PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)

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  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    PM David Cameron Speech and Public

    Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered

    Speaking outside Downing Street, he said: "The police have responded with heightened

    security and activityand that is right.

    Prime Minister David Cameron gave a statement to media outside Downing Street

    about the death of a serving soldier in Woolwich. This is the text of the speech as

    drafted, which may differ slightly from the delivered version.

    What happened yesterday in Woolwich has sickened us all.

    On our televisions last nightand in our newspapers this morningwe have all seen images

    that are deeply shocking.

    The people who did this were trying to divide us.

    They should know: something like this will only bring us together and make us stronger.

    Today our thoughts are with the victimand with his family.

    They are grieving for a loved one

    And we have lost a brave soldier.

  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)



    This morning I have chaired a meeting of COBRA.

    And I want to thank the police and security services for the incredible work they do to keepour country safe.

    There are police investigations and security service operations underwayso obviously there

    is a limit on what I can say.

    But already a number of things are clear.

    First, this country will be absolutely resolute in its stand against violent extremism and terror.

    We will never give in to terroror terrorism - in any of its forms.

    Second, this view is shared by every community in our country.

    This was not just an attack on Britainand on our British way of life.

    It was also a betrayal of Islamand of the Muslim communities who are give so much to our


    There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.

    We will defeat violent extremism by standing together

    by backing our police and security services

    and above all by challenging the poisonous narrative of extremism on which this violencefeeds.

    Britain works with our international partners to make the world safe from terrorism.

    Terrorism that has taken more Muslim lives than any other religion.

    It is an utter perversion of the truth to pretend anything different.

    That is why there is absolutely no justification for these acts

    and the fault for them lies solely and purely with the sickening individuals who carried out

    this appalling attack.

    Confronting extremism is a job for us all.

    And the fact that our communities will unite in doing this was vividly demonstrated

    by the brave cub pack leader- Ingrid Loyau-Kennett - who confronted one of the attackerson the streets of Woolwich yesterday afternoon.

  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    When told by the attacker that he wanted to start a war in London

    she replied Youre going to lose. Its only you versus many.

    She spoke for us all.

    Security services

    The Police and Security Services will follow every lead

    turn over every piece of evidence

    make every connection

    and will not rest until we know every single detail of what happened and weve brought all

    of those responsible to justice.

    I know from three years as being Prime Minister that the police and intelligence agencies

    work around the clock to keep us safe from violent extremists.

    I watch their work every week. They do an outstanding job.

    They show incredible heroism, much of which can not be reported.

    They have my staunch support and the support of the whole country.

    The point that the two suspects in this horrific attack were known to the Security services hasbeen widely reported.

    You would not expect me to comment on this when a criminal investigation is ongoing.

    But what I can say is this.

    As is the normal practice in these sorts of cases, the Independent Police Complaints

    Commission will be able to review the actions of the police and the Intelligence and Security

    Committee will be able to do the same for the wider agencies.

    But nothing should be done to get in the way of their absolutely vital work.

    After an event like this, it is natural that questions will be asked about what additional steps

    can be taken to keep us safe.

    I will make sure those questions are asked and answered.

    But I not in favour of knee-jerk responses.

    The Police have responded with heightened security and activityand that is right.

    But one of the best ways of defeating terrorism is to go about our normal lives

  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    And that is what we shall all do.

    Find out more information on the government and police response to the fatal incident in Woolwich:

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  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


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    Simon Burnham I have an idea stop letting every tom dick and harry into our country ...

    Like Reply 197 Thursday at 1:21pm

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    Benjamin Kasafir The sad part is, that guy was British, he wasn't some immigrant from Afghanistan,

    there was clearly something mentally wrong with the man and he needs putting down, but we needto find out how this radicalisation occurs and how it can be stopped and yes, they do need to shut

    the doors, even if it's just to stabilise the welfare bill a bit.

