THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS 12 Sunday, July 23, 2017 Printed and published by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. on Sunday July 23, 2017 at No. 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02 1973 Born Kurunegala Bodu Govi, 5’ 3” in height, legally separated from a brief marriage limited to only signature. Hold- ing a degree in Agriculture, a business woman. Retired mother seeks suit- able partner. B50445 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483183-1 1983 Born Canadian/ Sri Lankan, Dual Citizenship holder, much younger look- ing, pretty, slim and smart graduate in Ac- counting and Finance, Employed in Man- agement in a leading Company, seeks a Catholic partner, academically qualified professional from Sri Lanka or abroad. Please forward details to: ceycan2017@ gmail.com B50498 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483946-1 1984 Born Bodu Govi 5’ 4” in height, slim figured, fair complexioned only daughter, BSc, BCS Colombo & MSc USA quali- fied. Possessing PR in US also employed in the same country in the IT Field par- ents seek suitable partner. Email: with- [email protected] 011 3031750. B50441 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482904-1 1985 January, Lady Doctor, 5’ 10”, work- ing in Colombo, educated at a leading Girls’ School in Colombo. Chubby, well mannered, smart daughter, with an ex- cellent character. Professionally/ aca- demically qualified, caring son is sought by mother from a well-known family. Will inherit house in a suburb closer to Co- lombo, a land and other assets. Email- [email protected] B49477 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T473146-1 1987 Jan, Buddhist Govi/K, Ratnapura, parents from a respectable family for their Doctor daughter (MBBS) (Foreign) with PR (Australia), 5’ 2”, slim, pretty with Buddhist values, legally separated few months after marriage and plaintiff, no encumbrances, seek suitable partner with good manners, preferably MBBS Doctor, age 30-35 who admires the value of marriage. Please reply with complete family details and horoscope. B50195 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T479164-1 1990 January, B/G respectable family in Kelaniya seeks a slim, fair and very pretty daughter for their elder son. 27 years, 5’ 8”, fair and handsome with good manners, a Network Administrator at a leading company. Father - Management Consultant. Mother - retired Software Engineer. Only brother - Medical Student. Please write with a recent photograph or a FB profile. 011-2987193 skeragala@ gmail.com B50485 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483580-1 1992 born, 5’ 7”, daughter brought up with Sinhala Buddhist Values. From a regular family closer to Colombo. Australian dual citizen, residing in Sri Lanka. Medical Sci- ence Degree (Biomedical). Vegetarian, loves animals & a book lover. We seek an academically qualified, suitable partner with similar values between 26-29 years age. Please email asanka@protonmail. com with full details. B50511 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T485017-1 1993 Colombo Buddhist Karawa, edu- cated a leading School. Software Engi- neering final year daughter. Inherit valu- able assets. 5’ fair complexioned, slim, pretty daughter. Parents seek engineer, administrator partner for her. B50455 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483269-1 37 Years Height 5’ 3” MBBS Doctor daughter. Teacher mother seek edu- cated partner. (No religious, Caste bar- riers) [email protected]. Tel: 0112657451. B50454 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483246-1 A Colombo Govi Buddhist, Age 29, height 5’ 8”, respectable family well educated, Computer Diploma Holder, / Computer Multi-Media Diploma Holder. Simple, pretty, charming, very intelligent, well mannered, brought up with Sinhala Bud- dhist cultural values in a homely environ- ment. Only child. Parents seek wealthy, intelligent, professionally qualified/ well established Businessman/ Land Propri- etor below 33 years. She inherits a new valuable three storied bungalow with an income generating building in the Center of Colombo. Another 28 and 50 perch lands, jewellery, within Colombo City lim- its or Kandy. Full details with non-malefic horoscopes. B48705 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467090-1 ACADEMICALLY & Profession- ally qualified, partner is - sought by B/K mother from Colombo for daughter born in 1982, 5’ 1” professionally qualified, CIM (UK), Masters (Australia) & well employed in a Prestigious Company in Colombo, in a managerial position with six figure salary. Owns 4 house & a Car. Please reply with family details & Horo- scope. Email- marriagepropos2017@ gmail.com B50494 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483912-1 ACADEMICALLY professionally quali- fied well-mannered caring son is sought by B/G parents for their only daughter. Born in 88, height 4’ 10”, studied at a leading Girls’ School Kandy. Graduate and reading for Masters. Inherits all the assets. Employed at a Ministry. Previous marriage was limited only to a signa- ture. Reply with family details and horo- scope. Email: [email protected] B49121 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T471121-1 ACADEMICALLY professionally quali- fied, teetotaler, good natured son, below 42, is sought by B/G high profile Retired Banker mother of Matale for her fair, slim, attractive daughter, 38 years Teacher em- ployed. Reply with horoscope. B49401 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T472718-1 AFFLUENT Colombo GB parents seek educated partner living in UK for attrac- tive fair daughter born in 1985, 5’ 3”, M.Sc (UK). Holding a Senior Management Role in a Global Bank in London. Respond with family details & horoscope via email: [email protected] B43634 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T415139-2 AFFLUENT respectable Sinhala Bud- dhist parents from Colombo, father Medi- cal Specialist, seek a partner for their daughter. She is 24 years fair, slim and beautiful with a warm caring personality. She has a Masters degree from Univer- sity College London, and is currently em- ployed as a Lecturer in Colombo Univer- sity. Only brother is a qualified Engineer from Imperial College London. She will inherit a large house in Colombo 5, with other assets. We seek an educated kind hearted boy with sober habits from a sim- ilar background preferably a Doctor pur- suing higher studies. Please reply with horoscope and family details. ku1717@ yahoo.com B46842 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T447583-2 AUSTRALIA BSc graduate MSc 1983 born, fair, slim figured, beautiful daugh- ter 5’ 9” in height, father Kandyan Bodu Govi govt. Senior Executive Officer seeks qualified & teetotaler son. 0813840370, [email protected] B48822 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T468721-1 BODU Govi respectable parents from Colombo seek a suitable partner with de- cent family background for their daughter 28, 5’ 10”, Doctor (MBBS) working in a Government Hospital. She inherits con- siderable worth of assets. Reply with details and horoscope: propasals7890@ gmail.com B50434 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482658-1 BORN 1960, widow, employed in a pri- vate company, as Manager seeks suit- able partner for marriage. Should be free of all encumbrances. Preferred with in Western Province. 0113042075 B50439 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T482878-1 BORN in 1974 5’ 4” in height, Buddhist, Govi, Govt. Ayurvedic Doctor for daugh- ter, seek highly employed son enquirer with horoscope copy. Email-ssamar- [email protected] B50470 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483461-1 BORN in 1987, 5’ 4 1/2” in height, Bud- dhist, Bright, slim, attractive, B.Sc gradu- ate. Snior executive of a international body in Colombo, For daughter Retired bank executive father seeks a partner. Dowry properties inherits. mpropos- [email protected] B50463 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483375-1 BORN in November 1984 5’ 4” in height, Buddhist, Govi, Graduate employed in France Govt. Owns properties in both countries, Virtuous with long plaits hair, pleasant, for their daughter, parents seek a suitable Son. B50429 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482405-1 BUDDHIST Deva business parents in Kandy seek academically, professionally qualified, decent, TT/NS son below 39 with Buddhist values for their fair, pretty, elder daughter born in 1982 July, 5’ 5”, dual citizen hold a Ph.D from Monash University, Australia. She studied at a leading Girls’ School in Kandy. Reply in Sinhala English with full family details, horoscope and contact number. Email- [email protected] B49895 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T476121-1 BUDDHIST Karawa parents both pro- fessionals from a respectable family in Colombo Suburbs, seek educated part- ner, for their 22 year old daughter, 5’ 5” height, studied in Visakha Vidyalaya Colombo, 03rd yer Medical student of for- eign University. Prefer Karawa and Govi. Appreciate reply with the Horoscope. B50500 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483958-1 CATHOLIC, Kurunegala, Mother seeks an educated partner for their Convent educated daughter, age 33, 5’ 2”, fair at- tractive girl. B50435 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482708-1 CLOSE by Capital City, Buddhist Karawa 