pmr trial exam

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  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    SULIT 55/2

    Nama : .. No Maktab : ..

    SULIT 55/2



    Kertas 2



    1 ja m




    SAINS Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa

    Kertas 2 MarkahBahagian Soalan Markah

    Penuh DiperolehSatu jam tiga puluh minit

    1 6


    1 Tulis nama dan kelas anda pada ruang 3 6yang disediakan. A

    4 72 Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.

    5 73 Soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris mendahului

    soalan yang sepadan dalam bahasa 6 8Melayu.

    7 104 Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan B

    atau sebahagian soalan sama ada dalam 8 10bahasa Inggeris atau bahasa Melayu.

    Jumlah 605 Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di

    halaman belakang kertas soalan ini.

    Kertas Soalan ini mengandungi 28 halaman ber cetak

    [Lihat sebelah

    155/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    UseSection A

    Bahagian A

    [40 marks]

    [40 markah ]

    Answerall questions.

    Jawab semuasoalan.

    1 Diagram 1 shows the human excretory system.Rajah 1 menunjukkan sistem perkumuhan manusia.

    P : ..

    Q : ..

    R : .

    Diagram 1

    Rajah 1

    (a) On Diagram 1, label the organs P, Q and Rusing the following words:

    Pada Rajah 1, labelkan organ P, Q dan R menggunakan perkataan berikut:

    Skin Lung Kidney

    Kulit Peparu Ginjal


    [3 marks]

    [3 markah]

    255/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(b) Draw lines to match each system of the human body with its function.

    Lukis garisan untuk memadankan setiap sistem badan manusia dengan

    fungsi masing-masing.

    System Function

    Sistem Fungsi

    To defend the body against disease.

    Untuk mempertahankan badan terhadap


    To digest food so that it can be readilyabsorbed.

    Untuk mencernakan makanan supaya ia

    mudah diserap.

    To transmit messages to every part of

    the body.Untuk menghantar maklumat ke seluruh

    bahagian badan.

    To support the weight of the body and

    protect internal organs.

    Untuk menyokong berat badan dan

    melindungi organ dalaman.


    [3 marks][ 3 markah ]

    Total A1


    355/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use2 Diagram 2.1 shows a situation at a camp site.

    Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan situasi pada tapak perkhemahan.


    Burung hantu

    Ir on rod

    Rod besi

    Boy HBudak lelaki H

    Diagram 2.1

    Rajah 2.1

    (a) Based on Diagram 2.1, state the way of heat transfer from the burning firewoodto:

    Berdasarkan Rajah 2.1, nyatakan cara pemindahan haba dari unggun api ke:

    (i) owl / burung hantu : .

    (ii) boy H / budak lelaki H : .....

    (iii) iron rod / rod besi : .....2(a)

    [3 marks]

    [3 markah]

    455/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(b) Diagram 2.2 shows two different mugs, M and N containing equal volume of

    hot coffee left to cool for 10 minutes.

    Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan dua mug, Mdan Nmengandungi air kopi panas

    dengan isipadu yang sama dibiarkan menyejuk selama 10 minit.

    White ceramic mug Black ceramic mugM NMug seramik putih Mug seramik hitam

    Diagram 2.2Rajah 2.2

    Based on Diagram 2.2,

    Berdasarkan Rajah 2.2,

    (i) state how most heat is lost from the hot coffee?nyatakan bagaimana haba paling banyak hilang daripada kopi panas?

    .......................................................................................................................... 2(b)(i)[1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) coffee in which mug will cool faster?

    Give the reason for the chosen mug.

    kopi dalam mug yang manakah akan menyejuk dahulu?Berikan sebab bagi mug yang dipilih.

    Mug / mug : .........

    Reason / sebab : .....................................................................................

    ..................................................................................... 2(b)(ii)[2 mark]

    [2 markah]

    Total A2


    555/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use3 Diagram 3.1 shows the distribution of organisms J, K, L and M in a habitat.

    Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan taburan organisma J, K, L dan Mdalam satu habitat.

    JM M JK

    K LJJ

    JMJ J

    ML K

    M MJJ MK


    Diagram 3.1

    Rajah 3.1

    (a) Based on Diagram 3.1,

    Berdasarkan Rajah 3.1,

    (i) which organism represents the secondary consumer?

    organisma manakah yang mewakili pengguna sekunder?


    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) build a complete food chain.

    binakan rantai makanan yang lengkap.


    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    655/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(iii) Circle the animals which may represent M.

    Bulatkan haiwan yang mewakili M.

    Tiger Grass Cow

    harimau Rumput lembu 3(a)(iii)

    [1 mark][1 markah]

    (b) Producers synthesize food through photosynthesis. State the source of energy

    for the process.

    Pengeluar mensintesis makanan melalui fotosintesis. Nyatakan sumber tenagabagi proses ini.

    ................................................................................................................................ 3(b )

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (c) Diagram 3.2 shows the apparatus set up to study a factor needed for


    Rajah 3.2, menunjukkan susunan radas bagi mengkaji satu faktor yangdiperlukan untuk fotosintesis.

    Black paper

    Kertas hitam

    Diagram 3.2

    Rajah 3.2

    (i) The plant is kept in the dark for two days, then exposed to sunlight.

    Why is the plant kept in the dark?

    Tumbuhan diletakkan dalam gelap selama dua hari, kemudian didedahkankepada cahaya matahari.

    Mengapa tumbuhan itu diletakkan dalam gelap?

    ......................................................................................................................... 3(c)(i)

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    755/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

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  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use4 Diagram 4.1 shows a female reproductive system.

    Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan sistem pembiakan perempuan .


    Diagram 4.1Rajah 4.1

    (a) (i) Based on Diagram 4.1 , name the part labeled R.

    Berdasarkan Rajah 4.1, namakan bahagian berlabel R .


    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) Q is the place where the process of fusion between nucleus of sperm andovum to form a zygote. Label Q in Diagram 4.1.

    Q adalah tempat di mana proses persenyawaan antara nukleus sperma dan

    ovum bagi pembentukkan zigot. Labelkan Q dalam Rajah 4.1. 4(a)(ii)

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    955/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(b) Diagram 4.2 shows a method of birth control in female reproductive system.

    Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan satu kaedah pencegahan kehamilan dalam sistem

    pembiakan perempuan .

    Device K


    Diagram 4.2

    Rajah 4.2

    Based on the Diagram 4.2,

    Berdasarkan Rajah 4.2,

    Name the device K : .

    Namakan alatK

    Describe how it works.

    Terangkan bagaimana ia berfungsi.





    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]

    1055/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

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  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use5 Diagram 5.1, shows two types of generator M and N.

    Rajah 5.1, menunjukkan dua jenis penjana M dan N.


    M N

    Diagram 5.1

    Rajah 5.1

    (a) (i) State the source of energy used by each generator.

    Nyatakan sumber tenaga yang digunakan oleh setiap penjana.

    M :

    N : 5(a)(i)

    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]

    (ii) State the energy change involved in generator M.Nyatakan perubahan tenaga yang terlibat dalam penjana M.


    [1 mark][1 markah]

    1255/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    UseDiagram 5.2 shows electricity transmission and distribution system.

    Rajah 5.2 menunjukkan sistem penghantaran dan pengagihan elektrik.

    National Grid Network

    Rangkaian Grid Nasional



    Diagram 5.2

    Rajah 5.2

    (b) (i) J and Kare two types of transformers.

    State the difference in the function of J and K.

    Jdan Kmerupakan dua jenis tranformer.

    Nyatakan perbezaan fungsi Jdan K.

    5(b )(i)

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) What is the advantage of National Grid Network?

    Apakah kelebihan Rangkaian Grid Nasional?

    5(b )(ii).....

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    1355/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(c) Diagram 5.3, shows an electric rice cooker.

