(Please Write your Exam Roll No. immediately) Exam. Roll No. …………….. END-TERM EXAMINATION DECEMBER 2006 Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60 Q. 1. (a) Write short notes on :- (10) (i) Validation and verification. (ii) Product metrics. (iii)Reverse Engineering (iv) Regression testing (v) Information flow metrics (b) What is software crisis? Was Y2K a software crisis? (2) (c) List out requirements elicitation techniques. (2) (b) What is the difference between a flow chart and a structure chart? (3) (b) Which one is the most appropriate size estimation technique and why? (3) UNIT - I Q. 2. (a) What are the components of a software? Discuss how a software differs from a program. (4) (b) Describe the Rapid development (RAD) model. Discuss each phase in details. (6) Q. 3. (a) Draw a use case diagram for result preparation automation system of B. Tech courses of any university. (4) (b) Explain the Spiral model of software development. What are the limitations of such a model? (6) UNIT - II Q. 4. (a) Describe any two software size estimation techniques. (5) (b) Define module coupling and explain different type of coupling. (5) Q. 5. (a) Discuss various types of constructive Cost Most (COCOMO). Explain the phase wise distribution of effort. (5) Exam Series code: 100736DEC06200778 Paper Code : MCA-209 Subject: Software Engineering Note: Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any one question from every unit (1 to 4). In all, five question need to be attempted.

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Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Q. 1. (a) Write short notes on :- (10)

(i) Validation and verification.

(ii) Product metrics.

(iii)Reverse Engineering

(iv) Regression testing

(v) Information flow metrics

(b) What is software crisis? Was Y2K a software crisis? (2)

(c) List out requirements elicitation techniques. (2)

(b) What is the difference between a flow chart and a structure chart? (3)

(b) Which one is the most appropriate size estimation technique and why? (3)


Q. 2. (a) What are the components of a software? Discuss how a software differs

from a program. (4)

(b) Describe the Rapid development (RAD) model. Discuss each phase in

details. (6)

Q. 3. (a) Draw a use case diagram for result preparation automation system of

B. Tech courses of any university. (4)

(b) Explain the Spiral model of software development. What are the limitations

of such a model? (6)


Q. 4. (a) Describe any two software size estimation techniques. (5)

(b) Define module coupling and explain different type of coupling. (5)

Q. 5. (a) Discuss various types of constructive Cost Most (COCOMO). Explain the

phase wise distribution of effort. (5)

Exam Series code: 100736DEC06200778

Paper Code : MCA-209 Subject: Software Engineering

Note: Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any one question from every unit (1 to 4).

In all, five question need to be attempted.


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(b) Discuss the differences between function oriented and object oriented

design. (5)


Q. 6. (a) Define data structure metrics. How can we calculate amount of data in a

program? (5)

(b) Compare the ISO 9126 with McCall’s Software Quality model. (5)

Q. 7. (a) Explain the Halstead theory of software science. Is it significant in today’s

scenario of component based software development? (4)

(b) Discuss various key process area of CMM at various maturity levels. (6)


Q. 8. (a) Discuss the cause effect graphing technique with an example. (5)

(b) What is regression testing? Differentiate between regression and

development testing. (5)

Q. 9. (a) What is ripple effect? Discuss the various aspects of ripple effect and how

does it affect the stability of a program? (5)

(b) What are various kinds of functional testing? Describe any one in detail. (5)



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Time: 3 Hours (Batch-2004) Maximum Marks: 60

Q. 1. (A) Select most appropriate answer of the following questions: (10)

(i) UML Stands for

(i) Uniform modeling Language

(ii) Unified modeling language

(iii)Unit modeling language

(iv) Universal modeling language

(ii) Which is not a product metric?

(i) Size

(ii) Reliability


(iv) Functionality

(iii)Level-0 Diagram is similar to

(i) Use case diagram

(ii) Context Diagram

(iii)System Diagram

(iv) None of the Above

(iv) IFPUG stands for

(i) Initial function point uniform group

(ii) International function point uniform group

(iii)International function point user group

(iv) Initial function point user group

(v) Which is not a size metric

(i) LOC

(ii) Function count

(iii)Program Length

(iv) Cyclematic complexity

(vi) Maximum possible value of reliability is

(i) 100

(ii) 10


(iv) 0

Paper Code: MCA 209 Subject: Software Engineering

Note: Attempt five questions in all, including Q. 1 which is compulsory. All Question

carry equal marks.