1985/4, height 5’ 2”. Assistant Manager- ess of private bank. Fair, complexioned daughter studying for M.Sc in Market- ing. With dowry. Entrepreneur parents seek educated, well employed in ex- ecutive grade son for their daughter. No barriers. Send details with non-malefic horoscopes. B50447 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483206-1 CLOSE by Capital City. Own assets, Buddhist Govi, Fair Complexioned, with general build, studying law, govt. Ayarve- dic physician daughter, Libra Lagna, with Shani Kuja Dosha, Nekatha daughter. Seek above 34 Virtuous son with Com- patible planetary positions. B50450 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483230-1 CLOSE by Colombo, Buddhist, born in 1993/07, height 5’ 6”, middle com- plexioned, senior daughter. Completed British University Course in Sri Lanka & currently engaged in our business. Par- ents seek respectable, with good family background, suitable partner. Only sister running her own business. Write with horoscope copy. Email- srdesilva93@ gmail.com B49625 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T474180-1 CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Durawa 1988 March born 5’ 3” in height, Graduate supplementary doctor fair, complexional. Retired parent seeks graduate and em- ployed son of moral values. Reply with horoscope and contact numbers. No barriers. B50469 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483454-1 CLOSE to Colombo, 1987 November born, Bodu Govi from a respectable fam- ily background, Educated at a main Girls School, beautiful, 5’ 5” in height. Em- ployed at a govt. hospital MBBS Doctor daughter parents seek teetotaler & quali- fied handsome son (Doctors preferred). Reply with horoscope, Contact: Nos & all family particulars. B50483 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483553-1 COLOMBO 06, Born in April 1987, 5’ 3” in height, Buddhist, Durava/Govi Educat- ed, executive bank officer, attractive, fair complexion, beautiful for their daughter state service parents, seek compatible to Kethu 7, educated, handsome decent, employed, virtuous son. She inherits valuable dowry, Enquire with horoscope, telephone. B50461 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483335-1 COLOMBO 33+ yrs, 5’ 3” in height, Bud- dhist, Govi, CIMA/B.com degree and em- ploying in Sri Lanka with a higher salary, Currently reading for MBA in America, fair complexion, pretty, Slim for daughter, parents seek an educated partner. Le- gally separated after 3 three months from arranged marriage. email: mproplanka@ gmail.com B50471 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483466-1 COLOMBO Bo/Govi respectable family 1988/6 height 5’ 4” very fair Complex- ioned, moral Character ed, with me- dium built figure. Educated in Colombo B.Sc graduate. Chartered Accountancy II & CFA following, Employed, in Sen- ior executive Capacity. Inherit assets. Parents seek respectable educated, well employed partner for their daugh- ter. [email protected] B50460 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483332-1 COLOMBO Buddhist Govi Educated, pretty fair complexioned 5’ 4” LLB (Lon- don) (Hons) graduate lawyer daughter. Own assets. Seek suitable partner. B50502 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483969-1 COLOMBO District residing, 32 years, 5’ 4” in height, Sinhala Buddhist, currently employed while pursuing education in Australia, bright, for their daughter, par- ents seek an employed suitable partner. B49808 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T475447-1 COLOMBO G/B, respectable family, age 37, height 5’ 4”, BSC, MSC (IT). Parents seek highly educated well-mannered son for their very pretty daughter, working as a Software Engineer at reputed company in Colombo. The groom should be below 43. Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email: samarack2017@ gmail.com B50509 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T484794-1 COLOMBO Southern Bodu Govi, 1987 March born, BSc./ MSc. qualified daughter, lecturer at a private University. Retired parents seek suitable partner of similar caste & over 5’ 6” in height. kg- [email protected] B50473 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483481-1 COLOMBO Suburb, B/G, teacher mother and father seek for their 1984 year born 5’, pretty, MBBS medical officer daughter, A suitable Handsome medical officer Son whose horoscope matches Kuja7. Her elder sister too, in a medical officer. Horoscope essential. B50475 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483519-1 COLOMBO suburbs, respectable fam- ily, father seeks a suitable partner (Age below 50) for slim, fair, pretty unmarried sister, looking very young 43+, 5’ 4” Ex- ecutive private sector, Buddhist. Call: 2725241. B50512 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T485026-1 DEVA Buddhist business parents seek academically professionally qualified decent, TT/NS son below 39 with Bud- dhist values for their pretty, fair, young- est daughter born in 1983 August, 5’ 5”, studied at a leading Girls’ School in Kandy, double degree holder at Monash University, Australia. Now working in the family business with father. Please reply in Sinhala English with full family details, horoscope and contact number. Email- [email protected] B49864 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T475837-1 DIVORCED, Moor lady seek suitable moor person. No children, Age 50 yrs. Height 5 ft. 011-7912404. B50503 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483975-1 EDUCATED Buddhist Salagama par- ents seek for their 32 year 5’ 4” pretty state University Lecturer daughter, a suitable handsome educated partner. Differences not considered. 0112650994 B48876 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T469294-1 GALLE Buddhist Govi, 26, 5’ 4”, fair, Complexioned, moral Charactered, graduate daughter. Legal officer in Min- istry of Justice. Parents seek Engineer, Customs, Administrative, Executive son with assets. B50437 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482736-1 GAMPAHA 35 years 5’ 5” in height, Bud- dhist, Govi English Diploma holder, Com- puter science sectional head, teacher of a international School, beautiful, well mannered. Inherits 6 rood , new 3 storied house/ Land, divorced without respon- sibility only child, wish to stay for their daughter teacher parents seek employed with responsibility, devoid of all vices, ed- ucated son. B50431 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482530-1 GAMPAHA Born in Feb 1984 5’ 2” in height, bright, Sub post master for daughter, mother seeks, educated, Govt. Employed, with house a son (Teachers preferred) with in the district of Gampaha. Kuja Sani 10. 033-2292369. B50472 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483478-1 KANDY 1989 5’ 2” Buddhist Govi pleas- ant attractive moral charactered. Only daughter of family. Molecular Biology B.Sc, MSc graduate. Employed as qual- ity control executive in a BOI company. Parents seek virtuous partner from same caste. Own house motor vehicle, Valu- able businesses properties. Kuja 2, Raa 1. [email protected] B50457 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483283-1 KANDY District Govi Mix from a respect- able family, 1988 August born, 5’ 2” in height. Management & MBA graduate of Peradeniya University. Currently em- ployed as a lecturer at a private Univer- sity. Parents seek qualified & kind part- ner. B50458 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483289-1 KANDY, Upcountry, Noble (Radala) re- siding in Colombo, Born in April 1988, 5’ 8” in height, engaged in private teaching very bright, very beautiful, graduate, for younger daughter retired asst. principal mother looking for a Govikula, Engineer or executive, employed unblemished son (Kulakumarek) B50456 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483281-1 KURUNEGALA Buddhist Govi respect- able family 1991 5’ 5” Kelaniya Campus (English/French) graduate. Currently em- ployed as English teacher in a higher ed- ucational establishment. Pretty, fair, com- plexioned daughter. Parents seek NS/TT smart educated employed Buddhist Govi Son from a respectable family. (Doctor/ Engineer preferred) She owns a house & valuable properties. Send all family details with horoscope copy. B50449 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483218-1 MATARA Bodu Govi 38+ 4.9 in height, bearing a good character, good looking, graduate, employed in the govt sector. B50446 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483195-1 MATHUGAMA 1990 Buddhist Govi, 5’ 2”, pretty, graduate daughter employed in private sector. Planters parents seek ed- ucated, virtuous partner for their daugh- ter. Horoscope wanted. Shani 7, Rahu 8 preferred. B50440 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482897-1 MATUGAMA Bodu Govi 28 yeas, 5’ in height, educated at a main Girls school in Galle, beautiful, good charactered daughter. Parents planters seeks suit- able qualified partner of moral values. Horoscope necessary. Ravi 7. Colombo & saburbing areas preferred. B50453 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483241-1 MOOR family seeks professionally quali- fied partner for daughter Chartered Ac- countant. Age 33, 5’ 2”, fair, slim. Email- [email protected] B50128 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T478150-1 MOOR parents seeking qualified, pro- fessional for daughter V. fair, pretty, 24, 5’ 1” BSc. Executive willing