    Like 11 Thursday at 1:37pm

    Gary Griffiths both were from Nigeria and converted to Islam from Christianity

    Like 9 Thursday at 1:39pm

    Karen Lowie Lowe David Cameron and the rest of your party, Please for once and for the sake of this

    country start looking after the ones who have looked after you !!!! And get rid once and for all of the

    idiots who seem to think they have the devine right to impose there beliefs and wishes on this

    country and the people who protect us. That soldier has fought for us, and has had his life taken

    away in a viciouse attack that wasnt even nessesitated.......WHY? because our government all over

    the years has protected these people, and given them more rights than the british public ever had.

    This country needs a leader who will stand up for it all the way, its the only way you will get any

    more votes........Get rid of the immigrants, Stop feeding the immigrants, and Stop giving them the

    power to over rule Britain.
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Like 46 Thursday at 4:10pm

    Phil Green I don't mind them letting every Tom, Dick and Harry in, It's the Abduls, Khan's, and

    Mohameds you need to worry about.

    Like 31 Thursday at 4:40pm

    Stew Mitchell so true karen

    Like 3 Thursday at 5:02pm

    Stew Mitchell they come into this country sponge of the state they given social housing free when

    there are ppl been waiting yrs for houses ... given the rights of british ppl thats not fair on the british


    Like 10 Thursday at 5:04pm

    Dave Lewis Main thing...stop letting scum into our country who have nothing to offer....oh, and send

    a load of 'em home too..!!!!

    Like 13 Thursday at 5:46pm

    David Dor Get rid of immigrants who are not working and putting something back into the

    community - stop them sponging and killing

    Like 10 Thursday at 6:07pm

    Yvonne Miles Was Matthews To Mr Cameron you need to grow a back bone and stand up for the

    British people instead of lying down and rolling over...

    Like 14 Thursday at 7:19pm

    John Andrews Close our borders, bring our boys home to protect our own and send the immigrants

    home... Britain will never be great again at this rate.. in fact, it will soon be a muslim country !!!

    Australia wouldn't stand for this.. the Prime Minister there has a backbone !!!
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Like 19 Thursday at 7:39pm

    Julie Mullally vote UKIP

    Like 12 Thursday at 9:21pm

    Kevin Warner and another thing. why is it that you pm,s have bullet proof cars and armed body

    guards and we cant even rely on you to give us safe streets to walk on in are own country. your more

    bothered about what's going on in everyone else's country than protecting the country that pays

    your wages. I agree with Julie mullally the country needs ukip

    Like 9 Thursday at 10:09pm

    Robert Mcewan Colonel Gaddafi warned us about Islamisation of Europe.

    "We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in

    Europewithout swords, without guns, without conquestwill turn it into a Muslim continent

    within a few decades."

    Gaddafi (10 April 2006)

    Like 13 Thursday at 10:27pm

    Michael Jack Jones Not Spain pal - muslims dont get their way here ;

    Like 2 Thursday at 11:46pm

    Theresa Hudson 2nd generation immigrant. Send him back to Nigeria with his parents.

    Like 6 Friday at 2:37am

    Matthew Mark Hypher A lot of blind racism in here, as I expected, and there lies the problem.

    People are so behind, muddled up and confused by all of the lies :(

    Like 4 Friday at 9:28am

    Karl Scott
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Listen to the man at 3.15min This is an openly known view of thousands and yet You, our "Elected

    Ones" do NOTHING. If they were to burn a copy of the bible in the street what would happen...

    NOTHING Yet if anyone even says anything against Islam they are prosecuted and we've seen what

    happened to someone in the US who burned a Koran, hunted down. Sharia law operates legally in

    the UK WHY. There is only one law of the land and it's NOT Sharia.

    THINGS HAVE GOT TO CHANGE. Every British born citizen has the right to feel safe in their own

    country, listened to by our elected and supported by the rule of Majority which is how you came to

    power. ALL extremists such as those in the video should be deported in-spite of what the EU courts

    say, there's plenty of inhabited islands knocking about then they are truely free to live how they


    Sadly we'll no doubt just muddle along where the majority are pushed to the side and every minority

    pandered to.

