Plan of the London-Dispensary, Primrose Street ... · 3 PLAN OF THE LONDON DISPENSARY, Primrofe-Street, Bifhopfgate-Without. INTRODUCTION. ITwill, doubtlefs, affordpeculiar Satisfactionto

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Page 1: Plan of the London-Dispensary, Primrose Street ... · 3 PLAN OF THE LONDON DISPENSARY, Primrofe-Street, Bifhopfgate-Without. INTRODUCTION. ITwill, doubtlefs, affordpeculiar Satisfactionto


L O N DON-DI SPENSARY,Primrofe Street, Bifliopfgate-Without,







LIST of the GOVERNORS,January i, 1795.

LONDON, 1795;

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Primrofe-Street, Bifhopfgate-Without.


IT will, doubtlefs, afford peculiar Satisfaction to everyhumane Difpofition, to refledt upon the generous and

benevolent Spirit which appears, under various Forms,in different Parts of this great Metropolis,

The Companion and Liberality of the paft and prefentAge, have provided feveral Hofpitals, and other falutaryMeans ofrelieving the Diffreffed : Yet, ftill it muff beallowed, they are, in fome Cafes, inadequate to the lauda-ble End propofed byjuch Inftitutions,

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The Importance and Utility of the Induftrious Poor toa civilized and commercial State are indifputable : They*confcquently, claim our ferious Regard, and are entitledto our charitable Afllftance. Experience fliews, that,as they are fubjedb in common with the Reft of Mankindto a great Variety of Difeafes, fo they labour under manypeculiar to themfelves; expofed to the Changes of theWeather, or confined to unhealthy Habitations, and en-gaged in various Employments, they fall a Prey to nu-merous Complaints, fuflicient to excite the Attention,and implore the Aid of the Benevolent and Wealthy.

Imprefled with thefe Confiderations, in the Year 1770,a charitable Inftitution was eftabliftied in Alderfgatc-Sircet, under the Name of the General-Dispensary :

But that Charity being confined to the City, in refpedlof vifiting the Poor at their own Habitations, the LON-DON-DISPENSARY was eftabliftied, to afford thelike Relief to the induftrious Poor in the Eajlern Parts ofthe Metropolis.

The great Encouragement this Charity has already re-ceived from a generous and benevolent Public; theNumber of Obje&s relieved by fo eafy and moderate aSubfcription ; and the truly charitable end it has in View,leave no Reafon to doubt but that its Friends will dailybecome more and more numerous. Thus the induftri-ous Poor will eaftly obtain Recommendations from fuchof their benevolent Neighbours as are kindly difpofed toalleviate the Miferies of their Fellow-Creatures, to ftopthe Ravages of Difeafe, foften the Anguifh of Pain, andrefeue from the Jaws of Death many ufeful Members ofSociety,

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The Limits for vifiting Patients at their own Habita-tions, extend from Shoreditch-Church to JVhitechapel-Church, including the Whole of Spitalfields ; from thenceto Wapping, including Goodman's-Fields ;

and from thence along the River-Side to Crane-Stairs,through Sateen-Street

, King-Street , and Coleman-Street,into Moorjields, to Doghouje-Bar, and Shoreditch-Church,

An Acount of the Patients admitted fince the Opening©f the Difpenfary on the 16th of June, 1777, to the 31ftof December, 1794, both Days inclufive.

Admitted ----------

Whereof have been cured arid relieved

Difcharged -------

Died - -- -- -- --

Now remain under Cure -- -

Of thefe have been attended at Home - -

Admitted as Cafualties without any Letters ofRecommendation -------

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To fuch as are inclined to, become Benefactors by-Will, the following Form of a Legacy is recommended.

Item, Igive and bequeath unto A, B, and C, D, the Sumof to be raifed and paid byand out of my Perfonal Efate and Ejfefls, which by Law Imay or can charge with the Payment thereof upon Tt uf,and to the Intent that they ,

or either of them do pay the fameto the Treafurer (for the Time being) ofa Charity, called orknown by the Name of the LONDON-DiSPENSARY,for Relief of the Poor, at the Difpenfary , or their own Ha-bitations, in/iituted in the Tear 1777, and now kept in Prim-rofe-Street; which faid Sum I defire may be applied towardscarrying on the benevolent Deftgns of the faid Charity ; andthe Receipt of the Treafurer Jhall be a fuffdent Difharge forthefame.

N. B. Giving Land, Money, or Stock by Will, with Dire&ions to be laidout in the Purchafe of any Eftate for the Benefit of this Charity, will bevoid by the Statute of Mortmain; but Money or Stock may be given byWill, without being directed to be laid out.

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TH I S Charity is to confift of a Patron, Prefident,Vice-Prefidents, a Treafurer, Governors, and Se-

cretary ; together with fuch Medical and ChirurgicalAflilfants as may be thought neceflary.


All Perfons giving a Benefaction of Ten Guineas, ormaking up their Contributions within the Year, to thatSam, are Governors for Life, with Right of having TwoPatients on the Books at a Time.


All Perfons paying One Guinea, or upwards, annu-ally, are alfo Governors, with a Right of having OnePatient on the Books at a Time, for each Guinea fub-fcribed.


Upon the Payment of a Legacy of Fifty Pounds, orupwards, to this Charity, the Perfon appointed to paythe fame will be conllituted a Governor for Life.

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V.A Phyfician and Surgeon attend at the Difpenfary

daily (Sundays excepted) to give Advice to the Out-Patients; and afterwards vifit the Home-Patients at theirAbode. An Apothecary refides at the Difpenfary to ad-minifler the Medicines; and is not to vifit private Patients,or adminifter Drugs or Medicines to any but the Patientsof the Charity; and Houfe-Vifitors are appointed to feethat the Regulations are properly obferved.

VI.Letters of Recommendation, for the Admiffion of Pa-

tients, are Printed, wherein are contained proper Rulesfor their Government,

VII.Governors, by fending Notice in Writing to the Dif-

penfary, may appoint any Perfon, who is a Governor, to

/ign their Letters of Recommendation.


A general Meeting will be held at Six o’Clock in theEvening precifely, on the Third Friday in the Months ofMarch, June, September, and Decembera at which SevenGovernors conftitute a Board.

IX.The Patron, Prefident, Vice-Prefidents, and Treafurer,

or either of them, have Power to call a General Meetingat any other Time, giving at leaft One Week’s Notice, byLetter, to each Governor, exprelfing the Occafion of theMeeting, and inferting an Advertifement thereof in fome®f the daily Papers: And if the Monthly Committee defire

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a General-Meeting, the Patron, Prefident, Vice-Pre-fidents, or Treafurer, are to call one accordingly.

X.A Committee of Fifteen Governors, Three of whom

are a Quorum, fball be chofen at the General-Meetingin December

, to meet at the Difpenfary, on the FirftFriday in every Month, at Six o’Clock in the Eveningprecifely, for conducing the Affairs of this Charity ;

which Committee is open to all Governors for Life—ThePatron, Prefident, Vice Prefidents, and Treafurer, areMembers of all Committees.

XI.The Monthly Committee, at their Meeting in Novem~

ber, are to confider of proper Perfons to fucceed themfor the enfuing Year (in which not more than Seven ofthe old Committee fhall remain) j and at their laftMeeting in every Quarter, prepare the Bufmefs to belaid before the General Quarterly-Meeting.

XII.At the Quarterly General-Meeting in December, a

Committee fhall be appointed to audit the Treafurer’sAccounts for the Year ; and, alfo a Medical Committee*confifting of Governors acquainted with Phyfic, Surgery,or Pharmacy, to iiifpedf the Drugs and Medicines, auditthe Bills for the fame, and report as they fee Occafion,to the Monthly Committee.

XIII.When any Vacancy is declared at a General-Meeting,

Fourteen Days, at leaft, fhall be allowed, previous to anElection ; and all Eledtions to be by Ballot,

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The Nobility, Members of Parliament, and LadiesijGovernors of this Charity, and any Governor who refidesout of the Limits of the Charity, may Vote by Proxy atall Elections.


No Servant of this Charity fhall prefume to take, di-rectly or indireCtly, of any Tradefman, Patient, or

others, any Fee, Reward, or Gratuity whatfoever, oaPain of being immediately difeharged.

SUBSCRIPTIONS are received by

Me firs. WILLIAM FULLER, SON, & Go. Lorn--bard Street



Meffrs. WELCH, ROGERS, OLDING,&ROGERS,Freeman’s Court, Cornhill

Meffrs. VERE, LUCADOU, TROUGHTON, & Co,Lombard- Street

Meff. GLYN, MILLS, & MITTON, Blrchin-Lane,

And by Mr. JAMES COLLINS (Secretary)Spital Square.

