand Alleghenv. " for the numo.e of

securing legislation relative to Sunday sales.K. of L. miners ol the Pittsburg district de--cicie to leave tueoruer ana join tne nationalProgressive Union. The Ninth PennsylvaniaReserve Association holds a reunion. Leaheyconvicted or second degree murder.

21 The Ford Congressional Committee completesIts work or investigation and leaves lor De-troit. Fifty-fiv- e more appeals from the as-sessments of the City Board sent in. An en-gine Jumps from a trestle in Temperancevllle,and an engineer. Thomas Ganeow, is badlyhurt.

22 The first public electric light erected at thecorner of Penn avenue and Garrison alley.The depositors of the defunct Farmers andMechanics' Bank hold a meeting and decide tosue the bank. Chief Assessor Case decides togive out no more appeals until they are all de-cided.

23 The handsome new Catholic church at Wil-klnsburg badly damaged by fire. A servantgirl knocked down and robbed on Fifth ave-nue, between Denntston avenue and PointBreeze. Glan Catamcrl, an Italian, attemptst commit suicide on the Chicago express nearAllegheny.

24-- special committee appointed by AlleghenyCouncils to prepare a new charter holds an im-portant meeting. Joseph Stnrtcvant, a mes-senger of Dilworth, Porter & Co.. robbed of

1,000. An informal meeting of the Pittsburgcoke operators held for the purpose of takingthe preliminary steps necessary to an advancein prices.

?S I'hrletmflft rolehratpd thrnnirhnnt ho ntv Tf,Manchester Turnverein decides to build a new thall.

28-- lhe Builders' Exchange nominates otncersorthe ensuing year. George J. Lindner re-nounces the Hebrew faith at the blxth U. P.Church. Tbc hearing In Brace Bros, cqnltysuit postponed.

27 The Bar:Assoclatlon holds a banquet at theMonongahela House. Henry Remaley sues the

and Penn Fuel Gas companiesfor 550,000 each for gas taken away from hislands. A meeting of the carpenters' councilsorthe city resolves to place n boycott upon theplaning mill of Evans. Cunningham & Jones.

28 Chair lactoryof William Conklc & Co., onSpring Garden avenue, destroyed bv fire.Wages at the Edgar Thomson Steel Workiadvanced. a

29 Louis Kiause ffiakes five attempts to commitcuicide. The Central Trades Council organ-ized. The strike at Evans. Cunningham 10Jones' planingmill settled.


A Curious Character to be Introduced Intoihe New Consres.

Correspondence Richmond Dispatch.There will be some odd specimens in the

next House of Representatives, and peoplewho happen to meet a few of the new mem-bers


will wonder how they ever got to Con-gress. Mr. Niedringhaus, of St. Louis,who will succeed John J. O'Neill, pres-ent Chairman of the Committee on Labor,is a manufacturer of kitchenwnre nndhas a fortune estimated at between $1,000,000


and S2.000.b00. He obtained some valuablepatents and made his money in a compara-tively 20

short period. He doesn't reside inthe district w men ne is to represent, bat mibig fnctory is in the district and he employs 22

more than 1,000 men, women find children.Outside ot business matters in which he is

directly interested, Niedringhaus is a thor-oughly ignorant man. He absolutely knows 21

nothing of public men and affairs. It isestimated that the Republican managers in ISSt. Louis who put him up made him carrythe whole ticket in the district, and theybled him for "campaign expenses" to thetune of 575,000. He was being introduced 27

around the capitol this week, and when pre-sented

28to a man as well known as Senator

Hissock, of NewtSTork, said: "Glad to meet 29

you, Jlr. Hiscock. "What State are vouirora, sir?" On meeting Senator Sherman,and others equally as prominent be askedthe same question. Mr. Niedringhaus, it isuseless to remark, hasn't made a verv goodimpression among his brethren in the Re-publican,




Carries Sorrow and Desolation Into

Many a Home, and Strikes


A large taberofEespected local Kesi- -

dents Among Those


Death has knocked at many a door daring

the past year, and stricken down many a

shining mark. Two Emperors of Germanyand one beloyed General of the UnitedStates army are among those who hare

passed away.

