Planets in Different Houses

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  • 8/10/2019 Planets in Different Houses


    Planets in Diferent Houses

    Planets in diferent houses-Part 1


    Sun or Surya considered to be a very important planet in Indian Astrology. Sun is one o the three ascendants in!edic astrology. It gives auspicious results i it is well placed and in a good state "e#alted or placed in own sign or

    in riendly sign$. I Sun or Surya is well placed in the horoscope% it gives prosperity% ame% popularity% authority%

    good leadership s&ills% in'uence over people and good health. It is not well placed in the horoscope% it can cause

    eye problems% bad health% problems with authorities% unpopularity and problems in case o proession and money

    'ow. Here in this section% we are presenting the results o placement o Sun or Surya in all the 1( houses o the

    horoscope or the !edic birth chart

    Sun in

    AscendantSun in (nd house Sun in )rd bhava Sun in *th bhava

    Sun in +th

    bhavaSun in ,th house Sun in -th bhava Sun in th house

    Sun in th

    bhavaSun in 10th house Sun in 11th bhava Sun in 1(th house


    oon or 2handra is a very important planet in !edic astrology. It is one o the three ascendants in !edic

    astrology. I the oon is well placed in the birth chart then it brings good results both in personal and

    proessional lie. 3he person with a well placed oon would have a perect wor&4lie balance. 3he person would

    have good environment at home% good peace o mind% and good avor o luc&. 3he person will be having good

    level o creativity. 5n the other hand% i oon is not well placed% it creates problems in case o mental peace%

    harmony at home% gives 6uarrelsome nature and problems in case o ortune. 3he person may get wealth due toother well placed planets but he would not be able to eel the pleasure o lie. Here in this section% we are

    presenting the results o placement o oon or 2handra in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth


    oon in

    Ascendantoon in (nd house oon in )rd bhava oon in *th house

    oon in +th

    houseoon in ,th bhava oon in -th bhava oon in th bhava

    oon in th

    houseoon in 10th bhava oon in 11th house oon in 1(th bhava


    ars or angal is considered a male7c planet in !edic astrology. It represents sel4con7dence% determination%

    and abilities to 7ghting against all odds% endurance% e8orts% aggression% wars% violence% accidents% hurdles and

    delays in many areas o lie. 3he result o ars depends on it9s placement in the birth chart. I the ars or

    angal is well placed% it ma&es the person determined and courageous. 3he person will have high level o

    endurance and will not be easily suppressible. 3he person will not easily accept his deeat and stic& to the 7ght

    against the odds. ell placed ars gives a person authority% give good administrative s&ills and give him high

    position in lie. 3he ill4placed ars will cause many problems to the person li&e problems in health% wea& will

    power% accidents% delay in marriage% hurdles in proession and child birth. Here in this section% we are presenting

    the results o placement o ars or angal in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart

    ars in

    Ascendantars in (nd bhava ars in )rd bhava ars in *th house

    ars in +th

    housears in ,th bhava ars in -th house ars in th bhava
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    ars in th

    housears in 10th bhava ars in 11th house ars in 1(th bhava


    ercury is considered a natural bene7c planet in !edic astrology. ercury represents the business and trading

    s&ills. It represents youthulness% s&ills in computing% mathematics% public spea&ing% communication and humor.

    I the ercury is well placed% it will ma&e the person good in trading% business% s&ills in sotware% intellect%

    comedy% sharp and 6uic& thin&ing. Ill4placed ercury can cause lac& o intellect% problems in communication and

    computation s&ills% problems related to nervous system% hearing and respiratory problems. 3he person will lac&

    sense o humor and will not be able to ta&e 6uic& decisions. Here in this section% we are presenting the results o

    placement o ercury or ;udh in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart

    ercury in

    Ascendantercury in (nd bhava ercury in )rd house ercury in *th bhava

    ercury in +th

    houseercury in ,th bhava ercury in -th house ercury in th bahva

    ercury in th

    bhavaercury in 10th house ercury in 11th bhava ercury in 1(th house


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    !enus in th

    bhava!enus in 10th house !enus in 11th bhava !enus in 1(th house


    Saturn or Shani is generally considered to be a potential male7c planet in !edic astrology. It is a general

    perception that Sade Sati or Shani mahadasha is also having bad impacts on the natives. ;ut this is not a truth.

    ?or natives o 3aurus% @ibra% 2apricorn and A6uarius ascendant% i Saturn is well placed% it coners abundance o

    a=uence% authority% administrative s&ills% high designation and a very successul lie. Saturn or Shani ma&es a

    person diligent and ocused. 3he people governed by Saturn are generally serious by nature and are goal4

    oriented. 5n the negative side% i Saturn is male7c then it causes much ill4impacts li&e delays% hurdles and

    problems in every aspect o lie. Here in this section% we are presenting the results o placement o Saturn or

    Shani in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart

    Saturn in

    AscendantSaturn in (nd house Saturn in )rd bhava Saturn in *th house

    Saturn in +th

    houseSaturn in ,th bhava Saturn in -th bhava Saturn in th bhava

    Saturn in th

    houseSaturn in 10th bhava Saturn in 11th house Saturn in 1(th bhava


    ahu in !edic astrology is a shadow planet. It is considered to be a potential male7c in Indian astrology. ahu

    represent the north node o oon. Placement o rahu plays a very important role in the nativeBs lie. 3he ill

    placed rahu creates so many bad results in the lie o native. 3he natives impacted by ill4placed ahu are prone

    to treacheries and deceptions. 3hey have many hurdles in their path towards success in many aspects o lie.

    ahu impacted people are also prone to be impacted by legal actins against them. 3hey could also be

    imprisoned. 3hey could also be devoid o good deeds and dharma. 5n the other side% o ahu is well placed% it

    coners high gains in a very short time to the native without much e8orts. ell placed rahu is a &ara&a o having

    immense wealth through share mar&et% speculations% betting% casinos and game shows. It also give authority%

    administrative position% high diplomatic s&ills. Here in this section% we are presenting the results o placement oahu in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart

    ahu in

    Ascendantahu in (nd bhava ahu in )rd bhava ahu in *th house

    ahu in +th

    houseahu in ,th bhava ahu in -th house ahu in th bhava

    ahu in th

    houseahu in 10th bhava ahu in 11th house ahu in 1(th bhava


    Cetu is a potential male7c planet in !edic astrology and it is a south node o oon. Ill4placed Cetu also provides

    many bad results in the lie o native Dust li&e ahu but the intensity o the bad results are lower in comparison to

    ahu. Cetu is milder in comparison o ahu. Ill placed Cetu creates many hurdles and brea&s in the lie o natives.

    ;ut there is a positive side also in it. Cetu is considered to be a great provider o spirituality. Strong in'uence o

    Cetu leads the person towards the detachment with the worldly matters and leads him or her towards salvation.

