
Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

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Page 1: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team


Page 2: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team


1) Divide into Teams2) Ask a Question to a Team3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team will receive. 4) Type points from wheel into Team Score Box5) Continue until out of questions.




Page 3: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Team One

Team Two

Team Three

Team Four

Team Five

Team Six

Team Seven

Team Eight


Spin Wheel

Page 4: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

The Big Wheel© 2010 Jeff Ertzberger

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Page 5: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

On Wednesday, the Senate passed a $1.35 trillion tax cut package. This is the biggest reduction in twenty years. The measure lowers all income tax rates. The package now goes to a House-Senate conference committee. In the committee, Congressional and White House negotiators will quarrel over the size and timing of the tax cuts. In the final tally, 62 senators voted for the bill and 38 voiced against it. All 50 Republicans and 12 Democrats joined in support of the package.

What is this news story mainly about?

A. Negotiators will argue about the timing. B. The vote on the tax cut was 62 to 38. C. The Senate passed a large tax cut. D. Taxes are way too high in America.

Page 6: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads, and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. They often leave mud, sand, and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. floods can cause lots of damage B. floods cause mudslides C. floods damage houses and roads D. flood damage may takes months to clean up

Page 7: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Josh hung up a big sign that said,"Happy Birthday, Charles!" Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?A. Josh got lots of gifts B. Charles got alot of gifts C. Charles had a great birthday D. Josh had a great birthday

Page 8: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say,Dance, Boots, he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know of many dogs that can do such amazing tricks.

The main idea of this paragraph is:

A. Boots is my dog B. Boots can sit C. Boots is very smart D. Most dogs can't dance

Page 9: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, is known as the Paris of South America for its rich cultural treasures and its ability to attract a great many tourists. Lately, however, a bizarre problem has hit the city: it has become very difficult to make change. Indeed, this small economic crisis has come to be known as the great Buenos Aires coin shortage.People commonly deal in transactions involving only small change, so the problem affects most people in the city. The city buses, the most common form of public transportation, take only change. A quick walk through any of the shopping districts of Buenos Aires will show the casual visitor many No Coins signs in storefront windows. Also, taxi rides are a smidgen more expensive as many drivers have begun rounding prices up to avoid dealing with change. The longest line in the city's central subway station is not for purchasing tickets or getting on the train, it's at the change window! If you hope to visit this beautiful, up-and-coming city soon, dealing with these small inconveniences is worth it! The artistic treasures, the delicious food, the music, and the nightlife make visiting Buenos Aires truly special. Don t let the great Buenos Aires coin shortage stop you. You do need to plan to spend extra time locating coins for many of your simpler purchases and exchanges. If you are entering the city from other parts of Argentina, get a bag of coins, and take them with you! You may end up being more popular than you've ever been before!

Which sentence best describes the main idea of the news story?

A. "You do need to plan to spend extra time locating coins for many of your simpler purchases and exchanges." B. "Lately, however, a bizarre problem has hit the city: it has become very difficult to make change." C. "A quick walk through any of the shopping districts of Buenos Aires will show the casual visitor many "No Coins" signs in storefront windows." D. "If you hope to visit this beautiful, up-and-coming city soon, don't let the great Buenos Aires coin shortage stop you."

Page 10: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

1.The city of Irving, Texas, has long been known as a middle-class white suburb of Dallas. One of the world's largest companies, ExxonMobil, has its corporate headquarters there. For more than 37 years it was home to the Dallas Cowboys professional football team. Football is a real passion for many Texans. Driving into Irving from the east, you're greeted by the town's most famous building: the white-domed Texas Stadium with the big hole in its roof. Until 2009, it was where the Cowboys played their home games. The Cowboys have now moved to a neighboring city, where a larger stadium was built. The Cowboys won five Super Bowl titles while based in Irving.However, Irving is changing fast. The Cowboys have moved out, and Texas Stadium will be torn down. The ethnic makeup of the city is also changing. According to the most recent census data, Latinos made up 41 percent of Irving's population in 2007. The low home prices have attracted many people. Irving also has many city parks. In 1980, Irving was 93 percent Anglo. Many expect Irving's Latino population to increase to more than 50 percent.You don't need census data to see the change. Many restaurant signs and billboards are in Spanish. Bookstores have large sections devoted to books in Spanish. At a coffee shop, many of the customers order in Spanish. Many customers will order café con leche, or coffee with milk, a favorite drink in Mexico. Latin America has definitely made its way to suburban Texas.

Which of these sentences most strongly supports the main idea of this passage?A. "Many expect Irving's Latino population to increase to more than 50 percent." B. "Irving also has many city parks." C. "Many customers will order café con leche, or coffee with milk, a favorite drink in Mexico." D. "Driving into Irving from the east, you're greeted by the town's most famous building: the white-domed Texas Stadium with the big hole in its roof."

