Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 25 September 2008 Page 303 25 September 2008 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 25 September 2008 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm Present: Cllrs. C Paterson (Mrs) (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, R Greenwood (until 8.46pm), W Gent, R Ledner. In Attendance: D Cllr A Webster, Members of the Press 0, Members of the Public 4. The Chairman welcomed everyone present and invited questions from the public at 7.31pm. Questions from the Public a) Pointon Primary School The headteacher enquired regarding further comments on her presentation at the previous meeting. Cllr Gent suggested that the PTFA would provide a suitable platform for cooperative ventures with the community; Cllr Ledner agreed it was important to get parents on board. b) Proposed erection of wind turbines at Neslam Farm The Action Group Against Sempringham Turbines reported that three parish councils, a residents‟ association and an MP had pledged their opposition to the proposal. There being no further questions, the Chairman opened the meeting at 7.38pm. 959 Apologies for Absence None received. 960 Declarations of Interest from Members Cllrs Templeman, Gent and Greenwood each declared a personal interest at minute 967 on account of their membership of the Committee of Pointon Sports and Social Club. 961 Meeting Held 24 July 2008 The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 24 July 2008 having been previously distributed, were approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman. 962 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies a) District D Cllr Webster reported that a number of parishes threatened by British Telecom‟s payphone removal proposals were taking up the BT Adopt-a-Kiosk scheme. b) Playing Field Cllr Greenwood reported that the decking outside the Clubhouse has been extended further and that clubs from the Boston Football League, visiting for the first time, have been very favourably impressed by the facilities. Cllr Templeman advised that the RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection report, received since distribution of this meeting‟s agenda, considered the general standard of maintenance of the site to be very poor. RoSPA again drew attention to the need to secure the 5-a-side goals. Cllr Gent suggested that the erection of a football wall would render the goals redundant, whilst Cllr Greenwood and others felt that moveable goals avoided excessive wear of the grass surface. Cllr Hennessy presented a quotation to fell the ash tree alongside the Clubhouse, and three quotations to reduce the height of the conifers on the eastern boundary. Cllr Gent indicated that volunteers were available to deal with the conifers; members suggested that this would be considered if costs and proof of insurance cover were provided. Cllr Ledner reported that dog fowling, including that by loose dogs accessing the playing field through gaps in the fencing, remained an issue. After some discussion, members indicated they would be inclined to approve Cllr Gent‟s offer to attend training to become an officer authorised to issue fixed penalty notices under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act. Cllr Greenwood reported that the Lincolnshire Scouts will be holding a Night Hike in the area on 18/19 October, with participants camping on the Playing Field. 963 Planning a) S08/LB/6999 Outbuilding adj. St Andrew‟s Church, Sempringham. Conversion of church outbuilding to visitor centre (Listed Building Consent). Received 20 June 2008. Withdrawn by applicant’s agent. b) S08/0759 Outbuilding adj. St Andrew‟s Church, Sempringham. Conversion of church outbuilding to visitor centre. Received 5 July 2008. Withdrawn by applicant’s agent. c) S08/0237 37 West Road, Pointon. Erection of dwelling. Notice of Appeal to the Secretary of State ref. APP/E2530/A/08/2079306/WF against SKDC refusal, received 21 July 2008. Agreed: No change to original representations (minute 928d). 964 Finance a) Annual Return 2007/08 Council received the External Auditor‟s certificate and opinion, which had no matters requiring attention. b) Financial Statement 16 September 2008 Council received the RFO‟s financial report and made no amendments to the budget therein. c) The following bills were approved for payment:

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 25 September 2008

Page 303

25 September 2008 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 25 September 2008 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs. C Paterson (Mrs) (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, R

Greenwood (until 8.46pm), W Gent, R Ledner.

In Attendance: D Cllr A Webster, Members of the Press 0, Members of the Public 4.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and invited questions from the public at 7.31pm.

Questions from the Public

a) Pointon Primary School

The headteacher enquired regarding further comments on her presentation at the previous meeting. Cllr

Gent suggested that the PTFA would provide a suitable platform for cooperative ventures with the

community; Cllr Ledner agreed it was important to get parents on board.

b) Proposed erection of wind turbines at Neslam Farm

The Action Group Against Sempringham Turbines reported that three parish councils, a residents‟

association and an MP had pledged their opposition to the proposal.

There being no further questions, the Chairman opened the meeting at 7.38pm.

959 Apologies for Absence

None received.

960 Declarations of Interest from Members

Cllrs Templeman, Gent and Greenwood each declared a personal interest at minute 967 on account of their

membership of the Committee of Pointon Sports and Social Club.

961 Meeting Held 24 July 2008

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 24 July 2008 having been previously distributed, were approved by

members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

962 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) District

D Cllr Webster reported that a number of parishes threatened by British Telecom‟s payphone removal

proposals were taking up the BT Adopt-a-Kiosk scheme.

b) Playing Field

Cllr Greenwood reported that the decking outside the Clubhouse has been extended further and that clubs

from the Boston Football League, visiting for the first time, have been very favourably impressed by the


Cllr Templeman advised that the RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection report, received since distribution of

this meeting‟s agenda, considered the general standard of maintenance of the site to be very poor. RoSPA

again drew attention to the need to secure the 5-a-side goals. Cllr Gent suggested that the erection of a

football wall would render the goals redundant, whilst Cllr Greenwood and others felt that moveable goals

avoided excessive wear of the grass surface.

Cllr Hennessy presented a quotation to fell the ash tree alongside the Clubhouse, and three quotations to

reduce the height of the conifers on the eastern boundary. Cllr Gent indicated that volunteers were available

to deal with the conifers; members suggested that this would be considered if costs and proof of insurance

cover were provided.

Cllr Ledner reported that dog fowling, including that by loose dogs accessing the playing field through gaps

in the fencing, remained an issue. After some discussion, members indicated they would be inclined to

approve Cllr Gent‟s offer to attend training to become an officer authorised to issue fixed penalty notices

under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act.

Cllr Greenwood reported that the Lincolnshire Scouts will be holding a Night Hike in the area on 18/19

October, with participants camping on the Playing Field.

963 Planning

a) S08/LB/6999 Outbuilding adj. St Andrew‟s Church, Sempringham. Conversion of church outbuilding to

visitor centre (Listed Building Consent). Received 20 June 2008. Withdrawn by applicant’s agent.

b) S08/0759 Outbuilding adj. St Andrew‟s Church, Sempringham. Conversion of church outbuilding to visitor

centre. Received 5 July 2008. Withdrawn by applicant’s agent.

c) S08/0237 37 West Road, Pointon. Erection of dwelling. Notice of Appeal to the Secretary of State ref.

APP/E2530/A/08/2079306/WF against SKDC refusal, received 21 July 2008.

Agreed: No change to original representations (minute 928d).

964 Finance

a) Annual Return 2007/08

Council received the External Auditor‟s certificate and opinion, which had no matters requiring attention.

b) Financial Statement 16 September 2008

Council received the RFO‟s financial report and made no amendments to the budget therein.

c) The following bills were approved for payment:

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Community Lincs £25.00 Play Area Safety Training course (Cllr


Clearance Bargains Corby £9.98 Battery Charger & Grease Gun

Holland Road Service Station £7.25 6.15 litres Unleaded Petrol

Huck Nets (UK) Ltd £254.98 2x pairs Football Nets

Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance £162.15 60 litres Line Marking Paint

Clement Keys Chartered Accountants £158.63 Statutory Audit, year ending 31 March 2008

Cllr Lambert commented of the difficulty of establishing the true cost to the precept of maintaining the

Playing Field.

d) Council noted the following receipts:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: July, August

Pointon Sunday Football Club £82.50 Field Hire for season 2007/08

e) Council approved the following quotation:

Conservatories & Windows Direct £625.00 (+VAT) 2 windows for Pavilion

965 Other correspondence received

a) Billingborough PC: Invitation to Public Open Meeting 10 September 7pm at Billingborough VH

Members expressed their appreciation of Billingborough PC‟s organisation of this meeting for the purpose

of assessing local opinion on the proposed wind farm. The meeting had been attended by about 60 persons

none of whom spoke in favour of the proposal whilst several expressed very great concerns.

b) EMDA: EMDA News, Summer 2008

c) AGAST: Summary of concerns regarding proposed Wind Farm at Neslam Farm

See minute 968. Members thanked the Action Group Against Sempringham Turbines for their very helpful

summary of the material considerations.

d) Community Lincs: Booking forms for Play Area Safety Training events, 23 & 24 September

e) Lincs Fire & Rescue: Invitation to official launch of new fire appliances 21 August

f) Lincs Road Safety Partnership: re A15 enhanced verge maintenance

g) EM Fire & Rescue Control Centre: information & brochure

h) Community Lincs: Invitation to AGM 25 September at Osbournby VH

i) Email from parishioner regarding speeding vehicles on Fen Road, Pointon

See minute 966.

j) SKDC Standards Committee: Agenda 5 September 2008 and Minutes 4 July 2008

k) LALC: Newsletter July 2008, Annual Report 2007/08, Training Schedule 2008

l) LCC: Booklets concerning Personalisation and the Vision for Adult Social Care

m) Clerks & Councils Direct: September 2008

n) Voluntary News: 2008 No 3

o) Lincs Police Authority: Invitation to Local Police & Community Forum, Stamford, 2 October

p) Junior resident: Pointon Dirt Track Proposal

A proposal from a young resident requesting the establishment of a Dirt Track for Pointon was discussed at

length. Cllr Paterson presented a guidance leaflet prepared by Community Lincs. Members felt that adult

volunteers, probably parents, needed to come forward to form a working party to put together a proposal.

Cllr Greenwood left the meeting for reasons approved by members present.

q) Lincs Playing Field Association: Invitation to AGM, Cranwell VH, 23 October

966 LRSP Speed Indicating Device

The Council agreed to the loan of a Speed Indicating Device from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

The Council also agreed to indemnify Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership in respect of any claim arising

out of the use of the Speed Indicating Device by any user.

Cllr Templeman advised that use of the device had been suggested by a resident and that no cost was

involved. Sufficient volunteers had come forward to operate the equipment.

967 Playing Field Pavilion

Consideration of a request by Pointon Sports and Social Club for electrical rewiring of the pavilion was

deferred as three quotations would be required.

968 Neslam Farm

The council unanimously expressed its opposition to the anticipated proposal to erect six wind turbines at

Neslam Farm. In the event that a planning application is received, it was agreed it may be necessary,

depending upon the timing, to convene a special meeting of the Council.

969 Date of next Meetings

a) Parish Council Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 27 November 2008 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their

attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.27pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 27 November 2008

Page 305

27 November 2008 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 27 November 2008 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs. C Paterson (Mrs) (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, R


In Attendance: D Cllr A Webster, Members of the Press 0, Members of the Public 4.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and invited questions from the public at 7.31pm.

Questions from the Public

a) Proposed industrial development of the Lincolnshire Fens

The Chairman of AGAST (Action Group against Sempringham Turbines) drew attention to an invitation to

E-ON from the Crown Estate to assess the potential of the Billingborough Crown Estate for development as

a Windfarm. She also reported that planning permission of the meteorological mast at Neslam Farm has

now expired although the mast remains in place.

b) Village Hall

The Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee described plans to open a Community Club

venture at the Hall in the New Year to provide various facilities enhancing the sustainability of the village.

Grants are being applied for, and she asked the Parish Council to consider a donation of £1,000 for purchase

of equipment required for the Community Club.

There being no further questions, the Chairman opened the meeting at 7.37pm.

970 Apologies for Absence

Cllr R Ledner for reasons accepted by members present. Cllr W Gent for reasons accepted by members


971 Declarations of Interest from Members

None received.

