Policy and Action Standard Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Sector Guidance Draft, May 2015

Policy and Action Standard Agriculture ... - GHG Protocol · of land tenure rights (where insecure land tenure leads to deforestation), and land-use planning (e.g. Indonesia’s One

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Page 1: Policy and Action Standard Agriculture ... - GHG Protocol · of land tenure rights (where insecure land tenure leads to deforestation), and land-use planning (e.g. Indonesia’s One

Policy and Action Standard

Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU)

Sector Guidance

Draft, May 2015

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Contributors (alphabetically)

Matthew Brander, University of Edinburgh

Jason Funk, Environmental Defense Fund

Apurba Mitra, World Resources Institute

Stephen Roe (lead), Center for Climate Strategies

Stephen Russell, World Resources Institute

Marion Vieweg, Current Future


This document provides sector-specific guidance to help users implement the GHG Protocol Policy and

Action Standard in the Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector. The AFOLU category

combines the two sectors: LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) and Agriculture. Land

use and management influence a variety of ecosystem processes that affect greenhouse gas fluxes such

as photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, nitrification/denitrification, enteric fermentation, and

combustion. These processes involve transformations of carbon and nitrogen that are driven by the

biological (i.e., activity of microorganisms, plants, and animals) and physical processes (combustion,

leaching, and run-off). The key greenhouse gases of concern are CO2, N2O and CH4. The AFOLU sector

faces some unique challenges with respect to GHG accounting. There are many processes leading to

emissions and removals of greenhouse gases, which can be widely dispersed in space and highly

variable in time. The factors governing emissions and removals can be both natural and anthropogenic

(direct and indirect) and it can be difficult to clearly distinguish between causal factors.

Users should follow the requirements and guidance provided in the Policy and Action Standard when

using this document. The chapters in this document correspond to the chapters in the Policy and Action

Standard. This document refers to Chapters 5–11 of the Policy and Action Standard to provide specific

guidance for the AFOLU sector. The other chapters have not been included as they are not sector-

specific, and can be applied to the AFOLU sector without additional guidance. Chapters 1–4 of the Policy

and Action Standard introduce the standard, discuss objectives and principles, and provide an overview

of steps, concepts, and requirements. Chapters 12–14 of the Policy and Action Standard address

uncertainty, verification, and reporting. The table, figure, and box numbers in this document correspond to

the table, figure, and box numbers in the standard.

To illustrate the various steps in the standard, this guidance document uses a running example of a

hypothetical boreal forest reforestation policy.

We welcome any feedback on this document. Please email your suggestions and comments to David

Rich at [email protected].

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Table of Contents

Chapter 5: Defining the policy or action ........................................................................................................ 4

Chapter 6: Identifying effects and mapping the causal chain ..................................................................... 11

Chapter 7: Defining the GHG assessment boundary ................................................................................. 14

Chapter 8: Estimating baseline emissions .................................................................................................. 18

Chapter 9: Estimating GHG effects ex-ante ................................................................................................ 24

Chapter 10: Monitoring performance over time .......................................................................................... 28

Chapter 11: Estimating GHG effects ex-post .............................................................................................. 31

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Chapter 5: Defining the policy or action

In this chapter, users are required to clearly define the policy or action that will be assessed, decide

whether to assess an individual policy or action or a package of related policies or actions, and choose

whether to carry out an ex-ante or ex-post assessment.

5.1 Select the policy or action to be assessed

Table 5.1 provides a non-exhaustive list of examples of policies and actions in the sector for which this

guidance document will be useful by policy/action type.

Table 5.1a Examples of policies/actions in the forestry sector by policy/action type

Type of policy or action Examples

Regulations and standards

Regulations aimed at reducing the proximate causes of deforestation, such as regulating against conversion of forest land to agricultural use (e.g. Indonesia Forest Moratorium, which prohibits new permits for palm plantations on peatland and primary forest; and Brazil’s Forest Code, which requires that landowners maintain a percentage of their land as forest).

Regulations aimed at reducing the underlying drivers of deforestation, such as regulating against the import of illegally sourced timber (e.g. the EU Timber Regulations, which prohibit the placement of illegal timber and timber products on the EU market). Often deforestation occurs where existing legislation is not well enforced, and policies to enforce existing legislation can be effective in reducing deforestation.

Enabling measures, such as the establishment or enforcement of land tenure rights (where insecure land tenure leads to deforestation), and land-use planning (e.g. Indonesia’s One Map establishes a single map of land categorizations and jurisdictions to avoid conflicting land use claims).

Taxes and charges -

Subsidies and incentives

Payments for reducing deforestation, or for afforestation/reforestation Examples:

China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program which involved payments for reforestation/afforestation on over 10 million hectares of sloping or degraded land;

The US Conservation Reserve Program, which is an incentive payment program for retiring land from agricultural use, and planting alternative vegetative cover;

The Norway-Guyana Partnership on Climate and Forests which involves results-based payments for reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).

Tradable permits -

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Type of policy or action Examples

Voluntary agreements

Voluntary agreements involve entities agreeing to undertake actions for reducing deforestation, or for undertaking afforestation/reforestation (e.g. Voluntary Partnership Agreements under the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan involve partner countries voluntarily introducing certification schemes for legally harvested timber).

Information instruments

Information instruments that allow consumers to choose products which avoid deforestation (e.g. Forest Stewardship Council certification, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil certification, and Roundtable on Sustainable Soy certification).

Research and development (R&D)

Research and development within the agricultural sector can be used to increase yields and reduce the expansion of agriculture into forested areas (or increase the amount of set-aside land available for afforestation/reforestation). For example, TSH Resources Bhd and the Malaysian Palm Oil Board have invested in developing an oil palm clone which may achieve yields of 10 tonnes crude palm oil/hectare compared to an average in Malaysia of 4.5 tonnes crude palm oil/hectare.

Public procurement policies


Infrastructure programs -

Implementation of new technologies, processes, or practices

The deployment of new technologies and practices within the agricultural sector can be used to reduce the expansion of agriculture into forested areas (or increase the amount of set-aside land available for afforestation/reforestation). Measures which increase agricultural yields should reduce the demand for new agricultural land (e.g. International Plant Nutrition Institute’s Best Management Practice (BMP) pilot plots illustrate the potential yields from implementing BMPs).

