Plane and Solid Geometry Activity Set 3 Trainer Guide Plane and Solid Geometry—activity Set 3 Pri_Geo_03_TG Copyright© by the McGraw-Hill Companies—McGraw-Hill Professional Development

Plane and Solid Geometry Activity Set 3 · Plane anD soliD GeoMetry aCtivity set #3 McGraw-Hill Professional Development Plane and Solid Geometry–activity Set #3 Trans_K2_G_03 edge

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Plane and Solid Geometry

Activity Set 3

Trainer Guide

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Plane anD soliD GeoMetryaCtivity set #3

NGSSS K.G.2.3~K.G.2.5 NGSSS 1.G.3.1

Can you Find?

In this activity, participants explore solids, or 3-dimensional shapes, through their tactile sense.


• Transparency/Page: Can You Find?• Transparency/Page: Can You Find? Vocabulary Review• Transparency/Page: Can You Find? Clues• afeelybagforeachgroup• tableblocks(2setsofvarious-sizedcones,prisms,



• cone• prism• cylinder• cube• pyramid• face• edge• vertex

TIME: 15 minutes

Plane and Solid Geometry—activity Set 3 Pri_Geo_03_TG

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• Explainthattherearecertaingeometric“tools”whichareappropriateforstudyingsolidgeometry.These tools include:




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• DisplayTransparency: Can You Find?.

• Reviewthenamesofthegeometricsolidsandremind participants that using appropriate vocabularyhelpsK–2studentsdevelopasolidfoundationingeometry.

• Pointtoonesolidandaskavolunteertoputhisorherhandinafeelybagofblocks,withoutlookinginthebag,tofindashapethatfeelsliketheoneonthetransparency that you selected.

• Repeat,identifyinganothersolid,andasking avolunteertofinditinthebag.

• DisplayTransparency: Can You Find? Vocabulary Review.

• Explainthatbytheendofsecondgrade,students areexpectedtodescribeandclassifysolidsbytheshapeandnumberoffaces,edges,andvertices.

• Reviewthevocabularywordsedge,face,and vertexandtheirdefinitions.Pointoutthelocation ofeachgeometrictermonthecubepicturedin the transparency.

• Askvolunteerstocountthenumberoffacesonthecubeanddescribethefaceshape.(6,squarefaces)

teaCHinG tiP: Discuss how counting unseen faces, edges, and vertices will be very difficult for K–2 students. Have K–2 students manipulate, touch, turn, and hold solid shapes when they count these geometric elements.

• Askvolunteerstocountthenumberofedgeson acube.(12)

• Askvolunteerstocountthenumberofvertices onacube.(8)

• Explainthatparticipantswillplayagameof CanYouFind?basedonusingtheirsenses oftouchtofeelforthedescriptiveclues.Some mayincludecountingthenumberoffaces, edges,and/orverticesofthegeometricsolids.

McGraw-Hill Professional DevelopmentPlane and Solid Geometry–activity Set #3 Trans_K2_G_03


trapezoidal prism

rectangular prism



hexagonal prism

triangular prism


Can You Find?

Transparency: Can You Find?

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Plane anD soliD GeoMetryaCtivity set #3

McGraw-Hill Professional DevelopmentPlane and Solid Geometry–activity Set #3 Trans_K2_G_03

edge A line segment formed by the intersection of 2 faces of a solid figure.

face The plane side of a solid shape.

vertex A point formed by 2 sides of a plane polygon or a point formed by 3 or more edges of a solid figure.

How many faces in a cube?

How many edges in a cube?

How many vertices in a cube?

Can You Find?vocabulary review




Transparency: Can You Find? Vocabulary Review

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Plane anD soliD GeoMetryaCtivity set #3

DisCUss anD Do

• Explainthatparticipantswillformgroups of4forthisactivity.

• Passoutfeelybagsfilledwithtableblocks (1bagforeachgroup).

• Explainthatinthegame,CanYouFind?,youwillprovideaclueandonememberofthegroupwillpulloutablockorblocks,withoutlookinginthebag,thatmatchthedescriptionoftheclue.Add thattheblocksshouldgobackintothebagaftereachclueandthatthebagwillbepassedtothe nextmemberinthegroup.

• DisplayTransparency: Can You Find? Clues.Askparticipantswiththefeelybag,“Canyoufind?”:


Grade1clue:ablockthatiscurvedandhas asharppoint(cone)




• Haveparticipantscountthefaces,edges,and/orverticesofafewoftheshapes(e.g.,therectangularprismandtriangularprism)beforereturningtheblockstothefeelybag.

Note:Iftimepermits:Havegroupsplayontheirown,makingupCan You Find?questionsthatwouldbeappropriateforK–2students.

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McGraw-Hill Professional DevelopmentPlane and Solid Geometry–activity Set #3 Trans_K2_G_03

Kindergarten clue: two blocks that are the same

Kindergarten clue: the biggest block

Kindergarten clue: the smallest block

Kindergarten clue: a block that is like a ball

Grade 1 clue: a block that is curved and has a sharp point

Grade 1 clue: a block that is round

Grade 1 clue: a block that is round and flat

Grade 1 clue: a block that has only square faces

Grade 2 clue: a rectangular prism

Grade 2 clue: a triangular prism

Grade 2 clue: a block that has no edges

Grade 2 clue: a block that has 6 square faces

Can You Find?Clues

Transparency: Can You Find? Clues

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• Haveparticipantsemptythebagsontoatable andsortthesolidsintoattributegroups.

• Askavolunteerfromeachgrouptobrieflysummarizeitsattributegroups.

• Askparticipantstosuggestwhichtypeofblockacubeis.(Cubesareaspecialtypeofrectangularprism.)