972 Meeting Held 25 September 2008

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 25 September 2008, having been previously distributed, were

approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

973 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) District

D Cllr Webster had nothing to report.

b) Parish

Cllr Templeman reported that the LRSP Speed Indicating Device (minute 966) had been deployed in

Pointon by volunteers during the last two weeks of October. A proportion of drivers exceeding the 30mph

limit were observed on all occasions: about 20% in Fen Road and West Road, about 60% on High Street. It

was agreed to request the LRSP to deploy an “Archer” speed measuring device on High Street to gather

more data which the LRSP would use to determine any further action.

c) Playing Field

Cllr Greenwood reported that great use is being made of the field with the football season now well under

way. Pointon Football Club, with Pointon Junior Football Club, have received notification from the

Football Association that they have achieved the FA‟s Charter Standard status.

974 Planning.

a) S08/0237 37 West Road, Pointon. Erection of dwelling. Notice of Appeal to the Secretary of State ref.

APP/E2530/A/08/2079306/WF against SKDC refusal, received 21 July 2008.

Received: Planning Inspectorate‟s dismissal of the appeal.

b) S08/1122 Neslam Bridge Farm, Sempringham. Replacement of existing overhead line with new 11kv

overhead line on wooden pole, received 4 October 2008.

Agreed: no representations by Council.

Received: SKDC‟s approval of 14 November 2008.

c) S08/1083 The Grange, Millthorpe Road, Pointon. Erection of garden lounge to rear of existing health spa,

received 6 October 2008.

Agreed: no representations by Council.

Received: SKDC‟s approval of 14 November 2008.

d) S08/1159 4 Pinfold Lane, Pointon. Change of use of agricultural land (paddock) to domestic garden,

received 5 November 2008.

Agreed: no representations by Council. Cllr Templeman drew attention to planning policy which requires

landscape character to be preserved when extending a garden into open country. Members felt it best left to

SKDC‟s professional planning officers to assess appropriate conditions should the change of use be


e) S06/0487 Neslam Farm, Sempringham Fen. Erection of 50m tall steel meteorological mast. Approved

conditionally by SKDC 14 November 2006.

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Members noted that Condition 1 of this permission, limiting the carrying out of the development to a period

of two years, has now expired. As the development remains in place, it was unanimously agreed that the

Acting Clerk should write to SKDC requesting enforcement action be taken without delay to remove the

development. Noting reports from the public that SKDC appeared disinclined to act, the Acting Clerk was

asked to endeavour to obtain clarification.

975 Finance.

a) The following bills for payment were approved:

Play Safety Ltd. £74.03 Annual Inspection

Conservatories & Windows Direct £734.38 2x Windows for Pavilion

Lincraft Building Services £88.13 Repairs to roundabout and re-stain woodwork

W Chessum £300.00 Groundsman‟s remuneration 2007/08, 2nd


J A Templeman £13.61 Print, stationery & postage expenses 18 Jul to

18 Nov

b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: September, October

c) Playing Field eastern boundary

After consideration of two alternative quotations, members agreed that Willow Tree Services be contracted

to top the row of conifers along the Playing Field eastern boundary by approximately a third and face up the

farmer‟s side, for the sum of £1,750.00 plus VAT.

d) Ash tree, Playing Field boundary adjacent to pavilion

After consideration of two alternative quotations, members agreed that Willow Tree Services be contracted

to fell the ash tree on the Playing Field boundary adjacent to the pavilion (timber to be left for firewood),

for the sum of £650.00 plus VAT.

e) Drainage of Pointon Playing Field pitches

Cllr Templeman presented a quotation by Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance to Verti-Drain the football

pitches for £200.00 plus VAT per pitch, a treatment claimed to improve drainage by spiking the ground.

After discussion, it was agreed to accept the quotation in respect of the northern pitch only.

f) Groundsman‟s Remuneration

Agreed: As from 1 November 2008 the position of Groundsman (responsible for cutting the playing field

and marking the pitches) is to be remunerated in accordance with the National Joint Council for Local

Government Services Payscales at Spinal Column Point 8 on a part-time (hourly) basis.

g) Financial Statement 18 November 2008

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

h) Budget 2009/10 and Precept 2009/10

Cllr Templeman had circulated a draft budget topping up the various expenditure headings as appropriate,

based on his estimate that funds of £15,700 would be carried forward at 31 March 2009, which suggested

that the sum carried forward would be sufficient to meet next year‟s anticipated spending of around £6,500

even if with a nil precept. After discussion, Council approved the draft budget without amendment and

agreed to set the precept at £6,500.

976 Other Correspondence received

a) Lincolnshire Assembly: Big County Survey

b) Lincolnshire Police Authority: re Access to Scrutiny Online Survey

c) Standards Board: Town & Parish Standard, September 2008

d) Communities & Local Government: Consultation on making & enforcing byelaws

e) Lincolnshire Police: Notification of visit of Mobile Police Office, 6 November 9.30am – noon

f) SKDC: Summary of Accounts 2007/08

g) LCC: Notification of Minerals and Waste Core Strategy consultation (until 5 December)

h) SKDC: Re 3rd Town & Parishes Conference 26 November at Bourne Corn Exchange

i) Communities & Local Government: Codes of conduct – A consultation

j) SKDC Standards Committee: Agenda 7 Nov and various meeting Minutes

k) LCC: Re Planning Application Validation Checklist Consultation

l) Clerks & Councils Direct, November 2008

m) SKDC: Re Improving the energy efficiency of local homes

n) LCC: ePlanning Review with regard to consultation on planning applications

o) Rural Links Autumn/Winter 2008

977 Training

Agreed: Council to appoint an officer to attend the ENCAMS Introduction to Fixed Penalty Notices for

Litter, Graffiti, Flyposting and Dog Control Orders obligatory course for Parish Council „Authorised


Cllr Templeman advised that this is a one day course and that a course is due to be held in Derby on 22

January 2009 at £185+VAT. On completion of the course the attendees will be authorised to issue fixed

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 27 November 2008

Page 307

penalty notices lawfully, safely and appropriately. Cllr Gent had indicated a willingness to attend; members

agreed however that the Groundsman, Mr W Chessum, should first be offered the opportunity to attend.

978 Playing Field Boundary

Members considered the security of the Playing Field boundary adjacent to the Old Ship public house

following the Old Ship‟s application to the Camping and Caravanning Club to set up a “Certificated” small

campsite; it was agreed that the fence needed to be repaired prior to the opening of the campsite (the

boundary fence remains in an insecure condition since the Council‟s cessation of repair work following the

Old Ship‟s claim to ownership of the fence). Although welcoming the Old Ship‟s initiative in seeking to

establish the campsite, members nevertheless agreed that the Acting Clerk should write asking the

Camping and Caravanning Club to refrain from granting certification without an assurance that the Council

can repair the boundary fence without obstruction.

979 Pointon Village Hall

Agreed: The Council fully endorse the application by Pointon Village Hall Management Committee for

grant aid to support the opening of the Pointon Community Club project.

980 Matters for discussion only

a) Proposed Dirt Track

Cllr Hennessy reported that he is seeking to obtain a price from the Crown Estate for purchase of land

adjacent to the Playing Field away from residential properties. It is not yet clear how much land is required.

In discussion, it was felt that as a well-designed Dirt Track would be likely to attract youngsters from

neighbouring parishes there should be financial contributions from those parishes. Cllr Paterson indicated

that to date two youngsters within this parish had expressed an interest in the project and were willing to

participate in its design.

981 Date of next Meetings

a) Parish Council Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 22 January 2009 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 8.43pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 22 January 2009

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22 January 2009 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 22 January 2009 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs. C Paterson (Mrs) (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, R

Greenwood, R Ledner.

In Attendance: C Cllr M Hill OBE, Members of the Press 0, Members of the Public 6.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting at 7.30pm.

982 Resignation of Chairman

a) The Chairman Cllr Paterson presented her written resignation from the Council.

b) Election of Chairman

In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Ledner was elected Chairman of the Council, proposed by J

Templeman, seconded by C Lambert. Cllr Ledner signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Cllr Ledner chaired the remainder of the meeting.

On behalf of the Council, Cllr Ledner thanked Mrs Paterson for her contribution as a member over a

number of years and more recently as the Chairman. Mrs Paterson then left the meeting.

c) Election of Vice-Chairman

In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Hennessy was elected Vice-Chairman of the Council,

proposed by R Ledner, seconded by J Templeman.

It was agreed to adjourn the meeting for ten minutes for Questions from the Public.

Questions from the Public

d) Roads and verges

It was reported that the roadway to Sempringham Church is in poor condition, and that the verges alongside

23-27 West Road would require restoration on completion of the current works to the roofs of properties.

e) Pointon Village Hall

The Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee gave a report on progress on the extensive

improvement plans for the Hall and on the intention to open a Community Club at the Hall, expected to be

around Easter. Cllr Ledner expressed the appreciation of the Council for the efforts of the Village Hall

Management Committee to improve and make available this valuable asset to the community.

f) Windfarm proposals

The Chairman of the Action Group against Sempringham Turbines informed members that Scottish Power

had delivered their planning application for the Neslam windfarm to SKDC on 24 December, but this was

found to be invalid due to the inclusion of indicative plans and approximate dimensions and returned to

them for resubmission. She also reported that E-ON in partnership with The Crown Estate are consulting

SKDC regarding a 17 turbine windfarm alongside the eastern borders of Billingborough and Horbling; she

has also received evidence of unacceptable noise and shadow flicker problems affecting neighbours of the

operational Bicker windfarm.

There being no further questions, the Chairman resumed the meeting at 7.45pm.

983 Apologies for Absence

Cllr W Gent, for reasons accepted by members present; D Cllr A Webster.

984 Declarations of Interest from Members

None received.

985 Meeting Held 27 November 2008

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 27 November 2008, having been previously distributed, were

approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

986 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) Police

Cllr Templeman reported that the Mobile Police Office will be outside Pointon Village Hall on 29 January

from 9.30am to noon.

b) County

C Cllr Hill reported that Lincolnshire Highways will be undertaking essential works to Kingston‟s Bridge

(on the B1397 at the South Forty Foot Drain) at a cost of around £400,000 scheduled to begin in February

and expected to last 17 weeks. Every effort will be taken to reduce inconvenience to a minimum, however

traffic will be reduced to single lane with traffic lights whilst on occasions totalling around ten days the

route will need to be closed completely.

Local Authorities are in the process of determining their 2009/10 precept requirements; after taking note of

the current financial conditions Lincolnshire County Council is anticipating an increase of around 2½% in

its precept whilst indications are that Lincolnshire Police are considering 5% and South Kesteven District

Council 3%.

c) Parish

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Cllr Templeman reported that Highways have agreed to conduct a traffic speed survey on High Street,

Pointon early this year and we will receive the results.

Following Cllr Paterson‟s resignation, the prescribed notice of a vacancy on the Council will be posted on

the noticeboard and in the newsletter.

d) Playing Field

Cllr Templeman reported that following the felling of the ash tree on the Playing Field boundary (minute

975d) there is a quantity of firewood available for parishioners to take away.

987 Planning

a) S08/1159 4 Pinfold Lane, Pointon. Change of use of agricultural land (paddock) to domestic garden,

received 5 November 2008.

Received: SKDC refusal of 3 December 2008.

b) S08/1279 Neslam Farm, Sempringham Fen. Erection of 50m tall steel meteorological mast (extension of

planning permission for a further 2 years).

Agreed: that the Council objects to this application for the reasons stated in its letter to Development

Control, South Kesteven District Council dated 5 January 2009.

Cllr Templeman reported that the application is due to be debated by SKDC‟s Development Control

Committee on 27 January as it is considered to be locally controversial; members agreed that Cllr Ledner

speak to the Committee as the Council‟s representative if he is able to do so.

c) Consultation by Lincolnshire County Council: St Gilbert‟s C of E Primary School, West Road, Pointon.

Single storey extension to accommodate a secure entrance lobby, WC and storage cupboard (received via


As the application papers had not been received or circulated in time, consideration was deferred to the

next meeting.

d) Proposed Neslam Windfarm.

As notice of a valid application has not yet been received, consideration was deferred to the next meeting.