to migrate. [email protected] B50492 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483903-1 MORATUWA 1989/01/23 Height 5’ 3” Buddhist with pensionable govt. Employ- ment Colombo University Computer of- ficer moral charactered, pretty, graduate daughter parents seek suitable partner. B50479 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483541-1 PANNIPITIYA Born in 1983, 5’ 5” in height, was plant from first marriage executive officer in private sector, pursu- ing MBM, educated, bright, for daughter mother seeks a partner (write non malefic migrants) B50430 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482428-1 RATNAPURA, born in June 1991, 5’ 2” in height, Buddhist Salagama, heirs from a decent family. Pursuing Manage- ment Degree (Final Year), beautiful, inherits substantial dowry for daughter, mother seeks, with a respectable fam- ily background, devoid of all vices, well mannered, educated, handsome, highly employed or successful entrepreneur son, an entrepreneur adult brother and a brother pursuing Engineering Degree. Write only Buddhist Salagama Govi. Inform full details via 1st letter with horoscope. B49070 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470330-1 RATNAPURA, born in November 1989, 5’ 4” in height, Buddhist Govi, inherits property, Mother seeks a suitable partner for Doctor daughter. Banks, Engineering preferred. B49103 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470657-1 SINHALA Govi Buddhist parents who are residing in Colombo. Father Practic- ing Chartered Accountant, Mother retired Government Teacher, seek a smart suit- able partner below 32, preferably profes- sional, including Chartered Accountant for their daughter, 1987, 5’ 3”, smart, edu- cated at leading Government School in Colombo, practicing Chartered Account- ant and CIMA. She has two sisters and brother. Two of them are married. They are professionals. Family process rea- sonable wealth. Her horoscopy is non- malefic. Apply with horoscope and fam- ily details. B49123 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T471130-1 SINHALA Roman Catholic respectable parents from Wattala, looking for a suit- able partner for their daughter, 29 years, 5’ 2”, medium complexion, educated in a leading Convent in Colombo. She is pro- fessionally qualified with CIM and MBA from University of Wales. Currently em- ployed in a Managerial position in an In- ternational NGO in Colombo. She inherits substantial dowry. Please forward your details, email: proposalmarriag@gmail. com 011-2931422 B50438 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482744-1 TEACHER mother seeks for her 36 year 5’ 5” pretty graduate (MA) Daughter in State teaching service a suitable hand- some employed son with a good charac- ter. B50480 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483544-1 UK born 29 year old, 5’ 6” tall, attractive girl working for Pharmaceutical Company as a Quality Control Associate. Parents seek a suitable professional partner. Please reply with horoscope. B48730 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467558-1 UK born 31 year old with very fair com- plexion attractive Doctor, 5’ 6” tall, who has traveled. Parents seek a suitable pro- fessional person. Reply with horoscope. B48729 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467554-1 WESTERN Province Bodu Govi, 1980/08 born, Assistant Manager at a private firm. Pursuing CIMA final year. 36 years, 5’ 3” in height fair, slim, figured beautiful daughter. Parents seek quali- fied partner. Reply with horoscope & all family details. sumithamannapperuma@ yahoo.com B50476 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483526-1 1982 January born Bodu Govi, 5’ 6” in height. Merchant Navy officer. Owning housing & properties. parents seek suit- able partner. Work will be based at she ship for a period of 4-6 months on an annual basis drawing a salary of sev- eral millions. Makara Pusha neketha Kuja Shani 9 0352267746. G50478 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483539-1 1988 September born, 5’ 10”, son with En- gineering Degree from a leading Univer- sity in Los Angeles in USA. Working as a Electrical Engineering in USA - devoid of all vices with a good moral character and is a US citizen. Bodu Govi parents seek a suitable partner. Please respond with family details and a copy of the horoscope. Residents in USA preferred. G48803 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T468167-1 45 Years divorced businessman seeks partner. Considers those with children. No barriers. Overseas residents are en- couraged to reply. Possessing overseas Citizen ship will be preferable. G50481 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T483546-1 52 years, legally separated, teetotaler with established income, I am seeking a part- ner with understanding in love, can make independent decisions. G48815 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T468436-1 ABOUT 5' 6" 29y Pleasant. (White), athletic son ( Traveler/ Engineer) from B/G family in Kandy. He is interested slim daughter from sub- urbs/ overseas. Neither casts/ religion nor titles, but the appearance is highly considered. dma. [email protected] G49909 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T476268-1 ACADEMICALLY & profession- ally qualified kind and caring, pretty, tall daughter between 32-37 is seek by Govi Buddhist retired professional parents for their UK qualified B.Sc Engineer, having assets and working abroad. Bride should willing to live abroad. Apply with horo- scope & full family details. G47796 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T455139-2 ACADEMICALLY professionally quali- fied well mannered daughter is sought by retired B/G mother for her B/G/D son with assets, born 1980 May, 5’ 8” in height, NS/TT, B.Sc Engineering, MBA, Senior Engineering Consultant in a Ministry. He also owns an International Engineering Consultancy Company. Unemployed but educated daughter of an educated fam- ily also considered. G50465 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483409-1 ACADEMICALLY qualified car- ing, slim, fair daughter, between 23-28 brought up in a Buddhist environment is sought by B/K professional parents (fa- ther Company Director, Mother Teacher) living in Colombo, for son well brought up, kind hearted, N/S, T/T, fair, handsome, 5’ 8 1/2” tall, 31 years, BEng. and MSc. De- grees in Electronic Engineering from for- eign University working in Sri Lanka with six-figure salary, owns substantial assets including luxury house, vehicle etc. in Colombo. Note son has Rahu 7, Kuja 12. Caste & religion immaterial. Education & family background important. Require all family details, contact numbers and horo- scope in the 1st reply. Email- kd8460@ gmail.com G48715 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467352-1 BODU Govi parents from Battaramulla, seek an educated, pretty, well mannered daughter for their eldest son. He is hand- some, smart, 25 years old (1992), 5’ 10”, BSc. qualified, currently reading for Master’s in Australia. Please reply with family details and horoscope to proposal. G50433 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482625-1 BORN in 1986, Colombo Campus Sci- ence graduate. Currently reading for post graduateship in USA. Height 5’ 8” Smart devoid of vices virtuous senior son. Own properties Colombo parents Karawa/up country Buddhists served as directors of govt. establishment. Seek moral Char- actered decent fair complexioned pretty educated daughter. Younger only brother a computer software Engineer. G50474 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T483507-1 BORN in August 1979, Educated in New Zealand, graduate son employed in New Zealand. Retired executives Buddhist Govi parents seek height above 5’ 1” pretty daughter, with PR in a European Country or having qualification to mi- grate, with Scorpio, Leo Cancer, Pisces lagna, Maa, Mula, Uthrasala, Uthrapal, Kethi Nekatha, Kuja 8 Compatible horo- scope. Separated from proposed decid- ed short marriage. No obligations. Call/ Write. 011-2891215. G50442 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482910-1 BUDDHIST Govi 44 yrs. Well employed in private sector height 5’ 10” smart Son. Seek educated respectable daughter. Le- gally separated from first marriage being complainant within three months. Lady doctor preferred. No barriers. G50459 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T483297-1 CHRISTIAN Sinhala parents from Colombo suburbs, seek a Christian (Non-RC) Kind hearted, methodical, pretty, slim, fair and preferably a graduate daughter bellow 25 for their 27+ young- est graduate Son, studied at a leading college and employed in Hotel industry, with determination to go up in his ca- reer. Please write with full details of the daughter and family, to partner5190@ gmail.com G50495 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483916-1 CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi, Degree holder in Accountancy a Macquarie Uni- versity, Australia. Permanently employed at a reputed bank in the same country. 28 yeas, 5’ 6” in height. Parents seek partner residing or willing to vehicle in Australia. [email protected] G50448 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483212-1 CLOSE to Colombo, Bodu Deva, 1986 April born, 5’ 8” in height. Owns house, Graduate an Associate consultant at an International IT Company. Handsome, only son teetotaler, Father is an at- torney at law & Mother retired bank of- ficer, seeks qualified & beautiful daughter bearing good character. Bankers, Engi- neers, govt administration service pre- ferred. (Thula Lagna, Puwasala Nekatha, Ravi Rahu 7) In compatibility non malefic copy of horoscope, contact no along with all family details through first letter itself. 