    Cetu induces strong religious eelings in the native and provides ultimate peace to the soul. Here in this section%

    we are presenting the results o placement o Cetu in all the 1( houses o the horoscope or the !edic birth chart

    Cetu in Ascendant Cetu in (nd bhava Cetu in )rd house Cetu in *th bhava

    Cetu in +th house Cetu in ,th bhava Cetu in -th house Cetu in th bahva

    Cetu in th bhava Cetu in 10th house Cetu in 11th bhava Cetu in 1(th house
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    Sun in Ascendant | Surya in 1st house

    Sun is most potent presence among all the planets in the astrological arena besides which it is perceived to be the king in the solar system as it holds all the

    celestial bodies around and dominate over them. For the same reasons, Sun in 1 sthouse or Ascendant will bestow same attributes to the natives and will make

    him/her stay strong from the core with a balanced composure of mind while he/she would be dominating and effective in appearance as they carry the strength

    of leaving marks behind. These people with Sun in 1sthouse or Ascendant are born leaders but they should stay away from overshadowing others.

    Sun is the king and mentor of all the planets. hen it placed in the first house or ascendant, it provides wisdom and true knowledge to the native besides which

    the person would carry a positive attitude towards life along with the firmness in approach as the person would not let others affect their approach. Thesenatives with Sun in Ascendant are mature beings but they are very much concerned about their presence besides which they are very much vigorous !

    courageous personalities which makes them e"ploring in nature but this could turn snobbish at times. These natives having Sun in first house or Ascendant

    would carry much self belief which will take them towards good heights if it won#t become over confidence. The positive impacts of Sun would endow theperson with clear vision towards life.

    $n the other part, the native with Sun in Ascendant or first house could turn aggressive and stubborn along with a tough heart but these natives are not evil and

    wicked souls as they know the difference between evil and pure and do believe upon moral path. The native with Sun in 1st house would attain strong position

    upon land through his/her intellect and hard work besides which they these people are well suited for political career. %n the end, they could have eye problems

    and should hold upon their much risk taking tendency

    Sun in 2nd house | Surya in 2nd ha!a

    Sun is the divine e"pression of potency and dominance which also holds immense aggression along with highest authority for being the emperor among all the

    planets. Sun is an auspicious presence but it could also appear as malefic for certain planetary placements for which it provides both pleasant and adverse

    impacts to human beings.

    The presence of Sun in the second house will bestow them financial strength as these natives with Sun in &nd house would attain good professional places orwould have variant channels of income for keeping them wealthy while on the other part, these natives with Sun in second house would pursue very lavish and

    careless spending of money as they are born attached to materialistic pleasures and comforts. They always seek for financial independence.

    The natives of this placement of Sun in second house are effective talkers as they will leave impacts behind besides which they are perceived to be true to

    his/her words as these natives won#t ever break their promises. 'esides this, these natives of Sun in &nd house are perceived to be intellectual beings who

    would pursue good learning and would turn towards research and scientific aspects.

    Apart from this, these natives with sun in &nd house would be stubborn and peevish in their attitude. They could be stammers and could face danger to their

    lives during the age of &(yrs.

    Sun in "rd house | Surya in "rd ha!a

    The Sun is perceived to be one of the most potent celestial presence which provides supreme strength to the natives besides which it is the source of luminosity

    in human lives. The placement of Sun in the third house would bestow much valor and vigor to the person and would brighten his/her life path.

    The placement of Sun in the )rd house will strengthen the composure of mind for which these natives are believed to be strong from the core while on the other

    hand, these individuals would be inclined towards empowering their wisdom and understanding as you could find them ac*uiring studies for a longer period orfor the whole life as well. Apart from this, they are free souls who possess optimistic approach towards life which further makes them fle"ible in attitude.

    The natives possessing Sun in third house would be very efficient talkers but they won#t talk a lot as these people will only speak at the re*uired time with right

    words for e"pressing in the right form as to leave great impressions behind. Their words e"plore their wisdom and intellect. 'ut, the presence of Sun in )rd

    house could also turn them *uiet aggressive and over confident at times.

    The benefic placement of Sun +in e"alted state or in its own sign or in friendly signs- in third bhava will also bring good affluence and brothers to the native

    along with divine blessings but the malefic placement of Sun ++in debilitated state or in enemy signs-.

    %n the end, if the Sun is malefic in )rd house, the natives should serve needy or poor or guests with rice or milk, should stay away from evil and immoral

    pursuits and he/she should serve and respect the mother and motherly figures for reducing the malefic effects of Sun.

    Sun in #th house | Surya in #th ha!a

    The placement of Sun in the fourth house would bestow the potency to the roots of family and cultural norms for which the native would be very much attachedto them. This will further make the person *uiet protective and defensive towards the personal and family aspects as well as for his/her cultural possessions.

    The natives of this placement of Sun in th house would be more involved in family matters for being truly devoted towards them besides which they are the

    honest followers and carriers of their cultural beliefs and perceptions. These natives always perceive towards the future for which they wants their closed ones

    and themselves to stay at the safer side and for the same reasons they could behave similarly defensive at work place as well but they should avoid it. These

    people of having Sun in th house believes in continuous growth and betterment and so on their lives keeps improving with time along with the development of

    their own core while their early days could be *uiet struggling besides which, they will always respect their family roots and carry pride for their culture even at

    the peak of their success. These natives of Surya in fourth bhava will lead a satisfactory and peaceful life with true stability of mind even in difficult days

    because of immense calmness inside them.

    %n further vivid e"planation, the benefic placement of Sun in th house will bestow the native will variant sources of income which will take him/her to the

    good heights of affluence and he/she will leave the lumps of wealth behind for his/her off springs. 'esides this, the placement of oon in the fourth housealong with Sun will bring huge profits from new researches, ercury in 10th house will take him towards the admirable heights of trading and the presence ofupiter along with Sun in th house will carry great profits from the trading of gold and silver.

    Apart from this, the malefic appearance of Sun in the fourth house would bring some negative shades to the native as he/she would become covetous and would

    pursue some immoral paths like thefts in which they would harm others. $n the other part, the placement of Saturn in the 2th house could result in night

    blindness and the malefic placement of Saturn in 2th along with ars in 10th bhava could bring serious eye problems to the native. The placements of Saturn in

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    2th, 3enus in (th, oon in 1st or &nd and malefic Sun in th house in a horoscope chart could make the native impotent and weak. %n the end, the natives

    should not pursue business associated with iron and wood or stuff possessing them while any kind of business with gold, silver and cloth will bring positive !beneficial results. They should feed poor and needy people for reducing the adverse impacts of this placement.

    Sun in $th house | Surya in $th ha!a

    The potency of Sun will further strengthen and enhance the aspects of this house which would take the impacts in the positive appearance but some adverse

    effects could also appear while the ma4ority will be hold by the positive impacts as Sun is a benefic celestial presence.

    The arrival of Sun in the fifth house will bestow a strong educational path to the person for which he/she would emerge high with knowledge and wisdombesides which there would be an special inclination towards creative activities. They are born with Sun in (th house variant attributes and they want everyone to

    know the same for which they seek to e"press themselves and present themselves with their best efforts and could also become showy at times but they shouldavoid it as they are naturally noticeable.

    The natives possessing Sun in their (th house are very much strong at their mind and core for which they are *uiet adventurous, courageous and e"ploring in

    their approach. 'esides this, they are vivacious and friendly personas to be liked by many around. The natives of this placement are truly devoted towards their

    children as they will be concerned towards them and will like to spend time and somehow get involved with them. There will be a really strong relation

    between the native and children but their approach to fulfill their dreams though the child and imposing their vision upon them could be a problem. These

    natives would be strongly inclined towards the professions like acting, writing or where they could perform in front of the public.

