Political Science Nishant

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  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant





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    Dr.S.P Singh

    Nishant Kumar 

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    (Faculty of Political Science) Roll

    No. 99! "stSemester 


  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant




    The present project on the topic ‘PARLIAMENTARY FORM OF GOVERNMENT’ has been

    able to et its !inal shape "ith the s#pport an$ help o! people !ro% &ario#s '#arters( M) sincere

    than*s o to all the %e%bers "itho#t "ho% the st#$) co#l$ not ha&e co%e to its present state( I

    a% pro#$ to ac*no"le$e ratit#$e to the in$i&i$#als $#rin %) st#$) an$ "itho#t "ho% the

    st#$) %a) not be co%plete$( I ha&e ta*en this opport#nit) to than* those "ho en#inel) helpe$


    +ith i%%ense pleas#re, I e-press %) $eepest sense o! ratit#$e to .R(/(P /ING0 Fac#lt) o! 

    POLITI1AL /1IEN1E, 1hana*)a National La" 2ni&ersit) !or helpin %e in %) project( I a%

    also than*!#l to the "hole 1hana*)a National La" 2ni&ersit) !a%il) that pro&i$e$ %e all the

    %aterial I re'#ire$ !or the project(

    I ha&e %a$e e&er) e!!ort to ac*no"le$e cre$its, b#t I apoloies in a$&ance !or an) o%ission that

    %a) ha&e ina$&ertentl) ta*en place(

    Last b#t not least I "o#l$ li*e to than* Al%iht) "hose blessin helpe$ %e to co%plete the


  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant



    Aims and Objectives:

    The ai% o! the project is to present a $etaile$ st#$) o! the topic(

    Scoe and Limitations:

    Tho#h the topic PARLIAMENTARY FORM OF GOVERNMENT’ is an i%%ense project an$

     paes can be "ritten o&er the topic b#t beca#se o! certain restrictions an$ li%itations I "as not

    able to $eal "ith the topic in reat $etail(

    (So!"ces o# Data:

    The !ollo"in secon$ar) so#rces o! $ata ha&e been #se$ in the project3

    4 5oo*s

    6 +ebsites

    Met$od o# W"itin% and Mode o# Citation:

    The %etho$ o! "ritin !ollo"e$ in the co#rse o! this research paper is pri%aril) anal)tical( The

    researcher has !ollo"e$ 2ni!or% %etho$ o! citation thro#ho#t the co#rse o! this research paper(

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant



    () *NTROD+CT*ON

    ,) -RES*DENT O' *ND*A



    0) LOK SA&HA

    1) RA2YA SA&HA






    (9) CONCL+S*ON

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant



    The Parlia%ent o! In$ia, also pop#larl) *no"n as /ansa$, is the s#pre%e leislati&e

     bo$) in In$ia( The Parlia%ent co%prises the Presi$ent o! In$ia an$ the t"o 0o#ses7 Lo* 

    /abha 80o#se o! the People9 an$ Raj)a /abha 81o#ncil o! /tates9( The Presi$ent has the po"er 

    to s#%%on an$ proro#e either 0o#se o! Parlia%ent or to $issol&e Lo* /abha(4 

    In In$ia, the leislat#re at the central le&el is calle$ Parlia%ent( The In$ian Parlia%ent is

     bica%eral( It consists o! t"o ho#ses( The lo"er ho#se is calle$ the Lo* /abha or the 0o#se o! the

     people( The #pper ho#se is calle$ the Raj)a /abha or the co#ncil o! /tates(

    The Presi$ent o! In$ia is an interal part o! the In$ian Parlia%ent( The t"o ho#ses o! Parlia%ent

    are constit#te$ in $i!!erent "a)s( The) $o not enjo) e'#al po"ers( The !irst electe$ Parlia%ent

    ca%e into bein in April 4:;6(

    Lo* /abha, as the na%e itsel! sini!ies, is the bo$) representati&e o! the people( It consists o! 

    %e%bers o! $irectl) electe$ b) the people( The %a-i%#% strenth o! Lo* /abha has been !i-e$

    at ;;6( O#t o! these, ;

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    The Mini%#% '#ali!)in ae !or %e%bership o! the ho#se is 6; )ears( The Lo* /abha elects its

    /pea*er an$ .ep#t) /pea*er !ro% a%on its o"n %e%bers( The spea*er presi$es o&er its


    Raj)a /abha is the 2pper 0o#se o! Parlia%ent( Its %a-i%#% strenth can be 6;= %e%bers( O! 

    these 46 %e%bers are no%inate$ b) the Presi$ent o! In$ia, the re%ainin 6

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    /i%ilar to %ost 1o%%on"ealth co#ntries, In$ia also incl#$es the 0ea$ o! /tate 8the Presi$ent o! 

