Podcasting To-Go Karl Richter Speakeasy Designs Slides available at speakeasydesigns.com

Podcasting To-Go Karl Richter Speakeasy Designs Slides available at speakeasydesigns.com

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Podcasting To-Go

Karl Richter

Speakeasy Designs

Slides available at


Agenda Podcasting Myths Possibilities & Potholes Examples Radio, Tivo, Blogging and Take-Out Podcasts, enhanced podcasts, vodcasts, & screencasts 3 Easy Podcasting Recipes

Odeo, Profcast, Quicktime Pro


Podcasting Myth #1

“I need an iPod to podcast”

Myth #2

“Podcasting is a revolutionary

new idea.”

Podcasting Possibilities

Teacher PodcastCreative way to present material

Recurring updates for students and parents

Student PodcastDistribute book reports beyond the room

Create a Show

Point of View Podcast

Podcasting Potholes

“Let’s just make this a podcast”

No easy way to scan for content

Good info + bad presentation = boring

“Why’d it take me 4 hours for a ten minute show?”

Podcasting is a mix of..

Radio + Take-Out + Tivo + Blogging

2 parts of a Podcast

Audio file + RSS feed

(.mp3 + RSS) = Podcast

RSS shows changes to a webpage.Not viewable in most web browsers.Software helps you subscribe to an RSS feed.


My adviceThe Pancake RuleThe first minute is the hardest.

Music and Effects? Is it a single message or a series? Many topics, or in depth look at one?1 host, co-hosts, panel discussion?Length of the show?How long until the next one?

Questions as you plan

To start making shows

Hardware: A microphone, computer, & webspace

Software: Use Audacity (Windows) or Garage Band 3 (Mac)

Geek Wizardry: Set up a free account at ODEO.com

They make your RSS feed and give you badges to play the files on your site

3 Easy Ways to Podcast

Odeo.com - record and publish via web browser

Profcast.com - makes an enhanced podcast using powerpoint

Quicktime Pro - record audio or video

Garage Band Demo


Profcast - http://profcast.com/Make enhanced podcasts from powerpoint

ODEO - http://odeo.comPodcast Directory, Studio, and Player

Feedburner - http://feedburner.com Track who’s reading your feed

Wordpress - http://wordpress.com Blogging software - Yes, better than Blogger!