Policy: EH Page 1 of 1 Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri RECORD RETENTION It is essential that the District retain all records required to be maintained in accordance with law. All District staff shall retain those records required to be retained pursuant to the laws of the State of Missouri and the record retention schedule for public schools published by the Missouri Secretary of State. Adopted: June 24, 2008 Cross Refs: AF – Accountability BDDG – Minutes BDDL – Release of Information CL – School District Annual Reports ECAC – Video Surveillance EEAG – Student Transportation Records and Reports GBL – Personnel Records GBLA – Immigration Records GBM – Complaints and Grievances JEDA – Truancy JEE – Student Attendance Accounting JGF – Discipline Reporting and Records JO – Student Records KBA – Public’s Right to Know Legal Refs: §§ 109.200 -- .300 R.S.Mo. Secretary of State Public School Records Retention Schedule Secretary of State General Records Retention Schedule

Policy: EH RECORD RETENTION - Amazon S3€¦ · RECORD RETENTION It is essential that the District retain all records required to be maintained in accordance with law. All District

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Page 1: Policy: EH RECORD RETENTION - Amazon S3€¦ · RECORD RETENTION It is essential that the District retain all records required to be maintained in accordance with law. All District

Policy: EH

Page 1 of 1

Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri


It is essential that the District retain all records required to be maintained in

accordance with law. All District staff shall retain those records required to be retained

pursuant to the laws of the State of Missouri and the record retention schedule for

public schools published by the Missouri Secretary of State.

Adopted: June 24, 2008

Cross Refs: AF – Accountability

BDDG – Minutes

BDDL – Release of Information

CL – School District Annual Reports

ECAC – Video Surveillance

EEAG – Student Transportation Records and Reports

GBL – Personnel Records

GBLA – Immigration Records

GBM – Complaints and Grievances

JEDA – Truancy

JEE – Student Attendance Accounting

JGF – Discipline Reporting and Records

JO – Student Records

KBA – Public’s Right to Know

Legal Refs: §§ 109.200 -- .300 R.S.Mo.

Secretary of State Public School Records Retention Schedule

Secretary of State General Records Retention Schedule

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Policy: GBG Page 1 of 1

Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri

STAFF PARTICIPATION IN POLITICAL ACTIVITIES The Board recognizes that District employees have the same fundamental civic responsibilities and privileges as other citizens. Among these are campaigning for elective public office and holding an elective or appointed public office. Any employee who intends to campaign for an elective public office will notify the superintendent in writing of the office being sought and the decision as to whether to continue employment, and under what terms and conditions. The superintendent will meet with and discuss these matters with the employee involved, and will present a proposed solution to the Board for consideration. The essential element to be determined by the Board is whether the activities proposed by the employee are compatible with the requirements for fulfilling the employee's responsibilities to the District. The Board will determine the terms and conditions under which the employee may continue employment while seeking or holding the office. No employee will use school system facilities, equipment or supplies in connection with campaigning; nor will the employee use any time during the working day for campaigning purposes. State law prohibits certified staff members from participating in the management of a campaign for the election or defeat of a member of the Board of Education that employs such certified staff member. No employee may wear buttons or display posters or other political materials supporting or opposing political candidates or campaigns on District property and during the working day. Adopted: January 29, 2009 Cross Refs: DCB, Use of District Funds for Campaigns Legal Refs: § 168.130, RSMo.

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Policy: GBEBA Page 1 of 2

Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri


Student and employee safety is of paramount concern to the District. In recognition of the threat to safety posed by employee use or possession of drugs or alcohol, the Special School District commits itself to a continuing good-faith effort to maintain a drug-free environment. The District shall not tolerate the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale, use of, or being under the influence of, alcohol, drugs, unauthorized prescription medication or a non-prescribed controlled substance by District employees on District premises; in any District-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or District activities; off District property at any District-sponsored or District-approved activity, event, or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the supervision of the District; or during any period of time such employee is supervising students on behalf of the District or is otherwise conducting District business. When it is evident that an employee has consumed alcoholic beverages or non-prescribed controlled substances off school property before or during a District activity, the employee will not be allowed on school property to participate in the activity and will be subject to the same disciplinary measures as for consumption on District property. All District employees will be tested for alcohol and non-prescribed controlled substances if the District has reasonable suspicion that the employee has violated this policy. In addition, employees who operate district transportation must submit to alcohol and drug testing as otherwise required by law. All testing will be conducted in accordance with Board policy, administrative procedures and law. Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension, termination, and referral for prosecution. Employees may be required to satisfactorily participate in rehabilitation programs. Each employee is hereby notified that as a condition of employment, the employee must abide by the terms of this policy and notify the superintendent or designee of any conviction under a criminal drug statute for violations occurring in or off District premises while engaged in regular employment. The employee must report a conviction to the superintendent or designee in writing no later than five (5) days after the conviction. The superintendent or designee will provide notice of such violation to the United States Department of Education, or other appropriate federal agency, within ten (10) calendar days after the superintendent or designee receives such notification, if the District receives federal grants directly from such agency, as opposed to federal grants received through the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The District will take appropriate disciplinary action within thirty (30) days. The District will institute a drug-free awareness program to inform employees of: (1) the dangerous and harmful nature of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace; (2) this policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (3) available counseling and rehabilitation; and (4) the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violation occurring in the workplace.

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Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri

Employees needing help in dealing with such problems are encouraged to use the Employee Assistance Program and the District health insurance plan, as appropriate. Although the District will not assume financial responsibility, an employee who requests assistance shall be referred to a treatment facility or agency in the community if such facility or agency is available. Employees with a drug or alcohol abuse problem should be encouraged to seek help. Upon the request of DESE or a United States agency, the District shall certify that it has adopted and implemented the drug prevention program described in this policy. The District shall conduct a biennial review of this policy to determine its effectiveness, implement necessary changes and ensure that the disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced. This policy shall be communicated in writing to all present and future employees. Compliance with this policy is mandatory. Adopted: July 11, 1989 Revised: February 11, 1997

April 24, 2001 May 27, 2003 October 11, 2005 May 11, 2010

Cross Refs.: EBBA, Illness and Injury Response and Prevention JFCH – Student Alcohol and Drug Abuse GCBC – Staff Conduct

Legal Refs.: §287.120 RSMo. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, 41 U.S.C. §§701-707 Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. § 812(c), 21 C.F.R. 1300.11-1300.15

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Policy: GBCC 

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Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri


STAFF USE OF COMMUNICATION DEVICES  Definitions  Communication Device: Any mobile telephone, personal digital assistant, pager, tablet, laptop or other portable device that sends, receives or retrieves calls, text messages, e‐mail, other electronic communications or data, or provides access to the Internet.  Use/Using:  Dialing, answering or talking on the phone; sending, reading or responding to a text, e‐mail or other communication; opening and viewing pictures or digital recordings; opening and listening to music or audio communications; continuously checking a communication device; or any activity with a communication device that interferes with the employee’s job duties or appropriate supervision of students.  An employee is considered to be using a device even when the use is hands‐free.  The  Special  School  District  encourages  District  employees  to  use  technology,  including communication devices, to improve efficiency and safety.  The District expects all employees to use communication devices in a responsible manner that does not interfere with the employee's job duties.  Transportation staff shall not use communication devices including any hands‐free devices when  driving.    Employees who  violate District  policies  and  procedures  governing  the  use  of communication devices may be disciplined, up to and including termination, and may be prohibited from possessing or using communication devices while at work.  Communication devices may not be used in any manner that would violate the District's policy on student‐staff relations.  General Use  The District prohibits employees from using any communication device that interrupts or disrupts the performance of duties by the employee or otherwise interferes with district operations, as determined by the employee's supervisor.   This prohibition applies regardless of whether the communication device used is owned by the employee or provided by the District.  Employees are responsible for keeping communication devices secure and, if possible, password protected.  Supervision  of  students  is  a  priority  in  the District,  and  employees who  are  responsible  for supervising  students must  concentrate  on  that  task  at  all  times.    Employees  shall  not  use communication devices when  they are  responsible  for supervising students unless any of  the following conditions occur:   1. The device is being used to instruct the students being supervised at the time. 

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2.  The use is necessary to the performance of an employment‐related duty. 3.  The employee has received specific and direct permission from a supervisor. 4.  There is an emergency.  Even  when  these  conditions  exist,  the  employee  is  responsible  for  obtaining  assistance  in adequately supervising students during the approved use so that students are supervised at all times.  Use in Vehicles  Regardless of other provisions of this policy and in accordance with law, employees shall not use communication devices when:  1.  Driving District‐provided vehicles, regardless of whether the vehicle is owned, leased or 

otherwise obtained for District use in a District activity. 2.  Operating any vehicle in which a student is being transported when the transportation is 

provided as part of the employee's job. 3. Supervising students who are entering or exiting a vehicle, crossing thoroughfares or  

  otherwise safely reaching their destinations when such supervision is part of the    employee's job. 

 The District may make an exception to the rules in this section when the communication device is used to:  1.  Report illegal activity. 2.  Summon medical or other emergency help. 3.  Prevent injury to a person or property. 4. Obtain directions from a global positioning or navigational system, as long as the system is  

  being used in association with the employee's job and adequate safety precautions are    taken. 

5.   Relay necessary, time‐sensitive  information to a dispatcher with a device permanently affixed to the vehicle, in the manner allowed by law. 

 Even in these situations, employees should first take all possible safety precautions before using communication devices.  Use of District‐Provided Communication Devices  The District may provide communication devices and service to some employees to assist them in carrying out  their employment‐related duties on and off District property.   Use of a District‐provided communication device is a privilege.  The superintendent or designee has sole discretion  as to which employees will be provided communication devices and may recall any previously issued communication device.   Employees do not have any expectation of privacy  in District‐

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provided communication devices or any information stored on them, and such devices may be confiscated and searched at any time.  Employees are expected to exercise reasonable care to protect District‐provided communication devices from damage or theft and must report any such incidents immediately. The District may require employees to reimburse the District for any damage or theft that was the result of the employee's negligence.  Users of District‐provided communication devices must abide by any use limitations included in the District's service contract.  Employees must adhere to policy GBH (Staff Student Relations) and policy GBCB (Staff Conduct) as well as all other District policies relating to the use of a District provided communication device.  Use of District‐Provided Communication Devices  Personal use of District‐provided communication devices is permissible as long as the use does not exceed the limits of the applicable plan and adheres to all District policies.  An employee whose use exceeds plan limitations will be required to reimburse the District for all expenses beyond those covered by the plan and may have privileges suspended or revoked unless the employee can show that all use was for employment‐related duties and the device was not used for personal reasons.  The amount of personal use of a communication device or service paid for under E‐Rate can be no greater than the cost allocation submitted in the request for the E‐Rate discount. 

 Adopted:    October 11, 2011     Revised:  March 10, 2015     October 27, 2015     December 8, 2015   Cross Refs:  AC, Prohibition Against Illegal Discrimination and Harassment 

EHB, Technology Usage and Electronic Communications   Legal Refs:  ' 304.820, RSMo.     U.S. Const. amend. IV 

47 C.F.R. '' 54.500, .513, .522 

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Policy: GBCB

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Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri


The Board of Education expects that each professional and support staff member shall put forth every effort to promote a quality instructional program in the school district. In building a quality program, employees must meet certain expectations that include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Become familiar with, enforce and follow all Board policies, regulations,

administrative procedures, other directions given by district administrators and state and federal laws as they affect the performance of job duties.

2. Maintain appropriate professional relationships with pupils, parents/guardians, other

employees of the district and all patrons of the district. 3. Keep current on developments affecting the employee’s area of expertise or job

duties. 4. Transact all official business in the district in a timely manner. 5. Communicate constructive criticism regarding operations of the school district to the

particular school administrator who has the administrative responsibility for improving the situation.

6. Properly use and protect school property. 7. Attend all required staff meetings called by district administration, unless specifically

excused by a SSD /Partner District school administrator. 8. Keep all student records, medical information and other sensitive information

confidential as required by law, Board policy, district procedures and the employee's supervisor.

9. Immediately report all dangerous building conditions or situations to the building

supervisor and take action if appropriate to rectify the situation and protect the safety of students and others.

10. Properly supervise all students. 11. Act in a manner consistent with the goal of protecting the safety and welfare of

students. 12. Submit all required reports or paperwork in a timely manner. Employees shall not

falsify records maintained by the school district. 13. Refrain from using profanity while working.

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14. Dress in a manner that will not interfere with the educational environment. 15. Come to work and leave work at the time specified by the applicable employee

handbook/JR or by the employee’s supervisor. 16. School employees shall not strip search students. All searches of students shall be in

accordance with state law and district policies. 17. Administrators are only authorized to direct a student to remove any emblem, insignia

or garment, including a religious emblem, insignia or garment, where such item is worn in a manner that results in disruptive behavior. The administrator should report the incident to their immediate supervisor and follow the student discipline code of conduct.

