The ‘You Can’t Mess This Up’ Guide to Musical Instrument Drives ®


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The ‘You Can’t Mess This Up’

Guide to Musical Instrument Drives®

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Play It Forward Overview

To address budget shortfalls in music programming, Ear Candy Charity created Instrument Drives® to collect gently used instruments for children who otherwise cannot afford them. Instrument Drives have been very successful, impacting over 40,000 low-income youth in three years. Many community members have approached Ear Candy to host their own Instrument Drive. This is why we created Play it Forward, a service-learning based program that equips a group with the tools, training, and mentoring to organize and host a successful Instrument Drive. Your Play it Forward team will need to engage teachers, instrument donors and financial donors to host a successful Instrument Drive:

Teachers – Your Play it Forward team will either identify school programs that are in need of instrument donations and invite the teachers to submit a request through Ear Candy’s Online Instrument Drive System; or your team may elect to place collected instruments with requests already in the online system.

Instrument Donors - Individuals from the community will donate instruments directly to members of your group or at events and designated donation sites set up by your Play It Forward Team. Donors are invited to share the story of their instrument and why it has been important to them and their family through a donor card or Ear Candy’s Online Instrument Drive system.

Financial Donors – Financial donations are just as important as instrument donations because all instruments must be professionally inspected, cleaned, and repaired, if necessary, before they are placed. Your drive will also include soliciting monetary contributions from those who may not have instruments to donate, but want to support your cause. This allows you to include virtually anyone in your drive rather than limiting your donors to only those with instruments.

Once instruments and funds are collected, your Play it Forward team will work with Ear Candy to get every instrument prepared for student use. The journey of the instrument is completed when the original donor is notified that their instrument has been successfully placed into the hands of deserving students.

Welcome to “Play It Forward”

Congratulations on choosing a musical instrument drive to give back to your community. This guidebook will help you get organized, carry out your Drive, exceed your goals and have fun! It gives detailed instructions, defines roles and responsibilities, provides sample time-lines and “tips and tricks” to help you get the most from your Drive. The components of your event will liken to a rock and roll concert production, complete with a tour manager, promoter, band members and crew, each with specific responsibilities. Embrace your roles and make your Drive one that totally ROCKS!

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The “Band” is your group that will be conducting the Drive and can take on any personality you like.

Identify the “Band Members” (your group or organization). Gather the overall support of your class, group, or club. Create buzz, get people enthusiastic about the idea. Some Band Members will assume a leadership role while others will join various committees to support the Drive. Encourage people to embrace their roles and have fun! Look for partner organizations that may exist in your band’s network. The larger the crowd you gather, the more support you will solicit.


Any organization may conduct a Play it Forward campaign, from civic groups and businesses, to educational institutions. No matter what the organization, it is critical that the Drive is authorized and supported by the leadership of the school or business.

Ask your organization’s top leader (CEO, School Principal, etc.) to visibly support the Drive with an internal post, letter, or other mass communication to all members of your organization. If you are a high school group, you may want to schedule a time to meet with a club advisor or teacher and ask for their support in sharing information with the school.


Form your Play it Forward Band

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Everyone in your group is a member of the Band and will join a Committee. Some members will take on Leadership Roles and become part of the Crew!

BAND: Band Members play an important role in promoting the Drive and asking for donations of instruments and financial contributions. They also help load in instruments and make sure they get through “Security” and into the hands of children who will give them new life. Anyone can be a member of the Band and everyone must serve on at least one committee.

COMMITTEES: There are 4 committees that help steer the Drive to success. Executive Team – The Producer, Tour Manager and Assistant Tour Manager manage and guide the project from start to finish.

Promotion / Marketing – The Promoter leads this committee which is responsible for making sure everyone knows about the Drive.

Special Events / Incentives – The Stage Manager and House Manager lead this committee and helps put on events to start, end and highlight the Drive as well as incentivize supporters.

