#SP-2020-61 July 13, 2020 1 Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750 Kansas City, Kansas 66101 Fax: (913) 573-5796 Email: [email protected] www.wycokck.org/planning To: City Planning Commission From: Planning and Urban Design Staff Date: July 13, 2020 Re: Petition #SP-2020-61 GENERAL INFORMATION Applicant: Katelyn Kok and Pavel Razumovsky Status of Applicant: Representative Motor Co LLC 2930 S 44 th Street Kansas City, KS 66106 Requested Action: A Special Use Permit for the purpose of operating a used car dealership. Date of Application: June 1, 2020 Purpose: To operate a used auto dealership. Property Location: 2930 South 44 th Street Commission Districts:

Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

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Page 1: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

#SP-2020-61 July 13, 2020 1

Planning and Urban Design

701 North 7th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750 Kansas City, Kansas 66101 Fax: (913) 573-5796 Email: [email protected] www.wycokck.org/planning To: City Planning Commission From: Planning and Urban Design Staff Date: July 13, 2020 Re: Petition #SP-2020-61 GENERAL INFORMATION Applicant: Katelyn Kok and Pavel Razumovsky Status of Applicant: Representative Motor Co LLC 2930 S 44th Street Kansas City, KS 66106 Requested Action: A Special Use Permit for the purpose of operating a used car dealership. Date of Application: June 1, 2020 Purpose: To operate a used auto dealership. Property Location: 2930 South 44th Street Commission Districts:

Page 2: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

#SP-2020-61 July 13, 2020 2

Commissioner At Large: Tom Burroughs District Commissioner: Angela Markley

Existing Zoning: MP-1 Planned Light Industrial and Industrial Park District Adjacent Zoning: North: MP-1 Planned Light Industrial and Industrial Park District South: MP-1 Planned Light Industrial and Industrial Park District East: I-635; R-1 Single Family District West: MP-1 Planned Light Industrial and Industrial Park District Adjacent Uses: North: Industrial Use (Magna-Plus) South: Commercial/Industrial Use (Lighthouse Auto Sales) East: I-635; Single Family Residences West: Industrial Use (Plano Technicians Guild) Total Tract Size: 3.05 Acres Master Plan Designation: The City-Wide Master Plan designates this property as Business Park. Major Street Plan: The Major Street Plan designates Pawnee Avenue as a Local Street. Advertisement: The Wyandotte Echo – June 18, 2020

Letters to Property Owner – June 19, 2020

Public Hearing: July 13, 2020 Public Support: None to date. Public Opposition: None to date. PROPOSAL Detailed Outline of Requested Action: The applicants, Katelyn Kok and Pavel Razumovsky, are seeking the approval of a Special Use Permit for the purpose of operating a boutique used auto dealership. The applicant has stated that all cars will be operable and that the operation is in conjunction with an existing business, Greentec Hybrid Batteries. The applicant has received no Notices of Violation. City Ordinance Requirements: 27-592 through 27-606 FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED

Page 3: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

#SP-2020-61 July 13, 2020 3

1. The Character of the Neighborhood. This neighborhood is primarily industrial in nature. This particular parcel is buffered by industrial uses to the North, West, and South and I-635 to the West. Beyond those buffers to the East and West are single family residences.

2. The zoning and uses of properties nearby and the proposed use’s expected compatibility with them.

The zoning and uses of properties nearby are set out above. Given the industrial nature of the surrounding properties, the proposed use is compatible if managed properly.

3. The suitability of the property for the uses to which it has been restricted. Will removal of the restrictions detrimentally affect nearby property? The removal of restrictions has the ability to detrimentally affect nearby properties. As the proposed operation is relatively small and the surrounding uses are Industrial in nature, however, such problems are not anticipated if the cars and site are maintained properly.

4. The length of time the property has remained vacant as zoned.

The property is not vacant, but is an industrial site surrounded by industrial and commercial uses.

5. The degree of conformance of the proposed use to the Master Plan.

Special Use Permits are not addressed in the Master Plan.

6. Whether the proposed use will result in increasing the amount of vehicular traffic to the point where it exceeds the capacity of the street network to accommodate it.

The proposed use inherently results in the increase of vehicular traffic. The vehicular traffic incurred by the proposed use is not expected to result in the increase of traffic to the point where it would exceed the capacity of the Local Street.

7. Whether the proposed use is reasonably necessary for the convenience and welfare of the public and will not substantially or permanently injure the appropriate use, visual quality, or marketability of adjoining property.

The proposed use presents no convenience nor welfare to the public. It should not substantially or permanently injure the appropriate use, visual quality, or marketability of adjoining properties if managed properly.

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#SP-2020-61 July 13, 2020 4

8. Whether the noise, vibration, dust, or illumination that would normally be associated with such use is of such duration and intensity as to create problems for near-by property. Given that the surrounding area is primarily industrial in nature, any noise, vibration, dust, or illumination normally associated with the proposed use is not expected to create problems for near-by properties.

9. Whether the proposed use will pollute the air, land or water.

The proposed use should not pollute the air, land or water if managed properly.

10. Whether the use would damage or destroy an irreplaceable natural resource.

The proposed use should not result in the damage or destruction of an irreplaceable natural resource as it is an existing commercial use in an existing inner-urban area.

11. The relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare as compared to the hardship imposed on the individual landowner or landowners.

If this Special Use Permit is denied the landowner will be forced to conduct their business elsewhere. The relative gain to the public health, safety, and welfare as compared to hardship imposed on the landowners is minimal as it is a private business.

12. Whether the proposed use would result in overcrowding of land or cause undue concentrations of population.

The proposed use should not result in the overcrowding of land or the undue concentration of population because it is not residential. There is potential to overcrowd the site as it is shared with another business.