MNtJAirsr.of at Berlin, Ger--

uiaur.ohn Peffer, wealthy nonagcnarlan.at Carlisle,

Pa.3 Benjamin Latshaw Pahnesstock. one of Pitts-

burg's earliest glass makers, at Homewood.General ST. B. Alexander, ors:. Paul, at Wash-ington. Mrs. Sarah Brlnton McConkey, atWestchester, Pa.

4 Dr. John W. Kerr, at his home, 87 Arch street,Allegheny. .

Horn, at 53 Tunnel street, aged 75

years. William N. Brwln, E7 S'tmben street,.I'ittsburg.

Jeremiah Porter, the first school teacherof Chicago, at Santa Barbara, Cal. RobertNIrson, Sr In Chartlers' township, aged Wyears.

Knapp, an old-ti- Pittsburg manu-

facturer, at Washington, D. 0. Mrs. EmilyElliott, at X ew Castle, aged 64 years,

8 J. S. Strlckler, Negley avenue and Rlplerstreet. East End. John Fife Johnston, at 435Liberty street. Mrs. James M. McKee, ofSomers street, Pittsburg. Jacob J. Ross, atFreedom, aged 78 years.

Uoden, Lincoln avenue, Allegheny,aged 53 years. '

10 James McDermott, the oldest printer In thecountry, and a veteran of the AVarofUlZ, diesat Washington, Pa. William J. Sturgeon, atPhiladelphia. William B. Gallaher. Lacockstreet, Allegheny. Gottlieb Wcttocn, No. 69

Taylor avenue, Allegheny.D.--C. A. Black, at Turtle Creek, Pa. Mrs.

Mary E. Davis, at 49 Anderson street. Ali- e-gueny. juijan a. negisier, as jrimaucipuia,aged 99 years.

Keed. prominent citizen at Washing-ton, Pa aged 83 years.

ohn A. Welsse, eminent physiologist andauthor, at New York, aged "77. Samuel h,

Jones avenne. aged 62 years. CharlesLungenfelter. atHoboken, Pa.

E. Slocum, prominent Odd Fellow,Sidney and Nineteenth streets, Southslde.

lS-J- Kolb, prominent cltizeu of Cumberland,Md. Albert Speidle, at Braddock. BishopWm. H. Hlckelooper, at Salt Lake City, aged8.1 years. James T. Bovard, Boggs avenue,Mt. Washington.

15 Wm. W. Evans, Second avenue, aged 67 years.Wm. Langkamp, Sr., aged 70 years.

17 Thomas Cain. Second avenne, aged 78 years.William M. Boyle, Thirtieth and Smallmanstreets.

18 Louis Haas, a former resident or Allegheny.atSan Francisco, Cal. Oscar B. Ford, formerlaw partner of Thomas A. Hendricks, atIndianapolis. Martin Benzing, 39 Secondstreet, Allegheny.

19 Mrs. Maria Moore Laughlln. Beaver avenueand Franklin street, Allegheny, aged 74 years.Miss Natalie Shanks, n vocalist, re-siding on Forty-four- th street.

ev. Robert Lloyd Gouldsborougn, at NewBrunswick, N.J. James Bingham, corner ofThirty-fir- st and Smallman streets.

Zl James Lincoln, portrait painter, at Provi-dence, R. I. Stephen Nash, atLlnden station.Grandma Garfield, at Mentor.

22 Jndge C. Anson Jones, prominent citizen ande resident of Texas. Mrs. Margaret

Redman, atCrafton, aged 72 years.23 Belshazzar Roth.well-know- n bote! proprietor,

at Cincinnati. Mrs. Barbara Kelso Murdoch,Thirty-thir- d street, aged si years.

24 Prof. Natnanlel Sheppard, of SaratogaSprings, at New York City. Robert J. Ayl-war- d.

49 Roberta street.25 David Whitney, the last witness to the Book

or Mormurr. at Richmond, Mo. J. K. Sidle,President of the First National BankorUlnne-apoll- s.

Thomas Pldeard. 407 Fifth avenue.26 William H. Michaels, a veteran soldier of the

Southslde. P. H. WelL Chancellor of theUnlversltyofGeorgla, at Athens, Ga. Mm.Elizabeth Young, 106 Wvllo avenue.

W. FinneR, or Covington, Ky.,at Helena. Mont. Michael Costello, of Penntownship, aged 71 years.

ot 61 Twenty-fir-st street.Plttshurg. xnsnoporiutcine. as unicontime.Onehec.

zo Thomas Anderson. Scott township, aged 80years. George Brown, 112 Washington street,Allegheny.