    Like 13 Friday at 9:45am

    Mike Mizzi I have an idea stop invading their countries and killing their men women and chidlren.

    Like 3 Friday at 10:39am

    Dissolve Parliment bring back hanging as the final solution .many would think before they act. whyshould they be given a life of luxury in prisons ????

    Like 9 Friday at 11:55am

    Nasrin Khan The world belongs to God, people can own land and lots of houses/property, when you

    die you are not taking anything with you, further proving the point, that God is the owner of the

    planet and we the people have to work out how to live in peace. Equality in every shape and form is

    the key to life. Scrap the class system, as money doesn't make you great, it just means you havemore luxuries, Queen, king, lord lady are man made titles, its the rich saying we are great, bow down

    to us, in religion we should be equal. religion translates as knowledge teaching us how to live that's

    ALL, again religious division causes problems,and conflict that sometimes leads to war. God will

    judge you by your good and bad deeds, religion is a guide line to life. Bad people have complicated

    and twisted Gods word/religion. Its all about Equality in every shape and form. Weather you are

    black,white, brown, rich or poor in the eyes of God we are all equal, and because as a human race

    we have come away from equality, this is why the world is a mess. Its a politicians job th teach us


    Like 3 Friday at 12:25pm
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Marian Hyndman Cameron will never stand up for the people of this country .He states we are all in

    it together , well come on then cameron get yourself on the frontline of the pointless wars you

    create out of greed , instead of sending our soldiers to fight the pointless wars , YOU go and fight on

    the frontline .One brave soldier was butchered on the streets of london in broad daylight , is that not

    enough for you to realise YOUR way is not working either do something for the good of this country

    or STAND down and get out .

    Like 8 Friday at 12:34pm

    Jonathan Williams Unfortunately they`re in already pal#

    Like Friday at 3:25pm

    Juliette Willett I have worked with in the NHS many people who are immigrants and have found

    them to be honest, loyal, wonderful people. What a great shame that you are tarring everyone with

    the same brush. You know, white british people have been known to commit heinous acts of

    violence too!

    Like 5 Friday at 4:45pm

    William Ward Boylston III Stop funding immigrant business startups while taxing bedrooms of the

    poor. Any person who comes to a new home nation, need abide by it's laws and not force their own

    upon that country. Leadership requires solid will and be it politician or preacher, we need not be

    told to tolerate hate by the likes of either. Christ already told us to love our enemies. WE KNOW

    ALREADY not to throw Molotov cocktails or stones. WE NEED stand in The Faith HM The Queen is

    supposed to be Defender of by the millions and show THE TRUTH is stronger than a book of unholy

    lies written by a mad man. ABIDE by the laws of Britain (America too) or go back to the desert sands

    you come from.

    Like 1 Friday at 5:26pm

    David Bumgardner Americans better take notice of what not to do concerning immigration policy.

    Like 1 Friday at 5:33pm

    Steve Bates were was you davey boy
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Like 2 Friday at 6:21pm

    Angie Barbour if some of these people were born and bred here send them to quatamo bay

    Like 2 Friday at 9:04pm

    Olusegun Akanbi @Simon Burnham Lee Ridby's death was unfortunate and barbaric but for you to

    blame every immigrant for it is wrong. The British government is engaged in a war in Afghanistan

    and Iraq which is unjust. They are also training rebels in Syria so that they will overthrow their own

    governments. They are the cause of terrorism in the world and they are doing all these because of

    their economic gains. So it is okay to say migrants do not come to my country but is it right for your

    government to destabilize other countries of the world under the pretext of fighting extremism.Osama has been kill why are you still in Aghanistan? No WMDs were ever found in Iraq but the U.S

    has about 18,000 troops in that country.