Financing and investment

Financing for improved agricultural productivity can reduce the expansion of agriculture into forested areas (or increase the amount of set-aside land available for afforestation/ reforestation). For example, the Indonesian Government has implemented a Plantation Revitalization Program, which provides improved seeds and low interest credit to support plantation owners during the period between replanting and when new trees reach maturity and produce a crop.

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Table 5.1b Examples of policies/actions in the agriculture sector by policy/action type

Type of policy or action Examples

Regulations and standards

Regulations on limits of total applied nitrogen and the enforcement of closed periods for the application of slurries and manures (e.g., E.U. Nitrates Directive)

Production standards for concentrated production operations, such as feedlots

Zoning regulations for the expansion of agriculture (e.g., Brazil’s National Agro-Ecologic Zoning Program)

Taxes and charges

Agriculture can be affected by multi-sectoral/economy-wide polices such as cap and trade.

There is a generally a reluctance to use carbon taxes as a policy instrument in the agriculture sector. However, the sector is a significant user of fossil fuels (mostly through production of fertilizers, but also through the direct use of fossil fuels on farms), so would be affected by fuel taxes

Output taxes that differentially tax agricultural products based on their GHG intensity (e.g., beef products are levied with a higher tax)

Subsidies and incentives

Payments for foregone income from: setting aside agricultural land as buffer strips and arable field corners; entering land into agricultural conservation easements; and preserving woodland and wetlands.

Payments for changes in existing production practices (e.g., adoption of conservation tillage, enhanced hedgerow management, enhanced nutrient management, etc.).

Subsidies for increasing production of goods viewed as less GHG-intensive (e.g., bioenergy crops)

Subsidies for the development of on-farm sources of energy (e.g., biodigesters)

Tradable permits

Nutrient trading programs focused on specific watersheds

The linking of on-farm renewable energy generation with renewables obligations ( e.g., farmers selling RE certificates into a mandatory market)

Voluntary agreements

Conservation easements (linked to possible tax benefits or direct payments)

Voluntary reporting of agricultural GHG data (e.g., the now defunct DOE 1605(b) program included guidance for agriculture and forestry)

Information instruments Direct provision of training and advice to farmers on adoption of

GHG mitigation measures; extension services; etc.

Research and development (R&D)

Research programs targeting major emissions sources. Some examples: Enteric fermentation: improved livestock genetics, methanogen inhibitors, vaccine development, diet manipulation, etc.

Soil N2O: nitrification inhibitors, plant breeding/selection, technologies/practices that lower the N2O/N2 ratio during nitrification, etc.

Public procurement policies


Infrastructure programs -

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Type of policy or action Examples

Implementation of new technologies, processes, or practices

Linked to R&D activities above

Financing and investment

Low-interest loans for the adoption of GHG mitigation practices

Loan guarantees and payments for energy audits, energy efficiency improvements, installation of renewable energy systems, etc.

5.2 Clearly define the policy or action to be assessed

A key step in Chapter 5 is to clearly define the policy or action. Chapter 5 in the standard provides a

checklist of information users should report. Table 5.2 provides an example of providing the information in

the checklist using the example of a hypothetical boreal forest reforestation policy.

Table 5.2 Checklist of information to describe the example policy

Information Example

The title of the policy or action

Boreal Forest Reforestation

Type of policy or action Implementation of new technologies, processes, or practices

Description of the specific interventions included in the policy or action

The policy goals call for reforestation of 5% of high site class lands by 2010; 15% by 2015; and 25% by 2025. “Site class” refers to forest areas impacted by wildfire. A high site class is an area that experienced the highest burn severity1.

The status of the policy or action

Accepted by the Climate Change Mitigation Advisory Group

Date of implementation 2010

Date of completion (if applicable)


Implementing entity or entities


Objective(s) of the policy or action

Reforestation of high site class lands spurs higher levels of carbon sequestration since these areas will not go through the expected successional phases of grassland to mixed hardwood to conifer (lasting many decades). In particular, grasslands often dominate a high-severity burn area for many years which limits carbon sequestration potential. The policy intervention here is to bypass this grassland successional phase in burn areas dominated by grasses through replanting with mixed hardwood species. These mixed hardwood stands provide much higher sequestration potential than grasslands.

Geographical coverage State of Alaska boreal forests

Primary sectors, subsectors, and emission

Terrestrial carbon sequestration

1 The objective of the assessment is to estimate the level of emission reductions achievable if policy goals

are achieved.

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Information Example

sources or sinks targeted

Greenhouse gases targeted

Carbon dioxide

Other related policies or actions

Forest management policies addressing thinning or other treatment of burn areas.

Optional information

Key performance indicators

Annual reforested area, forest biomass (forest carbon)

Intended level of mitigation to be achieved and/or target level of other indicators

Based on historical wildfire data, on average, 260,000 acres of high-severity burn area is created each year in the boreal forest. The table below shows the reforestation targets for the policy based on the goals stated above. Over 15 years, a total of nearly 700,000 acres would be reforested.

Boreal Forest Reforestation Targets

Year Acres


Incremental C Accumulated


2010 13,152 30,757 2011 18,413 43,060 2012 23,674 55,363 2013 28,935 67,666 2014 34,196 79,969 2015 39,457 92,272 2016 42,087 98,424 2017 44,718 104,575 2018 47,348 110,727 2019 49,979 116,878 2020 52,609 123,030 2021 55,240 129,181 2022 57,870 135,333 2023 60,501 141,484 2024 63,131 147,636 2025 65,761 153,787

Totals 697,072 1,630,147

Title of establishing legislation, regulations, or other founding documents

Alaska Climate Change Action Plan, Policy Option FAW-1 “Forest Management for Carbon Sequestration”, Element D “Boreal Forest Reforestation After Fire or Insect and Disease Mortality”.

MRV procedures -

Enforcement mechanisms -

Reference to relevant guidance documents

Climate Change Action Plans

The broader context/significance of the policy or action

As described above, the policy intervention promotes higher levels of carbon sequestration (forest biomass accumulation) than would be experienced under business as usual (BAU or baseline) conditions in high-severity burn areas of Alaska’s boreal forests.

Outline of non-GHG effects or co-benefits of the policy or action

Improved wildlife habitat;

Future timber/other biomass harvest value (note that biomass

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Information Example

removals were not considered during the quantification of net GHG benefits);

Employment opportunities;

Reduced erosion in riparian areas.