Donations / Security – The Record Executive and Head of Security lead this committee which ensures all instrument and financial donations are received and recorded accurately and safely.

CREW: The Crew is composed of the following defined leadership roles: Producer, Tour Manager, Assistant Tour Manager, Promoter, Stage Manager, House Manager, Record Executive, and Head of Security,

Producer – Advisor to Band and Crew The Producer could be your school group’s leader, an interested parent, or a Senior Executive at your company. The Producer is your liaison for advice and to garner support from decision makers in your organization. The Producer is a member of the Executive Team.

You will need to make sure everyone in your band understands what you are taking on, what the jobs will be, the time commitment, and required steps.

Educate the Band Members about Ear Candy and Play it Forward. Review the Ear Candy website at EarCandyCharity.org Contact Ear Candy to schedule a preparatory presentation or webinar. Ear Candy will work closely with your group to review this guide, prepare your band for success and answer any questions. The process for instrument and financial donations will be outlined by Ear Candy.



Band & Crew

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Tour Manager – Drive Leader/Chair As the leader of the Drive, your job is to motivate and stay in contact with the Band and Crew and make sure the team achieves their goals. The Tour Manager may be someone with seniority in your organization / school. The Tour Manager is responsible for leading the Band through the Thank You and Wrap-Up/Review Process at the end of the Drive and is a member of the Executive Team.

Assistant Tour Manager – Drive Co-Chair The Assistant Tour Manager assists the Tour Manager in all duties, and agrees to lead a future Play It Forward drive. The Assistant Tour Manager is a member of the Executive Team.

Promoter – Marketing The Promoter coordinates with the Band and Crew to promote the Drive, events, and donations by creating and organizing posters, flyers, emails and social media postings. The Promoter also ensures that the Drive is highlighted in any internal newsletters, Intranet, school announcements, and social media. The Promoter leads the Promotion / Marketing Committee.

Stage Manager – Special Events The Stage Manager is responsible for coordinating all events that your Band and Crew organize to promote the effort. This includes Fundraisers, Kick-off, and Celebration Events at the end of your Drive. The Stage Manager and House Manager lead the Special Events / Incentives Committee.

House Manager – Incentive Prizes The House Manager’s role is to coordinate the solicitation of incentive prizes to reward the Band, Crew, and Fan Club. (See Appendix D for more details) Your incentives can be posted on your webpage to help promote participation. The House Manager and Stage Manager lead the Special Events / Incentives Committee.

Record Executive – Treasurer – Financial Donations The Record Executive is responsible for accurate tracking, recording, and handling all financial donations. They are responsible for tracking the group's fundraising progress on the Ear Candy website and providing continuous updates to the Tour Manager. The Record Executive will work closely with the Head of Security and together they lead the Donations / Security Committee.

Head of Security – Instrument Donations The Head of Security is responsible for making sure each instrument is tracked and recorded with the donor's information in the Ear Candy website. They are also responsible for keeping the instruments in a safe location until they are sent for repair and ultimately placed in needy music programs at the end of the Drive. The Head of Security and the Record Executive lead the Donations / Security Committee

As a group, review the roles listed above and ask for volunteers. These roles are recommendations only. Your members may bring unique skills and abilities to the group, so modify or add roles as needed. Who is responsible? Everyone!

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A strong security team with a solid plan will assure that instruments are not damaged and monetary donations are secure.

You will need to identify when instruments can be donated in-person. Is there a drop off location that is safe in a front office of the school or business? If not, you might need to encourage in-person donations to be brought to your kick-off or celebration event. Ensure that instruments collected by individual Band Members are checked in through security and properly recorded/stored. To assist with security issues, it is recommended that all financial donations are made by credit card through your group’s Ear Candy page. (See Appendix E for details) Who is responsible? Head of Security, Record Executive

A good plan will make a good Drive. Stick with your plan and be flexible if things change.