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PATRON,His Royal Highnefs the Duke of YORK.




Sir RICHARD CARR GLYN, Knt. & Alderman,Treasurer.



Mr. THOMAS WHITE, Surgeon.

Mr. JAMES COLLINS, Secretary.

Mr. THOMAS SMART, Apothecary.


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LONDON-DISPENSARY,Primrofe-ftrcet, Bifhopfgate-ftreet without.

January i, 1795.N. B. Thofe marked ** * have Contributed Twenty Guineas or upwards.

** are Governors for Life.* are Annual Subfcribers of Two Guineas, or

upwards.And thofc marked -f- have Served the Office of Steward.

-f'-j' have ferved the Office ofSteward twice.

JL Homas Adderley, Efq; Bell-yard, Doffer’s~Commons

Mr. Jonas Adams, ShoreditchMrs. Elizabeth Adams, White Lion-Jlreet**Mrs. Either Agace, ClaptonMr. Job Allen, Steward-Jireet, SpitalfieldsMils Mary Allen, Shoreditch


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Mr. John All port, Hackney-roadMrs. Mary Allport, DittoMr. John Allfopp, Spital-fquareMr. George Ancell, White-crofs-alley4**Jacob Ancona, Efq; Nevu-Ji. Bifoopfgate-J)Mr. William Anderfon, 42, Gracechurcb-JlrcetMr. James Andrews, Nnv-road, St. George’s in

� the Eaji**Mr. Peter Anftie, IfingtonMr. J. Antill, 39, CornhlllMrs. Elizabeth Antill, DittoMr. Anthony Appleby, Royal ExchangeMr. John Appleton, HoundfditchMr. Thomas Afhley, Brown’s-laneMr. George Aftiton, Booth-Jireet, SpitalfieldsMr. Samuel Afhton, DittoMr. William Atkinfon, Bijhopfgate-Jlreet•ff**Mr. Jofeph Atkinfon,No. 196, Rifiopfgate withoutPeter Auber Efq; Hammett-Jireet4**Mr. Nicholas Aubert, jun. Treernan’s-co. CornhWlMifs S, Auftin, Holywell-lane


■f***William Baker, Efq-, M. P. V. P. Hill-Jlreet ?

Berhlcy-fquareI***George Byng, Efq; M. P. V. P. St. James’s

fquare•|-***Thomas Boddington, Efq. V. P. Mark-lam-}-**William Bofanquet, Efq; BiJhopfgate-JlreetMr. James-Cotter Bagfhaw, Savage-gardens -

Mr. Samuel Bailey, Spital-fquare

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Mrs. Amelia Baker, Nags-head-courtMr. Benjamin Baker, Fori-JlreetMrs. Diana Ball, No. 13, Watling-JireefMr. John Bampton, Belhnall-greenMrs. Elizabeth Bampton, DittoAdr. Jofcph Barber, No. 9, Sweeting* s-alleyMr. William Barnard, ShoreditchMifs Jane Barnard, DittoMils Sarah Barnard, DittoMrs. Hannah Barnard, City-roadMrs. Ann Barnes, DittoMrs. Elizabeth Barnes, LlmehoufeMr. William Barnfield, No. Bijhopfgaie witheuiMrs. Sarah Barnfield, DittoMrs. Elizabeth Barnfield, DittoMrs. Mary Barnfield, Ratcliff'Janies Baril, Efq. WincheJler-JlreetMrs. Sufanna-Fran. Baril, DittoMr. William Bartholomew, Skinner-JlreetMr." William Bartholomew, jun. No. 134,Bljhopf-

gate-JireetMrs. Betfey Bartholomew, Red-lion-Jl. CUrkenw.

Mr. Jofeph Barton, Primrofe-JireetMrs. Barton, Bethnal-green-roadMr. John Bafiington, HoxtonMrs. Ann Bathorn, ShoreditchJohn Battier, Efq. Devonjhire-fquareMr. Peter Baudry, Brick-lane, Bethnal-greenMrs. Elizabeth Baxter, Shoreditch**Mr. William Bazire, Great Trinity-laneMrs. Beamont, Fillers-JlreetMr. John Bebbington, No. 8, City-roadMrs. Beck, Hunt-Jlreet, Spitalfields

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•f-**Mr. William Berkley, Fort-Jlreet, SpitalfieldsWilliam Bedford, No. 61, Friday-Jireet

Mr. John Beech, ShoreditchMifs Mary Beech, Ditto**Mrs. Magdalen Belloncle, DalficnMr, Henry Bemrofe, FeatherJione-JlrutMr. Bennett, HoundjditchMr. Benfon, Watling-JireetMr. Matthias Benfon, ShoreditchMrs, Elizabeth Benfon, Ditto**Mr. John Bernard, French Hofpital, Old-JlrcetMr. John Berry, Flower y Dean-JircetMr. James Betterley, Kingfiand-roadf**Mr. Peter Beuzcville, Steward-Jireet-J-f**James Beuzeville, Efq; Hachiey**Mrs. Mary Beuzeville, fen. Steward-Jlrctt**Mrs. Mary Beuzeville, jun. DittoMrs. Ann Bevarn, Curtain-roadMrs. Ann Beverley, Brick-lanef**Mr. Thomas Billinge, Cateaton-Jlreetf**Mr. George Billinge, DittoMr. John BingleyMr. William Bird, Primrofie-JlreetMr. Henry Birkett, No. 31, Norton-falgateMrs. Bifhop, Holywell-laneMr. George Black, Tenter-ground, MoorfieldsMr. James Black, George-Hreet , Tower-hillMrs. Sarah Blair, hewfnan-JireetMifs A. M. Blake, HamfiteadWilliam Blake, Efq; No. 15, Alderfgate-JireetMrs. E. Bland, Cock-lane•f**John Bleaden, Efq; London Taverni'**Mr. Thomas Blinkhorn, No. 3, Raven-row

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Mifs Elizabeth Blifs, HampsteadMr. Ifaac Blydeftein, Harp-lane, "Toiver-firieiMrs. Mary Bolton, North's GreenMr. William Bonfor, Watling-ftreitMr. Daniel Bottomley, Hoxton FieldMrs. S. Botwright, Hackney RoadMr. John Bowmer, Bijhop/gate-fireetMrs. Mary Bowmer, dittoMifs S. Bowmer, New-Jircetf**Mr, Samuel Bradford, OJhorn-placeMr. Thomas Bradfhaw, Bijhopfzate-JlreeiMrs. Bradfhaw, dittoMrs. Ann Brecknock, Aldgatef**Mr. Abraham Brede!, Spital-fquare**Mr. Peter Bredel, IVood-JireetMr. Andrew Bredel, Church-row, Fenchurch-Jlreetf**Mr, John Bredel, No. 4, JVhite-rowf**Mr. Frederick Breillat, Lyons, FranceMr. George Breillat, No. 60, AldeftnanhuryMr. Samuel Brewer, No. 33, Church-JireetMr. George Briggs s Bijhopsgate-JlreetMrs. Briggs, dittoMr. Henry Briggs, ShoreditchMrs, E. Briggs, dittoMr. Jofhua Brooks, Union-JlreetMrs. Brooks, HolbornMr. Jofeph Brown, Steward-JireetMrs. Ann Brown, City RoadMr. John Brown, St. Paul's Church-yardMr. D. Bruce, No. 4, Type-JlreetMr. Archibald Bryfon, Rofe-lane , SpitalfieldsMr. Archibald Bryfon jun. DittoMr. Thomas Budd, Sun-fireet

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Air. James Bulcock,'<SV. Margaret's-hill^Southui.f**Alr. Dep. Robert Bullcock, Bijlopfgate without•f**Alr. John Bullcock, Hermitage**Mr. Richard Bullcock, BiJhopfgate-JlreetAirs. Elizabeth Buller, Holywell-lane**William Bullock, Efq; No. 35, Milk-JlreetAir. Bullock, No. 18, Tabernacle-rowAir. B ulmer, WhitechapelAir. William Bulpit, No. 8, Vine-JlreetAirs. Bulpit, ditto**Mr. Thomas Burberry, Sun-JireetAlifs Chrilnan Burke, HampjieadAir. Burkitt, Chifwell-JireetAlifs Frances Burkitt, dittoAlifs E. Burkitt, dittoAlifs M. Burkitt, dittoAir. Samuel Burton, HoundfditchAir. James Burton, Old Bcthlcmf Bury, Efq; IValthamJlowAir. William Buttler, No. 16, Providcnce-rowAirs. Ann Buttler, dittoAirs. Harriott Buttler, Minories

cAir. Caldecott, Bi/hopfgate-JirectAirs. Hannah Caldecott, Bethnal Green RoadXvlr. John Campbell, Holyivell-laneAirs. Efther Campbell, dittoAirs. Sarah Campbell, Brick-laneAir. John Capron, Union-fireet