    In$ia in In$iaCs case9 as a co%ponent o! Parlia%ent( The Presi$ent o! In$ia is electe$, !ro% a

    ro#p o! no%inees, b) the electe$ %e%bers o! the Parlia%ent o! In$ia 8Lo* /abha an$ Raj)a

    /abha9 as "ell as o! the state leislat#res 8Vi$han /abhas9, an$ ser&es !or a ter% o! !i&e )ears(

    0istoricall), r#lin part) 8%ajorit) in the Lo* /abha9 no%inees ha&e been electe$ an$ r#n larel)

    #nconteste$( Inc#%bents are per%itte$ to stan$ !or re3election, b#t #nli*e the presi$ent o! the

    2nite$ /tates, "ho can be electe$ j#st t"ice, inc#%bents can be electe$ !or an) n#%ber o! ter%s(

    A !or%#la is #se$ to allocate &otes so there is a balance bet"een the pop#lation o! each state an$

    the n#%ber o! &otes asse%bl) %e%bers !ro% a state can cast, an$ to i&e an e'#al balance

     bet"een /tate Asse%bl) %e%bers an$ National Parlia%ent %e%bers( I! no can$i$ate recei&es a

    %ajorit) o! &otes there is a s)ste% b) "hich losin can$i$ates are eli%inate$ !ro% the contest

    an$ &otes !or the% trans!erre$ to other can$i$ates, #ntil one ains a %ajorit)( Pranab M#*herjee

    is the c#rrent Presi$ent o! In$ia(6



    849 In the Parlia%entar) s)ste% the Pri%e Minister an$ 1hie! Minister are totall) $epen$ent

    #pon their respecti&e Leislat#res in the %atter o! selection o! Ministers( On the other han$,

    the) are e-pecte$ to select %en o! &ision, interate, honest ha&in pro!essional *no"le$e

    an$ practical e-perience( The) are also s#ppose$ to i&e a$e'#ate representation to the

     pri&ilee as "ell as to the nelecte$ sections o! societ)( In case o! the 1entre, !or instance,

    Pri%e Minister has to select her or his entire tea% !ro% a s%all pool o! DD@ Me%bers o! 

    Parlia%ent, "ho, in t#rn are electe$ in %ost cases $#e to their pop#larit) or on acco#nt o! 

    their lo)alt) to the part) or on sectarianis% or casteis% or Na"abis%( The Pri%e Minister 

    2  Presi$ento!in$ia(nic(in( Retrie&e$ 6=4

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    %a) be able to pic* #p s#ch able an$ e-perience$ %inisters onl) i! he or she is le!t !ree to

    %a*e the selection !ro% "here&er $eser&in han$s are a&ailable, an$ is not tie$ $o"n to the

    s%all ro#ps o! Me%bers o! Parlia%ent "ho consist larel) o! pro!essional politicians an$


    2n$er the Presi$ential s)ste%, on the other han$, the Presi$ent is not ha%pere$ b) s#ch

    consi$erations( 0e is not tie$ to or s#bor$inate to the leislat#re( 0e is !ree to choose his

    cabinet o! %inisters !ro% o#tsi$e the %e%bers o! the leislat#re( In this "a), he can in$#ct

    reall) co%petent, e-perience$ an$ $eser&in people into the o&ern%ent( 0e can choose

    !reel) %en o! &ision an$ interate ha&in pro!essional *no"le$e an$ practical e-perience(

    869 In the Parlia%entar) s)ste% !or the reasons liste$ abo&e, the %inisters are not able to

     pro&i$e e!!ecti&e lea$ership( As the) $o not ha&e the re'#isite e-pertise( The) ha&e to

    $epen$ larel) on the ci&il ser&ants, their secretaries an$ #n$er3secretaries( The) beco%e

    %ere p#ppets in the han$s o! the o!!icers, an$ th#s $e%ocrac) $eenerates into b#rea#crac)(

    /o%e illiterate %e%bers%inisters are electe$ on the basis o! casteis% ha&in no e$#cational

     bac*ro#n$ there!ore, the) $o not ha&e *no"le$e o! the chanes o! the "orl$( The)