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(vii) DD path graph is called as

(i) Design to Design path graph

(ii) Defeat to defeat path graph

(iii)Destination to destination path graph

(iv) None of the Above

(viii) Which one is not the verification activity?

(i) Reviews

(ii) Path Testing


(iv) Acceptance Testing

(ix) Patch is known as

(i) Emerging fixes

(ii) Routine fixes

(iii)Critical Fixes

(iv) None of the Above

(x) System documentation may not have

(i) SRS

(ii) Design document

(iii)Acceptance Test Plan

(iv) System Administration

(B) (a) What is software crisis? Give example. (10)

(b) Write various steps of requirement engineering

(c) What is risk?

(d) Define module coupling

(e) Explain the significance of bath tub curve of reliability with the help of


Q. 2. (a) Why documentation is necessary? Name various documents produced after

each steps of s/w life cycle. (3)

(b) Compare iterative enhancement model and evolutionary developed model.


(c) What is SRS? List out the advantages of SRS standards. Why SRS is known

as the black box specification of a system? (4)

Q. 3. (a) Draw a DFD for borrowing a book in a library in which a borrower can

borrow a book if it is available else he can reserve the book if he wishes to. He

can borrow a maximum of these books. (5)

(b) What is size metric? How is function point metric advantageous over LOC

metric? Explain. (5)


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Q. 4. (a) A software development requires 90PY during total development sub cycle.

The development time is planned for the duration of 3 years and six months.

(i) Calculate the manpower cost expanded until development time.

(ii) Determine the development peak time. (4)

(b) Define module cohesion. Explain different types of cohesion. (6)

Q. 5. (a) Define data structure metrics. Explain various data structure metrics. (6)

(b) Discuss the basic model of software reliability. How can ∆µ& ∆τ be

calculated (4)

Q. 6. (a) Give Halstead’s software science measures for :- (5)

(i) Program Length

(ii) Program Volume

(iii)Program Level

(iv) Effort

(v) Language Level

(b) What is the difference between:- (5)

(i) Alpha Testing & Beta Testing

(ii) Development Testing and Regression Testing

Q. 7. (a) Explain the boundary value analysis technique with the help of example. (2)

(b) Explain data flow testing. Consider an example and show all “du” paths.

Also identify those “du” paths that are not “de” paths. (5)

(c) Describe Boehm’s model for maintenance. (3)



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END-TERM EXAMINATION Fourth Semester [MCA] - MAY 2005

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Q. 1. (a) What are the advantages of using software process models? Explain the

prototype and spiral model in detail. (8)

(b) What process model you will follow for developing (i) Editor (ii) Radiation

therapy machine software. Justify your answer. (4)

Q. 2. (a) Describe briefly different stages of risk management process. (6)

(b) The value of size of program in KLOC and different cost drivers are given

below: size – 300 KLOC, Complexity 0.95, Analyst capability – 1.05,

Applications of Software Engineering Methods – 0.8, Performance

Requirement – 0.75. Calculate the effort for three types of projects i.e. organic,

semidetached and embedded using COCOMO model. (6)

Q. 3. (a) What is the use of drawing context diagram? (2)

(b) A blood bank receives and stores blood donated by people and also gives

blood to individuals or hospitals on demand. The blood bank also has a panel of

vendors who supply various items after receiving the order from the blood

bank. If a donor approaches the blood bank, his blood sample is taken and test

for various diseases. If approved blood is taken and stored in the bank. The

contact details of donor are recorded and donor is issued a card which is valid

for one year. During this period the donor by showing the card can get the

blood from the blood bank. From time to time blood bank organizes the blood

donation camp. Date and venue is announced in the newspaper and existing

regular donor are also informed by post. The blood bank also has a panel of

doctors. Two doctors from the panel are also associated with the camp to

handle emergencies. For these requirements draw (i) ER diagram (ii) Context

diagram. (6+4)

Q. 4. (a) Define each of the following terms:- (6)

(i) Structure chart (ii) Transaction Centered Design

(iii) Control Coupling (iv) Temporal Cohesion

(v) Requirement (vi) Software requirement Specification

(vii) Adaptive Maintenance (viii) Error

Paper Code: MCA 206 Subject: Software Engineering

Note: Attempt any five questions.


