Striving to be a Leading Centre of Excellence in Police Training and Development in the International Arena July 2017 1 College Matters 2017 Issue No. 2 HONG KONG POLICE COLLEGE 2017 Issue No. 2 Highlights Police College conducted the first ever TeachLink exchange activity at the campus of the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) for two half days on 12 and 20 April for exchange of challenges and experiences encountered in the course of teaching between Police College instructors and prospective teachers. Over fifty lecturers and students of EdUHK participated in the pilot scheme. A total of six Police College instructors attended the exchange activity. Ms Anna TSANG, Deputy Director 2 of Hong Kong Police College (3 rd from right), Police College instructors, and EdUHK teachers and students TeachLink Police College Reaches out to Community Hong Kong Police College launched a half-day experiential youth engagement initiative named “Police Touch” which allows the youth to explore themselves through a series of challenges, including footdrill, physical training, leadership and team building exercises. After the half-day challenges, the participants attended a sharing session with the Probationary Inspectors and Recruit Police Constables. The purpose of this programme is to provide an interactive platform to enable the young generation to understand the confidence, resilience and team spirit required in police recruit training, in the hope of inspiring them to explore their potential and foster positive values. On the other hand, trainees could take the opportunity to enhance their understanding on the needs and concerns of the youth. Since the launch of “Police Touch” in February 2017, positive feedbacks have been received from the participants. The Police College will continue to run the “Police Touch” as a means to engage the youths in the community. Interested schools may contact Mr LAM on 3660 5233 or by E-mail: [email protected] (Facebook link:http://bit.ly/2pGTFxK) A student tries to use pace stick to measure his pace The first exchange activity consisted of four rounds of focused discussions with topics on teachers’ image, effective class management, handling campus bullying and teachers’ stress. The second one focused on students’ involvement in triad society / juvenile gangs, the use of social media, home-school co-operation etc. The EdUHK lecturers and students pointed out the challenges and difficulties encountered in practical teaching, while the Force instructors shared their teaching experiences and encouraged the prospective teachers to face up to difficulties fearlessly and adhere to their initial intent for becoming a teacher, with a view to realising the vision of teaching for all. After the exchange activity, Dr HO Ka-ki, Assistant Professor of Department of Social Sciences, EdUHK, expressed that the exchange activity enabled the prospective teachers to better understand how to equip themselves for their career. A student expressed that “I feel their sense of affinity and devotion to teaching. Police instructors are not only tough and strong, but also embracing the challenges with a view to delivering quality training.” In return, some instructors held the view that the young prospective teachers were filled with vigor and creativity, which inspired them to add more creative elements into their teaching too. As it is seen, cross-generation learning is conducive to both parties. As the pilot scheme has proved successful, Police College will continue to hold TeachLink exchange activity in a bid to have more interaction with prospective teachers and to have more cross-generation learning. The Police Band Performance in January 2017 Police Touch Since last October 2016, the Police Band has been running the outreach initiative “Music Touch”. In the first half of this year, the Band has visited 13 primary and secondary schools. Around 5,000 students participated in our interactive activities, including band workshop, combined band performance, musical instrument demonstration, prized quiz and singing along session. With strong support from District’s PCRO and SLO, and the use of people-oriented approach, the Force’s professional image, dedication to quality service, and commitment to strive for excellence, have been well projected through these visits. Feedbacks from the schools are all positive and appreciative. The schools’ staff expressed that, this activity should be continually run in order to benefit more youngsters, as it helps enhance their understanding about the Police Band, strengthen their values and foster their interest in music. Interested schools may contact Ms NG on 3660 5434 or by E-mail:[email protected]. (Facebook link:https://www. facebook.com/HongKongPoliceForce/videos/1398246913596602/) M u s i c T o u c h The 2017-2018 Training and Development Plan was promulgated in April 2017. Details can be seen on Page 3.

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Striving to be a Leading Centre of Excellence in Police Training and Development in the International Arena July 20171

College Matters 2017 Issue No. 2


2017 Issue No. 2


Police College conducted the first ever TeachLink exchange activity at the campus of the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) for two half days on 12 and 20 April for exchange of challenges and experiences encountered in the course of teaching between Police College instructors and prospective teachers.

Over fifty lecturers and students of EdUHK participated in the pilot scheme. A total of six Police College instructors attended the exchange activity.

• Ms Anna TSANG, Deputy Director 2 of Hong Kong Police College (3rd from right), Police College instructors, and EdUHK teachers and students


Police College Reaches out to Community

Hong Kong Police College launched a half-day experiential youth engagement initiative named “Police Touch” which allows the youth to explore themselves through a series of challenges, including footdrill, physical training, leadership and team building exercises.

After the half-day challenges, the participants attended a sharing session with the Probationary Inspectors and Recruit Police Constables. The purpose of this programme is to provide an interactive platform to enable the young generation to understand the confidence, resilience and team spirit required in police recruit training, in the hope of inspiring them to explore their potential and foster positive values. On the other hand, trainees could take the opportunity to enhance their understanding on the needs and concerns of the youth.

Since the launch of “Police Touch” in February 2017, positive feedbacks have been received from the participants. The Police College will continue to run the “Police Touch” as a means to engage the youths in the community.

Interested schools may contact Mr LAM on 3660 5233 or by E-mail: [email protected] (Facebook link:http://bit.ly/2pGTFxK)

• A student tries to use pace stick to measure his pace

The first exchange activity consisted of four rounds of focused discussions with topics on teachers’ image, effective class management, handling campus bullying and teachers’ stress. The second one focused on students’ involvement in triad society / juvenile gangs, the use of social media, home-school co-operation etc. The EdUHK lecturers and students pointed out the challenges and difficulties encountered in practical teaching, while the Force instructors shared their teaching experiences and encouraged the prospective teachers to face up to difficulties fearlessly and adhere to their initial intent for becoming a teacher, with a view to realising the vision of teaching for all.

After the exchange activity, Dr HO Ka-ki, Assistant Professor of Department of Social Sciences, EdUHK, expressed that the exchange activity enabled the prospective teachers to better understand how to equip themselves for their career. A student expressed that “I feel their sense of affinity and devotion to teaching. Police instructors are not only tough and strong, but also embracing the challenges with a view to delivering quality training.” In return, some instructors held the view that the young prospective teachers were filled with vigor and creativity, which inspired them to add more creative elements into their teaching too. As it is seen, cross-generation learning is conducive to both parties.