0112930392. G50484 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483567-1 COLOMBO Buddhist Karawa parents of a respectable family seek for their 1976 year born (But with 28 year appearance) 5’ 7” handsome son with Citizenship in America employed there, drawing over Rs. 3 lakhs as salary with a luxury vehicle provided for his use, a suitable lean pretty daughter age between 28 & 35. He will be returning shortly to the Island on short holiday. Govi Karawa only Christians also considered. 0112077882. G49410 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T472743-1 COLOMBO suburb Govi Buddhist, aca- demically and professionally qualified, parents seek for younger son 1990/4, 5’ 6”, educated in a Colombo leading School, teetotaler, non-smoker, Science Honours graduate, Executive in a re- puted firm, a pretty, well mannered, edu- cated daughter. Reply with horoscope, telephone number and family details. G49757 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T475135-1 EDUCATED bride is sought for 38 years old, Tamil Catholic. About 5’ 7” in height, Canadian citizen and an IT graduate employed in the IT field. Owns house. Race immaterial. Contact 0112078109 or [email protected] G48707 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467148-1 EXTREMELY social and fashionable below 44 partner seeks by divorce me, executive in private firm, owns house vehicle and other assets, (differences innaterial) 0117903922 bnishan27@ gmail.com G50109 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T478026-1 FEB 1989 Born 5’ 8” Engineer living in Canada, Complete Post graduate stud- ies by September, seeks suitable part- ner, willing to migrate. Send Horoscope. G50497 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483941-1 G/B MBBS Doctor parents residing in Colombo suburb, who are in private prac- tice, have two sons. The proposed son is the younger one, 29 years, 5’ 5”, TT/ NS, who has one subject remaining in E.R.P.M exam. Elder son and his wife are Doctors attached to NHSL. Parents seek a Doctor daughter MBBS or equivalent it is Mandatory the proposed Doctor daugh- ter should join parents private practice. Proposed son inherits substantial assets and share of our practice. Dowry, caste, creed not considered. Email- phsprop@ gmail.com G48909 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T469484-1 G/B Parents from respectable family, seek a pretty daughter for their only child son, 29 5’ 6” fair and smart. LLB Attorney practicing in Colombo. Awaiting for Final Results of LLM UK. Studied in a Colombo leading Buddhist School having many School Carrier records. He inherits a valuable house in Colombo and vehicles and other means. Director of the family owned established business. Brought up in family affection under all the cultural values. Write with family details and copy of Horoscope. [email protected] G50501 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483962-1 GAMPAHA District Height 5’ 11” Catho- lic. Running his own business smart son with Australia Citizenship. Parents seek very pretty daughter between 25-30 yrs. With higher education. 011-2231163. G50451 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483236-1 GAMPAHA Govi Buddhist mother seeks a daughter for younger son, born in 1988, 5’ 8”, smart, Royalist, BSc. graduate and working in private sector as a Manager. Please reply with horoscope and details. [email protected] G50436 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T482721-1 GOVI Buddhist/ Catholic professional parents in Colombo suburb, seek a pro- fessionally qualified, slim, fair, beautiful daughter for their only child, handsome son 28 plus, 5’ 10”, MBBS Doctor, gradu- ate form State University in Sri Lanka. He studied in a leading Boys’ School in Colombo. Please reply with family details and horoscope. [email protected] G48775 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467903-1 KANDY Bodu/ Govi, Handsome, gradu- ate son teetotaler & of moral values, (2nd son) 1990/11 born, 6’ 1” in height. Owning assets of clear ownership due to travel to Nz shortly. Parents seek suitable part- ner. 0812227236. G49876 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T476001-1 MALAY Groom (33+), Tall, Educated, well employed abroad, Looking for smart, slim, active, modest, Malay bride below 30. Appreciate full details in first letter. [email protected] G50493 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483908-1 MOOR Parents seeking qualified, smart, Independent bride for son 29, 5’ 11”, V.Fair Handsome, qualified manager. [email protected] G50491 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483899-1 NON RC Sinhalese or Tamil qualified working daughter below 29 years, pretty, fair, slim, over 5’ 6” is sought by father for his son, 31 years very fair 5’ 10”. Aca- demically qualified holding top position in a reputed firm. [email protected] G50506 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T484038-1 PARENTS of USA seeks for their son an educated, well mannered, Catholic girl, height 6’ 1”, age 29. Father Govigama Buddhist, Mother (Tamil) Catholic. Edu- cation a degree in Masters and Bach- elor MBA. Email- anilwickosbeglobal.net G48883 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T469345-1 PARENTS of a 27 year 5’ 8” handsome, Engineering graduate with Citizenship in who is devoid of all vices seek pretty, educated, Buddhist daughter age below 23 years for him. He has returned to the island on short holiday. Full particulars with horoscope copy expected. G50477 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T483535-1 RATNAPURA B/G, Parents of a re- spectable family seek for their 33 year 5’ 8” handsome Bsc Computer Engineer son (Peradeniya) Presently serving overseas, owning a storeyed house in Colombo. With other assets along with a new car a suitable pretty lean partner of same caste preferably a Medical Officer, Engineer, Lecturer, Executive, IT English Teacher. Full particulars with horoscope expected. (Except from south) No ma- lepics in horoscope. G49664 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T474484-1 RATNAPURA, born in august 1985, 5’ 11” in height, heirs from a respect- able family, educated, devoid of all vices, handsome, a leading business, land in extent of 50 acres, drawing income, owns vehicles, for elder son, mother seeks with a decent family background, educated, beautiful, well mannered, with knowledge in English, daughter. Younger brother reading for Engineering Degree and sis- ter Management Degree. Write only Bud- dhist Govi Salagama. Inform all details with H/R copy via 1st letter. G49072 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470340-1 RESPECTABLE Buddhist parents seek an educated will brought up daughter, for their son Engineer qualified in USA, 86 born, 5’ 3”, owns house Colombo and vehicle. (Shani in 7th) Hoping to migrate to Australia. Please respond with family details and horoscope. Caste immaterial. [email protected] G50507 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T484297-1 RESPECTABLE parents from Co- lombo, are seeking suitable partner of marriage for their son, 39 years. Apply with family details and horoscope to the following email: [email protected] G49060 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470239-1 SINHALA Buddhist Engineer father seeks a suitable partner for 1985 born 32 year old, Doctor son. Please write with horoscope to: marriagefor1985@ yahoo.com G49096 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470599-1 SINHALA Govi Buddhist mother seeks a fair, pretty, educated bride from a re- spectable family for son, 32 yrs, 5’ 10” in height, handsome, Senior Research scientist in U.S.A. Apply with Horoscope U.S.A. citizen preferred. Cast immaterial. [email protected] G50499 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483952-1 SOUTHERN Province respectable business family, presently residing close to Colombo. Seek an unemployed, well mannered, educated daughter from a respectable family for their son age 31, 5’ 11” in height, educated in a reputed School in Colombo, obtained degree and MBA, having his own importing company. He is a truly a non-smoker and teetotaler. Please reply with family details and horo- scope. [email protected] G48869 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T469250-1 TEACHER mother Seeks employed, pretty bride with a good character for her 31 year 5’ 6” handsome S.L. Army (BSc) Captain Son. G50482 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483551-1 WE are respectable Catholic Buddhist parents. Only son is a permanent resi- dent in Australia. He is educated smart handsome and own houses, property with all comforts. Marriage was unsuc- cessful after having two daughters who are now 8 or 12 yrs. Legally separated being companion we expect lovelty fair complexioned between 30-37 daughter who will be a good wife and a kind moth- er. Further details could be obtained over the phone. In the first instance daughters parents can contact us by email Email: [email protected] G50468 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co- lombo T483449-1