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(b) Explain briefly Information Flow Metrics. For the structure chart given

below in Fig.1. Calculate the information flow index of individual modules as

well as whole software. (6)

Fig. 1.

Q. 5. (a) What is the difference between what box and black testing? Explain in detail

some white box testing techniques discussed in the class. (12)

Q. 6. (a) Define software reliability. How it is different from hardware reliability. (2)

(b)What are the main objectives of Reverse Engineering? (4)

(c) Write short notes on Basic Execution Time Model. (6)

Q. 7. (a) Write short notes on Any two: (6 + 6)

(i) Capability Maturity Model

(ii) Configuration Management

(iii)Software Reengineering

(iv) CASE Tools






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END-TERM EXAMINATION Fourth Semester [MCA] - MAY 2003

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Q. 1. (a) Explain the significance of Software Engineering. Discuss the advantages of

using any software standard for software development. (5)

(b) List the difference of CMM and ISO 9001. Why is it suggested that CMM is

the better choice than ISO 9001. (7)

Q. 2. (a) Show why and how software metrics can improve the software process.

Enumerate the effect of metrics on software productivity. (5)

(b)Write a program in C for the calculation of the roots of a quadratic equation.

Find out its all software science metrics. (7)

Q. 3. (a) What is risk? Is it economical to do risk management? Analyze a student

project and list the risks. (5)

(b) Explain the Putnam Resource Allocation model. (7)

Q. 4. (a) What are the linkages between data flow and E-R diagram? (5)

(b) An airline reservation is an association between a passenger, a flight, and a

seat. Select a few pertinent attributes for each of these entity types and represent

airline reservation in an E-R diagram. (7)

Q. 5. (a) If some existing modules are to be re-used in building a new system, which

design strategy is used and why? (5)

(b) Define module coupling and explain different types of coupling. (7)

Q. 6. (a) Consider a program for the determination of the nature of roots of a

quadratic equation. Its input is a triple of positive integers (say a, b, c) and

value may be from [1, 100]. The program output may have one of the following

words: [not a quadratic equation; Real Roots; Imaginary Roots; Equal Roots].

Design the boundary value test cases. (7)

(b) Consider a small program and show, why it is practically impossible to do

exhaustive testing. (5)

Paper Code: MCA 206 Subject: Software Engineering

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.


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Q. 7. (a) Annual Change Traffic (ACT) in a software system is 25% per year. The

initial development cost was Rs. 20 Lacs. Total lifetime for the software is 10

years. What is the total cost of the software system? (6)

(b)What is reverse engineering? Explain the various levels of reverse

engineering. (6)

Q. 8. (a) Write short notes on Any two: (12)

(i) Logarithmic Poisson Reliability Model

(ii) Configuration Management

(iii) Function Count



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END-TERM EXAMINATION Fourth Semester [MCA] - JUNE 2001

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Q. 1. (a) State the difference between program and software. Why document and

documentation have become very important? (4)

(b) What do you understand by the term life cycle model of software

development? Describe the genetic waterfall model? (5)

(c) List the difference of CMM and ISO 9001. Why is it suggested that CMM is

the better choice than ISO 9001? (5)

Q. 2. (a) What are software metrics? Discuss Halistead software sciences metrics

along with its limitations. (7)

(b)Explain Function Point Analysis method. Compute the function points for

the following data set.

Inputs =8, Outputs =12, Inquiries = 4, Logical Files = 41, Interfaces = 1

ΣFi =41 (Influence factor sum) (7)

Q. 3. (a) You are the manager of a new project charged with developing a 100000

lines embedded system. You have a choice of hiring from two pools of

developers; highly capable with very little experience in the programming

language being used; or developers of low quality but a lot of experience with

the programming language. What is the impact of hiring all the developers from

one or the other group? (10)

(b)What are risk management activities? Is it possible to prioritize the risks? (4)

Q. 4. (a) Discuss the significance and use of requirement engineering. What are the

problems in the formulation of requirements? (4)

(b) Why is SRS also known as the black box specification of system? List the

important issues, which an SRS must address. (4)

(c) What are the linkages between data flow and E-R diagrams? (4)

(d) Draw an E-R diagram for the statement given below :- (2)

“Vendors quote prices for several parts along with quantity of parts.”