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•“ j

Mr. William Carter, No. 26, Primrofe-fireelMrs. Ann Carter, Creficent, Union-fireetMr. John Cafeboult, Fort-Jlreet , SpitalfeldsMr. John QzfttW,Fleet-fireet-bill,Bcthnall-greenf**Mr. Samuel Caftle, Church-fireetMr. Jofcph Cator, No. 58, Bijhopfgate without**Mifs Frances Cator, Wormwood-fireet

Mr. Henry Caullon, No. 21, Finch -lane, CornhillMr. William Cazaly, Norton FalgaieMrs. Ann Cazaly, dittoMr. James Cazenove, Old Pay Office, Broad-

JireetMrs. Chamberlin, WhltelionfireeiMr. Richard Chambers, SunfireetMr. James Chapman, St. Catherine’sMr. John Chapman, Widegate-JlrcetMrs. Elizabeth Chapman, Kingsland RoodMrs. E. Chapman, Rofs-alley, Bijhopfgate fir,

Mr. Francis Chappell, Nortqn-falgateMr. Abraham Cheetham, FloxtonMr. Cherry, Paternofier-ro vMrs. Sarah Cherry, DittoChurch Wardens of Bijhopfgate ParHhMr. William Clack, NorthfircctMrs. Sarah Clack, Ditto|**Mr. James Clark, No. 223, Holy vcell-JireetMrs. Catherine Clark, Ditto**Mrs. Mary Clark, Homerton**Mr. John Clark, Redlion-Jlreei, WhitechapelfStephen Clark, Efq; Broker-row, Moo;fieldst**Mr. James Clark, No. 21, Curtain-roadMrs. Clark, Cock-laneMrs. A. 1), Clark, Nszv Road, St. Geouge’s / zu

the Eafl

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Mr. James Clerc, Spital-fquare*Mr. Henry Cocker, No. 72, ShoreditchMrs. Mary Codner, Ncw-JlreetMr. Richard CoffeeMr. Collcott, No. 25, Little Bell-alleyfMMr. Arthur Colley, Wood-Jireet , SpilalfeldsMr. William Collier, BiJhopfgate-Jireet<t**Mr. James Collins (Secretary) No. 33, Spited-fpMrs. Sarah Collins, Ditto4**Mr. Robert ColliAs, Sun-JireetMrs. Collinfon, No. 34, Lomhard-JlreetMr. John Coltman, No. 132, BiJhopfgate-Jireet«Rev . Dr, Coneybeare, Bijhopfgate Church-yardTimothy Cooke, Efq; Beckenham , KentMr. John Cook, No. 17, Booth-Jireet t Spiial-fi,Mr. David Cook, Trump-Jlreetf**Mr.William Cooper, Torrington-Jlreet, RatcliffMr. Charles Coppendale, Norton-fa!gate**Mr. William Cotes, XJnion-JlreetMr. Samuel Cotes, Hackney RoadMr. Robert Cottle, BijhopfgateMrs. Ann Cottle, DittoMr. Stephen Couchman, Throgmorton-JlreetMr. Ralph Coulthard, Tabernacle-row**Mr.George Courtald, OJhorn-place, Spital-fieldsMr. Thomas Courtney, Finch-lane**Ed ward Cowper, Efq. No. 79, BoroughMr. Daniel Coxe, Mincing-lane4**Mr. John Crallan, Spital-fquare***Mrs. Elizabeth Crallan, Ditto**Mrs. Sarah Cranch, MoorfeldsMils Margaret Craner, Catherine-wheel-alleyMils Elizabeth Craner, Ditto

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Mifs Mary Craner, Catherine-wheel-alleyMifs Ann Craner, Dittof**Mr. William Crawley, Bijhopjgate-JlreetMrs. Mary Crawley, DittoMifs Ann Crawley, Hit to**Mr. John Crawley, BowMr. William Creak, Cornhil\Mr. Crifp, No, 8, Fojler-lane**Mr. Thomas Crockett, Throgmorton-Jlr.eetMr. Samuel Crockett, Bijhopjgate-JlreetMr. Jofeph Crooke, Redlion-JlreetM rs. E. Crolby, ShoreditchMifs Mary Crow, Bijhopsgate Jlreet jMr. Thomas Cruden, Norton-falguteMrs. Catherine Cunningham, Cumberland-JlreetE, C. (by Dr. Hawes)

DMr. John N. Dagley, BiJJjopfgate-JlreetMr. Jofeph Daufley, Honey-lane-MarketMrs. Mary Daufley, DittoMr. John Daufley, Ditto**Mr. John Davidfon, Pojlern-row, Tower-hillMr. James Davidfon, jun. Ijlingtonf**David Davies, Efq;Mr. John Davis, No. 49, Broad-JlreetMrs, Catherine Davis, Ditto

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Mrs. Davis, Durharn-Houfie , Hackney readMrs. Davis, Petticoat*laneThomas Davis, Efq; No. 25, City-roadMrs. Davis, ShoreditchWilliam Dawes, Efq; Threadneedle-fireetMr. George Dawes, Rood-laneMrs. Sarah Dawfon, ShadwellMils Sally Dawfon, DittoMifs Betfey Dawfon, DittoMrs. Prifcilla Day, MoorfieldsMr. Dan. FrogametDe la Cour, Bethnal-greenMr. David De Leon, DittoSolomon DeLeon, M. D. Houndfditch**E. Delvalle, Efq; Garraway s Coffee-

Houfief**William Defanges, Efq; No. 61, Wheeler-

Jireet, SpitalfieldsMrs. Ifabella Defanges, Ditto.|.**Mr. David Defcarrieres, Wood-fir eet, DittoMr. Charles De St. Leu, Sptial-fquaref**Mr. James Lewis Deformeaux, Pearl-Jlrcet , Spitalfieldsf**Mr. James Dewey, Spital-fquareMrs. Dewey, DittoMifs M. W. Dewey, DittoMsfs Ann Dewey, DittoMr. Dickfon, Sun-JlrcetMrs. Dickfon, DittoMr. Richard Donne, Ccleman-JlreetMr. Francis Donne, CheapfuleMrs. Elizabeth Douglas, ClaptonMr. Nathan Downer, Bijhopsgate-Jireet withinMr. Thomas Draper, Broker-row , MoorfieldsMrs. Mary Duchcfnc, Mile End

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Mr. Chriftopher Dunkin, HorfiydownMrs. Sarah Dunmo, ShoreditchMifs M. E. Duplex, No. 132, Ratcliff-highwayMr. George Durant, Spital-fquareMr. Enofti Durant, Ditto**Mrs. Mary Dyer

EMrs, Eade, Stoke NewingtonfMr. Luther Edmonds, ShoreditchMr. E. Edwards, Camomile-JireetMrs Sarah Elliott, Norton-falgateMr. Rigby Ellifton, No. 83, Whitechapel-roadMr. Samuel Elyard, No. 16, Great St. Helen'sMr. Samuel Etheridge, Hoxton-fquareMr. John Etheridge, fen. Hoxton TownMr. John Etheridge, jun. Dittof**Mr. Abraham Evans, BiJhopfgate-JireetMrs, Evans, DittoMifs Evans, DittoMrs. Elizabeth Evans, ShoreditchMifs Sarah Evans, DittoMr. Evans, Old ChangeMr. John Everard, No. 4, lVood-Jlr((t , Spital-


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FSamuei Farmer, Efq; JHorJlnp-Jireetf**Abraharn Favenc, Efq; Throgmorion-Jireet**Mr. Abraham Favenc, jun. DittoMrs. Fawcett, Camomile JireetMr. John Fellows, BloJfom-JireetMrs. Ann Fennel, ShoreditchMils Mary Fentham, HarnpjieadMr. John Fcrard, Goldfmith-JireetMrs. Rebecca Ferry, ShoreditchMr. Samuel Ferry, DittoMr. Lewis Fichet, Steward-firedMr. Finch, Little St. Helen’s**Mr. William Filher, ChifwickMr. John Fitchew, Bunbill-rowMrs. Fitzgerald, Charles-Jireet, St.