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Page 1: Plus Page 12 - The Sunday · PDF fileinherit house in a suburb closer to Co-lombo, a land and other assets. ... Kuja7. Her elder sister too, in a medical T476121-1 BUDDHIST Karawa

THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS 12Sunday, July 23, 2017

Printed and published by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. on Sunday July 23, 2017 at No. 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02

1973 Born Kurunegala Bodu Govi, 5’ 3” in height, legally separated from a brief marriage limited to only signature. Hold-ing a degree in Agriculture, a business woman. Retired mother seeks suit-able partner. B50445 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483183-1

1983 Born Canadian/ Sri Lankan, Dual Citizenship holder, much younger look-ing, pretty, slim and smart graduate in Ac-counting and Finance, Employed in Man-agement in a leading Company, seeks a Catholic partner, academically qualified professional from Sri Lanka or abroad. Please forward details to: [email protected] B50498 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483946-1

1984 Born Bodu Govi 5’ 4” in height, slim figured, fair complexioned only daughter, BSc, BCS Colombo & MSc USA quali-fied. Possessing PR in US also employed in the same country in the IT Field par-ents seek suitable partner. Email: [email protected] 011 3031750. B50441 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482904-1

1985 January, Lady Doctor, 5’ 10”, work-ing in Colombo, educated at a leading Girls’ School in Colombo. Chubby, well mannered, smart daughter, with an ex-cellent character. Professionally/ aca-demically qualified, caring son is sought by mother from a well-known family. Will inherit house in a suburb closer to Co-lombo, a land and other assets. Email- [email protected] B49477 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T473146-1

1987 Jan, Buddhist Govi/K, Ratnapura, parents from a respectable family for their Doctor daughter (MBBS) (Foreign) with PR (Australia), 5’ 2”, slim, pretty with Buddhist values, legally separated few months after marriage and plaintiff, no encumbrances, seek suitable partner with good manners, preferably MBBS Doctor, age 30-35 who admires the value of marriage. Please reply with complete family details and horoscope. B50195 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T479164-1

1990 January, B/G respectable family in Kelaniya seeks a slim, fair and very pretty daughter for their elder son. 27 years, 5’ 8”, fair and handsome with good manners, a Network Administrator at a leading company. Father - Management Consultant. Mother - retired Software Engineer. Only brother - Medical Student. Please write with a recent photograph or a FB profile. 011-2987193 [email protected] B50485 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483580-1

1992 born, 5’ 7”, daughter brought up with Sinhala Buddhist Values. From a regular family closer to Colombo. Australian dual citizen, residing in Sri Lanka. Medical Sci-ence Degree (Biomedical). Vegetarian, loves animals & a book lover. We seek an academically qualified, suitable partner with similar values between 26-29 years age. Please email [email protected] with full details. B50511 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T485017-1

1993 Colombo Buddhist Karawa, edu-cated a leading School. Software Engi-neering final year daughter. Inherit valu-able assets. 5’ fair complexioned, slim, pretty daughter. Parents seek engineer, administrator partner for her. B50455 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483269-1

37 Years Height 5’ 3” MBBS Doctor daughter. Teacher mother seek edu-cated partner. (No religious, Caste bar-riers) [email protected]. Tel: 0112657451. B50454 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483246-1

A Colombo Govi Buddhist, Age 29, height 5’ 8”, respectable family well educated, Computer Diploma Holder, / Computer Multi-Media Diploma Holder. Simple, pretty, charming, very intelligent, well mannered, brought up with Sinhala Bud-dhist cultural values in a homely environ-ment. Only child. Parents seek wealthy, intelligent, professionally qualified/ well established Businessman/ Land Propri-etor below 33 years. She inherits a new valuable three storied bungalow with an income generating building in the Center of Colombo. Another 28 and 50 perch lands, jewellery, within Colombo City lim-its or Kandy. Full details with non-malefic horoscopes. B48705 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467090-1

ACADEMICALLY & Profession-ally qualified, partner is - sought by B/K mother from Colombo for daughter born in 1982, 5’ 1” professionally qualified, CIM (UK), Masters (Australia) & well employed in a Prestigious Company in Colombo, in a managerial position with six figure salary. Owns 4 house & a Car. Please reply with family details & Horo-scope. Email- [email protected] B50494 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483912-1

ACADEMICALLY professionally quali-fied well-mannered caring son is sought by B/G parents for their only daughter. Born in 88, height 4’ 10”, studied at a leading Girls’ School Kandy. Graduate and reading for Masters. Inherits all the assets. Employed at a Ministry. Previous marriage was limited only to a signa-ture. Reply with family details and horo-scope. Email: [email protected] B49121 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T471121-1

ACADEMICALLY professionally quali-fied, teetotaler, good natured son, below 42, is sought by B/G high profile Retired Banker mother of Matale for her fair, slim, attractive daughter, 38 years Teacher em-ployed. Reply with horoscope. B49401 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T472718-1

AFFLUENT Colombo GB parents seek educated partner living in UK for attrac-tive fair daughter born in 1985, 5’ 3”, M.Sc (UK). Holding a Senior Management Role in a Global Bank in London. Respond with family details & horoscope via email: [email protected] B43634 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T415139-2

AFFLUENT respectable Sinhala Bud-dhist parents from Colombo, father Medi-cal Specialist, seek a partner for their daughter. She is 24 years fair, slim and beautiful with a warm caring personality. She has a Masters degree from Univer-sity College London, and is currently em-ployed as a Lecturer in Colombo Univer-sity. Only brother is a qualified Engineer from Imperial College London. She will inherit a large house in Colombo 5, with other assets. We seek an educated kind hearted boy with sober habits from a sim-ilar background preferably a Doctor pur-suing higher studies. Please reply with horoscope and family details. [email protected] B46842 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T447583-2

AUSTRALIA BSc graduate MSc 1983 born, fair, slim figured, beautiful daugh-ter 5’ 9” in height, father Kandyan Bodu Govi govt. Senior Executive Officer seeks qualified & teetotaler son. 0813840370, [email protected] B48822 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T468721-1

BODU Govi respectable parents from Colombo seek a suitable partner with de-cent family background for their daughter 28, 5’ 10”, Doctor (MBBS) working in a Government Hospital. She inherits con-siderable worth of assets. Reply with details and horoscope: [email protected] B50434 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482658-1

BORN 1960, widow, employed in a pri-vate company, as Manager seeks suit-able partner for marriage. Should be free of all encumbrances. Preferred with in Western Province. 0113042075 B50439 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T482878-1

BORN in 1974 5’ 4” in height, Buddhist, Govi, Govt. Ayurvedic Doctor for daugh-ter, seek highly employed son enquirer with horoscope copy. [email protected] B50470 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483461-1

BORN in 1987, 5’ 4 1/2” in height, Bud-dhist, Bright, slim, attractive, B.Sc gradu-ate. Snior executive of a international body in Colombo, For daughter Retired bank executive father seeks a partner. Dowry properties inherits. [email protected] B50463 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483375-1

BORN in November 1984 5’ 4” in height, Buddhist, Govi, Graduate employed in France Govt. Owns properties in both countries, Virtuous with long plaits hair, pleasant, for their daughter, parents seek a suitable Son. B50429 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482405-1

BUDDHIST Deva business parents in Kandy seek academically, professionally qualified, decent, TT/NS son below 39 with Buddhist values for their fair, pretty, elder daughter born in 1982 July, 5’ 5”, dual citizen hold a Ph.D from Monash University, Australia. She studied at a leading Girls’ School in Kandy. Reply in Sinhala English with full family details, horoscope and contact number. Email- [email protected] B49895 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T476121-1

BUDDHIST Karawa parents both pro-fessionals from a respectable family in Colombo Suburbs, seek educated part-ner, for their 22 year old daughter, 5’ 5” height, studied in Visakha Vidyalaya Colombo, 03rd yer Medical student of for-eign University. Prefer Karawa and Govi. Appreciate reply with the Horoscope. B50500 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483958-1