    Rajah 5.3, menunjukkan sebuah periuk nasi elektrik.

    Diagram 5.3

    Rajah 5.3

    Calculate the current flow in an electric rice cooker labeled 3000 watts and

    240 volts. Suggest the most suitable fuse that can be used.

    Use the following formula:

    Hitungkan arus yang mengalir dalam periuk nasi elektrik yang bertanda3000 watt dan 240 volt. Cadangkan nilai fius yang paling sesuai digunakan.

    Gunakan formula berikut:

    Current = Power


    Arus = Kuasa


    The most suitable fius can be used is : ___________ A5(c)

    Fius yang paling sesuai digunakan ialah

    [2 marks]

    [2 markah]Total A5

    71455/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use6 Diagram 6.1 shows a man pulling a load of 50kg up an inclined plane to the

    platform (Assume 1kg = 10N).

    Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan seorang lelaki menarik beban 50kg menaiki satah condong

    ke pelantar (Andaikan 1kg = 10N).Platform


    2 metreLoad 2 meter


    Diagram 6.1

    Rajah 6.1

    (a) (i) In the box provided in Diagram 6.1, draw an arrow to show the directionof force that opposes the motion of load.

    Dalam kotak yang disediakan pada Rajah 6.1, lukiskan anak panah bagi

    menunjukkan arah daya yang menentang pergerakan beban. 6(a)(i)

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) Name the force for the answer in (a)(i).

    Namakan daya bagi jawapan dalam (a)(i).


    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (iii) Calculate the work done. Use the following formula:

    Hitungkan kerja yang dilakukan. Gunakan formula berikut:

    Work done = Force X Distance

    Kerja = Daya X Jarak

    Work done : . Nmkerja 6(a)(iii)

    [1 marks]


    1555/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

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  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    SULIT 55/2 ForExaminers

    Use(c) Diagram 6.3 shows, a man find it is hard to push a trolley with stuck tyres.

    Rajah 6.3 menunjukkan seorang lelaki mendapati sukar untuk menolak troli

    yang tayarnya tersekat.

    Diagram 6.3

    Rajah 6.3Based on diagram 6.3,Berdasarkan Rajah 6.3,

    (i) State one way to overcome the problem without unloading the trolley.

    Nyatakan satu cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini tanpa mengeluarkan

    beban di dalam troli.

    . 6(c)(i)

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (iii) State the effect, if the problem is not overcome?Apakah kesan, sekiranya masalah ini tidak diselesaikan?



    . 6(c)(ii)

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    Total A6


    1755/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    UseSection B

    Bahagian B

    [20marks][20 markah]

    Answerall questions.Jawab semuasoalan.

    7 Diagram 7.1 shows four types of plants with different support systems.Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan empat jenis tumbuhan dengan sistem sokongan berbeza.

    Orchid Cucumber

    Orkid Timun

    Rose Mangrove tree

    Ros Pokok paya bakau

    Diagram 7.1

    Rajah 7.1

    (a) State the parts of the plants that provide additional support to each of the plants.

    Nyatakan bahagian tumbuhan yang membeir sokongan tambahan pada setiaptumbuhan.

    Plants Additional support partTumbuhan Bahagian sokongan tambahan






    Mangrove tree

    Pokok paya bakau7 (a)



    1855/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(b) Classify the plants into two groups based on the part that provide additional


    Kelaskan tumbuhan kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan pada bahagian yang

    memberi sokongan tambahan.

    Orchid, cucumber, mangrove tree, rose

    Orkid, timun, pokok paya bakau, ros

    Common characteristicsCiri sepunya

    Name of the plant

    Nama tumbuhan


    [4 mark]

    [4 markah]

    1955/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(c) Diagram 7.2 shows an activity to study the support system in a plant.

    Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan satu aktiviti yang dijalankan untuk mengkaji sistem

    sokongan dalam tumbuhan.

    Beaker Q

    Bikar Q



    Aquatic plant

    Tumbuhan akuatik Weight


    Diagram 7.2Rajah 7.2

    Based on Diagram 7.2, state one inference from the activity.