Paper Code: MCA 206 Subject: Software Engineering

Note: Attempt any five questions.


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Q. 5. (a) Define module coupling and cohesion. Explain different types of coupling

and cohesion. (7)

(b) Write short notes on (7)

(i) Function Oriented Design (ii) Object Oriented Design

Q. 6. (a) What is software reliability? In that context what is mean time to failure?

How can we estimate it? (7)

(b) Consider a simple program to classify a triangle. It input is a triple of

positive integers (say a, b, b) and the data type for input parameters ensures that

these will be integers greater than zero and less than or equal to 200. The

program output may be one of the following words:

[Scalene, Isosceles, Equilateral; Not a triangle] (7)

Design the boundary value test cases.

Q. 7. (a) What is cyclomatic complexity? Is it reasonable to define “thresholds” for

software modules? If V (G) ≤ 10, What will happen to the module? (7)

(b) What is the difference between functional and structural testing? Explain

any two functional testing techniques. (7)

Q. 8. (a) Write short notes on Any two: (7+7)

(i) Reverse Engineering

(ii) Software Reliability Models

(iii) Putnam Resource Allocation Model.



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Time: 3Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Q.1 Answer the following: -

(a) Project risk factor is consider in (i) Waterfall model (ii) Spiral model (iii) Quick & Fix model (iv) (ii) and (iii).

(b) In s/w requirement analysis and specification, FAST stands for ___________ (c) In Requirements Engineering QFD stands for ________ (d) How technology factor ‘C’ is defined in Putnam Resource allocation model? What is its significance? (e) Differentiate between flow chart and structure chart (f) Write formula for Language level and Program volume. (g) Reliability of software is measured at________ phase (h) In logarithmic Poisson execution model, 0 is known as_____. What is its significance? (i) Will exhaustive testing guarantee that the program is 100% correct? (j) For a function of n variables robustness testing of boundary value analysis yields: (i) 4n+1

(ii) 6n+1 (iii) 4n+3 (iv) none of above UNIT-I

Q.2 (a) What are advantages of developing the prototype of a system? Is there any disadvantage? Explain (b) Discuss the election process parameters for a life cycle model. Q.3 (a) An airline reservation is an association between a passenger, a flight and a seat. Select few Pertinent attributes for each of these entity types and represent a reservation in E-R diagram. (b) What are crucial process steps of requirement engineering? Discuss with help of a diagram. (c) Which one is most popular requirements elicitation and why?

UNIT-II Q.4 (a) Explain Walston-Felix model and compare it with SEL model. (b) Assuming Putnam model with S=100, 000, C=5000, D0=15, compute development time td and manpower development kd. (c) What is risk exposure? What techniques can be used to control each risk? Q.5 (a) If a module has logical cohesion, what kind of coupling is the module likely to have with others? Justify. (b) Give at least one example for each of cohesion .The example should be either from O.S or from any of widely used software. (c) List points of a simplified design process.

UNIT-III Q.6 (a) Define each of following term and derive/show their formula- (i) Program level (ii) Potential volume (iii) Average life of a variable (iv) FANOUT (b) Differentiate between various categories of metrics.

Paper Code: MCA209 Subject: Software Engineering

Note: Attempt Five Questions including Q.1 and selecting one question from each unit.


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Q.7 (a) Explain Baehm Software Quality model with help of a block diagram. (b) Assume that a program will experience 150 failures in infinite time. It has now experienced 80. The initial failure intensity was 10-failures/CPU hr.

(i) Determine current failures intensity (ii) Calculate the failures experienced and failure intensity after 25 and 40 CPU hrs of execution. (iii) Compute additional execution time required to reach the failure intensity objectives of 2-

failures/CPU-hr. Q.8 (a) Consider program for determination of date in a calendar. Its input is a triple of day, month And year with following range 1≤month≤12 1≤day≤31 1900≤year≤2005. The possible Outputs would be Net date or invalid input date. Design boundary value, robust and worst test cases for this program. (b) Describe equivalence class testing method. (c) Explain usefulness of decision table during testing. Q.9 (a) Draw flow graph for a program of largest of three numbers. Find out all independent paths that will guarantee that all statements in the flow graph have been tested. (b) Discuss suggestions that may be useful for modification of the legacy code. (c) What are configuration management activities? Explain.