    Like 1 Yesterday at 1:50am

    Anabelle Santiago BISMILLAH, Dear to all if you are christian, church of england, protestant, hindu,

    buddhist, atheist and other religious sects, do you all know who is your GOD/ALLAH or your

    CREATOR? Human beings are created with imaginations (brain) which is a gift from

    GOD/ALLAH/CREATOR to survive in this world, and so our brain (imagination) helps us to make the

    choices and decisions to either follow the good path or the evil path, it is only our creator who can

    answer all the complexity of the creations in our universe and other universe beyond, human beings

    cannot get all the answers we seek without the permission of our creator/allah/god and this means

    only miracle from our creator/allah/god can show us to understand why we all need education

    which is to make us all better human being in our planet earth, let us all pray together and mourn

    for what had happened... Thank you for reading

    Like 20 hours ago

    Anabelle Santiago BISMILLAH, We seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah which neither the

    upright nor the corrupt may overcome from the evil of what he created of what he made and of

    what he scattered from the evil of what descends from the heavens and of what rises up to them

    from the evil of what he scattered in the earth and of what emerges from it from the evil trials of

    night and day and from the evil of every night visitor except the night visitor who comes with good o

    merciful one...

    Like 20 hours ago
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Mark Hill Yeah! we have plenty of home grown Dick's,don't we SIMON.

    Like 20 hours ago

    Linda Heywood Oh to be English and a Muslim... so much hatred and racism in UK makes me

    ashamed to be English.

    Like 4 hours ago Edited

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    John Lambert Send all radicals back to from wherever they, their parents or grandparents came

    from. Those many who wish to live peacefully amongst us are welcome, those who hate us are not

    Like Reply 159 Thursday at 1:23pm via mobile

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    Ken Sharp Like the Christians that infect this country, you mean?

    Like Thursday at 4:47pm

    Kyle Robinson This is a catholic country

    Like 3 Thursday at 4:48pm
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Oliver Wyeth it's a c of e country and don't send the radicals away just shoot them it costs to much

    to send them away

    Like 9 Thursday at 5:36pm

    Adam Finney Christians don't go round lobbing peoples head off in the name of god

    Like 14 Thursday at 5:44pm

    Dave Lewis Send all radicals back to from wherever they, their parents or grandparents came

    from....yeah - but if in doubt, kick 'em out..!!!

    Like 9 Thursday at 5:48pm

    Summer Breeze This is a C of E Country with the Queen the head of the church. This is a dreadful

    atrocity it's time to get rid of all these kind.

    Like 6 Thursday at 6:11pm

    Adam Taylor Well said John Lambert!

    Like 2 Thursday at 6:23pm

    Denis Coll here is a thought, what about caring more for this country than pandering to islamic

    threat with pc excuses and the rubbish that islam means peace.

    Like 6 Thursday at 6:25pm

    Stuart Bowes I don't think it would help to send him back to Essex.

    Like Thursday at 8:31pm

    Azhar Mir lol, ur a joke, i bet most coloured british have longer british roots than you.

    Like 1 Thursday at 9:42pm
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Amer Majed this country is catholic or cristian or what ever the people of this country are the best in

    the world..there are some people who dont understand the meaning of peace and intigration.hung

    those who done such crime taking a persons life..shame on you who done such crime

    Like 2 Thursday at 11:42pm

    Michael Jack Jones UK is C of E -not Catholic - although Catholics do exist in UK -but the official UK

    faith is PROTESTANT.

    Like 2 Thursday at 11:48pm

    Neil Teddly Thomson Religion = Hatred war & Profit

    Like 3 Thursday at 11:54pm

    Jordan Clunn American, here. I'm not going to lie; I wish you could arm yourself with guns, in our

    greatest ally's country.

    Like 7 Friday at 12:57am

    Michael Azp Williams I agree with Jordan... About the time something happened over there... Even

    the peaceful muslims hate anyone not muslim... If they hated the extremists, they would be kicking

    THEM out of the mosques and telling them to STFU...

