PNet bundal

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  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    Test Step

    1. Logon to the browser(BEP) and go to Requisitioning Portal -> Requisitions tab

    2. Click on Create New link

    3. Fill in data on the page and click on Continue button

    4.Click on From Kit link under All Options

    5. Specify the criteria and click on Get Kit List button

    6. Click the Add All Items to Cart button for the desired Kit

    7. Order and then submit request

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    TCM Issue: (Wink attached)

    Validation Used

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Suggested Validation

    1. The Requisitioning Options page is displayed

    2. The Request Defaults page is displayed

    3. The Add to Request Menu page is displayed to select a method for adding items

    4. The Select Kit page is displayed

    5. The Kit search results page is displayed with all kits matching the search criteria listed

    6. The Current Request page appears displaying all the items from the kit

    7. The Application Message window appears displaying the Requisition Number

    Project (69314 ) Neulinx
  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Pass / Fail

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Project Level Validation

    Naming Conventions

    TCM Project Structure

    TCM-59 Summary

    TCM-59 Details

    TCM-1 Summary

    TCM-1 Details

    TCM-8 Summary

    TCM-8 Details

    1) Common repository script functions not used.2) Test1 is called from within Login() function which is baddesign.3) No project variables.

    4) Log messages do not follow conventions.

    1) Common repository script functions not used.2) Test1 is called from within Login() function which is bad

    design.3) No project variables.4) Log messages do not follow conventions.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    TCM-50 Summary

    TCM-50 Details

    TCM-6 Summary

    TCM-6 Details

    TCM-40 Summary

    TCM-40 Details

    TCM-16 summary

    1) Common repository script functions not used.2) Test1 is called from within Login() function which is baddesign.3) No project variables.4) Log messages do not follow conventions.

    1) Test script functions not used.2) No project variables.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    TCM-16 Details

    TCM-55 summary

    TCM-55 Details

    TCM-4 summary

    TCM-4 details

    TCM-61 summary

    1) Common repository script functions not used.2) Not use common repository functions for login and exit.

    1) Common repository script functions not used.2) Test1 is called from within Login() function which is baddesign.3) No project variables.4) Log messages do not follow conventions.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    TCM-14 Summary

    TCM-14 details

    1) Common repository script functions not used.2) Test1 is called from within Login() function not found.

    1) Common repository script functions not used.2) Test1 is called from within Login() function which is baddesign.3) No project variables.4) Log messages do not follow conventions.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Code Structure

    Script Structure Name Mapping File Merging

    Unable to run successfully using commonrepository namemapping file.

    Unable to run successfully using common

    repository namemapping file.

    Unable to run successfully using commonrepository namemapping file.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Test script functions are not used.

    Unable to run successfully using commonrepository namemapping file.

    Unable to run successfully using scriptsfunctions file .

    Main() function and other functions arecalled

    Unable to run successfully using teststeps.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Main() function functions are called

    Unable to run successfully using teststeps.

    Unable to run successfully using some

    test steps.

    Main() function and other functions arenot called

    Unable to run successfully using all teststeps.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Test script functions are not used.

    Unable to run successfully using all teststeps.

    Unable to run successfully using scripts

    functions file .

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    Naming Conventions

    Keyword Tests Structure Script Tests Namemapping

    N/A N/A

    Must be ATC59.

    N/A N/A

    N/A N/A

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    N/A N/A

    N/A N/A

    N/A N/A

    N/A N/A

    Script Tests are not used.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    N/A N/A

    N/A N/A

    Must be ATC4

    N/A N/A

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal




  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Comments provided

    Keyword Tests Script Tests yword Tests




  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    Test steps missed out

    Script Tests are not available


    All tests steps are used


  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    All tests steps are used



  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    All tests steps are not used


    Script Tests are not available

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Test Execution

    Test Steps Implemented Test Validations implemented

    No checkpoints.

    Refer TCM issue Failed

    Refer TCM issue Failed

    Mention any TCM steps ifmissed out.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    No test scripts.

    Mention any TCM steps ifmissed out.

    All test steps are missedScript Tests are not used inthis issue.

    These steps are missed1.Fill in Adjuster field, Udf#information field. UseSearch operation2. Enter some comments3. Click on Save button

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Variables is not found

    some variable are missed

    No checkpoints.

    Some test steps are missed

    The follow test steps forComplete the informationand then submit requestare missed

    All test steps are notimplemented

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    No checkpoints.

    All test steps are missed

    No scripts

    All test steps are notimplemented

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Test Succeeded

    Main Menu does not exist.

    Notes window does not closed

    Test failed. (Indicate Testcomplete errorfaced over here if failed.)

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Test failed.

    The element to be run specified in theProjectTestItem1' test item was not found.

    The Item quantity is not displayed asentered.A pop up window is not displayed.A new location is not displayed.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    A new location is not displayed.

    The object does not exist

    Exception Error

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Objects is null

    The element to be run specified in the'ProjectTestItem1' test item was not found.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    Test Step

    2. Click the "Invoices" Tab. It contains PO invoices and Non PO invoices.

    4.Select "buyer" and Enter the Buyer name.Goto "search" PO U-Turn results was displayed.

    5.Select"Action" this option is used to create invoice process.

    6.Creating invoice for purchasing order if you have enter the Invoice number and Invoice date.

    8.Select"status" then if you enter waiting approval.Goto "Search".

    9.display the Invoice proceess and then goto"control panel".

    1.Login to the browser(PNetSV) http://localhost/PNetSV with the following credentials

    User - Jeff

    PW - password

    3.Select "PO U-Turn".This option can be used to enter an invoice based on a purchasingorder that was prevoiusly sent to you.

    7.Goto"Reports" this option should be provide outstanding invoice reports and Supplier


    10.control panel should be provide data views,images,document references,externallinks,notes.If you select "External links" enter the subject.

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal



    TCM Issue: (Wink attached)

    Validation Used

    Check points

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

    No check points and login message

  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Suggested Validation

    1.The main login page for the Supplier View Portal(PNetSV)

    2.Displays option for Supplier Users for PO invoices and Non PO invoices.

    4.Displays Available Purchase Orders to select for creating an Invoice.

    5.Select"Action" this option is used to create invoice process.

    7.Displays Options for Supplier User for Inoice status information.

    8.Displayd search criteria options.

    9.Display Status of Invoice

    10.Presents Detail of all information surrounding the Invoice.

    Project (69314 ) Neulinx

    3.Displays options to be used to enter an invoice based on a purchasingorder that was prevoiusly sent to you.

    6.Displays Default information from the Purchase Order to be includedin the invoice
  • 8/7/2019 PNet bundal


    Pass / Fail