Decide how long your Drive should be (recommended 2-week minimum). Identify start and end dates. Specify kickoff and celebration programs. Your events can also include elementary and middle schools from your area that might benefit from the Drive. Schedule a weekly meeting to review your progress. You may want to consider incentives for your Band Members and/or donors. Set up your Ear Candy group website. You might designate a specific period of time when donors should donate online using your group’s Ear Candy page. Who is responsible? Promoter, Stage Manager, House Manager

Setting goals is a great way to monitor progress, establish how prizes and awards are given and to keep people motivated. Be realistic and aggressive at the same time.

How many instruments would you like to collect? What is your goal in terms of monetary donations? Consider who you want to impact with the instrument donations. Who is responsible? Tour Manager, Assistant Tour Manager



Plan the Instrument Drive


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Promoting is the key to success - Get everyone in the band involved!

Determine which marketing materials you will use. Utilize sample templates for social media, flyers, business cards, emails, etc. provided in Appendix B. Develop a schedule for the frequency of your communications via social media so that you don’t overwhelm your contacts. Prepare press releases. Identify your circle of influence (relatives, friends, clubs, place of worship, co-workers, close neighbors). As a team, brainstorm a possible network of contacts and ideas for marketing. Identify contacts who might be able to donate to the cause or help spread the word about the project to their network of contacts. Who is responsible? Promoter, Stage Manager, House Manager


Donations can be made continually throughout the Drive on your Ear Candy web page, but drop-off events along with a ‘wrap-up’ celebration event will increase your donations and exposure.

Kick-off the Drive with an event (see examples in Appendix A) or a marketing blitz (see examples in Appendix B). Share your Drive publicly. Post flyers and information about your Drive in visible places in your organization. Break rooms and cafeterias are excellent showcase areas. Utilize internal communication systems to share information. Request that partner groups such as Parent/Teacher Organizations and leadership teams also share the Drive information with their audience. As you start to collect instruments, be sure to get a donor contact card. Follow up with any individuals or groups you may have contacted during the planning and preparation phase to remind them that the Drive is currently in play. Encourage those in your circle of influence to donate instruments or funds for repair. Ask your administration to add information about the Drive to any announcements. Safely secure all instruments. Track and report your progress to your Band & Crew and donors. Who is responsible? Everyone!

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Play it Forward wants to keep this going. The best way is to communicate the lessons learned from your event and provide suggestions to future groups on how to succeed.

Follow up with Ear Candy. Evaluate and Debrief. Share information about the success of the Drive by announcing the results to both the Band & Crew, as well as your Fan Club donors and key stakeholders. Conduct a wrap-up meeting to identify successes and areas for improvement. Establish your plan to conduct a future drive, or identify a potential team at your school that might consider continuing the project. Who is responsible? Producer, Tour Manager, Assistant Tour Manager

Thank You & Recognition

Wrap-up & Review

Everyone who donates to the Drive is a member of your Fan Club. Your Fan Club will include the network of friends, family, co-workers, and peers of each of your Band Members. Your fans are the backbone of your success and the whole Fan Club will be thanked by Ear Candy and your Band for making your Drive a success!

Explore ways to thank your Fan Club donors, your Band and any volunteers. For example, you might create personalized Thank You letters or notes, hold an event to celebrate, or draw and announce winners of incentive prizes. You could create a recognition wall giving thanks to those that supported the Drive. You might send out an email blast to share your success and highlight supporters. Please note: Ear Candy will issue tax receipt letters to all donors. Who is responsible? Producer, Tour Manager, Assistant Tour Manager


Appendices: In the following pages, please find additional resources that you can utilize as you plan and implement your Drive. A) The Art of Asking for Instruments and Financial Donations B) Sample Templates for Marketing/Communication C) Incentive Ideas D) Instructions for Setting up your Ear Candy Group Website E) Donor Process Instructions and sample donor card for Group Drives F) Slides of group donation pages

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Giving Rules of Thumb

“People give to people” and all successful appeals comes out of a relationship. People give most happily to someone they know, like, and trust.

People do not give solely to causes. People give to people with a passion for a good cause.