R. McCune, President or the First Na-tional Bank, at his home on Fifth avenue.Daniel Dougherty, Keating station.

FEBRUARY.1 Cyrus S. Oberly. well-kno- Journalist, at

Houston, Tex. James Espy Mccormick, Scotttownship. N. W. Knox, at Dresden.

I Mrs. John Myers, Second and East streets,Allegheny. Louis Horning, well-kno- real--dent ofthe Southslde.

3- --ft illiam W. Ford. 16 Pine street, Allegheny,aged 70 years. Joseph Hall, Beaver. Pa.,aged 81 years. Frank J. Hall, at MonongahelaCity.

4 L. K. Chapman, at Sprlngboro, Pa., aged 74years. George H. Rupp, 1JS4 Second avenue.Valentine Stock,.at Butler, Pa.

5 Henry Charles Eleventh ward, Allegheny.aged 71 years. Samuel P. HoUls, Lower St.Clair township. Frldolln Wade, Mt. OUver.

6 John H. Anglloch, 437 Carson street. Wm.Lloyd. 44 Ohio avenue. Allegheny.

7 John Hodlfer, pioneer manufacturer, at Bel-lal- re,

O. John Messert, or Shaler township.D. B. Benson, of Tltusvllle.ln New York City.

Matthews, at New Castle. JacobWllberr, 177 Betondan street, Mt. Washington.Miss Ella B. Mien, of Chartlers borough. JohnOwens, No. 21 Second avenue, aged 84 years.

10 Patrick Fay, Sr., 1538 Second avenue. WilliamHill, 153 Franklin street, Allegheny.

12 WUliam McLaughlin, 114 Webster avnue,aged 62 years. Mrs. Thomas Farrell, at Eliza-beth. Charles H. Tallman. wealthy manu-facturer, of Wheeling. John T. Holmes, atBeaver Falls, aged 61 years.

13 Colonel Frank TI. Tracy, at Troy, Kan. Mrs.Eliza M. Axtell, East End. Timothy Maloney,loo X ouy-tuir- u 5.1 cefc.

14 Colonel Duncan B. McRae, at New York City.Joseph R. Jones, 213 Federal street.

15 John Fitzgerald, Independence street. JamesWelsh. Fifty-fift- h and Butler streets. Mrs.Barbara Whltmyre, Oakland avenue, aged 90years. D. B. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby), atToledo.

lS-J-ohn Kelley. 122 Forty-fift- h street. GeorgeW. Danoe. Union City. Hon. John B. Seidei,at Lebanon.

17 Daniel Ahl, Sr., at Red Bank, aged 86 years.Mrs. Mary Clement Garrison, 218 Ridge ave-nue, Allegheny.

Barton, eminent lawyer, at Shadyslde.James N. Silllnburg, Rebecca street. Alle-gheny. Henry Kornman, at Chicago, 111.

20 Joseph R. Donnelly, 64 Ann street, Allegheny.Mrs. barah Graham, aged 85 years.

22 William Chalet, at the St. Charles Hotel.Robert Crangle. at Wheeling, aged 72 years.John Mauch, Mt. Oliver.

Dilworth, prominent oil dealer, Fifthavenne.

dge G.W.Thompson, at Wheeling, aged 82

j cars. William Grabcnsteln, Firth aryenueand Gist street.

26 Francis Cain. 285 Colwell street. James Scott,24 Cabinet street, Allegheny.

Barker, at Canton. O., aged 70 years.Michael J. Duggan, 171 Second avenue.

MARCH.U. Clark, 19 Taylor avenue, Allegheny.

Andrew Crawford, 172 first avenue.2 William C. Alston, McCandless township.

Mrs. Jane Brown, 30 Market street, Allegheny,agea io years.

3 John Hampsey, 69 Soho street. R. C. G.Sproul, at Emsworth, Pa.

4 Amos Bronson Aleott, philosopher and author,at Boston, Mass. Prank P. McCnllough, 22

Seventh avenue.6 --Miss Louisa M. Aleott, the eminent author, at

Boston. Charles Frederick Flatkowskl, atConcmangh. John H. TJIam, Eaat End.

St. Clair Cooper, 234 Omega avenue, EastEnd.