James’s-fquareMrs. Mary Fitzmorris, Cumherland-JireetMrs. Mary Flight, HackneyRev. John Foley, Re&or of Cbriji Church•*

Spitaljields■**William Forbes, Efq; Primrofe-Jireet*Mr. D. G. Fofter, ShoreditchMr. William Fouch, Norton-falgaieMrs. Fouch, DittoMr. Robert Fouracre, No, 4, JVnJhip-JiYetiMrs. Ann Fowler, ShoreditchMrs. Ann Fowler, Chureh-Jireet, Mile EndMrs. Sufanttah Foxon, Clare-court, Clare-marketMrs. Ifabella Francis, Shoreditch**Mr. Jofeph Freeman, Hand-court, Dowgate-hillMr. William Friclcer, Leonard-JireetMrs. Sarah Fricker, Ditto

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Mr. Richard Frith, No. 45, ShoreditchMr. Henry Fry, MoorfieldsMr. Edmund Fry, Chifwell-JlreetMrs. Prifcilla Fry, No. 8, Middle Moorfieldst*Thomas Fuller, Efqj No. 24, Lombard-fireetMr. Fuller, Kingsland-roadMrs. M. Fulton, New-Jireet

Gf***Sir Rich. Carr Glyn, Knt. & Alderman, Birchin*

lamf**Mr. J. M. Galiegue, Steward-fireet, Spital-fieldsf**Mr. John Gant, Kingsland RoadMr. James Gant, ShoreditchMr. Garcia, Stock ExchangeMr. Garrett, Torrington-fireetMr. Daniel Genotin, Redlion-courtMrs. S, George, ShoreditchMr. Gibbins, City RoadMr. Edward Gibfon, Bijhopfigate-firestMr. John Gibfon, 147, Shadwell-JireetMrs. Elizabeth Gidley, Kingsland Road**Mr. John Goad, No. 47, Bijhopfgate withoutMr. Samuel Goadby, No. 23, Spital-fquareMr. George Godby, BlJhopfigate-fireetMr. Goddard, No. 8, Fojier-lane

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Mrs. Ann Godfell, RatcliffMr. GomefsMr. Richard Good, Bijhopsgaie-JlreetMr. S. Goodburn, Feat herffone-Jh'ceiMrs. Goodburn, dittoMr. Thomas Goode, Pelham-Jlreet, Spital-feldef**Mt. Thomas Goodenough, No. 91, Bijhopfgate

withoutJ**Mr. Matthew Goodenough, Bifbopsgate-JlrcctMr. Matthew Goodenough, jun. No. 122, DittSMifs Mary Goodenough, DittoMrs. Mary Goodinge, Duke-JircetMr. Goodinge, Ditto

O *

Mr. Robert Gosford, HoxtonMifs Alice Gosford, DittoMifs Mary Gcsford, DittoMr. William Gosford, Lamb-JlreitMr. Gofling, ShachlewellMr. Jofeph GofTett, Bethnal greenMifs Sophia GofTett, Ditto•fMr. Alexander Goudge, Whitclion-Jlrect, Norton-

falgateMr. Gouthit, Old Fijh-f.reetMr. Thomas Gratton, Shoreditch**Mrs. Elizabeth Green, Bcthnalgreen-rcadMr. John Green, Parfon’s-JiairsMr. Gregory, New CcmptonffreetMr. George Gregory, Spitaljields-market■f**Mr. William G tiffin, Hackneyi**Mr. John Griffin, Stewa'd-JireetMrs. Elizabeth Griffin, Hackney , or No. 36, Steward-


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Mrs. Mary Griffith, No. 9, Cclebrook-rozv,Ijlington

Mils Sophia Griffiths, DittoMr. Samuel Grimfdell, No. 2, Sun-JireetMrs. Sufannah Grimfdell, Ditto+-f**Peter Guillebaud, Efq; Spital-fquaref**Mr. Ifaac Guillemard, Steward-fireet, Spital-

fieldsf**Mr. James Guillemard, DittoJohn Gurney, Efq; TempleMrs. E. Gurney, DittoMrs. Mary Gurney, Kingsland-roadMrs. Mary Gwatkin, Holy well-lane

HMr. Henry Hale, Birchin-laneMrs. Martha Hall, ShoreditchMr. Ham, Whitellon-JirectMr. Jofeph Hamblen, Prince's-JireetDr. James Hamilton, 7, Artillery-place, Finf~bury-fquare (Phyfician)Mr. J. Hammond, Trurnp-Jireet

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\**Mr. Francis Hampton, No. 6r, AldermanburyMr. Jofeph Hand, TVormwood-JireetMr. Thomas Harding, No. i, Sujannah-rowMrs. Sufarmah Harding, dittoMrs. S. HareHng, Kings land RoadMrs. Sophia Harding, FarreFs-rentsMrs. Ann Harewood, Kings la??d RoadMr. John Harlow, ShoreditchMr. Jofeph Harris, IVormwood-fireetMr. John Harris, Great WmcheJier-JlreetMrs. Mary Harris, ShoreditchMrs. Sophia Harris, Farnr’s RentsMr Charles Harrifon, ShoreditchMr. Harrifon, HoxtonMrs. Sarah Harrifon, Fell-courtMr. Harlow, ShoreditchMr. Thomas Harrup, Bi/loopfgate-JlreetMrs. Elizabeth Harrup, ditto.j.l**William Hawes, M. D. (Phyfician) Spital

fquareMr. William Hawes, jun. dittoMifs M. Hawes, dittoMifs H. Hawes, dittoMifs S. Hawes, dittoMr. Benjamin Hawes, Upper Thames-JlrectMr. Thomas Hawes, dittoaVlifs S. Hawkefley, Leonard-JlreetfMr, Daniel Hawkins, fen. Bi/hopfga\e-/Irect**Mr. Daniel Hawkins, jun. dittoMr. Chrift. James Hayes, Fenchurch-Jlreet, or HackneyMrs. Haynes, Conduit-Jireeiy Hanover -

SquareJohn Healey, Efq; BiJhapfgate-Jlreet

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Mrs. Ann Hearnc, Remington-rowMr. George Heath, Biftoopfgate-JireetMrs. Marg. Dor. Heathficld, Bethnal-greenMils Jane Heathfield, dittoMifs Harriot Heathfield, dittoMifs Elizabeth HefFord, Thames-JlrcetMr. James Hcllens, Wilmot-ftreet, Bethnal-greenMrs. Jane Henderfon, Shoreditch**Mr. William Hendry, IVatling-JireetMifs Mary Herne, MinoriesMifs Ann Herne, Kennington-rowMr. Solomon Hefie, White Lion-Jlreet**Edward Hewett, Efq; No. 6, Wood-JlreetMr, Robert Hewett, No. 144, Bijhopfgate-JlreeiMr. John Hewitt, Brett’s BuildingsMrs. Mary Hicks, Catherine Wheel-alleyMr. Loftus Highland, Crifpin-JireetMifs Highland, ditto-**Mr. Stephen Hill, No. 80, Bijhopfgate withoutMrs. Mary Hill, TottenhamMrs. S. Hindle, ShoreditchMr. Anthony Elitchcock, Bethnal-greenJonathan Hoare, Efq. Frederick's Place, Old

Jewry**Mr. Thomas Hockley, Clapton, or Glojler-row^

Curtain-roadMr. William Hockley, KingslandßoadMr. John Hodges, St. Martin’s-le-grandMrs. Ann Hodfell, RatcliffMr, Lancelot Koggart, Bijhopfgate-JlreetMr. Robert Holborn, Redlion-fireetMrs. Holbrooke, Chejier Place} LambethMr. Holmes, Shoreditch

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30Mrs. E. Homan, ShoreditchMr. Hone, Savage-gardensEdmund Hood, Efq; Laurence-pouniney-hillMifs Ann Hop'croft, Hackney RoodI**Mr, Jofhua Hopkins, Flcur-de-lis-Jirect Spital-

fieldsMrs. Sarah Hopwood, Sun-JireetMr. J. Horne, ChiJwcli-JireetMr, John Horfley, Hoxton**Mr, William Horton, Newgate-JlrMr. Henry Houghton, Bread-JlrcetMr. John Hovatt, No. 137, Bijhopfgate-JlreetMrs. Hovatt, dittoMr, John How, No, 204, Holywell-Jireet

ShoroditchMr. Peter Huet, Steivard-JlrectMrs. Ann Hughes, Chr ift opher's-alleyMr. Abednego Hundlebce, Crown^JireetMrs. Hundkbee, dittoMr. Thomas Hunt, ShoreditchMr. Hunt, HolbornMr. Hurndall, Mare-Jireet, HackneyMr. Benjamin Hutton, Angel-court, Friday-Jireet