    Like 3 Friday at 2:47am

    Osayi Guobadia John lambert u av spoken well.... D radicals shud b sent packin while d peace lovin

    immgrant shud b left alone bcos dey are contributin 2 d growth of uk one way or the other.God blessu

    Like 1 Friday at 8:18am

    Matthew Mark Hypher John Lambert, the only problem with what you say is that Cameron is where

    he comes from. Where do you want to send him and his family to? There goes your peace theory.

    "we're in this together" remember?

    Like Friday at 9:19am
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Yvonne Huckle I agree with sending them all back.

    Like 2 Friday at 9:58am

    Mike Mizzi It is a secular country you ignorant morons.

    Like 1 Friday at 10:41am

    Mike Mizzi yeah send all the Vikings, the Angles, the Celts all were they came from.

    Like Friday at 10:46am

    Janet Theaker It is a Christian country 1st and formost which includes catholic and church of England

    both of which are Christian faiths just like the sunni and shia are 2 muslim faiths.

    Like 1 Friday at 10:55am

    Anabelle Santiago BISMILLAH, Dear to all if you are christian, church of england, protestant, hindu,

    buddhist, atheist and other religious sects, do you all know who is your GOD/ALLAH or your

    CREATOR? Human beings are created with imaginations (brain) which is a gift from

    GOD/ALLAH/CREATOR to survive in this world, and so our brain (imagination) helps us to make the

    choices and decisions to either follow the good path or the evil path, it is only our creator who can

    answer all the complexity of the creations in our universe and other universe beyond, human beings

    cannot get all the answers we seek without the permission of our creator/allah/god and this means

    only miracle from our creator/allah/god can show us to understand why we all need education

    which is to make us all better human being in our planet earth, let us all pray together and mourn

    for what had happened... Thank you for reading

    Like 1 Friday at 11:51am

    LadyPauline Oldford What this radical Muslim Anjem Choudary fails to say is more muslims die at

    the hands of other muslims than at the hands of anybody else !

    Like 2 Friday at 12:22pm
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Mike Mizzi All religions are based on myths..nonsense created by the powerful to dupe the gullible.

    Similarly this war on terror has been crated to crate reason for the ruling classes to erode our basic

    freedoms and create a total surveillance state. Orwell's 1984 writ large across western nations . It all

    goes back to the Romans as far as the west is concerned.


    Like 1 Friday at 12:40pm

    Mike Mizzi BTW Christians actually jump into planes, ships and land in Muslim lands and kill them

    with bombs an other drones, rockets. you know those more sterile, nice ways to kill

    innocent people and their children. So taking some kind of moral high ground and feeling superior is

    self delusional. You won't see thsi in the Mirror

    Like 1 Friday at 12:45pm

    Linda Cripps Mike Mitzzi - are you living safe,comfortable and without fear here in the


    Like 1 Friday at 2:43pm

    Rhoda Johnson People who slaughter human beings the way the innocent soldier was butchered are

    EVIL snd SICK whatever their religion and beliefs.

    Like 2 Friday at 6:21pm Edited

    Steve Slater Unfortunately,we now can't be sure who really wants to live peacefully in our Country.

    Saying one thing but meaning & doing something else. We're too full anyway. We need to really

    tighten our immigration policy up. Pandering to USA does us no favours either a country controlledby Zionists.

    Like 1 Friday at 7:03pm

    Thomas Ganley you could not have put it better i think they all need to go back because we and the

    country will now feel they wont be able to trust them even if they are innocent

    Like Friday at 11:14pm
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Mike Warren Lewis What the blazes are all these different holy deities ? Who is god ? Allah,

    mohommad,etc ? Has any one seen them, had them round the house for tea? have they saved

    millions of lives,? fed the starving, prevented sunamis, earthquakes,volcanoes, Has anyone got any

    physical proof that they exist? Should I seek the services of a pyschiatrist because I doubt of their

    exsistence ? People laughed at prayers to the sun and the moon, at least you could see them! Why

    in this day and age, are people trying to force their beliefs on others ? Keep your beliefs to yourself .