As the pilot scheme has proved successful, Police College will continue to hold TeachLink exchange activity in a bid to have more interaction with prospective teachers and to have more cross-generation learning.

• The Police Band Performance in January 2017Police Touch

Since last October 2016, the Police Band has been running the outreach initiative “Music Touch”. In the first half of this year, the Band has visited 13 primary and secondary schools. Around 5,000 students participated in our interactive activities, including band workshop, combined band performance, musical instrument demonstration, prized quiz and singing along session. With strong support from District’s PCRO and SLO, and the use of people-oriented approach, the Force’s professional image, dedication to quality service, and commitment to strive for excellence, have been well projected through these visits. Feedbacks from the schools are all positive and appreciative. The schools’ staff expressed that, this activity should be continually run in order to benefit more youngsters, as it helps enhance their understanding about the Police Band, strengthen their values and foster their interest in music.

Interested schools may contact Ms NG on 3660 5434 or by E-mail:[email protected]. (Facebook link:https://www.facebook.com/HongKongPoliceForce/videos/1398246913596602/)

Music Touch

The 2017-2018 Training and Development Plan was promulgated in April 2017. Details can be seen on Page 3.

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The Manpower Developer (MD) Award Scheme was launched in 2009 by an independent statutory body - Employee Retraining Board (ERB) to assess the level of maturity of manpower training and development practices of organizations in Hong Kong. The Force was first awarded the MD status in 2013. Through the years the Force has been maintaining its efforts in training and developing its staff for ensuring its readiness to competently deliver its mission.

Recently, the Force has gone through the MD renewal assessment and has once again been awarded the MD status for another two years till 31 March 2019, recognizing its continued and outstanding achievements in manpower

The Police College has, with effect from March 2017, taken over from the E department the management of the Police Museum. On 9 May, Ms Winnie CHIU, former Director of Personnel and Training, officiated a handover ceremony of the Police Museum where Ms Edwina LAU, the Director of Hong Kong Police College, received the museum key from Mr LEUNG Ho-yin, the Police Civil Secretary, symbolizing the successful changeover.

Since the takeover, the Police College has lined up a series of activities to promote the Police Museum. Starting from May, a thematic exhibition on history of the Force has been set up in the Force Library in a bid to strengthen officers’ sense of belonging and professional pride. In June and July, the Police Museum participated in Muse Fest 2017 organised by Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) where free transports were arranged on 24 June and 9 July to attract more visitors to the Museum. To provide quality service and increase the hit rate, the Museum’s website has been revamped with a contemporary design and a new online booking function. In addition, two micro movies introducing the Museum were also produced and uploaded to not only the Museum’s website but also HK Police YouTube Channel with a view to better engaging the younger generation.

The Police College strives to develop the Police Museum into a lively heritage centre to enhance Force members’ understanding of the Force history as well as to promote the longstanding positive image of the Force in striving for excellence and keeping pace with the times.

• Force earns the status of Manpower Developer again for another two years till 31 March 2019

• Ms. Edwina LAU (right), Director of Hong Kong Police College, receives the museum key from Mr LEUNG

The first teaching block of the Police College’s unprecedented collaboration with the University of Cambridge - “Master of Studies in Applied Criminology and Police Management” (the programme) Cohort 2017 was successfully kick-started on 22-26 May.

This two-year part-time post-graduate programme, with half of the teaching conducted in Hong Kong and the other half in Cambridge, U.K., is especially intended for our current and future law enforcement leaders. A total of 27 officers from the Force, Customs & Excise Department and Independent Commission Against Corruption enrolled in the Cohort 2017. Mr CHAU Kwok-leung, former Deputy Commissioner of Police, Management, officiated the opening ceremony of the programme on 22 May. Following the tradition of Cambridge University, Professor Lawrence Sherman, Director of the Institute of Criminology, and Professor Heather Strang, Director of the Police Executive Programme, hosted a formal dinner for the students in university gowns at the Aberdeen Campus of Hong Kong Police College.

Before the dinner s tar ted, Mr Dick LEE , the former Commissioner of Police and now being an Honorary College Advisor, gave an inspiring talk on “Education and Training” to share his personal life-long learning journey in developing as a leader to meet the never easy rising challenges. While emphasizing the value of integrating academic learning in work practice, Mr LEE also enlightened the students about the importance of assuming and shouldering full responsibilities as a leader. Between 3-21 July, the students attended the Cambrige Campus in U.K. for the U.K. Teaching Block.

• Class photo for “Master of Studies in Applied Criminology and Police Management” Hong Kong Cohort 2017

Unprecedented Collaboration with the

University of Cambridge kick-started in the

Aberdeen Campus of the Hong Kong Police College

Recognition of Force’s Continued Commitment in Manpower Training and Development

Handover Ceremony of Police Museum

training and development. The Force will continue to enjoy the privilege to display the MD logo in its website, publications and other promotional materials. The usage guidelines for the logo can be assessed through Frequently Used Links on POINT.

Note: This Master of Studies Programme in Hong Kong is successfully registered with the Education Bureau under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance, Cap. 493, Laws of Hong Kong. Course registration number is 252706. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead.

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Fifteen years on and we are forging ahead strategically in Force Knowledge Management. To mark a new start, Ms Edwina LAU, Director of the Police College, in the capacity of Force Knowledge Officer, officiated the Annual Knowledge Management Conversation-cum-Knowledge Management Workshop 2017 in February. Speaking to over 200 Knowledge Management (KM) enthusiasts including KM Ambassadors and Peer Advisers, Ms LAU expressed gratitude towards their valuable contribution in promoting KM in the Force. Following the Annual Conversation, a KM expert from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University delivered a KM workshop with a view to equipping the audience with the latest knowledge and strategic planning in KM. To enable officers to better understand how KM is related to their daily work, and how they can benefit from an array of KM resources, the Police College also launched its first KM training day package, titled “Force Knowledge Management - Searching, Using and Sharing Knowledge and Experiences Wisely in the Force” in February. Followed by a series of

train-the-trainer workshops conducted by the Research Centre of the Police College, over 300 trainers (for both regular and auxiliary officers) were trained for KM training days held in different Formations. KM Champions or their representatives attended the workshops to brief attendants on the latest development of their respective Championship. The full version of the training day package is now available in the Learning Portal of POINT: http://point.hpf.gov.hk:8088/bbs/training/cbt/course/trainingDay/index.htm

• A train-the-trainer workshop is conducted for officers

Training Day on Knowledge Management

The Symposium on Police Studies of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao (‘the Symposium’) has been a major annual event since 2006 and provides a platform for police officers, experts and scholars amongst

Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to have a scholarly exchange and experience sharing. The event has been championed by the Police Association of China (PAC) since 2006 and it is co-hosted annually by the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan on a rotational basis.