    The benefic placement of Sun in fifth bhava will take the person and his/her family towards the heights of affluence and prosperity while the placement of ars

    in the 1stor 5 thand rahu, ketu, Saturn in the 6 thand 1&thbhava will take the person to supreme heights upon land. 'esides this, the presence of upiter in the

    6thor 1&thhouse will destroy the enemies but it won#t be good for the children while the malefic placement of Sun along with upiter in 10 thhouse could bringdeath of first as well as subse*uent wives/husbands and with Saturn in )rdbhava could result in the death of Sons.

    %n the end, the person with Surya in fifth bhava should keep his/her kitchen towards the eastern direction for better results and should delay in having child. The

    native should drop a little mustard oil on the ground regularly for )days for the reduction in malefic effects.

    Sun in %th house | Surya in %th ha!a

    Sun is the most potent celestial presence whose arrival in the 7 thhouse would further strengthen the aspects of this house in the native#s life besides which, it is

    a vivid giver of vigor and aggression which would be very easily perceivable from the native#s personality. 8resence of Sun would make them appear

    dominating and effective.

    The natives of this placement having sun in si"th house are truly determined and sincere personalities who are believed to succeed and attain higher ! strong

    positions at their work place for being truly hard working and perfectionist at work while on the other part, these natives are very much demanding and strict

    when it comes to their work. They are usually admired and respected in their work arena for the same reasons but some people could also become 4ealous andenvious towards them for they being *uiet harsh in their attitude but these natives will triumph over their enemies and would attain benefits from them as well.

    These natives having in 7th house are very much attached to all the things which they have accomplished at their work place for which they are very sensitive

    for the criticism to their work. These people are somewhat proud of their work but they should stay away from being over confident and snobbish with theirwork. They should understand that no one is perfect in this world. The natives having Surya in Si"th bhava would be at their best if would be given re*uired

    freedom at work besides which motivation would be their true strength.

    9ealth could be a strong concern for these natives besides which the benefic placement of Sun in the first house would bestow the person with charming

    spouse. The placement of :etu in 1st or 2thbhava along with this placement will bestow the native with son and would bring him/her with strong fortune after

    the age of 5yrs. The natives having Sun in 7 thhouse with placement of oon, ars and upiter in the & ndbhava will be beneficial from following tradition !

    respecting culture. The native would get a government 4ob after &&ndyear of his birth if there won#t be any planet in the second house.

    The malefic placement of Sun in the 7 thhouse would bring adverse health to the native besides which native#s son and the maternal family would also confront

    difficulties in life. The placement of ars in the 10 thhouse would bring fre*uent deaths to the sons while the placement of planet ercury in the 1& thbhavawould cause problems of high blood pressure to the person. The natives of this placement should strictly adore and pursue the customs of the family as it will

    strongly impact upon the family happiness. The native should not construct any underground furnace in the housing arena and should blow off the fire of

    kitchen stove by sprinkling the milk over it after having dinner. The natives should offer weat or ;ur to monkeys and should always keep the ;anga4al in the


    Sun in &th house | Surya in &th ha!a

    The placement of Sun in 2thhouse would bring pleasing impacts upon the native#s life and would make this house emerge benefic for the person besides

    strengthening the aspects of seventh house in the native#s life. %t would be one of good placements in the horoscope chart of the person.

    The natives of this placement of Sun in 2th house would carry a serious approach towards relationships besides which he/she would really need a intimate and

    con4ugal relationship as in vivid words, marriage is very important for these people in their life. They pay true concern and sincerity towards their con4ugal

    relationship as well as towards their closed relationships. These people are perceived to lead a blissful married life and would carry strong relations around.

    These people with Surya in seventh bhava possess strong and dominating personalities who are skilled in maintaining good 8ublic

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    'esides this, the malefic placement of Sun in the seventh house along with placement of upiter, 3enus or any other malefic planet in the 11thbhava would bring

    and malefic ercury in the house would bring death of several members of family at the same time. The native would find difficulties and conflicts withauthority people including government besides which fire and such other harsh incidents could also occur in the family. 9e/she would have health problems like

    tuberculosis ! asthma. The placement of malefic Sun in the 2 thhouse and ars or Saturn in the &ndor 1&thand oon in 1stwould bring leprosy to the person.

    These natives should start all works after taking some sweets with water before and should avoid much salt in the diet to the possible e"tent. =ou should offer

    some part of your food to the fire or wherever you cook the food.

    Sun in 'th house | Surya in 'th ha!a

    Sun is the most auspicious and potent presence in the celestial arena while it provides both pleasant and adverse impacts upon the natives as depending upon the

    other planetary placements in the horoscope chart. The arrival of Sun in the 5thhouse would bring most of positive impacts upon the native#s life.

    The natives of this placement of Sun in 5th house would carry a positive and wiser approach towards life. These people would see life till its depth and would

    perceive its real meaning besides which they are sincere in their approach. They will respect other#s differences and values and would understand other#s

    sensitivity. They are humanitarian people would wish for the goodness of human kind.

    The people of this placement Sun in 5th house are creative beings whose imaginations goes far beyond and who sees the lurked depths for which they could

    grow well in artistic and creative pursuits besides which they are vigorous and dynamic people who are well suited for the professions like banking and stock

    market and those comprising some sort of investigation and research.

    These natives with Surya in eighth house keep learning from every aspect of life and are those who won#t be satisfied easily as they want everything to

    accomplish and attain at its whole. They will give their best efforts to achieve the best form life and would never let it go waste. They would lead a peaceful and

    calmed life. %n their later years they would emerge high with supreme knowledge and would attain real inner growth toward supreme truth.

    These natives with Sun in 5th house would receive benefits from the government after their &&yrs of age if the placement of Sun would stay benefic for them

    besides which they will attain good success and power in life. They would be blessed with a supreme picture of life at a higher stature in the social and

    professional arena. 'esides this, the malefic presence of Sun in eighth bhava would bring some difficulties in the native#s life while the placement of Sun in the&ndhouse would bring financial crisis to the person. This would also make him/her aggressive and impatient in approach.

    These natives having Surya in eighth bhava should never keep a white cloth in the house and should never live in a house facing towards the south. They should

    eat anything in sweets and drink water before starting any work. They should throw a copper coin in a burning pyre to the possible e"tent and should throw ;ur

    in a running water.

    Sun in (th house | Surya in (th ha!a

    The Sun is a well perceived benefic presence though it comes along with some difficulties at most of the places but at the whole, it is an auspicious presence.

    9ere, the arrival of Sun in the 6th house would bring most of the impacts of Sun at the core of the native as

    The presence of Sun in the ninth house will bestow a vision to see far beyond the picture for which these people would carry a idealistic approach and would be

    somewhat fantastical in their attitude. These people won#t see life with a simple view as they will e"plore it high and would perceive it till the depth but this

    could take them away from practical understanding. They will be highly curious to attain all the knowledge present around and would be truly philosophical !spiritual in their approach.

    The natives of this placement of Sun in the 6th house see all as one, as all are same ! human and bind in a thread of humanity which they believe to strengthen

    more with sharing knowledge and learning. They will seek to know every aspect till its root and every person till the core. Their thirst of knowledge is almost

    insatiable which could be a reason of restlessness at times while on the other part, they could be overly confident at times and would be *uiet infle"ible about

    others opinion if it opposes what they have. They could even turn aggressive at times.