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Paper Code: MCA 209 Subject: Software Engineering Paper Id-44209 (Batch: 2004-2007) Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q1. (a) What is a software crisis? Give some examples for it. (4)

(b) What are documents that need to be maintained for software? (4)

(c) Compare iterative enhancement model and evolutionary development model. (4)

Q2. (a) Draw a DFD for MCA admission system. (6)

(b) Design problem statement, use case diagram for MCA admission system. (6)

Q3. (a) A software development requires 90 PM during total development sub- cycle. The development time is planned for duration of 3 yrs and 5 months

(i) Calculate the manpower cost expanded until development time. (ii) Determine development peak time. (iii) Calculate the difficulty and manpower build-up. (6)

(b) Describe the Albrecht’s function count method with suitable example. (3) (c) What are risk management activities? Is it possible to prioritize the risks? (3)

Q4 (a) Discuss difference between object oriented and function oriented design. (3) (b) What problems are likely to arise if module has high complexity? (3) (c) Define module cohesion. List different types of cohesion. (3) (d) Can we have inheritance without polymorphism? Explain. (3) Q5 (a) Explain Halstead theory of software science. Is it significant in today’s scenario of component based software development? (3)

(b) Write a program for calculation of roots of quadratic equation. Generate

Cross reference list for the program and also calculate LV and WM for this program.


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(c) What are information flow metrics? Explain the basic information flow model. (3)

Q6. (a) Write short note on Any Three of following :- (2×3=6) I. MTBF

II. MTTF III. Failure intensity IV. CMM

(b) Assume that initial failure intensity is 10 failure/cpu hrs. The failure

intensity decay parameter is 0.03/failure. We have experienced 75 Failures upto this time. Find the failures experienced and failure intensity after 25 and 50 CPU hours of execution. (6) Q7. (a) Consider a program that computes grade of students. The grading is done as:

Marks obtained Grade 80-100 A 60-79 B 50-59 C 40-49 D 0-39 E

Generate test cases using robust testing and decision table based testing (8) (b) Discuss the importance of path testing during white box testing. (2)

(c) What is the difference between system testing and performance testing (2)

Q8. (a) What are various debugging approaches? Discuss with examples. (3)

(b) Write short note o Any Three of following: (i) Maintainability (ii) Boehm’s maintenance model (iii) Regression Testing (iv) Reverse Engineering (v) Configuration Management. (3×3=9)


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END TERM EXAMINATION THIRD SEMESTER [MCA] DECEMBER-2009 Paper Code: MCA209 Subject: Software Engineering Paper Id-44209 (Batch: 2004-2008)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks :60 Note : Attempt any five questions.

Q1 (a) Write down the major characteristics of software. Illustrate with a diagram

that the software does not wear out. (4) (b) What are the components of a software? Discuss how a software differs

from a program. (4) (c) List out requirement elicitation techniques. Discuss any two techniques in

detail. (4) Q2 (a) Discuss the spiral model. What are its advantages and disadvantages? (6) (b) Compare and contrast various software development life cycle models. (6) Q3 (a) Suppose that a project was estimated to be 600 KLOC. Calculate the effort

and development time for each of the three models i.e., organic, semidetached and embedded. (6)

(b) Consider the problem of result preparation automation system of B. Tech

courses (or MCA program) of any university and design the following: (6)

(i) DFD upto level 1 (ii) Use case diagram (iii) Use case description for any one use case

Q4 (a) Define coupling and explain various types of coupling? Which one is best and why? (6)

(b) What are software metrices ? Describe information flow based metrics. (6)


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Q5 (a) Consider the program for the determination of previous date in a calendar. Its input is a triple of day, month and year with the following range

1<= month <=12 1<= day <=31 1801<= year <= 2009 The possible outputs would be previous date or invalid date. Design the boundary value , robust and worst test cases for the program. (6)

(b) Consider the following program segment.