988 Finance

a) The following bills for payment were approved:

Willow Tree Services £2,056.25 Reduce conifers, Playing Field eastern


Viking Direct £75.67 20x reams yellow copier paper for newsletter

b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: November, December

c) The following requests for financial assistance were agreed:

Lincolnshire Playing Fields Association £50.00

Pointon Village Hall £1,000.00

The Village Hall Management Committee had written requesting the Council‟s support to replace the main

hall lighting system and had obtained quotations for the work. Members agreed that funds covering the

amount spent up to £1,000.00 will be paid to the Village Hall on presentation of invoices received in the

execution of the project.

d) Subscriptions

Members considered LALC‟s invitation to join their Annual Training Scheme 2009/10 for £45, but

declined. The scheme covers all the Council‟s attendees at LALC training courses without further charge,

however it was felt that payment on an ad-hoc basis would be more appropriate.

e) Financial Statement 14 January 2009

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

Cllr Templeman drew attention to the amended figure in the 2009/10 budget for income expected from

Bank Interest, the deposit account rate now being 0.1%pa.

f) Banking Mandate

Following Cllr Paterson‟s resignation, members agreed that Cllr Ledner be added to the list of Authorised

Signatories. Acting Clerk to obtain the appropriate form from Lloyds TSB.

989 Other Correspondence received

a) LCC Highways: Salting Routes and advice on winter driving

b) EMDA News, Autumn 2008

c) SKDC Planning: Notification of completion of Joint Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

d) LCC Fire & Rescue: Consultation on Year Six Action Plan

e) SKDC: Notification of Rural South Local Forum next meeting 20 January at Colsterworth VH

f) Information Commissioner: Requirement on Parish Councils to adopt new model publication scheme

g) SKDC Planning: Parish Council involvement in the emerging Local Development Framework

h) LCC: School Admissions Consultation

i) National Probation Service: Offer of presentation on the subject of crime and sentencing

j) LCC Children‟s Services: School Admissions Consultation

k) Communities: Consultation on Code of recommended practice on local authority publicity

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 22 January 2009

Page 310

l) SKDC: Rural South Local Forum Agenda 20 January & Minutes 26 June

m) Clerks & Councils Direct January 2009

n) Lincolnshire Police: Notification of visit of mobile police office 29 January 9.30am – 12noon

o) Lincolnshire Police: Information Leaflet from new chief constable

p) Lincolnshire Playing Fields Association: Letter announcing a grant scheme

990 Freedom of Information Act 2000

Agreed: that the Council adopts such Model Publication Scheme as the Information Commissioner may for

the time being impose and that charges for information provided through the scheme shall be in accordance

with the Information Commissioner‟s guidance.

991 Matters for discussion only

a) Proposed Dirt Track

Cllr Hennessy reported that Cater Jonas is awaiting a response from The Crown Estate regarding a price for

the land purchase (minute 980a).

992 Date of next Meeting

a) Parish Council Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 26 March 2009 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 8.25pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 3 March 2009

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3 March 2009 Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 3 March 2009 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs. R Ledner (Chairman), S. Hennessy, J. Templeman (Acting Clerk), C. Lambert, R.

Greenwood, W. Gent.

In Attendance: C Cllr M Hill OBE, D Cllr A Webster (Mrs), Members of the Public 2.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting at 7.30pm.

993 Apologies for absence


994 Declarations of Interest

None received.

995 Planning

a) S09/0296 Neslam Farm, Sempringham Fen. Erection of 6 no wind turbines and ancillary development.

Collected from SKDC 9 February, the Council‟s representation to be received no later than 6 March.

Council received the above planning application and, having studied it with the accompanying

documentation including the Environmental Statement, it was proposed by Cllr Ledner, seconded by Cllr

Templeman, and agreed unanimously that the Council make representations to the Planning Authority,

South Kesteven District Council, objecting strongly to the planning application.

Cllr Templeman, as Acting Clerk, presented a draft letter for consideration expressing some of the concerns

and reasons for objection as expressed by members following study of the applicant‟s submission. After

discussion and hearing evidence from the Chairman of the Action Group Against Sempringham Turbines,

members felt that on account of the complexity of the submission and of the magnitude of the impact upon

the Council‟s area of the proposals contained therein, the Council‟s own arguments required the support of

more rigorous and professional substantiation than its lay members could provide alone. Accordingly it was

proposed by Cllr Ledner, seconded by Cllr Gent, and agreed unanimously that the Council engage, for the

benefit of the community, Hilary Ludlow BSc, MSc, CBiol, MIEMM, MLI, CEnv, principle of Landscape

Science Consultancy Ltd., to assess and report on the landscape aspects of the proposal. Cllr Templeman

advised that the fee due to Landscape Science Consultancy Ltd. would be £1,500.00.

Members then considered the content of the draft letter prepared by the Acting Clerk. After discussion

resulting in some modification, it was agreed unanimously to adopt the letter as the Council‟s response to

the planning application.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their

attendance and declared the meeting closed at 7.50pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 26 March 2009

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26 March 2009 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 26 March 2009 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs. R Ledner (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, R Greenwood,

W Gent.

In Attendance: D Cllr A Webster, Mrs C Green, Mr J Sharples, Mr M Wren, Members of the Press 0, Other

Members of the Public 0.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and invited questions from the public at 7.30pm.

Questions from the Public

Mrs C Green, the Chairman of Pointon Village Hall Management Committee, reported that the Pointon

Community Club would be opening at the Village Hall during August, and gave an overview of the various

facilities that would be available. Cllr Ledner expressed the appreciation of the Council for the initiative of

the Hall Committee in setting up the Club.

There being no further questions, the Chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm.

996 Apologies for Absence


997 Resignation of Cllr C Paterson

No election having been claimed following the resignation of Cllr Paterson, the acting clerk advised that the

following three persons had indicated their willingness to fulfil the duties of the office of Member:

Mrs Christine Green of St Gilbert‟s Close, Pointon;

Mr James Sharples of Pointon Fen;

Mr Martyn Wren of Pointon Fen.

A ballot was held and it was agreed that Mrs Christine Green of 15 St Gilbert‟s Close, Pointon be co-opted

as a member of the Council. Mrs Green signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and the Chairman

welcomed Cllr Green onto the Council. Acting clerk to confirm with SKDC Monitoring Officer upon receipt

of Cllr Green’s completed Register of Member’s Interests.

998 Declarations of Interest

None received.

999 Minutes of meetings

a) Meeting held 22 January 2009

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 22 January 2009, having been previously distributed, were approved

by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

b) Extraordinary Meeting held 3 March 2009

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Extraordinary Meeting held 3 March 2009, having been previously distributed,

were approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1000 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) Parish

Cllr Templeman reported that the public callbox had been repaired by BT following vandalism in January

when all the glass was broken. Cllr Ledner reported that a witness had seen the culprit drive up in a vehicle,

and that callboxes in Billingborough and Dowsby had also received the same treatment.

Cllr Green reported that Scottish Power, the Neslam windfarm developer, had enquired regarding a booking

of the Village Hall in late May or early June.

b) Playing Field

Cllr Greenwood reported that football had suffered from the waterlogging of the field during January and

February. Some dyke clearance had been undertaken to attempt to alleviate the situation. The boundary

fence alongside the Old Ship Inn has been repaired, potholes in the access road and car park have been

patched as a temporary measure and the damaged fence by the felled ash tree is being restored and a gate


1001 Planning

a) S08/1279 Neslam Farm, Sempringham Fen. Erection of 50m tall steel meteorological mast (extension of

planning permission for a further 2 years).

Received: SKDC conditional approval. Members noted that a condition is that the mast be removed once

the necessary data [for inclusion in an Environmental Statement] has been collected. As that Environmental

Statement forms part of planning application S09/0296 (see minute 995a), it was agreed that SKDC be

asked to take enforcement action to remove the mast.

b) S09/0104 St Gilbert‟s of Sempringham School, West Road, Pointon. Single storey extension to form lobby,

wc and storage.

Received: LCC conditional approval.

c) S09/0296 Neslam Farm, Sempringham Fen. Erection of 6 no wind turbines and ancillary development.

It was agreed that the Council should sent a representative to speak at the SKDC Development Control

Committee meeting which will determine this application. The date of the meeting is not yet known. Cllr

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Gent offered to act as representative. It was also agreed that the Council‟s thanks should be conveyed to

AGAST (Action Group Against Sempringham Turbines) for their efforts both in informing residents of the

implications of the application if approved and in presenting to SKDC very coherent arguments to protect

the local environment and the well-being of the area‟s residents and visitors.

d) S09/0239 Land at Billingborough Fen, Sleaford. Erection of 50m tubular steel anemometry mast with

guyed supports (24 months).

This application relates to land in the parish of Billingborough. It was agreed that the Council make

representations to SKDC objecting to the planning application for the same reasons as given in the case of

S06/0487 (see minute 793a as updated by 987b).

1002 Finance

a) The following bills for payment were approved:

Willow Tree Services £747.50 Fell & cut up ash tree on Playing Field boundary

Lincolnshire Playing Fields Assoc. £50.00 Donation per Minute 988c

W Chessum £300.00 Groundsman‟s remuneration 1 Nov 08 to 31 Jan 09

Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance £349.03 45 litres line marking paint & vertidrain 2x half football


Chandlers Oil & Gas £104.03 200 litres Diesel for tractor

J A Templeman £15.46 Print, stationery, postage expenses 28Nov08 – 17Mar09

D Hardy £330.73 Dyke cleaning

b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: January, February

c) Campaign to Protect Rural England

Council agreed to pay the fee of £25 to affiliate to the Lincolnshire branch of CPRE for 2009/10 and noted

that this included a free entry to the Best Kept Village Competition.

d) Review of Playing Field finances

Cllr Templeman had circulated a report detailing income and expenditure relating to the playing field

during the current year 2008/09 and highlighting areas where further maintenance could be considered:

dyke clearance; verti-draining; line marking; boundary fencing; access road and car park surface; signage.

Agreed: An account to be submitted to the Council by the organising committee following any Car Boot

Sale held on the playing field and the fee for hire of the field to be 10% of the profit.

A quotation from RoSPA of £395 or £450 for a professional Sports Pitches Performance Quality

Assessment of the field was declined following Cllr Lambert‟s suggestion that a visual inspection would


Consideration of other fees for field use was deferred, following a suggestion by Cllr Gent that a fee per

match might be fairer than per season.

e) Financial Statement 18 March 2009

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

f) Audit of Accounts Year Ending 31 March 2009

Council agreed to appoint Melanie Rouse as our Internal Auditor and agreed that the Honorarium be


1003 Other correspondence received

a) SKDC Planning: Core Strategy Submission document consultation

b) SKDC: Standards training for Parish Councils

c) NHS Lincolnshire Research newsletter

d) Community Lincs: Bumper information pack incl. training events

e) Calor Lincolnshire Village of the Year Competition 2009 entry form (closing date 5 May)

f) SKDC Street Scene Services: Dog Control Order consultation

g) Clerks & Council Direct, March 2009

h) Letter from parishioner regarding damaged Sempringham road sign

i) LALC News, February 2009 with training information

1004 Dates of next Meetings

a) Annual Parish Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 28 May 2009 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm, agenda as last year.

b) Annual Parish Council Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 28 May 2009 at Pointon Sports and Social Club immediately following the Annual

Parish Meeting.

c) Subsequent Meetings schedule

Agreed: Every 4th Thursday of odd-numbered months, unless otherwise agreed by the Council.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 8.56pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Annual Parish Meeting held 28 May 2009

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28 May 2009 (APM) Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held Thursday 28 May 2009 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs R Ledner (Chairman), J Templeman (Acting Clerk), S Hennessy, C Lambert, W Gent, C

Green (Mrs), Mr J Sharples, Mrs G O’Shea

In attendance: Cllr R Greenwood, C Cllr M Hill, Members of the Press 0, Other Members of the Public 0.

The Chairman Cllr R Ledner welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting at 7.30pm.