    The natives of this placement of Surya in the ninth bhava are perceived to emerge high with the knowledge of variant cultures of various lands besides which,

    they would be proficient in many languages for which they could grow really good as translators and teachers. %n true words, they are wiser souls with wiser

    vision towards the world.

    The benefic placement of Sun in the 6th house would bring great fortune to the person who would be truly warm and nice in attitude and would be blessed with

    a good family. 9e/she would carry a humanitarian approach and would be truly helpful in nature. 'esides this, the placement of ercury in (th house will bring

    fortune to the natives till the age of )yrs.

    The malefic placement of Sun in the >inth bhava here would bring troubles from the sides of brother besides which, these people would be wicked and evil in

    their approach. They would receive defamation from the government or some higher authorities. These people having Surya in 6th bhava should never accept

    silver or silver stuff as a gift or donation and should donate silver often to the possible e"tent. They should use ancestral pots ! utensils and should never sell

    them further. They should avoid anger to the possible e"tent and should adopt softness and warmth in their attitude.

    Sun in 1)th house | Surya in 1)th ha!a

    The Sun is always a presence of power with positive energy and so on there are most of pleasing reflections around the Sun. The arrival of Sun in the 10th

    house would bring pleasing impacts upon the natives life as bestowing admirable heights while it could also come along with some adverse aspects depending

    upon the planetary placements. The presence of Sun in the 10th house would endow the person with great powers and authorities as keeping him/her upon the

    higher mounts of profession and social arena but this would come along with some hurdles in the path and possibilities of difficulties around the person. They

    are born to be noticed and dominate over others as there is a natural potency in their presence and in the same way, they will stand highly strong at the work

    place and they will deserve the same for being worked hard and with strong determination.

    They are influencing and affecting personalities who could inspire others with their presence and style besides this, they will attain high respect upon land andwould be honored for variant reasons in life and these people would believe it to be their most precious treasury that is respect ! position. 'esides this, they arenoble creatures who posses immense dignity and self respect and can#t live without that. The natives of this placement of Surya in tenth house are born to lead

    for which they will appear at their best if made to rule while if following others won#t let them work at their best though they are strongly determined towards

    their responsibilities. These people having surya in tenth bhava are endowed with a lot of vigor to triumph in their work arena and your lumps of efforts takes

    you towards great success. For the same reasons, they are believed to stand upon the brilliant platter of career.

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    The natives of this placement of Sun in 10th house are also strong at heart as it won#t be easier to win them and they would rarely fall for anyone. 'esides this,

    they are believed to have similarly strong partners who would again be upon the strong social and professional positions and they will be truly happy to be withthem. %n e"plicit words, the benefic placement of Sun in the tenth house, would provide favors from the government and strong personalities besides which, the

    native could also be in a government 4ob of high profile comprising good comforts, lu"uries and servants as well. This placement would bring him/her good

    health and strong finances but he/she would be suspicious about others for most of the times. $n the other part, the malefic effect of Sun in 10th house would

    bring some adverse impacts upon native#s life as if Saturn would get placed over the th, it would bring death to the father some years after the native#s birth

    and if Sun gets placed over the 10th house along with oon in (th house then, it will bring short life to the native while if th house remains vacant along with

    malefic Sun in 10th house then, the native won#t receive the benefits from government. These people should never wear blue or black colors and should stay

    away from immoral li*uor and non vegetarian food. 'esides this, they should throw a copper coin in a river or canal for continuous )days as it would reduce

    the malefic impacts to a great e"tent

    Sun in 11th house | Surya in 11th ha!aThe Sun is a supreme celestial presence in the astrological arena and is a well perceive positive presence though it could also bring difficulties and harshness at

    times. The presence of Sun here in the eleventh house would bring goodness and happiness in the native#s life as it is among the positive placements in the

    astrological studies.

    The natives born with Sun in 11th house would be bestowed with strong affluence and great heights upon land and would lead a happy ! satisfied life. These

    people are very much sincere and determined towards their goals in life and for the same they are believed to attain great achievements and recognition in life.

    They are very much desired to grow to high mounts and would give their best for the same.

    The natives of this placement of Sun in 11th house would be truly humanitarian in their approach and would share a pleasant relation with people around butthey are free living as well and won#t stay longer in any relationship that would cost them their freedom ! space. They would be friends with almost everyone

    but it also has some e"ceptions as times.

    They would receive admiration and respect from others and people around would support them in their growth. The natives having Surya in eleventh house are

    away from biasness ! pre4udices. The natives of this placement are true friends from the core and would keep relations alive till the most possible long. Theyare fle"ible creatures and seekers of harmony ! peace in life.

    The natives of this placement of Sun in 11th house should stay vegetarian as that will bring benefits to these people and would bestow them with three sons and

    would bring them favors from government. The positive placement of Sun in the eleventh house would make the person stand dominant both in professional !

    personal arena. 'esides this, if oon gets placed over the (th house and Sun would receive malefic impacts which would result in the short span of life.

    The natives of this placement of Surya in eleventh bhava should stay away from immoral drinks ! food that is from non vegetarian food and alcohols. =ou are

    advised to keep almonds or radishes near the head of your bed in the night and to offer it in the temple ne"t day as it will bring long life ! good children.

    Sun in 12th house | Surya in 12th ha!a

    The Sun is the most auspicious presence in the celestial arena which provides pleasing impacts upon the native#s life as it will provide good path of life.

    8resence of Sun in the 1&th house would bring good heights of career ! finance to the person besides which there will be a balance in between the income and


    The natives born with Sun in their 1&th house would be reserve personas who would always need their space as they feel secure ! strong within that. They are

    the true seekers of peace and wish to live in an harmonious environment. They won#t be friends with everyone around but will share a peaceful bond with the

    society and in professional arena while on the other part, they would be more satisfied in solitude but they do believe in keeping many people in good relation

    but they are not among the social animals.

    The natives of this placement of Sun in 1&th bhava would give great endeavor and hard work at every place ! aspect throughout their life path besides which

    they will provide variant services to those around while on the most positive side of it, they will get recogni?ed and admired for all of their efforts ! services.

    Apart from this, these natives of having Surya in twelfth bhava carry a leading approach and personality wherever the stand and move from.

    They believe in possessing strong understanding and perceiving the depths of worthy aspects. They will look towards reaching the intellectual ! wiser heights

    rather than craving towards the center stage and all lights upon them. Their calm appearance won#t let their real core come out in the public or should say in

    front of any one for which only very rare people would be aware of their real one.

    The placement of :etu in the &nd bhava would bring goodness of wealth and family life to the native besides this, the placement of 3enus ! ercury together

    in the &nd bhava would bring admirable heights of success in business ! finances. $n the other hand, the malefic placement of Sun in the twelfth house would

    bring financial losses and bitter relations with the authority people along with an unstable ! depressive path of life. 'esides this, any malefic placement in the

    ascendant would result in lack of peace from the native#s life as he/she won#t even able to have a peaceful sleep.

    The natives of this placement having Sun in 1&th house should always possess a courtyard within the house and should stay true ! pure from the core

    throughout the life path. 9e/She having Surya in twelfth bhava should stay involved in spiritual aspects and should learn to forgive others even to enemies as

    that will benefit them. They should keep a @hakki inside the house.

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    Moon in Ascendant | *handra in 1st +ha!aa

    oon is the softest and most sensitive presence among the planets in the astrological arena besides which it is the supreme e"pression of beauty and fantasies.