1. void sort{ int b[],int n}{ 2. int i,j; 3. for(i=0;i<n;i++) 4. for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) 5. if(b[i]>b[j]) 6. { 7. temp=b[i]; 8. b[i] =b[j]; 9. b[j] =temp; 10. } 11. }

(i) Draw the control flow graph and DD path graph for this program segment. (4)

(ii) Determine the cyclomatic complexity for this program using all the methods. (Show the intermediate steps in your computation. Writing only the final result is not sufficient). (2)

Q6 (a) Describe various maintenance cost estimation models. (6) (b) Write a short note on Boledy and Lehman model for the calculation of

maintenance effort. (6)


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Q7 (a) What are various debugging approaches? Discuss them with the help of examples. (6)

(b) Describe the Mc Call software quality model. How many product quality factors

are defined and why? (6) Q8 Write short notes on the following:- (4 x 3 = 12)

(a) Reverse engineering and reengineering (b) Use case diagram (c) Integration Testing *************************************


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Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks :60

Q.1. Attempt ALL questions: (5x4=20)

(a) What do you understand by software crisis? What are its

symptoms and causes? What are its remedies?

(b) What do you understand by a software development process?

What problems might occur if a software development

organization does not use any specific development process?

(c) What are the various types of functional testing techniques?

Discuss any one in detail.

(d) Is it possible to estimate software size before coding? Justify

your answer with suitable examples?

(e) Explain the significance of software reliability engineering.

Q.2. (a) Discuss the Prototyping model. What is the effect of designing a

prototype on the overall cost of the project? (10)

(b) What are the characteristics of a good software requirement

specification (SRS) document?


Q.2. Consider the following Transport Company Automation (TCA)

software. A transport company requires to automate its various

operations. The company has fleet of vehicles. Currently the

company has the following vehicles:

Ambassadors :10 Non-AC, 2 AC

Tata Sumo :5 Non-AC, 5 AC

Maruti Omni :10 Non-AC

Maruti Esteem :10 AC

Mahindra Armada :10 Non-AC


Paper Code: MCA209 Subject: Software Engineering

Paper Id-44209

Note : Q.No.1 is compulsory. Internal choice is indicated.


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The company rents out vehicles to customers. When a customer

requests for a car, the company lets them know what types of

vehicles are available and the charges for each car.

For every car, there is per hour charge and a per kilometre charge. A

car can be rented for a minimum of 4 hours. The amount chargeable

to a customer is maximum of (per hour charge for the car times the

number of hours used, and per kilometre charge times the number of

kilometres run) subject to a minimum amount decided by the charge

for 4 hours use of the car.

An AC vehicle of a particular category is charged 50% more than a

non-AC vehicle of the same category.

There is a charge of rupees 150 for every night halt regardless of the

type of the vehicle.

When a customer books a car, he has to deposit an advance amount.

The customer also informs the company when he expects to return

the car. When the car is returned, depending on the usage, either the

customer is refunded some amount, or he has to pay additional

amount to cover the cost incurred.

In addition to automating the above activities, the company wants to

collect statistics about various types of vehicles such as average

amount of money spent on repairs for the car, average demand,

revenue earned by renting out the car, and fuel consumption of the

car. Based on these statistics, the company may take a decision about

which vehicles are more profitable. The statistics can also be used to

decide the charge for different types of vehicles.

Draw the following using standard notations. If necessary you can

make suitable assumptions regarding the details of various features

of TCA software, but you must clearly write down the assumptions

you make.

(1) Draw the context diagram (level 0 DFD) for the TCA software.(3)

(2) Draw the level 1 DFD for the TCA software. (4)

(3) Draw Usecase diagram for the TCA software. (3)


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Q.3. (a) Explain all the levels of COCOMO model. Assume that the size

of an organic software product has been estimated to be 32,000 lines

of code. Determine the effort to develop the software product and the

nominal development time. (10)

(b) What is risk? Is it economical to do risk management? What is

the effect of this activity on overall cost of the project?


Q.3. (a) Why should a software analyst prefer Object Oriented Analysis

of Information Systems to the traditional methods of analysing such


(b) Define Module Cohesion and explain various types of Cohesion?

Q.4. (a) What are the various key process areas at defined level in CMM?

Describe activities associated with one key process area. (10)

(b) What are Software Metrics? Describe Data Structure Metrics.


Q.4. (a) Describe the McCall software quality model. How many product

quality factors are defined end why?

(b) What are Information flow Metrics? Explain the basic

information flow model.

Q.5. Consider the following program segment.