Other relevant information -

5.3 Decide whether to assess an individual policy/action or a package of policies/actions

Chapter 5 also provides a description of the advantages and disadvantages of assessing an individual

policy/action or a package of policy actions. Steps to guide the user in making this decision based on

specific objectives and circumstances include identifying other related policies/actions that interact with

the initial policy/action.

The user would need to undertake a preliminary analysis to understand the nature of these interactions

and determine whether to assess an individual policy/action or a package of policy actions. This analysis

can be brief and qualitative, since detailed analysis of interactions would be taken up in subsequent

chapters. An illustrative example for the boreal forest reforestation policy is provided below.

Table 5.5 Mapping policies/actions that target the same emission source(s)

Policy assessed




Other policies/actions

targeting the same


Type of


Degree of


Boreal Forest


Increased carbon

sequestration in

high-severity burn


Changes to forest

harvest practices (e.g.

rotation schedules) to

achieve greater

sequestration levels

Neutral -

Any forest

management policy

that targets high-

severity burn areas in

the boreal forest of


Counteracting Uncertain

Table 5.6 Criteria to consider for determining whether to assess an individual policy/action or a

package of policies/actions

Criteria Questions Guidance Evaluation

Use of


Do the end-users of the assessment results want

to know the impact of individual policies/actions,

for example, to inform choices on which individual

policies/actions to implement or continue


If “Yes” then


an individual





Are there significant (major or moderate)

interactions between the identified policies/actions,

either overlapping or reinforcing, which will be

missed if policies/actions are assessed


If “Yes” then consider

assessing a package

of policies/actions No

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Will the assessment be manageable if a package

of policies/actions is assessed? Is data available

for the package of policies/actions? Are policies

implemented by a single entity?

If “No” then undertake

an individual

assessment No

For ex-post assessments, is it possible to

disaggregate the observed impacts of interacting


If “No” then consider

assessing a package




Recommendation for the boreal forest reforestation policy

The policy design which focuses on high-severity burn areas, limits the potential for interaction with other

policies, hence the policy can be analyzed individually.

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Chapter 6: Identifying effects and mapping the causal chain

In this chapter, users are expected to identify all potential GHG effects of the policy or action and include

them in a map of the causal chain.

6.1 Identify potential GHG effects of the policy or action

Using reliable literature resources (such as those mentioned in Box A, combined with professional

judgment or expert opinion and consultations etc. users can develop a list of all potential GHG effects of

the policy or action and separately identify and categorize them in two categories: In-jurisdiction effects

(and sources/sinks) and out-of-jurisdiction effects (and sources/sinks). In order to do this, users may find

it useful to first understand how the policy or action is implemented by identifying the relevant inputs and

activities associated with the policy or action. For the given policy example, an illustrative list of indicators

and possible effects for the policy (by type) is provided below.

Table 6.1 Summary of inputs, activities, and effects for the example policy


types Examples for boreal reforestation policy

Inputs Spending on staff and material in boreal forest reforestation activities using mixed

hardwood stock


Produce re-planting stock

Conduct forest plantings

Manage/survey reforested areas



Trees planted

Emissions at nursery operations (energy and fertilizer consumption)

Transport of materials and manpower

Higher biomass accumulation over baseline conditions

GHG effects Increase in CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions

Terrestrial carbon sequestration

Quantitative information may not be available for all elements identified in the table at the point of

assessment and not all elements are relevant for the determination of the causal chain. However,

creating a comprehensive list will not only provide support for the identification of effects, but will also help

to design a robust performance monitoring (see Chapter 11).

In the next step a comprehensive list of expected effects, based on the understanding of the design of the

policy, is developed.

Table 6.2 Illustrative example of various effects for the example policy

Type of effect Effect

Intended effect Sequestration due to increase in biomass accumulation levels above


Unintended effect Increased emissions from nursery and planting operations



Upstream emissions due to increased electricity production for nursery

energy consumption

Upstream emissions due to increased fuel supply for nursery energy



effect Upstream emissions due to increased production of nutrients and


Short-term effect Increase in emissions due to fuel consumption during site surveys

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Increase in emissions due to fuel consumption during site plantings

Long-term effect None identified

6.2 Identify source/sink categories and greenhouse gases associated with the GHG effects

Users are also expected to identify and report the list of source/sink categories and greenhouse gases

affected by the policy or action.

Table 6.3 Sources/sinks and greenhouse gases affected by the example policy

Source/sink category Description Examples of emitting

equipment or entity




Sequestration Sequestration due to increase

in biomass accumulation

levels above baseline

Biomass CO2

Production of nutrients

and containers

Production of nutrients and

containers Production units CO2, CH4, N2O

Electricity production Electricity production for

nursery energy consumption Power plants CO2, CH4, N2O

Fuel consumption Increased fuel supply for

nursery energy consumption Stock nursery CO2, CH4, N2O

Fuel consumption Fuel consumption during site


Survey and monitoring

equipment CO2, CH4, N2O

Fuel consumption Fuel consumption during site

plantings Site planting equipment CO2, CH4, N2O

6.3 Map the causal chain

Once effects have been identified, developing a map of the causal chain allows the user and relevant

stakeholders to understand in visual terms how the policy or action leads to changes in emissions. Figure

6.3 presents a causal chain for the example policy based on the effects identified above.

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Figure 6.3 Mapping GHG effects by stage for the example policy

For this chapter, there are a number of sector-specific resources such as guidance documents, tools,

databases of projects etc. that can be referred to while brainstorming possible effects of policies in the

sector, however the extent of available literature and resources varies by policy type and geography.

Some examples of these resources are provided in the methods and tools database on the GHG Protocol

website, which can be filtered by sector. Most of these resources will not be applicable in their entirety,

however select sections of these resources could provide a preliminary basis for further brainstorming

and analysis.

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Chapter 7: Defining the GHG assessment boundary

Following the standard, users are required to include all significant effects in the GHG assessment

boundary. In this chapter, users determine which GHG effects are significant and therefore need to be

included. The standard recommends that users estimate the likelihood and relative magnitude of effects

to determine which are significant. Users may define significance based on the context and objectives of

the assessment. The recommended way to define significance is “In general, users should consider all

GHG effects to be significant (and therefore included in the GHG assessment boundary) unless they are

estimated to be either minor in size or expected to be unlikely or very unlikely to occur”.