18. Comply with state law prohibiting teachers from participating in the management of a

campaign for the election or defeat of a member of the Board of Education that employs such teacher.

19. Refrain from using district funds or resources to advocate, support or oppose any

ballot measure or candidate for public office. 20. Refrain from using any time during the working day for campaigning purposes,

unless allowed by law. 21. Within 24 hours of having been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of a criminal

offense, inform the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources of the circumstances of the arrest, charge, or conviction.

22. Within 24 hours of having received notice that a District employee is the subject of an

abuse/neglect investigation conducted by any federal, state, or local agency, inform the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources of the circumstances of the investigation.

23. Refrain from electronic communication with students via e-mail, instant message, text

message, or similar electronic medium, unless using the District’s electronic communication system to do so or unless a familial relationship exists between the District employee and the student. Refrain from granting student’s access to an employee’s personal social networking Internet site or from communicating with students via the employee’s personal social networking Internet sites, unless a familial relationship exists between the District employee and the student. Refrain from communication with students via a public social networking site unless such communication has been first approved by a building administrator or unless a familial relationship exists between the District employee and the student.

24. Communicate with parents electronically through the employee’s personal email or

phone only when the District’s electronic communication system is not available.

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Policy: GBCB

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Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri

Definitions for purpose of this policy:

• texting – send a text message to somebody on his/her cell phone or pager or e-mail • e-mail – a system for real time communication • instant messaging – a system for real-time text communication on the Internet. • social network internet site – web-based sites in a public domain

Adopted: February 11, 1997 March 27, 2001 May 24, 2011 Revised: January 26, 2010 May 24, 2011 Cross Refs: AC, Nondiscrimination CH, Policy Implementation

DCB, Use of District Funds for Campaigns DJF, Purchasing Procedures IGDF, Student Fundraising

JFG, Interrogations, Interviews and Searches of Students JO, Student Records Legal Refs: §§ 115.646, 167.166, 168.114, .130, RSMo.

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Policy: GBCA Page 1 of 3

Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri


Employees may not engage in any activity that raises a reasonable question of conflict of interest with regard to their duties and responsibilities as District employees and may be disciplined or terminated for doing so. For purposes of this policy, a “business with which a person is associated” means:

1. A sole proprietorship owned by the employee, his or her spouse or dependent children in the employee’s custody.

2. A partnership, corporation or joint venture in which the employee or spouse is a

partner, other than as a limited partner of a limited partnership, and any corporation or limited partnership in which the employee is an officer or director or of which the employee, spouse or dependent children in the employee’s custody, whether singularly or collectively, own more than ten (10) percent of the outstanding shares of any class of stock or partnership units.

3. Any trust in which the employee is the settlor or trustee, or in which the

employee, spouse or dependent children, singularly or collectively, are beneficiaries or holders of a reversionary interest of ten (10) percent or more of the corpus of the trust.

Employees Activities that employees or businesses with which they are associated are explicitly prohibited from include but are not limited to:

1. Selling or providing to the District personal property, including goods and supplies.

2. Participating in any manner, directly or indirectly, by attempting to influence

any District decision when the employee knows the result of the decision is prohibited. This includes may be acceptance of performance of a service or the sale, rental or lease of any property to the District and the employee, employee’s spouse or dependent children or any business with which the employee is associated will benefit financially.

3. Using their position with the District to influence purchases made by students

or their parents/guardians resulting in financial benefit to the employee, employee’s spouse or dependent children, or businesses with which the employee is associated unless authorized by the Board.

4. Attempting to trademark, patent, copyright or claim ownership interest in any

inventions, publications, ideas, processes, compositions, programs, images or other intellectual property created by the employee in their capacity as a District employee, unless authorized by the Board.

5. The District will not pay royalties, licensing fees or other fees for use of intellectual property an employee creates in his/her capacity as a District employee to the employee or businesses with which the employee is associated, unless authorized by the Board.

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Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri

6. Receiving compensation other than any received from the District for tutoring students currently enrolled in a class or the employee teaches unless authorized by the Board. This does not include respite care. Any private tutoring of students for a fee on District property is subject to facility usage policies and procedures. Employees who are hired by the partner district to which they are assigned to perform tutoring may tutor any student that is assigned by their partner district during the course of their duties.

7. Accepting gifts of any actual pecuniary value paid or payable, or received or

receivable, to himself or herself or any third person from vendors, students or parents/guardians unless authorized by the Board. Any gift received or offered valued at or in excess of $100 must be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

8. Using District property, including District intellectual property, or confidential information obtained in their capacity as employees to financially benefit themselves or any other person or business unless authorized by the Board.

9. Directing, supervising or evaluating the performance of an immediate family

member or relative employed by the District.

Administrative or Executive Employees In addition to the above-listed requirements, the following restrictions apply to all administrative and executive employees in the District pursuant to law§105.454(5). Administrative or executive employees may:

1. Provide services to the District as independent contractors, in addition to the compensation provided for performing their official duties. If the compensation for such services exceeds $500 per transaction or $5,000 per year, the District must first give public notice and competitively bid the services, and the District employee’s bid must be the lowest received.

2. Sell, rent or lease real estate to the District. Public notice must be given prior to

execution if the employee receives payment exceeding $500 per transaction or $5,000 per year.

3. Not receive compensation or payment for services from any person, firm or

corporation, other than compensation from the District for the performance of their official duties to attempt to influence a District decision.

4. Not perform any service for compensation by which they attempt to influence a

District decision for one (1) year after termination of their employment with the District.

Adopted: June 23, 1971

February 10, 1986 February 11, 1997 April 24, 2001 May 27, 2003 October 11, 2005

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Revised: April 24, 2012 Cross Refs.: BBFA – Board Member Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure DA – Fiscal Responsibility DJF – Purchasing DN – Surplus School Property KG – Community Use of School Facilities

Legal Refs.: §105.450-.458, .462, .466, .467, .472 – RSMo.

§150.454(5) §168.126; §171.181 – RSMo.

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Policy: EHB Page 1 of 7

TECHNOLOGY USAGE Special School District recognizes the educational and professional value of electronics-based information technology, both as a means of access to enriching information and as a tool to develop skills that students need. The District's technology exists for the primary purpose of enhancing the educational opportunities and achievement of District students. Research shows that students who have access to technology improve achievement. In addition, t e c h n o l o g y a s s i s t s w i t h t h e professional enrichment of the staff and increases pos i t i ve family and community engagement. The District will periodically conduct a technology census to ensure that instructional resources and equipment that support and extend the curriculum are readily available to teachers and students. The purpose of this policy is to facilitate access to District technology and to create a safe environment in which to use that technology. Because technology changes rapidly and employees and students need immediate guidance, the superintendent or designee is directed to create procedures to implement this policy and to regularly review those procedures to ensure they are current. Use of technology resources in a disruptive, manifestly inappropriate or illegal manner impairs the District’s mission, squanders resources and shall not be tolerated. Reasonable personal use that is not inconsistent with job responsibilities or other policies is allowable. Therefore, all users granted access to the District’s technology resources must exhibit a consistently high level of personal responsibility. Developing students' personal responsibility is itself an expected benefit of the District technology program. Technology Administration The Board directs the superintendent or designee to assign trained personnel to maintain the District’s technology in a manner that will protect the District from liability and will protect confidential student and employee information retained or accessible through District technology resources. All District technology resources are considered District property. Trained personnel shall establish a retention schedule for the regular archiving or deletion of data stored on District technology resources in accordance with the Public School District Retention Manual published by the Missouri Secretary of State. Administrators of computer resources may suspend access to and/or availability of the District’s technology resources to diagnose and investigate network problems or potential violations of the law or District policies, regulations and procedures. The District may remove, change or exchange hardware or other technology between buildings, classrooms or users at any time without prior notice. Authorized district personnel may install or remove programs or information, install equipment, upgrade any system or enter any system at any time.

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Authorized Users

District technology resources may be used by authorized students, employees, School Board members and other persons app rove d by the su pe r in t e nde n t o r de s i gnee , such as consultants, legal counsel and independent contractors. All users must agree to follow the District’s policies and procedures and sign or electronically consent to the District’s User Agreement prior to accessing or using District t e c h n o l o g y r e s o u r c e s , u n l e s s e x c u s e d b y t h e s u p e r i n t e n d e n t o r d e s i g n e e . Use of these resources is a privilege, not a right. No student, employee or other potential user will receive an ID, password or other access to District technology if he or she is considered a security risk by the superintendent or designee. All users shall immediately report any security problems or misuse of the District’s technology resources to an administrator or teacher. User Privacy Unless authorized by the superintendent or designee, all users must have an appropriately signed User Agreement on file with the District before obtaining access to District technology resources. All users must agree to follow the District’s policies, regulations and procedures. In addition, all users must recognize that they do not have a legal expectation of privacy in any electronic communications or other activities involving the District’s technology resources including, but not limited to, voice mail, telecommunications, e-mail and access to the Internet or network drives. By using the District’s network and technology resources, all users are consenting to having their electronic communications and all other use monitored by the District. To receive a user ID with e-mail access, users must consent in their User Agreement to interception of or access to all communications accessed, sent, received or stored using District technology.

Electronic communications, downloaded material and all data stored on the District’s technology resources, including files deleted from a user’s account, may be intercepted, accessed, monitored, or searched by District administrators or their designees at any time in the regular course of business. Such access may include, but is not limited to, verifying that users are complying with District policies and rules and investigating potential misconduct. Any such search, access or interception shall comply with all applicable laws. Users are required to return District technology resources to the District upon demand including, but not limited to, mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. Content Filtering and Monitoring

The District will monitor the online activities of minors and operate a technology protection measure (“content filter”) on the network and all District technology with Internet access, as required by law. In accordance with law, the co n t e n t filter will be used to protect against access to visual depictions that are obscene or harmful to minors or are child pornography.

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Because the District’s technology is a shared resource, the content filters will

apply to all District computers with Internet access. Content filters are not

foolproof, and the District cannot guarantee that users will never be able to

access offensive materials using District equipment. Evading or disabling, or

attempting to evade or disable, a content filter installed by the District is


The superintendent, designee or the District's technology administrator may

fully or partially disable the District's c o n t e n t filter to enable access fo r an adult user for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. In making

decisions to fully or partially disable the District’s content filter the

administrator shall consider whether the use will serve a legitimate educational

purpose or otherwise benefit the District.

Online Safety, Security and Confidentiality

In addition to the use of a content filter, the District will take measures to prevent

minors from using District technology to access inappropriate matter or materials

harmful to minors on the Internet. Such measures shall include, but are not

limited to, supervising and monitoring student technology use, careful planning

when using technology in the curriculum, and instruction on appropriate

materials. The superintendent, designee and/or the District's technology

administrator will develop procedures to provide users guidance on which

materials and uses are inappropriate, including network etiquette guidelines.

All students will be instructed on safety and security issues, including appropriate

online behavior and the dangers of sharing personal information about themselves

or others when using e-mail, social media, chat rooms or other forms of direct

electronic communication. This instruction will occur in the District's computer

courses, courses in which students are introduced to the computer and the

Internet, or courses that use the Internet in instruction. Students are required to

follow all District rules when using District technology resources and are

prohibited from sharing personal information online unless authorized by the


All District employees must abide by state and federal law and Board policies and

procedures when using District technology resources to communicate information

about personally identifiable students to prevent unlawful disclosure of student

information or records. All users are prohibited from using District technology to

gain unauthorized access to a technology system or information; connect to other

systems in evasion of the physical limitations of the remote system by using a

personal wireless account to access sites not allowable if you were using the

district’s filtered system); copy District files without authorization; interfere with

the ability of others to utilize technology; secure a higher level of privilege without authorization; introduce computer viruses, hacking tools, or other

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disruptive/destructive programs onto District technology; or evade or disable a content filter. Closed Forum The District’s technology resources are not a public forum for expression of any kind and are to be considered a closed forum to the extent allowed by law. The District’s website will provide information about the District, and may include the District’s address, telephone number and an e-mail address where members of the public may easily communicate concerns to the administration and the Board. All expressive activities involving District technology resources that students, parents/guardians and members of the public might reasonably perceive to bear the approval of the District and that are designed to impart particular knowledge or skills to student participants and audiences are considered curricular publications. All curricular publications are subject to reasonable prior restraint, editing and deletion on behalf of the school District for legitimate educational reasons. All other expressive activities involving the District’s technology are subject to reasonable prior restraint and subject matter restrictions as allowed by law and Board policies.

Records Retention

Trained personnel shall establish a retention schedule for the regular archiving or deletion of data stored on District technology resources. The retention schedule must comply with the Public School District Records Retention Manual as well as the General Records Retention Manual published by the Missouri Secretary of State.

In the case of pending or threatened litigation, the District's attorney will issue a litigation hold directive to the superintendent or designee.