Last year, together with the PAC, the Force successfully co-hosted the 11th Symposium. Around 160 police officers, experts and scholars from the four jurisdictions attended the event.

The 12th Symposium will be held in Macao in November this year with the main theme of “Big Data Thinking and Cross-boundary Policing Cooperation (大數據思維與跨境警務合作)”.

Between 5 and 7 April, the First Preparatory Meeting of the 12th Symposium was held in Macao with the attendance of representatives from the four jurisdictions. Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Police College, led a four-member delegation to attend the First Preparatory Meeting. Details of the event proper of the 12th Symposium, including the main theme and sub-themes, the time-frame for paper submissions, the size of the delegations from each jurisdiction and the date of the event proper, were discussed and finalised at the meeting.

Following the conclusion of the First Preparatory Meeting, the Police College will commence the invitation for submission of papers from Force members in early May.

• Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College (1st left), attends the First Preparatory Meeting for the 12th Symposium on Police Studies of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao

The First Preparatory Meeting for the 12th Symposium on Police Studies of the Strait cum Hong Kong and Macao

The 2017-2018 Training and Development (T&D) Plan, which is the seventh issue since its inception, was promulgated in April 2017. The T&D Plan provides Force members with a useful guide to understand the strategies and policies on Force training and development; it also assists officers to better map out their lifelong learning paths and outlines the Force strategic training priorities and projects. The Force training and development strategic priorities include:

• Supporting the Force Strategic Directions;

• Enhancing officer’s performance through quality training and development programmes;

• Assuring and enhancing the quality of the training staff, training mechanism, and the training facilities; and

• Leveraging technology to optimise learning outcome and to maximise training effectiveness.

Training and Development Plan 2017-2018

I n t he coming two y e a r s , t h e Po l i c e College will continually commi t to t ra in ing and developing police officers into the finest police professionals with the highest ability and integrity to serve the community.

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1. Probationary Inspector Training Division (New)

PI Training Unit

Exercise Unit

Continuation Training Unit

2. Recruit Police Constable Training Division (New)

RPC Training Unit

Drill and Musketry Unit

3. Support Division

Support Unit

Physical Training and First Aid Unit

Administration and Finance Unit

House and Grounds Unit

4. Weapons Training Division

No change

5. Police Band

No change

Cognizant of the increase in the Projected Intake Number (PIN) of new recruits in the coming years as well as to rationalise the command structure of different Divisions within the School of Foundation Training (SFT), the structures and functions of different SFT’s Divisions were realigned with a view to enhancing its capability to cope with the future challenges.

Two new Divisions, namely the Probationary Inspector Training (PI TRGD) Division and Recruit Police Constable Training Division (RPC TRGD), were established on 15 May and are responsible for foundation training for PI and RPC respectively. Under the new structure, the areas of responsibility of different SFT’s Division are:

On behalf of the Hong Kong Police College (HKPC), Deputy Director 2 of the HKPC Tsang Yim-sheung and Chief Inspector of the Detective Training Centre of the HKPC Tong Kam-wai attended the 2nd China-ASEAN and Neighboring Countries Police Academy Presidents Forum cum Law Enforcement Capacity Building Round Table Meeting held by Yunnan Pol ice Col lege in Kunming on 7-8 June.

More than 70 representatives from police academies and police training institutes of China (including Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Re g i o n s ) , B a n g l a d e s h , B r u n e i , Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam attended the event.

Under the theme of "Responsibility and Mission - Regional Co-operation in the field of Police Education and Law Enforcement", all the participants gave presentations and held discussions on enhancing co-operation on training amongst police academies as well as establishing liaison and academic exchange mechanisms. The participants decided that the event would be held biennially under the principle of equity, voluntariness and consensus.

The HKPC will continue to forge ties with police academies in other jurisdictions, explore new opportunities for collaboration, and strive for the vision of becoming a leading police college in the international arena.

Restructuring of the School of Foundation Training

• The delegates review a parade of recruits at Yunnan Police College

Officers join China-ASEAN Police Academy Presidents Forum

With the distinguished presence of Mr Ronny CHAN, Deputy Director 1 of Hong Kong Police College, Mr CHEUNG Man-ching, Superintendent of Hong Kong Police College received the ISO 9001:2015 Certificate from Ms Jorine TAM, the Director of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) Corporate Business on 26 May. This upgraded Certificate marked an important milestone for Junior Police Officer Development Learning Division (JPO DLD) as the first Division in Hong Kong Police College to obtain this new quality certification on the design and provision of training services.

Back in 2003, JPO DLD was already the first training formation accredited with ISO 9001 certificate as an acknowledgement for its high standard in quality management. Having maintained its exemplary level of professionalism and quality in the training provided, JPO DLD had successfully completed the ISO 9001:2015 conversion audit this year and was awarded with the new version of the Certificate.

ISO 9001 emphasises the setting up of a robust framework and the adoption of a systematic approach for effective process management. Compared to the previous version, the new one stresses the importance

• J P O D L D r e c e i v e s I S O 9001:2015 Certi f icate from HKQAA

JPO DLD Accredited with ISO 9001 Certificate

of risk management, the exploring of opportunities, the management of organisational knowledge, the focus of customers’ satisfaction and the ability to actively respond to both external and internal issues so that best outcome could be effectively achieved.

Meanwhile, it is noted that another college unit, the Police Operational Learning Division, will undertake the same accreditation in August this year.