1005 Apologies for Absence

None received

1006 Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held 22 May 2008

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Parish Meeting held 22 May 2008, having been previously distributed, were

approved by the meeting and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1007 Annual Report of the Chairman of the Parish Council – Cllr R Ledner.

Cllr Ledner began by thanking all parish councillors for their valuable contributions, with a special thanks

to Cllr Templeman for his tireless work as acting clerk which he does voluntarily. He also thanked District

Councillor Andrea Webster for her help throughout the year, and welcomed Cllr Christine Green who

replaces Cllr Celia Paterson who worked tirelessly for the parish and chaired council meetings.

Cllr Ledner said the proposed Neslam windfarm continues to be a source of concern and the Council‟s

efforts have contributed to the campaign not to allow this development. The Council has worked closely

with the Action Group Against Sempringham Turbines to oppose this unwanted development which is the

greatest threat to village life that even life-time residents can recall.

1008 Presentations by Representatives of Parochial Organisations

a) Chairman of Pointon Village Hall – Cllr Mrs C Green

Cllr Green reported that around 260 people use the Hall each week. In the last financial year income

exceeded expenditure by £500 and the Hall has recently secured two further grants which will enable the

flat roof at the entrance to be replaced. The committee‟s links with funding organisations can assist groups

wishing to start new activities, with funding “pots” of up to £50,000 available.

b) Vice-Chairman of Pointon Sports and Social Club – Cllr W Gent

Cllr Gent reported a good year for the Club with membership up and the football clubs achieving the

Football Association‟s Charter Standard status. Efforts are continuing on the provision of the new Changing

Facility, with the business plan approximately 75% complete; it is estimated about £100,000 needs to be

raised locally.

c) Proprietor of The Old Ship Inn – Mrs G O‟Shea

Mrs O‟Shea reported that the Inn intends to continue its support for raising funds for local groups and

would like to be involved in community activities.

1009 Parish Council’s Financial Statement for the Year Ending 31 March 2009 – Cllr J Templeman

There were no questions concerning the statement, which showed a decrease of £1,157.15 in the council‟s

funds over the year to £14,093.94 at 31 March 2009.

1010 Forum on the Parish Council’s performance and future directions for the Parish

Mr Sharples commented on the recent parking on Fen Road, Pointon of a considerable number of Highways

vehicles causing some difficulty to other road users. Cllr Green apologised for any inconvenience and said

the vehicles were parked for around 45 minutes whilst highways staff received instruction at the Village

Hall; these meetings occurred at the Hall at approximately two-year intervals. The meeting felt it would be

helpful to suggest that highways use the playing field car park on future occasions.

Mrs O‟Shea expressed concern that the conifers on the Playing Field boundary bordering her property had

regained their original height which she estimated as 40ft. Cllr Hennessy recollected that the conifers had

been reduced to 15ft in 2006. Cllr Gent suggested that an estimate to reduce the conifers again could be


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.00pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 28 May 2009

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28 May 2009 Minutes of Annual Meeting held on Thursday 28 May 2009 at Pointon Social Club following the Annual

Parish Meeting.

Present: Cllrs. R Ledner (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, W Gent, R

Greenwood, C Green (Mrs).

In Attendance: C Cllr M Hill, Members of the Press 0, Members of the Public 2.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting at 8.00pm.

1011 Annual Appointments

a) Election of Chairman

In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Ledner was re-elected as Chairman, proposed by Cllr Gent,

seconded by Cllr Green.

Cllr Ledner signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

b) Election of Vice-Chairman In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Hennessy was re-elected as Vice-Chairman, proposed by Cllr

Gent, seconded by Cllr Green.

c) Appointment of Officers and Committees In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Templeman was re-appointed as Acting Clerk and Responsible

Financial Officer.

It was agreed that the Cllr Green be appointed to the Funding Committee with membership of the Funding

Committee and the Playing Field/Events Committees otherwise unchanged.

1012 Apologies for absence


1013 Declarations of interest


1014 Meeting held 26 March 2009

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 26 March 2009 having been previously distributed, were approved

by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1015 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) County

C Cllr Hill reported that he understood a decision by SKDC on the proposed Neslam windfarm was

unlikely before August/September 2009 as the developer had been asked to carry out additional work on the

impact of the proposal on the Sempringham and Billingborough churches. He commented that Lincolnshire

had already nearly met the entire eastern region‟s wind turbine target single-handed and felt that the County

Council, subject to the outcome of the forthcoming elections, would be likely to resist further turbine


Cllr Ledner queried if more could be done regarding vehicles speeding on High Street, Pointon. After

discussion, C Cllr Hill indicated he would add Pointon to the list for consideration for an interactive sign.

b) Parish

Cllr Green reported that the Neslam windfarm developer, Scottish Power, had booked the Village Hall for

22 October 2009.

1016 Planning

a) S09/0296 Neslam Farm, Sempringham Fen. Erection of 6 no wind turbines and ancillary development.

As reported at 1015a, there is no date yet for the committee meeting to determine this application.

b) Pointon Playing Field: proposed Changing Facilities and alterations to existing Clubhouse

Cllr Templeman, on behalf of the Funding Committee, reminded members that planning permission had

been obtained in 2006 for new Changing Facilities, but the design did not fully comply with the Football

Foundation‟s requirements for funding. He presented an amended architect‟s drawing which the Committee

understood to comply with those requirements. The incorporation of en-suite toilets into each changing

room increased the floor space by 29% to 240.25m2.

It was proposed by Cllr Greenwood and agreed by the Council that the Funding Committee be authorised

to submit a planning application for the proposed Changing Facility as amended by the architect.

1017 Finance

a) Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2009

The Council approved the Statement of Accounts prepared by Cllr Templeman, received the report of the

Internal Auditor, which raised no matters of concern, executed a review of the effectiveness of the internal

audit, expressing full satisfaction with both its adequacy and effectiveness, and executed the Annual

Governance Statement wholly in the affirmative. Cllr Templeman to forward the Annual Return to the

External Auditor.

b) Insurance Cover from 1 June 2009

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Cllr Templeman reminded members that this would be the second year of our three-year binding agreement

with Came & Co. Members agreed that no changes were required to the cover provided by the renewal

premium, which automatically increased property sums assured by 5% and included a no-claims discount of

5%, resulting in a slightly reduced overall premium.

c) The following bills for payment were approved:

LALC £138.00 Annual Subscription 2009/10

D Hardy £364.50 54hrs @ £6.75/hr Fence Repairs, Clearance etc.

Fine Mesh Metals Ltd. £221.26 25m Weldmesh & Delivery

Mesh Direct £24.55 6kg Line Wire & Delivery

Landscape Science Consultancy £1,725.00 Landscape survey and report per minute 995a

Pointon Village Hall £1,000.00 Donation per minute 988c

Came & Company £1,414.21 Insurance premium 1 June 2009 to 31 May 2010

M Rouse £45.00 Honorarium re Internal Audit 2008/09

W Chessum £300.00 Groundsman‟s remuneration 1 Feb 09 to 30 Apr 09

d) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: March, April

e) Children‟s Play Equipment refurbishment

Cllr Templeman had obtained two quotations to refurbish the play equipment. As the quotations were not

like-for-like a decision was deferred.

f) Children‟s Play Safety Surfaces

Cllr Templeman had obtained an estimate of £219.00 to clean the safety surfaces using Micro-ban Cleaner,

which would be left for three days then jet-washed. This was accepted by the Council, subject to an

assurance from the contractor regarding the safety of the cleaner.

g) Playing Field Access Road and Car Park

Repair quotations ranging from £967 to £11,191 had been obtained. As the numerous potholes had since

been filled with loose material at no cost, and in view of the possibility of heavy construction traffic during

construction of the proposed changing facility, it was agreed to continue with the no-cost option for now.

h) Playing Field finances

Following last meeting‟s deferment (minute 1002d), a report by Cllr Gent on field finances had been

circulated with the agenda. The purpose of the report was to assist the Council in determining the extent to

which the Council‟s expenses should be met by the users of the field to the relief of the precept, bearing in

mind the higher standards now expected by users. After discussion, the following fees for the season

2009/10 were agreed by all members except Cllrs Ledner and Lambert who abstained:

Pointon Football Club (includes all senior teams) £350.00

Pointon Junior Football Club (includes all junior teams) £160.00

Cup Matches (per match) £15.00

It was felt it might be helpful to suggest that the Clubs pay by instalments rather than in one lump sum.

i) Financial Statement 19 May 2009

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

1018 Other correspondence received

a) Carter Jonas: letter expressing view that potential land purchase is unsuitable for a BMX track.

b) Letter from a parishioner regarding Sempringham road sign

c) Letter from a neighbour regarding Playing Field boundary

d) SKDC Planning Policy: Invitation to feed local knowledge & concerns into LDF SSA&PDPP

e) ICO: “Tick tock” DVD featuring the Freedom of Information Act 2000

f) Equality & Human Rights Commission: re likely timing for a single 7-strand public equality duty

g) Rural Links Spring/Summer 2009

h) SKDC Standards Committee: Agenda 15 May, Minutes 6 March

i) SKDC Democracy Services: Reports re Standards Board Annual Return & Investigation Process

1019 Parish Council Membership

A proposal by Cllr Ledner that the Council ask South Kesteven District Council to increase the number of

members of this Council to nine was defeated, Cllrs Ledner, Lambert and Green being in favour but the

remaining four against.

Cllr Ledner felt that with four strong applicants for the recent casual vacancy it was regrettable that only

one could be elected. Cllr Hennessy, the longest serving member, commented that it had generally been a

struggle to maintain the current membership of seven, with no contested elections in recent memory. Cllr

Templeman commented that it was not necessary to be a councillor to contribute to the community, the

function of the Council was to represent the people and the District Council would therefore, as required by

legislation, have regard to the number of electors and any change likely to that number in the next five

years. To avoid membership going up and down according to interest or whim, the District Council could

be expected to use a formula to determine membership. One such (published by North Norfolk DC)

allocates 7 councillors where there are 201-800 electors. Our electorate is currently 418.

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1020 Matters for discussion only

a) Children‟s Play Area, Pointon Playing Field

Cllr Green advised that she has applied for a £20,000 grant for new play equipment, which would include a

fenced enclosure.

1021 Date of next Meetings

Agreed: Thursday 23 July 2009 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 9.52pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 23 July 2009

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23 July 2009 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 23 July 2009 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs. R Ledner (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, R Greenwood.

In Attendance: Members of the Public 0.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and, in the absence of any questions from the public, opened the

meeting at 7.30pm.

1022 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Mrs C Green, for reasons accepted by members present. Cllr W Gent, for reasons accepted by members


1023 Declarations of Interest

None received.

1024 Minutes of meeting held 28 May 2009

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Annual Meeting held 28 May 2009, having been previously distributed, were

approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1025 Reports from Councillors

a) Police

Cllr Templeman reported he had received a courtesy visit from PC Doe, who mentioned that the police are

seeking persons from the community to join their Neighbourhood Panel. The panel helps to set local police


b) County

Cllr Ledner reported he had been advised by the police, when he enquired at the mobile police office during

its recent visit, that the 30mph limit could not be enforced in the village due to the obscuring of one of the

southern signs by overgrown hedging. At his request, Highways have since inspected the sign and given an

assurance that the landowner will be asked to remedy the matter.

c) Playing Field

Cllr Templeman reported that RoSPA have confirmed that their annual play area safety inspection will take

place in August. The contractor expected to be available to clean the safety surfaces imminently, and would

also be able to undertake the refurbishment of the play equipment. Members present felt that both tasks

needed to be attended to as soon as possible and that the contractor should therefore be asked to undertake

both the refurbishment and the cleaning.

1026 Planning

a) S09/0296 Neslam Farm, Sempringham Fen. Erection of 6 no wind turbines and ancillary development.

Received 9 February 2009. “Additional information” received 22 July 2009.

Cllr Templeman tabled the voluminous “additional information” from the applicant and advised that any

representations upon it by Council should be received at SKDC by 10 August 2009. It was agreed that a

working party would prepare such representations for approval by Council.

b) S09/1291 Poplar Farm, Pointon Fen. Conversion of barn to holiday let accommodation. Received 4 June


Agreed: no representations by council.