    $epen$ on b#rea#crac)(

    The Presi$ential s)ste% s#!!ers !ro% no s#ch $isa$&antaes( The %inisters ha&e the

    necessar) e-pertise, an$ so are not $o%inate$ b) the ci&il ser&ants( The) *no" their 

     b#siness, an$ can see to it that their policies an$ prora%s are !aith!#ll) carrie$ o#t(Presi$ent can chane his %inister at an)ti%e( 0e is not ans"erable to an)bo$)(


  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


     press#re ro#ps, "hich al"a)s blac*%ail the r#lin part) as "ell as opposition part)(

    /i%ilarl), these ro#ps also help the b#rea#crac) in its e!!ort to $erail the s)ste%( This e&il is

    #nhear$ o! in the other s)ste%(

    In Presi$ential s)ste% o! Go&ern%ent, one %an al%ost all %en beca#se he possess the

    %an$ate to $o "hich he thin*s !it an$ o ahea$( No one can assert press#re on hi%(

    8;9 The leislators an$ M(PCs are not !ree to &ote accor$in to their conscience in the

    Parlia%entar) s)ste%( The) %#st obe) the part)3"hip or !ace e-p#lsion(

    The Presi$ential s)ste% is s#perior in this respect(

    L OK S A&HA .

    The Lo* /abha or 0o#se o! the People is the lo"er ho#se o! the Parlia%ent o! In$ia( Me%bers o! 

    the Lo* /abha are electe$ b) $irect election #n$er #ni&ersal a$#lt !ranchise( As o! 6==:, there

    ha&e been !i!teen Lo* /abhas electe$ b) the people o! In$ia( The 1onstit#tion li%its the Lo* 

    /abha to a %a-i%#% o! ;;6 %e%bers, incl#$in not %ore than 6= %e%bers representin people

    !ro% the 2nion Territories, an$ t"o appointe$ non3partisan %e%bers to represent the Anlo3

    In$ian co%%#nit) 8i! the Presi$ent !eels that the co%%#nit) is not a$e'#atel) represente$9( Each

    Lo* /abha is !or%e$ !or a !i&e3)ear ter%, a!ter "hich it is a#to%aticall) $issol&e$, #nless

    e-ten$e$ b) a procla%ation o! e%erenc)( In s#ch cases, the ter% %a) be e-ten$e$ b) one3)ear 

    incre%ents( The 4;th Lo* /abha "as !or%e$ in Ma) 6==: an$ is the latest( An e-ercise to

    re$ra" Lo* /abha constit#enciesC bo#n$aries has been carrie$ o#t b) the .eli%itation

    1o%%ission base$ on the In$ian cens#s o! 6==4( This e-ercise, "hich "as s#ppose$ to be

    carrie$ o#t a!ter e&er) cens#s, "as s#spen$e$ in 4:@ !ollo"in a constit#tional a%en$%ent to

    a&oi$ a$&erse e!!ects o! the !a%il) plannin prora% "hich "as bein i%ple%ente$(H@ To$a),

    3 httpJlo*sabha(nic(in&isite$ at 66 /epte%ber 6=4

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    the Lo* /abha has its o"n TV channel, Lo* /abha TV, hea$3'#artere$ "ithin the pre%ises o! 


    Histo"; o# !a

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    Presi$ent o! In$ia !eels that there is lac* o! representation o! Anlo3In$ians( 5#t, the) are not

    entitle$ to &ote in Presi$ential elections as per Article ;; o! the In$ian 1onstit#tion(


    Lo* /abha has certain po"ers that %a*e it %ore po"er!#l than the Raj)a /abha(

    • Motions o! no con!i$ence aainst the o&ern%ent can onl) be intro$#ce$ an$ passe$ in

    the Lo* /abha( I! passe$ b) a %ajorit) &ote, the Pri%e Minister  an$ the 1o#ncil o! Ministers

    resins collecti&el)( The Raj)a /abha has no po"er o&er s#ch a %otion, an$ hence no real

     po"er o&er the e-ec#ti&e( 0o"e&er, the Pri%e Minister %a) threaten the $issol#tion b) the

    Lo* /abha an$ reco%%en$ this to the Presi$ent, !orcin an #nti%el) eneral election( The

    Presi$ent nor%all) accepts this reco%%en$ation #nless other"ise con&ince$ that the Lo* 

    /abha %iht reco%%en$ a ne" Pri%e Minister b) a %ajorit) &ote( Th#s, both the e-ec#ti&e

    an$ the leislat#re in In$ia ha&e chec*s an$ balances o&er each other(

    • Mone) bills can onl) be intro$#ce$ in the Lo* /abha, an$ #pon bein passe$, are sent to

    the Raj)a /abha, "here it can be $eliberate$ on !or #p to 4D $a)s( I! not rejecte$ b) the