1. void sort (int a[],int n){

2. int i,j;

3. for(i=0;i<n;i++)

4. for(j=i+1;j,n;j++)

5. if(a[i]>a[j])

6. {

7. temp=a[i];

8. a[i]=a[j];

9. a[j]=temp;

10. }

11. }


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(a) Draw the control flow graph for this program segment. (4)

(b) Determine the cyclomatic complexity for this program. (3)

(c) How is cyclomatic complexity metric useful during software

development? (3)


Q.5. (a) What are the five Software Configuration Management(SCM)

tasks? Define and discuss each of them briefly. (5)

(b) Write a shirt note on Boledy and Lehman model for calculation

of maintenance effort. (5)



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Time : 3 Hours

PART-I (2 X 10 =20)

Q1. Attempt any Ten questions. Each question carries equal marks.

(a) What do you mean by software crises?

(b) What is DFD?

(c) What is alpha and beta test?

(d) State the reason why software requirements elicitation is difficult.

(e) Explain control coupling.

(f) Differentiate dynamic model and functional models.

(g) What is the purpose of RAD model?

(h) What does abstraction in software design provides?

(i) Explain CASE tools.

(j) Write shortcomings of waterfall model?

(k) Explain Software Reengineering.

(l) Write the main objectives of Reverse Engineering

PART-II (2 X 5 =10)

Q2. (a) Explain spiral model and give the situation in which spiral model is


(b) What are the linkages between DFD and ER diagrams?


Note :Part –I is compulsaory.Attempt any One question from other Parts(II-V)

Paper Code : MCA-110 Subject : Software Engineering

Paper Id : 44110


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Q3. (a) Compare waterfall and spiral model of software life cycle.

(b) What do you mean by the term data dictionary in context of structured


PART-III (2 X 5 =10)

Q4. (a) What is risk? Is it economical to do risk management? What is the effect of

this activity on the overall cost of the project?

(b) How do Object –Oriented Design (OOD) and structured designs

differ? What aspects of these two design methods are the same?


Q5. (a) Explain Putnam resource allocation model.

(b) What are the risk management activities? Explain.

PART-IV (2 X 5 =10)

Q6. (a) How can metrics be helpful in software process improvement? Explain.

(b) What is ISO? What is the need for obtaining ISO 9000 certification or why

is it important for a software development organization to obtain ISO 9001



Q7. (a) What are software metrics? Discuss Halstead software science metrics

along with its Limitations?

(b) Write down the salient features of ISO 9001 certification.


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PART-V (2 X 5 =10)

Q8. (a) What is cyclomatic complexity? Is it reasonable to define “thresholds” for

software modules? If V (G) <=10, what will happen to the module?

(b) Explain various categories of maintenance. Which category consumes

maximum time and Why?


Q9. (a) What is the difference between functional and structural testing? Explain

any two functional testing techniques.

(b) How is iterative enhancement model helpful during maintenance? Explain

the various cycles of this model.


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END TERM EXAMINATION Second Semester [MCA] May-June 2012

Paper Code: MCA110 Subject: Software Engineering

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

Note: Part-1 is compulsory. Attempt any one question from other parts.


(1 X 5=5)

a) Define Software Crisis.

b) Define Reliability.

c) Define Scaffolding.

d) Define CASE.

e) Define Peak Manning.

f) What notation you will use to represent call of module in Structure Chart?

g) The Radial Dimension of Spiral Model represents the ___________ and Angular dimension of spiral model

represents the _____________.

Q 2 Attempt any six of the following:- (2.5 X 6 = 15)

a) If a project required 100PM to produce 52000 LOC within 10 months period. Calculate the productivity and

average staffing for the same project.

b) What are various categories of maintenance? Which category consumes maximum effort and why?

c) Differentiate Metric, Measure and Measurement with examples.

d) Differentiate Software development testing Vs. Regression Testing.

e) Differentiate Static Vs. Dynamic software estimation empirical Model.

f) Annual change traffic (ACT) for a software system is 35% per year. The development effort is 400 PMS.