Cllr Templeman advised that, although the documentation for this application had been sent to the council,

he understood that more information was required from the applicant before the SKDC planning department

would formally lodge the application as received.

1027 Finance

a) The following bills for payment were approved:

Gary Walton Tyres £156.91 Callout to tractor, repair puncture, fit new battery

W R Chapman & Son £92.00 Spray Pointon Playing Field

Printerbase Ltd. £134.61 Imaging Unit for newsletter printer

J A Templeman £17.56 Print, Stationery & Postage expenses 27-Mar:14-Jul

b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: May, June

c) Financial Statement 14 July 2009

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

d) Annual Review of Risk Assessment

Council reviewed its Risk Policy Statement and Risk Management Arrangements as tabulated in its

Financial Regulations adopted 22 September 2005 (Minute 755a) and agreed that no amendments were

required thereto.

1028 Other correspondence received

a) Lincs CPRE: Newsletter Spring 2009

b) Lincs Wildlife Trust: Letter re Life on the Verge wild flowers survey project

c) Lincs Police: Visit of police mobile office 16 July 9.30am to 12 noon

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d) LCC: Consultation on the proposed St George‟s Academy, Sleaford

e) EMDA News, Spring 2009

f) LCC Trading Standards: re SCAM talks

g) SKDC Standards Committee: Agenda 12 July, Minutes 15 May

h) SKDC Rural South Local Forum: Agenda 9 July (Castle Bytham VH)

i) LCC: Trees for Lincolnshire Communities (formerly Free Trees for Parishes)

1029 Matters for discussion only

a) Football Goalposts

Cllr Greenwood reported that one of the top bars of the senior goalpost has badly deteriorated. This was

immediately evident to members upon inspection. As investigations had indicated that replacement cost

would be in the region of £600, there was some discussion on whether a replacement might be fabricated

locally. Cllr Ledner offered to make enquiries.

b) Clubhouse

Cllr Ledner suggested that quotations should be obtained for the rewiring of the Clubhouse. The suggestion

met with general agreement.

1030 Date of next Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 24 September 2009 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 8.32pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 24 September 2009

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24 September 2009 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 24 September 2009 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs. R Ledner (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, R Greenwood,

W Gent, C Green (Mrs).

In Attendance: C Cllr M Hill OBE, D Cllr A Webster, PC S Smith, PCSO D Doe, Other Members of the

Public 5.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and invited PC Smith to address the meeting at 7.30pm prior to

taking questions from the public.

Questions from the Public

a) Police

PC Smith gave an overview of the activities of the 1,200 police constables and 169 police community

support officers within Lincolnshire, involving around 500 to 600 requests for assistance daily, with special

reference to the neighbourhood policing team serving our area and which he manages from Bourne. The

target attendance time for a village like Pointon is 20 minutes. He provided contact information leaflets and

a quantity of fridge magnets showing the non-emergency contact number, and concluded with a tip that

thieves had been seen following oil tankers to help themselves from newly replenished domestic oil tanks.

b) Overgrown Hedges

A complaint was received regarding an overgrown hedge in West Road and one alongside the footpath

between Queensway and Pinfold Lane. D Cllr Webster offered to bring the latter to the attention of the

owners, SKDC.

There being no further questions, the Chairman opened the meeting at 7.59pm.

1031 Apologies for Absence


1032 Declarations of Interest

None received.

1033 Minutes of meeting held 23 July 2009

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 23 July 2009, having been previously distributed, were approved by

members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1034 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) County

C Cllr Hill drew attention to the public consultation now underway regarding the future of the Aveland

School, Billingborough. It is proposed that the school become one-third of an academy, but falling pupil

numbers are likely to result in the closure of the Aveland site in 2012.

In response to a query from Cllr Ledner, C Cllr Hill confirmed that Pointon is on the waiting list for

consideration as a candidate for interactive speed signs and offered to enquire whether a financial

contribution by the Parish Council might accelerate the process.

b) Playing Field

Cllr Greenwood reported that the RoSPA safety inspection was carried out in August, at a time when a 5-a-

side goal had been left out on the field contrary to the conditions notified to users. Members felt that the

goals should be disposed of if users continue to fail to observe the conditions, Cllr Gent suggesting that a

football wall would better meet users‟ requirements.

Cllr Templeman reported that the play equipment had been repainted; however the requirement to observe

COSHH regulations when applying Micro-ban cleaner (minute 1017f) has left the cleaning of the safety

surfaces outstanding as this is considered impracticable. The RoSPA report recommends pressure washing,

so an alternative contractor will be sought.

c) Village Hall

Cllr Green reported that dog mess remains a problem on the footpath alongside the Village Hall. Members

felt that, in view of the conspicuous presence of a bin for disposal, the training of an authorised enforcement

officer (minute 997) offered the most realistic prospect of dealing with the matter. Cllr Green offered to

undertake such training; Cllr Templeman to obtain course details.

1035 Planning.

a) S09/0296 Neslam Farm, Sempringham Fen. Erection of 6 no wind turbines (maximum height 125m from

base to tip), together with ancillary development including a control building and compound, on-site

cabling, on-site access tracks, temporary storage/construction compound, hard standing areas, permanent

meteorological mast, associated habitat enhancement and access from Neslam Road. Received 9 February


The chairman of the Action Group Against Sempringham Turbines had reported (prior to the meeting) that

the applicant withdrew the application on 16 September. It is understood that this followed objections by

the MOD due to the impact of the proposal upon radar facilities at RAF Cranwell and RAF Cottesmore.

Nevertheless, the applicant has indicated an intention to submit a new application for the same site in 2010.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 24 September 2009

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Members endorsed Cllr Ledner‟s thanks to the AGAST team for their efforts in bringing the community‟s

attention to the consequences of this proposed development.

b) S09/1291 Poplar Farm, Pointon Fen. Conversion of barn to holiday let accommodation. Received 4 June


Cllr Templeman reported that this application is now under consideration by SKDC, the requested

additional information now having been provided by the applicant (minute 1026b). A copy of the additional

information had been received by this Council today, but did not appear likely to impact on our decision not

to make any representations regarding the application.

c) S09/1930 34 High Street, Pointon. Erection of conservatory to rear of dwelling. Received 1 September


Agreed: no representations by Council.

d) S09/2143 (invalid submission by Parish Council) Playing Field, Pointon. Erection of changing facilities.

Cllr Templeman reported that this Council‟s application had not been accepted by SKDC due to

shortcomings in the information provided. Cllr Greenwood said that action was being taken to provide the

additional information requested.

1036 Finance

a) Annual Return 2008/09

Council received the External Auditor‟s certificate and opinion, which had no matters requiring attention.

b) The following bills for payment were approved:

Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance £119.03 45 ltr Line marking paint

South Kesteven District Council £670.00 Planning Application (Erection of Changing Facility)

Clement Keys Chartered Acc‟ts £155.25 External Audit fee, year ending 32 March 2009

W Chessum £300.00 Groundsman‟s remuneration 1 May 09 to 31 Jul 09

A Wicks £760.00 Prepare and recoat play equipment & gate

M Lingard £50.00 Repairs to roundabout (new slats and bolts)

c) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: July, August

Pointon Sunday Football Club £70.00 Field Fee, season 2008/09

Pointon Sports & Social Club £670.00 Donation (re New Changing Facility)

Smith‟s FC £25.00 Pitch Hire

HM Revenue & Customs £310.81 VAT repayment

d) Financial Statement 15 September 2009

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

e) Financial Year 2010/11

With next year‟s budget and precept due to be determined in November, Cllr Templeman asked members to

consider the Council‟s spending proposals in order that a draft budget might be presented at the next

meeting. Cllr Templeman drew attention to the external auditor‟s request for an explanation of why our

reserves exceed twice the precept, and to his own opinion that reserves are more than adequate to meet

anticipated expenditure. Some members appeared to favour maintaining the precept at £6,500 because

taxpayers are accustomed to it, with the money precepted to be spent rather than accumulated. As an

example, Cllr Gent suggested a concrete table tennis table for the playing field. Cllr Ledner advised that

quotations were being sought to rewire the Sports and Social Club pavilion. Cllr Lambert drew attention to

the costs incurred on tree and hedge maintenance. Cllr Ledner requested members with specific proposals to

put them to the acting clerk in good time and sufficient detail to enable a realistic draft budget to be

prepared for discussion at the next meeting.

1037 Other correspondence received

a) LCC: re Sustainable Development Guide

b) SKDC: Guide to Dispensations

c) E-on: Billingborough Fen wind farm update

d) Crown Estate: Building in partnership (glossy brochure)

e) CPRE: Acknowledgment of affiliation

f) SKDC: Invitation to 4th Town & Parish Conference 24 November 2009 at Grantham Guildhall

g) SKDC: Request for councillor contact details for Rural South Local Forum

h) SKDC Economic Development: Possible assistance for “last shop in the village”

i) SKDC Planning Policy: LDF Submission Core Strategy Development Plan Document

j) E-on: Notice of public exhibition re Billingborough Fen wind farm 23 & 24 September

k) Clerks & Councils Direct September 2009

l) Letter from Pointon Village Hall Committee re wind farm objection notices

Cllr Green reported that several notices had been affixed to the exterior of the Village Hall without the

consent of the Village Hall committee; the committee felt it should remain neutral on the matter. The

Council received assurances that the notices had been posted by an individual acting entirely on his own

behalf who now readily accepted that permission should have been sought.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 24 September 2009

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1038 Matters for discussion only

A query by Cllr Gent as to whether the Council would fund new showers for the Playing Field changing

rooms led to a discussion on the relationship between the Council as landlord and the Sports and Social

Club as tenants. Cllr Green suggested that the landlord should take responsibility for fixtures and fittings,

whilst others felt this would need to be reflected in the rent paid by the tenant and as such a Tenancy

Agreement would need to be drawn up. Cllr Greenwood said that the Club had already purchased the

showers and would be installing them in keeping with its policy of many years standing to contribute to the

well-being of the Playing Field, the care of its facilities and the raising of funds, to the relief of the precept.

In the absence of anyone drawing up a formal Tenancy Agreement, it was felt that this policy was likely to


1039 Date of next Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 26 November 2009 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 9.11pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 26 November 2009

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26 November 2009 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 26 November 2009 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, R Greenwood, C Green (Mrs).

In Attendance: Members of the Public 3.

In the absence of the Chairman the Vice-Chairman Cllr S Hennessy chaired the meeting and after

welcoming everyone invited questions from the public at 7.30pm.

Questions from the Public

a) Dog fowling

A request was made for the parish newsletter to carry regular reminders to dog owners to pick up after their


There being no further questions, the Vice-Chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm.

1040 Apologies for Absence

Cllr W Gent, for reasons accepted by members present; Cllr R Ledner.

1041 Declarations of Interest

None received.

1042 Minutes of meeting held 24 September 2009

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 24 September 2009, having been previously distributed, were

approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1043 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) Parish

Cllr Templeman reported that the Parish Noticeboard in the Old Ship Inn car park has been reinstated

following refurbishment by Mr Lingard,

b) Playing Field

Cllr Greenwood reported that the Playing Field is in good order. Cllr Templeman reported that the play

safety surfaces have been pressure washed and their appearance is much revived.

c) Village Hall

Cllr Green reported on progress with efforts to procure a bus shelter alongside the wall of the Hall. The bus

companies are willing to stop at the Hall, Highways are willing to mark out a pull-in and a parish-based

company has offered to donate the roof. Cllr Greenwood congratulated Cllr Green on the progress made.

1044 Planning.

a) S09/1291 Poplar Farm, Pointon Fen. Conversion of barn to holiday let accommodation. Received 4 June


Received: notification of withdrawal by applicant.

b) S09/1930 34 High Street, Pointon. Erection of conservatory to rear of dwelling. Received 1 September


Received: SKDC conditional approval of 5 October 2009.

c) S09/2143 (invalid submission by Parish Council) Playing Field, Pointon. Erection of changing facilities.