The litigation hold directive will override any records retention schedule that may have otherwise called for the transfer, disposal or destruction of relevant documents until the hold has been lifted by the District's attorney. E-mail and other technology accounts of separated employees that have been placed on a litigation hold will be maintained by the District's information technology department until the hold is released. No employee who has been so notified of a litigation hold may alter or delete any electronic record that falls within the scope of the hold. Violation of the hold may subject the individual to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment, as well as personal liability for civil and/or criminal sanctions by the courts or law enforcement agencies.

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Violations of Technology Usage Policies and Procedures

Use of technology resources in a disruptive, inappropriate or illegal manner

impairs the District’s mission, squanders resources and shall not be tolerated.

Therefore, a consistently high level of personal responsibility is expected of all

users granted access to the District’s technology resources. Any violation of

District policies or procedures regarding technology usage may result in

temporary, long-term or permanent suspension of user privileges. User privileges

may be suspended pending investigation into the use of the District’s technology


Employees may be disciplined or terminated, and students suspended or expelled,

for violating the District’s technology policies and procedures. Any attempted

violation of the District's technology policies or procedures, regardless of the

success or failure of the attempt, may result in the same discipline or suspension

of privileges as that of an actual violation. The District will cooperate with law

enforcement in investigating any unlawful use of the District's technology



All damages incurred by the District due to a user's intentional or negligent

misuse of the District's technology resources, including loss of property and staff

time, will be charged to the user. District administrators have the authority to

sign any criminal complaint regarding damage to District technology.

No Warranty/No Endorsement

The District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for

the services, products or access it provides. The District's technology resources

are available on an "as is, as available" basis.

The District is not responsible for loss of data, delays, nondeliveries, misdeliveries

or service interruptions. The District does not endorse the content nor guarantee

the accuracy or quality of information obtained using the District's technology


Definitions For the purposes of this policy and related regulation, procedures and forms,

the following terms are defined:

User -- any person who is permitted by the District to utilize any portion of

the District’s technology resources including, but not limited to, students,

employees, School Board members and agents of the District.

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User Identification (ID) -- any identifier that would allow a user access to the District’s technology resources or to any program including, but not limited to, e-mail and Internet access. Password -- a unique word, phrase or combination of alphabetic, numeric and non- alphanumeric characters used to authenticate a user ID as belonging to a user. Closed Forum -- a communication device, tool, software, hardware, internet site or account owned and/or operated by a governmental entity that is closed to the public for expressive activities of any kind. Technology Resources -- Technologies, devices, and services used to access, process, store or communicate information. This definition includes, but is not limited to; computers; modems; printers; scanners; fax machines and transmissions; telephone equipment; mobile phones; audio-visual equipment; Internet; social media; electronic mail (e-mail); electronic communications devices and services, including wireless access; multi-media resources; hardware; and software. Technology resources may include technologies, devices and services provided to the District by a third party. Adopted: June 9, 2009 Revised: May 8, 2012 Cross Refs: AC, Prohibition against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation GBCC, Staff Cell Phone Use GBH, Staff/Student Relations IGDB, Student Publications IGDBA, Distribution of Noncurricular Student Publications JO, Student Records JG-R, Student Discipline KB, Public Information Program

MSIP Refs: 6.4, 6.8 Legal Refs: §§ 170.051, 182.827, 431.055, 537.525, 542.402, 569.095 - .099, 610.010 - .028, RSMo. Chapter 109, RSMo. Chapter 573, RSMo. Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2520 Stored Communications Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2701 – 2711 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232(g) No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. §§ 6301 - 7941

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Children’s Internet Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. 254(h) Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34 City of Ontario v. Quon, 130 S. Ct. 2619 (2010) Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844 (1997) Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988) Bethel Sch. Dist. No. 403 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986) Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417 (1984) FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, 438 U.S. 726 (1978) Ginsberg v. New York, 390 U.S. 629 (1968) Biby v. Bd. Of Regents of the Univ. of Nebraska,419 F.3d 845 (8th Cir. 2005) Henerey v. City of St. Charles Sch. Dist., 200 F.3d 1128 (8th Cir. 1999) Bystrom v. Fridley High Sch. Ind. Sch. Dist., 822 F.2d 747 (8th Cir. 1987) Beussink v. Woodland R-IV Sch. Dist., 30 F. Supp. 2d 1175 (E.D. Mo 1998)

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Taking Photographs of Students

Special School District does not allow photographers to take photographs, slides, video tapes or motion pictures which may be used in publications, slide presentations, video tapes, motion pictures, newspaper or television stories, or on computers or Internet web sites without written active consent from the parent or guardian or in the case of a student of legal age, the written active consent of the student. The permission form is to be completed on an annual basis by each student's parent or guardian or the student who is 18 years of age or older who is her/his own legal guardian.

Adopted: June 23, 1971 May 12, 1998 April 24, 2001 February 11, 2003 September 8, 2009

Revised: February 10, 2015

Legal Refs: 20 U.S.C. Section 1417              

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Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials

 It is the intent of the Board to disseminate, enforce and abide by the provisions of current copyright laws as they affect the District and its employees. The superintendent or designee will create procedures to train employees on the law and monitor District compliance.  Copyrighted materials, both print or non-print, will not be duplicated, reproduced, distributed or displayed for District–sponsored activities or by using District equipment except in accordance with law.  Details about “fair use” and other relevant information regarding copyright law will be made available to all employees. A summary of these standards will be posted or otherwise made easily available at each machine used for making copies.  The board does not sanction or condone illegal duplication, reproduction or distribution in any form. It is the responsibility of all District staff to notify the superintendent or designee of any potential violation of law or policy. Once notified of a violation, the superintendent or designee will take reasonable steps to remedy the violation. Employees who violate this policy may be disciplined or terminated. Students who violate this policy may be disciplined. All persons who use District resources in violation of law may be prohibited from using District resources in the future and will assume liability for their actions. The District may also seek other legal remedies.  Copyright Infringement Using District Technology  All persons are prohibited from using District technology in violation of any law including copyright law. Only appropriately licensed programs or software may be used with District technology. Further, no person will use the District’s technology to post, publicize or duplicate information in violation of copyright law. The Board directs the superintendent and/or designee to take all reasonable measures to prevent the use of District technology in violation of the law. All persons using District technology in violation of law may lose their user privileges in addition to other sanctions.  If a content owner reasonably believes that the District’s technology has been used to infringe upon a copyright, the owner may notify the following District designated agent immediately:

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Superintendent of Special School District

12110 Clayton Road

Town & Country, MO. 63131


 The District will notify the U.S. Copyright Office of the designated agent’s

identity. Further, the District’s website will include information on how to

contact the District’s designated agent and a copy of the District’s

copyright policy. Upon notification, the District’s designated agent will

take all actions necessary to remedy any violation. The District will

provide the designated agent appropriate training and resources

necessary to protect the District.    Adopted: March 14, 1995 [EGAAA]

February 27, 2001 [EGAAA]

October 22, 2002

Revised: October 28, 2008

  March 11, 2014    Cross Refs: I I AC, Instructional Media Centers/School Libraries

JG, Student Discipline    Legal Refs.: 17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

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Student Transportation Services

The goal of the District is to provide safe and efficient transportation services that ensure students arrive to school in a timely manner. The Board, in accordance with state law, may provides free transportation for eligible students attending District schools and classes in accordance with their Individualized Education Program (IEP). If transportation is not provided by a partner District, generally, all District students residing within the District and living three and one-half miles or more from their school of attendance are entitled to transportation services to and from school. Students will be provided transportation at a lesser distance if the policy of the partner District of the school of attendance so provides or for District schools and classes at the discretion of the Superintendent.

Students with disabilities will be provided transportation if the IEP team determines that such transportation is necessary as a related service due to the student’s disability. Transportation personnel should be involved in developing a student’s IEP when appropriate. Transportation for students with disabilities or students classified as homeless will be provided in accordance with law.

Technical high school students will have the option annually to provide their own transportation to school when approved by the building principal. Parents and students who exercise this option waive their entitlement to District transportation for the remainder of the school year and assume personal responsibility for transportation to the technical high schools. Temporary student driving passes may be authorized by the building principal for emergencies or other appropriate needs of the student.

The Superintendent will ensure that student transportation services for the District meet all state and federal laws, the guidelines established by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and District policies regarding transportation. Students may be transported in leased vehicles, common carriers or other contracted transportation as allowed by law and permitted by the Board. All District employees or other persons who drive District-owned or District-leased transportation serve as an agent of the District and must meet applicable state and federal laws and comply with District policies and procedures. Transportation to and from a school outside their assigned school:

Parents/students electing to attend a School outside their assigned school shall be responsible for their own transportation to and from the school. There may be some situations that would allow a student who attends a school other than their assigned school transportation options.

x Student may utilize a current bus stop on an existing route that services the school. When utilizing this option, it is understood that the student will be on time according to the bus schedule.

x There must be space available on the current bus route for the school. If space is not available, then this option will not be granted.

x The District retains the right to refuse this option to any student due to behavioral concerns.

x The understanding that attendance at a school outside their assigned school is merely a courtesy and a privilege, subject to termination if any of the above conditions change. The district will provide notice to parents one week prior to such termination when possible.

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Transportation to and from an address other than the home address:

x All bus transportation will be based on the student's home address unless a child/day care arrangement was approved by the Transportation Office.

x Requests can only be made for transportation to and from a child care provider or

babysitter within your home school attendance area.

x All students must be picked up at the SAME address Monday through Friday and dropped off at the SAME location Monday through Friday. (Example: pick up student at home every morning; drop off at babysitter every afternoon.) DAILY CHANGES CANNOT BE ACCOMMODATED. (Example: cannot pick up student Monday through Wednesday from home and from babysitter Thursday and Friday.)

x Parents must arrange for transportation to and from any unauthorized address. Emergency situations arising require authorization from transportation.

Private Vehicles Under no circumstances may a District employee acting in the scope of their duties transport a student in a private vehicle. District employees are required to follow all other applicable District policies relating to the transportation of a student. Staff should contact the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources if they have questions regarding this policy.

Emergency Conditions When emergency conditions that may prohibit safe student transport exist, as determined by the Superintendent or designee, the safety of the students will take precedence above all other issues. Accordingly, the administration will develop and publish appropriate procedures to be followed in case of emergency conditions, which procedures will include specific provisions for notifying employees, students, parents and the public, and for cooperating with partner districts, when transportation services are disrupted. The District will annually review and update these procedures. The Superintendent will present to the Board a plan for student transportation services for the District no later than the end of October of each year for initial approval and not later than the end of June for final approval of modifications made during the school year.

Transportation Records and Reports The Superintendent or designee shall provide for the proper accounting of student transportation records and reports to the District and shall be responsible for preparing and submitting to the State Board of Education the necessary reports for apportioning state transportation aid, in addition to reports for statistical purposes and for the proper maintenance and administration of the District’s transportation services.

Accidents involving District vehicles must be promptly reported by the employee to the immediate supervisor. Driving or traffic citations received while operating a District vehicle are the responsibility of the individual and must be reported to the immediate supervisor within one business day.  The transportation employees shall notify their current employer of conviction of any

  driver violations (other than a parking violation) in any type of motor vehicle within one business day of said conviction.

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District Transportation Safety Student transportation services are considered extensions of the school environment. Schools officials must provide safe transportation of District students to and from school. Drivers, students and District personnel will follow all laws and District policies and procedures.

Any student whose conduct is improper or jeopardizes the safety of other students may be suspended from District transportation services and may be disciplined in accordance with District policy. Uniform rules of conduct and disciplinary measures will be enforced. Students with disabilities will be disciplined in accordance with law.

Access to all District transportation is limited to authorized riders and staff. All District staff and drivers shall report any instances of trespass to appropriate administrators and law enforcement agencies.

Special Use of District Transportation District vehicles will be used solely for District-sponsored activities, including extracurricular activities and organizations.

Adopted: September 11, 2007

June 23, 1971 May 13, 1986 March 14, 1995 February 27, 2001 July 15, 2003

Revised: M a y 8 , 2 0 1 2 February 10, 2009 November 12, 2013 Cross Refs.: GBEA: Workers’ Compensation

GBEBB: Employee Alcohol and Drug Testing IGBCA: Programs for Homeless Students JFCC: Student Conduct on School Transportation GBH: Staff/Student Relations

Legal Refs: §§ 162.670-.995; 163.161; 167.231-.251; 178.510; 301.010;

302.272; 304.050, .060; 569.155 R.S.Mo. 5 C.S.R. 30—261.010; § 383.31 Individual with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400-1487 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001, 42 U.S.C. § 11431 et seq.