    So on, the presence of oon in Ascendant would bestow the same attributes to the native which would make him/her truly emotional and sensitive at the core

    besides turning the native fantastical and creative in approach.

    The natives of oon in Ascendant or 1st house would have absence of aggression but they would also lack the firmness and stability in their approach and

    attitude for which they are easy receptors and easily attain impacts of others which also makes them malleable ! adaptable in nature but it could make them

    loose their own identity. These natives having oon in ascendant carry much endurance and do not demand much from the surroundings but they are restlesspersonas and go through fre*uent mood change.8eople dominated with oon are perceived as not being clear about the aspects of life while on the positive

    side, these natives having @handra in 1st house are very much loving and caring personalities who give motherly care to all without any self interest but they

    also seek for love and care for leading a good ! happy life. These natives likes to e"press their feelings loud and e"pects the same from others. For the samereasons, these native having chandra in Ascendant or First house are very much sensitive at the core and are easily hurt besides which this could also turn them

    self centered at times.

    These natives having oon in 1st house are very much devoted and loyal towards their family and love or con4ugal relations besides which they are very much

    sympathetic towards every other person which makes them appear gentle and kind. 'esides this, they are very romantic and fantastical in their approach which

    also brings them creative and artistic blend. oon in first house also bestows them charm and beauty to attract all the eyes but they will be very much reserved

    and shy at the core. The natives of oon are advised to do not let their emotions over shadow their decisions when it should be through a practical and logical

    vision as their sensitivity could become the obstacle in their paths and a reason for others to cunningly win over them. Altogether, the native having oon in 1st

    house should not let his/her own self fade and vanish for the sake of others while doing good to others.

    Moon in 2nd house | *handra in 2nd ha!a

    oon is a soft and calmed appearance of celestial arena which lacks the potency but is the most charming and beautiful presence. The natives of this

    placements receive the impact of oon on their financial stature as well as oratory attributes besides which the arrival of oon will surely make themcharming and adorable.

    oon in &nd house will bring some instability in their financial path as their will be ups and downs in their lives while the natives would be very much

    concerned about their financial stability for which they will try to follow a financial plan but on other times, the natives with oon in &nd house will spend

    lavishly as well. 'esides this, they are *uiet inclined towards materialistic comforts and do possess some vanity as well which is another reason for their

    careless e"penditure. At the whole, financial stability gives the natives with chandra in second house emotional security as they feel mentally strong at the

    strength of affluence.

    These natives with @handra in Second house are very much attached and possessive to their possessions irrespective of their worth and will keep thempreserved for the possible period. The natives of this placement of @handra in Second house are perceived to be soft and warm with their words which would

    make them admired by many around besides which they are e"pressive beings and are *uiet concern about their words. %n the end, the natives of this placement

    having oon in &nd bhava will impress people around them and will leave their marks behind

    Moon in "rd house | *handra in "rd ha!a

    The oon is believed to be one of the softer celestial presence whose profound emotional depth makes it *uiet fragile at the core and so on the arrival of oon

    in the third house would lack at the side of inner potency of the person. 'esides this, oon will bring a serious approach towards life along with a fantastical

    and imaginative blend. oon also brings longer period of life.

    The natives of this placement of having oon in )rd house won#t be much stronger from the core neither they would carry much valor in general planetary

    placements. 'esides this, they won#t take hasty decisions and would not ever take risk in life as they are not strong enough to fight. $n the other hand, these

    natives with oon in )rd house are born with insatiable curiosity to learn variant things for which they ac*uire good learning with special involvement of

    history and archeology sub4ects.

    These people with @handra in third house lack stability of mind and are easy receptors of the influence of world for which they fre*uently change with the

    surroundings and stay unable to stand with one thing in the end. 'esides this, they are good communicators but these natives with @handra in third bhava will

    e"press most of their emotional part in their words which is not good all the times but it is also one of your charming and lovely part as it takes towards making

    deep relations.

    The placement of oon in )rd house along with placement of ars and 3enus in 6th and 11th bhava will bring truly positive impacts from the )rd house whilethe malefic placement of oon in the )rd house due to other planetary positions in the horoscope chart will bring loss of wealth in the period of malefic planet

    of 6th house.

    The natives of this placement of @handra in third bhava should serve others with milk and water for the betterment of oon#s position and should worship

    ;oddess urga and feed little girls with food and sweets. They should donate the stuff of oon like silver or rice after the birth of girl and stuff of Sun like

    wheat and 4aggery after the birth of 'oy. 'esides this, you should not ever use the daughter#s wealth.

    Moon in #th house | *handra in #th ha!a

    oon is believed to be one of the benefic celestial presence but as it#s the most softest and fragile among all the planets, it could also appear malefic at times.

    9ere, oon has arrived in its own house for which, the placement of oon is very much strong in the th bhava and so on the native and his/her mental

    composure will be strongly impacted by the oon. These natives with oon in Fourth house will be very much sensitive at the core and will be deeply

    attached to their belongings specially with those which they possess since the very beginning including, their family values ! norms, their primitive home and

    their heritage. These people with oon in th house try to keep their part alive as they don#t want anything to change around neither they would ever like to bethe part of westerni?ation. This further makes them *uiet inclined towards anti*ues and genealogy.

    The natives with oon in their Fourth house are believed to be vulnerable and delicate from inside and due to the same, they confront much restlessness and

    instability of mental state. Their immense impatience could take them towards fre*uent change of place. They seek for mental security throughout their lives as

    from their mother, husband and family members. They are *uiet depending in their approach towards life and would remain a child from the core throughout

    their lives. The people of this placement of oon in th house are believed to be generous, kind and soft at heart besides which they are believed to attain

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    respect and honor in their professional and social enclosure as even rewards from the government is also possible. The native of having @handra in th bhava

    are believed to ac*uire good educational heights while if the upiter gets placed in 7th bhava with @handra in th bhava then, he/she would be best suited to theparental business. 'esides this, the company of planets to the oon in Fourth bhava will make the native very much strong at the financial aspects.

    These people should offer milk instead of water to guests besides which selling of milk or burning of milk for making khoya will bring adverse impacts to the

    native. 9e/she should strictly stay away from adultery and should pay services and reverence to the mother and motherly figures and should seek their

    blessings. These individuals should place a pitcher or vessel or any container filled with milk at home before beginning any auspicious work. The adverse

    placement of upiter in the 10th bhava could be defended by taking the grandfather to pilgrims and worshipping along with him. %n the end, the native would

    have good income as well as good e"penditure.

    Moon in $th house | *handra in $th ha!a

    The oon is the most softest celestial presence and is the giver of immense emotions to human beings and so on the arrival of oon in the fifth house will

    make the native very sensitive at the core as his/her approach towards almost every aspect will be dominated with their sentiments. This will further make them

    *uiet fragile at the mental composure and core.

    The natives of this placement having oon in (th house are very much attached to their loved ones and they will be very much concerned and protective

    towards them and specially towards their children for which they would rarely give them freedom besides which they will be very much devoted and dependent

    upon love or con4ugal relations but there would be some problems in them. These people having @handra in fifth house are generally kind and generous to

    others though they won#t receive the same kindness from others and could be hurt many a times for which they seek for security in life.