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Conferences / Activities


• Mr CHO (right) welcomes overseas police leaders to attend the IALG Seminar in Hong Kong

Between 13 and 16 March, Ms Edwina LAU, Director o f Hong Kong Po l ice Col lege and Mr Ian CHOW, Superintendent of Hong Kong Police College attended the 11th International Symposium of Best Police Practices (the Symposium) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The Symposium is a biennial event organised by Dubai Police providing a platform for police professionals worldwide to exchange knowledge and best practices on modern policing. With ‘Foreseeing Future of Policing’ set as this year’s theme, the Symposium attracted attendance from senior law enforcement officers and academics of more than 15 countries, including UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Singapore, and Brazil etc.

During the Symposium, Ms LAU delivered a presentation titled • Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College, presents at the 11th

International Symposium of Best Police Practices in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

“Developing Emotional Fitness – Hong Kong Police Story” to showcase the Force’s development and achievements in Emotional Fitness Training. The audience found the sharing inspiring. Through active participation in the Symposium, the Force’s connection with its international counterparts has been further strengthened.

Showcasing Force Emotional Fitness Training Achievements in International Symposium

In mid-December 2016, Senior Superintendent KO Shun-chi Andrew, Head of School of Professional Development, led a three-member delegation to attend the Annual Training Review Conference in Kunming, Yunnan Province. The conference was chaired by Mr WANG Bin, Director of the Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs Office (HKMATO), Mr WANG Kai, Deputy Director of the Personnel and with attendance of Training Department of Ministry of Public Security (MPS).

This annual event not only reviews the training cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong for the past year but also deliberates on the mutual training cooperation plan for the coming year.

During the Conference this year, officers of both the Mainland and Hong Kong agreed that the training cooperation had

been highly successful last year and this close liaison should continue. The importance of the training cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong was also highlighted, since both parties highly acknowledged the benefits gained by officers through these valuable learning opportunities and from the sharing of experiences.

The Po l i ce Col lege hos ted a week long seminar o f the International Pearl Fishers Action Learning Group (IALG) for the third year, with 17 senior police leaders and three programme management team members from law enforcement agencies in Australia, Belgium, the United

Kingdom, Canada, Columbia, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, the United States, Hong Kong, Interpol and the European Police Office participated in the event from 5 to 11 March.

Mr Samson CHO, former Deputy Director 1 of the Police College represented the Force to join the programme management team to oversee the running of the seminar. The 20 participants applied forward-looking and innovative thinking in conducting assignments, and took part in intensive debates led by guest speakers and distinguished academics from different regions. They also visited the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau to exchange views with their counterparts on policing work and cyber security.

The IALG is widely recognised as a renowned and the only executive law enforcement leadership programme in the world. The IALG Seminar in Hong Kong provided an opportunity for the participants to complete their assignments and they would present their research findings and recommendations at the annual Pearls in Policing Conference held in Canada in June 2017. Top-level executives of law enforcement agencies from around the world will attend the conference to develop solutions to emerging policing issues and future challenges.

Officers of School of Professional Development attended Annual Training Review Conference in Kunming, Yunnan Province

• Mr Andrew KO, former Head of School of Professional Development (2nd right) and Mr Joseph LUK, Chief Inspector (1st right) attend the Annual Training Review Conference at Kunming, Yunnan Province

IALG Hong KongSeminar a big success

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On 10 March, Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College, was invited to give a sharing to a number of senior executives from the financial sector in Asia over the Force strategic collaboration with both the internal and external stakeholders in tackling challenges arising from the diverse nature of policing issues in today’s rapidly changing world. All participants had a fruitful exchange.

The Shar ing was organized by the Common Purpose which is an international non-profit organization that has been running leadership d e v e l opmen t p r og r ammes t o inspire and equip people to work across boundaries, thus enabling them to solve complex problems in organizations and society.

• Ms Edwina LAU (centre), Director of Hong Kong Police College shares the Force collaboration strategy with Common Purpose

To support the key projects under Strategic Action Plan 2.3 and with the aim of sourcing new and quality Overseas Development Training (ODT), Ms Vicky TONG and Ms Sherry CHEUNG of Training Coordination and Liaison Division (TCLD), had an Overseas Duty Visit to Canada in February 2017 to explore new training collaborations with the law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and training institutes in Canada, including Toronto Police College (TPC), Toronto Police Service (TPS), Vancouver Police Department (VPD) and Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC). During the visit, they met the management and training staff from these LEAs and training institutes and discussed potential training collaboration opportunities.

The visit proved to be very fruitful following the constructive dialogues and the successful sourcing of potential future ODTs in Canada for Force members. These included the “Supervisor in Service Leadership Course” at TPC, leadership courses organised by the Centre for Leadership and the Centre for Conflict Resolution of the JIBC, and other training opportunities with VPD and TPS to maximise the training efficacy.

Apart from maintaining close liaison with current training providers, TCLD will continue to identify new partners and programmes in order to provide more training opportunities for Force members.

•Ms Vicky TONG (left) Superintendent and Ms Sherry CHEUNG, Executive Officer (right) of TCLD have a constructive dialogue on new training collaboration with Mr Peter YUEN, Staff Superintendent, the Head of Corporate Risk Management (middle) who oversees the Toronto Police College

•Ms TONG explores new training partnership with Dr Michel TARKO, President and CEO of the Justice Institute of British Columbia (left)

Officers of School of Professional Development visited Canada

Sharing Force’s Experience on Strategic Collaboration

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The Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) and the Canadian Police Col lege (CPC) a im to seek accreditation for the International Executive Development in Policing (IEDP) Program under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) at QF Level 6, which is at the same level of Master and Postgraduate qualifications in academic sector. The Program is an online learning program supplemented with face-to-face learning components joint ly organized by the CPC and the HKPC for police executives from Canada and the Hong Kong Police. On 18 May, in order to facilitate the CPC to know more about the accreditation process,

• Hong Kong Police College hosts a liaison lunch with officers of the Canadian Police College and representatives of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications

Accreditation of the International Executive Development in Policing Program at HKQF Level 6 “Master Level”

A series of new initiative to promote the Police Museum are being organized. As a new initiative, for the first time, the Police Museum joins hand with the Force Library to organize thematic exhibitions for displaying artifacts of significant historical values at the Force Library. The theme of the first and current exhibition is “General History of Hong Kong Police Force”. Apart from police badges and hats, also on display are police uniforms in 1960s and a sword made specifically for commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Police Force. The next exhibition on police historical photos and postcards will be launched in October 2017. All Force members are cordially invited to visit the exhibition at the Force Library, 7/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters.