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 Buildings and Grounds S e c u r i t y

It is the goal of Special School District to provide a safe and secure learning environment for students and employees. The Board directs the Superintendent or designee to routinely inspect the District property and bring proposals for improving security to the Board. Property Access In general, District buildings and property are not open to the public unless the District has specifically opened a building or property for public use or for an event to which the public is invited. The Superintendent or designee will establish regular business hours and locations where members of the general public may contact the District and interact with District employees. The Superintendent or designee will set hours when parents/guardians may drop off and pick-up their students. The District is not responsible for the supervision of students except during regular school hours or other times designated by the District. The Superintendent or designee will determine which District employees need access to District buildings or grounds outside regular building hours and provide those employees keys or electronic access. The District will maintain a list of employees with access and will routinely monitor this list to ensure that only current employees continue to have access. An employee’s access may be revoked at any time. All District employees and volunteers are required to maintain security in District buildings, enforce building access rules and take action when doors are left unsecured or District security is otherwise compromised. Security Personnel The District may employ or contract for trained and appropriately licensed personnel or independent contractors to provide security during the regular school day, after regular business hours or during events or activities where additional security is determined necessary.

Video Cameras

The Board authorizes use of video surveillance on District property including vehicles, in locations deemed appropriate by the Superintendent, to ensure the health, welfare and safety of all students, staff and visitors, and to safeguard District property and equipment. The District utilizes video equipment on District property and in District facilities for security purposes. Handbooks and signage will notify staff and students of the presence of video surveillance equipment.

Firearms and other weapons

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No person shall carry a firearm, a concealed weapon or any other weapon readily capable of lethal use into any school, onto any school transportation or onto the premises of any function or activity sponsored or sanctioned by the District, except for authorized law enforcement officials. School officials are prohibited from authorizing any person to bring weapons on school property or to school activities, including concealed weapons, beyond the exceptions stated in this policy. Any person who possesses a weapon in violation of this policy will be asked to leave. In addition, District administrations will report the incident to law enforcement officials, ban the person from school property or school events in accordance with policy KK or seek other legal remedies. Possession of weapons by students is governed by policy JFCJ and regulation JG-R. Vandalism The Board will seek all legal redress against persons found to have committed incidents of willful or malicious abuse, destruction, defacing and/or theft of the property of the Special School District. District patrons, students and members of the staff are urged by the Board to cooperate in reporting incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the District, as well as the name(s) of the person or persons believed to be responsible. The Superintendent and/or principal shall be authorized to sign a complaint, press charges and pursue civil action against perpetrators of vandalism to District property. Restitution for the damages caused will be sought from such persons and, in the case of minors, from their parents/guardians under the laws of this state. Students found guilty of willfully defacing or injuring any District property will pay for the damages caused thereby and may be suspended or expelled as provided by law. Security Records In accordance with law and District policy, the District has closed records pertaining to District security guidelines, policies and response plans; structural plans of real property; security systems; and access and authorization codes for security systems. Other security-related records will only be provided to members of the public upon request when required by law.

A d o p t e d : S e p t e m b e r 1 0 , 1 9 8 5 M a r c h 1 4, 1 9 9 5 J a n u a r y 2 3, 2 0 0 1 F e b r u a r y 2 7, 2 0 0 1 O c t o b e r 2 2, 2 0 0 2 O c t o b e r 2 8, 2 0 0 8 Revised: May 27, 2014

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C r o s s R e f s : B D C – C l o s e d Meetings, R e c o r d s a n d V o t e s

J F C J – W e a p o n s i n School

J G D – S t u d e n t Suspension a n d E x p u l s i o n

K G – Community U s e o f School F a c i l i t i e s

K K – V i s i t o r s t o D i s t r i c t P r o p e r t y / E v e n t s

KKB, Audio and Visual Recording

L e g a l R e f s : §§ 162.215, 168.201, 171.011, 177.031, 211.181, .188,

537.045, 571.030, . 1 0 7 , 5 7 4 . 0 8 5 , 6 1 0 . 0 2 1 , R S M o .

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Illness and Injury Response and Prevention  

 District personnel will provide appropriate first aid and emergency treatment, and contact emergency medical services (EMS) when appropriate, for any individual who is injured or becomes ill while on District property, on District transportation or at a District activity. Further medical attention, including the cost of services provided by EMS, is the responsibility of the individual unless otherwise required by law. In accordance with law, any qualified employee will be held harmless and immune from civil liability for administering medications, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or other lifesaving methods in good faith and according to standard medical practice. A qualified employee is one who has been trained to administer medication or medical services according to standard medical practice. Procedures for handling emergencies will be established and distributed in each school building. Training The superintendent or designee, in consultation with the school nurse, is authorized to implement a program to train students and employees in CPR and other lifesaving methods. If CPR instruction is provided to students in grades 9-12, instruction will be based on a program established by the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross or a similar nationally recognized program and will be delivered as required by law.

 Incident Reports

 Employees must report all work-related injuries and illnesses to their supervisor immediately and will be required to provide details of the injury or illness in writing. Staff who witness any injury or observe the onset of a serious illness to staff or students on District property, on District transportation or at a District activity will prepare a written incident report on the incident report form available in each building. A copy of the incident report form will be filed with the appropriate designee as soon after witnessing the event as possible. Copies of these reports will be sent to appropriate administrators in both Special School District and the Partner District when applicable.

The superintendent will provide the Board on an annual basis with reports on individual serious accidents and periodic statistical reports on the number and types of accidents occurring in District and Partner District schools.

 Protective Equipment The superintendent or designee will continuously review job descriptions and District activities to improve safety in the District. The District will provide protective equipment when it is required by law or when it is determined by the superintendent or designee to be necessary to maintain District safety standards. In accordance with law, students, staff and visitors must wear eye protective devices in

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vocational, technical and industrial arts courses and laboratories involving chemicals, welding, construction, vehicle repair or other activities as designated by the District. When protective equipment is provided, all persons are required to use the equipment as directed. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action including removal from school property or the activity requiring protective gear.

  Adopted: September 10, 1985 March 14, 1995 February 27, 2001 October 22, 2002 August 26, 2008 Revised: July 16, 2013

 Cross Refs: GBEA, Workers’ Compensation GBEBA, Drug-Free Workplace JFCA, Student Dress Code JHC, Student Health Services and Requirements JHCD, Administration of Medications to Students JHCF, Student Allergy Prevention and Response

 Legal Refs: §§ 167.621, .624, .630, .635, 170.005, .310, RSMo.

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COMMUNICABLE DISEASES  The District recognizes its responsibility to protect the health of students and employees from the risks posed by communicable diseases. The District also has a responsibility to protect individual privacy, educate all students regardless of medical condition and treat students and employees in a nondiscriminatory manner.  Immunization  In accordance with law, students cannot attend school without providing satisfactory evidence of immunization, unless they are exempted from immunization.  Universal Precautions  The District requires all staff to routinely employ universal precautions to prevent exposure to disease-causing organisms, and will provide the necessary equipment and supplies to implement universal precautions.  Categories of Potential Risk  Students or employees with communicable diseases that pose a risk of transmission in school or at school activities (such as, but not limited to, chicken pox, influenza and conjunctivitis) will be managed as required by law and in accordance with guidelines provided by the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and local county or city health departments. Such management may include, but is not limited to, exclusion from school or reassignment as needed for the health and safety of students and staff.  Students or employees infected with chronic communicable diseases that don’t pose a risk of transmission in school or at school activities (such as, but not limited to, hepatitis B virus or HIV) shall be allowed to attend school or continue to work without any restrictions based solely on the infection. The District will not require any medical evaluations or tests for such diseases.  Exceptional Situations  There are certain specific types of conditions, such as frequent bleeding episodes or uncoverable, oozing, skin lesions that could potentially be associated with transmission of both bloodborne and nonbloodborne pathogens. In the case of students, certain types of behaviors, such as biting or scratching, may also be associated with transmission of pathogens. Students who exhibit such behaviors or conditions may be educated in an alternative educational setting or, if appropriate, disciplined in accordance with the discipline code. In the case of a student with a disability, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team or 504team will make any change of placement decisions.

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Employees who exhibit such conditions will not be allowed to work until the condition is resolved or appropriately controlled in a way that minimizes exposure.  Confidentiality  The superintendent or designee shall ensure that confidential student and employee information is protected in accordance with law. Medical information about an individual, including an individual with HIV, will only be shared with District employees who have a reasonable need to know the identity of the individual in order to provide proper health care or educational services. Examples of people who may need to know a student's medical information are the school nurse and the IEP or 504 team if applicable. An example of an individual who may need to know an employee's medical information is the employee's immediate supervisor, if accommodations are necessary. All medical records will be maintained in accordance with law and Board policy. Breach of confidentiality may result in disciplinary action, including termination.  Reporting and Disease Outbreak Control  Reporting and disease outbreak control measures will be implemented in accordance with state and local law, DHSS rules governing the control of communicable diseases and other diseases dangerous to public health, and any applicable rules distributed by the appropriate county or city health department.  Notification  Missouri state law provides that superintendents who supply a copy of this policy, adopted by the Distr ict Board of Education, to DHSS shall be entitled to confidential notice of the identity of any student reported to DHSS as HIV-infected and known to be enrolled in the District. Missouri law also requires the parent or guardian to provide such notice to the superintendent.   Adopted: August 12, 2008 Revised: March 11, 2014  Cross Refs: GBE, Staff Health and Safety JHC, Student Health Services and Requirements JHCD, Administration of Medications to Students   

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Legal Refs: §§ 167.181, .183, .191, 191.650 - .695, 210.003, RSMo. 19 C.S.R. 20-20.010 - .060, 20-28.010 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 -1487 The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, 29 U.S.C. § 794 Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 - 12213

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Safety Program  Maintaining healthful, safe conditions throughout the District is a responsibility shared by the Board, the Superintendent, and all professional and support staff. The Board recognizes the need for a planned safety program that ensures a safe environment for the students and staff of the District.  The District will strive to meet safety and health standards established by state and federal laws and regulations. The Board will encourage the cooperation of school, home and community in providing a safe and healthful environment.  Safe practices will be a scheduled part of instruction in the classrooms, laboratories and school shops. Proper supervision of students and other citizens using the school facilities is required. The administrator responsible for each District building will develop and implement a safety program, report hazardous conditions to her/his supervisor and the District Director of Safety and Security, and hold employees and students responsible for the observance of all safety rules and regulations. Hazardous conditions indicated by outside inspectors will be reported to the Director of Facilities for corrective action. The Director of Facilities will advise the Director of Safety and Security and the Superintendent of hazardous conditions and the corrective action taken. The Superintendent will advise the Board.  The District also recognizes the need to ensure the safety of its students and staff in partner districts. District staff working in partner districts will communicate in writing any special safety needs or concerns affecting students and staff to the appropriate partner district administrator, SSD Area Coordinator, or SSD Director in a timely manner. The District will fully utilize federal, state, and local violence prevention programs and resources available to students, teacher, or staff that the District determines are necessary and cost effective for the District.


   Adopted: March 14, 1995

February 27, 2001 October 22, 2002

 Revised: February 10, 2009 January 14, 2014  Cross Refs.: EBA – Building and Grounds Inspections

 Legal Refs.: §§ 160.660, 165.011 RSMo.


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Reporting And Investigating Child Abuse/Neglect

The Special School District and its employees will take action to protect students and other children from harm including, but not limited to, abuse and neglect, and will respond immediately when discovering evidence of harm to a child. Employees must cooperate fully with investigations of child abuse and neglect. The District prohibits discrimination, negative job action or retaliation against any District employee who, in good faith, reports alleged child abuse or neglect, including alleged misconduct by another District employee. Employees failing to follow the directives of this policy or state or federal law will be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, termination, and may be subject to criminal prosecution. Public School District Liaison The Superintendent has designated the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources to serve as the public school District liaison and forward that information to the local division office of the Children's Division (CD) of the Department of Social Services. The District liaison shall develop protocols in conjunction with the chief investigator of the local division office to ensure information regarding the status of a child abuse or neglect investigation is shared with appropriate school personnel. The District liaison will also serve on multidisciplinary teams used in providing protective or preventive social services along with law enforcement, the juvenile officer, the juvenile court and other agencies, both public and private. Training The superintendent or designee shall implement annual training necessary to assist staff members in identifying possible instances of child abuse and neglect, including annual updates regarding any changes in law. Such training shall: 1. Provide current and reliable information on identifying signs of sexual

abuse in children and danger signals of potentially abusive relationships between children and adults.

2. Emphasize how to establish an atmosphere of trust so that students feel that their school has concerned adults with whom they feel comfortable discussing matters related to abuse. 3. Emphasize that all mandatory reporters shall, upon finding reasonable

cause, directly and immediately report suspected child abuse or neglect. These reports must be made even if the person suspected of abusing the child is another mandated reporter, such as another school employee.