    The natives of this placement of oon in (th house lacks at the practical understanding and would be *uiet fantastical in their approach which further makes

    them truly creative. These natives are childlike in their approach which could become a reason for harm at taking risks besides which their sensitivity could alsotake them towards immoral path.

    The placement of oon in the (th bhava with benefic placement of :etu will result in the birth of ( sons even if oon is accompanied by malefic planets

    besides which it will take the native towards doing good for others with his learning but others won#t be good to the person while on the other hand, the selfishand covetous attitude of the native could destroy him/her. The native having chandra in fifth bhava should keep his/her plans secret as revealing them would

    bring harm from closed ones.

    The natives having chandra in fifth bhava should take concern towards his/her words which could be very harsh at times and should stay away from

    covetousness and selfish vision as this could harm him/her very much. hile being honest and loyal in his/her approach will be very beneficial for the natives

    of this placement. Social services and doing good to others will bring divine blessings to the person.

    Moon in %th house | *handra in %th ha!a

    oon is a divine giver of emotions and love to human beings for which the arrival of oon in the 7th bhava would highly impact upon the mental composureof the native as it will provide the softer composure of mind to these people which would make them sympathetic and helpful but will also be a reason of their


    The natives of this placement having oon in 7th house are truly sincere at work and are very much concern about the productivity and accomplishment oftheir work besides which they always wants it to be best and for the same reasons dissatisfaction from work leads them towards disturbed mental appearance.

    These people having chandra in si"th bhava are *uiet prone to tension when it comes to work. This could also lead them towards fre*uent change in 4obs and

    could make them professionally unstable. These people would also confront some problems in their educational path as well.

    The natives born with oon in 7th house would be very much fle"ible and understanding at work with the colleagues and would give all their possible help for

    them but their sweet attitude only could become a reason of annoyance for some other people. They could confront some health problems which would arise

    from much work pressure and mental pressure due to work. These natives having chandra in si"th bhava are very emotionally attached to their work for which

    good work will be a significant reason for their happiness and they stay peaceful while being busy with their work.

    The si"th house gets impacted with the placements of planet ercury ! :etu in the horoscope chart besides which the oon gets affected with the placementsin &nd, th, 5th and 1&th bhava. 'esides this, the malefic placement of oon in 7th house along with planet ercury placed in &nd ! 1&th bhava would bring

    suicidal thoughts to the native while the malefic placement of oon with placement of Sun in 1&th bhava would bring severe eye problems to the spouse of the


    The natives of this placement having oon in si"th house should serve milk with respect to their fathers and should not have milk at night while having the

    milk during day time and intake of all milk products doesn#t have any bad impacts but these natives should not donate milk though these people could give or

    confer it at pious places.

    Moon in &th house | *handra in &th ha!a

    The oon is the divine giver of emotions and immense softness at the core for which the arrival of oon in 2th house would also bring sentiments and

    gentleness to the aspects of this house. 'esides this, oon would bring trueness and beauty to the native#s life. The natives born in this placement having oon

    in 2th house are believed to be very much sensitive from the core and specially for their relationships as they will be very much loving in their attitude and

    would be very much attached to their loved ones. These people would make strong relations and would leave deep impacts upon others through their

    affectionate attitude but they are *uiet hasty in relationships. 'esides this, they possess a hidden crave for love and to be in a intimate relationship for which

    love ! marriage is very important part of their life and could be perceived as the need of their core.

    These people having @handra in seventh bhava are truly sincere and devoted towards their relationships for which they are believed to be bestowed with deep

    and lovely relationships and a beautiful con4ugal path. The marriage will be a way to fill the emotional blanks in the native#s life. These natives with oon in

    2th bhava really need some true souls around to protect ! support their inner core and so on to lead a blissful and peaceful life. These natives having @handrain 2th bhava would be the ocean of emotional strength for those who need in the family as well as in their outer surrounding. These natives would be trulyfantastical and spiritual from the core.

    The seventh house belongs to planet 3enus and ercury for which it would get impacted by the planetary placements of this planets. 'esides this, if the Sun

    would get placed in the first house then, it will affect the placement of oon towards the positive direction and would bring pleasing benefits form the relatives

    to the native. 'esides this, the native would be blessed with educational heights along with strong affluence. These natives would always be strong at the part of

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    finance though they might not have lumps of property. The natives of this placement of @handra in seventh house should stay obedient and truly devoted

    towards their mother to avoid the adverse impacts. These natives should not marry in the &th yr of your life as it would bring a lot of problems in theircon4ugal path. These people should never sell milk or water as a business or for earning profit and should not burn milk for khoya. The spouse of the native

    should bring silver ! rice from his/her parents in an e*ual amount of her/his weight.

    Moon in 'th house | *handra in 'th ha!a

    The placement of oon in the 5 thhouse would bring significant changes in the human lives as the natives born under this placement would be very much

    sincere and concern about life or in true words they fear about life at the core for which they are *uiet fragile from inside. They seek for security throughout lifefor which they would work really hard. 'esides this, their fear makes them sincere and determined in their approach while on the other hand, they are also truly

    inclined towards social and humanitarian pursuits.

    These natives having @handra in eighth bhava hare *uiet inclined towards attaining all the hidden knowledge and would seek towards e"ploring all the lurked

    aspects. These people can go beyond the limits of this world and could reach really admirable heights if they would believe upon themselves. These people are

    advised to stay firm on their paths and to possess some patience as their instability will be the main reason behind their failures.

    The natives of this placement of oon in 5th house are highly sensitive from inside for which they could even turn towards immoral directions and could be

    4ealous and possessive in their attitude but at the core they are generous beings. Apart from this, these people are loyal in relationships till the time they would

    be in the company of true and honest people around. They are somewhat reserved and almost closed about their inner core.

    The eight house is ruled by ars ! Saturn while on the other part, presence of oon in 5th bhava would bring hurdles in the educational path of the native and

    would also effect the mother adversely. 'esides this the presence of upiter or Saturn in the eighth bhava would bring some reduction in the malefic effects.

    These natives having @handra in eighth bhava may not receive any financial benefits from the parents.

    These people having oon in eighth house should stay away from gambling and flirting and walk over a true and loyal path throughout life. These people

    should worship and satisfy their ancenstors and should never build a house upon the covered or uncovered well. =ou should serve and respect old people and

    should touch the feet of little children for better results. =ou should offer gram and pulses at the sacred places and pilgrims.

    Moon in (th house | *handra in (th ha!a

    The oon is a well perceived benefic presence whose immense goodness ! softness is the only reason behind adverse impacts. 'esides this, the arrival of

    oon in the 6thhouse would bring most of the oon shades upon the native#s core with a special fantastical blend of oon.

    The natives of this placement having oon in 6th house would be truly fantastical and imaginary in their approach towards life as they would lack the practical

    understanding at large. The natives having @handra in ninth bhava will see at everything with a imaginary vision and will perceive their own world beyond the

    sky and will firmly believe upon the same as well but they are *uiet imbalanced at their mind. They are highly curious in their approach.