9 William, Emperor of Germany, at Berlin.Samuel 8. Bausman, Baikam street, Alle--

aged 74 years. J. P. Jennings, No. 6lncoln-avenu- e, Allegheny.

John Drlpps, Perrysvllle avenne, Allegheny,aged 31 years. Charles Blanton, 146 Loyall

Johnston, at Blalrsville, Pa. LouisK. Mnrray, at Sharon, Pa. .

ohn G. Van Ryn, Park Place, Wilkinabnrg.aged 81 years. John Rlchey, at West Econ-omy.

Schoonmaker, architect. Shetland ave-nue. East End. Joseph D. Wilson, at Laytonstation, aged 80 years.

15-- Ellen McKenna, Liberty street, aged 77years.James W. Connor. 96 Ward street. Allegheny.James K. Polk Meyers, H3 Butler street.John Preston, 03 Center avenue. Jacob Vogel,17 Avery street, Allegheny.

Gallagher, 163 Ilamblln street, Alle-gheny, aged 71 years. James J. Kelly. Chartlers township. Jacob Rusch, Forbes streetand Oakland avenue, aged 61 years.Rev. K. C. Holllday. at Indianapolis. LouisII. Thlei, 716 Fifth avenue.

B. Miller, 75 Arch street, Allegheny. 10James Flaherty, 24 Third street.Cornelius N. Shaw, formerly managing editorof Tin Dispatch. Mrs. Martha Held, at 210Robinson street, Allegheny, aged 80 years. 12W. S. Strlckler, No.NlTownscnd street. Prof,llarmond D. W lUlams, of Curry Institute, atDetroit. Mich.

Justice Morrison R. Waite, of theUnltedState Supreme Court, at Washington. JohnN. WelcIieL Sharpsburg.Mrs. Sarah J. Ford, 313 Wylle avenue, aged 69years. Michael Belbllng, 13S Thirty-eight- h

street.Charles Latimer, eminent engineer, at Cleve-land. Joseph Mclntyre, 153 Rush street, Alle-gheny.

15Michael Sullivan, Hiland and Ells-

worth avenues. Hanorah Mulligan, 324 Forty-fir- th

street, aged 63 years.Mrs. Mary Huckensteln, 37 Falrmonnt street,Allegheny. 16Mrs. Jane Agnew, Euclid avenue. East End,aged 81 years.Edward Hill. 1C2 Webster street, Allegheny. 17

Thomas Qulglcy. 96 River avenue.Scheppert, 362 Fifth avenue. Mrs.

Catharine Kelly, RaUroad street, aged 79years. Is

APRIL.George Crygier, veteran of the War of 1811 atNew York city. Francis Edwin Jarrett, 1307Wharton street, Robert C. Boyd, CUntoa J.

i.fti nJiTa-- b ' Siv :a


Pi .lMin TJn.rn(t, lUtf PailO hvmbji f,j.r..r.u.r" "5?mif""' -- ;. 4rV? f

uauiei at11 iv douo street. . - kMcGraw, formerly of Allegheny, at .

Chicago. Moses H. Haddock. No. M Austinstreet. D. N. White, Sewiekley, aged 8fyears. Andrew C. Patterson, M Crawfordstreet.

Mary E. McMillan, Enon Valley, Pa.,'Thomas CoIUns, Sr., Harrison street, aged 81years. George Hlte. 607 Chestnut streetbonth-sld-e.

Colonel Andrew Scott, Shetland avenue.East End.

Stone, welMcnown newspaper man,at Chicago. Mrs. Katherlne Luff, SharpJ- -burg. Samuel James McGuIre. Ottawa, Iowa.

6 Wm. Sheldon Newell. Youngstown, O.. aged84 years. James Farrill, 530 Fifth avenue.Harrison P. Reynolds, Allegheny, aged 70Tears, John 8, Wlllwk,4.13eeeh street, Al- - alegheny. .

3Ians, at Erie. Pa. Patrick Lanr-- .' 'don. Sycamore street. Mt. Washington. M. 'jS.Mellons. Bellevue borough. Robert Wa-t- g

son. Perryrllle aTenne, Allegheny, aged 75 , tj.r"- - M

Blerman. Fifth avenue and High street. UBDr. James A. Reed, New York. John East- -'and, Sharpsburg.