Compute an estimate for Annual Maintenance Effort(AME).

g) What are the various steps to analyse and design object oriented system?

h) Identify the nature of relationship between two entities (X and Y) based on the outcomes of two questions

given below:-

a. Can an occurrence of X to be associated with more than one Occurrence of Y?

b. Can an occurrence of Y to be associated with more than one occurrence of X?

a. b. Nature of relationship

Yes Yes

Yes No

No Yes

No No


Q 3 a) what are the various Requirement Elicitation methods? Discuss FAST. (5)

b) Discuss the various selection parameters to select software lifecycle model. (5)


Q 4 a) define term Software Engineering. Explain the major differences between software engineering and other

traditional engineering disciplines. (5)


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b) draw use case diagram for the Survey Management System. A survey Institution that performs/manages

public survey data is collected, a senior staff adds a survey header into the database, senior or junior staff

adds questions into the survey may categorizes questions or add a question category. Questions with

sensitive content are restricted to senior staff. (5)


Q 5 a) discuss Information Flow Metrices with its limitation. How a more Sophisticated Information Flow Model

can overcome them. (5)

b) Define Module Coupling and explain different types of coupling. (5)


Q 6 a) explain the Putnam Resource Allocation model. Derive the time and effort equation. (6)

b) what are risk management activities? How are risks prioritized? (4)


Q 7 write a program of Binary Search in C. Find out the following:- (10)

a) Unique operator b) Vocabulary

c) Program volume d) Program Length

e) Potential Volume f) Program Difficulty

g) Estimated Length h) Difficulty

i) Estimated Difficulty j) Effort


Q 8

a) Discuss Five Levels of CMM with all KPAs. (5)

b) Assume that a program will experience 150 failures in infinite time. It has now experience 80. The initial

failure intensity was 10 failures/CPU hr. (5)

i. determine current failures intensity.

ii. calculate the failures experienced and failure intensity after 25 and 40 CPU hrs. Execution.

Part – V

Q 9

a) Differentiate Functional Testing from Structural Testing. (4)

b) write a program to find the largest of three numbers using C. Draw program graph, decision to decision

graph and calculate cyclomatic complexity of the program. (6)


Q 10 write a short notes on the following:- (10)

a) Configuration management.

b) Mutation testing

c) Debugging Approach

d) Re-engineering



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Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 60

Q1 Answer the following:- (10*2=20)

(i) Differentiate between product and a process.

(ii) What is Verification and Validation.

(iii) Differentiate between Primary and Secondary actors with examples.

(iv) List the reasons for software crisis.

(v) What is the importance of RAD model? In which case it cannot be used?

(vi) How are software myths affecting software process? Explain with examples.

(vii) How Iterative Enhancement Model is different than Evolutionary Development model.

(viii) What are Software Reviews. Why are they important?

(ix) What are characteristics that make object-oriented design good?

(x) Define Test Suite?


Q2 (a) List out requirement elicitation techniques. Which one is most popular and why?


(b) Explain Boehm’s SDLC model in detail. (5)


Q3 (a) Describe the various strategies of design. Which design strategy is most popular and Practical? (5)

(b)Define the term Software Engineering. Explain the major differences between software engineering and

other traditional engineering disciplines. (5)


Q4 (a) Explain briefly Putnam Model. What are the limitations of this model? (5)

(b) Explain COCOMO model. Why do we require three models(Basic, intermediate

& detailed) for estimation ? (5)


Q5 (a) Explain different types of cohesion ? Which one is most desirable & why? (5) (b) Assume that the size of organic software product has been estimated to be 32000 lines of code. Determine

the effort required to develop the software product and the nominal development time. (5)

Paper Code: MCA 110 Subject: Software Engineering(New)

Note : Attempt any five questions including Q. no. 1 which is compulsory.

Select one question from each part.


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Q6 (a) Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using C. Draw program Graph Decision to Decision

Graph and calculate cyclomatic complexity of the program. (5)

(b) Describe Five Levels of CMM with all KPAs. 5)


Q7 (a) Discuss Information Flow Metrices with its limitation. How a more sophisticated Information Flow model

can overcome them?. (5)

(b) Quality and reliability are related concepts, but are fundamentally different in a number of ways. Discuss

them. (5)


Q8 (a)Differentiate between alpha testing & Beta testing . (2.5)

(b) Differentiate between Stubs and Drivers. (2.5)

(c) Discuss the various problems during maintenance. Describe some solutions to these Problems. (5)


Q9 Write short note on the following:- (2.5*4=10)

(a) Configuration Management

(b) Mutation Testing

(c) Debugging Approach

(d) Re-Engineering