4. Emphasize that no supervisor or administrator may impede or inhibit any reporting under state law.

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5. Emphasize that no person making a report in accordance with law shall be subject to any sanction, including any adverse employment action, for making such a report. Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect The Board of Education requires its staff members to comply with the state child abuse and neglect laws and the mandatory reporting of suspected neglect and/or abuse. Any school official or employee acting in his/her official capacity who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect, or who observes the child being subjected to conditions or circumstances that would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, shall directly and immediately make a report to the CD, including any report of excessive absences that may indicate educational neglect. In the event the student is 18 years old or older, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Division of Seniors and Disability Services shall be contacted. No internal investigation shall be initiated until such a report has been made, and even then the investigation may be limited pursuant to Missouri law if the report involves sexual misconduct by a school employee. Employees who make such reports to the CD must notify the school principal or designee that a report has been made. The principal or designee will notify the superintendent or designee and the District liaison(s) about the report. If the employee works within an SSD building or site, the employee shall submit the report to the SSD Principal or designee. If the SSD Principal is not available, the employee shall submit the report to the Director or designee. If the Director is not available, the employee shall submit the report to the District liaison(s) or Designee. If the employee works at a Partner School District or site, the employee shall submit the report to the Area Coordinator or designee and the Partner District building principal. If the Area Coordinator is not available, the employee shall submit the report to the Director or designee. If the Director is not available, the employee shall submit the report to the District liaison or designee. The school principal or designee may notify law enforcement or the juvenile office when appropriate. If an employee has reason to believe that a victim of such abuse or neglect is a resident of another state or was injured as a result of an act that occurred in another state, then, in addition to notifying the Missouri CD pursuant to this policy, he or she may also make a report to the child protection agency with the authority to receive such reports, pursuant to law, in the other state. The reporting requirements in this section are individual, and no supervisor or administrator may impede or inhibit any reporting under this section. No employee making a report in accordance with law shall be subject to any sanction, including any adverse employment action, for making such a report. Further, the superintendent and other District administrators shall ensure that

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any employee mandated by law to make a report shall have immediate and unrestricted access to the communication technology necessary to make an immediate report. Employees shall also be temporarily relieved of other duties for such time as is required to make any mandated report. The Missouri Child Abuse Act, R.S.Mo. §§ 210.110 et seq. (the “Child Abuse Act”) mandates confidentiality for information associated with a hotline call to the Children’s Division, including the identity of the reporter and any resultant reports. Investigating Child Abuse/Neglect Except in situations involving sexual misconduct, when the CD receives a child abuse report alleging that a District employee has abused a student, the report shall be immediately referred to the Superintendent (or the president of the School Board in situations concerning the Superintendent), who will conduct an initial investigation. If the initial investigation determines that the report relates to the use of reasonable physical force against a student for the protection of persons or property by any District personnel administered pursuant to District policy, or if it is determined that the sole purpose of the report is to harass a District employee, the report will be investigated as detailed below in accordance with law. All other reports of any nature will be immediately returned to the CD for investigation. Harassment or Protection of Persons or Property If a report to the CD relates to the use of reasonable physical force against a student for the protection of persons or property by any District personnel administered pursuant to District policy, or if it is determined that the sole purpose of the report is to harass a District employee, the superintendent, Board president or a designee of either will notify law enforcement of the county in which alleged incident occurred. The District will jointly investigate the matter with the law enforcement officer. The superintendent, Board president and their designees are authorized to contact and utilize the District’s attorney to assist in the investigation. Once the investigation is concluded, the law enforcement officer and the investigating District personnel will issue separate reports of their findings, no later than seven days after the District receives notice of the allegation from the CD. The reports must contain a statement of conclusion as to whether the preponderance of evidence supports a finding that the alleged incident of child abuse is substantiated or unsubstantiated. The Board will consider the separate reports and will issue its findings and conclusions, if any, within seven days after receiving the last of the two reports. The findings and conclusions will be made as required by state law and will be sent to the CD.

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Sexual Misconduct Involving an Employee In accordance with law, if a student reports alleged sexual misconduct on the part of a school District employee to an employee of this District, the employee who receives the report and the superintendent shall immediately report the allegation to the CD as set forth in law. For the purposes of this policy, the term “sexual misconduct” is defined as engaging in any conduct with a student, on or off District property, that constitutes the crime of sexual misconduct; illegal sexual harassment as defined in policy AC, as determined by the District; or child abuse involving sexual behavior, as determined by the CD. The District takes all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously, regardless of the source. When an allegation is made, District employees will immediately take appropriate action to protect students and other children, which will include reporting to the CD in accordance with Board policy and notifying the superintendent. The superintendent or designee will contact law enforcement and begin an investigation. In accordance with law, if a student reports alleged sexual misconduct on the part of a teacher or other employee of a school District to a District employee, the employee who receives the report shall notify the superintendent immediately and report the allegation to the CD. The CD will investigate all allegations of sexual misconduct involving District employees. The District may investigate the allegations for the purpose of making employment decisions. Referral to the Office of Child Advocate for Children’s Protection and Services If the CD determines that a report of child abuse or neglect is unsubstantiated, the District or a District employee may request that the report be referred to the Office of Child Advocate for Children’s Protection and Services for additional review. Information from the Children’s Division In accordance with law, as mandated reporters District employees reporting child abuse and neglect are entitles upon request to information on the general disposition of a report of child abuse or neglect and may receive findings and information concerning the case at the discretion of the CD. The CD will also notify the District when a student is under judicial custody or when a case is active regarding a student. Any information received from the CD will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with law and will only be shared with District employees who need to know the information to appropriately supervise the student or for intervention and counseling purposes. All written information received by any public school district liaison or the District shall be subject to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Information received from the CD will not be included in the student’s permanent record.

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Immunity In accordance with law, any person who in good faith reports child abuse or neglect; cooperates with the CD or any law enforcement agency, juvenile office, court, or child-protective service agency of this or any other state in reporting or investigating child abuse or neglect; or participates in any judicial proceeding resulting from the report will be immune from civil or criminal liability. Any person who is not an employee of the District and who in good faith reports to a District employee a case of alleged child abuse by any District employee will be immune from civil or criminal liability for making such a report or for participating in any judicial proceedings resulting from the report. Adopted: February 13, 1996

June 10, 1997 April 24, 2001 June 17, 2003

Revised: August 26, 2008

February 14, 2012 January 14, 2014

Cross Refs: AC, Prohibition against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation GBH - Staff/Student Relations GBLB, References GCPD, Suspension of Professional Staff GCPE, Termination of Professional Staff GCPF, Nonrenewal of Professional Staff GDPD, Nonrenewal, Suspension and Termination of Support Staff

Legal Refs.: §§160.261, 162.069, 167.122-.123, §210.110-165, .865, RSMo.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g

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 The purpose of this policy is to create an organized system for preventing and responding to allergic reactions. This policy is not a guarantee of an allergen-free environment; instead, it is designed to increase awareness, provide education and training, reduce the chance of exposure and outline responses to allergic reactions. The best form of prevention for life-threatening allergies is avoidance of the allergen.

 Research shows that allergies can negatively impact student achievement by affecting concentration, auditory processing and attendance. In addition, healthy students are better learners. In addition to posing health risks, allergies can be potentially deadly for some individuals.

 This policy applies to District facilities to which students have access and includes transportation provided by the District. The Board instructs the superintendent or designee to develop procedures to implement this policy.


 Each school will attempt to identify students with life-threatening allergies, including food allergies. An allergic reaction is an immune system response to a substance that itself is not harmful but that the allergic individual’s body interprets as being harmful. Allergic reactions range from mild to severe, even life-threatening. At enrollment, the person enrolling the student will be asked to provide information on any allergies the student may have. This information will be updated annually thereafter on the Emergency Contact Form.

 Students with Known Allergies

 Upon receiving documentation of a serious allergy, the nurse will notify the appropriate school staff member to initiate the 504 or IDEA eligibility process. Students with allergies that rise to the level of a disability as defined by law will be accommodated in accordance with District policies and procedures pertaining to the identification and accommodation of students with disabilities. An Individualized Health Plan (IHP), including an Emergency Action Plan (EAP), may be developed by the nurse in conjunction with the parent and physician for students with allergies that do not rise to the level of a disability.

 All staff members are required to follow any 504 Plan or IHP in addition to an EAP developed for a student by the District after student-specific training is completed. Staff members who do not follow an existing 504 Plan or IHP along with the EAP will be disciplined, and such discipline may include termination. Prevention

 Staff members shall not use air fresheners, oils, candles or other such items intended to add fragrance in any District facilities. This provision will not be construed to prohibit the use of personal care items that contain added fragrance, but the principal may require staff members to refrain from the use of personal care items with added fragrance under particular circumstances. In the instance that a student has been identified to have an allergy to animals or latex, the principal may prohibit classroom pets, and latex products in the building e.g. balloons.

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  Staff members a r e p ro h ib i t e d f r om using cleaning materials, disinfectants, pesticides or other chemicals except those provided by the District.

 The District will not serve any processed foods, including foods sold in vending machines, that are not labeled with a complete list of ingredients. Vended items must include a list of ingredients on the individual package. The food service manager will create an ingredient list for all foods provided by the District as part of the District’s nutrition program, including food provided during the school day and in before- and after-school programs. This list will be available upon request.

 Prepackaged items used in concessions, school stores, fundraisers and classroom activities must include a list of ingredients on the package. If the package does not contain a list of ingredients, the list of ingredients must be available at the location where the package is sold or provided.

 Education and Training

 All staff members will be annually trained on the causes and symptoms of and responses to allergic reactions. Training will include instruction on the use of p r e f i l l e d epinephrine syringes and the administration of asthma-related rescue medications. Staff will also be trained on the requirements of Section 504 and IDEA in regard to allergies. In accordance with law, qualified employees will be held harmless and immune from civil liability for administering epinephrine or asthma-related rescue medications in good faith and according to standard medical practices. A qualified employee is one who has been trained to administer medication, including epinephrine, in accordance with standard medical practice.

 Age-appropriate education on allergies and allergic reactions will be provided to students as such education aligns with state Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs) for health education. Education will include potential causes, information on avoiding allergens, signs and symptoms of allergic reactions and simple steps students can take to keep classmates safe.


 Information about individual students with allergies will be provided to all staff members and others who need to know the information to provide a safe learning environment for the student. Information about individual students with allergies will not be shared with students and others who do not have a legitimate educational interest in the information only to the extent authorized by the parent/guardian or as otherwise permitted by law, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


 Response to an allergic reaction shall be in accordance with established procedures, including application of the student's Sect ion 504 Plan or IHP as well as the EAP. Information about known allergies will be shared in accordance with FERPA. Each Special School District building will maintain an adequate supply of p r e f i l l e d epinephrine auto to be administered in accordance with Board policy.

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  Adopted: March 8, 2011

  Revised: June 25, 2013  Cross Refs AC, Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation ADF, District Wellness Program EBBA, Illness and Injury Response and Prevention ECG, Animals on District Property

EF, Food Services Management EFB, Free and Reduced-Cost Food Services IGBA, Programs for Students with Disabilities IGD, District-Sponsored Extracurricular Activities and Groups IICA, Community-Based Instruction/Community-Based Vocational Instruction and Field Trips

  Legal Refs: § §167.208, .635, RSMo

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 - 1417 34 C.F.R. Part 300 The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, 29 U.S.C. § 794 34 C.F.R. Part 104 Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 - 12213 National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1751 – 1769 Child Nutrition Act of 1966, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1771 - 1785 7 C.F.R. Parts 210, 220, 227

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 Proper administration of medications is crucial for the well-being of students.

  General Information

 The District is not legally obligated to administer medication to students unless

specifically included in a Section 504 plan or an Individualized Education Program

(IEP). However, the Board recognizes that some students may require medication for

chronic or short-term illnesses to enable them to remain in school and participate in

the District’s educational services. Parents/guardians are encouraged to submit any

relevant information regarding the medications their child needs, including a Diabetes

Medical Management Plan or other information the District may use to develop an IEP,

Section 504 Plan or Individualized Health Plan (IHP). The District will review all

information submitted by the parents/guardians and work with them to create a plan to

meet the student’s medical needs while at school or school activities. The District

prohibits students from possessing or self-administering medications while on District

grounds, on District transportation, or during District activities unless explicitly

authorized in accordance with this policy. The superintendent or designee, in

collaboration with the District nursing staff, will establish administrative procedures for

storing and administering medications in compliance with this policy and pursuant to

state and federal law. Medications will only be administered at school when it is not

possible or effective for the student to receive the medication at home. The District may

require parents to sign a release giving the District permission to speak with their child’s

physician or pharmacist to obtain clarification about the medication, dosage, frequency,

and potential side effects.

Diabetes Medical Management Plan – A document developed by the student’s personal

healthcare team that sets out the health services needed by the student at school and

that is signed by the student’s personal healthcare team and parent/guardian.

Parent/Guardian –Include the student’s parent/guardian or the student who is 18

years of age or older who are their own guardian.

 The administration of medications is a nursing activity that must be performed by or

under the supervision of a registered professional nurse. A registered professional nurse

may delegate the administration of medication to a licensed practical nurse or unlicensed

personnel who are trained by the nurse to administer medications. The registered

professional nurse is responsible for developing written procedures for training

unlicensed personnel in the administration of medications and for supervising the

administration of medication by others. In accordance with law, any trained or qualified

employee will be held harmless and immune from civil liability for administering

medication in good faith and according to standard medical practices. A qualified

employee is one who has been trained to administer medication according to standard

medical practices.