    Berdasarkan Rajah 7.2, nyatakan satu inferens daripada aktiviti ini.


    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (d) Predict what will happen to the aquatic plant if the weight is remove frombeaker Q.

    Ramalkan apa yang berlaku pada tumbuhan akuatik apabila pemberat

    dikeluarkan dari bikar Q.7(d)

    Total A7[1 mark]

    [1 markah]10

    2055/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    SULIT 55/2 ForExaminers

    Use8 Diagram 8.1 shows a sugar cube of similar size added to glass P and Q.

    After five minutes, the size of sugar cube is as shown in the diagram.

    Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan satu gula kiub yang sama saiz dimasukan ke dalam gelas P

    dan Q. Selepas lima mini,, saiz gula kiub ditunjukkan dalam Rajah.

    Conditon Before After

    Keadaan Sebelum Selepas

    100ml water at 80o C

    in glass P

    100ml air pada suhu80 C dalam cawan Po

    100ml water at 35o C

    in glass Q

    100ml air pada suhu35 C dalam cawan Qo

    Diagram 8.1Rajah 8.1

    Based on your observation in diagram 8.1,

    Berdasarkan pada pemerhatian daripada Rajah 8.1,

    (a) (i) What inference can be made?

    Apakah inferens yang boleh dibuat?


    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (ii) State one hypothesis.

    Nyatakan satu hipotesis.


    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    2155/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    Useb) Diagram 8.2 shows the apparatus set-up to study the effect of water temperature

    on the rate of dissolving.

    Rajah 8.3 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi mengkaji kesan suhu air ke atas

    kadar ketelarutan.



    Jangka suhu

    5g of fine sugar

    5g gula halus

    Diagram 8.2

    Rajah 8.2

    The student takes the following the steps:Pelajar itu menjalankan langkah-langkah di berikut:

    Step 1 : Fill a beaker with 100 ml distilled water at 40 0 C

    Langkah 1 : Isikan sebuah bikar dengan 100ml air suling bersuhu 40 0 C

    Step 2 : Add 5 grams of fine sugar to the water.

    Langkah 2 : Tambahkan 5 gram gula halus ke dalam air.

    Step 3 : Stir the mixture.

    Langkah 3 : Kacau larutan tersebut.

    Step 4 : Record the time taken for the fine sugar completely dissolve.

    Langkah 4 : Catatkan masa yang diambil untuk gula halus larut


    Step 5 : Repeat steps 1 to 3 are by using temperature water at 50 C,0

    60 C, 70 C and 80 C.0 0 0

    Langkah 5 : Ulang langkah 1 hingga 3 dengan menggunakan air bersuhu

    500 C, 60 0 C, 700 C and 800 C.

    2255/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

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  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(ii) State the variables involved in this experiment:

    Nyatakan pembolehubah yang terlibat dalam eksperimen ini:

    Manipulated variable

    Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan

    Responding variable

    Pembolehubah bergerak balas

    Constant variable Volume of water // mass of fine sugar

    Pembolehubah dimalarkan Isipadu air // jisim gula halus


    [2 marks]

    [2 markah ]

    (iii) Use the graph provided on page 26 to answer this part of the question.

    Gunakan graf yang disedikan dihalaman 26 untuk menjawap bahagian soalan ini.

    Based on the reading in Table 8.4, draw a graph of time against temperature.

    Berdasarkan bacaan dalam Jadual 8.4, lukis graf masa lawan suhu.

    2555/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    For SULIT 55/2Examiners

    UseGraph for Question 8(b)(iii)

    Graf untuk soalan 8(b)(iii)

    Time / sMasa / s






    Temperature / C020 40 60 80 100Suhu / C0


    [2 marks][2 markah]

    2655/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    ForSULIT 55/2Examiners

    Use(c) Based on Graph 8(b)(iii), state the relationship between the temperature of

    water and the time taken for sugar to dissolve completely.