• Display of Artifacts at the Force Library

Exhibitions now at Force Library

• Dr CHIU Sau-mee (3rd from right), Head of School of Specialised Learning of Hong Kong Police College, and College staff at the Police Launch No. 3

On 5 May, Dr CHIU Sau-mee, Head of School of Specialised Learning of Hong Kong Police College led the College staff to visit Marine Police Training School (MPTS) at Sai Wan Ho (MHDIV Base) with a view to strengthening connection with MPTS and exploring training collaboration. During the visit, Mr Kwok Kin-wah, Force Training Officer and Mr YIU Yiu-kwan, Senior Inspector of MPTS shared their professional training schemes and the duties of MPTS as the licensing authority. Apart from gaining a better understanding of training in MPTS, Dr CHIU also took the opportunity to explore any icons/events with historic interest for contributing to the collection of Police Museum or other Knowledge Management activities. The College staff also got the chance to tour on board the Police Launch No. 3.

a liaison lunch was hosted by Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College, with officers of IEDP Program and Visiting Fellows (Mr Jasmin BRETON, Chief Superintendent, Mr Mark NEUFELD, Superintendent & Ms Hélène ROBERGE, IEDP Program Manager) and officers of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (Mr Robert FEARNSIDE, Deputy Executive Director and Dr Joe HONG, Registrar).

Police College Visit toMarine Police Training School

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“I was inspired by the opportunity offered by an in-house police training to visit a special education school. I never imagined myself holding hands of children with special education needs, talking, laughing and taking ‘selfies’ together.” “The opportunity to hear from them in person, sharing the challenges they face daily at the special education front, reflected deeply on the challenges facing nowadays policing.” “Thanks to the school principal, teachers and students, who impressed me with their respect to our Force and reminded me the meaning of good policing.” On 26 April, Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College, led participants of Junior Command Course (JCC) 1/2017 for a half-day exchange with Ho Chi Tsui Lam Morninghill School, Tsui Lam (a school for children with special education needs). The above were some of the feedbacks from the participating police inspectors. During the half-day programme, in addition to Dr FOK Chun-wing, the School Principal’s sharing of internal and

external challenges facing special education, the school’s Vice-Principal Mr Sunny CHAN and Senior Teacher Ms Carrie LAM also shared their professional experience in the identification and handling of children with special education needs. Highlight of the visit was the sensational performance by the school’s silver band and an opportunity to mingle with the students.

Ms Edwina LAU revealed that in the past year, Command Courses at all levels shared a common objective to raise officers’ professional standard and to enhance their engagement with the community. In addition to visits of similar nature, much emphasis had been placed on the strengthening of participative and experiential learnings. All these initiatives had proven effective in raising officers’ professional standard and pride, and achieving synergy by collaborating with different organizations and professions.

This was the third time that trainees of JCC visited the Ho Chi Tsui Lam Morninghill School. The programme is a co-creation product by the Management Learning Division of the Police College and the Morninghill School. Dr FOK believes such activities have raised the mutual understanding and trust.

•Ms Edwina LAU (centre), Director of Hong Kong Police College, and Wilson NG, Chief Inspector, together with the Management of Hong Chi Tsui Lam Morninghill School (Principal Dr FOK Chun-wing, Vice-principal Mr Sunny CHAN and Senior Teacher Ms Carrie LAM)

Police College Outreaching to Children with Special Education Needs

The Police College organised a visit for over 50 students on 11 and 12 April in support of the Career & Life Adventure Planning (CLAP) for Youth Project, which was co-ordinated by the Chief Secretary for Administration’s Private Office and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to help young people identify their career interest and develop their career paths.

This was the second year that the Police College held an activity for the project. This year, more than 50 students from six secondary schools came to the Aberdeen Campus to look at the police training facilities, such as gymnasiums and Tactics Training Complex. They also joined a discussion session with the police trainees, and had a tour of their barracks.

Speaking after the event, the School Development Officer of CLAP, Mr Man Ho-fai, opined that the visit could arouse the participants’ interest in police work. The Police College will continue to support the CLAP as a means to engage the youths.• Police College supports the CLAP for youths

• Principal of Hong Chi Tsui Lam Morninghill School Dr FOK shares his leadership challenges with participants of Junior Command Course.

Police College supports career planning for youths

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Training and Learning

Learning Technologies Division (LTD) has been self-developing a number of practical software systems (the technological tools) to facilitate Force training. The technological tools also support different operations of the Force and our government strategic partners in planning large-scale exercises of public order event. They are user-friendly, readily available to support frontline operations and most importantly free from copyright issue.

To promote the greater use of these tools, LTD held a seminar on 13 April at Police Headquarters to showcase how these technological tools support the frontline operations. Over a hundred police officers from both frontline and policy wings participated in the seminar.

During the seminar, LTD representatives introduced various high quality technological tools namely Digital Presentation System (DPS); Virtual Interactive Electronic Walkway (VIEW); First Person Role-play System (FIRST) and Scenario-based Multi-player Simulation System (SIMS) to facilitate scenario-based training, decision-making and critical incident commanding.

•Officers from frontline and policy wings participate in the Learning Technologies Seminar

Learning Technologies Seminar 2017

- Technologies that Support Operations and Training

As a new initiative to promote healthy lifestyle to the trainees, the School of Foundation Training organized a “Police Arts and Sports Touch” (PAST) at the Aberdeen Campus on 1 April for 270 Probationary Inspectors and Recruit Police Constables prior to their passing out.

The recruits actively participated in the event, during which representatives from 18 arts and sports clubs shared the joy and benefits of their activities.

The PAST also acted as a taster programme for our young recruits to further explore their interests in various arts and sports activities. It is hoped that they will continue to develop their hobbies in sustaining their physical, mental and social well-being. Many recruits joined the clubs on the spot, showing their eagerness to lead a healthy lifestyle.

• The recruits actively participate in the event at Police Arts and Sports Touch at Aberdeen Campus held in April

Some other new research projects applying 360 degree spherical video and photography technologies; Virtual Reality (VR); Augmented Reality (AR); a new Force mobile application for self-learning and a game of Force KM named ‘e-One KM Marathon’ were also demonstrated. The participants actively exchanged ideas from users’ point of view for consideration of further development. They also had a taste of the new technological tools. The seminar had received very positive feedback from the majority of the participants.