7.1 Assess the significance of potential GHG effects

Many agricultural practices can potentially mitigate GHG emissions, the most prominent of which are

improved cropland and grazing land management (leading to decreased N2O emissions and increased

soil carbon sequestration) and restoration of degraded lands and cultivated organic soils (leading to soil

carbon sequestration). Lower but still significant mitigation potential is provided by water and rice

management (reduced N2O and CH4 emissions), activities resulting in soil carbon sequestration, land use

change and agroforestry (primarily carbon sequestration), and livestock management and manure

management (reduced N2O and CH4 emissions). Estimates vary, but most of the global mitigation

potential of agriculture (about 89%) rests in soil carbon sequestration. About 9% and 2% rests in reducing

methane and soil N2O emissions, respectively.

Rebound effects are very prevalent, which lead to substitution of one type of GHG emissions with

another. For instance:

Measures taken to enhance soil carbon sequestration (e.g., no till-practices or increased

irrigation) can lead to increased soil N2O emissions

Wooded riparian buffer zones can increase carbon sequestration but lead to increased soil N2O

emissions, compared to field margins.

Aerating a manure lagoon to reduce CH4 emissions will increase N2O emissions.

Removal of straw from flooded rice paddies to reduce CH4 emissions can lead to the requirement

for more fertilizer and increased N2O emissions.

The application of N-transformation inhibitors to soils to reduce the leaching of some N2O

precursors may increase that of others.

These cases demonstrate the need to identify trade-offs and consider multiple sources and GHGs in

tandem when evaluating possible mitigation measures. A whole-systems approach avoids potentially ill-

advised policies based on preoccupation with one individual practice.

For the forestry sector specifically, displacement or leakage effects are likely to be significant for:

a. Avoided deforestation policies that do not also address the provision of the services/products that

would have been provided by the deforested land in the baseline.

b. Afforestation/reforestation policies that do not also address the provision of the services/products

that would have been provided by the afforested/reforested land in the baseline.

For the boreal forest reforestation policy, an illustrative assessment boundary is described below.

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Table 7.3 Example of assessing each GHG effect separately by gas to determine which GHG

effects and greenhouse gases to include in the GHG assessment boundary for the example policy

GHG effect Likelihood Relative magnitude Included?

Sequestration due to increase in biomass accumulation levels above baseline

CO2 Very likely Major Included

Upstream emissions due to increased production of nutrients and containers

CO2 Very likely Minor Excluded

CH4 Very likely Minor Excluded

N2O Very likely Minor Excluded

Upstream emissions due to increased electricity production for nursery energy consumption

CO2 Very likely Minor Excluded

CH4 Very likely Minor Excluded

N2O Very likely Minor Excluded

Upstream emissions due to increased fuel supply for nursery energy consumption

CO2 Very likely Minor Excluded

CH4 Very likely Minor Excluded

N2O Very likely Minor Excluded

Emissions due to fuel consumption during site surveys

CO2 Very likely Moderate Included

CH4 Very likely Minor Excluded

N2O Very likely Minor Excluded

Emissions due to fuel consumption during site plantings

CO2 Very likely Moderate Included

CH4 Very likely Minor Excluded

N2O Very likely Minor Excluded

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Figure 7.3 Assessing each GHG effect to determine which GHG effects to include in the GHG

assessment boundary: Boreal reforestation policy

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Table 7.4 List of GHG effects, GHG sources and sinks, and greenhouse gases included in the GHG

assessment boundary for the example policy

GHG effect GHG sources GHG sinks Greenhouse gases

1 Sequestration due to increase

in biomass accumulation levels

above baseline

Sequestration due to

increase in biomass

accumulation levels above



2 Emissions due to fuel

consumption during site


Fuel consumption during

site surveys N/A CO2

3 Emissions due to fuel

consumption during site


Fuel consumption during

site plantings N/A CO2

The 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 4, Chapter 4, has default

values for above-ground biomass for different forest types, and also default carbon-density factors for

biomass. These default data can be used, together with estimates of the area of forest (either protected

or created), to estimate avoided emissions or the enhancement of sinks.

This approach can be used to estimate both the primary emission reductions/sink enhancements of a

policy, and also the magnitude of leakage effects (i.e. by estimating the displaced area of deforestation,

or foregone afforestation/reforestation).

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Chapter 8: Estimating baseline emissions

In this chapter, users are expected to estimate baseline emissions over the GHG assessment period from

all sources and sinks included in the GHG assessment boundary. Users need to define emissions

estimation method(s), parameter(s), driver(s), and assumption(s) needed to estimate baseline emissions

for each set of sources and sinks.

8.3 Choose type of baseline comparison

A challenge to applying the comparison groups approach for this sector would be identifying control

groups in other regions that offer analogous environmental conditions. GHG emissions in the sector are

heavily affected by environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall, soil pH, slope, etc.

8.4 Estimating baseline emissions using the scenario method

8.4.1 Define the most likely baseline scenario

Users need to identify other policies and non-policy drivers that affect emissions in the absence of the

policy or action. Examples of other policies and non-policy drivers are provided in Table 8.3 and Table


Table 8.2 Examples of other policies or actions in the AFOLU sector that may be included in a

baseline scenario

Forestry Sector

Examples of other policies Sources of data for developing assumptions

Level of enforcement of protected areas No central source and specific to each country.

Permitting for land conversion No central source and specific to each country.

Biofuel policies (e.g. EU Renewable Energy

Directive, and US Renewable Fuel Standard)

No central source and specific to each country.

Agricultural production subsidies www.fao.org and www.ifpri.org

Agriculture Sector

Examples of other policies

Sources of data for



North America Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)—cost-

sharing and incentive payments for conservation practices on working

farms (USA)

Equilibrium models


commodity/input prices

and land demand

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) – rewards and

recognizes actions that provide GHG benefits – improved N use efficiency

rewarded (USA)

The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)—environmentally sensitive

land converted to native grasses, wildlife plantings, trees, filter strips,

riparian zones (USA)

The Conservation Security Program (CSP)—(voluntary) assistance

promoting conservation on cropland, pasture, and range land (and farm

woodland) (USA)

Greencover in Canada and provincial initiatives—encourages shift from

annual to perennial crop production on poor quality soils (Canada -


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USDA renewable energy initiatives in 26 States (USA) - Provide loan

guarantees and payments for e.g., RE installations

EU CAP payments for set-asides

Laws on nutrient management and water quality (e.g., EU Water

Framework Directive, Water codes of the Russian Federation, etc.)