Received: notification of withdrawal by applicant. Cllr Greenwood explained that the project team has

agreed to revert to the previous design, for which planning permission has already been granted.

d) Letter from SKDC Lead Professional (Development Control) re Electronic Consultation

Agreed: The acting clerk to write to Development Control requesting that we continue to receive

notification in writing of planning applications in our area in accordance with Schedule 1 paragraph 8 of the

Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

1045 Finance, Year to 31 March 2010

a) The following bills for payment were approved:

Playsafety Ltd £75.90 Annual safety inspection

Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance £158.70 60 litres Line marking paint

W Chessum £300.00 Groundsman‟s remuneration 1 Aug 09 to 31 Oct 09

Pointon Sports & Social Club £670.00 Refund of donation (New changing facility)

J A Templeman £16.16 Print, Stationery & Postage expenses 29-Jul:17-Nov

b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: September, October.

Pointon Sports & Social Club £34.12 Field Fee, Car Boot Sale 31 August

SKDC £670.00 Planning refund (S09/2143 invalid)

c) The following quotation was accepted:

Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance £300.00 Pressure wash and treat play safety surfaces.

d) The following request for financial assistance was agreed:

Lincolnshire Playing Fields Assoc. £50.00

e) Financial Statement 17 November 2009

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 26 November 2009

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1046 Finance, Year beginning 1 April 2010

In response to the Chairman‟s request at the previous meeting (minute 1036e) the council considered a

number of proposals involving expenditure during the year beginning 1 April 2010:

a) Additional outdoor seating

Cllr Gent had proposed the provision of seating near the play equipment to form a communal area, at an

estimated £270 per bench. Agreed: up to £1,200 to be allocated for this purpose. Cllr Green suggested

using maintenance-free wood-effect recycled plastic and also suggested consideration might be given to

additional areas of the parish.

b) Nature reserve

Cllr Gent had proposed creating a nature reserve on the neglected area of Playing Field between the

conifers and the garden of 20 High Street, in association with the Primary School or the Brownies. He had

estimated £500 start up costs, and had suggested a development plan would be need to be drawn up to

ensure the scheme was maintained. In Cllr Gent‟s absence it was not known when such plan might be

available; consequently consideration of the proposal was deferred.

c) Bird boxes

Cllr Gent had proposed encouraging wildlife by providing bird boxes including owl and bat boxes around

the Playing Field, for an estimated £200. The proposal was rejected as it did not appear to those present to

be within the ordinary business of a parish council.

d) Website

Following an inspection of local parish websites, Cllr Gent had withdrawn his proposal for an improved

web site with links to village hall, social club, football clubs, church, public house etc. for an estimated

£900 to start up. Therefore the proposal was not considered.

e) Summer Fete

Cllr Ledner, having been approached by many residents citing that the village lacks a “hub”, had proposed

using Council funding to hold a fete on the Playing Field in July/August. In Cllr Ledner‟s absence it was

not clear whether these residents had formed a committee to organise the fete. Members felt that it would

take some time to put together a successful event and until details were available it was not realistic for the

Council to consider the proposal. However, it was felt that any fete to be supported by the Council should

have the intent to raise funds for local groups.

f) Budget 2010/11 and Precept 2010/11

Cllr Templeman had circulated a draft budget topping up the various expenditure headings as appropriate,

based on his estimate that a cash reserve of about £15,000 would be carried forward at 31 March 2010.

After discussion and taking into account the decisions on the above proposals (a) to (e), Council approved

the draft budget without amendment and agreed to set the precept at £2,000.00.

1047 Other correspondence received

a) LCC Children‟s Services: Consultation re St George‟s Academy, Stamford

b) EMDA: EMDA news, Summer/Autumn 2009

c) Lincs Criminal; Justice Board: Invitation to Community Leader Event 19 October

d) SKDC Chief Executive: Invitation to send delegate to Parish Forum 29 Oct or 12 Nov

e) SKDC Planning Policy: Site Allocations suggested sites consultation

f) LCC Spatial Planning: Mineral & Waste Core Strategy revised issues & options consultation

g) SKDC Standards Committee: Agenda, 6 November

h) Clerks & Councils Direct, November 2009

i) SKDC: Invitation & tickets, 4th Town & Parish Council Conference 24 November

1048 Payphone Kiosk, High Street, Pointon

Agreed: The Council declines British Telecom‟s invitation to adopt the payphone kiosk on High Street,

Pointon and requests SKDC (as the relevant authority BT must consult) to object to any proposed removal

of the payphone equipment and to request reinstatement of the cash payment facility.

Cllr Templeman explained that BT‟s charge to adopt the kiosk is £1.00; however BT would require the

Council to take over the electricity contract etc., to agree to the removal of the telephony equipment, to

agree not to uphold BT‟s obligation as the Universal Service Provider to provide a public payphone at this

site and to undertake not to install alternative telephony equipment. BT had removed the cash payment

facility in July 2009 without consultation, as now permitted in 30% of public payphones nationwide.

1049 Matters for discussion only

a) Proposed Bus Shelter at Village Hall.

Cllr Green invited any members of the Council available to do so to join her in any site discussions with

Highways etc. in connection with the proposed shelter.

1050 Date of next Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 28 January 2010 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Vice-Chairman thanked everyone for their

attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.13pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 28 January 2010

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28 January 2010 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 26 November 2009 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs R Ledner (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Green (Mrs).

In Attendance: D Cllr A Webster (Mrs), Members of the Public 1.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and invited questions from the public at 7.30pm.

Questions from the Public

a) Proposed Bus Shelter

In response to a query, the Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee, Cllr Green, reported that

over 30 letters of support have been received and local contractors have proposed a steel structure with

panel roof. The police, highways and bus companies are all agreeable to the scheme. Grant funding,

however, is proving problematic and it may be necessary to seek financial assistance from the Parish


There being no further questions, the Chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm.

1051 Apologies for Absence

Cllr W Gent, for reasons accepted by members present. Cllr R Greenwood, for reasons accepted by

members present. Cllr C Lambert, for reasons accepted by members present.

1052 Declarations of Interest from Members

None received.

1053 Minutes of meeting held 26 November 2009

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 26 November 2009, having been previously distributed, were

approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1054 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) Parish

Cllrs Ledner and Hennessy had both been approached by parishioners regarding the impact of the recent

inclement weather in the West Road area of Pointon. There was some discussion and it was felt it would be

useful to advise parishioners that the grit provided by Highways in the bin by the primary school could be

spread on the road and footway by any person willing to do so. It was felt unlikely that Highways would

consider hard surfacing the grass verges used as vehicle parking by residents due to the impact this would

have on the character of the area.

b) Playing Field

Cllr Templeman read out a letter from the Football Club drawing attention to water being held on the

playing field after rainfall. It was noted that some dyke cleaning work was undertaken last year at the

Council‟s expense and that the Council had declined a quotation for a professional Sports Pitch

Performance Quality Assessment (minute 1002d). It was felt it could be useful to enquire whether such an

assessment was still available.

Cllr Ledner reported parishioners‟ concerns regarding potholes on the Playing Field driveway and car park.

It was noted that last year the Council had declined quotations for remedial action (minute 1017g) on the

understanding that loose material was available which would be spread by volunteers as required, however

the situation had continued to deteriorate. It was felt it could be useful to obtain fresh quotations.

c) Village Hall

Cllr Green advised that, in addition to letters of support for the bus shelter, there has been generous support

offered by local contractors, the indicated project cost being £2,446 inclusive of VAT. Unfortunately grant

assistance appears unlikely (minute 1057j). Members felt that if all the relevant information is supplied to

the Council in good time, a decision on Council funding should be possible at the next meeting. Cllr

Templeman pointed out that if the project is undertaken by the Council under its powers to provide and

maintain shelters then the VAT could be reclaimed. He also suggested that funds could reasonably be

sourced from the Council‟s Youth Projects Fund founded at the Trafalgar Thanksgiving Service (minute

764d) and reminded members that the Council had allocated a further £1,000 to a bus shelter (minute 690h)

since absorbed into Contingencies.

1055 Planning.

a) S09/2710 Poplar Farm, Pointon Fen. Proposed barn conversion to holiday let accommodation. Received 21

December 2009.

Agreed: no representations by Council.

b) Department of Energy & Climate Change: Consultation on National Policy Statements for Energy


Agreed: the Council will endeavour to respond to this consultation by the 22 February 2010 deadline.

1056 Finance

a) The following bills for payment were approved:

M Lingard £50.00 Parish Notice Board: clean down & 3 coats of paint

Printerbase Ltd £138.31 Imaging Unit (Toner) for Newsletter Printer

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b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: November, December.

c) Subscriptions

Members declined LALC‟s invitation to join their Annual Training Scheme 2010/11 for £65. The scheme

covers all the Council‟s attendees at LALC training courses without further charge; however it was felt that

a pay-as-we-go basis would be more appropriate.

Cllrs Ledner and Green wish to attend the Councillor and Chairman Training Evening on Wednesday 17

March at 7.00pm at Kirkby Underwood Village Hall (acting clerk to confirm bookings).

d) Financial Statement 19 January 2010

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

1057 Other correspondence received

a) Letter from a resident regarding dog fowling

b) SKDC Democracy Services: Notification of Rural South Local Forum meeting 28 January 7.00pm

c) Lincs Playing Fields Assoc: Acknowledgment & thanks for donation

d) Lincs Fire & Rescue: Annual Action Plan 2010/11 Consultation

e) LALC News No 135, December 2009

f) EMDA News Winter 2009

g) Lincs Police Authority: Letter re Appointment of Independent Member

h) SKDC Standards Committee: Agenda 8 January 2010

i) Clerks & Councils Direct January 2010

j) LCC Accessibility Unit: Letter re public sector frugality with regard to bus shelter grants

k) Lincs Police: Chief Constable‟s 6-monthly update

l) EM Fire Rescue & Control: Information re Castle Donnington Control Centre under construction

1058 Date of next Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 25 March 2010 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 8.41pm.

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Pointon & Sempringham Parish Council Meeting held 25 March 2010

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25 March 2010 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 25 March 2010 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm

Present: S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), R Greenwood, C Lambert, C Green (Mrs).

In Attendance: Members of the Public 3.

In the absence of the Chairman the Vice-Chairman Cllr S Hennessy chaired the meeting and after

welcoming everyone invited questions from the public at 7.30pm.

Questions from the Public

a) Overhanging hedge

Concerns were expressed regarding a tall leylandii hedge on the southern approach to the village forcing tall

vehicles into the path of oncoming traffic. Cllr Green offered to make the concerns known to the


There being no further questions, the Vice-Chairman opened the meeting at 7.38pm.

1059 Apologies for Absence

Cllr W Gent, for reasons accepted by members present. Cllr R Ledner, for reasons accepted by members


1060 Declarations of Interest from Members

None received.

1061 Minutes of meeting held 28 January 2010

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 28 January 2010, having been previously distributed, were approved

by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1062 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) Parish

Cllr Green reported that cars parking on West Road alongside the pavement at school drop-off and pick-up

times were forcing passing traffic onto the verges where large vehicles could loose traction on the mud, thus

creating a hazard.

b) Playing Field

Cllr Greenwood reported that there appeared to be a drainage problem, which it had been suggested could

be addressed by clearance of the surrounding dyke.

1063 Planning.

a) S09/2710 Poplar Farm, Pointon Fen. Proposed barn conversion to holiday let accommodation. Received 21

December 2009.

Received: SKDC conditional approval of 8 February 2010.