 The nurse or designee must maintain thorough documentation of all medications

administered to students.

 Nurses must use reasonable and prudent judgment to determine whether to administer

particular medications to students while also working in collaboration with

parents/guardians and the school administration. In carrying out their legal duty to

protect the health, welfare and safety of students, nurses will, when necessary, clarify

authorized prescriber orders and respond in accordance with such clarifications.


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The District will permit a student to possess and self-administer medications as required

by law, except for substances that are illegal under state or federal law, and as allowed in

this section. Permission to possess and self-administer medications may be revisited if

there is evidence that the student is not handling or administering the medication

appropriately or that the student’s actions may be harming his or her own health or the

health and safety of other persons. Such permission is required for students to possess

and self-administer medications while at school, at a District-sponsored activity and on

District-sponsored transportation. Such permission will be effective only for the same

school and school year for which it is granted. Students who possess or consume

medications in violation of this policy while on District property or District transportation

or during a District activity may be disciplined up to and including suspension or


Staff, students and all other individuals are prohibited from possessing or administering

any medication, while on District grounds on District transportation or during District

activities, that is illegal pursuant to state or federal law.

 The District shall not knowingly administer medication in an amount (dosage), or for

an indication (reason) outside of those approved by the Federal Drug Administration. If,

in an extraordinary case, at the specific request of a child’s physician, such medication

administration is deemed necessary, it must be requested in writing by the child’s

physician and parent, and the request must be accompanied by supporting data from

recognized peer reviewed medical literature. Such requests will then be considered on a

case by case basis by District administration in consultation with the District’s medical

consultant and legal counsel. Except for the emergency use of a prefilled epinephrine

auto syringe or asthma-related rescue medication, the District will not knowingly

administer the first dose of any medication. Parents/guardians are encouraged to

arrange to administer prescription medications themselves when possible. The District

will have the right to contact the physician without prior written permission in an

emergency situation. The determination of what constitutes an emergency situation is at

the discretion of the District.

Types of Medications

 Over-the Counter Medications The District may administer over-the-counter medication to a student upon receipt of a

written request and permission to do so by the parent/guardian. The only non-

prescription medications that may be administered at school without a private

authorized prescriber’s order are those medications included in the SSD’s consulting

physician’s standing order. With prior approval from the principal and nurse, the

parent/guardian may come to school to administer other m e d i c a t i o n s . All over-

the-counter medications must be delivered to the school principal or designee in the

manufacturer’s original packaging and will only be administered in accordance with the

manufacturer’s label. Regardless of any request to do so, the District will not exceed the

dosages listed on labels. The District reserves the right to refuse to administer over-the-

counter medication.

Medications – For the purposes of this policy, medications include prescription drugs

and over-the-counter drugs, including herbal preparations and vitamins. Medications

also include substances that claim or purport to be medicinal or performance


Authorized Prescriber – Includes a healthcare provider licensed or otherwise

authorized by state law to prescribe medication.


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Prescription Medications Unless otherwise authorized in this policy, the parent/guardian or a student who is 18 years of age or older and is their own guardian must provide the District with written permission to administer the medication before the District will administer the prescription medication to a student. A Current Prescription Label will be considered the equivalent of a prescriber’s written direction, and a separate document is not needed.  Emergency Medications All student-occupied buildings in the District are equipped with prefilled epinephrine auto syringes and asthma-related rescue medications. The school nurse or another employee trained and supervised by the school nurse may administer these medications when they believe, based on training, that a student is having a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction or life-threatening asthma episode. A prescription or written permission from a parent/guardian is not necessary to administer this medication in an emergency situation.  Epinephrine and asthma-related rescue medication will only be administered in accordance with written protocols provided by an authorized prescriber. The District will purchase an adequate number of prefilled epinephrine auto syringes and asthma related rescue medications based on the recommendation of the school nurse, who will be responsible for maintaining adequate supplies and replacing expired syringes and medications.

 The school principal, nurse, or designee will maintain a list of students who cannot, according to their parents/guardians, receive epinephrine or asthma-related rescue medications. A current copy of the list will be kept with the devices at all times.  Special Considerations A student with an IEP or Section 504 plan may possess and self-administer medications in accordance with the IEP or Section 504 plan. Students who do not have an IEP or Section 504 plan may possess and self-administer medications in accordance with 1) or 2) below:

 1. Students with Diabetes: Upon written request of the parent/guardian and upon

authorization by a student’s Diabetes Medical Management Plan, the District will permit a student with diabetes to perform blood glucose checks, administer insulin through the student’s insulin delivery systems, treat hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and otherwise attend to the care and management of the student’s diabetes. The District will permit the student to possess on his or her person at all times all necessary supplies and equipment to perform these monitoring and treatment functions. The student shall have access to a private area for performing diabetes care tasks should the parent/guardian or student request such access.

  2. Students with Other Chronic Health Conditions: Students may possess and self-

administer medications for the treatment of asthma, anaphylaxis and other chronic health conditions in accordance with this policy and law. The District will not permit students to possess and self-administer medication unless all of the following requirements are met:

 ¾ The medication was prescribed or ordered by the student’s physician. 

 ¾ The physician has provided a written treatment plan for the condition for

which the medication was prescribed or authorized that includes a certification that the student is capable of and has been instructed in the correct and responsible  

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use of the medication and has demonstrated to the physician or the physician’s designee the skill level necessary to use the medication.  

¾ The student has demonstrated proper self-administration technique to the school nurse.  

¾ The student’s parent/guardian has signed a statement authorizing self- administration and acknowledging that the District and its employees or agents will incur no liability as a result of any injury arising from the self- administration of such medication unless such injury is a result of negligence on the part of the District or its employees or agents. 

 Employees who violate this policy may be disciplined up to and including termination. District administrators will notify law enforcement when they believe a crime has occurred.   

Adopted: June 9, 1987 June 10, 1997 April 10, 2001 May 27, 2003


Revised: February 10, 2009 June 25, 2013 September 23, 2014

  October 27, 2015   

Cross Refs: AH, Use of Tobacco Products and Imitation Tobacco Products EBB, Communicable Diseases

EBBA, Illness and Injury Response and Prevention   

Legal Refs. §§ 167.621 - .635, .800 - .824, 335.016, .066, 338.059, 577.625, .628, RSMo. Davis v. Francis Howell Sch. Dist. 138 F. 3d 754 (8th Cir. 1998). DeBord v. Board of Educ. of Ferguson-Florissant Sch. Dist., 126 F.3d 1102 (8th Cir. 1997).

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FILE: JGGA Critical

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Seclusion, Isolation, Restraint and Behavior Crisis Strategies


SSD recognizes that each student is unique and each situation is different. Nevertheless, these are

the standard operating procedures that will be employed by SSD District staff in cases in which

crisis intervention is needed in order to protect the safety, health and welfare of students, staff

and others in the school setting and to maintain a safe and orderly environment for learning. (All

definitions are included at the end of the policy)


Through the adoption of this policy, the Board of Education expects to:

1. Promote safety and prevent harm to students, school personnel and visitors in the school


2. Foster a climate of dignity and respect in the use of discipline and behavior-

management techniques.

3. Provide school personnel with clear guidelines about the use of seclusion, isolation and

restraint in response to emergency situations.

4. Provide parents/guardians with information about state guidelines and district policies

related to the use of discipline, behavior management, behavior interventions and

responses to emergency situations.

5. Promote the use of positive behavior support techniques and nonaversive behavioral


Policy Applicability

This policy applies to all Special School District (SSD) personnel employed by Special School District,

volunteering for the SSD or performing services on behalf of the SSD or at the direction of the SSD. School

District Employee or Personnel includes a volunteer or a contractor, including Student Teachers, School

Resource Officers (SROs) or employed off duty police officers. The SSD personnel can be assigned on all

campuses whether an SSD site, Partner Districts’ site or community site. Nothing in this policy is intended

to prevent a law enforcement officer who is employed as a school resource officer or off duty police officer

from exercising appropriate police authority either when attempting to prevent a criminal act from

occurring or when responding to a criminal act. Staff assigned to programs not located on district

premises, whether owned or leased or at no cost to SSD (hospitals, detention centers, juvenile facilities,

and mental health facilities, etc.) shall follow the policy and procedure of the SSD. SSD personnel

assigned to facilities not located on SSD premises (hospitals, detention centers, juvenile facilities

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and mental health facilities, etc.) will follow the facilities’ policies unless such policies conflict with

the SSD’s policy. If there is a conflict, the employee will notify his or her supervisor and follow the

SSD district policy until otherwise directed by the SSD’s Superintendent or designee.

SSD District Employee does not include law enforcement officers who are on duty who are

dispatched to an SSD campus or who are otherwise on campus while on duty, or off duty police

officers who are on campus but who are not at the time acting in the employ or under the

supervision and control of SSD.

I. Behavioral Interventions A continuum of behavior interventions are recommended for any student with behavioral

concerns that are significantly impacting their access to the educational curriculum. It is best

practice for staff to provide universal supports throughout the school environment conduct a

functional behavioral assessment and develop a behavior intervention plan and implemented the

plan with fidelity. Non-physical intervention strategies must be exhausted before moving to more

restrictive physical crisis intervention strategies. When intervening with students, the student’s

individual behavior plans should be followed. All crisis strategies may not be available such as a

secure observation room. Staff should take this into consideration as they develop strategies to

prevent future need for crisis interventions.

A. Intervention Strategies – Non-Physical Interaction

1. Preventative strategies are intended to prevent the escalation of negative behavior to

the crisis stage and may include such things as active listening, encouragement, problem

solving, clarifying expectations, redirections, restructuring the environment, social skills

training and use of sensory supports.

2. Non-verbal de-escalation techniques include the use of proximity or personal space, and

body language, including facial expressions, gestures, posture and movement.

3. Verbal de-escalation techniques involve the use of voice tone and volume, rate of

speech and the use of appropriate language.

4. Time-out is a brief removal from sources of reinforcement within instructional contexts

that does not meet the definition of seclusion or isolation.

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B. Crisis Strategies – Physical Interaction

1. Personal safety techniques are procedures used to maintain the safety of both

students and staff. The procedures are used to intervene with individuals exhibiting

violent or aggressive behavior and include methods intended to prevent hair pulling,

choking, biting and the release of wrists and clothing.

2. Physical Restraint is used only a last resort when the safety of the student, or other

students, staff or other persons are threatened, and only when other avenues of non-

physical crisis intervention have been exhausted. In all but the most immediately

physically threatening situation, intervention strategies must be exhausted before

applying physical restraint. Physical restraints may not be used as a punitive form of

discipline, as a threat to control the student, or to coerce compliant behavior.

Physical restraint will:

• Only be used for as long as necessary to resolve the actual risk of danger

or harm that warranted the use of physical restraint.

• Be no greater than the degree of force necessary to protect the student or

other persons from imminent bodily injury.

• Only be applied by SSD personnel trained in the proper use of physical


Physical restraint will not:

• place pressure or weight on the chest, lungs, sternum, diaphragm,

back, neck or throat that restricts breathing.

• Include a prone restraint which means forcibly placing or keeping an

individual’s body face down upon a surface and physically applying

pressure to the body.

SSD personnel who use physical restraint shall only use restraint methods in which they

have received district-approved training. Further, SSD personnel who use physical restraint

may only do so in the presence of at least one (1) additional adult who is in the line of sight

unless no other adult is immediately available due to an unforeseeable emergency

situation. Physical restraints should never be used as a form of punishment or for the

convenience of district personnel. More specific guidelines regarding physical restraint

will be included in the regulations issued to implement this policy.

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C. Mechanical Restraint

A mechanical restraint is a device or physical object that the student cannot easily remove that restricts a student’s freedom of movement or normal access to a portion of his or her body. This includes, but is not limited to: straps, duct tape, cords or garments. The term does not include assistive technology device used as they were designed (e.g. gait belts, glove, helmets, tables attached to cube chairs, arm splints, belts on items such as swings). Some devices such as a helmet or elbow immobilizer are used to prevent self-injurious behavior. In these cases the device should be listed in the IEP with an explanation of when and how it is used to prevent self-injurious behavior. Mechanical restraint shall never be used by SSD personnel with the following three (3) exceptions:

1. Vehicle safety restraints shall be used according to state and federal regulations. 2. Law enforcement officers who are on duty who are dispatched to

an SSD campus or who are otherwise on campus while on duty, or off duty police officers who are on campus but who are not at the time acting in the employ or under the supervision and control of SSD. They should be used in accordance with appropriate professional standards and applicable policies.

3. Some devices such as a helmet or elbow immobilizer are used to prevent self-injurious behavior. Upon the recommendation of a physician in consultation with the IEP or 504 Plan team, the device should be listed in the IEP or 504 plan with an explanation of when and how it is used to prevent self-injurious behavior including a plan for fading.