Falek, Davis avenue, Allegheny, aged wya years. Adolph Unvcnagt, l Forty-flr- st ,onvr.i. i

U-J-ohn Wagner, Charles street KnoxTllIe. -

Daniel Neeman. Forth-seven- th and Center Xstreets, aged 70 years. Mrs. Margaret L.Law-- jj!?1' Hr?ad street. East End. .

at 48 Maple avenne. -- 1JJcUowau. fl Mforil avenne, Grorfrs

ijooth, ldlewood. Mrs. Ann M. Walker,im street, aged 73 years.

Llewellyn, 118 Stenben street. West 'End. Mrs. Margaret Carr. No. 43 Montereystreet. Allegheny, agedTOvears.

T. Richards, 12C8 Virgin street, South .

side. Mrs. Margaret L.Harris, of Allegheny,In New York City. Peter Pollott. Slgle street,Allegheny.

17 Livingston R. Labagh. Fnlton and Talknerstreets, Allegheny. Mrs. Mary Evans, atUlngham street, Southslde, agedn years.

at the HoffmanHouse, New xork city. Edward M. Diddle,Carlisle, Pa. Dr. Cornelius M. Agnew, ewYork. Isaac Ward Andrew. D. D., Marietta,O. J. B. . Hassard, journalist, New York

founder of the Sun, Baltimore,Md. Major W. L. Dewart,at Sunbnry. HsnryL. Bollman an old Pittsburg manufacturer, atSpartansburg, S. C.

a E. Mueller, of Allegheny, at Mo-

nongahela City. ADnerP.Lacocir, .freedom,aired 76 years.

H. Clark, at Hoehester.Pa. John A.Rice. Chicago; 111. Simon Cassaday, Flndlay,O. Thomas Jefferson. Cunningham, McKees-port. Joshua Sheldrake, Beaver. Hon.Thomas White, Minister of the Interior, Otta-

wa, Ont. Mrs. James McFarlane, Towanda. '

William JJwIght, Boston, Mass. Ad.mlral Charles Stewart Bogg. New Brunswick,N. J. Colonel John A. Graham, Washington,D. C. Mrs. Alfred Huldekoper.Meadvllle. Pa.John H. Sullivan, Collins' arenie. East End.

ohn Coyle, the well-kno- attorney. No. 336"

Edmond; street. Mrs. James BUlr Smith, NewYork City.

24-- Mary H. G. Maxwell. 2M Western ave-au- e.

Allegheny. Judge J. T. McKlbben, ofNewport, Ky.

Westley, at Flndlay, 0. Mrs. JohannaSillier, Lafayette street, Uazelwood. SebastianSallada. Lemington avenue, aged 73 years.

P. Covert, New Brighton. Kev. J. A. J.Zabn, Greenville. Edward Conroy, Hodgastreet.

Inhoff, at Carlisle, Pa. John Cham-berlain. atGreensburg, Pa. J3.B. Clark, Chi-

cago. Cleraence S. Lozler, New York city.28 Mrs. Prudedce P. Curran. 61 Congress street.

William Semmelrock, 1702 Wharton street,Southslde.

29Daniel Worley, at Canton, O. Mrs. GeorgeW. Jones. Dubuque, Iowa. James White,4S07 Butler street.

30 Alexander A. Stewart, Columbus. Albert T.Bohrujs Cincinnati. John Brown, No. 123Charters street. Allegheny.

MAY.Mcllvalne. Washington. Pa. Mrs.

Ellen A. Haslett. No. 7 Park way. Alleg2 George H. Harsh. Des Moines, Iowa. John C.

agner, .aicoxesporc. cnaries a. jouro.Watt street.

3 Rev. George R. Hursn, Harrisbnrg. JohnHenry Hobart Brown, Fond da Lac, Wis.Francis M. Thayer. Indianapolis. Mrs.Martha W. Ferrer. New York. Mrs. MarySnillran. Butler, Pa. John R. Creese, Se-

wiekley township. Peter Jolce, Carson street,Southslde, aged ,6 years.

4 Charles Lyman at Washington. Hon. J. F.Kreps. McKeesport. Mrs. Jabob Sharer,Phinipsburg. Eva Guskv. MonongahelaHouse. John Llndenfelser, Penn avenue.

