Poetry dedication project

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Page 1: Poetry dedication project

By Sarah Whitesel


Page 2: Poetry dedication project


You are both much more than just parents to me. You are my best friends. You are the only two people who I can tell anything to and I do mean absolutely anything and you will never judge me. You are the best advice givers out there. You are my guardians. When I say guardians I mean with anything that ever happens to me you both are always there guarding and protecting me and making sure I get through it and keep me safe. I have no idea what I would ever do without the both of you or where I would be today without your love, patience, kindness and sincerity. I owe everything to you both and am so thankful God blessed me with as amazing parents as the both of you. I am so proud to call you both my parents, after 20 years of marriage you both are still crazy in love with each other and would never give up on the other. One day when I am married I hope to have the kind of marriage you both have. I look up to you both more than anyone else. I love you both so much.Love,Your daughter

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Because I feel that, in the Heavens above,

The angels, whispering to one another,

Can find, among their burning terms of love,

None so devotional as that of "Mother,"

Therefore by that dear name I long have called you—

You who are more than mother unto me,

And fill my heart of hearts, where Death installed you

In setting my Virginia's spirit free.

My mother—my own mother, who died early,

Was but the mother of myself; but you

Are mother to the one I loved so dearly,

And thus are dearer than the mother I knew

By that infinity with which my wife

Was dearer to my soul than its soul-life.


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“To my mother” was written by Edgar Allan Poe after his wife had died very young. He did not write it to his own mother but to his Aunt Maria who he thought of as his own mother. He thought this because she was the mother of his wife who he loved more than anything. She was also his aunt

because he married his thirteen year old cousin, so she was truly his biological aunt.

In the lines one through four he describes that even the angels in heaven can not find a word as loving and as devotional as “mother”. The

poem just shows how powerful the word mother really is. Mothers are always looked at as loving and caring and compassionate. So just the first four lines in this poem capture the real beauty of the word mother and just how much

children look up to their own mother.

In the lines five and six he is describing how his aunt is more than just a mother figure to him. He looks at her as a dear friend and is someone

he can trust and rely on more than his own true biological mother.

In the lines seven and eight he is expressing his love for his Aunt Maria because she was there for him and for his wife, her daughter, when

she had passed away. His “mother” had helped him through the toughest and most depressing part of his life and that is why he considers her much more

of a mother than his own biological mother.

In the lines nine and ten he is describing how his own biological mother who has already passed away was just another woman to him, who

did not show as much love as his Aunt Maria had. She was the mother of his wife, who he cared for and loved more than anyone else.

In the last lines, the lines eleven through fourteen he is expressing how his Aunt Maria is very dear to him, more than his own mother and that just because his mother brought him into this world does not make her his mother, he does not see her as his mother figure, he sees his Aunt Maria as

his true mother.

My mother to me is more than just my mother, she is so much more and unlike this poem she is my biological mother. The poem caught my

attention from the first four lines how the angels in heaven can not find a word as loving as mother and that is how my mother is to me. She is the

most loving person I know. She would lay down her life for her children. That shows just how loving a mother is when she cares more for her own children

than herself.

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If I were hanged on the highest hill,

Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

I know whose love would follow me still,

Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

If I were drowned in the deepest sea,

Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

I know whose tears would come down to me,

Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

If I were damned of body and soul,

I know whose prayers would make me whole,

Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!


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“Mother O’ Mine” was written to Rudyard Kipling’s mother. He admired his mother more than anyone and just wanted to please her, as sometimes she could be very harsh. He wrote this very emotional and deep meaningful poem to his mother in order to please her because of his fondness and love for her.

In the very first line the poem gets very deep and even emotional. He is expressing a very tortuous, painful and humiliating way of dying. It is to draw

the reader in and show how far and deep the meaning of this poem is.

In the second line he repeats the phrase “Mother o’ mine, O Mother o’ mine. He is expressing just by that simple phrase how much he cares for his

mother and how fond he is of her. “Mother o’ mine”. It is to say that she is his dear one and one he loves greatly.

In the third line he writes how no matter if he even died a horrifying and humiliating death his mother would still love him. And how a mother

would love even through death.

In the fifth line he is describing yet another horrifying death just showing how very deep and powerful this poem is.

In the seventh line he is expressing the tears that his mother would send to him that if he were to die in any kind of horrifying death or even a non

horrifying death that his mother would truly mourn for him because of the love she has for her child.

In the lines nine and ten he gets to a very emotional and extremely powerful part of how if his soul and body were to be damned that his mother

and her love and caring for him would make him whole and revived.

The love of a mother goes beyond everything. That a mother will lay down her life for her child and there is no one who cares more for themselves than their own mother. I chose this extremely powerful poem for my mother

because she is the true definition of this. I know without a doubt that no matter what circumstance that I am in that my mother will be there to

encourage and help me through it.