CATHOLIC, Kurunegala, Mother seeks an educated partner for their Convent educated daughter, age 33, 5’ 2”, fair at-tractive girl. B50435 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482708-1

CLOSE by Capital City, Buddhist Karawa 1985/4, height 5’ 2”. Assistant Manager-ess of private bank. Fair, complexioned daughter studying for M.Sc in Market-ing. With dowry. Entrepreneur parents seek educated, well employed in ex-ecutive grade son for their daughter. No barriers. Send details with non-malefic horoscopes. B50447 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483206-1

CLOSE by Capital City. Own assets, Buddhist Govi, Fair Complexioned, with general build, studying law, govt. Ayarve-dic physician daughter, Libra Lagna, with Shani Kuja Dosha, Nekatha daughter. Seek above 34 Virtuous son with Com-patible planetary positions. B50450 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483230-1

CLOSE by Colombo, Buddhist, born in 1993/07, height 5’ 6”, middle com-plexioned, senior daughter. Completed British University Course in Sri Lanka & currently engaged in our business. Par-ents seek respectable, with good family background, suitable partner. Only sister running her own business. Write with horoscope copy. Email- [email protected] B49625 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T474180-1

CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Durawa 1988 March born 5’ 3” in height, Graduate supplementary doctor fair, complexional. Retired parent seeks graduate and em-ployed son of moral values. Reply with horoscope and contact numbers. No barriers. B50469 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483454-1

CLOSE to Colombo, 1987 November born, Bodu Govi from a respectable fam-ily background, Educated at a main Girls School, beautiful, 5’ 5” in height. Em-ployed at a govt. hospital MBBS Doctor daughter parents seek teetotaler & quali-fied handsome son (Doctors preferred). Reply with horoscope, Contact: Nos & all family particulars. B50483 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483553-1

COLOMBO 06, Born in April 1987, 5’ 3” in height, Buddhist, Durava/Govi Educat-ed, executive bank officer, attractive, fair complexion, beautiful for their daughter state service parents, seek compatible to Kethu 7, educated, handsome decent, employed, virtuous son. She inherits valuable dowry, Enquire with horoscope, telephone. B50461 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483335-1

COLOMBO 33+ yrs, 5’ 3” in height, Bud-dhist, Govi, CIMA/B.com degree and em-ploying in Sri Lanka with a higher salary, Currently reading for MBA in America, fair complexion, pretty, Slim for daughter, parents seek an educated partner. Le-gally separated after 3 three months from arranged marriage. email: [email protected] B50471 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483466-1

COLOMBO Bo/Govi respectable family 1988/6 height 5’ 4” very fair Complex-ioned, moral Character ed, with me-dium built figure. Educated in Colombo B.Sc graduate. Chartered Accountancy II & CFA following, Employed, in Sen-ior executive Capacity. Inherit assets. Parents seek respectable educated, well employed partner for their daugh-ter. [email protected] B50460 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483332-1

COLOMBO Buddhist Govi Educated, pretty fair complexioned 5’ 4” LLB (Lon-don) (Hons) graduate lawyer daughter. Own assets. Seek suitable partner. B50502 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483969-1

COLOMBO District residing, 32 years, 5’ 4” in height, Sinhala Buddhist, currently employed while pursuing education in Australia, bright, for their daughter, par-ents seek an employed suitable partner. B49808 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T475447-1

COLOMBO G/B, respectable family, age 37, height 5’ 4”, BSC, MSC (IT). Parents seek highly educated well-mannered son for their very pretty daughter, working as a Software Engineer at reputed company in Colombo. The groom should be below 43. Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email: [email protected] B50509 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T484794-1

COLOMBO Southern Bodu Govi, 1987 March born, BSc./ MSc. qualified daughter, lecturer at a private University. Retired parents seek suitable partner of similar caste & over 5’ 6” in height. [email protected] B50473 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483481-1

COLOMBO Suburb, B/G, teacher mother and father seek for their 1984 year born 5’, pretty, MBBS medical officer daughter, A suitable Handsome medical officer Son whose horoscope matches Kuja7. Her elder sister too, in a medical officer. Horoscope essential. B50475 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483519-1

COLOMBO suburbs, respectable fam-ily, father seeks a suitable partner (Age below 50) for slim, fair, pretty unmarried sister, looking very young 43+, 5’ 4” Ex-ecutive private sector, Buddhist. Call: 2725241. B50512 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T485026-1

DEVA Buddhist business parents seek academically professionally qualified decent, TT/NS son below 39 with Bud-dhist values for their pretty, fair, young-est daughter born in 1983 August, 5’ 5”, studied at a leading Girls’ School in Kandy, double degree holder at Monash University, Australia. Now working in the family business with father. Please reply in Sinhala English with full family details, horoscope and contact number. Email- [email protected] B49864 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T475837-1

DIVORCED, Moor lady seek suitable moor person. No children, Age 50 yrs. Height 5 ft. 011-7912404. B50503 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483975-1

EDUCATED Buddhist Salagama par-ents seek for their 32 year 5’ 4” pretty state University Lecturer daughter, a suitable handsome educated partner. Differences not considered. 0112650994 B48876 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T469294-1

GALLE Buddhist Govi, 26, 5’ 4”, fair, Complexioned, moral Charactered, graduate daughter. Legal officer in Min-istry of Justice. Parents seek Engineer, Customs, Administrative, Executive son with assets. B50437 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482736-1

GAMPAHA 35 years 5’ 5” in height, Bud-dhist, Govi English Diploma holder, Com-puter science sectional head, teacher of a international School, beautiful, well mannered. Inherits 6 rood , new 3 storied house/ Land, divorced without respon-sibility only child, wish to stay for their daughter teacher parents seek employed with responsibility, devoid of all vices, ed-ucated son. B50431 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482530-1

GAMPAHA Born in Feb 1984 5’ 2” in height, bright, Sub post master for daughter, mother seeks, educated, Govt. Employed, with house a son (Teachers preferred) with in the district of Gampaha. Kuja Sani 10. 033-2292369. B50472 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483478-1

KANDY 1989 5’ 2” Buddhist Govi pleas-ant attractive moral charactered. Only daughter of family. Molecular Biology B.Sc, MSc graduate. Employed as qual-ity control executive in a BOI company. Parents seek virtuous partner from same caste. Own house motor vehicle, Valu-able businesses properties. Kuja 2, Raa 1. [email protected] B50457 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483283-1

KANDY District Govi Mix from a respect-able family, 1988 August born, 5’ 2” in height. Management & MBA graduate of Peradeniya University. Currently em-ployed as a lecturer at a private Univer-sity. Parents seek qualified & kind part-ner. B50458 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483289-1

KANDY, Upcountry, Noble (Radala) re-siding in Colombo, Born in April 1988, 5’ 8” in height, engaged in private teaching very bright, very beautiful, graduate, for younger daughter retired asst. principal mother looking for a Govikula, Engineer or executive, employed unblemished son (Kulakumarek) B50456 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483281-1

KURUNEGALA Buddhist Govi respect-able family 1991 5’ 5” Kelaniya Campus (English/French) graduate. Currently em-ployed as English teacher in a higher ed-ucational establishment. Pretty, fair, com-plexioned daughter. Parents seek NS/TT smart educated employed Buddhist Govi Son from a respectable family. (Doctor/ Engineer preferred) She owns a house & valuable properties. Send all family details with horoscope copy. B50449 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483218-1

MATARA Bodu Govi 38+ 4.9 in height, bearing a good character, good looking, graduate, employed in the govt sector. B50446 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483195-1

MATHUGAMA 1990 Buddhist Govi, 5’ 2”, pretty, graduate daughter employed in private sector. Planters parents seek ed-ucated, virtuous partner for their daugh-ter. Horoscope wanted. Shani 7, Rahu 8 preferred. B50440 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482897-1

MATUGAMA Bodu Govi 28 yeas, 5’ in height, educated at a main Girls school in Galle, beautiful, good charactered daughter. Parents planters seeks suit-able qualified partner of moral values. Horoscope necessary. Ravi 7. Colombo & saburbing areas preferred. B50453 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483241-1