    Raj)a /abha, or 4D $a)s lapse !ro% the intro$#ction o! the bill in the Raj)a /abha "itho#t

    an) action b) the 0o#se, or reco%%en$ations %a$e b) the Raj)a /abha are not accepte$ b)

    the Lo* /abha, the bill is consi$ere$ passe$( The  b#$et is presente$ in the Lo* /abha b)

    the Finance Minister  in the na%e o! the Presi$ent o! In$ia(

    • In %atters pertainin to non3!inancial 8or$inar)9 bills, a!ter the bill has been passe$ b) the

    0o#se "here it "as oriinall) table$ 8Lo* /abha or Raj)a /abha9, it is sent to the other 

    ho#se, "here it %a) be *ept !or a %a-i%#% perio$ o! @ %onths( I! the other 0o#se rejects

    the bill or a perio$ o! @ %onths elapses "itho#t an) action b) that 0o#se, or the 0o#se that

    oriinall) table$ the bill $oes not accept the reco%%en$ations %a$e b) the %e%bers o! the

    other ho#se, it res#lts in a $ea$loc*( This is resol&e$ b) a joint session o! both 0o#ses,

     presi$e$ o&er b) the spea*er o! the Lo* /abha an$ $eci$e$ b) a si%ple %ajorit)( The "ill o! 

    the Lo* /abha nor%all) pre&ails in these %atters, as its strenth is %ore than $o#ble that o! 

    the Raj)a /abha(


  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    • E'#al Po"ers "ith the Raj)a /abha in initiatin an$ passin an) 5ill !or 1onstit#tional

    A%en$%ent 8b) a %ajorit) o! the total %e%bership o! the 0o#se an$ at least t"o3thir$s

    %ajorit) o! the %e%bers present an$ &otin9(

    • E'#al Po"ers "ith the Raj)a /abha in initiatin an$ passin a %otion !or the

    i%peach%ent o! the Presi$ent 8b) t"o3thir$s o! the %e%bership o! the 0o#se9(

    • E'#al Po"ers "ith the Raj)a /abha in initiatin an$ passin a %otion !or the

    i%peach%ent o! the j#$es o! the /#pre%e 1o#rt an$ the state 0ih 1o#rts 8b) a %ajorit) o! 

    the %e%bership o! the 0o#se an$ at least t"o3thir$s %ajorit) o! the %e%bers present an$


    • E'#al Po"ers "ith the Raj)a /abha in initiatin an$ passin a resol#tion $eclarin "ar or 

    national e%erenc) 8b) t"o3thir$s %ajorit)9 or constit#tional e%erenc) 8b) si%ple

    %ajorit)9 in a state(

    • I! the Lo* /abha is $issol&e$ be!ore or a!ter the $eclaration o! a National E%erenc), the

    Raj)a /abha beco%es the sole Parlia%ent( It cannot be $issol&e$( This is a li%itation on the

    Lo* /abha( 5#t there is a possibilit) that presi$ent can e-cee$ the ter% to not %ore than 4

    )ear #n$er the procla%ation o! e%erenc) an$ the sa%e "o#l$ be lo"ere$ $o"n to si-%onth i! the sai$ procla%ation ceases to operate(

    R  A2YA S A&HA

    he Raj)a /abha 8R/9 or 1o#ncil o! /tates is the #pper ho#se o! the Parlia%ent o! In$ia(

    Raj)a %eans >state>D an$ /abha %eans >asse%bl)> in /ans*rit( Me%bership is li%ite$ to 6;=


     46 o! "ho% are no%inate$ b) the Presi$ent o! In$ia !or their contrib#tions to art,literat#re, science, an$ social ser&ices( The re%ain$er o! bo$) is electe$ b) the state an$

    4  >o#r parlia%ent>( In$ian parlia%ent( Retrie&e$ 44 %a) 6=4

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    territorial leislat#res( Me%bers sit !or si-3)ear ter%s, "ith one thir$ o! the %e%bers retirin

    e&er) t"o )ears(

    The Raj)a /abha %eets in contin#o#s sessions an$, #nli*e the Lo* /abha, the lo"er ho#se o! 