Co-organised by the Hong Kong Police College and the Canadian Police College (CPC), the final phase of the third International Executive Development in Policing (IEDP) programme 2016 was successfully conducted between 8 and 19 May in Hong Kong. A total of 12 superintendents from the Hong Kong Police Force and 11 senior police officers from Canada participated in this onsite phase.

The programme spanned a period of over 14 months since the commencement of the first online phase in March 2016. The cohort was coached by four international fellows including Mr Ronny CHAN, Deputy Director 1 of Hong Kong Police College and Mr Andrew KO, former Head of the School of Professional Development, who shared their insights and invaluable experiences regarding the current complex policing issues with the participants. Incorporated with discussions on various topical policing matters, the programme gave more opportunities for the participants to build up their individual capabilities and organizational capacities to address the common challenges facing all law enforcement agencies in modern societies, and

• The Commissioner (5th from right) meets the participants of the International Executive Development in Policing (IEDP) Programme 2016

to develop a broader thinking on strategic management at international dimensions. To further enrich the programme, a two-day visit to the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau was arranged so that participants can understand the policing framework in Mainland and share experience with their Mainland counterparts.

The significant achievements of IEDP showcased the great success of international collaborations and more importantly, enhanced training ties between law enforcement agencies in the East and the West.

Joint International Executive Development with Canadian Police College

Police College Hosts Police Arts and Sports Touch for Recruits

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Training and Learning

In recent years, the political atmosphere in Hong Kong has made dealing with the media a “tricky matter” for us. Police College recognizes the importance of positive engagement with the media and was honoured to have Mr Vincent WONG (黃永), the renowned former Director of Strategic Planning of the Hong Kong Commercial Radio as well as phone-in programme host (人民大道中) and the founder of “Solution-On-Wheels”, to give a seminar on “Innovative Approaches to Media” on 12 May as one of our Management Development Programmes.

During the seminar, Mr WONG applied the four schools of “Kung Fu (功夫)” as strategies for dealing with media, namely “Wing Chun (詠春)”, “Shaolin (少林)”, “Qinggong (輕功)”, “Taichi (太極)”. When communicating with media, one should focus on the main issues and give holistic response to bridge similar issues. Direction could be given to steer response on controversial issues. Finally, it is best to support your answers with real life examples and figures.

•Mr Vincent WONG shares his experience in effective communication and media engagement in the Management Development Programme on 12 May

Apart from this, he also shared the importance of appearance and body language of speakers during presentation. Speakers shall use breathing skills, gestures and intonation of voice to engage the audience; “but don’t forget to recap before you leave”.

The seminar was well received by the attendees with positive feedback. Police College will continue to organize seminars on topical issues in the Management Development Programmes.

Management Development Programme “Innovative Approaches to Media” by Mr Vincent WONG

Mindset training was held by the Course Instructors of Intake 5/2016 for PI Squads 615 – 617 at Police College in March 2017.

This training is to unleash the potentials and cultivate the mindsets of its trainees. It is a very intensive programme aiming to nurture young leaders who are both physically and mentally robust upon passing out from the Police College. During the mindset training at Operational Fitness Training Area (OFTA), PI trainees were taught

• Probationary inspectors concentrate on Course Instructors’ Debriefing

through illustrations and team building activities on the way to develop their mindset, what a leader is about and the traits of a leader such as motivation, communication skill, decision making and self-discipline, etc.

In the character-guessing activity, everyone was given a di f ferent name of a celebr i ty on his or her back. Questions with only ‘Yes/No’ answers were asked and trainees should guess the correct name of the celebrity as quick as possible. Through this training, trainees can learn to ask the questions systematically.

In addit ion, trainees were encouraged to think and express their opinion most of the time during the training. This speaking-up session allows the trainees to exchange their ideas constructively, and at the same time, to know each other more, hence sharpening their interpersonal and communication skills which are highly essential to effective team work.


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Sports Afternoon — Dodge Ball Tournament

Training and Learning

On 1 April, Probationary Inspector (PI) Intakes 615 to 617 hiked to the Hong Kong Police Museum at the Peak. The purpose of the hike was to help the PIs adjust to their new hiking kits prior to the Outdoor Personal Development and Adventure Training (OPDAT). However, the meaning of the hike went beyond that purpose.

The hike finished in around one and a half hour. However, it was not just a hike to the outdoor, but also a jump into the history and culture of Hong Kong Police Force. All PIs demonstrated strong interests in the displayed artifacts which led them through the time tunnel of the Force.

The visit to the museum has enhanced the sense of belonging of the PI Intakes to the Force. The sacrifice, hard work, dedication, and perseverance of the police leaders from the past generations have set a solid foundation and learning examples for the new generation too.• Probationary Inspector Intakes participate in the Police Museum Hike in April

On 7 March, a Sports Afternoon featuring a Dodge Ball Tournament was held at Police College (Aberdeen Campus). Sports Afternoon has been a long tradition in Police College, it offers an opportunity for the Probationary Inspectors (PIs) and Recruit Police Constables (RPCs) to enjoy an afternoon of fun and to socialize with others before passing out.

This Dodge Ball Tournament marked a huge success. PIs and RPCs not only helped organize the event, but also formed teams to take part in the competitions. The event facilitated collaboration between PIs and RPCs, and generated group dynamics between trainees.

Police Museum Hike

Sports Afternoon — Dodge Ball Tournament

Team building programmes, are sometimes perceived, as nothing more than games or activities solely to enhance the sense of unity and togetherness for the participants. However, a well-designed programme can attain far more than that.

Focusing on effective micro-processing skills, a team building programme with adventure-based exercises, counseling and experiential learning, can boost individuals’ self-esteem and self-confidence, strengthen their communication and team-cooperation skills, and eventually attain the ultimate goal of personal growth. In light of this, a two-day team-building course, conducted by Mr LAU Yau-kuen (Chairman of the Hong Kong Adventure Education Centre), was organized for College Instructors for PC and NCO Development Training on 4-5 January.