MOOR family seeks professionally quali-fied partner for daughter Chartered Ac-countant. Age 33, 5’ 2”, fair, slim. Email- [email protected] B50128 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T478150-1

MOOR parents seeking qualified, pro-fessional for daughter V. fair, pretty, 24, 5’ 1” BSc. Executive willing to migrate. [email protected] B50492 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483903-1

MORATUWA 1989/01/23 Height 5’ 3” Buddhist with pensionable govt. Employ-ment Colombo University Computer of-ficer moral charactered, pretty, graduate daughter parents seek suitable partner. B50479 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483541-1

PANNIPITIYA Born in 1983, 5’ 5” in height, was plant from first marriage executive officer in private sector, pursu-ing MBM, educated, bright, for daughter mother seeks a partner (write non malefic migrants) B50430 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482428-1

RATNAPURA, born in June 1991, 5’ 2” in height, Buddhist Salagama, heirs from a decent family. Pursuing Manage-ment Degree (Final Year), beautiful, inherits substantial dowry for daughter, mother seeks, with a respectable fam-ily background, devoid of all vices, well mannered, educated, handsome, highly employed or successful entrepreneur son, an entrepreneur adult brother and a brother pursuing Engineering Degree. Write only Buddhist Salagama Govi. Inform full details via 1st letter with horoscope. B49070 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470330-1

RATNAPURA, born in November 1989, 5’ 4” in height, Buddhist Govi, inherits property, Mother seeks a suitable partner for Doctor daughter. Banks, Engineering preferred. B49103 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470657-1

SINHALA Govi Buddhist parents who are residing in Colombo. Father Practic-ing Chartered Accountant, Mother retired Government Teacher, seek a smart suit-able partner below 32, preferably profes-sional, including Chartered Accountant for their daughter, 1987, 5’ 3”, smart, edu-cated at leading Government School in Colombo, practicing Chartered Account-ant and CIMA. She has two sisters and brother. Two of them are married. They are professionals. Family process rea-sonable wealth. Her horoscopy is non-malefic. Apply with horoscope and fam-ily details. B49123 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T471130-1

SINHALA Roman Catholic respectable parents from Wattala, looking for a suit-able partner for their daughter, 29 years, 5’ 2”, medium complexion, educated in a leading Convent in Colombo. She is pro-fessionally qualified with CIM and MBA from University of Wales. Currently em-ployed in a Managerial position in an In-ternational NGO in Colombo. She inherits substantial dowry. Please forward your details, email: [email protected] 011-2931422 B50438 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482744-1

TEACHER mother seeks for her 36 year 5’ 5” pretty graduate (MA) Daughter in State teaching service a suitable hand-some employed son with a good charac-ter. B50480 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483544-1

UK born 29 year old, 5’ 6” tall, attractive girl working for Pharmaceutical Company as a Quality Control Associate. Parents seek a suitable professional partner. Please reply with horoscope. B48730 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467558-1

UK born 31 year old with very fair com-plexion attractive Doctor, 5’ 6” tall, who has traveled. Parents seek a suitable pro-fessional person. Reply with horoscope. B48729 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467554-1

WESTERN Province Bodu Govi, 1980/08 born, Assistant Manager at a private firm. Pursuing CIMA final year. 36 years, 5’ 3” in height fair, slim, figured beautiful daughter. Parents seek quali-fied partner. Reply with horoscope & all family details. [email protected] B50476 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483526-1

1982 January born Bodu Govi, 5’ 6” in height. Merchant Navy officer. Owning housing & properties. parents seek suit-able partner. Work will be based at she ship for a period of 4-6 months on an annual basis drawing a salary of sev-eral millions. Makara Pusha neketha Kuja Shani 9 0352267746. G50478 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483539-1

1988 September born, 5’ 10”, son with En-gineering Degree from a leading Univer-sity in Los Angeles in USA. Working as a Electrical Engineering in USA - devoid of all vices with a good moral character and is a US citizen. Bodu Govi parents seek a suitable partner. Please respond with family details and a copy of the horoscope. Residents in USA preferred. G48803 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T468167-1

45 Years divorced businessman seeks partner. Considers those with children. No barriers. Overseas residents are en-couraged to reply. Possessing overseas Citizen ship will be preferable. G50481 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T483546-1

52 years, legally separated, teetotaler with established income, I am seeking a part-ner with understanding in love, can make independent decisions. G48815 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T468436-1

ABOUT 5' 6" 29y Pleasant. (White), athletic son ( Traveler/ Engineer) from B/G family in Kandy. He is interested slim daughter from sub-urbs/ overseas. Neither casts/ religion nor titles, but the appearance is highly considered. [email protected] G49909 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T476268-1

ACADEMICALLY & profession-ally qualified kind and caring, pretty, tall daughter between 32-37 is seek by Govi Buddhist retired professional parents for their UK qualified B.Sc Engineer, having assets and working abroad. Bride should willing to live abroad. Apply with horo-scope & full family details. G47796 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T455139-2

ACADEMICALLY professionally quali-fied well mannered daughter is sought by retired B/G mother for her B/G/D son with assets, born 1980 May, 5’ 8” in height, NS/TT, B.Sc Engineering, MBA, Senior Engineering Consultant in a Ministry. He also owns an International Engineering Consultancy Company. Unemployed but educated daughter of an educated fam-ily also considered. G50465 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483409-1

ACADEMICALLY qualified car-ing, slim, fair daughter, between 23-28 brought up in a Buddhist environment is sought by B/K professional parents (fa-ther Company Director, Mother Teacher) living in Colombo, for son well brought up, kind hearted, N/S, T/T, fair, handsome, 5’ 8 1/2” tall, 31 years, BEng. and MSc. De-grees in Electronic Engineering from for-eign University working in Sri Lanka with six-figure salary, owns substantial assets including luxury house, vehicle etc. in Colombo. Note son has Rahu 7, Kuja 12. Caste & religion immaterial. Education & family background important. Require all family details, contact numbers and horo-scope in the 1st reply. Email- [email protected] G48715 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467352-1

BODU Govi parents from Battaramulla, seek an educated, pretty, well mannered daughter for their eldest son. He is hand-some, smart, 25 years old (1992), 5’ 10”, BSc. qualified, currently reading for Master’s in Australia. Please reply with family details and horoscope to proposal. G50433 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482625-1

BORN in 1986, Colombo Campus Sci-ence graduate. Currently reading for post graduateship in USA. Height 5’ 8” Smart devoid of vices virtuous senior son. Own properties Colombo parents Karawa/up country Buddhists served as directors of govt. establishment. Seek moral Char-actered decent fair complexioned pretty educated daughter. Younger only brother a computer software Engineer. G50474 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T483507-1

BORN in August 1979, Educated in New Zealand, graduate son employed in New Zealand. Retired executives Buddhist Govi parents seek height above 5’ 1” pretty daughter, with PR in a European Country or having qualification to mi-grate, with Scorpio, Leo Cancer, Pisces lagna, Maa, Mula, Uthrasala, Uthrapal, Kethi Nekatha, Kuja 8 Compatible horo-scope. Separated from proposed decid-ed short marriage. No obligations. Call/ Write. 011-2891215. G50442 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T482910-1

BUDDHIST Govi 44 yrs. Well employed in private sector height 5’ 10” smart Son. Seek educated respectable daughter. Le-gally separated from first marriage being complainant within three months. Lady doctor preferred. No barriers. G50459 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T483297-1

CHRISTIAN Sinhala parents from Colombo suburbs, seek a Christian (Non-RC) Kind hearted, methodical, pretty, slim, fair and preferably a graduate daughter bellow 25 for their 27+ young-est graduate Son, studied at a leading college and employed in Hotel industry, with determination to go up in his ca-reer. Please write with full details of the daughter and family, to [email protected] G50495 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483916-1

CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi, Degree holder in Accountancy a Macquarie Uni-versity, Australia. Permanently employed at a reputed bank in the same country. 28 yeas, 5’ 6” in height. Parents seek partner residing or willing to vehicle in Australia. [email protected] G50448 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483212-1

