Play guitar scales step one

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Page 1: Play guitar scales step one
Page 2: Play guitar scales step one

s TE PI o N E:

Play Guitar Scale! byP.t;.,.Piclt.ow

Step into t ... o»:cltingworld of ~. 111inor, -.i, bluea, rock,- Jazz se-. AcompleR pldeto 11.inise111esto i..ild ..,...., ..-.-Ce, ...i fretbo.rd """-Y


Page 3: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 4: Play guitar scales step one

Contents WhaiScalesCanDoforYou ---------· Howto U1eTl>i1 l!ook ·······--··---··-·-·---·········-·- .... _6 Scalelheory--·---·········---··· ... ·····---··- 1

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Page 5: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 6: Play guitar scales step one

What Scales Can DoforYou

Page 7: Play guitar scales step one

How to Use This Book

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Page 8: Play guitar scales step one

Scale Theory

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Page 9: Play guitar scales step one



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Page 10: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 11: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 12: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 13: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 14: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 15: Play guitar scales step one

How to Practice Scales

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Page 16: Play guitar scales step one

Practice Pattems for AllScales

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Page 17: Play guitar scales step one
Page 18: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 19: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 20: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 21: Play guitar scales step one
Page 22: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 23: Play guitar scales step one


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Page 26: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 29: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 30: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 31: Play guitar scales step one



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Page 32: Play guitar scales step one

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Page 33: Play guitar scales step one