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f**Mr. Thomas Jackfon, Angel-court, Friday-JlreetMr. George Jackfon, No. 2, Lamb's Buildigs-

Bunhill RowMrs. Elizabeth Jackfon, Tyfon Place, Klngsland-roadMifs C. L. Jackfon, Bedford-fquare**Mr. John Jacob, CambenvellMrs. Elizabeth James, Shoreditchf**Ed ward Jeffries, Efq; St. Thomas’s HofpitalMrs, Elizabeth Jennings, ShoreditchMr, William Illfton, No, 6r, Old Broad-JlreetWilliam Innes, Efq; Lime-Jlreet-fquareMr. Johnfon, Norton-falgate *

4«*Jofeph Johnfon, Efq; ExeterMr. Francis Jolit, Fort-JireetMr. Evan John Jones, No, 3, Crown-JlreeiMrs, Jones, ditto

Mr. William Jones, St. Mary-axeMifs E. Jones, dittoMr, Jacob Jones, Fin/bury-fquare,

Mrs. Sufanna Jones, dittoMr. D. Jones, Norton-falgate*Mr, John Jordan, No, 18, Spital-fquareMr, George Jordan, DittoMr. Thomas Jorden, No. 169, S badwellMrs. M. A. Jorden, ditto**Lewis Jouenne, Efq; George-yard, Lorn-*

bard-Jlreet**Mifs Sufannah Jouenne, ShoreditchMrs. Ann Ireland, Cumberland-Jlreet**Mr. John Ironmonger, No. 5, New-JlreetMr. George N. Jubb, ShoreditchMr. Jofeph Judd, No. 4, Whitelton-JireetMr. Thomas Judd, Sun-Jlreet , BiJhopfgate-Jireei

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Mrs. R. Juchau, Bateman’s-rowMrs. E. Juchau, ditto

KMr. Francis Kain, No. 3, Sufanna-place, Cur-

tain-roadMrs. Mary Keeves, Cumberland-JlreetMrs. E. Kennett, Holywell-laneMr. Abbott Kent, Carpcnters-hall, London-wallMr. John Killerby, Pavement , Moorfields**Mr. Thomas Kilner, Maryland Point**Mrs. Mary Ann Kilner, DittoMr. Kincadc, Fort-JireetMifs Ifabella Kincadc, ditto


Mifs Cecilia Kincadc, Kingsland RoadMifs Ann Kincadc, dittoMr. Kinlyfide, FaJhion-JlreetMr. Richard Kirk, Whitelion-JirectMr. Richard Knight, No. 83, Gracechunh-JlreetMrs. Mary Knight, ditto

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***The moft noble the Marquis ofLanfdown (Prefident)Lanf down Houfe, Berfdey-fquars

f**Paul Le Mefurier, Efqj Alderman, M.P.JValbrook

-|'***Beeft on Long, Efq; V. P. Eijhopfgate-fireetMr. Matthias Lambley, Primrofe-JireetMrs. Ann Lambley, dittoMr. Lomas, Stock ExchangeMr. Langdalc, Leonard-JireetMr. Lawrence, Wheeler-Jirectf**Mr. James Lawfon, • 81/hopfgaie withoutMrs. Fanny Lawfon, ditto-j-**Mr. Richard Lea, Old‘JewfyMrs. Ann Leadbeater, Kemtington-rowMr. Jofeph Leaper, BiJhopfgate-JirectMr, Robert Le Blond, No. 12, Spital-fijuarsMr. Samuel Le Blond, Curtain RoadMrs. Elizabeth Lecard, Holywell-lanef Mr. Michael Leeming, Tokenhoufe-yardf**Mr. Obadiah Legrew, Steward-Jireetq-**Mr. James Legrew, ditto**Mifs Elizabeth Legrew, Clapton**Mifs Sufan Legrew, ditto**Mrs Henrietta Le Maitre, No. 20, kVdod-Jlreet 3

Spital-fieldsf**Mr. J. BaptilH Le Monier, SydenhamMrs, Sarah Lcnch, Horfe-Jhoe-alleyMr. John Le Soeuf, Mile End Roadf**Mr. John Le Soeuf, jun. No. 17, Church-firget

c, Lettfom, M. D. F. R. S. & S. A.Sambrook~court , Bafinghall-fireet

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Mr. Peter Levefque, Si ewar d-JireetMrs Ann Levefque, ditto

John Levefque, Hoxton TownMr. J J. Levy, Spiial-fquareMrs. Elizabeth Lewis, Aufin-freet , ShoreditchMr, Lewis Lewis, New London TavernMrs. Martha Lewis, ShoreditchMrs. Alice Lewis, dittoMrs. Elizabeth Lifford, No. 141, ShadweJlMr. Jofeph Lifford, dittoMifs Ann Lifford, dittoMr. John Lightfoot, No. 146, Leadenhall-JirtetMr. George LilleyMrs. Mary LilleyMr. Linfey, Broker RorvMr. Samuel Lloyd, Thames-Jircetf**Thomas Lloyd, Efq; St. 'James's-frectMrs. Ann Lokes, HampjicadMifs Sophia Lokes, ditto**Mr. James Long, Royal ExchangeMr. Thomas Longbotham, ShoreditchMrs. Efthcr Lord, dittoMrs. J. S. Lovell, Union-fireet, Kingsland RtnaMr. Lover, Providence RowMrs. Sarah Low, Mo. 15, Brown’s-lane *


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M**Mrs. Mary Macalefter, Henley upon Thames^

O.xfordjhlre-j-Geo. Mackenzie Macaulay, Efq; Alderman, Black-

heathMr. Archibald Macaulay, No. 15, Aorton-fulgateMrs. Mackie, No. 14, dittof**Mr. L. Robert Mackintosh, No. 36, Southampton-

buildingsMrs. Alicia Mac Lean, ShoreditchMr. Jofeph Major, No. 35, Duke-Jlreet , IVeji

SmithfcldMifs Mayor, Little MoorfieldsJohn Maitland, Efq-, Bafmghall-Jireet**Mr. Thomas Malkin, London Field

, HackneyI** Thomas Maltby, Efq; Red Bull Wharfy

Thames-JireetMrs. Elizabeth Manby, StrandMrs. H. Mann, Holywell-lane4**William Manning, Efq; Billlter-fquarsMrs. Manning, Holywell-lane4**Mr. John March, Tower-hillMr. Robert March, Lombard-JlreetMr. William Mardcll, HoundfditchMr. James Margetfon, Fenchurch-buildingtl**Mr. William Marriott, Hoxton-fquare**Mrs. Elizabath Marriott, dittoMr. Marriott, jun. ditto**Mr. Samuel Marriott, Paul's Head Tavernt

Cateaton-lireetMr. Thomas Marriott, Old Broad-flreetMr. Ifaac Martell, Mile End

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Mr. Thomas Martin, No. 44, Gracechurch-frecfMrs. Elizabeth Martin, dittoMrs. Martin, Haydon fquareMils Ann Martin, Mile EndMr. John Martin, City RoadMrs. Catherine Martin, Shoreditchf**Mr. Edward Mafon, No. 39, Crifpin-freetMrs. Elizabeth Mafon, dittoMr. Mafon, Norton falgateMrs. Ann Mafon, Fort-Jlreetf**Mr. John Maffu, No. 29, Spital-fquareMrs. F. Mailers, King-fireet , HolbornMr. John Mather, No. 60, Bunhill-rowMrs. Rebecca Mathifon, No. 4, Featherdone -feretMrs. Elizabeth MattifonMr. Mattifon•**Mr. David Maxton, Lamh-Jirect , Spital-feldsMr, Jofeph May, Gun-jlreet

, dittoMrs. S. May, dittoMr. Samuel Maydwcll, Vine-court , dittoMrs. Mary Mayo, Ely Place, Holbornf**Mr. Thomas Meadows, Prince's-Jlrcet, Spital-feldsMr. William Meek, No. 11, ForJier-JircetM rs. Hannah Meek, ditto**Jofgpb Mel lift, Efq; Bijhopfgate-freetMr. William Mence, No. 6, IVindmill-JirectRobert Mendham, Efq; WalbrookMr. Francis Menet, No. 80, Broad-Jireet ,

Spital-feldsMr, Menzies, Brick-loneMrs. Elizabeth Menzies, dittoMr. Thomas Meredith, Bifoopfgate-freetMr. John Merriman, No. 36, St, Mary-axe