Bans on agricultural activities (e.g., open burning of crop residues) that

impair air quality

EU ban on dumping at sea of sewage sludge, leading to more sewage

being applied on farms

Regulations to promote conversion of degraded lands to set-asides or

more productive agricultural land (e.g., eastern Europe and China)

Table 8.4 Examples of non-policy drivers that may be included in a baseline scenario

Forestry Sector

Non-policy drivers Sources of data for developing assumptions

Population growth World Bank:


Economic growth World Bank:


Changing patterns in demand for agricultural

commodities (e.g. increased demand for

animal protein in developing countries)

www.fao.org and www.ifpri.org

Agricultural yields www.fao.org

Agriculture Sector

Non-policy drivers Sources of data for developing assumptions

Shifts in consumer preferences (e.g., growing

demand for meat) Surveys

Changes in prices of energy and agricultural

commodities National statistics

Changes in weather and climate Climate models

Water availability National statistics

Changes in use of land base (e.g.,

urbanization, deforestation, agricultural

intensification/industrialization) due to

demographic/economic changes and

advances in technology

Equilibrium models, land cover data sets

8.4.2 Select a desired level of accuracy

There are different methodological choices related to the level of accuracy of an assessment. Simplified

methods can be used, such as IPCC Tier 1 methods, or more complex methods, such as IPCC Tier 3.

The methods by which the parameter values of the selected method are derived also impacts the

accuracy of the analysis. A further important factor is the source of data, where internationally applicable

default values constitute lower levels of accuracy than jurisdiction or source specific data.

Further, emission factors can be static (calculated upfront and applied for the duration of the assessment)

or dynamic (updated over time to reflect changes in recycling, compost, or electricity markets) and that

can be another means of making the distinction. A low accuracy method could have the option of applying

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a static emission factor and higher accuracy methods could update emission factors on a regular basis to

maintain accuracy.

For the example of the boreal forest reforestation policy, examples for different levels of accuracy based

on the number of effects to include are provided below.

Low accuracy: Section 8.4.3 below provides an example for estimating only one effect: net carbon

sequestration. The calculation is provided for one year of reforestation projects (2010: totaling 13,152


Although not conducted for this example, an intermediate accuracy assessment could also capture

energy consumption related emissions for initial surveys and periodic monitoring, as well as the energy

consumed due to transport materials and personnel to reforestation sites. Data would need to be

gathered from state forestry experts, including the mode (air or road) and distance of transport, and

schedule for periodic monitoring. After estimating the annual vehicle or air kilometers of travel, literature

data or refined transport models (e.g. the U.S. EPA’s MOVES model) could be used to determine fuel

consumption (e.g. diesel and/or aviation gasoline). Standard IPCC emission factors could then be used to

estimate emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O.

High accuracy: A high accuracy assessment would also include additional energy consumed during re-

planting stock production and the upstream GHG emission estimates for fuel consumption, nutrient

consumption, and electricity consumption. Upstream GHG emission factors for fuels (addressing

extraction, processing/refining, and distribution) would need to come from literature sources or available

models. In the U.S., the Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and several state

agencies maintain models for estimating these full energy-cycle emissions (e.g. ANL’s GREET Model).

Use of energy and fertilizer for planting stock at nurseries, as well as information on the upstream

emissions for fertilizer consumption would need to be obtained through a review of the current literature.

For any electricity consumed, existing protocols, such as The Climate Registry’s General Reporting

Protocol (covering North America), as well as emission factor databases such as eGRID for the United

States would be a source of information for the carbon intensity of grid-based electricity.

8.4.3 Define the emissions estimation method(s) and parameters needed to calculate baseline


The annual carbon stock changes for the entire AFOLU sector can be estimated as the sum of changes

in all land-use categories:

Equation 1 Estimating carbon stock changes for the AFOLU sector



ΔC = carbon stock change

AFOLU = Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use

FL = Forest Land

CL = Cropland

GL = Grassland

WL = Wetlands

SL = Settlements

OL = Other Land

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As an example, the baseline calculation method for emissions associated with the sequestration due to

increase in biomass accumulation levels (one of the identified sources in the assessment boundary of the

policy example of boreal forest reforestation) is demonstrated below:

Baseline boreal grassland CO2 sequestration:

Equation 2 Estimating baseline emissions for net carbon sequestration

Baseline emissionsyear = (Replanted area x carbon accumulation rate by cover type x 44/12) x (-1)

Table A2 Examples of determining baseline values from published data sources

Parameter Sources of published data for baseline values

Carbon accumulation rate

by cover type

IPCC Guidelines, national forestry agencies, national/local studies, local


Replanted area (Average

wildfire activity) National/regional statistics

Table 8.2 Examples of typical other policies and actions, and related data sources for developing

assumptions (for developing new baseline values) for each parameter

Parameter Relevant polices Sources of data for developing


No other policies were identified for this reforestation example.

Table 8.4 List of typical non-policy drivers and related data sources for developing assumptions

(for developing new baseline values) for each parameter

Parameter Typical non-policy drivers Sources of data for developing


Replanted Area Climate change-induced drivers,

including increases in wildfire

occurrence in areas affected by

severe burns are important.

Secondary sources of data including

state/provincial natural resource

inventories, greenhouse gas

inventories, or regional planning

organizations (e.g. air quality

planning organizations).

8.4.4 Estimate baseline values for each parameter

The following table provides an overview of the parameter values used for the baseline calculation.

2 Table numbering differs, as there is no corresponding table included in the standard. The table is adapted from table 8.7 in the standard.

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Table 8.7 Example of reporting parameter values and assumptions used to estimate baseline

emissions for the food waste diversion policy


Baseline value(s) applied over the GHG assessment period

Methodology and assumptions to estimate value(s)

Data sources

Carbon accumulation rate

0.010 tC/acre-yr (boreal grassland)

The assumption is that without the policy,

area affected by wildfires would be covered

by boreal grassland.

IPCC above-ground biomass value for boreal

grasslands is 1.7 t dry mass/hectare:




Assume dry mass is 50% carbon by weight; 35 years time for mixed hardwood forest to reach maturity (grassland likely reaches maturity well before 35 years).

IPCC 2006 Guidelines

Mixed hardwood sequestration rate

0.648 tC/acre-yr Unpublished value: Assumes forest regeneration with Balsam Poplar, which yields 30 cords/acre over 35 years.

AK Division of Forestry staff communication.