    Berdasarkan Graf 8(b)(iii), nyatakan hubungan antara suhu air dan kadargula

    larut sepenuhnya.


    ................................................................................................................................ 8(c)[1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    (d) Predict the time taken for fine sugar to dissolve completely in 100ml water at

    650 C.

    Ramalkan masa yang di ambil untuk gula halus larut sepenuhnya dalam100ml air yang bersuhu 65 C .0


    ................................................................................................................................ 8(d)

    [1 mark][1 markah]

    (e) Define operationally the meaning of the rate of dissolving.

    Definasikan secara operasi kadar ketelarutan .


    ................................................................................................................................ 8(e)

    [1 mark]

    [1 markah]

    Total A8




    2755/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    SULIT 55/2



    This question paper consists of two sections: Section A andSection B .Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

    Write your answers in the spaces provided in the question paper .

    Tulis jawapan anda dalam ruang yang disediakan dalam kertas soalan. .

    Show your working, it may help you get marks .

    Tunjukkan kerja kira-mengira, ini membantu anda mendapat markah .

    If you wish to change your answer, neatly cross out the answer that you have done. Then

    write down the new answer.Sekiranya anda hendak menukar jawapan, batalkan dengan kemas jawapan yang telah

    dibuat. Kemudian tulis jawapan yang baru.

    The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.

    Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

    Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in the brackets.

    Markah yang diperuntukkan bagi setiap soalan atau ceraian soalan ditunjukkan dalam


    The time suggested to answer Section A is 60 minutes and Section B is 30 minutes.

    Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab Bahagian A ialah 60 minit dan Bahagian B

    ialah 30 minit.

    You may use a non-progammable scientific calculator.

    Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogram.

    Hand in this question paper at the end of the examination.

    Serahkan kertas soalan ini di akhir peperiksaan..

    2855/2 2009 Hak Cipta BPL(M) MARA SULIT

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT



    OGOS, 2009

    1 hour





    PAPER 2

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    1(a) Able to label P, Q and R correctly

    AnswerP : Lung // Peparu 1

    Q: Skin // Kulit 1

    R: Kidney // Ginjal 1 3


    Tak boleh salah ejaan(b) Able to system of the human body with its function correctly




    1 3

    Note:Mark wrong if one system is matched with more than one function or

    vice versa.

    Total 6

    SULIT 1

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    2(a) Able to state how heat is transferred correctly

    i) Owl / Burung hantu : Convection // Radiation 1

    Perolakan // Radiasi

    ii) Boy H / Budak lelaki H: Radiation // Radiasi 1

    iii) Iron rod / Rod besi: Conduction // Konduksi 1 3

    (b)(i) Able to state the method of heat lost correctlyRadiation // radiasi 1 1

    (ii) Able to identify coffee in which mug will cool faster

    N // Black ceramic mug 1

    Mug seramik hitam

    Able to give correct reasonBlack mug is a good radiator // give out heat better

    Mug hitam adalah pemancar haba yang baik // membebaskan / 1 2

    menghilangkan haba lebih baik

    Total 6

    SULIT 2

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    3(a)(i) Able to state the organism correctlySample answers

    K 1 1


    Accept symbol with letter

    (ii) Able to build a complete food chain correctlySample answers 1 1

    J M K L

    Note:mesti terdiri dari 4 organisma

    huruf mesti sama dalam soalan


    Able to circle the correct animal which may M

    Answer1 1


    Able to state the source of energy correctly.Answer

    1 1Sun // Sunlight

    Matahari // suria // solar

    Note:Also accept light


    Able the give reason why plant kept in the dark correctly.

    1 1AnswerTo destarch / remove starch // to prevent photosynthesis

    Menyahkan / menghilangkan kanji // menghalang fotosintesis(ii)

    Able to shade the part of the leaf that turns blue black correctly


    Note: 1 1

    Part that turn blue black


    Note:Must shade both part to get one mark.