S Mrs. .Maria Fullwood. No. 20 Fremont street,Allegheny. General Warner Lewis, Dnbuque,lowa. C.S.Mnscrott, Cincinnati. Hon. J.M.Estep, Cadiz. O. Louis King, Etna.

KUllnger, 115 Boyd street. ThomasKeenan, 90 Fayette street, Allegheny., Dr.Isaiah White, New Castle. Rev. Charles J.Clarke, New York City. Major N. Bostwlck,Newark, O.

7 Daniels. Thomas, Youngstown, O. Dr.LaurenrP. Nlckok, Amherst, Mass. W. C. Reed, War-ren. O. Prof. Wm. A. Lawton. East End.Samuel Mnrphy, sr., 234 River avenue, Alle-gheny, aged 78 years.

W illlamson. New Castle. Dr. ChannceyL. Mitchell,-- . New York City. Hon. JimesBirney, Bay City. Mich. Scott B. McNabb,Sharon.

Billings, at Chicago. William S.Matthews. Youngstown. Naaman Pierce,corry. Nathaniel Watts, Baltimore. GeneralGeorge DIbbrell, Chattanooga. Henry Kirk-Patric- k,

Stahon avenne. aged 70 years.10 Rev. James Drummond, D. D.. at Cadiz, U.

John Barnd. Flndlay. O. Joseph Llndey, 249Fourty-rourt- h street, aged 71 years. Mrs. D.Strasbnrger. S Franklin street, Allegheny.

ror. Felix De Lannoy. Chester, Pa. WilliamFitzgerald. McKeesport. John George Bend-er. Ho. 87 Second avenue. Mrs. A. Kenwell,No. 5 cnifton avenne. Alleghenv.

13 George Amberson. Ridge street, aged 63 years.Mrs. Mary A. W atson, 62S Carson street.

13 Archbishop John J. Lynch, Toronto, . Ont.Caleb Cope. Philadelphia. J. C. Selden, Erie.W. W. Algeo, No. 9 Acklev street. Allegheny.,Mrs. Marv D. Conrtnev at Emsworth.

14 Admiral Sir William Hewitt at Portsmouth,England. Joseph Brunswick at Chicago.Andrew B. 31111c, formerly of Pittsburg, atWest Philadelphia. Captain A. J. McConneU,at Sewiekley.

15 Hon. George S. nart. Washington, Pa. A.B. Lowrle, San Diego, Cal. Mrs. PhoebeTravis, Travis Creek, Pa., aged 104 years.,William Stewart, 323 Pennsylvania avenue.Allegheny City. John Henry Succop, 170Wylle avenue.

IS Robert C Schmertz, Fifth avenne and Craigstreet. Mrs. Mary E. Schlver, Penn township,72 years.

17 William N. West, at Meadvllle, Pa. i. B.Wilder, at Louisville. Jarvis Patten. Wash-ington, D. C Joseph L. Caches. Mnnhallstation. Mrs. Catharine Staving. 122 BuenaVista street, Allegheny. Jacob H. Slgmnnd,East street and Perrysvlllo road. Mrs. Catha-rine Boschert, 74 Ohio street, Allegheny.

18- -P. F. Keeny, at 1112 Penn avenne. Mrs. EmmaC. White. Forest Grove. B. A. Welter-shause- n,

29 Pike street, Allegheny.19 Edward Carroll, Thirtieth street, Samuel R.

Duncan, 77 James street, Allegheny. JacpbZelgler, of Butler. A. A. Anderson. Craftavenue. Oakland. Jnllus Rockwell. Spring-Hel- d.

Mass. Rev. William F. Morgan, NewYork City.

20 Ernest A. Hardtmaver, West View, Perrys-vllle road. Mrs. Margaret White, 75 Riveravenue. Allegheny.

A. Wilson NorrK at Philadelphia.Mrs. Senator Sawyer, at Washington. Rev.Edward J. Sourln, at Baltimore. Georgewasnmgton r.wmg, at uiuisviiie. .lexemeRaum, Sharpsburg.

22 George Lobler, Chartlers township. Mrs. 'Ellz-ihet- Landerbach, Stanwlx street, aged72 years.

B. Elliott, Washlpgton. D. aAlmlra T. Brown, Ward street, Oakland.Adam Monnlnger. 49 Page street.

H. Markland. Washington, D.C.Thomas Bowman, Carlisle. Mrs. EmlirScroggi, Beaver. Mrs. Jane Forrester. 40

Race street, Allegheny, aged 77 years, ilrs.Mary D.Thompson. Drum street, Allegheny,aged81years.

