Planet Orbits in Python

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Planet Orbits in Python

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""" Acknowledgement: Converted from the C++ code Author of the python code: Alankar Dutta & Ranajay Dutta Pesidency University Physics Department Kolkata, West Bengal, India General Description: ==================== This module contains the most up-to-date physical and astronomical constants in SI units. "An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics", Appendix I Bradley W. Carroll and Dale A. Ostlie Addison Wesley, 2007 Weber State University Ogden, UT [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------- """ #The smallest non-zero number and the number of significant figurestiny_sp = 3.4e-38tiny_dp = 1.7e-308tiny_qp = tiny_dpsig_fig_sp = 7sig_fig_dp = 15sig_fig_qp = sig_fig_dpeps_sp = 1E-6eps_dp = 1E-15eps_qp = eps_dp #The largest number for given precisionbiggest_sp = 3.4e38biggest_dp = 1.7e308biggest_qp = biggest_dpbiggest_i2 = 32767biggest_i4 = 2147483647biggest_i8 = 9223372036854775807 #Values related to pi and epi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950two_pi = 2*pifour_pi = 4*pifour_pi_o3 = four_pi/3pi_over_2 = pi/2natural_e = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266 #Conversions for radians to degrees and degrees to radiansdegrees_to_radians = pi/180radians_to_degrees = 180/pi #Physical constantsG = 6.673e-11c = 2.99792458e08mu_0 = four_pi*1e-07epsilon_0 = 1/(mu_0*c*c)e_C = 1.602176462e-19eV = e_CkeV = eV*1.0e3MeV = eV*1.0e6GeV = eV*1.0e9; h = 6.62606876e-34hbar = h/two_pik_B = 1.3806503e-23sigma = 2*pow(pi,5)*pow(k_B,4)/(15*c*c*pow(h,3))a_rad = 4*sigma/ca_rad_o3 = a_rad/3four_ac_o3 = 4*a_rad_o3*cm_e = 9.10938188e-31m_p = 1.67262158e-27m_n = 1.67492716e-27m_H = 1.673532499e-27u = 1.66053873e-27 N_A = 6.02214199e23R_gas = 8.314472 a_0 = four_pi*epsilon_0*hbar*hbar/(m_e*e_C*e_C) R_infty = m_e*pow(e_C,4)/(64*pow(pi,3)*epsilon_0*epsilon_0*pow(hbar,3)*c)R_H = m_p/(m_e + m_p)*R_infty #Time constantshr = 3600day = 24*hrJ_yr = 365.25*dayyr = 3.15581450e7T_yr = 3.155692519e7G_yr = 3.1556952e7 #Astronomical length constantsAU = 1.4959787066e11pc = 206264.806*AUly = c*J_yr #Solar constantsM_Sun = 1.9891e30S_Sun = 1.365e3L_Sun = four_pi*AU*AU*S_SunR_Sun = 6.95508e8Te_Sun = pow((L_Sun/(four_pi*R_Sun*R_Sun*sigma)),0.25) #Solar magnitudesMbol_Sun = 4.74MU_Sun = 5.67MB_Sun = 5.47MV_Sun = 4.82Mbol_Sun_ap = -26.83MU_Sun_ap = -25.91MB_Sun_ap = -26.10MV_Sun_ap = -26.75BC_Sun = -0.08 #Earth constantsM_Earth = 5.9736e24R_Earth = 6.378136e6 #Unit Conversionscm = 1e-2gram = 1e-3erg = 1e-7dyne = 1e-5esu = 3.335640952e-10statvolt = 2.997924580e2gauss = 1e-4angstrom = 1e-10jansky = 1e-26""" Acknowledgement: Converted from the C++ code Author of the python code: Alankar Dutta & Ranajay Dutta Pesidency University Physics Department Kolkata, West Bengal, India General Description: ==================== Orbit computes the orbit of a small mass about a much larger mass, or it can be considered as computing the motion of the reduced mass about the center of mass. "An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics", Appendix J Bradley W. Carroll and Dale A. Ostlie Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2007 Weber State University Ogden, UT [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------- """import Constantsimport mathimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom prettytable import PrettyTableclass orbit: #This is the __str__() method to display information on orbit instances def __str__(self): message='This program computes the orbit of a small mass about a much larger mass,\n or it can be considered as computing the motion of the reduced mass\n about the center of mass.' return message #This is the initializing method def __init__(self): """ From Constants module the following constants will be used: Constants.G Constants.AU Constants.M_Sun Constants.pi Constants.two_pi Constants.yr Constants.radians_to_degrees Constants.eps_dp """ #Write introductory information for user print(' Orbit computes the orbit of a small mass about a much larger mass.