Principal’s Message Pleasant Point Primary Newsletter 23 H ŌNGONGOI 2020 NEWSLETTER 3 “A HEAD AND HEART FOR LEARNING AND LIFE, A BACKPACK FOR THE JOURNEY” ABSENCE LINE 6148231 OR TEXT STUDENT ABSENCES TO 0273681661 School Phone 6147832 School Fax 6147560 Reminder - Absences Line 6148231 or Text Absences to 0273681661 Dear Parents / Caregivers, Tēnā koutou, kia ora koutou katoa. Welcome back to Term 3. We are really looking forward to a great term ahead (hopefully free of the upheavals and events of Terms 1 & 2). Its been really nice to visit classes this week and hear students’ stories from the holiday break, as well as meet our newest 5 year old tamariki who started their learning journey on Monday. Exciting times! Learning Team newsletters will be coming tomorrow and provide an outline of specific learning focus areas for this term. Some areas of the school are focusing on Science in Term 3 alongside normal core curriculum areas, and all teams will give priority to the Arts as students explore the different areas of creative expression including Drama, Dance, Visual Arts and Music. Following the decision to not hold parent-teacher interviews at the end of last term as we focused on a strong settled return to school following lock-down, we are looking at different ways to share progress and achievement with you during Term 3. Expect to hear more about this from teachers and Learning Teams as we plan this together with the tamariki . On our school website is a copy of the draft Enrolment Zone map that the Board of Trustees has developed in discussion with the Ministry of Education. The Board is seeking your feedback on this (please email any thoughts / comments / questions to [email protected]), We are also now consulting with our neighbouring schools and local community. The purpose of the zone is to enable the Ministry to make best use of property resourcing across their network of schools and avoid the risk of overcrowding in any one school. Once we have heard back from our other local schools and community, the Ministry and Board will consider responses and then make a final decision on the Zone boundaries. Students within our home zone will be entitled to attend here and if classroom space is available the Board will have the option of offering out-of-zone places. Coming Up… we are looking forward over the next few weeks to moving back into our great looking refurbished Waitaki senior classroom block with just the deck remaining to be completed. An annual highlight—Year 5-8 ski trips are on the horizon, and a heads up that we are planning a Teacher Only Day for Friday 21 August around Relationships and Wellbeing. As normal, there will be no school for students on this day. Principal Coming Up….. 29 Hōngongoi (July) 30 Hōngongoi 31 Hōngongoi 6&7 Here-turi-kōkā (August) 21 Here-turi-kōkā Cross Country trials July Board Meeting Assembly (Student Council Hosting) Year 5– 8 Ski Trip Teacher Only Day Mark Creba

Pleasant Point Primary Newsletter · 2020. 7. 23. · Community Notices - Pleasant Point Primary School takes no responsibility for information in these notices. 2020 Primary Inter-School

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  • Principal’s Message

    Pleasant Point Primary

    Newsletter 2 3 H Ō N G O N G O I 2 0 2 0 N E W S L E T T E R 3

    “ A H E A D

    A N D H E A R T

    F O R

    L E A R N I N G

    A N D L I F E , A

    B A C K P A C K

    F O R T H E

    J O U R N E Y ”

    A B S E N C E L I N E

    6 1 4 8 2 3 1

    O R

    T E X T S T U D E N T

    A B S E N C E S T O

    0 2 7 3 6 8 1 6 6 1

    School Phone 6147832 School Fax 6147560 Reminder - Absences Line 6148231 or Text Absences to 0273681661

    Dear Parents / Caregivers,

    Tēnā koutou, kia ora koutou katoa.

    Welcome back to Term 3. We are really looking forward to a great term ahead (hopefully free of

    the upheavals and events of Terms 1 & 2). Its been really nice to visit classes this week and hear

    students’ stories from the holiday break, as well as meet our newest 5 year old tamariki who

    started their learning journey on Monday. Exciting times!