    You get a certain amount of time on earth, and it goes quite fast as time exists. You should dedicate

    your lives to prevent what horrors happened in the past, from happening again. We owe it to our

    children to bring peace and harmony to the world, because if we do not, we destroy every thing we

    ever worked and stood for.

    Like 1 Yesterday at 12:01am

    Olusegun Akanbi @Mike Warren Lewis Well said my friend but I think what is happening is morepolitical than religious. It is always right to have justification for all we do. Western forces must live

    Aghanistan , Iraq and they should let these Arabs do what ever they like it is their country. However I

    think the unnecessary meddling in the internal affairs of these countries is foolhardy! If the western

    countries succeed in overthrowing Assad's government they will be replacing a dictatorship with

    anarchy. You do not know who these rebels are you just think you know them!Thus if there going to

    be peace in the world we have to do the right thing not just what will favour our economic interests.

    Like 1 Yesterday at 2:02am

    DeLarge Alex This deserves a share, BBC interviews someone connected to a guy who MI5 tried to

    recruit and who also was abused in Kenya which may have caused a change in personality, (some of

    abuse he was too ashamed to talk about, speculation that is was sexual) Had the system worked and

    this being dealt with would this have happened? We have some politicians gun ho trying to take

    away your rights who common sense is wasted on but some may see through this. On the other

    hand there are sheep who will jump through any hoop they are instructed to do so by politicized

    media for the special interests that run the country through there anointed representatives who you

    are allowed to vote for in an attempt to convince you that we live in a democracy every 5 years.

    Please note, if you send me back it will be right

    Like Yesterday at 2:11am

    Michael Fenn Are there Tory Christians? Ive looked up all this stuff about the disabled and

    unemployed being scroungers in the New Testament, but I couldnt find it anywhere. Quite the

    reverse, if anything.

    Like Yesterday at 3:23am
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Dee Stewart Chaz Merkel....... When Muhammad fled Mecca in 622AD (starting the islamic calendar )

    he headed to Medina, a mainly Jewish city. Five years later there were no more Jews. They had

    either been killed or forced to submit to Islam............... they are not here to intergrate.

    Like 1 21 hours ago

    Linda Heywood So many lies spread about Islam and Muslims by people who are ignorant. Islam

    means submission to God alone... remember the first commandment given to Moses.. Worship God

    alone... do not worship false idols. From what I see the ego is the biggest god. I guess the Ku Klux

    Klan is the Christian representative.

    Like 4 hours ago Edited

    Rawand A. Darwesh John Lambert, as a Muslim I support your idea %100. Those who hate the West

    must leave it. There is no excuse what so ever for getting violent because of your belief. Islam never

    ever encourage violence. Some black sheep among us have shamed us and tarnished the reputation

    of other Muslims.

    Like 1 2 hours ago

    Jamie Earnshaw i've heard the aussie speech given is bogus but even if it is it has the feelings of a lot

    of people if the largest percentage of Muslims are against these radicals why are they not doing

    more to support the fight against them by putting more pressure on their on their leaders to stop

    the few poisoning and twisting the words of Allah to create war and disharmony fear and terror if

    Islam is a religion of peace harmony and tolerance i sorry but i'm just not seeing it

    Like 22 minutes ago

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  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    Bev Smith Yeah thats right Dave...sweep it under the carpet...we dont want to offend them do

    we....god forbid....oops was that offensive....Do something because if u dont...ur people will...they

    have had enough!!

    Like Reply 38 Thursday at 1:25pm via mobile

    Larry Hallett Well said Bev!

    Like 4 Thursday at 1:39pm

    Robert Doubtfire Hardly. To many full stops and the use of "ur" over "your" makes it a difficult read.