PREVIOUS ACTIONS None NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Due to the COVID-19, the neighborhood meeting requirement was suspended for the July applications. However, the applicant was still required to send a letter (as detailed as possible about your proposal) to the properties specified by the Urban Planning and Land Use Department. The applicant sent out a letter on June 24, 2020 and received no responses.

Page 5: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

#SP-2020-61 July 13, 2020 5

KEY ISSUES Parking STAFF COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Planning and Urban Design Comments:

1. Please provide pictures of your site as well as a scaled site plan.

2. Please detail your operation. You may provide a business plan. Applicant Response: Motor Co is striving to become a small, high quality used car dealer in Kansas City, Kansas. We will only carry a small quantity of inventory at one time, between 3-7 cars. We intend to operate Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, except for major bank holidays. Mostly our customer interactions will be by appointment. Our staging area at the proposed location is quite large for what we are planning. The space we have is 150ft x 60ft and contains 29 parking sports. This will allow plenty of parking for patrons and inventory. There is a full security system that includes full coverage surveillance cameras and the parking lot is well lit. We do not plant to grow any larger than a 10-car inventory and would rather be small than 5 cars. We are about the customer experience and cars are our passion.

3. What are your intended hours of operation? Applicant Response: We intend to operate Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, except for major bank holidays.

4. How many cars do you intend to keep in your inventory? How many spots are being designated to stage inventory? Applicant Response: We will only carry a small quantity of inventory at one time, between 3-7 cars. Our staging area at the proposed location is quite large for what we are planning. The space we have is 150ft x 60ft and contains 29 parking sports. This will allow plenty of parking for patrons and inventory. We do not plant to grow any larger than a 10-car inventory and would rather be small than 5 cars. We are about the customer experience and cars are our passion.

5. No auto repair or servicing is allowed on-site.

6. No inoperable vehicles are allowed on-site.

7. Subject to approval, a $125.00 ordinance publication fee must be submitted to

the Planning and Urban Design Department (check made payable to the Unified Treasurer) immediately following the Unified Government Board of Commissioners meeting. The approval will not go into effect until the ordinance is published in the newspaper.

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#SP-2020-61 July 13, 2020 6

8. Approval of the Special Use Permit for two (2) years.

9. The Special Use Permit shall be valid for two (2) years from the publication of the

associated Ordinance. The Applicant is solely responsible for renewing their Special Use Permit. The Applicant should contact the Department of Planning and Urban Design no less than two (2) months prior to the expiration of the permit in order to begin the renewal process. Any application for renewal that is submitted after the expiration date will be considered a new application with the associated application fee and approval term. If the renewal deadline is not met, all operations must cease until such time as a new Special Use Permit is approved.

Planning Engineering Comments: A) Items that require plan revision or additional documentation before engineering can

recommend approval: 1) None.

B) Items that are conditions of approval: 1) None.

C) Comments that are not critical to engineering’s recommendations for this specific submittal, but may be helpful in preparing future documents: 1) None

Business License Comments:

1. If approved, applicant will need to file and maintain a current business occupation tax application with this office.


Staff recommends that the City Planning Commission make the findings contained within the staff report related to Factors to be Considered, and Key Issues and recommend APPROVAL of Petition #SP-2020-61 subject to all comments and suggestions outlined in this staff report, and summarized by the following conditions:

1. No auto repair or servicing is allowed on-site; 2. No inoperable vehicles are allowed on-site; 3. No more than 10 cars parked on site at a single time; 4. Approval for two (2) years; 5. Subject to approval, a $125.00 ordinance publication fee must be submitted to

the Planning and Urban Design Department (check made payable to the Unified Treasurer) immediately following the Unified Government Board of Commissioners meeting. The approval will not go into effect until the ordinance is published in the newspaper; and

6. The Special Use Permit shall be valid for two (2) years from the publication of the associated Ordinance. The Applicant is solely responsible for renewing their Special Use Permit. The Applicant should contact the Department of Planning and Urban Design no less than two (2) months prior to the expiration of the

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#SP-2020-61 July 13, 2020 7

permit in order to begin the renewal process. Any application for renewal that is submitted after the expiration date will be considered a new application with the associated application fee and approval term. If the renewal deadline is not met, all operations must cease until such time as a new Special Use Permit is approved.

ATTACHMENTS Neighborhood Meeting Information Response to Staff Comments Site Plan Photographs Provided by Applicant Site Photographs Provided by Staff Dated 6/23/20 Aerial View REVIEW OF INFORMATION AND SCHEDULE Action Planning Commission Unified Government Commission Public Hearing July 13, 2020 July 30, 2020 Special Use STAFF CONTACT: Jacob Pellegrino [email protected] MOTIONS I move the Kansas City, Kansas City Planning Commission RECOMMEND APPROVAL of Petition #SP-2020-61 to the Unified Government Board of Commissioners as meeting all the requirements of the City code and being in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare subject to such modifications as are necessary to resolve to the satisfaction of City Staff all comments contained in the Staff Report; and the following additional requirements of the Kansas City, Kansas City Planning Commission: 1._________________________________________________________; 2. _____________________________________________________; And 3. ________________________________________________________. OR I move the Kansas City, Kansas City Planning Commission RECOMMEND DENIAL of Petition #SP-2020-61, to the Unified Government Board of Commissioners as it is not in compliance with the City Ordinances and as it will not promote the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Kansas City, Kansas; and other such reasons that have been mentioned.

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Page 10: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

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Page 11: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

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Page 12: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

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Page 13: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

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Page 14: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

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Page 15: Planning and Urban Designpublic.wycokck.org/sites/planning-agendas-minutes-staff... · 2020-07-13 · Planning and Urban Design 701 North 7 th Street, Room 423 Phone: (913) 573-5750

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