    These people having oon in 6th house are sincere in their attitude and are strong followers of spiritual and philosophical norms and believes. They areaffectionate and warm in their approach and possess pure thoughts but oon keeps them unsatisfied with their present at most of the times. Their mind always

    ask them to move somewhere far away from the present place and so on they are perceived to travel much in life and would perceive the knowledge of variant

    people and their culture. This is a pacifier of mental restlessness of these native having @handra in ninth bhava

    The ninth house is ruled by planet upiter for which the native will receive the impacts of planet upiter as well besides which the friendly relation between the

    upiter and oon would bring positive results to the person. These natives would have a life path of 2(yrs besides which, it will bring comforts ! pleasures

    from the Son and truly keeps the person upon the spiritual and moral path. 'esides this, a positive placement in the ) rdhouse would endow the person with great

    prosperity and wealth.

    These natives oon in 6th bhava should keep the things associated with oon inside the house like s*uare piece of silver. They should offer milk to snakes and

    rice to fishes and should serve laborers with milk.

    Moon in 1)th house | *handra in 1)th ha!a

    The oon is one of the most pleasant presence but could also appear somewhat difficult at times while on the other hand, it lacks at the aspects of power and

    rules over creativity. 9ere, the arrival of oon in 10 thhouse would definitely bring the contented pictures of professional and social life but with some

    instability. The people of this placement having oon in 10thhousewould seek towards attaining high mounts in the professional arena for which they would try

    their efforts in variants paths and would give their best to develop a strong platter for themselves in the social enclosure. They are very much concerned about

    their presence and stand in the world and feel satisfied and peaceful when they receive good attention and admiration. They could be in marketing, shipping

    commodities or professions serving the public some how.

    The natives of this placement oon in 10 thbhava would carry a blend of emotions even in their vision towards career path as their professional decisions would

    be somewhat influenced with their sentimental preferences while on the other hand, they keep on trying to protect their vulnerable core. They are emotionally

    craved towards success and achievements which would take them towards heights but it#s a difficulty as well. Their immense emotional side could be a

    problem in their professional path.The natives of this placement are very much sincere towards their goals as they want to do something appreciable in life and

    something that would satisfy their family as it gives them immense happiness to come up to others e"pectations and as well as of themselves while not being

    able to reach them would be a reason for their distress.

    The tenth house is ruled by planet Saturn and is affected by the placement of thbhava which is ruled by oon and so on it develops a pleasant relation between

    the Saturn ! oon. 9ere the placement of @handra in the 10 thbhava bestows longevity to the native that is a age of almost 60years. 'ut the natural inimical

    relationship between the Saturn and oon will leave li*uid medicines harmful for the person, milk will prove poisonous in night while if the native would be in

    a medical profession then, dry medicines given by him/her would be magically beneficial for others.

    These people having @handra in tenth bhava would ac*uire great success and affluence in the surgery professions. 'esides this, the vacant & nd! thbhavawould bestow him/her heavy influence while if Saturn gets placed over the ascendant then, the native would spoil his/her life due to opposite se" as especially

    with widow/widower. 9e/She would receive great benefits from the profession associated with Saturn. The natives of this placement of chandra in tenth bhava

    are advised to pursue religious rituals and to pay respect ! worship to deities as it would further enhance the fortune of the person. They should never have

    milk in the night and should stay away from immoral li*uor, nonBvegetarian food and adultery as that will kept the adverse impacts away. They should keep a

    container filled with rain or river water within the house for 1(years as it will keep the evil impacts of oon away from the person.

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    Moon in 11th house | *handra in 11th ha!a

    The oon is the most pleasant and warm presence of celestial arena for which it is a well perceived benefic presence while the same softness could also bring

    problems at times. The arrival of oon in the 11thhouse would bring positive impacts and would bless the person with a blissful ! happy life.

    The natives of this placement of oon in the 11 thhouse would be truly warm and humanitarian from the core as they would carry the approach for the goodness

    of all around. They would carry many true relations around and would develop great friendships comprising most of women. They feel secure in relationships

    as it could be said that relations are their need. They possess immense emotions and so on, respect others emotions.

    The natives of this placement having oon in the 11thhouse possess variant passions and dreams but at the whole they desire deep to reach the high mounts andcarry high aspirations and in all that, they always remain unselfish but being *uiet unstable in their approach they could often change their future plans. These

    people having @handra in eleventh bhava needs to be *uiet firm and stable in their path as that will bring them great success.

    The eleventh house in the horoscope chart receives the influence of planet upiter ! Saturn for which this house would provide the results from this

    combination. The arrival of oon oneleventh bhava would adversely affect the native#s son while if ketu gets placed over the thbhava in the horoscope chart,

    then it will bring negative impacts to the native#s mother.

    The profession associated with mercury would not bring benefits if the oon would be malefic here. These natives should not buy or begin the construction of

    house on Saturday and should not pursue kanyadan or get involve in any marriage on Fridays as it will bring adverse impacts upon the native.

    The natives of this placement having @handra in eleventh bhava should offer milk in sacred places and donate milk to needy people. =ou should heat a piece of

    gold and put the same in a glass of milk before drinking it. These natives should offer 1&( pieces of sweet preferred peda in a river.

    Moon in 12th house | *handra in 12th ha!a

    The oon is a well believed positive celestial presence which bestows pleasing results to the native and brings goodness in his/her life path. The placement ofoon in the 1&thhouse would bring pleasures ! comfort to the person who could cause imbalance in fiancCs at times but altogether there would be a good


    The natives of this placement of oon in the 1& thhouse are truly emotional and sensitive in the social arena for which they will listen to other#s need earlier and

    will truly feel their pain. They can well understand the re*uirements of others and try to help people around with their best efforts. $n the other hand, they are

    *uiet reserved and unable to e"press their inner core as they fear for being misunderstood ! hurt and seek for their inner security for which they feel peaceful in

    solitude. Their sensitive core is the reason for their unstable personality.

    'esides being *uiet fragile from inside, they will also confront instability in their career path due to being *uiet unclear in their approach which could bring

    them periodic retirement at times. They believe in public welfare and would be involved in public institutions, hospitals, government or any other large


    The twelfth house is ruled by planet upiter who shares a pleasing relation with oon as resulting in positives impacts from this placement. This placement ofoon in twelfth housewould bring positive effects upon the things associated with ars and in the bhava of its placement but it could harm the things related to

    ercury ! :etu and upon their horoscope placements. 'esides this, this placement of chandra in 1&th bhava would bring some unreasonable fear in thenative#s life and could bring him/her lack of sleep and peace of mind. The placement of :etu in the thbhava along with this placement would bring adverse

    impacts upon the native#s son and mother.

    The natives of this placement of chandra in twelfth bhava should wear gold over body and should drink milk after putting a hot piece of gold in it. They should

    remain true in the life path and devoted towards the spiritual aspects as that will reduce the malefic effects of this placement. 'esides this, the malefic effects of

    :etu in the thbhava could be reduced through offering milk, food ! services at the religious places and to the needy people around besides which these natives

    should never earn money or have business associated with educational institutes and should never help children for free education.

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    Mars in Ascendant | Man,al in 1st +ha!a

    The planet ars is one of the most potent presence in the astrological arena which is the giver of dominance and authority to the natives along with aggression

    and valor in the attitude. This makes it appear differently on variant horoscopes as it could be either benefic or malefic at different planetary placements. The

    presence of ars in Ascendant bestows most of the attributes of ars to the person which could be either good or bad as turning his/her life towards either of


    The natives of ars in Ascendant are perceived to be vigorous and dynamic personalities who would be very much courageous and leaders in their approach.