1064 Finance

a) The following bills for payment were approved:

W Chessum £300.00 Groundsman‟s Remuneration, 1 Nov 09 to 31 Jan 10

Lincolnshire Assoc of Local Councils £144.53 Annual Subscription 2010/11

J A Templeman £13.46 Print, stationery & postage expenses Nov 09 – Mar 10

Community Lincs £25.00 Playground Inspection Training 9 June (Cllr


b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: January, February.

c) Campaign to Protect Rural England

Council agreed to pay the fee of £25 to affiliate to the Lincolnshire branch of CPRE for 2010/11 and noted

that this included a free entry to the Best Kept Village Competition.

d) Pot Holes in Playing Field roadway and car park

The Council considered quotations in the range £1,470 to £6,620 to repair a number of pot holes. After

discussion, and noting advice offered by the public present and the stresses likely from heavy delivery

vehicles should building work occur, it was agreed to authorise volunteers to clear out the holes to receive

concrete and to render the concrete surface flush and level. Expenditure of up to £600.00 on materials,

delivery and equipment hire by the Council in connection with this project was approved. Cllr Greenwood

offered to make the arrangements.

e) Proposed Shelter at Pointon Village Hall

Cllr Green, representing the Village Hall Management Committee, presented for inspection representations

from many members of the public expressing the need for a public shelter in the village of Pointon. These

representations from a wide range of individuals had encouraged the Committee to seek designs and

quotations for a shelter alongside the Hall. Four quotations (ranging from £2,236 to £6,600 excluding VAT)

were now put to the Council for consideration with a request for funding from the Council. Cllr Green also

presented for inspection the Village Hall deeds and constitution, and confirmed that the Village Hall

Committee will allow the public access into the shelter at all times for its intended use. The Village Hall

Committee will also provide seating and lighting as considered appropriate by the Committee.

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After discussion the Council agreed to place an order with GRP Canopies Ltd. to design, manufacture and

install a canopy approximately 5m by 4m of translucent glass reinforced polyester sheeting supported by

white powder coated structural grade aluminium posts with a white uPVC guttering system at a cost of

£3,138.00 excluding VAT.

Cllr Templeman advised that discussions with SKDC‟s duty planning officer had indicated that as village

halls have no permitted development rights planning consent is required. As GRP Canopies Ltd. would

undertake the work to submit an application for £200.00, this expenditure was also agreed together with the

planning fee to SKDC understood to be £85.00 after the 50% discount available to parish councils. GRP

Canopies Ltd. require a deposit of 17.5% with our order, returnable apart from the £200.00 should planning

consent be refused.

f) Dyke alongside Pointon Playing Field

Agreed: to accept the quotations of D Hatcher and Sons of £762.00 to clear out the dykes to south and west

of the field and rod pipes and £300.00 to clear away all excavated material, both excluding VAT.

Cllr Gent had sought quotations in the interests of alleviating perceived drainage problems on the field.

Although some members were unconvinced that there would be any significant impact on the field

drainage, especially as some clearance of the southern dyke was undertaken in 2009, it was evident that the

dykes remained badly in need of clearance of accumulated material. It was also felt that, following

completion of the clearance work, some action may be required to deter fly-tipping into the dykes.

g) Playing Field fees, season 2010/11

Agreed: The fee for Pointon Football Club to be unchanged at £350.00 for the season; the fee for Pointon

Junior Football club to be unchanged at £160.00 for the season; the fee for single pitch hire to be increased

to £25.00 per match.

h) Financial Statement 17 March 2010

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

i) Audit of Accounts Year Ending 31 March 2010

Council agreed to appoint Melanie Rouse as our Internal Auditor and agreed that the Honorarium be


1065 Other correspondence received

a) SKDC Planning Policy: Core Strategy Policy H3 (Affordable Housing) – proposed changes

b) SKDC Democracy services: Standards training 23 February & 16 March

c) LCC Highways: Letter re Grit Bin provision policy

d) Community Lincs: re Play Area Safety Training course, Washingborough, 9 June

Cllr Greenwood is booked to attend this course.

1066 Pointon Football Club – Goalpost Safety Grant application

Agreed: The acting clerk to write a letter confirming that Pointon Football Club has the agreement of this

Council, as the landowner, to use Pointon Playing Field.

Cllr Templeman explained that Pointon Football Club is seeking a goalpost safety grant from the Football

Foundation. The grant is conditional on provision of evidence of entitlement to use the field, which this

letter seeks to meet.

1067 Matters for discussion only

Cllr Greenwood reported that there had been instances of fowling by unaccompanied dogs on the Playing

Field. Cllr Templeman to encourage the groundsman to remedy the remaining defects in the boundary


1068 Dates of next Meetings

a) Annual Parish Meeting:

Agreed: Thursday 27 May 2010 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm, agenda as last year.

b) Annual Parish Council Meeting:

Agreed: Thursday 27 May 2010 at Pointon Sports and Social Club immediately following the Annual

Parish Meeting.

c) Subsequent Meetings schedule:

Agreed: Every 4th Thursday of odd-numbered months, unless otherwise agreed by the Council.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Vice-Chairman thanked everyone for their

attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

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27 May 2010 (APM) Clerk‟s Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held Thursday 27 May 2010 at Pointon Social Club at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs R Ledner (Chairman), J Templeman (Acting Clerk), S Hennessy, C Lambert, W Gent, C

Green (Mrs), other Parishioners 0.

In attendance: Cllr R Greenwood, other Members of the Public 0.

The Chairman Cllr R Ledner welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting at 7.30pm.

1069 Apologies for Absence

None received

1070 Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held 28 May 2009

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Parish Meeting held 28 May 2009, having been previously distributed, were

approved by the meeting and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1071 Annual Report of the Chairman of the Parish Council – Cllr R Ledner.

Cllr Ledner began by thanking the acting clerk for his work during the year, which being voluntary does not

impact on the precept. He went on to thank all Parish Councillors for their input and attendance throughout

the year, and the groundsman Wayne Chessum for keeping the playing field in such good order. The

Meeting concurred, noting also the care Mr Chessum takes with the Council‟s equipment.

Cllr Ledner reminded the Meeting that windfarm proposals remain the biggest threat that long standing

villagers can recall. His survey of 43 households in High Street and West Road elicited that 2 were in

favour, 34 were extremely concerned and would write a letter of objection and 7 had no view on the matter.

It appears that many windfarm projects are on hold due to MOD objections concerning radar interference;

however developers and the Crown Estate are investing in research to overcome these concerns. The

Meeting concurred that the Parish Council should continue its opposition to windfarm proposals impacting

upon its area.

Cllr Ledner concluded by bringing the Meeting‟s attention to projects undertaken by the Parish Council

during the year, which included refurbishment of the play equipment and surfaces, removal of an unsafe ash

tree threatening the Pavilion and entering a contract to provide a shelter alongside the Village Hall.

1072 Presentations by Representatives of Parochial Organisations

a) Pointon Village Hall

Cllr Green reported that the Village Hall is going well, with new bookings coming in and the Youth Club

will be open during August. The contractors for the Village Shelter have found the submission of a valid

planning application to be a more complex matter than they anticipated, the lack of a postcode for the Hall

apparently contributing to delays which are expected to be overcome shortly.

b) Pointon Sports and Social Club

Cllr Greenwood reported that two estimates for the new changing facility have been obtained, with a third

awaited. Club membership has increased and football teams from outside the parish have expressed an

interest in the facilities available, with the possibility of a girls‟ team moving here next season.

1073 Parish Council’s Financial Statement for the Year Ending 31 March 2010 – Cllr J Templeman

The statement showed an increase of £1,345.56 in the council‟s funds over the year to £15,439.50 at 31

March 2010. Cllr Templeman commented that we have set this year‟s precept to £2,000 with the intention

that this will reduce our reserves more into line with accepted good practice. It is unclear at present what

effect the government‟s announced freeze on the Council Tax will have on the Council‟s flexibility to set

next year‟s precept.

1074 Forum on the Parish Council’s performance and future directions for the Parish

In the absence of any other parishioners, no matters were raised.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.46pm.

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27 May 2010 Minutes of Annual Meeting held on Thursday 27 May 2010 at Pointon Social Club following the Annual

Parish Meeting.

Present: Cllrs. R Ledner (Chairman), S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), C Lambert, W Gent, R

Greenwood, C Green (Mrs).

In Attendance: Members of the Public 0.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting at 7.47pm.

1075 Annual Appointments

a) Election of Chairman

In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Ledner was re-elected as Chairman, proposed by Cllr

Greenwood, seconded by Cllr Gent.

Cllr Ledner signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

b) Election of Vice-Chairman In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Hennessy was re-elected as Vice-Chairman, proposed by Cllr

Gent, seconded by Cllr Ledner.

c) Appointment of Officers and Committees In the absence of any other nominations Cllr Templeman was re-appointed as Acting Clerk and Responsible

Financial Officer, proposed by Cllr Ledner, seconded by Cllr Greenwood.

It was agreed that membership of the Funding Committee and the Playing Field/Events Committees be


1076 Apologies for absence


1077 Declarations of interest


1078 Meeting held 25 March 2010

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Meeting held 25 March 2010 having been previously distributed, were approved

by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1079 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) Police

Cllr Ledner had received complaints from parishioners regarding obstruction to the High Street pavement

by parked vehicles, and had asked the police to speak to the vehicle owners. This has resolved the matter,

but he was concerned that it had required three requests to the police before action was taken.

b) Parish

Cllr Green had observed a number of incidents of dog fowling and had taken the matter up with the culprits

where practicable, with some degree of success. She has made enquiries regarding attending Authorised

Officer training (minute 977) and understands it is intended to run a course at Grantham which she hopes to


Cllr Ledner reported that the public footpath from High Street to the playing field is rather overgrown. An

immediate neighbour had previously tended this voluntarily; although strictly a highways responsibility it

was felt that our groundsman could be asked to cut it.

c) Playing Field

Cllr Templeman reported that the contractor had indicated an intention to commence dyke clearance

(minute 1064f) over two weeks previously but has not so far shown up.

Cllr Ledner reported that much of the post and rail fencing around parts of the boundary is now in very poor

condition. Some members felt this fencing served little purpose, however if renovation costs were obtained

the matter could be considered for next year‟s budget.

d) Village Hall

Cllr Green reported that a Dog Club meeting at the Hall had enquired about training on the Playing Field.

As the dogs would be under close control at all times members did not anticipate there would be any


There were some concerns that the contractor for the Village Shelter (minute 1064e) has not yet submitted a

valid planning application on our behalf as our agent. The contract had been signed immediately following

the March meeting of the Council. However, recent telephone enquiries by Cllrs Ledner, Green and

Templeman indicate that efforts are now being made to resolve issues between the contractor and SKDC.

1080 Planning.

No activity notified.

1081 Finance

a) Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2010

The Council approved the Statement of Accounts prepared by Cllr Templeman, received the report of the

Internal Auditor, which raised no matters of concern and reviewed the effectiveness of the internal audit,

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expressing full satisfaction with both its adequacy and effectiveness. After noting that this year‟s precept

has been set at £2,000 with the intention to correct our reserves to a level members considered appropriate,

the Council executed the Annual Governance Statement wholly in the affirmative. Cllr Templeman to

forward the Annual Return to the External Auditor.

b) Insurance Cover from 1 June 2010

Cllr Templeman reminded members that this would be the third and final year of our binding agreement

with Came & Co. Members agreed that no changes were required to the cover provided by the renewal

premium, which automatically increased property sums assured by 5% allegedly offset by a further no-

claims discount of 5%. Nevertheless Cllr Gent queried whether the increased premium (13%) was within

the conditions of the binding agreement whilst Cllr Green suggested that more reasonable premiums could

be obtained elsewhere. It was felt that the matter should be looked at more closely, certainly in good time

for the next renewal. Cllr Green advised that the Village Hall Committee will insure the proposed shelter.

c) The following bills for payment were approved:

Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance £352.50 Pressure wash play safety surfaces

Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance £162.15 60lt Line marking paint

Lincolnshire branch of CPRE £25.00 Affiliation fee, 2010/11

W Chessum £300.00 Groundsman‟s Remuneration, 1 Feb 10 to 30

Apr 10

GRP Canopies Ltd. £645.25 Deposit, Village Hall Shelter

GRP Canopies Ltd. £200.00 Planning application submission

Came & Company £1,602.30 Insurance premium 1 June 2010 to 31 May


Chandlers Oil & Gas £136.50 200 litres Gas Oil

W Chessum £27.44 4hrs Ground clearance, western conifer hedge

Mrs M Rouse £45.00 Internal Auditor‟s Honorarium 2009/10

d) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: March, April.