Giving is pleasurable. It makes people feel good and enables them to be part of addressing social problems and providing needed services.

Sometimes people are hesitant to ask for donations mostly because they are afraid they will be rejected. Some people will say no for a variety of good reasons. Don’t take this personally. You will be surprised by how many people say yes.

If your knees are shaking and stomach uneasy just before asking someone to donate, keep the cause in mind and remember, it’s all about the kids.

Note: The IRS recognizes the importance of agencies such as Ear Candy and the donor may be eligible for a tax deduction for their donation.

Important Steps When Inviting Someone to Play It Forward: Give yourself before asking others to give, by donating an instrument, or making a financial contribution, or volunteering your time. This way, you are inviting others to join you as a fellow donor.

Be sure to ask! The principal reason people do not give: They’re not asked.

The best way to invite others to join you is to ask in person. When that’s not possible, a phone call is recommended. After those methods, try email, then general social net-working, etc. The more direct and personalized from you, the better!

For credit card donations, honor the individual by asking at the right level. The average cost to repair an instrument is $150, but every donation makes a difference, no matter the amount.

The solicitation is complete when you ask, agree on next steps, and thank the donor.

In short: An effective invitation is the right person (that’s you!), asking the right person (your personal network), for the right gift (instruments or dollars), at the right time (during your Drive), for the right purpose (to help kids through Ear Candy), in the right way (with accountability for the donations and a big Thank You!).

Appendix A: The Art of Asking for Instruments and Financial Donations

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The Process of Asking for a Donation:

Opening – Establish rapport. Talk briefly about subjects of mutual interest. This enables people to shift their focus from their daily activities to your group’s cause.

Involvement - Bring the subject of Ear Candy into the conversation. Ask them questions about their knowledge of the organization and let them direct questions back to you.

Present the Need – Describe the need in the community and how Ear Candy is meeting that need. Let them know why your group is involved in Play It Forward.

Make the Ask – Let the person know that their donation of an instrument can provide music education to low-income children who would otherwise not have access. Share with them that a financial donation of $150 can repair an instrument and deliver them to children in need, but that a gift of any amount makes a big difference. Ask them to consider joining you in supporting your instrument drive, by donating an instrument or making an online credit card donation.

Thank You - Thank the donor for their time acknowledging that their time is valuable. Make arrangements for the delivery of their instrument or to make a financial donation online, and collect their contact information so that Ear Candy can thank them as well.

Sample Script: This is just one example of how you could ask someone to Play It Forward. There is no such thing as “one size fits all” in asking for donations. Let the above fundraising principles guide your solicitation and you will experience success.

Solicitor: Steven Tayler Donor: Mick Jogger

Steven: Hey Mick, how’s it going? Our group heard a speaker from a non-profit group called Ear Candy, and I thought of you.

Mick: Hey Steven, why’s that?

Steven: Ear Candy collects used instruments and donates them to classrooms in need, giving kids who can’t afford one the opportunity to learn and play music. To help out, our group is running a Play It Forward Instrument Drive. I remember your kids used to be in the high school band, are they still using their old instruments?

Mick: No, they’ve been collecting dust in the closet for a couple years, what can I do with them?

Steven: Would you consider joining me in supporting Ear Candy, by donating those instruments, or by making a financial contribution? The average cost of repairing and delivering an instrument is $150, but every gift of any amount counts to help place instruments.

Mick: Sure, how do I do that?

Steven: You can deliver the instruments to me, just fill out this donor card so Ear Candy can thank you and let you know where they are placed. You can donate money online at www.earcandycharity.org/playitforward and you can look for my group’s page also.

Mick: You got it, here are the instruments. Glad they’ll be going to good use.

Steven: Thank you, Mick, You’re Awesome! If you know anyone else who might be interested in helping, please give them this card with the website page, or ask if I can contact them directly.

Mick: You got it, man. Steven: Thanks again!