    They are free soul and convey all the masculine e"pressions. 'ut the negative impacts of ars in 1st house would make them highly aggressive and hasty intheir attitude which could bring them much problems in life while on the other part, the difficulties and negativity in life could take them towards immoral path.

    The ars in first house also creates problems in natives marital life as it makes them high level of manglik. anglik dosh remedy is recommended for these

    natives to have good marital life.

    The natives of ars in ascendant are very ambitious and determined in their approach and could reach at admirable height if they would believe upon their hard

    work and efforts. 'esides this, ars in 1st house makes them truly firm in their attitude for which they won#t get affected with others but it makes them lack the

    fle"ibility and adaptability in their attitude. They possess much self believe but they should not let it be their over confidence as it could bring them failures.

    The natives of ars in first house are rarely emotional beings as they possess a strong core and carry a practical vision towards life but these natives could

    become possessive in their closed relations and are narrow minded beings. %n the end, these natives would have a reddish comple"ion, scars in the body and a

    big naval.

    Mars in 2nd house | Man,al in 2nd ha!a

    The planet ars or mangal is the giver of valor and energy for which the natives of ars or mangal are perceived to be vigorous and potent beings while the

    presence of ars in the &ndhouse will take the person towards high involvement for money making where he/she would put most of his/her endeavor and hard

    work for earning to the most possible e"tent.

    The natives of this placement of ars in &nd house are perceived to earn good affluence by using their intellect and intelligence as they are born with very

    strong business aptitude but they won#t pursue much savings as they will spend it for earning most of materialistic pleasures and are *uiet careless with money.

    'esides this, these natives of mangal in second bhava would be *uiet firm at their needs and wants and will do all possible things for the same.

    The natives of this placement of ars in &nd house are *uiet firm and aggressive in their attitude besides which they are very possessive with their belongings

    while mostly with which they have earned by their own efforts. These natives should take hold upon their aggressive ! harsh words and should try to control

    their urge for having all they see around. 9e/she should maintain a calmed behavior for reducing malefic effects of this placement.

    The placement of ars in the second house will bring good wealth from the inBlaw#s to the native and could make the person wicked and hypocritical for others

    as leading him/her towards death in war or *uarrels. Accompany of ercury could reduce the will power and inner strength of the native. These natives shouldpursue business associated with oon as in relating to clothes for ac*uiring good results. They should keep the skin of deer in their houses.

    Mars in "rd house | Man,al in "rd ha!a

    The planet ars or mangal is one of the most potent and aggressive celestial presence which is believed to be the giver of immense strength while here in this

    placement, ars or mangal bestows its attributes to the native and rules over the mental composure of the person. The presence of ars will make the personstrong from the core.

    The natives of this placement of ars in )rd house would posses a vigorous composure of mine for which they would carry immense courage for risks in life

    while on the other part, they are *uiet hasty also in their approach and are much restless ! impatient in their attitude. They are much straight to words which

    could be harsh at times and could take them into arguments many a times. These natives could be found in hurry all the time and specially while driving. The

    ever en4oying attitude of the person could also be a problem.

    The natives having ars in third bhava are endowed with good intellect and understanding besides which they are *uiet inclined towards grasping knowledge

    about different aspects which they further like to share with others as well but the only negative aspect is that they would ignore others opinion or won#t give

    them chance to speak. The native having mangal in third bhava possess immense self believe but they should not let it be their over confidence.

    The arrival of ars in )rd house would bring benefits from the native to those around him/her as making the person humble ! generous in attitude besides

    which his/her inBlaws will also receive financial growth after the native#s marriage. The native could confront blood disorders.

    %n the end for reducing the malefic effects, the native should keep his/her core ! attitude soft and warm and should possess a kind attitude towards brothers as it

    will bring him/her goodness in life. 9e/she should wear a silver ring in left hand and try to keep the stuff of ivory near.

    Mars in #th house | Man,al in #th ha!a

    The planet ars or mangal is a vivid e"pression of potency and aggression for which it bestows the same attributes to the natives and so on the presence of

    ars in the fourth house will make the native strong at mind and somewhat aggressive and hasty in approach.

    The natives of this placement of ars in th house are very much attached to their homes and are *uiet possessive ! protective towards their closed ones,

    family and friends. They are believed to stay involved in family matters as they are much concerned about them but their arrogant ! impatient attitude brings

    many conflicts at the home front either with family members or for them. This further takes them away from the idea of marriage. They are usually the most

    dominating people at home.

    The immense love of these natives having mangal in fourth house for their mother land and their vigorous ! audacious approach takes them towards deep

    patriotism for which they are much inclined towards defense professions and appear like militants from the very early age and they will possess the similarstrong physical appearance even in old age. 'esides this, the person having mangal in fourth bhava could also be involved in environmental and ecological


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    The placement of ars in the thhouse will make the native rude and harsh at times and the person would not possess a good attitude towards younger ones.

    9e/she could also possess malice and 4ealousy for others. The native#s aggression will be the reason for most of hurdles and obstacles in life. There will be lackof peace in life.

    %n the end, the natives should keep a s*uare form part of silver and should stay away from black, oneBeyed or disabled people. They should confer sweet milk at

    the roots of banyan tree and place some of the same wet soil over your navel. The person having mars in fourth house should place empty bags of sugar on the

    roof of the house, shop and factory for defending it from fire disasters. These rituals will reduce the malefic impacts of ars to a good e"tent.

    Mars in $th house | Man,al in $th ha!a

    The planet ars is the giver of immense potency for which it strengthens the aspects of this house and so on the natives born with ars in ( thhouse will carry

    immense vigor and would be very energetically inclined towards the worldly pleasures upon this land. They carry very muscular and impulsive personality andlove to confront risks ! challenges in life but they lack at the side of patience.

    The natives of this placement of ars in (th house or bhava would be *uiet aggressive in their approach besides which they are *uiet attached to materialistic

    comforts and are somewhat showy in their attitude. They would be somewhat possessive in their relationships and could also become 4ealous at times. They are

    also endowed with creative and artistic attributes. The natives of this placement having mars in fifth house or bhava would be liked ! admired by their friends

    for being vigorous, affectionate and fun loving but they will face some problems in intimate relationships and would often change partners.

    These people having mangal in fifth house are believed to have energetic and active children besides which their sons would become a reason of affluence and

    prosperity in life and there will be a e"plicit growth in the native#s life after the birth of son. The things related to planet 3enus and oon will appear beneficial

    and truly positive for the person. This placement of mangal in fifth house would appear more pleasing with the span of time in life but the immoral relationships

    with opposite se" would result very adversely for the native and will be a the main reason behind lack of peace and agony for the person.

    The natives of this placement having mangal in (th house should stay on the moral path and should keep his/her character pure. They should worship and pay

    respect to their ancestors and should plant a >eem tree in the housing arena. They should keep a water pot below the head side of your bed for the whole night

    and should drop the same water in a flower pot in the morning.

    Mars in %th house | Man,al in %th ha!a

    The planet ars is the giver of supreme potency to the natives for which it also empowers the aspects of si"th house in this placement. The placement of planet

    ars in 7thhouse would make the native emerge as highly vigorous and active persona at the work place. The natives of this placement of mangal in si"th

    house are truly sincere and serious towards work besides which they carry lumps of energy to their work place and strictly wants others as well to possess the

    same as they will hate lethargic personalities in the work arena. They are strong hard workers who would put all the efforts to accomplish their w