During the course, not only did the instructors participate in a series of fun and exciting team building activities and games, but they also learned the processing framework, such as briefing, leadership, debriefing and reviewing skills, which are essential in bringing about the aforesaid fruitful, inspiring and positive change of a team-building programme. Adding to this, Mr LAU also explained the counseling theories behind a team-building programme so that the instructors would understand more clearly on the programme’s design and delivery. •Officers participate in the team building course organised by the

Chairman of the Hong Kong Adventure Education Centre

Train-the-Trainers: Team-building Course for Instructors of Development Training

Upon the completion of the course, all instructors expressed that the skills learnt were very useful, and could enhance their teaching effectiveness. In this connection, JPO DLD had already procured new teaching-aids for team-building activities. Furthermore, a team-building activities manual is being prepared so that the knowledge and skills learnt in the course could be passed on to and benefit the future instructors of JPO DLD.

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Training and Learning

The People

The OPDAT, took place in April 2017, was a remarkable training week to Probationary Inspector Intakes Squad 615 - 617, in terms of the boost up in physical and mental strength, as well as the experiences they had in the five days.

Discipline, Teamwork, Confidence, Selfless Commitment and Integrity were the five core themes in OPDAT. They, being the fundamental criteria that every commander of the Force should possess, were inculcated into every PI Intake via various physically demanding and mentally challenging programmes.

The OPDAT provided the police officers a precious opportunity to know more about the strengths and limits of themselves and other team mates by spending the week together under tough conditions.

“The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday” would be a good summary to the OPDAT. Every day was tough, but when the Probationary Inspectors looked back, the course is very meaningful and useful, no matter how hard it appeared to be in the first place.

• Probationary Inspector Intakes boost up in their physical and mental strength through OPDAT

The School of Foundation Training (SFT) and Wai Ji Christian Service (WJCS) jointly organized two hill walks on April 8 and 29 respectively. 152 Police trainees and 118 mentally incapacitated persons have walked around the 8.5km Shing Mun Reservoir, led by instructors from SFT and social workers of the WJCS.

Outdoor activity is a challenge for incapacitated persons. The event has provided a valuable opportunity for them to break through their physical obstacles with the assistance of Police trainees. Throughout the event, participants supported and encouraged each other in the 5-hour-journey. The trainees helped wheelchair users climb up slopes, while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Shing Mun Reservoir together. All participants carried through the task till the end with a smile on their face.

Police trainees had a deep reflections after such meaningful event. “By taking care of people with mental incapacity, we can understand better the needs of different people in the community, which are essential to our frontline work. Our confidence to serve the community with care and professionalism has also been greatly enhanced,” a trainee said.

• Trainees of School of Foundation Training push the wheelchair on slope, in order to show the mentally incapacitated person the beauty of the nature

Outreaching for Worthy Causes by Recruits “Breakthrough Shing Mun Reservoir” with Mentally Incapacitated Persons

Appointment of Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College, as the new Chairperson of the Police Arts Council (PAC)

• The Commissioner appoints Ms Edwina LAU, Assistant Commissioner of Police, as new Chairperson of the PAC in February

On 16 February, the Commissioner of Police appointed Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College, to serve as the new Chairperson of the PAC after the end of tenure of the former Chairperson, retiree Mr LAM Man-wing. Ms LAU had served as the Vice-chairperson of the PAC from March 2011 to February 2014. She will continue to promote the Force’s Integrated Approach to Physical Fitness and Health through the concerted efforts of police arts clubs.

Outdoor Personal Development and Adventure Training (OPDAT) Reflection

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The People

The Police College gave the following new members a warm welcome for joining the big family between January and June 2017.

Besides, Superintendent Vince TAM was internally transferred from the Support Division in School of Foundation Training to Recruit Police Constable Training Division.






Mr Horace CHAN

Mr TSANG Chun-pong

Ms Wayne SUM






Support Division of School of Foundation Training

Learning Projects Division of School of Specialised Learning

Administration and Support Division

Mr CHAN Man-tak, Ronny, joined the family of Police College as Deputy Director 1 in March 2017. Mr CHAN brings with his many years of police experience in various streams including Commercial Crime Bureau, Security Wing, 2-year secondment at College of Policing in the UK and also worked as the Head of School of Professional Development (ranked at Senior Superintendent level) between March 2014 and April 2015. He headed Liaison Bureau cum INTERPOL Hong Kong Office in Crime Wing before coming to the Police College.

Congratulations!! In June and July 2017, 10 police officers worked in the Police College were promoted to their next higher rank.

The College Management thanks for their contribution to the Police College and wishes them all the best to their new posts.

• The College Management congratulate the four newly promoted Superintendents

• Five newly-promoted Chief Inspectors

•Mr Roy LEE was promoted to Sergeant on 9 July 2017, worked in PD&TTC before


Mr Horace CHANMr TSANG Chun-pongMs Wayne SUMMr Nelson SHUMMr CHAU Ka-manMr HEUNG Tsz-kwongMs Madelene LEUNGMs Canise LUIMs POON Yee-janeMr Roy LEE


SuperintendentSuperintendentSuperintendentSuperintendentChief InspectorChief InspectorChief InspectorChief InspectorChief InspectorSergeant


Support Division, School of Foundation Training Learning Projects Division, School of Specialised LearningAdministration and Support Division, College HeadquartersRegional Command and Control Centre Kowloon West Team 1Police Driving and Traffic Training Centre, School of Specialised LearningProbationary Inspector Training Division, School of Foundation TrainingDetective Training Centre, School of Specialised LearningDetective Training Centre, School of Specialised LearningSupport Division, School of Foundation TrainingPolice Driving and Traffic Training Centre, School of Specialised Learning

Congratulations to New Promotees

Key Personnel Changes in Police College

New Deputy Director 1 of Hong Kong Police College

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The People The People

The Presentation Ceremony of the first Hong Kong Pol ice Col lege Award for Teach ing Exce l lence was he ld a t the Police Headquarters on 9 January with the aim of commending instructors for their quality teaching.