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Special Event and Awareness “Fun-Raisers” To raise awareness of your Drive and to gain more support, you may want to host a special event or activity. Here are a few ideas:

Karaoke Idol Contest or Employee/Student Talent Show Car Wash Concert/Live Music During Lunch or After Work/School Bake Sale/Craft Expo/Silent Auction Pie Throwing or other light-hearted challenge involving Senior Leadership Department/Class Challenges (Finance vs. Sales Depts, or Seniors vs. Juniors, etc) in how many instruments/dollars raised Ice Cream Float Social Event Leadership Serves Lunch Lunch/Golf with the CEO or Principal Silent Auction In-House Garage Sale - collect new/slightly used items from your group

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Appendix B: Sample Templates for Marketing/Communication

This appendix includes a Social Media Tool Kit & templates to use for print materials. These materials are editable and can be found at: www.earcandycharity.org/playitforward

A) Appendix B: Sample Templates for Marketing/Communication

The Social Media Tool Kit includes: Tips & Tricks for how to best use Social Media

Best Practices Suggestions

Sample text content for social media messages

A sample email flyer that can be sent to advertise your drive

In addition to Social Media postings, email is a great way for you to let your friends, family, and other contacts know about the Drive that you and your group are coordinating. Visit the website to find the editable version to send to your contacts.

Print Templates include: Promotional Business Card example

This card provides another inexpensive way for you to spread the word about your Play it Forward Drive. Visit the website to print the cards for your group Drive.

Sample of a marketing brochure If you know of another group interested in conducting their own drive or an individual interested in getting more involved, you can send them an electronic version of this brochure.

Sample of a marketing flyer This flyer can be updated with your drive information and posted around your school or business. You may also want to check for permission to post these flyers in stores or businesses in your community.

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Incentives Incentive drawings may encourage stronger participation from your Band and/or Fan Club Donors. .

Gift cards (Retail Stores, Restaurants, Gas Cards, Movie Tickets etc) Tickets to sporting/entertainment events Free lunch passes Extra paid time off Sleep in/leave early passes Jeans days Lunch/Golf with the CEO or Principal Coveted parking spaces Company/School shirts/hats/other gear See if your principal will sing a silly song (perhaps, “I’m a Little Teapot”) over the morning announcements if your group meets the project goal. Tickets to your school’s sporting events or performances Pair of tickets to the Prom A certain number of free lunches in the cafeteria

A) Appendix C: Incentive Ideas

A) Appendix D: Instructions for Setting up your Ear Candy Group Website

A) Appendix E: Donor Process Instructions for Group Drives

Appendices D, E, F are currently under construction and will be available soon!

A) Appendix F: Slides of Group Donation Pages

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Thank You So Much for Helping to Provide Youth with Access to Music Education!!!!

Hidden Track

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Mailing Address:

PO Box 2555

Tempe, AZ 85280

Business Address:

200 E. Curry Road, Lower Level

Tempe, AZ 85281

Email [email protected] Web www.EarCandyCharity.org/PlayitForward

Credits… “Play it Forward” is a collaboration between Scottsdale Leadership (Class XXVI) and Ear Candy Charity. Scottsdale Leadership is a civic leader development program that helps people focus on their ability to give back to the community. Every year, approximately 40 emerging leaders are selected to participate in a nine-month core program, during which a competition is held amongst classmates to create the best “Pay it Forward” project. “Play it Forward” is a result of Class XXVI, Team #2. Ear Candy Charity is a Phoenix-based non-profit whose mission is to provide youth access to music education through Instrument Drives®, Backstage Class® field trips and Community Partnerships. “Play it Forward” was created to help Ear Candy evolve their existing business model to allow drives to be promoted and conducted in any community in the country.

Special thanks to: Denise Pruitt; Team Advisor

Nate Anderson; Ear Candy Charity Founder Richard Maxwell; Contemporary Music and Sound, Arcadia High School

Mark Antonucci, Ed.D, Barrett The Honors College, Arizona State University