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Mrs. Jane Mefienger, HackneyDaniel Mefsman, Efq; No. 21, Spital-

fquareMrs. Mary Meyers, New Cock-lane , Bethnal-

greenMr. E. Meyrick, Vine-courtMrs. Mary Millard, Hackney RoadMrs. Mi 11born, StrandMr. Jofeph Miller, New-Jireet, Bijhopfgate-RreeiMrs. Miller, ShoreditchMrs. Ann Miller, Unicn-JireetMr. Thomas Millington, No. 89, BiJhopfgaU

withinMrs. Mary Millington, Stepney,**Samuel Mills, Efq; MoorjieldsMrs. Ann Milnes, Fenchurch-Jlreett**John Milwatd, Efq; Spital-fquaref**Michael Mitchell, Efq; HornfeyMrs. Efther Mitchell, Ratcliff-highway**Samucl Moody, Efq; ’

George Moore, Efq; No, 18, CheapfideRichard Morce, Efq; Prince’s-fquare, Rat-

cliff-highwayMr. Thomas Morgan, Redhon-Jlreett**William Mount, Efq; Tozver-hill**Mr. Harry Mount, dittoMrs. Sarah Mowry, ShoreditchMils Martha Mowry, ditto** James Muggridge, Efq; Bradford, WiltjhireMr. Richard Mullet, No. 138, BiJhopfgcie-JlreetMrs. Mullett, MoorjieldsMr. Richard Mullis, Union-JireetMrs. Ailcc Mufgrave, Tottonham

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N.fMr. J«feph Nafh, Angel-alley , Bifhopfgale-fireetMrs, Ann Nafh, ShoreditchMr Edmund. Neale, NottinghamMr. Thomas Nelfon, Bifopfgate-flreetMr. Jofeph Newbeli, fdfuciaer-JircetMr. John ' Newby, Marine Society’s Office,


OMr. Oldham, Old-JlreetMr. John Oldham, ShoreditchMr. Oliver, hieen-Jireet, Lincoln's-inn


Mr. Thomas Ord, BiJhopfgaie-JlreetMrs. S. Ord, dittoMrs. Orford, Oxford-roadMr. Edward Overton, Mile EndHenry Overton, Efq; Yorkfhire or IjlingtunMr. Owen, Chifwell-flreetMr. Owen, Yahernacle-lVal},Mr. Owen, North's GreenMr. Owen, Shoreditch

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p**Sir Charles Pole, Bart. Devonjhire -fquart**Sir John Playters, Bart.•f**Thomas Page, Efq; Cobham, SurryMr. Ifaac Pacher, ShoreditchMrs. Mary Pacher, itto

■*Mr. Edward Page, No. 12, Norton-falgattMr. William Wood Page, Woodbridgef**Jofeph Paice, Efq; No. 27, Bread/lreet-hlltMr. John Palmer, Windfor-JireetMr, Palmer, Tabernacle WalkMrs. Elizabeth Palmer, dittoMr. George Pa ram ore, North's GreenMrs. Paramore, dittoMr. Henry Park, Curtain RoadMrs. Elizabeth Park, dittoMr. Robert Parker, Holywell-Jireet, ShoreditchMr. Jofeph Parker, ditto**Mr. Sam, Walker Parker, Hoxion-j-**Hugh Parnell, Efq; Chrifi Church, Spiiat-

jieldsMr. Jefle Parroiffien, Old Artillery GroundMrs. Prudence Parroiffien, dittoMr. Parfons, Paiernojler-row**John Pafley, Efq; Gower-Jlrrety .Bedford-

fquare4**Mr. George Patterfon, No, 145, Bijhopfgate

without•fMr. Georg? Patterfon, jun, DittoJames Pattifon, Efq; King’s-ar ms-yardMifs Sarah Payne, HampjteadMr, Peach, Shoreditch

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William Peacock, Efq; Chatham Place'Mrs, Jafte Pearfon, Kingsland RoadMr. Thomas Pegrom, Artillery-laneMrs. Mary Peltrau, Primrofe-JireetMr. George Pemberton, Paternojier-rowMifs Pembroke, Bedford-fquareMr Roger Penry, City-roadJohn Perram, Efqj ShoreditchMrs. Elizabeth Perry, HoxtonMr. John Perry, Providence-row**Thomas Peters, Efq; Winchmore-hill•j-**George Peters, Efq; Old BethlemMr. Philipps, Bafmghall-JireetMrs. Philipps, North’s GreenMrs. Jane Philipps, dittoMrs. Elizabeth Phipps, dittoMr. Jofeph Pickard, BiJhopfgate-JlreetMifs Elizabeth Pickftock, HampjieadMrs. L. Piners, WhitechapelMrs. Mary Pippin, No. 20, Providence-row

Elias Platrier, No, 1, Fort-Jlreet , Spiial-Spital-Jields

•f**Thomas Platt, Efq; No. 15, Stamford-Jlreet ,Blrck-friars

The Rev. Wm. Platt, Holywell-mountMrs. Platt, dittoMr. John Plunkett, Prince’s-court, Tyfon-JlrcetMrs. Ann Pointer, Curtain-roadMr. David Pontardant, No, 20, Wood-Jireci,

Spital-JieldsMr. Charles Pool, Lamb-JireetMrs. Hannah, Pool, Redlion-courtMr. John Potter, No, 43, BiJhopfgaie-Jirest

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**James Potts, Efq; HackneyJames Poulain, Bafinghall-flreet

f**Richard Brook Pouffet, Efq* Church-ZlreetMr. R, Precious, Chifwell-Hree t

Mrs. Mary Prefton, Fenchcrch-JlreetMrs. Sarah Price, JVhitehorfe-JlreetMifs Dorothy Price, dittoMifs Mary Price, dittoMr. John Priggs, TVhiie-crofs~alley , MoorjieldsMr. Pritchard, Hackney-roadThomas Proctor, Efq; Shoreditch*Samuel Provey, Efq; BiJhopfgate-Jireet**Samuel Pugh, Efq; No, 190, Bijhopfgate

withoutMr, Richard Pugh, Baker’s Coffice-houfsMr. Jofeph Pully, Kenningtonf**Rev, Henry Putman, F. R. S. Aujiin-friars

RfThomas Ralkes, Efq; New Broad-JlretiWilliam Matthew Raikes, Efq; Old BethlemMrs. Mary Ramfden, BiJhopfgate-Jlreet**Mr, Thomas Ramfey, Little EajicheapMr. Ramfey, Tyfon Place**Mrs. Ann Ranger, Old Pay Office, Broad-JireetMr, Thomas Rankin, North-green, WorJhip-JlrtetMrs. Sarah Rankin, dittoMr, John Ranfhall, No, 20, Primrofe-Jireet

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Mr. Raftiforth, Affiay Office '

Mr. Rafme, Great Pearl-JlreetMrs, Ann Ratcliff, Holywell-laneMr. Francis Raynes, City RoadMr. Thomas Reeves, No, 53, Brick-lane, Spi/al-

Spital-JieldsMrs. H. Reeves, Bateman's-rowJohn Remington, Efq; No, 30, Milk-

JlreetMr. Peter Renvoize, Bethnal-greenMr, Thomas Revell, No. 234, ShoreditchMr. John Richards, No, 76, BijhopfgatewithoutMr. John Richards, No. 3, FeatherJlonc-JirectMrs. Harriott Richardfon, HoxtonMr. William Ridley, Colebrook-roiUy IjlingicnMrs. Mary Ridley, ditto**Mr. Thomas Rivers, Windmill-hill, MosrfeldsMr. John Roberts, Sun-JircetMrs. Roberts, dittoMrs. Alary Roberts, Bijhopfgate-firect

Air. David Robertfon, Devonfnre-Jlreet , dittoAir. Robins, Ktngsland-roadAirs. Robins, Newington Place , Kingsland-

RoadWilliam Robinfon, Efq; No. 35, Brcad-JhcetAir. James Robinfon, Hoxton WorkhoufeAir. Nathaniel Rogers, Duke-HreetMifs Ann Rollings, North's GreenAir. William Rbskell, ShoreditchMrs. Sufannah Rowe, Hoddcfdon ,