    Parlia%ent, is not s#bject to $issol#tion( The Raj)a /abha has e'#al !ootin in all areas o! 

    leislation "ith Lo* /abha, e-cept in the area o! s#ppl), "here the Lo* /abha has o&erri$in

     po"ers( In the case o! con!lictin leislation, a joint sittin o! the t"o ho#ses is hel$(

    0o"e&er, since the Lo* /abha has t"ice as %an) %e%bers as the Raj)a /abha, the !or%er 

    "o#l$ nor%all) hol$ the reater po"er( Onl) three s#ch joint3sessions ha&e been hel$ the

    latest one !or the passae o! the 6==6 Pre&ention o! Terroris% Act(

    The Vice Presi$ent o! In$ia 8c#rrentl), 0a%i$ Ansari9 is the e-3o!!icio 1hair%an o! the

    Raj)a /abha, "ho presi$es o&er its sessions( The .ep#t) 1hair%an, "ho is electe$ !ro%

    a%onst the R/Cs %e%bers, ta*es care o! the $a)3to3$a) %atters o! the ho#se in the absence

    o! the 1hair%an( The Raj)a /abha hel$ its !irst sittin on 4< Ma) 4:;6( The salar) an$ other 

     bene!its !or a %e%ber o! Raj)a /abha are sa%e as !or a %e%ber o! Lo* /abha(


  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    • E'#al Po"ers "ith the Lo* /abha in initiatin an$ passin an) 5ill !or 1onstit#tional

    A%en$%ent 8b) a %ajorit) o! the total %e%bership o! the 0o#se an$ at least t"o3thir$s

    %ajorit) o! the %e%bers present an$ &otin9(

    • E'#al Po"ers "ith the Lo* /abha in initiatin an$ passin a %otion !or the i%peach%ent

    o! the Presi$ent 8b) t"o3thir$s o! the %e%bership o! the 0o#se9(

    • E'#al Po"ers "ith the Lo* /abha in initiatin an$ passin a %otion !or the i%peach%ent

    o! the j#$es o! the /#pre%e 1o#rt an$ the state 0ih 1o#rts 8b) a %ajorit) o! the

    %e%bership o! the 0o#se an$ at least t"o3thir$s %ajorit) o! the %e%bers present an$


    • E'#al Po"ers "ith the Lo* /abha in initiatin an$ passin a resol#tion $eclarin "ar or 

    national e%erenc) 8b) t"o3thir$s %ajorit)9 or constit#tional e%erenc) 8b) si%ple

    %ajorit)9 in a state(

    • The ho#se is not s#bject to $issol#tion "hich is a li%itation !or Lo* /abha(


  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant


    ,) Resonsib

     peopleCs political conscio#sness an$ %o#l$in the p#blic opinion( Th#s, the Parlia%entar)

    !or% o! o&ern%ent has reat &al#e !ro% the point o! &ie" o! peopleCs political e$#cation(

  • 8/20/2019 Political Science Nishant



    () Wea= Sea"ation o# -o?e"s: In this s)ste%, the principle o! separation o! po"ers is

    &iolate$( As the %inisters are the %e%bers o! the r#lin part) or coalition, the) $o%inate

     polic)3%a*in tho#h, in principle, polic)3%a*in is the $o%ain o! the leislat#re(

    ,) Cabinet Dictato"s$i: The 1o#ncil o! Ministers, "ith the s#pport o! the %ajorit) in the

    lo"er ho#se o! the leislat#re, ten$s to be a#thoritarian an$ irresponsible( 5ein ass#re$ o! 

    the s#pport o! the %ajorit), it $oes not care !or the !eelins an$ &ie"s o! opposition(

    It has also little respect !or the leislat#re as the %ajorit) is bo#n$ to s#pp the o&ern%ent(

    Th#s, the 1abinet Go&ern%ent is re$#ce$ to part) o&ern%ent, an$ parlia%entar)

    $e%ocrac) is t#rne$ into 1abinet .ictatorship( Lor$ 0erbert is, to so e-tant, riht in

    criticiin the 1abinet s)ste% as Cthe Ne" .espotis%C(

    .) 'ai

    ten#re, it is not able to a$opt an) bol$, lon3ter% polic)( The proble% is co%po#n$e$ I in a

    coalition o&ern%ent "hich is o!ten #nstable( The coalition partners ten$ to !iht a%on

    the%sel&es( As a res#lt, the) !ail to a$opt an) bol$ polic)(

    Accor$in to .ice), I o&ern%ent !ails to ta*e pro%pt, bol$ an$ e!!ecti&e steps $#rin a

    crisis or a "ar( The Pri%e Minister ta*es ti%e to pers#a$e his collea#es in the 1abinet to

    ta*e a $ecision( /i%ilarl), it is not eas) !or the o&ern%ent to pers#a$e the leislat#re to ta*e

    a pro%pt $ecision to %anae a crisis( This stan$s on the "a) o! ta*in '#ic* $ecision e&en in