Replanted area

Boreal Forest Reforestation Targets

Year Acres


Incremental C



2010 13,152 30,757

2011 18,413 43,060

2012 23,674 55,363

2013 28,935 67,666

2014 34,196 79,969

2015 39,457 92,272

2016 42,087 98,424

2017 44,718 104,575

2018 47,348 110,727

2019 49,979 116,878

2020 52,609 123,030

2021 55,240 129,181

Targets set

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2022 57,870 135,333

2023 60,501 141,484

2024 63,131 147,636

2025 65,761 153,787

Totals 697,072 1,630,147

8.4.5 Estimate baseline emissions for each source/sink category

The final step is to estimate baseline emissions by using the emissions estimation method identified in

Section 8.4.3 and the baseline values for each parameter identified in Section 8.4.4.

Baseline emissions2010 = (Replanted area x carbon accumulation rate x 44/12) x (-1)

= (13,152 acres x 0.010 tC/acre-yr x 44 tCO2/12 tC) x (-1)

= - 482 tCO2

The same calculations would need to be made for each year of the policy assessment period addressing

this first year of reforestation projects and adding in the cumulative sequestration for the additional area

reforested each year.

8.6 Aggregate baseline emissions across all source/sink categories

Table 8.9 provides an illustrative example of the results of the analysis for all effects included in the

assessment boundary, assuming the calculation steps outlined in section 8.4, that were illustrated with

effect 1, were carried out for each of the effects.

Table 8.9 Example of aggregating baseline emissions for the boreal forest reforestation policy3

GHG effect included in the GHG

assessment boundary Affected sources Baseline emissions

1 Sequestration due to increase in

biomass accumulation levels

above baseline

Sequestration due to

increase in biomass

accumulation levels

above baseline

- 482 t CO2

2 Emissions due to fuel

consumption during site surveys

Fuel consumption during

site surveys 0

3 Emissions due to fuel

consumption during site


Fuel consumption during

site plantings 0

Total baseline emissions - 482 t CO2

Note: The table provides data for the end year in the GHG assessment period (2025).

3 Numbers for effects 2 and 3 are illustrative.

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Chapter 9: Estimating GHG effects ex-ante

In this chapter, users are expected to estimate policy scenario emissions for the set of GHG sources and

sinks included in the GHG assessment boundary based on the set of GHG effects included in the GHG

assessment boundary. Policy scenario emissions are to be estimated for all sources and sinks using the

same emissions estimation method(s), parameters, parameter values, GWP values, drivers, and

assumptions used to estimate baseline emissions, except where conditions differ between the baseline

scenario and the policy scenario, for example, changes in activity data and emission factors.

9.2 Identify parameters to be estimated

Data needs for emissions estimation vary with the type of policy / action being implemented. For example,

the data needs for emissions estimation in case of afforestation and reforestation of lands (except

wetlands) include change in carbon stock in tree biomass, change in carbon stock in shrub biomass,

change in carbon stock in dead wood biomass, change in carbon stock in litter, change in carbon stock in

soil organic carbon (SOC) and increase in non-CO2 GHG emissions. The data needs for estimation of

N2O Emissions Reductions in Agricultural Crops through Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate Reduction (Approved

VCS Methodology VM0022) are:

Mass of project nitrogen (N) containing synthetic fertilizer applied,

Mass of project N containing organic fertilizer applied,

N content of project synthetic fertilizer applied,

N content of project organic fertilizer applied,

Emission factor for project N2O emissions from N inputs,

Project synthetic N fertilizer applied,

Project organic N fertilizer applied,

Fraction of all synthetic N added to project soils that volatilizes as NH3 and NOx,

Fraction of all organic N added to project soils that volatilizes as NH3 and NOx,

Fraction of N added (synthetic or organic) to project soils that is lost through leaching and runoff,

in regions where leaching and runoff occurs,

Emission factor for project N2O emissions from atmospheric deposition of N on soils and water

surfaces and

Emission factor for project N2O emissions from N leaching and runoff.

Table A in Chapter 8 forms the basis for determining which parameters are affected by the policy. In case

the determination of affected parameters is not straightforward, the methodology to determine

significance outlined in Chapter 7 can be used. For the first effect of the policy ‘sequestration’, the only

parameter from equation 2 affected by the policy is the carbon sequestration factor.

9.4 Estimate policy scenario values for parameters

Once the affected parameters are determined the parameter values for the policy scenario can be

determined. All other parameters remain as in the baseline scenario. Table 9.2 provides an example.

Table 9.2. Example of reporting parameter values and assumptions used to estimate ex-ante

policy scenario emissions for the boreal forest reforestation policy

Parameter Baseline


Policy Scenario Values

Trend over time for scenario


Time period of

effect Source(s)

used Comments / Explanation

Carbon accumulation

0.010 tC/acre-yr

0.648 tC/acre-yr

Unpublished value: Assumes

AK Division of Forestry staff

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rate (boreal grassland)

(mixed hardwood)

forest regeneration with Balsam Poplar, which yields 30 cords/acre over 35 years.


Area reforested

See table 8.7

Same as baseline values

Not affected

9.5 Estimate policy scenario emissions

Once parameter values have been determined, the same equations as used for the calculation of baseline values can be used to derive the policy scenario values:

Policy intervention reforestation CO2 sequestration:

Policy scenario emissions2010 = (Replanted area x carbon accumulation rate by cover type x 44/12) x (-1)

= (13,152 acres x 0.648 tC/acre-yr x 44 tCO2/12 tC) x (-1)

= - 31,249 tCO2

9.6 Estimate the GHG effect of the policy or action (ex-ante)

After determining the GHG emissions for the policy scenario for each source category, the change resulting from the policy can be determined. Table 9.3 provides an overview of the results. Table 9.3 Example of estimating the GHG effect of the food waste diversion policy4

GHG effect included Affected sources





emissions Change

1 Sequestration due to

increase in biomass

accumulation levels

above baseline

Sequestration due to

increase in biomass

accumulation levels

above baseline

- 31,249 tCO2 - 482 t CO2 - 30,767 tCO2

2 Emissions due to

fuel consumption

during site surveys

Fuel consumption

during site surveys 157 tCO2 0 157 tCO2

3 Emissions due to

fuel consumption

during site plantings

Fuel consumption

during site plantings 473 tCO2 0 473 tCO2

Total emissions /

Total change in


- 30,619 tCO2 - 482 t CO2 - 30,137 tCO2

Note: The table provides data for the end year in the GHG assessment period (2020).