• Explainthathelpingstudentsrecognizeandidentifyprism shapes will help them in the upper grades to understandvolumeandtheformulasforvolume.

• Motivateparticipantstoconsiderhowthecertaintiesofgeometricprincipleshaveledtochangesinman’sunderstandingoftheworld,bysharingthefollowingbriefstories:

Columbus,itisfabled,deducedthesphericalshapeofEarthbywatchingthetopofthesailsofashipcomeupoverthehorizon,whileobservingthe topofthewingsofabutterflyemergeasitwalkedaround the orange that he was holding in his hand.

EdwinHubbleredefinedanewgalaxythroughtheextrapolationofageometricprinciplethatanotherscientist,Shapely,hadusedtogaugethesizeoftheMilkyWay.WithHubble’sstudyandobservationsofthestarsthroughphotoplatesfrommanyyearsearlier,hewasabletoprovethattherearetensofbillionsofgalaxies.TheMilkyWayisthehomegalaxyofEarth,whirlinginspaceamidmillions ofothergalaxies.

end of Can you Find?

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Plane anD soliD GeoMetryaCtivity set #3

Hidden shapes



• Transparency/Page: Hidden Shapes• patternblocks(1bucketforevery20participants)• overheadpatternblocks(hexagon,trapezoid,

triangle,rhombus,square)• filefolders(1perpairofparticipants)• blanktransparency


• hexagon• triangle• rhombus• trapezoid• square




• Displayonablanktransparencyeachofthepatternblocks(overheadblocks)andreviewthenamesforeach piece.






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• Explaintoparticipantsthattheywillcreatetheirshapes,usingthesepattern-blockpieces.

• Placeonablanktransparency,atrandom,1square, 2triangles,and1hexagon(overheadblocks).

• Askavolunteertocomeupandcreateashapethatyouwilldescribe.

• Readthefollowingdirectionstothevolunteer.


Placethehexagonwithonesidefittingagainst thebottomofthesquare.

Place1trianglefittingagainsttheleftsideof thesquare.

Place1trianglefittingagainsttherightsideof thesquare.

• Haveparticipantsverifythatthevolunteerproducedtheshapethatyouhavedescribed.

• DisplayTransparency: Hidden Shapes and go over the steps with participants, demonstrating how to create awallwiththefilefolder.(CreateaninvertedV.)

teaCHinG tiP: Create in advance a plastic bag of pattern blocks for each pair of participants. Each bag should include approximately 25–30 blocks, including several of each shape.

DisCUss anD Do

• Haveparticipantspairoff.

• Have1participantfromeachpairpickup1plastic bagofpatternblocksand1filefolder.

• Givepairs10–12minutestotaketurnscreating and reproducing shapes.

McGraw-Hill Professional DevelopmentPlane and Solid Geometry–activity Set #3 Trans_K2_G_03

Hidden Shapes


Use the file folder provided to create a wall between you and your partner.

Partner 1 should:• create a shape by using five or six pattern blocks• name the blocks that Partner 2 will need to create

the shape• describe the shape to Partner 2 by using the appropriate

directional and shape words

Partner 2 should:• take out the blocks named by Partner 1• create the shape described by Partner 1

Both partners should compare the 2 shapes to determine if they are the same.

Then, Partner 1 should switch roles with Partner 2, creating and describing a shape for Partner 1 to recreate.

If time permits, partners may create and describe more complex shapes.

Transparency: Hidden Shapes

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Plane anD soliD GeoMetryaCtivity set #3


• Callparticipantstogether.

• Askparticipantsiftheywereabletoreproducetheirpartners’shapesbylisteningtotheshapedescriptions.

• Askwhatdifficulties,ifany,theyencounteredwhenreproducingtheshapes.Possibleanswersinclude:

unclear directional words

misnamed shapes

• Explaintoparticipantsthatthisisagoodactivity forELLstudentsandanentertainingwaytoreviewdirectionalandgeometricvocabulary.

• Askparticipantshowtheymightmodifytheactivityforvariousgradelevels.

end of Hidden shapes

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trapezoidal prism

rectangular prism



hexagonal prism

triangular prism


Can You Find?

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edge A line segment formed by the intersection of 2 faces of a solid figure.

face The plane side of a solid shape.

vertex A point formed by 2 sides of a plane polygon or a point formed by 3 or more edges of a solid figure.

How many faces in a cube?

How many edges in a cube?

How many vertices in a cube?

Can You Find?Vocabulary Review




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Kindergarten clue: two blocks that are the same

Kindergarten clue: the biggest block

Kindergarten clue: the smallest block

Kindergarten clue: a block that is like a ball

Grade 1 clue: a block that is curved and has a sharp point

Grade 1 clue: a block that is round

Grade 1 clue: a block that is round and flat

Grade 1 clue: a block that has only square faces

Grade 2 clue: a rectangular prism

Grade 2 clue: a triangular prism

Grade 2 clue: a block that has no edges

Grade 2 clue: a block that has 6 square faces

Can You Find?Clues

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Hidden Shapes

Directions Use the file folder provided to create a wall between you and your partner.

Partner 1 should:• createashapebyusingfiveorsixpatternblocks• nametheblocksthatPartner2willneedtocreate

the shape• describetheshapetoPartner2byusingtheappropriate directional and shape words

Partner 2 should:• takeouttheblocksnamedbyPartner1• createtheshapedescribedbyPartner1

Both partners should compare the 2 shapes to determine if they are the same.

Then,Partner1shouldswitchroleswithPartner2, creatinganddescribingashapeforPartner1torecreate.

If time permits, partners may create and describe more complex shapes.