    Learning Team newsletters will be coming tomorrow and provide an outline of specific learning

    focus areas for this term. Some areas of the school are focusing on Science in Term 3 alongside

    normal core curriculum areas, and all teams will give priority to the Arts as students explore the

    different areas of creative expression including Drama, Dance, Visual Arts and Music. Following

    the decision to not hold parent-teacher interviews at the end of last term as we focused on a

    strong settled return to school following lock-down, we are looking at different ways to share

    progress and achievement with you during Term 3. Expect to hear more about this from teachers

    and Learning Teams as we plan this together with the tamariki .

    On our school website is a copy of the draft Enrolment Zone map that the Board of Trustees has

    developed in discussion with the Ministry of Education. The Board is seeking your feedback on this

    (please email any thoughts / comments / questions to [email protected]), We are

    also now consulting with our neighbouring schools and local community. The purpose of the zone

    is to enable the Ministry to make best use of property resourcing across their network of schools

    and avoid the risk of overcrowding in any one school. Once we have heard back from our other

    local schools and community, the Ministry and Board will consider responses and then make a final

    decision on the Zone boundaries. Students within our home zone will be entitled to attend here

    and if classroom space is available the Board will have the option of offering out-of-zone places.

    Coming Up… we are looking forward over the next few weeks to moving back into our great

    looking refurbished Waitaki senior classroom block with just the deck remaining to be completed.

    An annual highlight—Year 5-8 ski trips are on the horizon, and a heads up that we are planning a

    Teacher Only Day for Friday 21 August around Relationships and Wellbeing. As normal, there will

    be no school for students on this day.


    Coming Up….. 29 Hōngongoi (July)

    30 Hōngongoi

    31 Hōngongoi

    6&7 Here-turi-kōkā (August)

    21 Here-turi-kōkā

    Cross Country trials

    July Board Meeting

    Assembly (Student Council Hosting)

    Year 5– 8 Ski Trip

    Teacher Only Day

    Mark Creba

  • Year 5-8 Ski Trips 6th - 7th August

    The Year 5-8 Ski Trips are on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th August. Final transport for these trips will be coming home early

    next week.

    Mrs Gibb has brought her gear into school today to show the children what they will need. Teachers will let the children

    know when they are to bring their gear in to be checked. They will need to have the following things: waterproof pants,

    jacket, glasses or goggles, gloves and hat. These items are compulsory.

    Children must be at school before 7.30am. The buses have to leave at 7.30am

    Thanks for your assistance with this.

    Catherine Gibb

    Coming home with this week’s


    Blue Bus Form for Term 3 Changes

    Term Calendar

    Grapevine Magazine

    Lucky Book Club

    Thank you for supporting your children’s reading and the

    Library through the Lucky Book Club. Lucky Book Club

    brochures are coming home this week, and orders close on

    Wednesday 5th August. Please make

    cheques payable to Pleasant Point

    Primary School.

    Happy Reading!


    Account notices are being sent home in Week 3 with our next full school Newsletter. These notices will include Term 3

    activity contributions, a school donations reminder as well as a $10 contribution request for swimming from Term 1. Our

    apologies that due to the rapidly evolving situation around Covid and lockdown in March we weren’t able unfortunately to

    get school accounts out to you then.

    Your support with our school donation is important and appreciated. The Board of Trustees budgets curriculum resources

    such as art materials, library books and school readers from this fund. As this is a donation, if you request a receipt you are

    able to claim back 1/3rd of the amount back from IRD as a tax credit (IR536 Tax Credit Claim Form).

    Support with prompt payment of these direct costs to the school is appreciated. Any contributions made

    this week will not appear on this statement.

    If you would like to set up a automatic payment plan please contact Penny on 6147 832 or email

    [email protected]. Thank you.

    Assembly update

    We’re excited that Assemblies are back up and running this

    term. We are trialling a new monthly format, led by the

    student council and will be having three (July/Aug/Sept) in

    Term 3. Our first one for Term 3

    will be next Friday 31 July at 10.30

    in the hall.