The primary parameters are the area of re-forestation each year, the above-ground carbon stocks for

mature boreal grasslands and hardwood stands, and the time required for the new hardwood stands to

reach maturity. [Note that below ground carbon stocks (roots, soil carbon) could also be important in an

overall assessment of forest carbon benefits; however, good data for these carbon pools are often

4 Numbers for effects 2 and 3 are illustrative.

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lacking. For the example policy, below ground stocks for a mature hardwood stand would be expected to

be higher than a grassland; therefore, the estimated GHG benefits are conservatively low].

The example provided uses a simplified method suitable for policy analysis. In addition to the area of

reforestation projects, a key parameter is the rate of biomass (carbon) accumulation. The simplified

method determines this annual average rate using an estimate of above-ground biomass density (e.g.

cubic meters/hectare) for a given forest type, and then divides by the number of years expected for that

reforested stand to reach maturity. In reality, the slope of accumulation is not linear as shown in the

example chart below for two pine species. During the first 5 to 10 years, biomass accumulation rates

would be expected to be fairly modest; once the stand is fully-established, then the accumulation rate

increases significantly over the succeeding 30-50 years, before beginning to level off. In cases where

more precise estimates are needed, use of a timber growth and yield model should be considered.

Source: Alavapati et al, 2002. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800902000125

Box B.1 Addressing policy interactions

There are likely to be overlapping effects between agricultural policies that reduce yields (as an

unintended effect) and policies that aim to reduce emissions from deforestation or forest degradation

(REDD+) – as reduced yields are likely to increase the total amount of agricultural land required. There

are likely to be reinforcing effects between agricultural policies that increase yields and policies that aim

to reduce emissions from deforestation or forest degradation (REDD+) – as increased yields are likely to

reduce the total amount of agricultural land required. Similarly there are likely to be interactions between

afforestation/reforestation policies that reduce agricultural production or the availability of agricultural

land, and REDD+ policies which aim to reduce deforestation – as restrictions in the supply of agricultural

commodities is likely to increase prices, and farmers may respond by converting more land to agricultural


The example policy did not have any interactive policies identified. However, a hypothetical example

could be some promotion of timber harvests for either energy use or forest products (resulting in harvests

above baseline conditions). With the exception of durable wood products (e.g. lumber for building

structures, furniture), an increase above baseline for other forest product harvests should be subtracted

from the future estimated carbon sequestration (in the year harvested). This assumes that the replanted

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stands are subject to future harvests. For example, based on the type of forest, time required for the

stand to reach marketable diameter, and anticipated harvesting procedures (e.g. clear cut versus select

removal); the amount of carbon in the above-ground live tree carbon pool harvested should be subtracted

out of the cumulative forest carbon sequestered by that year. Average annual sequestration rates over

that time period should then reflect only the net carbon remaining after harvests.

In the case of harvests for durable wood products, some fraction of the harvested biomass will remain

stored in that product. Forest project protocols, similar forestry guidance, or local forestry experts should

be consulted to establish a defensible fraction of carbon to be stored in these products (e.g. net of live

tree carbon harvested minus forest harvest residue minus forest products industry waste).

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Chapter 10: Monitoring performance over time

In this chapter, users are required to define the key performance indicators that will be used to track

performance of the policy or action over time. Where relevant, users need to define indicators in terms of

the relevant inputs, activities, intermediate effects and GHG effects associated with the policy or action.

10.1 Define key performance indicators

Some typical indicators for common policies in the sector are shown in the table below.

Table 10.1 Examples of indicators

Moratorium on forest conversion

Enhanced forest management

Incentive payment for reforestation

Incentives for adoption of conservation tillage techniques (no-till, ridge-till and mulch-till, etc.)

Input indicators

Financial and human resources for monitoring and enforcement

Financial and human resources for enhanced forest management

Financial resources committed to program

Money, skills (agricultural extension services)

Activity indicators

Provision of moratorium map, and number of prosecutions for breeches in moratorium

Number of forest managers trained

Optimization studies on the volume and timing of fertilizer amendments

Amount of incentive payments dispersed

Methods used to cultivate agricultural soils

Intermediate effect indicators

Area of land use change

Area of forest land under improved management

Area of land with successfully established trees

Percentage of farmers using conservation tillage techniques or percentage of farmland under conservation tillage

GHG effects

Gross GHG emissions or removals from the moratorium area

Gross GHG emissions or removals from the forest land under management

Avoidance of the direct N2O emissions from soils; avoidance

Gross GHG emissions and removals from the land planted with trees

Avoided soil CO2 emissions and increased soil carbon sequestration

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of indirect N2O emissions from the volaitization of N from soils and leaching/run-off of excess

Non-GHG effects

None identified

Employment generated

Revenue generated

Revenue generated

10.4 Create a monitoring plan

Although the example policy for Alaska did not provide details on monitoring, a monitoring program to

fully measure and document the GHG effects could be implemented. Detailed measurement and

monitoring procedures are available from forestry project offset protocols that could be adapted to monitor

the policy’s effects at the broader scale envisioned by the policy.

A monitoring program would need to address both baseline conditions (i.e. high site class lands that will

not be reforested) as well as replanted areas. This would involve establishing sample plots in both areas

that will be monitored over at least several decades. The number of sample plots required is a function of

the variability in initial carbon stocks and the level of precision needed for assessing GHG effects (see the

cited protocols for additional details on establishing sample plots). A measurement frequency should also

be established for both baseline and replanted sample plots. While project protocols might require this to

be done annually or every few years, for a state-level policy, such as the example policy, once every 3-5

years is probably sufficient.

For each sample plot, biomass (carbon stocks) is measured for each of the carbon pools: e.g. above-

ground live tree, standing dead trees, down dead trees, understory, forest litter, and possibly soil carbon.

Offset protocols used as a model to develop a monitoring program may also contain methods to account

for the carbon storage value of timber harvested during the monitoring period within durable wood


After each monitoring cycle, the measurement of carbon stocks could be transformed into annual

estimates of carbon sequestered both within the baseline areas and the replanted areas. Offset protocols

will often specify appropriate forest growth models that should be applied. This transformation would

provide estimates of carbon sequestered per hectare/year, for example, in both baseline and replanted

areas. The net benefit of the policy is the total carbon sequestered within the replanted areas minus the

amount of carbon that would have been sequestered without the policy (i.e. baseline sequestration rate x

replanted area). Added to this amount would be any additional carbon stored in durable wood products

from timber harvests on replanted areas (this example assumes that the baseline areas would not also

produce marketable timber within the monitoring period).