25 Major John Brua, at Harrisbnrg. Judge Tim-othy O'Connor. Cincinnati. Joseph W. Kerr,architect. No. 14 Stockton avenue. Alleghenv.

27 Robert McAdams, 133 Larimer avenue, aged 78years. Mrs. Mary Taylor, Chartlers township,aged 82 years. D. C. Houston, Canonsburg.

2S--L. B. Rock, Milwaukee. Wis. David Snyder.Braddock. George Arnold. Tarentum. Cap-tain Richard C. Gray, at the Fifth AvenueHotel, new loric cur.

rof. B. D. Irving, Madison, Wis. Rev. C S.Evans, springneia, o. Henry j. Chadwlck,carimeiana wy lie streets.

JUNE.Henry W. Blerge, New York City.

Judge James B. Hays. Boise City, Idaho.Captain Aaron K. Dnnkel, Philadelphia. Wm.K. Thompson. 2514 smallman street.

3 Benjamin McGtnley, New York City. Mrs.Flora A. Remington. San Francisco. RobertNewcomb, Seattle, W. T. Charles A. Boush,Meadvllle. Jacob Tanebangb. McKeesport.

. 3Irs. Virginia Brown, 24 Colwell street.at No. 323 North avenue,

aged 72 years. Samuel Irwin, 145 Frankstownavenne. East End.

4 Mrs. Mary Messamer. at Flndlay. O., aged 101George Anderson, Meadvllle, Pa.

William Johns, Louisville. Ky.5 Peter Ulghberger. Manor station. Pa. Mrs.

MaryMaser. 113 High treet. Allegheny.6 John Behrtnger. 3416 Charlotte street. Rev. G. '

Bochert, Boggs avenue, Mt. Washington.James Kernan, 270 Market street. Allegheny.James McCrea.Eq.. Ohio township. J.HarveyMcCausland, 401 Frankstown avenue.

7 Captain J. II. Harris. Louisville, Ky. ThomasMcElratb, New York City. Blaslus Roach,2T24 Barah street.

8 Rev. James Freeman Clarke, 'Boston. JohnAllen Crittenden, Frankfort. Ky. Ezra U.Baker, Boston. Hugh 11. Cunningham, 63Sedgwick street, Allegheny. Charles Eglia- -dorf, Southslde.

B. Oldham. Dublin, Ireland. Sir FrancisHastings Doyle, London. Mrs. Sarah Black,MiKesnnrt. Mrs. ratherlne SheUahv.Allegheny, aged 83 years. Sally Holan, primadonna, London, Canada.N. B. Ravmond, Akron," O. Mrs. AnnieHamilton Patterson, New York City.

Jllllcr. Milwaukee. Wis. JohnManley, Wylle avenue, aged 75yeari.Jndge Joseph Bigger. LoaUvllle. Ky. 9. H.Corburn, Akron. Mrs. James W. Forsythe.at Riley, Kan. Miss A. E. Hamilton. BenVenue, aged 79 years. William Wilson, 31Avery street, Allegheny.

13James Thompson, Shaler township, aged 81

years. Mrs. Maria Klnstrv, 4823.Butler street,Crampton. Jacksonville, III., Will- -,

lam M. Rust, Belfast, Me. Henry Kampheros,32 Vine street, aged 82 years. Henry

20 Seventh street.Emperor Vrederlck, of Germany, at Potsdam.William Kinney. Altoona. Mary N. Prescott,author and poet, at Newburyport. Mass.Nathaniel Murphy, Erie. William G. Ander-son, Larimer and Station streets.Dr. Rachel L. Bodley. Philadelphia. JohnBlgley. McKeesport. JohnBrenned, 2827 Sarahstreet. Southslde.Dr. James Beck. Sharon, Pa. 'Squire Cun-ningham, Grovo City. John Davis. Oakland.James Vandergrift. 271 Preble avenue, Alle--

. gheny, aged 77 year.C W . Anhntz. 3 Resaca street. Joseph Hnn- -ter. at Wilklnsburg. agedTOyearsMra. Eliz

ffpit 77 vears. .i19-- Elizabeth Emmert, 82 Perry street. Gus--l

Continued on Eighth Fage.