Page 11: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

On Tuesday, President Obama chose John McHugh to be the next Secretary of the Army. McHugh is a Republican. His nomination shows that Obama continues to want members of other political parties in some of the administration's most important jobs.President Obama said that McHugh will ensure that our soldiers are trained and equipped to meet the challenges and threats of our time.

The president values different opinions in his administration. He kept Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. McHugh joins Gates as Republicans in important positions dealing with the nation's military. McHugh has not agreed with several of Obama's policies. He did not agree with cuts Obama wanted to make in military budgets. McHugh's appointment shows that Obama values his judgment. The president must believe that McHugh will provide him with an important point of view.

Which sentence from the above passage best describes the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. "McHugh joins Gates as Republicans in important positions dealing with the nation's military." B. "The president values different opinions in his administration." C. "He kept Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense." D. "He did not agree with cuts Obama wanted to make in military budgets."

Page 12: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

What is the main idea of the passage?


Page 13: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

What is the main idea of the passage?

Page 14: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

What is the main idea of the passage?

Page 15: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Which of the above sentences does NOT support the main


Page 16: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Which of the above sentences does NOT support the main


Page 17: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Which of the above sentences does NOT support the main


Page 18: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Which of the above sentences does NOT support the main


Page 19: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Which of the above sentences does NOT support the main


Page 20: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Despite the hatred that most people feel toward cockroaches, they do help humans in several ways. For example, they are perfect experimental animals and are used for scientific research in the laboratory. Breeding them is easy, for they thrive under almost any conditions. In studies on nutrition and food, cockroaches are good subjects because they will eat any kind of food. They can be used to study heart disease, and cancer researchers work with roaches because they grow cancerous tumors like those that are found in humans.

The main idea of the paragraph is

1) in the first sentence2) in the last sentence3) in the middle of the paragraph4) in two sentences of the paragraph5) not stated in the paragraph directly (implied)

Page 21: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

About 300 million years ago, long before dinosaurs ruled the earth, the cockroach already had been here for a long time. We can only guess at why it has not become extinct, but the physical assets of the cockroach provide a major reason for its survival. The cockroach's body is very flat, allowing it to slip into tiny cracks and crevices, and its six strong running legs give it unmatched powers of escape. Two small feelers detect movements and changes in air currents, thus warning the insect of approaching danger. The cockroach's two large eyes are made up of hundreds of tiny, separate eyes which are very good for seeing movements - an ability that helps a roach escape its enemies.

The main idea of this paragraph is…

1) in the first sentence2) in the last sentence3) in the middle of the paragraph4) in two sentences of the paragraph5) not stated in the paragraph directly (implied)

Page 22: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Making a study schedule is one important step in becoming a successful student in college. Students should schedule one hour of study time for every one hour of class time. At exam time, more study time may be necessary. Also, students must study in an appropriate place. It is important to study in a quiet place away from the distraction of other people and such things as the television and the radio. Students should find a comfortable place with plenty of space for all the necessary study supplies. Then, students need to study the information in small amounts. It is a good idea to learn the required concepts slowly and thoroughly instead of trying to learn everything on the evening before the exam. Students who want to be successful in college should remember these three helpful study strategies.

The main idea of this paragraph is…

1) in the first sentence2) in the last sentence3) in the middle of the paragraph4) in two sentences of the paragraph5) not stated in the paragraph directly (implied)

Page 23: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Every game from the latest multimedia games to old favorites like cards and chess can be played on home computers. Home computers are used to balance family finances, to complete banking transactions, and even to do the grocery shopping. Those computers which are equipped with a modem allow users to go "online" to "chat" with others -- that is, people can have a conversation on the computer about anything from being in love to getting medical advice. And of course students use home computers to type up school reports, to research their papers for classes and even to do the calculations for math homework.

The main idea of this paragraph is… 1) in the first sentence2) in the last sentence3) in the middle of the paragraph4) in two sentences of the paragraph5) not stated in the paragraph directly (implied) 

Page 24: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team

Television can be an excellent teacher for everyone from very young children to the oldest of viewers. Television entertains young children with sights and songs. Television provides company for older viewers who are stuck at home with no one to talk to. New immigrants can learn English just by turning on the television. All viewers can keep informed on the latest events around the world by watching the news. While there are many great things about television, there are also many bad things. Over time, television shows have begun to show more and more violence, death and murder. The bad language and profanity on some shows make them unsuitable for families. The number of shows which deal with sex outside of marriage also shocks many viewers. And these terrible scenes are sometimes copied by young, impressionable viewers.

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

1) in the first sentence2) in the last sentence3) in the middle of the paragraph4) in two sentences of the paragraph5) not stated in the paragraph directly (implied)

Page 25: Play Instructions: 1) Divide into Teams 2) Ask a Question to a Team 3) If correct, click the Spin Wheel Button to choose the number of points that team