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I see her doing something simple, paying bills,

or leafing through a magazine or book,

and wish that I could say, and she could hear,

that now I start to understand her love

for all of us, the fullness of it.

It burns there in the past, beyond my reach,

a modest lamp.


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“Mother’s Day” is a very simple yet very deep emotional poem. It has a very rich meaning behind it. In the very first line it expresses the

author admiring his mother as she is doing something I am sure she does every single day and something he has seen hundreds of times, her

paying her bills. Why is this so significant? Just the fact that he took time to admire his mother doing something so simple and routine it shows

how great of an effect mothers are to our lives. In the second line he describes other simple every day routine-like

things that our mothers do that we do not take time to appreciate. No matter how simple of a task we should admire our mothers for what they

are. In the third, fourth and fifth lines he expresses how he is beginning

to understand the love that his mother has for her children and her family. That he wish he could say it out loud to his mother that he

understands how powerful of a love a mother has for her family and her children.

In the last lines, he is describing how even though he can understand it himself that no one other than a mother truly knows how it

feels to have that powerful of a love for her child and care that deeply. He also uses a metaphor about a “modest lamp”. He is declaring how

great the love is of his mother and it shines bright like a lamp but is also modest and very humbling.

I chose this poem because of the simplicity of it. My own mother is a very simple woman. She is not complicated in the slightest. She knows what she likes and dislikes and she will let you know. Simple as that.

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He never looks for praises

He's never one to boast

He just goes on quietly working

For those he loves the most

His dreams are seldom spoken

His wants are very few

And most of the time his worries

Will go unspoken too

He's there.... A firm foundation

Through all our storms of life

A sturdy hand to hold to

In times of stress and strife

A true friend we can turn to

When times are good or bad

One of our greatest blessings,

The man that we call Dad.


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“Dad” is a poem that is very dear to my heart. The poem describes my own father perfectly. My dad is never one to boast or go around parading because of

the money he makes or how great he thinks he is. He is a very humble and genuine man.

In the first and second line the poem goes directly into how her dad never boasts or looks for praises because he did something right, he is a very humble man. He is never going around trying to pry people to praise him or never going

around boasting about accomplishments.

In the lines three and four the author describes how her father is very quiet and sits back and just knows what he should do and just goes to work to provide

for his family. The ones who he loves the most and would do anything for.

In the lines five and six she describes how her father puts aside even his own dreams and pleasures for his family that he loves more than anything.

In the lines seven and eight she expresses how her father will even set aside his own worries as to not worry or upset his children and family. It just shows you, like mothers, how incredible a father’s love is for his children and


In the lines nine and ten she is explaining how even when times are tough and there are problems that the father will always be the stronghold of the family and will keep everyone together and will always be that person there you can rely

on no matter the situation.

In the lines eleven and twelve she is stating again how no matter if there are “storms” ahead that her father will be there to guide her and direct her

though it all.

In the thirteenth and fourteenth line the author is expressing how even though he is her father he can still be called her friend. A true friend who is

there with you always.

In the last lines, fifteen and sixteen she is saying how a father is one of the most amazing blessing we can ever receive.

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When I am born, you are here

In your eye, I see a tear

Time flies and already I'm two

"Look, daddy, I can tie my shoe!"

Before you know it, I'm five

Every day, you thank God I'm alive

Pretty soon, I turn eight

You tell me I'm never allowed to date

I'm already twelve in my preteen years

Which means you'll help me with all my new fears

Now fourteen with my permit to drive

Waiting to hit the big one-five

Too early comes sixteen, with my license now

It went by too fast, you just ask how

You want to meet my boyfriend when I'm eighteen

I pray to god that you're not too mean

The same guy two years later asks for my hand

I'm relieved when you say, that's just grand

About a year later, you walk me down the aisle

Through all the tears, you bare a smile

Three years later, you're gonna be a grandfather

You show love and pride for your new granddaughter

Another year down the road

Mom dies, oh the many tears that flowed

You're not doing so well without her

Less than a year later, you forgot all about her

Alzheimer's sets in and it scares me so

Not long after, you decide to go

Now I'm regretting not saying goodbye

Every time I think about it, I start to cry

The cycle has begun again

It has started over with little Megan

The other day, she turned two

And said, "Look, daddy, I can tie my shoe!"


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“Family Circle” is a very charming and at times sad poem. I chose this poem because of how raw it is. It depicts the circle of life in a child-like manner and expresses how in life that there will never be an end to the ups and downs of life. Children will disappoint you and make you want to pull your hair out but at the end of the day their parents will always be there cheering them on and being there to guide them every step of the way.

In lines one and two she is describing that through her father shedding a tear after seeing her born he is so happy to be a father and

already at that moment when he sees her as a baby he has never felt a love like that and how he already loves her absolute.