    SULIT 3

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    4(a)(i) Able to name the part R correctlyAnswer

    Uterus (wall) // Lining of the uterus 1 1

    (Dinding) rahim // Pelapik uterus


    Also accept womb

    (ii) Able to label Q where fertilization occur correctly



    1 1

    Able to name device K and describe how it work correctly(b)


    Name of device : IUCD (Intrauterine contraceptic device) // IUD

    Describe how its work: Prevent implantation (of fertilized ovum) /1 2


    Menghalang penempelan (ovum yang telah

    disenyawakan) / embrio


    Name Describe Mark

    / / 2 marks

    / X 1 mark

    X / O mark

    Able to mark wind pollinated flower correctly(c)(i)

    1 1

    SULIT 4

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    Able to explain correctly(ii) Sample answers

    1. pt1. (Characteristic)

    - Has a large / long / feathery stigma // Stigma outside the flower

    / with long style 1

    Mempunyai stigma besar / panjang / berbulu // Stigma beradadiluar bunga / dengan stil yang panjang.

    pt2. (function)

    - Expose to wind // to trap pollen (effectively)Terdedah kepada angina // untuk memerangkap butir debunga 1 2


    2. pt1. (Characteristic)

    - Long filament // Stamen dangle / hang outside the flowerFilamen panjang // Stamen tergantung di luar bunga

    pt2. (function)- Expose pollen grain to wind

    Mendedahkan butir debunga ke angin


    Any one correct pair

    (Charteristic + function)

    Total 7

    SULIT 5

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    5(a)(i) Able to state the source of energy used in M and N correctly.Answer 1

    M : Water / hydro


    N : Natural gas / petroleum 1 2

    Gas asli // petroleumReject:


    (ii) Able to state the energy change involved in generator M correctly .Sample answers

    - Potential (energy) Kinetic (ener gy) Electric (energy) // 1 1

    - Potential (energy) (mechanical) Kinetic (energy)

    Electric (energy) //

    - Potential(Energy) Kinetic(energy) Mechanical(energy)Electric (energy)

    (Any one only)

    (b)(i) Able to state the dif ference between in the function of J and K.

    AnswersTransformerJ will increase the (output) voltage while Kwill lower the 1 1

    (output) voltage

    Transformer Jakan menambahkan voltan (output) sementara Kakan

    merendahkan voltan (output).

    Note:Should have comparison between J and K

    (ii) Able to give the advantage of National Grid Network correctlySample answers

    - To ensure uninterrupted electrical power supply // 1 1Untuk memastikan bekalan kuasa electric tidak terganggu

    - To prevent the wastage of electrical energy / lessen the cost

    Untuk mengelakkan pembaziran tenaga electric / menggurangkan kos

    - Enable any particular power plant to be shut down for maintenance.

    Membenarkan mana-mana stesen kuasa ditutup bagipenyelenggaraan.

    (Any one only)

    SULIT 6

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    5(c) Able to calculate the current flow and give suitable fuse in an

    electric rice cooker correctlyAnswer

    Current = 3000

    240= 12.5 A 1

    Most suitable fuse: 13 A 1 2

    Reject:Other answer

    Total 7

    SULIT 7

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    6(a)(i) Able to draw direction of force correctlySample answers

    1 1

    Able to give name the force for the answer in(a)(i).(ii) Answers

    Frictional force 1 1

    Daya geseran

    Able to calculate the work done(iii) Answer

    Work done = (50 X 10) X 2 1 1

    = 1000 Nm

    Able to state the mountain bike that is suitable to ride up a hill.Answer

    b(i) (Bicycle) Q 1 1

    Able to explain for answer in (b)(i).Answer

    (ii) pt1. The surface of the tyre has more threads / is rougher 1

    Permukaan tayar yang mempunyai lebih bunga / benang / kasar.

    pt2. To increase the frictional force /grip the surface (of the hill) better. 1 2Menambahkan daya geseran / cengkaman pada permukaan

    (bukit) lebih baik.