\n') print(' Details of the code are described in: \n') print(' An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics \n') print(' Bradley W. Carroll and Dale A. Ostlie \n') print(' Addison Wesley \n ') print(' copyright 2007\n\n ') #Trying to open a new Orbit.txt file or appending to a previous one #Its just a check to see whether a file can be written on orbital infos if not the program terminates try: orbit_file = open('Orbit.txt', 'a') orbit_file.write("\n") except: try: orbit_file = open('Orbit.txt', 'w') orbit_file.write("\n") except: print('Unable to open Orbit.txt --- Terminating computation') self.dummy=input('Enter any character to quit...') exit() orbit_file.close() #Get input from user def user_input(self): self.Mstrsun = float(input(' Enter the mass of the parent star (in solar masses): ')) self.aAU = float(input(' Enter the semimajor axis of the orbit (in AU): ')) self.ecc = float(input(' Enter the orbital eccentricity: ')) self.user_input_tuple = (self.Mstrsun, self.aAU, self.ecc) #Convert user entered values to conventional SI units Mstar = self.user_input_tuple[0]*Constants.M_Sun a = self.user_input_tuple[1]*Constants.AU self.user_input_tuple_conv = ( Mstar, a, self.ecc) del self.user_input_tuple return self.user_input_tuple_conv #Calculate the orbital period in seconds using Kepler's Third Law def orbital_period(self,inp_tuple): P = ((4*(Constants.pi**2)*(inp_tuple[1]**3))/(Constants.G*inp_tuple[0]))**(0.5) #Convert the orbital period to years and print the result print('\n The period of this orbit is ' , (P/Constants.yr), ' yr') return P #Enter the number of time steps and the time interval to be printed def step_time_input(self): n=int(input('\n\n'+ 'Please enter the number of time steps to be calculated and the \n'+ 'frequency with which you want time steps printed. \n\n'+ 'Note that taking too large a time step during the computation \n'+ 'will produce inaccurate results. \n\n'+ 'Enter the number of time steps desired for the computation: ')) n+=1 #increment to include t=0 (initial) point kmax=int(input('\n\n' 'How often do you want time steps to be printed? \n' ' 1 = every time step \n' ' 2 = every second time step \n' ' 3 = every third time step \n' ' etc. \n\n' 'Frequency: ')) step_tuple = (n, kmax) return step_tuple #Print header information for output file def ouput_file(self,inp_tuple,time): orbit_file = open('Orbit.txt', 'a') orbit_file.write(' Elliptical Orbit Data\n\n') orbit_file.write(' Mstar = ') orbit_file.write(str(inp_tuple[0])) orbit_file.write(' Msun\n') orbit_file.write(' a = ') orbit_file.write(str((inp_tuple[1]/Constants.AU))) orbit_file.write(' AU\n') orbit_file.write(' revolution time period = ') orbit_file.write(str((time/Constants.yr))) orbit_file.write(' yr\n') orbit_file.write(' eccentricity = ') orbit_file.write(str(inp_tuple[2])) orbit_file.write('\n\n') #Start main time step loop def time_step_loop(self, data_tuple, step_tuple,time_period): orbit_file = open('Orbit.txt', 'a') #open the file Orbit.txt for printing #Initialize print counter, angle, elapsed time, and time step counter = 1 #print counter theta = 0 #angle from direction to perihelion (radians) t = 0 #elapsed time (s) dt = time_period/(step_tuple[0]-1) #time step (s) delta = 2*Constants.eps_dp #allowable error at end of period #Start of loop plotx = [] #collects x co ordinates for plotting ploty = [] #collects y co ordinates for plotting r = 0.0 #Variables inside the loop LoM = 0.0 #Variables inside the loop dtheta = 0.0 #Variables inside the loop x = PrettyTable(['t (yr)', 'r (AU)', 'theta (deg)', 'x (AU)', 'y (AU)']) #prepare data Table Headers x.align['t (yr)'] = 'l' x.padding_width = 1 while (((theta - Constants.two_pi) < (dtheta/2)) and ((t - time_period) < dt/2)): #Calculate the distance from the principal focus using Kepler's First Law r = data_tuple[1]*((1 - data_tuple[2]**2)/(1 + (data_tuple[2]*(math.cos(theta))))) #If time to print, convert to cartesian coordinates. Be sure to print last point also if (counter==1): x.add_row([(t/Constants.yr),(r/Constants.AU), (theta*Constants.radians_to_degrees), ((r*math.cos(theta))/Constants.AU),((r*math.sin(theta))/Constants.AU)]) plotx.append((r*math.cos(theta))/Constants.AU) #x co ordinates ploty.append((r*math.sin(theta))/Constants.AU) #y co ordinates orbit_file.write('\n') #Prepare for the next time step: Update the elapsed time. t += dt #Calculate the angular momentum per unit mass, L/m LoM = (Constants.G*data_tuple[0]*data_tuple[1]*(1 - data_tuple[2]**2))**(0.5) #Compute the next value for theta dtheta = (LoM/(r**2))*dt theta += dtheta #Reset the print counter if necessary counter += 1 if (counter > step_tuple[1] or (theta - Constants.two_pi)/Constants.two_pi > delta or (t - time_period)/time_period > delta): counter = 1 plt.plot(plotx,ploty) orbit_file.write(str(x)) #plots the Orbit curve print( '\nOrbit Graph successfully Generated!\n\n' ) print( '\n\nThe computation is finished and the data are in Orbit.txt\n\n' ) dummy = 'dumb' dummy = input ( 'Enter any character and hit to exit: ')