The Excellence in Teaching Award was introduced to the College’s Detect ive Training Centre (DTC) and Police Driving and Traffic Training Centre (PD&TTC) on a trial basis in 2016. The competition was highly regarded by all colleagues and drew enthusiast ic part icipation. T h e o b j e c t i v e o f t h e a w a r d w a s a l so in l ine w i th the ph i losophy o f t h e C o l l e g e ’ s Q u a l i t y A s s u r a n c e Mechanism - “keep improving beyond the a reas o f e xce l l ence” . Awards would be recorded in the PICS record

Winner of the Award in DTC

Mr CHOW Chun-choi

Ms Jacqueline DHILION


Chief Inspector

Senior Inspector

Winner of the Award in PD&TTC

Mr TONG Sen-sze

Mr LEE Chi-fai

Mr LEE Koon-yin

Mr LAI Siu-hung



Senior Police Constable

Senior Police Constable

Police Constable


Traffic Equipment Training Unit

Motorcar Driving Training Unit

Motorcar Driving Training Unit

Motorcar Driving Training Unit

Ms Edwina LAU, Director of the Police College, congratulated the award recipients at the Presentation Ceremony on their outstanding teaching achievements and encouraged all instructors to continue their efforts in teaching.

• Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College (3rd from left), and Dr Eric CHENG (3rd from right), former Deputy Director 2 of Hong Kong Police College with the winners of the Award

of the winning officers.

The Award adopted a rigorous two-stage assessment process. The first stage was 360º assessment which covered four areas, namely (1) self-assesment, (2) Peer Vote, (3) Supervisor’s Observation and (4) Students’ Evaluation. The top two instructors with the highest marks entered the second stage.

The second stage was the Adjudication Panel Interview. The Panel was chaired by Head of School of Specialised Learning with members including Superintendents of respective training centres and Senior Training Officer of the College. The assessment process was professional, impartial and independent.

After two rounds of assessment, six instructors were awarded with the Best Instructor Award in the year of 2016. List of the winners is as follows:

The First Police College Award for Teaching Excellence

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College Matters 2017 Issue No. 2


Unit Rank NameLEE Wan-chung

CHENG Yiu-ming

CHEUNG Chung-yee

NG Tsz-tat

WONG Tak-ming

CHOW Wai-man

MOK Ka-kit

CHAN Kwok-yik

YUE Mei-yin

HO Hin-fai, Raymond

CHAN Sui-ping

MO Chin-chee, Jan

TAM Sin-hung, Jimmy

CHAN Tak-wah

NG Kwai-ting, Alvin

YIU Kin-yip

LEE Man-ying

LEUNG Yuk-king

TSUI Yuk-kam

WONG Pak-fai

LAU Chung-mo, Matthew

CHAN Hung-choi

IP Ka-fai

YUEN Chun-kwong

CHEUNG Wai-ming

NG Hon-shun

MAK Shing-tak

TAM Cheuk-man

LAU Ping-fan

HO Yan-yan


Station Sergeant

Station Sergeant


Police Constable


Ceremony Assistant

Senior Inspector

Station Sergeant


Clerical Assistant


Station Sergeant


Senior Inspector

Station Sergeant

Police Constable

Clerical Assistant

JPO Development Learning Division

Recruit Police Constable Training Division

Support Division

Weapons Training Division

Police Operational Learning Division

Detective Training Centre

Police Driving & Traffic Training Centre

Probationary Inspector Training Division

The Director and the Management of the Police College would like to express their heartfelt thanks to the following officers, who have commenced pre-retirement leave, for their valuable contribution to the Police College over the years and wish them a long, happy and healthy retirement.

Heartfelt Thanks to Retirees

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Frozen Moments

•Mr Duncan McCosh, Assistant Commissioner of Police, inspects the parade

•Mr CHAU Kwok-leung, Alfred, former Deputy Commissioner of Police,

Management, inspects the Passing-out parade on 24 June 2017

To engage different sectors of the community, the Police College regularly organizes the Community Parade.

In February and April 2017, two Assistant Commissioners of Police, namely Ms Edwina LAU, Director of Hong Kong Police College, and Mr Duncan Mccosh, Regional Commander of Kowloon East Region, were invited to inspect the parades as Reviewing Officer.

These parades have received overwhelming support from the community, with attendance of almost 200 members of the public each time, that include members from the Life Buddies Mentoring Scheme, Teens and Elderly Mission Committee, Senior Police Call, Junior Police Call, TWGHs Care and Attention Homes for Aged Blind and Po Leung Kuk 88 Kwun Tong Workshop.

The Police College will continue to organize Community Parades for reaching out to more sectors of the community.

• Dr Ben CHEUNG, the Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN), inspects the passing-out parade

Community Parade

Passing Out Parade

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Frozen Moments

Member of The International Associationfor Educational Assessment (IAEA)

Civil ServiceOutstanding ServiceAward Scheme 2015

College Matters Editorial Committee

Editor-in-Chief: Ms TSANG Yim-sheung Anna, Chief Superintendent

Editor: Ms SUM Ching-fun, Wayne, Superintendent

Members: Mr CHAN Man-tak, Ronny, Chief SuperintendentMr AU Wing-leung, Damon, Senior SuperintendentMs CHIU Sau-mee, Senior SuperintendentMr HO Kai-hin, Tony, Senior SuperintendentMr LEUNG Bo-kun, SuperintendentMr CHAN Chun-kwong, Horace, SuperintendentMr CHEUNG Man-ching, Kenneth, SuperintendentMr CHOW Ngai-kong, Ian, Superintendent

Mr Paul Andrew HOBSON, Superintendent

Ms LI Sui-mei, May, Senior Training Officer

Mr LOK Wai-lurk, Robert, Superintendent

Ms TONG Sze-mun, Vicky, Superintendent

Mr TSANG Chun-pong, Superintendent

Mr WONG Kai-man, Cary, Superintendent

Mr YAU Nai-keung, Nigel, Superintendent

Mr YIP Kai-hung, Andy, Superintendent

Mr KE Ka-keung, Patrick, Chief Inspector

Mr NG Hoi-wai, Wilson, Chief Inspector

Ms CHEUNG Lam-yan, Selena, Senior Inspector

Mr CHEUNG Chin-kai, Inspector

Any feedback on the College Matters?Please contact Editorial Committee at 2860 2234or through e-mail: [email protected]

From the Editorial Committee

•Mr Tony HO, Head of the School of Foundation Training, and training staff attend Happy Night of the passing-out RPC Intake and share their joy before graduating from Police College

• Recruit Police Constables from B Squad show their charm and energy in an impressive dance performance during Happy Night.