HertsAirs. E. Royer, Cock-laneAir. Jacob Ruffey, No. 37, Wilkes-Jlreety Spi~

Stital -fields

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43**Thomas Rumball, Efq; Mile End\ oppoflte

the Aflembly HoufeMr. Robert Ruflell, Hog-lane,Mrs. Jane Ruflell, dittoMrs, Ruffin, Holywell-lane

sI*** William Smith, Efq; V. P. M. P. WejlmlnJUrMr. William Sabine, IJlingtonMrs. R. Sackerfon, Gun-JlreetMr. James Sanders, Fort-JireetJohn Sanderfon, M. D.Mrs. SanderfonMrs. Ann Sanderfon, Mark-laneMr. Edward Sandham, Lamb.Jlreet**Thomas Saunders, Efq; Haydon-fquareMrs. Hannah Savage, HoxtonMrs. Sarah Saywell, Norton-fa' gatef**Mr. JohnMartin Sawyer, MancheferMrs. Mary Scott, ShoreditchMr. William Scott, St. George's, Middle[exMrs. Martha Scott, dittoMifs Martha Scott, dittoMifs Ann Scott, dittoMifs Elizabeth Scott, dittoMrs* Scott, Portfmouth

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Mr. Thomas Sedgwick, Rofe and Crown-court,Moorfields

Mr. Benjamin See], No. 40, Redlion-JlreetMr. Sennols, Port-ftreetMrs. Jane Sennols, ditto**Mrs, Ann Maria Sewell,Mils E, Sewell, Cannon-JireetMils Mary Sewell, dittoMils Jane Sewell, ditto4Mr. Richard Sexton, BiJhopfgate-JlrectMrs. Elizabeth Sexton, ditto

4**p eter Sharp, Efq; No. 177, Bi/hopfgatswithout

Mrs Ann Sharp, Mile EndMr. William Sharp, ShoreditchMr. Sharwood, Charterhoufe-fquartMifs Sharwood, dittoMr. John Shaw, No. 56, Bunhill-rowMrs. Margaret Shaw, dittoMr. Robert Shelton, Widegate-JirectMr. Shenfton, ShoreditchMrs. Shcnllon, dittofMr. Thomas Sherwood, DevonJbire-JlreetMr. Robert Sherwood, Widegate-drectMr. Jofeph Simmons, No. 64, GoJwell-Jh'ectMr. John Simmons, dittoMr?. Mary Simmons, dittoMils Frances Simmonds, Layton, Ejjex ]

Mr. Thomas Simons, Curtain-roadMr. Richard Simons, dittoMr. Robert Simpfon, Hoxton Workhoufe

Simplon, Efq; Watling-JireetMrs* Mary Simpfon, Cumherland-JlreU .

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Mr. James Simpfon, No. 18, Artillery-laneMr. Simfon, Hackney-road

Siordet, Efq; IVlncheJler-JlreetMr. John Skirvin, Rat cliff-highwayJames Slade, Efq; Pay Office, or HomertonMrs. Ann Small, HoxtonMifs Mary Small, dittoMils Charlotte Small, dittoMifs Arm Smart, RatcliffMr. John Smattr, Bahnal-greenMr. Samuel Smartt, dittoMrs. Amy Smartt, dittoMrs. Sufannah Smartt, ditto]Mrs. Martha Smartt, dittoMr. Thomas Smartt, (Apothecary) London Dtf-

penfaryMrs. Sarah Smartt, dittof**Mr. Thomas Smith, No. 15, Cloijlers Wejl Smith-

JieldMr. William Smith, Horfc-Jhoe-alley , MoorfeldsThomas Woodroffe Smith, Efq; Great St. Helen’sMrs. Ann Charlotte Smith, No. 91, IVhitechapel-roadMr. Thomas Smith, No. 102, HoundfditchMr. Thomas Smith, Bi/hopfgatc-JireetMr. Richard Smith, Crown-court

, ChcapfideMrs Ann Smith, Kingsland-roadMrs. Elizabeth Smith, Union-JirectMrs. Elizabeth Smith, ShoreditchMrs. Mary Smith, dittoMrs. Souter, ShoreditchMr. Richard Sparrow, Bartholomew-clofe**John Spiller, Efq; BrentfordMr, Matthew Spragg, Shoreditch

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f**Mr. John Spurrier, Copthall-courtMr. Thomas Stacey, George-flreet, Bethnal-gretu.**Rcv. John Stafford, D. D. ChiJivell-JireetMrs. Stafford, Brick-laneMr, William Standifh, Bijhopjgate withinMr. James Stanker, No. 17, CheapfideMr. James Stapleton, Saleers-HallMr. Thomas Steer, White-row, Spital-jieldsJames Steer, Efq; Change-alley•J-Mr. Henry Stent, Bifoopfgate withoutMr. Henry Stevens, Great Knight Rider-flreetMr. Thomas Stevens,' No. 37, Curtain-roadMrs. Ruth Stevens, ShoreditchMr. Abel Stcvenfon, Bijhopfgate withoutMr. William Stock, ditto-f-**Mr.Jofeph Stonard, Efq; No. 5, Tower-hillMr. George Storry, North's GreenMrs. Ann Strange, No. 2, BiJhopfgate-JlreetThomas Stratton, Efq; Grove, Hackney**Mr. Thomas Sunidge, Whitecrofs-JireetMr. S. T, Sturtevant, New Cock-lane, Bethnal-

greenMrs. Sundius, Winckworth's BuildingsSherland Swanfton, Efq; No. 38, Upper

Thames-JlreetMrs, Frances Sym, No. 9, Spital-fquar

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Tf**Mr. James Tatlock, Newington-green

Thomas Taylor, Elder-Jireet , Norion-falgoUMrs, Elizabeth Taylor, dittoMr. David Taylor, No, 46, Finshury-fquare**Mr. James Taylorf**Mr. T. J. Taylor, King-Jireet, Cheapfide**Mrs. Hannah Taylor, Bethnal Green RoadMr. Richard Taylor, dittoMrs. Taylor, GreenJireet, LeiceJJer-JieldsMr. Taylor, HoxtonMrs. Sarah Taylor, DittoMils S, Taylor, City RoadMr. Taylor, Providence RowMr. Taylor, Upper MoorfieldsMr, Thomas Taylor, Wittom's Buildings, Old-

Jireet-roadf■**Mr. John 1 empleman. No. 28, Bijhopsgate

withoutAir. Terry, London TavernAir. Teulon, Tower-JireetAirs. Jane Thomas, Ratcliff**Mr. John Thompfon, HertfordjhireJofeph Thompfon, Efq; Fine Jireet, PiccadillyAir. John Thompfon, jun. ShadwellMrs. Eliza Thompfon, ditto**Mr. R. Thompfon, IJlingtonMr. Abraham Thorn, No. 4, Spital-fquareMr. John Thornton, Blakkman-JireetMr. William Thurgood, No. 26, City RoadMrs. Mary Thurgood, DittoMrs. Thyne, Conduit Jireet, Hanover-


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Tibbitts, Efqj No. 35, Milk Jlrcet**Mr. John Timmings, Hoxton-fquareMr. Henry Timmings, Bethnal-green Church-yardMrs Hannah Timmings, dittof*s Mr. William Titford, Union-fireet., Spital-fieldsMrs. Sufannah Titford, DittoMifs Titford, dittoMr. William ToddMrs. M. A. Todrig, No. 169, Shadwelt**Samuel Tooth, Efq; City Roadf**Henry Topham, Efq; No. 17, Cheapf.deMr. George Townfend, ShoreditchMr. William Townfend, Paternojler-rcw, Spital-

fieldsMrs. Jane Townfend, DittoMr. William Townfend, jan. DittoMrs. Townfend, DittoMifs S. Townfend, dittoMifs Townfend, dittoMrs. Mary Traford, Holyvuell-laneMr. Troughton, Paternofter-rovofiheapfidtMrs. Trueman, No. 9, Old ChangeMr, William Tutin, Prince’s-fireet, Lothbury

Twifs, Efq; BathMr. William Tyler, City RoadMrs. Sarah Tyler, DittoMr. William Tyler, AldgaieMrs Catherine Tyler, Ditto

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V|***Jam es Vere, Efq; V. P. No. 164, Bijh-

opfgate without**Mr. John Vanfomer, London Hofpitalf*Benjamin Vaughan, Efq, Finsbury-JquartMr. George Vaughan, Gravel-laneMrs. Rachael Vere, No. 164, Bijhopfgate withoutf**Peter Vere, Efq; Bijhopfgate-fireel

f**John Yardley Vernon, Efq; No. 165, Bijhopfgatewithout

**James Vernon, Efq; DittoMifs Hannah Vertue, No. 23, Spltal-fquaref**Mr. George Vial, IVheeler-Jireet, Spital-feldsMrs. Vial, dittoMrs. Sarah Vigor, Spital-felds MarketMrs. Vint, Newgate-freetMrs. Ann Viven, Bifhopfgatefireei

uMr. John Upward, No. 20, Throgmorton-JireetMr. George Urling, City Road

w4**Right Hon. Earl Wycomb, M. P. Berkley-fquareMr. William Wake, No. 25, Primrofe-ftreet