For Tier 2 or 3 assessments, in addition to the forest carbon measurements described above, there will

be a need to maintain information on the energy consumed as a result of the replanting projects

implemented through the policy and the overall monitoring program. The resulting net GHG effects will be

the sum of carbon dioxide sequestered above baseline (a negative number) and the GHG emissions for

energy consumed during replanting and monitoring.

Taking the example of a high accuracy ex-post GHG assessment, an illustrative example of a monitoring

plan for the example policy is provided below.

Table 10.5. Example of information to be contained in the monitoring plan

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Indicator or parameter (and unit)

Source of data Monitoring frequency

Measured/modelled/ calculated/estimated (and uncertainty)

Responsible entity

Baseline sequestration rate

Forest growth models in offset protocols

Once every 3-5 years

Modeled Implementing body

Replanted area Policy implementation plan

Once every 3-5 years

Measured Implementing body

Policy sequestration rate

Forest growth models in offset protocols

Once every 3-5 years

Modeled Implementing body

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Chapter 11: Estimating GHG effects ex-post

A number of ex-post assessment methods have been described in this chapter, which can be classified

into two broad categories i.e. Bottom-up methods and top-down methods.

11.2 Select an ex-post assessment method

The applicability of individual ex-post quantification methods for the sector and illustrative sources of data

are discussed in Table 11.1.

Bottom up methods are more applicable to REDD+ policies: the most common approach used for REDD+

projects and results-based payments at a national level involves the use of remotely sensed data and

ground-based studies of land cover change (known as activity data) and data on carbon stocks for

different types of land cover (known as emission factors). These data are then used to calculate total

emissions from deforestation (removals from enhanced sinks). The impact of individual policies in

achieving the observed level of deforestation might be estimated by adjusting the observed level of

deforestation for other drivers in the baseline.

Table 11.1 Applicability of ex-post assessment methods in the forestry sector

Bottom up methods Applicability

Collection of data from affected

participants/ sources/other

affected actors

Applicable. Direct monitoring of emissions is not possible, but

direct monitoring of parameters is common.

Additionally, aggregated data for observed deforestation, or

area afforested/reforested, can be “cleansed” for background

“noise” (e.g. spikes on agricultural commodity prices, or civil

conflict) – alternatively, the baseline could be recalculated with

these observed drivers factored in.

Engineering estimates

An approach comparable to “engineering estimates” may be

applicable to improved forest management policies, where a

model for the enhancement of sinks may be used to estimate

the impact of introducing improved forest management


Deemed estimate Applicable

Methods that can be bottom-up

or top-down depending on the



Stock modeling Applicable

Diffusion indicators Applicable

Top down methods Applicability

Monitoring of indicators Applicable

Economic modeling N/A

Bottom up methods are more applicable for the agriculture sector.

Table 11.1 Applicability of ex-post assessment methods in the agriculture sector

Bottom up methods Applicability

Collection of data from affected

participants/ sources/other

affected actors

Many, but not all, agricultural emissions sources can be

measured with in-situ measurement techniques (e.g.,

controlled livestock chambers for measuring enteric

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fermentation and flux chambers for monitoring the amount of

N2O and/or CO2 emitted from plots of land). While useful for

research, direct measurements are generally too expensive to

be feasible for the purposes of ex-post evaluation. However,

they can be used to improve more approximate estimation

techniques, such as emissions factors, and to calibrate

mechanistic (biogeochemical process) models.

Engineering estimates

Biogeochemical process models link important biogeochemical

processes that control the production, consumption, and

emission of GHGs. They can account for the cumulative GHG

impacts of a suite of management practices and other

variables that affect GHG emissions, as long as the models are

applied under the conditions for which they were developed

(e.g., applied in regions and management systems for which

calibrating data are available). Often, more field data sets may

be required to support the implementation and expansion of

models in policy analyses. Also, it is paramount that detailed

consideration is given to the structural and input uncertainty

related to the use of these models. The aggregate accuracy of

models is likely to increase with spatial scale, as more

combinations of environmental conditions are averaged over.

Deemed estimate -

Methods that can be bottom-up

or top-down depending on the



Stock modeling -

Diffusion indicators -

Top down methods Applicability

Monitoring of indicators -

Economic modeling -

For the policy example, quantifying effects ex-post will require the use of bottom-up monitoring data as

described above. Top-down data might include the total area reforested as a result of the policy; however,

that alone will not be sufficient to derive GHG effects. Estimates of carbon accumulation within each of

the forest carbon pools from on-site surveys will be needed in order to estimate the amount of carbon

dioxide sequestered annually.

Table 11.1 Applicability of ex-post assessment methods

Bottom up methods Applicability

Collection of data from affected

participants/ sources/other

affected actors Required as described

Engineering estimates Not applicable

Deemed estimate Not applicable

Methods that can be bottom-

up or top-down depending on

the context


Stock modeling Required as described

Diffusion indicators Not applicable

Top down methods Applicability

Monitoring or indicators Monitoring of areas replanted will need to be combined with

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bottom-up survey data

Economic modeling Not applicable

11.3 Select a desired level of accuracy

Examples of how to implement ex-post quantification methods using low to high accuracy level

approaches for the policy example are described below:

Low accuracy

A low accuracy approach for the example policy would focus on the net increase in carbon sinks achieved

by the policy. The approach could be based on a combination of on-site surveys and remote sensing

(satellite imagery or aerial photos) to assess the health of reforested areas. The results of a limited

number and/or frequency of forest biomass surveys would supply the carbon accumulation rates for

reforested areas, while the imagery would be used to assess the relative health of all reforested areas.

Intermediate accuracy

An intermediate accuracy approach would also focus on carbon sequestration, however, here the number

and frequency of on-site surveys would conform to a widely-accepted forest carbon accounting protocol.

Per the protocol requirements, survey results of monitoring plots would be scaled-up in each year and

used within the protocol’s accepted yield models or equations to estimate accumulated carbon (and

annual CO2 sequestration).

High accuracy

For a high accuracy approach, other GHG sources would be added to the Tier 2 method above in order to

provide a set of net sequestration values during each historical year. These additional sources could

include energy consumption during survey activities (e.g. fuel combustion during transport of survey


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