    Like 1 Thursday at 4:40pm

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    Red Heaven I have a mosque 5ft from my door step, an since i cant rely on any english MP securing


    an all the other political partys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All OUR MPS are to WEAK to keep OUR

    COUNTRY SAFE from migrants, they allow them into our country to claim housing, benefits, healthcare, money, food, luxurys, and IN RETURN........they MACHETTE an MEAT CLEAVER OUR PEOPLE

    ........IN THE NAME OF ISLAM , thanks to ENGLISH MPS of ALL PARTIES. Looks like its time to sell up

    an move to america or australia, where they are stricter in keeping their COUNTRYS SAFER !!!!!

    Like Reply 36 Thursday at 1:36pm

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  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


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    Brian Stringer Dear mr Cameron,

    As is everyone across this nation, I am deeply saddened at the death of a British soldier on our

    streets at the hands of the very people who we are at war with. As the duly elected representative

    of our once great nation it falls to you to give the people of our country what they want most. My

    view is that although the people believe what they want is to deport all Muslims, what they truly

    want is to be safe. To live without fear, to live generally a peaceful life. Don't misunderstand me, I

    am realistic. I know there will always be a criminal element that will prey on the weak, but the safety

    I speak of , is the safety from people who's beliefs differ from ours to the point that they kill

    innocent people (911), groom our children, and now kill our soldiers away from the frontline in

    Afghanistan. It is your duty to ensure the safety of the British people and that of future generations

    of British people. I believe we are at a point in this nation where most of us no longer know what it

    truly means to be British anymore and I hold myself and other registered voters responsible,

    because we are the ones who put you and your predecessors in power. We as a nation gave

    politicians the opportunity to betray us and virtually hand our country and our rights within it over

    to anyone who wanted a piece of it. However, you can change this, you have the power to do so.

    You could choose to be a prime minister such as John major who no one really remembers for muchor you could choose to be a politician such as winston Churchill or Margaret thatcher and go down in

    history as one of the greatest of all time. You could be the prime minister who took away our fears

    and not our rights, the prime minister who turned our nation around and gave us back our pride, the

    prime minister who made our country great again. Alas this may all be too late but one can live in

    hope. I appreciate that this would be a difficult task full of hard decisions and even harder actions

    but I'm sure with the right support you could do it. You would have the support of the British people

    if you gave back to this country what it's people need. So I have a few suggestions. As I see it we are

    considered to be the terrorists by a large part if the Muslim community and that we don't belong in

    their country. A fair point I suppose even if they are in OUR country when they say it. What I propose

    is that you request the safe passage of all British citizens living or working in Muslim countries back

    to our precious island. Once completed you can then recall our armed forces back to the uk. You

    have now removed their reason for their terrorist attacks, they have their country back. Next, you

    can follow Julia guillards lead and make it clear to Muslim communities that this is our country and it

    is they who must adapt to our way of life and NOT us to theirs. If they choose not to, then they can

    be offered safe passage back to their own country or ancestral country for those already born here.

    The cost of such could be met by seizing their assets. I have no doubt there is a lot of money to be

    made in doing this which could count towards a reduction of our national debt. The time for sending

    a message to these extremists, these people who are slowly taking away our freedom of speech by

    using words is now over mr Cameron. Now is a time to send a message with action. Stop listening tothose who bleat on about the rights of these people who are destroying our way of life and start
  • 8/23/2019 PM David Cameron Speech and Public Reaction on Woolwich Soldier Murdered (23 May 2013)


    listening to your own people. It is difficult I know but once you take the step, once you choose to

    take action, your people, your nation of voters will support you, they will believe that you can be the

    greatest prime minister of our time. The prime minister who made our country great again. You may

    not take the time to read this mr Cameron, but if you do I hope you can take it on board and act

    Like Reply 32 Friday at 8:18am via mobile

    Stephen Singleton I wish I had wrote this myself

    Like Friday at 5:28pm

    Anne Hoyle Bravo Brian Stringer = wise, sensible and true words, and EXACTLY what the British

    Public want

    Like Friday at 10:06pm

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    Finian Perth This attack on a serving british soldi