James Walker**Mr. James Walker, Jamaica Coffec-Houfej

CornhillEdward Walter, Efq; ShadwellMils Walters, Union-JireetMrs. C, Walton, Kingsland RoadMr. John Wanfey, No. 52* LothburJMr, John Ward, No. 12, New Inn-yard,


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Mr. William Ward, No. 21, Wood-Jir. SpitairfieldsWaring, Efq; Excije Office, Broad-Ji ,

Mr. Warner, CornhillJohn Warren, Sandy’s-Jir. Widegate-Jlreet

Mr. Peter Warren, Sp'itnl-fieldsMr. William Warrington, Pojiern-rovo , Tower-hill**Mr. James Watts, No. 14, Middle MotrfieldsMr. John Webfter, Paternofier-row, Spital■fieldsGeorge Welch, Efq; Freeman’ s-court, CornhillMr. Francis Welch, ShoreditchMr. Jofeph Welch, DittoMrs. B. Welch, DittoMrs. Jane Welch, DittoMils Mary Wells, Layton, EffexMrs. Welftead, DockheadMifs Welled, DittoMils C. W’elftead, DittoMr. Edward Weft, Dark-houfe-laneMr. Ambrofe Wefton, No, 21, Fenchurch-JlreeiMrs. Weftray, Oldjlreet-roadMrs. Weyman, Hackney-roadMrs. E. Whitby, ditto***Samuel Whitbread, Efq; M.P.Portman-fquan■f**Mr. Wm. Wood White, Walthamjlowf**Mr. Thomas White (Surgeon) Jeffery’

St. Mary-axe**Mr. John White,Mrs. Mary White, ShoreditchThomas White, Efq; Kingsland-roadf**Jobn Whitehead, M. D. Fountain-

court, Old BethlemMrs. Frances Whitelock, Savage-gardensJohn Whitfield, Efq; St. Martin’s - le-grandMr. George Whitfield, New ChapelMrs, dftf?

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Mifs Elizabeth Wigmore, Stratford-green|**A Vlr. John Wilcox, Haw-fireet , Hertfordjhire4**Edmund Wilcox, Efq; Hoddefdon , Herts . or

181, Bi/hopfg ate-fireet**Mr. Richard Wild, No, 41, Bijhopfgate withoutMrs. E. Wildbore, Shoreditch**Robert Wilkes, Efq; St. 'James*s-fireet**Mr. William , Wilkinfon, Lower MoorfieldsMr. John Henry Wilkinfon,2s,Budge-rowfiantion-RrMr, Cornelius Willans, Artilery-JlreetMr. John Willesby, No. ig, Chrifopher's-

alley, MoordoldsMr, Richard Williams, Mile End-roadMr. John Williams, Par [ondo-flairsMifs Mary Williams, Clarence PlaceMifs Ann Williams, Hachuy-road**William Willis, Efq; Chatham-place,

Mr, Daniel Willis, Adam & Eve-court , Broad-fir%

Mr, John Wills, Union-fireetMrs. Ann Wills, DittoMrs. Mary Wills, ShoreditchMr. John Wilfon, Norton-falgateMrs. Wilfon, DittoMr. William Wilfon, Milk-flreetMr. Jofeph Wilfon, DittoMr. Thomas Wilfon, No, 4, Bread-fireetf**Mr. Stephen Wilfon, No, 7, Church-fireet, Spi-

tal-fieldsMrs. Wilfon, Bifhopfgate-fir eet**Mr. Samuel Wincote, Wheeler SpitalfeldsMr, Arthur Wind us, Bijhopfgate-fireetMr, Samuel Windmill, Paternofier-rowMrs. Mary Wife, Ratcliff-highwayMr. J. Wifwell, No. 6, City-roadMrs. Mary Withrop, Ratcliff

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54Jofeph Witton, Efq; Prince's-fquare y

Ratcliff--jhighway***Mr. Chriftian Woefthoven, HollandfwMr, Thomas Wood, N0.’35, Broad-Jireet-luildingsMrs. Ann Wood, HomertonMr. Spencer Wood, Bridezvell-dockMrs, Wood, No. 6, Leonard-fireet4**Richard Wooding,Efq;Bouverie-Jireet,Fleet-JlrettJ**Richard Woodyer, Efq; BiJhopfgate-flreUGeorge Woolf, Efq; America-fquareMrs. Woolf, DittoMr. John Wontner, No. 125, MinoriesMrs. Wort, Lamh-Jlreet4**Mr, John Worth, No, 164, Bijhopfgate withoutMrs. Jane Worth, Bifaopfgate-JireetMifs Mary Wrench, DittoMrs. Mary Wright, Hackney-roadq vlr. Benjamin Wrigglefworth,No,ii,Ptf«rr<3/i-/tf«rRichard Wyatt, Efq; IffmgtonMr. Peter Charles Wynantz, City-road

Y.j.***R|c hard M. Yeldham, Efq;Mr Jofeph Yallowley, No. 76, Whitecrofs-JlrcctMr. John Yandall, Curtain-roadMr. Richard Yates, No. 198, ShoreditchMr. John Yeatherd, No. 7, Lothburyq-Mr. Robert Young, No. 114, ShoreditchMrs Abigail Young, Ditto

The Governors are refpe&fully requefted topardon any Omiflions or Miftakes that may have oc-curred in the foregoing Lift, and to fend an Accountthereof to the Secretary, that they may be corrected inthe next Publication.

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London Difpenfary.£ St fl,‘

1778 The Right Hon. Earl cf Shelburne . 50 o oSamuel Whitbread, Efq. M. P. .

• 21 O oWilliam Baker, Efq. M. P. V. P. . 26 5 0

1779 The Righ Hon, Earl of ShelburneSecond Donation 10 o O

George Hayley, Efq; M. P. and Aider-man, V.P .

• 26 5 0

1780 The Right Hon. Earl of ShelburneThird Donation • 20 O o

17S1 Samuel Freeman, Efq; (Legacy). . 50 o OSir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bart.

m. p. v. p........ 31 10 o

Evan Pugh, Efq; V. P 26 5 oJ.C.Lettfom, M. D. F. R. S. &S. A. 1010 a

1782 The Right Hon. Earl of ShelburneFourth Donation 20 0 0

1783 The Right Hon. Earl of ShelburneFifth Donation ....... 20 0 o

Peter Van Notten, Efq; (Legacy, 4 perCent. Bank Annuities) , , , , 100 o o

Page 54: Plan of the London-Dispensary, Primrose Street ... · 3 PLAN OF THE LONDON DISPENSARY, Primrofe-Street, Bifhopfgate-Without. INTRODUCTION. ITwill, doubtlefs, affordpeculiar Satisfactionto

£ s. d.1784 The Right Hon. Eail of Shelburne

Sixth Donation 20 o o1785 Anonymous, by the Hands of Thomas

Adderley, Efq; 3 per Cent reducedAnnuities 333 6 8

Charles Van Notten, Efq; .... 10 10 o1786 The Moft Noble the Marquis ofLandf-

down. Seventh Donation.,,

. . 20 o oJames Vere, Efq; V. P 21 o o

1787 TheMoftNoblethcMarquifsofLandf-down, Eighth Donation .... 20 o o

1788 Richard Mofes Yeldham, Efq; V. P. 21 o o1789 William Smith, Efq; M. P. V. P. . 30 o o

Samuel Swain, Efq; and Alderman . 20 o o1790 TheMoftNobletheMarquifsofLandf-

down. Ninth Donation .... 20 o oGeorge Byng, Efq; M. P. V, P. . . 31 10 oSir Richard Carr Glyn, Knt. and Al-

derman 21 o O

J.C. Lettfum, M. D. F. R. S. & S. A.Second Donation 10 10 O

Mrs. Mary Camm (A Legacy) . . ido o oAdolphus Boon, Efq; (A Legacy) . 50 o o

1791 Beefton Long, Efq; V-P 2100Thomas Boddington, Efq; V. P. . . 21 o oThe Right Hon. Earl Wycomb, V. P. 10 O oPeter Debeze, Efq; (New South Sea

Annuities, Legacy) 500 O O

1792 Chriflian Woefthoven, Efq; Holland,by the Hands fof Sir Charles Pole,Bart 50 O o

The Moft Noble the Marquis ofLandf-. down, Tenth Donation . ... 20 0 O

1793 John Guillemard, Efq; (Legacy) .. 20 0 O

A Friend to the Charity, by the Handsof Mr. John Bredel ..... 20 o 0