D. Chemical Restraint

Chemical restraints shall never be used by SSD personnel. A chemical restraint means the administration of a drug or medication to manage a student’s behavior that is not a standard treatment and dosage for the student’s medical condition or that is prescribed as a PRN (as needed bases).

E. Isolation

Isolation is defined as involuntarily placing a student in an enclosed space without a mechanical lock separating them from other students and instruction. This also includes blocking a student with a person’s body or other item. Isolation does not include supervised in-school suspension or detention, blocking for purpose of self-defense, student initiated breaks, preferential seating, individual debriefing with staff away from group.

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Page 5 of 12 Isolation shall only be used:

1. In an emergency situation or 2. When less restrictive measures have not effectively de-escalated the situation and the

school has a plan for how to respond in such situations, or 3. With parental approval as stated on the IEP or 504 Plan.

A student in isolation must be monitored by district personnel who are in close proximity and able to see and hear the student at all times. Monitoring shall be face to face unless personal safety is significantly compromised, in which case technology-supported monitoring (a device which utilizes a camera and monitor) shall be utilized. Isolation also includes blocking a student from leaving an area with either a persons’ body or using an item away from the group.

F. Secure Observation Room Secure Observation Room (SOR) is a specially designed room in which the door is locked and students are continuously observed. Visual monitoring shall be through a technology-supported device which utilizes a camera and monitor. The Secure Observation Room shall only be used: 1. With parental approval as stated on the IEP or 504 Plan; or 2. In an emergency situation.

The Secure Observation Room may not be used as a punitive form of discipline, as a threat to control the student, or to coerce compliant behavior. A student in secure observation room must be monitored by district personnel who are able to see and hear the student at all times. Monitoring shall be technology-supported device which utilizes camera and monitor. The total isolation is to be reasonably calculated based on the age of the student and the circumstances and is not to exceed 40 minutes depending on situation.

G. Seclusion

Seclusion is defined as the confinement of a student alone unattended in an enclosed space from which the student is physically prevented from leaving by locking hardware. Seclusion shall only be used: 1. In an emergency situation while awaiting the arrival of law enforcement personnel as provided for in RSMo 160.263, or until de-escalation occurs naturally prior to law enforcement personnel arrival. Seclusion may not be used as a punitive form of discipline, as a threat to control the student, or to coerce compliant behavior.

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H. Aversive Interventions

Aversive interventions are not allowed. (SSD Policy JGA)

II. Debriefing and Communication:

1. Staff Debriefing — Following any emergency situation involving the use of isolation,

secure observation room, seclusion, or restraint a staff debriefing shall occur as

soon as possible but no later than one (1) school day after the emergency situation. The debriefing shall include at a minimum a discussion of the events that led to the

emergency and why the de-escalation efforts were not effective; any trauma reactions

on the part of the student, other students or staff; and what, if anything, could have been done differently. All staff members directly involved with the emergency situation

will be included in the meeting, which will be scheduled and led by the building

principal, SSD Area Coordinator or designee.

2. Student Debriefing – Following any emergency situation a staff member will use the

District approved format to reestablish Therapeutic Rapport with the individual. 3. Parental Notification — Unless as otherwise specified in a student IEP, or 504 plan:

a. The parent or guardian of the student shall be notified through verbal or

electronic means of the incident immediately or as soon as possible. The

district preference is to utilize verbal means to contact the parent or guardian.

In extenuating circumstances, the district may not be able to contact a parent

or guardian until later during the day of the incident. If a parent/guardian

cannot be located all contact attempts are to be documented.

b. Parent or guardian shall be invited to meet and discuss the incident with the

full team whose presence was required at the team debriefing as soon as

possible but no later than five school days, unless there are extenuating


c. The parent or guardian shall receive a written report of the emergency situation within five (5) school days of the incident, unless otherwise specified

in a student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan. The written incident report shall

include all of the following:

i. date, time of day, location, duration, and description of the incident and


ii. event(s) that led up to the incident;

iii. nature and extent of any injury to the student;

iv. nature and extent of any injury to other students or staff;

v. name of a school employee the parent or guardian can contact regarding

the incident.; and

vi. a plan to prevent the need for future use of seclusion, isolation or restraint.

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III. Training

SSD Staff Training —SSD shall ensure that all school personnel are trained annually and know the policy and procedures involving the use of seclusion, isolation and restraint. Training will be at two levels depending on the staff assignment.

1. Level 1 Training shall include all of the following:

a. Continuum of prevention techniques b. Universal supports including sensory supports c. Environmental management techniques d. Continuum of de-escalation techniques e. Information about the policies JGGA, and JGGA-reg.; and f. Consequences for not following the policy.

2. Level 2 training is for school personnel who utilize restraint and/or isolation and /or

seclusion. The training shall include all of level 1 training, plus all of the following:

a. Disability specific information and how a student with specific diagnosis processes interventions differently;

b. De-escalation practices, and those included in district recognized crises intervention system;

c. Appropriate use of physical restraint, through SSD recognized crisis intervention programs;

d. Professionally-accepted practices in physical management and use of restraints;

e. Instruction on methods to explain the use of restraint to the student who is to be restrained and to the individual student’s family;

f. Instruction on how to write a Functional Assessment; g. Instruction on how to write a behavior intervention plan; h. Appropriate use of isolation; i. Appropriate use of seclusion; and j. Information on the policy, incident report, documentation and notification


IV. Documentation required on IEP or 504 Plan if parent or guardian approves:

If the IEP team determines, and the parent consents, that a form of restraint or isolation may be appropriate in certain identified and limited situations the team may set forth the conditions and procedures in the IEP or 504 plans, however, these conditions and/or procedures must not violate any SSD policy. Any use of restraint or isolation must be limited to what is set forth in the IEP or 504 plan.

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Page 8 of 12 If the IEP or 504 plan permits use of restraint or isolation it must also contain a plan to

eliminate the need for their use. Before adding the use of restraint or isolation to an IEP or

504 plans, the student must have undergone a functional behavior assessment and a positive

behavior support plan developed by a team. The team should include but not be limited to the

following people: parent, classroom teacher, or specialists who work with behaviors that

interfere with a student’s ability to participate in their education.

V. Documentation and Reports on use of restraint, isolation, secure observation room and seclusion:

The SSD superintendent or designee of SSD shall maintain records documenting the use of

restraint, isolation and seclusion by SSD staff. The report will include the following: when,

reason for use, duration, names of staff involved, whether students or staff were injured,

name and age of the student, whether the student has an IEP, Behavior Intervention Plan

(BIP) or personal safety plan, when the parents/guardian was notified, if the student was

disciplined, and any other documentation required by federal or state law. When law

enforcement officer is involved, who are not district personnel, documentation is completed

as required by the municipality and not by SSD staff, unless otherwise explicitly required by


VI. Violations of this policy: Violation of this policy by SSD personnel may result in disciplinary action up to and including


Definitions Assistive Technology Device – Any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to

increase, maintain or improve the functional capacities of a student with a disability. Devices

provided by Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist which may temporarily isolate specific

movement patterns intended for the sole purpose of providing postural stability and/or body

alignment, in order to position the student for improved functioning. The term does not include

assistive technology device used as they were designed (e.g. gait belts. (e.g. gait belts, glove,

helmets, tables attached to cube chairs, arm splints, belts on items such as swings). All therapeutic

equipment and/or techniques which could be deemed as restrictive should only be implemented upon the recommendation and instruction of qualified staff member who specializes in

positioning and motor intervention. These are not considered mechanical restraints.

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Page 9 of 12 Aversive Behavioral Intervention or Aversive Intervention – An intervention that is intended to inflict pain or discomfort upon a student for the purpose of eliminating or reducing maladaptive behaviors, including such interventions as: contingent application of noxious, painful or intrusive

stimuli or activities; any form of noxious, painful or intrusive spray, inhalant or tastes; or other similar interventions. The term does not include such interventions as voice control limited to

loud, firm commands; time-limited ignoring of a specific behavior; token fines as part of a token economy system; brief physical prompts to interrupt or prevent a specific behavior; interventions medically necessary for the treatment or protection of the student; or other similar interventions.

Behavioral Intervention – An individualized instructional and environmental support that teaches

students appropriate behaviors to replace problem behaviors. Problem behaviors that interfere or impede accessing the educational environment for self or other. Behavioral interventions are guided by a functional behavioral assessment that identifies the communicative intent of problem

behavior and takes into consideration any known medical, developmental or psychological limitation(s) of the student.

Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) – A plan that sets forth specific behavior interventions for a specific student who displays chronic patterns of problem behavior. The plan should include the

following: behaviors being monitored for reduction, precursory behavior, summary of functional assessment, hypothesis of the function of behavior, progress monitoring, intervention strategies, crisis plan, monitoring and evaluation.

Behavior Management – Comprehensive, school wide procedures applied in a proactive manner that constitute a continuum of strategies and methods to support and/or alter behavior in all


Chemical Restraint – Administration of a drug or medication to manage a student’s behavior that is not a standard treatment and dosage for the student’s medical condition or that is prescribed as a PRN (as needed basis).

Confinement – The act of preventing a student from leaving an enclosed space.

Discipline – Consequences for violating the district’s student code of conduct.

Emergency Situation – A situation in which a student’s behavior poses a serious, probable threat of imminent danger to self or others. Imminent danger would include a high likelihood that an injury to a person would occur, within some degree of immediacy unless there is an intervention.

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Page 10 of 12 Functional Behavior Assessment – A systematic process for gathering information in order to determine the function of a person’s behavior in order to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of behavioral support. A formal assessment to identify the function or purpose the behavior serves for the student so that classroom interventions and behavior support plans can be developed to improve behavior. The assessment could include observations and charting of the behavior and interviews with family, teachers and the student to determine the frequency, antecedent and response of the targeted behavior. Individualized Education Program (IEP) – A student’s Individualized Education Program as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Isolation – The confinement of a student alone in an enclosed space without locking hardware. This also includes blocking a student with a person’s body or other item. Isolation does not include supervised in-school suspension or detention, student initiated breaks, preferential seating, individual debriefing with staff away from group. Law Enforcement Officer – Any public servant having both the power and duty to make arrests for violations of the laws of this state. Law enforcement officers will utilize a continuum of interventions exercising appropriate police authority either when attempting to prevent a criminal act from occurring or when responding to a criminal act. Locking Hardware – Mechanical, electrical or other material devices used to lock a door or to prevent egress from a confined area. Mechanical Restraint – A device or physical object that the student cannot easily remove that restricts a student’s freedom of movement or normal access to a portion of his or her body. This includes, but is not limited to: straps, duct tape, cords or garments. The term does not include assistive technology devices or vehicle safety restraints used during transportation and law enforcement during the response to a call for a municipality police support. Personal safety techniques – Procedures used to maintain the safety of persons attempting to intervene with individuals exhibiting violent or aggressive behavior Includes methods intended to prevent hair pulling, choking, biting, and the release of wrists and clothing. Physical Escort – The temporary touching or holding of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder or back for the purpose of inducing a student who is acting out or eloping to walk to a safe location.

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Page 11 of 12 Physical intervention strategies – Techniques including physical restraint or physically moving a student to a secure setting that may be used when the safety and well being of the student, other students, staff or other persons are threatened, and only when other avenues of non-physical crisis intervention have been exhausted. Physical Restraint – The use of person-to-person physical contact to restrict the free movement of all or a portion of a student’s body. It does not include briefly holding (less than 1 minute) a student without undue force for instructional or other purposes, briefly holding a student to calm the student, taking a student’s hand to transport him or her for safety purposes, physical escort, or intervening in a fight. Positive Behavior Supports – A range of instructional and environmental supports to teach students pro-social alternatives to problem behavior and allow multiple opportunities to practice pro-social skills and receive high rates of positive feedback. Restraint – See the definitions for chemical restraint, mechanical restraint and physical restraint. School or District Employee or Personnel – Any person employed by SSD volunteering for the district or performing services on behalf of the district or at the direction of the district. "School or District Employee or Personnel" applies to staff employed by Special School District who works for the district whether employed or as a volunteer or a contractor on our campuses, including Student Teachers, School Resource Officers (SROs) or employed off duty police officers, or persons employed by another agency that are providing educational or related services to students. SSD Employee does not include law enforcement officers who are on duty who are dispatched to an SSD campus or who are otherwise on campus while on duty, or off duty police officers who are on campus but who are not at the time acting in the employ or under the supervision and control of SSD. Seclusion – The confinement of a student alone unattended in an enclosed space from which the student is physically prevented from leaving by locking hardware. Section 504 Plan – A student’s individualized plan as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Secure Observation Room – A specially designed room in which the door is locked and students are continuously observed. Visual monitoring maybe through a technology supported device which utilizes a camera and monitor.

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Page 12 of 12 Sensory Supports – The use of specialized strategies, equipment, and/or environmental adjustments to address the over or under stimulation difficulties a student may be experiencing at a particular time. Time-out- Is a brief removal from sources of reinforcement within instructional contexts that does not meet the definition of seclusion or isolation. This is sometimes referred to as quiet area or calming area.