    I e%erenc) sit#ation(

    0) -a"tisans$i: In a Parlia%entar) s)ste%, political parties are #i$e$ %orel partisan

    %oti&es than b) national or peopleCs interests( The r#lin part) an$ the opposition I pee each

    other as ene%ies( +hile the r#lin part) sel$o% sees an) %erit in the criticis% the

    opposition, the opposition o!ten opposes the o&ern%ent !or the sa*e o! opposition(

    1) Gove"nment b; Amate!"s: The Parlia%entar) o&ern%ent lac*s co%petence an$

    e!!ecti&eness, beca#se the %inisters are %ostl) a%ate#rs( As the %inisters ha&e to beappointe$ !ro% a%on the %e%bers o! the leislat#re, the scope !or appointin talente$ an$

    co%petent people as %inisters is li%ite$(

    Man) ti%es, i%portant consi$erations in appointin %inisters are not s*ill, co%petence an$

    talent b#t caste, reliion, co%%#nit) !action an$ in!l#ence in the part)(

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    3) Cont"o< b; &!"ea!c"ac;: +hile the 1abinet is po"er!#l, %ore po"er!#l is the

     b#rea#crac)( The %inisters, bein %ostl) a%ate#rs, $epen$ #pon ci&il ser&ants !or e-pert

    a$&ice an$ #i$ance( The ci&il ser&ants e-ercise real po"ers in the na%e o! %inister( The)

    $o not co%e o#t to the !ront( The) are not acco#ntable to the leislat#re(

    It is the %inisters "ho are hel$ responsible !or the $ecisions ta*en b) ci&il ser&ants in the

    na%e o! %inisters( This lea$s to irresponsibilit) an$ re$tapis%( Ra%sa) M#ir has aptl)

    obser&e$, >5#rea#crac) thri&es #pon the cloa* o! %inisterial responsibilit)(>

    The Parlia%entar) !or% o! o&ern%ent, no $o#bt, has certain lac#nae( In partic#lar, it is

    han$icappe$ b) i%%ense partisanship, lac* o! e-pertise, an$ $i!!ic#lt) in ta*in pro%pt

    $ecisions $#rin crises, b#t its %ain %erit is acco#ntabilit)(

    The o&ern%ent is responsible to the leislat#re, partic#larl) to the lo"er ho#se "hich is the

     pop#lar cha%ber( In I "or$s, the Parlia%entar) o&ern%ent is relati&el) %ore $e%ocratic

    then the Presi$ential o&ern%ent(


    In$ia has a$opte$ parlia%entar) s)ste% o! o&ern%ent "hich is base$ on #ni&ersal a$#lt

    !ranchise( The Go&ern%ento! In$ia is o! a $e%ocratic !or% "hich %eans it is a o&ern%ent

    b) the people, !or the people an$ o! the people( In this parlia%entar) s)ste% o! 

    o&ern%ent, parlia%ent is s#pre%e an$ there is !#sion o! E-ec#ti&e an$ Leislati&e po"ers(

    The Presi$ent is the constit#tional hea$ o! the E-ec#ti&e( All the e-ec#ti&e po"ers are

    e-ercise$ b) the 1o#ncil o! Ministers "ith the Pri%e Minister as hea$( A!ter in$epen$ence,

    the "hole political scenario chane$ "ith the 1onress in Po"er( The 1onstit#tion o! In$ia

     bein the s#pre%e la" o! the lan$ ca%e into !orce on 6@ Ban#ar)4:;=( The prea%ble o! the

    1onstit#tion $e!ines In$ia to be a so&erein, socialist, sec#lar, $e%ocratic rep#blic( The

     parlia%entar) s)ste% o! In$ia is a replica o! the +est%inster3st)le( The !irst eneral election

    "as hel$ #n$er the 1onstit#tion $#rin 4:;43;6(Parlia%ent occ#pies a pro%inent position inthe str#ct#re o! the Go&ern%ent o! In$ia( It is the representati&e instit#tion o! the people( It is

    thro#h the Parlia%ent, the so&erein "ill o! the people !in$s e-pression( Article : o! the

    1onstit#tion o! In$ia states that there shall be a Parlia%ent !or the #nion an$ the o&ern%ent

    "ill be responsible to leislat#re an$ the leislat#re is in t#rn responsible to the people "ho

    are the #lti%ate so&erein( The co%position o! the parlia%ent consists o! the presi$ent an$

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    the t"o 0o#ses3 the Lo* /abha or the 0o#se o! the Parlia%ent an$ the Raj)a /abha or the

    co#ncil o! /tates( The contin#ation o! a Presi$ent or the 0ea$ o! the /tate in the