Pointon Junior Football Club £160.00 Field fee, season 2009/10

Pointon Football Club £360.00 Field fee, season 2009/10

South Kesteven District Council £2,000.00 Precept 2010/11

HM Revenue & Customs £149.38 VAT refund 1 Sep 09 – 31 Mar 10

e) Pointon Football Club request for financial assistance

The Council was asked to consider a written request, previously distributed to members, from the Club for

1 pair full-size goals with nets at £590+VAT. The Club had succeeded in obtaining a 50% grant from the

Football Foundation (minute 1066) for 1 pair full-size goals, subject to the destruction of the old goals

which are now in a very decayed state (minute 1029a). It was now desired to replace the other pair although

their condition had not been inspected and a grant towards them was not forthcoming from the Foundation.

Members had concerns regarding the already high level of subsidy the Club received from the precept,

noting that the players‟ contributions of £3 per match mostly went to kit wash and referee fees, but also

noted that volunteers proposed to repair the driveway and carpark potholes (minute 1064d). Cllr Lambert

enquired whether the Social Club would be willing to contribute; other members indicated this was


Cllr Ledner proposed that the Council agree to the Club‟s request subject to satisfactory completion of the

pothole project. On a show of hands the proposal was carried by 5 votes, Cllrs Lambert and Green not


f) Financial Statement 18 May 2010

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein. Cllr

Templeman drew attention to the fact that we have made a number of financial commitments not

anticipated when setting the budget last November; nevertheless our reserves are sufficient for the current

year‟s proposed spending although there is uncertainty surrounding next year‟s precept following the

announced Council Tax freeze. Cllr Gent suggested that the purchase of outdoor seating (minute 1046a)

should be put on hold.

1082 Other correspondence received

a) LCC Accessibility & Policy Unit: New funding to improve access to key services

b) EMDA News, Spring 2010

c) LCC Chief Execs: Invitation to Focus Groups re Integrated Local Working

d) LALC News, March 2010

e) Fields in Trust: Covenanted Fields review for Pointon Playing Field

Cllr Templeman had replied confirming the Council remained the owner of the field.

f) SKDC Standards Committee: Agenda 7 May 2010

g) SKDC Democracy Services: invitation to Use of Planning Conditions training 18 May

h) Clerks & Council Direct, May 2010

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1083 Matters for discussion only

a) Roles and Responsibilities for the Playing Field

Cllr Gent suggested, in view of the issues raised during discussion at minute 1081e, that a review of roles

and responsibilities for the Playing Field should be undertaken. It was hoped that members would give

some thoughts to this matter before the next meeting.

1084 Date of next Meetings

Agreed: Thursday 22 July 2010 at Pointon Village Hall at 7.30pm.

After some discussion about how to make the Council‟s meetings more appealing to parishioners it was felt

it could be beneficial to vary the venue. It was proposed by Cllr Green, seconded by Cllr Greenwood and

agreed to hold the next meeting as above at the Village Hall.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 8.49pm.

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22 July 2010 Minutes of Meeting held on Thursday 22 July 2010 at Pointon Village Hall at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs S Hennessy, J Templeman (Acting Clerk), R Greenwood, C Lambert, W Gent.

In Attendance: Members of the Public 3.

In the absence of the Chairman the Vice-Chairman Cllr S Hennessy chaired the meeting and after

welcoming everyone invited questions from the public at 7.30pm.

Questions from the Public

a) A neighbour of the playing field commented that the group of leylandii by the swings are overhanging the

entrance path from the High Street. Members who had previously inspected the area agreed that the group

were now causing various problems whilst no longer serving any purpose. Reduction to ground level would

be unlikely to meet any objection, especially if a no cost option was forthcoming in exchange for the wood


b) There was a request for cigarette butts not to be discarded on the ground outside the pavilion, and attention

was drawn to the accumulation of bird droppings on the swings.

c) Two Millthorpe residents enquired whether the Council would consider supporting their proposal for a

footway alongside the B1177 linking Millthorpe and Pointon, or alternatively the upgrading of the existing

public footpaths into cycleways with hard surface.

There being no further questions, the Vice-Chairman opened the meeting at 7.58pm.

1085 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Mrs C Green, for reasons accepted by members present. Cllr R Ledner, for reasons accepted by

members present.

1086 Declarations of Interest from Members

Cllr W Gent declared a personal interest in item 1092b as a member of the Committee of Pointon Sports

and Social Club.

1087 Minutes of meeting held 27 May 2010

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Annual Meeting held 27 May 2010, having been previously distributed, were

approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1088 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) Land between 11 & 13 Pinfold Lane, Pointon

Cllr Templeman reported that SKDC had enquired whether the Council supported a proposal from a

member of the public willing to cultivate this land, and after enquiries had replied in the affirmative.

b) Playing Field

Cllr Greenwood had attended the Playground Inspection training course (minute 1064a). The instructor had

reiterated the benefit of keeping written reports of the routine visual inspections.

Cllr Gent reported that the remedial work on the potholes by volunteers (minute 1064d) is scheduled for


c) Dyke Clearance

(Minute 1964f) Cllr Templeman reported that the contractor has partially cleared the southern dyke and

removed the resulting debris. All the land drain exits have been left damaged and blocked in the area

cleared and a number of the concrete fence posts were snapped during the operation. The contractor has

been notified of these matters but has not attended since.

1089 Planning

a) S10/1172 3 Pointon Cottages, Pointon. Demolition of dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling and

realignment of access. Received 26 May 2010.

Received: SKDC Conditional Approval of 6 July 2010.

b) S10/1122 Pointon Village Hall, Pointon. Erection of canopy to the side of the village hall. Received 7 June


Agreed: no representations by the Council.

1090 Finance

a) The following bill for payment was approved:

M Lingard £230.00 Clean down, repair & paint 3x Parish Seats

b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £100.00 Clubhouse rent: June

Smith‟s of Bourne £50.00 2x pitch hire, 9 & 23 May

Members noted that the Clubhouse rent for May is outstanding.

c) Financial Statement 14 July 2010

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

d) Annual Review of Risk Assessment

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Council reviewed its Risk Policy Statement and Risk Management Arrangements as tabulated in its

Financial Regulations adopted 22 September 2005 (Minute 755a) and agreed that no amendments were

required thereto.

1091 Other correspondence received

a) SKDC Electoral Services: Notification of Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

b) SKDC: Notification of Budget Consultation workshops

c) LCC Emergency Planning Unit: Introducing the Community Risk Register

d) SKDC Democracy Services: Notification of Rural South Local Forum meeting 22 July 2010 7.00pm

e) LCC: Locality Management, June 2010

f) LCC: Notice of consultation on Preferred Minerals and Waste strategies

g) NHS Lincolnshire Research Newsletter, Spring 2010

h) CPRE Lincs Branch: Invitation to AGM 14 July at Grimsthorpe Castle Coach House

i) Lincs Police: Chief Constable‟s review of 2nd year in post

j) Clerks & Councils Direct (July 2010)

k) LALC News (June 2010)

l) SKDC: Notification of adoption of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document

1092 Matters for discussion only

a) Parish Clerk‟s vacancy

The acting clerk reminded members that the position of Parish Clerk has been vacant for some years.

Having an acting clerk has relieved the Council of the urgency of appointing a clerk, thus affording an

extended opportunity for suitable applicants to come forward or to be approached. It was felt that all

members could keep a watch for and encourage an enquiry where this seemed appropriate (LALC have

scheduled a Clerks’ Training Day at Pointon Village Hall on 20 October 2010).

b) Roles and Responsibilities for Playing Field

Picking up from the previous meeting (minute 1083a), members clearly appreciated the need to fairly and

appropriately share the costs of routine maintenance and the provision of facilities between parishioners and

field users, and to establish the extent to which roles and responsibilities should be formally defined. A

number of parameters emerged during a constructuive discussion which it was hoped would continue, not

necessarily wholly within the formal setting of a public meeting of the Council.

1093 Date of next Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 23 September 2010 at Pointon Village Hall at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Vice-Chairman thanked everyone for their

attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.08pm.

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23 September 2010 Clerk‟s Notes of Meeting held on Thursday 23 September 2010 at Pointon Village Hall at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs R Ledner (Chairman), J Templeman (Acting Clerk), R Greenwood, C Lambert, C Green


In Attendance: D Cllr A Webster (Mrs), Members of the Public 5.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and invited questions from the public at 7.30pm.

Questions from the Public

a) A resident gave a report on a questionnaire he put to Millthorpe residents regarding support for a hard

surface path between Millthorpe and Pointon. 14 of 30 households had responded positively with no

negative comments received.

b) A resident reported that efforts are being made to install a toilet in Christchurch, Pointon, a project towards

which it was hoped the Council could give support.

There being no further questions, the Chairman opened the meeting at 7.46pm.

1094 Apologies for Absence

Cllr S Hennessy, for reasons accepted by members present. Cllr W Gent, for reasons accepted by members


1095 Declarations of Interest from Members

None received.

1096 Minutes of meeting held 22 July 2010

The Clerk‟s Notes of the Annual Meeting held 22 July 2010, having been previously distributed, were

approved by members and signed as the Minutes by the Chairman.

1097 Reports from Councillors and Outside Bodies

a) Playing Field

Cllr Greenwood reported that repairs to the car park and access road had been undertaken by volunteers

from the Sports and Social Club. Members together with the public present expressed their appreciation of

the high standard of the work undertaken.

b) Village Hall

Cllr Green reported that the new shelter alongside the Hall is now in use by the public and that several

favourable comments had been received, particularly from schoolchildren. It is anticipated that lighting and

benches will be provided very shortly and that the surface will be improved in the spring.

1098 Planning

a) S10/1122 Pointon Village Hall, Pointon. Erection of canopy to the side of the village hall. Received 7 June


Received: SKDC conditional approval of 28 July 2010.

1099 Finance

a) The following bills for payment were approved:

W Chessum £300.00 Groundsman‟s remuneration: 1 May to 31 July

W Chessum £10.00 Unleaded & 2-stroke fuel

Billingborough Cars & Commercials £212.98 Callout to tractor (specialist radiator repair)

G R P Canopies Ltd £2,841.90 Balancing payment, Village Hall Shelter

Printerbase Ltd £250.49 2x imaging units for newsletter

J A Templeman £24.02 Print, stationery & postage expenses 22 Mar to

15 Sep

b) The following receipts were noted:

Pointon Sports & Social Club £200.00 Clubhouse rent: July, August.

Mrs Oakes £10.00 Donation to Newsletter

c) Financial Statement 15 September 2010

Council received the RFO‟s financial statement and made no amendments to the budget therein.

d) Financial Year 2011/12

The acting clerk asked members to indicate any upcoming spending requirements (other than those

routinely anticipated) to assist in the preparation of a draft budget for the Council‟s approval in November.

It is not yet clear what flexibility the Council will have to set the precept following the government‟s

announced freeze on Council Tax. Cllr Ledner indicated that he would like to see the Council contributing

towards flashing speed signs on the B1177 at Pointon and to undertake a modernisation of the children‟s

play equipment. It was agreed that informal discussion should take place between members before the

November meeting regarding the financing of the playing field.

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1100 Other correspondence received

a) SKDC: Rural South Local Forum Agenda 22 July & Minutes 28 January

b) SKDC Planning Policy: Site Allocation notification of additional suggested sites consultation

c) Clerks & Councils Direct September 2010

d) LCC: re Economic significance of the Third Sector in Lincolnshire

1101 Date of next Meeting

Agreed: Thursday 25 November 2010 at Pointon Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm.

There being no other relevant business before the Council, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance

and declared the meeting closed at 8.20pm.