CLOSE to Colombo, Bodu Deva, 1986 April born, 5’ 8” in height. Owns house, Graduate an Associate consultant at an International IT Company. Handsome, only son teetotaler, Father is an at-torney at law & Mother retired bank of-ficer, seeks qualified & beautiful daughter bearing good character. Bankers, Engi-neers, govt administration service pre-ferred. (Thula Lagna, Puwasala Nekatha, Ravi Rahu 7) In compatibility non malefic copy of horoscope, contact no along with all family details through first letter itself. 0112930392. G50484 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483567-1

COLOMBO Buddhist Karawa parents of a respectable family seek for their 1976 year born (But with 28 year appearance) 5’ 7” handsome son with Citizenship in America employed there, drawing over Rs. 3 lakhs as salary with a luxury vehicle provided for his use, a suitable lean pretty daughter age between 28 & 35. He will be returning shortly to the Island on short holiday. Govi Karawa only Christians also considered. 0112077882. G49410 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T472743-1

COLOMBO suburb Govi Buddhist, aca-demically and professionally qualified, parents seek for younger son 1990/4, 5’ 6”, educated in a Colombo leading School, teetotaler, non-smoker, Science Honours graduate, Executive in a re-puted firm, a pretty, well mannered, edu-cated daughter. Reply with horoscope, telephone number and family details. G49757 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T475135-1

EDUCATED bride is sought for 38 years old, Tamil Catholic. About 5’ 7” in height, Canadian citizen and an IT graduate employed in the IT field. Owns house. Race immaterial. Contact 0112078109 or [email protected] G48707 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467148-1

EXTREMELY social and fashionable below 44 partner seeks by divorce me, executive in private firm, owns house vehicle and other assets, (differences innaterial) 0117903922 [email protected] G50109 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T478026-1

FEB 1989 Born 5’ 8” Engineer living in Canada, Complete Post graduate stud-ies by September, seeks suitable part-ner, willing to migrate. Send Horoscope. G50497 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483941-1

G/B MBBS Doctor parents residing in Colombo suburb, who are in private prac-tice, have two sons. The proposed son is the younger one, 29 years, 5’ 5”, TT/NS, who has one subject remaining in E.R.P.M exam. Elder son and his wife are Doctors attached to NHSL. Parents seek a Doctor daughter MBBS or equivalent it is Mandatory the proposed Doctor daugh-ter should join parents private practice. Proposed son inherits substantial assets and share of our practice. Dowry, caste, creed not considered. Email- [email protected] G48909 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T469484-1

G/B Parents from respectable family, seek a pretty daughter for their only child son, 29 5’ 6” fair and smart. LLB Attorney practicing in Colombo. Awaiting for Final Results of LLM UK. Studied in a Colombo leading Buddhist School having many School Carrier records. He inherits a valuable house in Colombo and vehicles and other means. Director of the family owned established business. Brought up in family affection under all the cultural values. Write with family details and copy of Horoscope. [email protected] G50501 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483962-1

GAMPAHA District Height 5’ 11” Catho-lic. Running his own business smart son with Australia Citizenship. Parents seek very pretty daughter between 25-30 yrs. With higher education. 011-2231163. G50451 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483236-1

GAMPAHA Govi Buddhist mother seeks a daughter for younger son, born in 1988, 5’ 8”, smart, Royalist, BSc. graduate and working in private sector as a Manager. Please reply with horoscope and details. [email protected] G50436 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T482721-1

GOVI Buddhist/ Catholic professional parents in Colombo suburb, seek a pro-fessionally qualified, slim, fair, beautiful daughter for their only child, handsome son 28 plus, 5’ 10”, MBBS Doctor, gradu-ate form State University in Sri Lanka. He studied in a leading Boys’ School in Colombo. Please reply with family details and horoscope. [email protected] G48775 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T467903-1

KANDY Bodu/ Govi, Handsome, gradu-ate son teetotaler & of moral values, (2nd son) 1990/11 born, 6’ 1” in height. Owning assets of clear ownership due to travel to Nz shortly. Parents seek suitable part-ner. 0812227236. G49876 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T476001-1

MALAY Groom (33+), Tall, Educated, well employed abroad, Looking for smart, slim, active, modest, Malay bride below 30. Appreciate full details in first letter. [email protected] G50493 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483908-1

MOOR Parents seeking qualified, smart, Independent bride for son 29, 5’ 11”, V.Fair Handsome, qualified manager. [email protected] G50491 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483899-1

NON RC Sinhalese or Tamil qualified working daughter below 29 years, pretty, fair, slim, over 5’ 6” is sought by father for his son, 31 years very fair 5’ 10”. Aca-demically qualified holding top position in a reputed firm. [email protected] G50506 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T484038-1

PARENTS of USA seeks for their son an educated, well mannered, Catholic girl, height 6’ 1”, age 29. Father Govigama Buddhist, Mother (Tamil) Catholic. Edu-cation a degree in Masters and Bach-elor MBA. Email- anilwickosbeglobal.net G48883 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T469345-1

PARENTS of a 27 year 5’ 8” handsome, Engineering graduate with Citizenship in who is devoid of all vices seek pretty, educated, Buddhist daughter age below 23 years for him. He has returned to the island on short holiday. Full particulars with horoscope copy expected. G50477 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T483535-1

RATNAPURA B/G, Parents of a re-spectable family seek for their 33 year 5’ 8” handsome Bsc Computer Engineer son (Peradeniya) Presently serving overseas, owning a storeyed house in Colombo. With other assets along with a new car a suitable pretty lean partner of same caste preferably a Medical Officer, Engineer, Lecturer, Executive, IT English Teacher. Full particulars with horoscope expected. (Except from south) No ma-lepics in horoscope. G49664 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T474484-1

RATNAPURA, born in august 1985, 5’ 11” in height, heirs from a respect-able family, educated, devoid of all vices, handsome, a leading business, land in extent of 50 acres, drawing income, owns vehicles, for elder son, mother seeks with a decent family background, educated, beautiful, well mannered, with knowledge in English, daughter. Younger brother reading for Engineering Degree and sis-ter Management Degree. Write only Bud-dhist Govi Salagama. Inform all details with H/R copy via 1st letter. G49072 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470340-1

RESPECTABLE Buddhist parents seek an educated will brought up daughter, for their son Engineer qualified in USA, 86 born, 5’ 3”, owns house Colombo and vehicle. (Shani in 7th) Hoping to migrate to Australia. Please respond with family details and horoscope. Caste immaterial. [email protected] G50507 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T484297-1

RESPECTABLE parents from Co-lombo, are seeking suitable partner of marriage for their son, 39 years. Apply with family details and horoscope to the following email: [email protected] G49060 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470239-1

SINHALA Buddhist Engineer father seeks a suitable partner for 1985 born 32 year old, Doctor son. Please write with horoscope to: [email protected] G49096 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T470599-1

SINHALA Govi Buddhist mother seeks a fair, pretty, educated bride from a re-spectable family for son, 32 yrs, 5’ 10” in height, handsome, Senior Research scientist in U.S.A. Apply with Horoscope U.S.A. citizen preferred. Cast immaterial. [email protected] G50499 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483952-1

SOUTHERN Province respectable business family, presently residing close to Colombo. Seek an unemployed, well mannered, educated daughter from a respectable family for their son age 31, 5’ 11” in height, educated in a reputed School in Colombo, obtained degree and MBA, having his own importing company. He is a truly a non-smoker and teetotaler. Please reply with family details and horo-scope. [email protected] G48869 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T469250-1

TEACHER mother Seeks employed, pretty bride with a good character for her 31 year 5’ 6” handsome S.L. Army (BSc) Captain Son. G50482 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T483551-1

WE are respectable Catholic Buddhist parents. Only son is a permanent resi-dent in Australia. He is educated smart handsome and own houses, property with all comforts. Marriage was unsuc-cessful after having two daughters who are now 8 or 12 yrs. Legally separated being companion we expect lovelty fair complexioned between 30-37 daughter who will be a good wife and a kind moth-er. Further details could be obtained over the phone. In the first instance daughters parents can contact us by email Email: [email protected] G50468 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Co-lombo T483449-1