Adopted: April 12, 2011 (Effective July 1, 2011) Revised: Legal Refs: §§ 160.261, .263, 563.061, RSMo.

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Policy: JFCJ Page 1 of 2

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 The Board recognizes the importance of preserving a safe educational environment for students, employees and patrons of the District. In order to maintain the safety of the educational community, the District will strictly enforce the necessary disciplinary consequences resulting from the use or possession of weapons on school property. No student may possess a weapon on school property at any time, unless specifically authorized during a school-sponsored or school-sanctioned activity. School property includes property used, supervised, leased or controlled by the District including, but not limited to, school playgrounds, parking lots, school buses, school buildings and any property on which any school activity takes place.

A weapon is defined to mean one or more of the following:

1. A firearm as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921.

2. Any device defined in §571.010, RSMo., including a blackjack, concealable

firearm, firearm, firearm silencer, explosive weapon, gas gun, knife, switchblade knife, razor, knuckles, machine gun, projectile weapon, rifle, shotgun or spring gun.

3. A dangerous weapon as defined in 18 U.S.C.. 930 (g) (2).

4. All knives and any other instrument or device used or designed to be used

to threaten or assault, whether for attack or defense. 5. Any object designed to look like or imitate a device as described in 1 - 4.

Pursuant to the Missouri Safe Schools Act and the federal Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, any student who brings or possesses a weapon as defined in numbers 1 or 2 above on school property will be suspended from school for at least one calendar year or expelled and will be referred to the appropriate legal authorities. The suspension or expulsion may be modified on a case-by-case basis upon recommendation by the Superintendent to the Board. Students who use or possess other weapons defined in this policy including pocket knives while on school property, will be subject to suspension and/or expulsion from school and may be referred to the appropriate legal authorities.

Students with disabilities who violate this policy will be disciplined in accordance with policy JGE and JG

This policy will be submitted annually to the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education along with a report indicating any suspensions or expulsions resulting from the possession or use of a firearm as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921. The report will include the name of the school in which the incidents occurred, the number of students suspended or expelled and the types of weapons involved.

Adopted: June 10, 1997

April 24, 2001 June 17, 2003

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Revised: August 26, 2008

April 14, 2015 Cross Refs.: ECA, Building and Grounds Security J G , S t u d e n t D i s c i p l i n e

JGD, Student Suspension and Expulsion JGE, Discipline of Disabled Students

Legal Refs.: §§160.261; 571.010, .030, RSMo.

18 U.S.C. § 921 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended by the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400-1487

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Special School District of St. Louis County, Missouri  

Student Records In order to provide students with appropriate instructional and educational services, the District must maintain extensive and sometimes personal information about students and families. These records must be kept confidential in accordance with law, but must also be readily available to District and partner district personnel who need the records to effectively serve students identified with disabilities pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The superintendent or designee will provide for the proper administration of student records in accordance with law, will develop appropriate procedures for maintaining student records and will standardize procedures for collecting and transmitting necessary information about individual students throughout the District. Within the District’s buildings, the building principal will assist the superintendent or designee in developing the student records system, maintaining and protecting the records in the building, and developing protocols for releasing student education records. The superintendent or designee will arrange for all District employees to be trained annually regarding the confidentiality of student education records, as applicable for each employee classification. Health Information Student health information is a type of student record that is particularly sensitive and protected by numerous state and federal laws. Student health information shall be protected from unauthorized, illegal or inappropriate disclosure by adherence to the principles of confidentiality and privacy. The information shall be protected regardless of whether the information is received orally, in writing or electronically and regardless of the type of record or method of storage. Directory Information Directory information is information contained in an education record of a student that generally would not be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The school district designates the following items as directory information: • Students in kindergarten through eighth grade -- Student's name; parent's name; date and place of birth; grade level; bus assignment; enrollment status (e.g., full-time or part-time); participation in school-based activities and sports weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; honors and awards received; artwork or coursework displayed by the district; most recent previous school attended; and photographs, videotapes, digital images and recorded sound unless such photographs, videotapes, digital images and recorded sound would be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy.

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• High school and vocational school students -- Student's name; parent's name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; grade level; bus assignment; enrollment status (e.g., full-time or part-time); participation in school-based activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; degrees, honors and awards received; artwork or coursework displayed by the district; most recent previous school attended; and photographs, videotapes, digital images and recorded sound unless such photographs, videotapes, digital images and recorded sound would be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy. Parent and Eligible Student Access All parents will have the right to inspect their child's education records as allowed by law. As used in this policy, a "parent" includes a biological or adoptive parent, a guardian or an individual acting as a parent in the absence of a natural parent or guardian. The district will extend the same rights to either parent, regardless of divorce, custody or visitation rights, unless the district is provided with evidence that the parent's rights to inspect records have been legally revoked. The rights of the parent transfer to the student once the student turns 18 or is emancipated, or attends an institution of postsecondary education, in accordance with law. If a parent or eligible student believes the education records related to the student contain information that is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student's privacy, he or she may ask the district to amend the record by following the appeals procedures created by the superintendent or designee. The district will annually notify parents and eligible students of their rights in accordance with law. Law Enforcement Access The district may report or disclose education records to law enforcement and juvenile justice authorities if the disclosure concerns law enforcement's or juvenile justice authorities' ability to effectively serve, prior to adjudication, the student whose records are released. The officials and authorities to whom such information is disclosed must comply with applicable restrictions set forth in 20 U.S.C. § 1232g (b) (1) (E). If the district reports a crime committed by a student with a disability as defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the district will transmit copies of the special education and disciplinary records to the authorities to whom the district reported the crime. Law enforcement officials also have access to directory information and may obtain access to student education records in emergency situations as allowed by law.

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Otherwise, law enforcement officials must obtain a subpoena or consent from the parent or eligible student before a student’s education records will be disclosed. Children's Division Access The district may disclose education records to representatives of the Children's Division (CD) of the Department of Social Services when reporting child abuse and neglect in accordance with law. Once the CD obtains custody of a student, CD representatives may also have access to education records in accordance with law. CD representatives may also have access to directory information and may obtain access to student education records in emergency situations, as allowed by law. Adopted: June 10, 1997 April 24, 2001 July 15, 2003 Revised: June 24, 2008 January 14, 2014 Cross Refs: BBFA, Board Member Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure EFB, Free and Reduced-Cost Food Services EHB, Technology Usage GBCB, Staff Conduct IGBA, Programs for Students with Disabilities IGDB, Student Publications IIAC, Instructional Media Centers/School Libraries IL, Assessment Program KB, Public Information Program KBA, Public's Right to Know KDA, Custodial and Noncustodial Parents KI, Public Solicitations/Advertising in District Facilities KNAJ, Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities Legal Refs: §§ 167.020, .022, .115, .122, .123, 210.115, .865, 452.375, .376, 610.010 - .028, RSMo. Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 - 12213 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, 20 U.S.C. § 1232h Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 - 1487 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. §§ 6301 - 7941 The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, 29 U.S.C. § 794

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 The District prohibits all forms of bullying, hazing, and student intimidation. Students participating in or encouraging inappropriate conduct will be disciplined in accordance with Policy JG-R. Such discipline may include, but is not limited to, suspension or expulsion from school and removal from participation in activities. Students who have been subjected to bullying or hazing, or any staff member or student witnessing bullying or hazing will promptly report when possible, such incidents to a school official.

District staff, coaches, sponsors and volunteers will not permit, condone or tolerate any form of bullying or hazing; or plan, direct, encourage, assist, engage or participate in any activity that involves bullying or hazing. District staff will report incidents of bullying and hazing to the building principal. The principal will promptly investigate all complaints of bullying and hazing and will administer appropriate discipline to all individuals who violate this policy. Staff employed in partner district schools will follow the policy of that partner district and will report the bullying or hazing to their Special School District area coordinator or supervisor. Violation of this policy by District staff may result in disciplinary action for those staff up to and including termination.

The District shall annually inform students, parents, District staff, substitutes, and volunteers that bullying and hazing is prohibited. This notification may occur through the distribution of the written policy, publication in handbooks, presentations at assemblies or verbal instructions by the coach or sponsor at the start of the season or program.

The District will provide appropriate training designed to assist staff, coaches, sponsors, volunteers, and students in identifying, preventing and responding to incidents of bullying and hazing.  

Definitions Bullying: repeated and/or systematic attacks, including intimidation, extortion, or harassment on a student or multiple students perpetuated by individuals or groups with the intention to cause fear, distress, or harm that is either physical, verbal, written, or psychological/relational. In addition, bullying is characterized by a real or perceived imbalance of physical or social power between the aggressor and the target.

Cyber bullying: Sending or posting harmful or cruel text or images using the Internet or other digital communication devices. Cyber-bullying shall also include the distribution by electronic means of a communication to one or more person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the distribution or posting creates any of the conditions enumerated in the definition of bullying. Cyber threats: Cyber threats are online materials that threaten or raise concerns about violence against others, suicide or self-harm.

Hazing: is any activity, on or off of school grounds, that a reasonable person believes would negatively impact the mental or physical health or safety of a student or put the student in a ridiculous, humiliating, stressful or disconcerting position for the purposes of initiation, affiliation, admission, membership or maintenance of membership in any group, class, organization, club or athletic team including, but not limited to, a grade level, student organization or school-

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sponsored activity. Actions that subject a student to extreme mental stress including, but not limited to, sleep deprivation, physical confinement, forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment or criminal activity, or other stress-inducing activities may constitute hazing. In addition, any forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of an individual may constitute hazing, including, but not limited to: acts of physical brutality; whipping; beating; branding; exposing to the elements; forcing consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance; forcing inhalation or ingestion of tobacco products. Even if a student is a willing participant it may constitute hazing. Hazing is not allowed as a method of induction. Hazing does not occur when a student is required to audition or try out for an organization when the criteria are reasonable, approved by the district, and legitimately related to the purpose of the organization.

Adopted: June 20, 2007 October 27, 2015

Cross Refs.: AC, Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation GCPD, Suspension of Professional Staff GCPE, Termination of Professional Staff GDPD, Nonrenewal, Suspension and Termination of Support Staff IGD, District-Sponsored Extra-curricular Activities and groups

Legal Refs.: § 160.755, RSMo.

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The Board is committed to peacefully resolving labor issues, but no employee shall engage in any strike, walkout, work slowdown, stoppage or interruption of work, work-to-rule, boycott, refusal to cross any picket line, sit-down, picketing, sick-out or any other practice that disrupts the school environment or District operations. This prohibition includes sympathy strikes or other disruptive actions taken in support of a different bargaining unit in the District or elsewhere. In the event of a disruption to District operations as described above, the superintendent or designee is authorized to contact an attorney to seek court intervention, seek damages or any other recourse in accordance with law. Any employee participating in such disruptive acts will be deemed to have engaged in a serious violation of Board policy, and may be terminated or otherwise disciplined. Employees will not be disciplined for actions protected by law. During a strike, work stoppage or other disruption of the District, employees will be docked pay or unpaid leave according to joint resolution process, for periods during which they are refusing to perform services for the District. The superintendent or designee shall develop an emergency plan to be used in the event of a strike, work stoppage or other disruption to the educational environment. The superintendent or designee may take all necessary actions to keep schools operating including, reassigning employees, hiring replacement employees, closing or consolidating operations in accordance with law. Definition: Employee is anyone working for the District whose employment has been approved by the Board or who is on the District payroll. Adopted: December 14, 2010 Cross Refs: GBCB – Staff Conduct

GCBDA – Professional Staff Short-Term Leaves and Absences GCPE – Termination of Professional Staff Members GDBDA – Support Staff Leaves and Absences

Legal Refs: Mo. Const. Art. I, ß 29 §§ 105.500 - .530, 168.114, .116 R.S.Mo. Independence-NEA v. Independence Sch. Dist., 223 S.W.3d 131 (Mo. 2007) Willis v. Sch. Dist. Of Kansas City, 606 S.W.2d 189 (Mo App. 1980) U.S. Const. Amend. I

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Policy: JGA Page 1 of 1

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT For the purposes of this policy, corporal punishment is the use of physical force as a method of correcting student behavior. No person employed by or volunteering on behalf of the District shall administer corporal punishment or cause corporal punishment to be administered upon a student attending District schools or sites, or receiving services in a partner district. A staff member may use reasonable physical force against a student for the protection of the student or other persons. Restraint of students in accordance with the District’s policy on student seclusion, isolation and restraint is not a violation of this policy. Adopted: July 23, 1998

April 11, 1989 July 15, 2003

Revised: June 28, 2011 May 24, 2016 Cross Refs.: JG – Student Discipline JGGA – Seclusion, Isolation, Restraint and Behavior Crisis Strategies

Legal Refs.: §160.261, §171.011, §563.061 – RSMo. http://www.moga.mo.gov/htmlpages2/statuteconstitutionsearch.aspx