In lines three and four she is expressing how she is already two years old and that he is sad to see her get older because he wants more time with

his child because he just loves her so much.

In lines five and six there is some of the humor. Her father is just exhausted from all the turmoil she has put him through from being a

toddler. It shows in those two lines how a father’s devotion to his child is unwavering.

In the lines nine through twelve the father is showing his fear of his child growing up because he is always worrying if he did a good enough job of bringing his child up and he cares for his child so much he does not want

to see them get hurt or grow up to fast.

In the two lines, thirteen and fourteen she is expressing again how the father is worried because she is now almost of age and will be soon

deciding for herself what she wants.

In the lines, fifteen through twenty two, the author describes how her father is realizing that he must let his child live her own life and just hope

that what he has taught her will be enough.

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When you wake up,

the day is almost over,

It’s time to go to the one place you hate,

The one place you can not stand,

Your job is a very stressful one,

You sacrifice your pleasures,

For mom, sis and I,

You would rather have us happy,

Than enjoying all your hobbies,

You chose to make the sacrifice a long time ago.


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How wise can one simply be?

You seem to know the ins and the outs,

If there is a problem,

You are the first to knock on the door.

Oh dear father,

Where did you find your wisdom?


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Is it a bird? A plane? No.

This is a man who will never break his daughter’s heart,

A man who will stay up endless hours with his daughter crying on his shoulder,

A man who will defend his daughter’s honor,

A man who will protect and love even when he doesn’t receive it back,

A man who would rather work double shifts and late hours,

To give his family the best life possible,

A man who will set aside his own wants,

For his families needs,

A man who is completely selfless,

A man who would walk a mile in the pouring rain to work,

Just to provide for his family,

A man who would give up sleep,

Just to see his children off to school,

A man who will never judge,

Just give advice,

A man who would lay down his life for his family,

Over and over again.

This man is not any man,

He’s my father.



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You're as beautiful as a cherry blossom tree.

You can sing just like the angels above.

You're the most amazing, can't you see?

You're as pure as a white dove.

You say there is nothing else you'd rather be.

Being a mother fits you like a glove.

Oh there is nothing as beautiful as she.


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Oh my mother who is so very gentle,

You have a side that is so very humble.

Your stubbornness,

That has gotten you through all these years,

You’re unchanging ways,

Your strict discipline,

You never falter through it all,

And when someone questions you,

About your faith,

You never take a second to hesitate,

You shout it from the rooftops,

You stand proud and tall,

That you have a relationship with Jesus Christ,

Everyone knows it all,

No one will ever question your faith again,

You have what others dream for,

An unwavering faith.


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These poems are dedicated to the most influential people in my life, my parents. They mean more to me than anyone could ever know. It did not even take me a second

to know who I would dedicate this project to.

I owe my parents so much and I pray and hope that one day I will be able to repay them back for everything they have done for me.

They have stuck by my side through the toughest and rockiest paths in my life guiding me through it all. They were always there waiting right behind me if I were to


I wrote “Sacrifices” last year in my journal to my father. It is to show him how much I appreciate and respect him for every single thing that he gives up just so my family and

I can have the things we need and want.

“Wisdom” I just recently wrote and it is express to my father how much I look up to him and admire how much wisdom he has. My dad is one of the most intelligent people I

know and I am just always amazed by how much knowledge he has. (The downside, he always wins arguments.)

“Father? More like Superman” is one of my most favorite poems I have ever written. I have been working on it for months now, editing here and there as to not make it

repetitive but I finally have it “perfected” as my dad always says “Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.” My father is in some ways like superman to

me. I mean where can you find a man that loves his family so much that he would give up just about all his hobbies and interests just so he can provide for his family.

“To My Mother” I wrote out of inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe’s “To My Mother” poem. I wrote it a few weeks ago and I just jotted it down on the back of a receipt. My mother

to me, is just perfect. She is the definition of a mother through and through.

“Unwavering Faith” is a poem about my mother and her faith and how strong she is in it. She just amazes me with how unwavering and no matter what anyone were to tell

her she would never falter in her faith.

Thank you so much to both my parents! I love you both so much!

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• http://otrazhenie.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/dad-hero-love.jpg

• http://poetrycorner.freedomblogging.com/files/2012/05/382px-Northern_Pacific_Railway_Mothers_Day_postcard_19161.jpg

• http://wirdausi.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/edgar-allan-poe-www-medchrome-com_.jpg?w=230&h=300

• http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=619&tbm=isch&tbnid=grcMv0CFsAh_hM:&imgrefurl=http://




• http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/silent-strong-dad

• http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/19662

• http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/22165

• http://www.kipling.org.uk/rg_mother1.htm

• http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/19661

• http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/cycle-of-life-family-circle