    Parlia%entar) !or% o! o&ern%ent s)%bolises its tr#e character( The Presi$ent tho#h $oes

    not participate in the $isc#ssions o! the t"o 0o#ses, )et he e-ercises se&eral po"ers an$

     per!or%s i%portant !#nctions( The presi$ent o! In$ia is electe$ b) an Electoral 1ollee

    consistin o! the electe$ %e%bers o! the t"o 0o#ses o! the parlia%ent an$ the Leislati&e

    Asse%blies o! the state( The Raj)a /abha "hich is another essential part o! the parlia%ent

    consists o! not %ore than 6;= %e%bers( O! these, 6

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    o&ern%ent $epart%ents an$ /tate Go&ern%ent $epart%ent( The central %inistr) "or* 

    in$epen$entl) an$ the /tate o&ern%ents "or* #n$er the s#per&ision o! the 1entral

    Go&ern%ent( There are certain $epart%ents incl#$in .epart%ents o! Aric#lt#re, 0o%e

    A!!airs, 1o%%erce an$ In$#str), E-ternal A!!airs, 1orporate A!!airs, .e!ence, In!or%ation

    an$ 5roa$castin, 1i&il A&iation, 0#%an Reso#rce .e&elop%ent, Rail"a)s, En&iron%ent

    an$ Forests, Finance an$ 1o%pan) A!!airs, 0ealth an$ Fa%il) +el!are, 0ea&) In$#stries an$

    P#blic Enterprises, Petrole#% an$ Nat#ral Gas, Po"er, Labo#r, To#ris%,+o%en an$ 1hil$

    .e&elop%ent, Yo#th A!!airs an$ /ports an$ se&eral others constit#te the In$ian Go&ern%ent

    .epart%ents( These $epart%ents "or* !or p#blic "el!are(



    Major $i!!erences bet"een In$ian an$ 5ritish or Enlan$ Parlia%ent s)ste%,

    4( The hea$ o! the state in Enlan$ is here$itar) %onarch), "hile In$ia is hea$e$ b) an

    electe$ presi$ent(

    6( In Enlan$ #een is not a part o! parlia%ent, "hile in In$ia presi$ent is a part o! 


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    In o#r s)ste%, "e ha&e a "ritten constit#tion an$ po"ers an$ a#thorities o! e&er) oran o! 

    Go&ern%ent an$ e&er) !#nctionar) are onl) as $e!ine$ an$ $eli%ite$ b) the constit#tional

    $oc#%ent(The po"er o! Parlia%ent itsel! is also clearl) $e!ine$ an$ $eli%ite$ b) the

    constit#tion( +ithin its o"n sphere, Parlia%ent is s#pre%e(

    Also, Parlia%ent is the representati&e instit#tion o! the people( 5#t it is not so&erein in the

    sense in "hich the 5ritish Parlia%ent is so&erein an$ can $o or #n$o an)thin( The point is

    that in the sense o! constit#tional so&ereint), their po"ers are not li%ite$ b) a constit#tional


    +here as o#rs are Also, o#r constit#tional $oc#%ent pro&i$es !or !#n$a%ental rihts o! the

    in$i&i$#al an$ the) are j#sti!iable in co#rts o! la"( An$ an) la" passe$ b) Parlia%ent "hich

    abri$es i! an) o! the !#n$a%ental rihts can be $eclare$ #ltra "ires b) the co#rts(

    The co#rts a$j#$icate the $isp#tes an$ !or $oin so, the) can interpret the constit#tion an$

    the la"s( Also Parlia%ent has the constit#ent po"ers an$ "ithin certain li%itations it can

    s#itabl) a%en$ the constit#tion(



    849 In the Parlia%entar) s)ste% the Pri%e Minister an$ 1hie! Minister are totall) $epen$ent

    #pon their respecti&e Leislat#res in the %atter o! selection o! Ministers( On the other han$,

    the) are e-pecte$ to select %en o! &ision, interate, honest ha&in pro!essional *no"le$e

    an$ practical e-perience( The) are also s#ppose$ to i&e a$e'#ate representation to the

     pri&ilee as "ell as to the nelecte$ sections o! societ)( In case o! the 1entre, !or instance,

    Pri%e Minister has to select her or his entire tea% !ro% a s%all pool o! DD@ Me%bers o! 