    We look forward to seeing you

    there if you are able to join us!

    Policies up for Review

    As part of the Board of Trustees ongoing cycle of review,

    the following policies are up for review this term:

    Education Outside the Classroom

    Your input into this process is invited. A copy of the

    policies are available on our website and/or from the

    school office. Any feedback in written form can be given

    to the office.

  • Sports News

    It was great to finally get back into Kiwisport and fundamentals with the children last term! We started off the season for the

    seniors with Rugby, Football, Netball and Hockey. A big thank you to Emma Redhead, Belinda Kelly, Harmi, Andy, Bard and

    Jamie Linton for being fab coaches. We let the children play the sport they normally play, to get in more practice before the

    out of school games started. This term we are having a “racquet up” season with choices of Tennis, Squash, Badminton and

    Paddle Tennis. For fundamentals with the juniors, we played lots of fun games teaching them about spacial awareness and

    then this term they will also be learning racquet skills.

    We have South Canterbury Cross country coming up on the 12th August. Because of the Covid crisis, we weren’t able to

    have an school Cross Country, so we are going to hold trials for the children interested on Wednesday 29th July instead,

    to see who will qualify for the competition.

    We have also started another “girls only” Rugby season which is exciting. Point Primary have an U11’s tackle team and an

    U13’s Rippa team competing in the competition. I would like to thank Dominique Monaghan for coaching the U11s, she is

    doing an amazing job.

    Kathy Wilkins

    Sport Coordinator

    PB4L—Positive Behaviour for Learning

    Welcome back to school for Term 3. From a PB4L point of view it’s been lovely to see your children return with a smile on

    their face and lots of interesting stories to tell us about their holidays. We have also really enjoyed seeing everyone come back

    settled and calm and ready to learn. We will continue to use our Dojo Point or Green Card systems to reward expected

    behaviour, alongside our school values of being curious, awesome, respectful and engaged and appreciate everything you to do

    to support us with that. As always, keep an eye out in the newsletters to see what our current PB4L focus is so that you can

    talk with your children about what they are doing in their classrooms and out in the playground around managing themselves

    and helping others.

  • Community Notices - Pleasant Point Primary School takes no responsibility for information in these notices. 2020 Primary Inter-School Table Tennis Competition: Time - Wednesdays 4:15-5:30pm Starting 5th August (Week 3) 6 week Competition. Venue - Barry Butler Table Tennis Stadium, 96 Coonoor Road, Timaru. Subs - $30 per person. 2 people per team or let us know and we can find a team mate for you. Practise Session/Coaching - Tuesdays 6 - 7:15pm

    Please Contact - Suzanne Fitzgerald, 0273484805 or [email protected] by Friday 31st July 2020

    Mrs A’s Music School: sign up for Term 3 Singing; Piano; Guitar; Bass; Drums; Recorder; Ukulele, and Theory. Individual or

    Group Lessons (minimum 3 students) Students are taught by experienced musicians in our studio at 22 College Rd Timaru OR at

    some schools where possible. Contact: Jannette Aldridge 027 686 4877 [email protected]


    You can you serve it, but never eat it?

    What is it?

    Looking forward to your answers!

    Please put your answer in a named envelope in the

    blue box by Wednesday 29 July

    Pleasant Point Primary School proudly supported by:

    Friday Lunches - Subway - Friday 31 July

    Friday 31 July - Subway

    Friday 31 July is Subway Friday where your children can order a Subway lunch.

    There are two different options available—

    1) a six inch sub, cookie and an apple for $5 or

    2) a foot long sub, apple and cookie for $9.

    It is super easy to order via the pre-printed Subway bags available at the school office. Children can collect these from the

    office during the week, and then all you have to do is complete the order form on the bag, enclose the money and return it to

    the office by Thursday, 30 July before 3pm.

    Pita Pit lunch will be on Friday 7th August

    mailto:[email protected]