Political Communication Comm. 342 POLITICAL AWARENESS QUIZ

Political Communication Comm. 342 POLITICAL AWARENESS QUIZ

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Page 1: Political Communication Comm. 342 POLITICAL AWARENESS QUIZ

Political CommunicationComm. 342


Page 2: Political Communication Comm. 342 POLITICAL AWARENESS QUIZ

Political Awareness Quiz

1. The major challengers for the ’2004 Presidential nominations are:

2. Which candidates have dropped out already

3. The first major caucus and the first major Presidential Primary are:

• Eight + Bush

• Bob Graham, Carol Mosley Braun

• Iowa, New Hampshire

Page 3: Political Communication Comm. 342 POLITICAL AWARENESS QUIZ

Political Awareness Quiz

4. How many Women are in the US Senate?

5. Name four of the US. Senators who are women

6. The Sec. Of State is? 7. The two US Senators from your home

state are?

• Fourteen • Kay Bailey Hutchison, TX; Barbara

Mulkulski, MD, Patty Murray, WA; Blanch Lambert Lincoln, AR; Barbara Boxer & Dianne Feinstein, CA; Olympia Snowe, & Susan Collins, ME; Mary Landrieu, LA; Maria Cantwell, WA; Hillary Clinton, NY; Debbie Stabenow, Michigan, Elizabeth Dole, NC; Lisa Murkowski, AK

• Colin Powell• Senators - NC - Dole and Edwards

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Political Awareness Quiz 8. The top elected US

official, formerly of the Reform Party, is? Hint: currently accepted a position at the Kennedy Center for Government at Harvard.

9. "PAC" stands for: 10. Name a PAC. 11. What country was

central to Gerald Ford's "blunder" in his second presidential debate with Jimmy Carter.

• Jesse Ventura, Gov.. of Minnesota

• Political Action Committee

• There are thousands of them

• Poland

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12. The "Voting Rights Acts" enforces uniform registration and election laws throughout the United States. T/F

13. Individual contributors are limited to a $1000 contribution to a single candidate? T/F

• False. Only apply to Southern States; the recent Supreme Court decisions on minority congressional districts could challenge the law

• False. The limit is $2000

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14. Colin Powell held which position(s) before Sec. of State

15. The first woman elected to Congress also was the only member to vote against US entry into both world wars was:

16. Which of the following Congressional Caucus’ exist: Bicycle, Cong. Bearing Caucus, Minor League Baseball Caucus, Footwear Caucus

• Asst. Sec. of Defense, National Security Advisor; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

• Rep. Jeanette Rankin (R) Montana; She was soundly defeated in the subsequent election each time.

• All of them

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Political Awareness Quiz

17. The Congressman from your home district is: Or the district in which WFU is located

18. Who is the only president in history denied a third nomination for the office by his party?

19. Which state may elect up to ten U.S. senators if it desires?

• ?, Richard Burr

• U.S. Grant

• Texas, which under an obscure law enacted in the 1850s can elect to divide itself into as many as five states.

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20. Which state in the Union first gave women the right to vote?

21. Which president was fatally stricken while on the floor of the House of Representatives?

22. Who was the second to last non-veteran to be elected president of the U.S.?

• Wyoming - “The Equality State” - Not enough Men in the state to apply for Statehood

• John Quincy Adams, in 1848, after serving 17 years in Congress following his failed 1828 presidential election

• Franklin D. Roosevelt

1919 Suffrage

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23. What does the term gerrymander mean?

24. Who did California Democrats nominate to oppose Republican Governor Earl Warren in 1946?

• To redraw an election district for politically motivated reasons?

• Earl Warren, Eisenhower subsequently appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

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25. Which of the following congresspersons or former congresspersons have Ph.D.s? Phil Graham, TX; Paul Wellstone, MN; Dick Armey, TX; Newt Gingrich, GA (ex-congressman)

26. Name a cabinet member other than Sec. of State?

27. Which network provides live coverage of the House of Representative, US Senate?

• All of them, respectively, Econ, Intnl rel., Pol. Sci., Econ., European History

• Gale Norton, Interior; Anthony Principi, Veteran Affairs; Don Evans, Commerce; Mel Martinez, Housing & Urban Develop.; Ann Veneman, Agriculture; Spencer Abraham, Energy; Norman Mineta, Transportation; Donald Rumsfeld, Defense; Tommy Thompson, Health & Human Services; Elaine L. Chao , Labor; John Ashcroft, Justice; Rod Paige, Education; John Snow, Treasury; Tom Ridge, Homeland Security.


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Political Awareness Quiz

28. Who is the mayor of Winston-Salem?

29. The Keynote speaker at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, Ann Richards, was the Governor of what State?

• Allen Joines • Texas

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30. Name a major political consultant.

31. Name one male and one female Supreme Court Justice.

Bonus: Define quiescence in the context of governance.

• David Garth, Bob Shrum, Richard Wirthlin, Robert Goodman, Alex Castllano, etc.

• Sandra Day O'conner, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, William Renquist, Clarence Thomas, Antonio Scalia, Stephen Breyer, Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, John Paul Stevens

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