    Parlia%ent, "ho, in t#rn are electe$ in %ost cases $#e to their pop#larit) or on acco#nt o! 

    their lo)alt) to the part) or on sectarianis% or casteis% or Na"abis%( The Pri%e Minister 

    %a) be able to pic* #p s#ch able an$ e-perience$ %inisters onl) i! he or she is le!t !ree to%a*e the selection !ro% "here&er $eser&in han$s are a&ailable, an$ is not tie$ $o"n to the

    s%all ro#ps o! Me%bers o! Parlia%ent "ho consist larel) o! pro!essional politicians an$


    2n$er the Presi$ential s)ste%, on the other han$, the Presi$ent is not ha%pere$ b) s#ch

    consi$erations( 0e is not tie$ to or s#bor$inate to the leislat#re( 0e is !ree to choose his

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    cabinet o! %inisters !ro% o#tsi$e the %e%bers o! the leislat#re( In this "a), he can in$#ct

    reall) co%petent, e-perience$ an$ $eser&in people into the o&ern%ent( 0e can choose

    !reel) %en o! &ision an$ interate ha&in pro!essional *no"le$e an$ practical e-perience(

    869 In the Parlia%entar) s)ste% !or the reasons liste$ abo&e, the %inisters are not able to

     pro&i$e e!!ecti&e lea$ership( As the) $o not ha&e the re'#isite e-pertise( The) ha&e to

    $epen$ larel) on the ci&il ser&ants, their secretaries an$ #n$er3secretaries( The) beco%e

    %ere p#ppets in the han$s o! the o!!icers, an$ th#s $e%ocrac) $eenerates into b#rea#crac)(

    /o%e illiterate %e%bers%inisters are electe$ on the basis o! casteis% ha&in no e$#cational

     bac*ro#n$ there!ore, the) $o not ha&e *no"le$e o! the chanes o! the "orl$( The)

    $epen$ on b#rea#crac)(

    The Presi$ential s)ste% s#!!ers !ro% no s#ch $isa$&antaes( The %inisters ha&e the

    necessar) e-pertise, an$ so are not $o%inate$ b) the ci&il ser&ants( The) *no" their 

     b#siness, an$ can see to it that their policies an$ prora%s are !aith!#ll) carrie$ o#t(

    Presi$ent can chane his %inister at an)ti%e( 0e is not ans"erable to an)bo$)(


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    8;9 The leislators an$ M(PCs are not !ree to &ote accor$in to their conscience in the

    Parlia%entar) s)ste%( The) %#st obe) the part)3"hip or !ace e-p#lsion(

    The Presi$ential s)ste% is s#perior in this respect(


    Go&ern%ents ha&e been classi!ie$ on the basis o! relationship o! the political e-ec#ti&e "ith

    the leislati&e branch( I! the e-ec#ti&e is ans"erable an$ responsible to the leislat#re it is

    calle$ 1abinet !or% o! Go&ern%ent or Parlia%entar) !or% o! o&ern%ent( In s#ch a s)ste%

    o! o&ern%ent, there e-ists a &er) close relationship bet"een the e-ec#ti&e an$ the

    leislat#re( Enlan$ is the tra$itional ho%e o! Parlia%entar) $e%ocrac)(

     C$a"acte"istics: A st#$) o! its characteristic !eat#res "ill pro&i$e a &er) clear i$ea abo#t

    the !or% o! o&ern%ent(

    Nomina< $ead o# t$e state: 2n$er this !or% o! o&ern%ent the hea$ o! the state is no%inal

    or tit#lar( The person hol$in the post %a) ha&e reat stat#re b#t he $oes not e-ercise his

     po"er in$epen$entl) altho#h the a$%inistration o! the state r#ns in his na%e an$

    theoreticall) all the po"er belon to hi% #n$er the constit#tion( 0is po"ers are e-ercise$ b)

    the 1o#ncil o! Ministers hea$e$ b) the Pri%e Minister( Th#s there e-ists $#al e-ec#ti&e in

    this s)ste%, the no%inal an$ the real( The Presi$ent in In$ia or the *in in Enlan$ is the

    s)%bols o! no%inal hea$ o! the e-ec#ti&e "here as the Pri%e Minister is the real hea$ o! the



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    an$ initiate$ b) the Ministers( The Presi$ent o! In$ia pro%#lates or$inance $#rin the

    recess o! the leislat#re( The or$inance has all the !orce an$ e!!ect o! la"(


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    & *&L*OGRA-HY

    4( PRIN1IPLE/ OF POLITI1AL /1IEN1E 5Y .R(AN2P 10AN. AP2R,/(10AN.

    AN. 1OMPANY LT.,6=T0 E.ITION 4::@,REVI/E. E.ITION 6=44



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