    Able to state one way to overcome the problem correctly.

    Sample answerc(i) Apply oil / grease / lubricant to the tyre. 1

    Menggunakan minyak / gris / pelincir pada tayar.

    Able to state the effect correctly.

    Sample answer(ii) - Waste/ use a lot energy // membazirkan tenaga 1 2

    - Produces unnecessary heat // noise // menghasilkan bunyi yang tidak


    - The tyre will wear out quickly // hauskan tayar lebih cepat(Any one)

    total 8

    SULIT 8

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    7(a) Able to state part of the plant at provide additional support.Sample answers

    Type of plant Part of additional support

    Orchid Roots / clasping roots 1

    Akar / akar cengkamCucumber Stem /tendrils 1

    Batang / sulur paut

    Rose Stem / thorns 1Batang / duri

    Mangrove Roots / stilt roots 1 4

    Akar / akar jangkang

    (b) Able to state the common characteristics and name the plant


    Sample answers

    Orchid, cucumber, mangrove tree, rose

    Orkid, timun, pokok paya bakau, ros

    1. (Additional) support 1. (Additional) support 2through roots through stem

    2. (Additional) support 2. (Additional) support

    through roots not through roots

    3. (Additional) support 3. (Additional) support

    through stem / tendrils not through stem / tendrils

    2 41. cucumber, rose1. orchid, mangrove tree

    2. cucumber, rose2. orchid, mangrove tree

    3.orchid, mangrove tree3. cucumber, rose


    Accept any relevant answer.

    SULIT 9

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    7(c)(i) 1 1Able to state inference correctlySample answers

    - The aquatic plant is upright because it is supported by the

    buoyancy of water.

    Tumbuhan aquatic tegak kerana disokong oleh daya apungan

    air(ii) - The position of the aquatic plant depends on the presence of


    Kedudukan tumbuhan aquatic bergantung kepada kehadiran air

    [any one]

    Able to predict what happen to the plant correctly


    - The aquatic plant will float 1 1Tumbuhan aquatic akan terapung

    Total 10

    SULIT 10

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    8(a)(i) Able to state one inference correctlySample answers

    1. the temperature of water affect / influence the size of sugar cube 1 1

    Suhu air mempengaruhi saiz gula kiub.

    2. the size of sugar kiub depend on the temperature of water/ hotness

    Saiz gula kiub dipengaruhi oleh suhu / kepanasan air[ Any one]


    Answer regarding rate of dissolving / time.

    Able to state hypothesis(ii) Sample answer

    The higher temperature of water, the smaller the size of sugar cube/

    vise versa. 1 1Semakin tinggi suhu air, semakin kecil saiz gula kiub / sebaliknya

    (b)(i) Able to record correct reading

    Answer 1 1


    Able to state the manipulated and responding variable correctlyAnswer

    Manipulated variable : temperature of water / suhu air

    Responding variable : time taken to fine sugar dissolve / masa yang 1diambil untuk gula halus larut 1 2

    SULIT 11

  • 7/29/2019 pmr trial exam


    @2009 Hakcipta MARA SULIT

    Question Mark Scheme Marks

    8(b)(iii) Able to draw graph of time against temperature correctlyAnswers


    1 2







    Able to plot all point correctly

    Able to joint all the point smoothly

    Able to state relationship correctly(c) Answers

    The higher temperature of water, the shorter time taken for sugar 1 1dissolves. Vice versa.

    Semakin tinggi suhu air, semakin singkat masa diambil untuk gula

    melarut. sebaliknyaReject:

    Temperature affect time taken for sugar dissolve.

    Able to predict time taken correctly(d) Answers

    (37+1sec) 1 1

    Able to define operationally the meaning of rate of dissolving(e) Answers

    1 1The rate of dissolving is the time taken for sugar to dissolve (atdifferent temperature).

    Kadar keterlarutan ialah masa yang diambil untuk gula melarut pada total 10

    suhu yang berbeza.

    SULIT 12