Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua [email protected]

Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua [email protected]

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Page 1: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn


Discrete Mathematics andIts Applications

Baojian [email protected]

Page 2: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Variables and Types Languages such as C, C++ or Java

are called statically-typed As opposed to Basic, Lisp, etc.

A relatively strict semantics on variables declaration and use Each variable must be declared with a

static type Variables declared before use Uses should conform to types

Page 3: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Examples// Examples from C:int i;i = 99;

struct s{

int x;int y;

};struct s pt;

// compiler complains:i = pt;

// Examples from Java:

int i;

i = 99;

class S


int x;

int y;


S pt = new S ();

// compiler complains:

i = pt;

Page 4: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

What’s Polymorphism?

A variable of polymorphic type could hold any type of values poly: various morphism: shapes

How to declare and use such kind of variables?

Page 5: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

What We Want?// Suppose we have a variable x which is

// polymorphic, we may write:

x = 99;

x = 3.14;

x = “hello”;

// But how to declare such a variable in

// statically typed language such as C?

// More specific, what x’s “type” should be?

type x;

Page 6: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn


In C C++ or Java, the compiler automatically allocates space for every declared variable the size of that space is calculated statica

lly at compile-time

the detailed data layout is determined

Page 7: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Difficulties// Examples:int i; // 4 bytesdouble f; // 8 bytes

struct s { int x; int y;};struct s pt; // 8 bytes

// So it seems that we can never declare such // a polymorphic variable in C …

Page 8: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

The Magic

The magic is that: if we want to make a variable x hold any type (size) of data d, then the only way is not to put this data d in the variable x.

Page 9: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Try #1// Hummm, thus x must be a pointer (x holds some // data d, but the data d is not in x itselft---// via an indirection). // Try #1:int *p;

p = (int *)malloc (sizeof(*p));*p = 88;

// but x it seems that p could only point to // integer data (of size 4).// How to make p point to data of other size?



Page 10: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Try #2// Try #2: make p point to struct data:

int *p;

// we want to point to a Point2d

p = (int *)malloc (sizeof(struct s));

p->x = 3;

p->y = 4;

// Try this demo …

// What happened here?




Page 11: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Try #2// Try #3: let’s cheat the compiler:

int *p;

p = (int *)malloc (8);

((Point2d *)p)->x = 3;

((Point2d *)p)->y = 4;

// Try this demo …


Page 12: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Moral So, every pointer is essentially a polymorph

ic value could point to value of any type (and size) the trick is the ugly type conversion (cast)

of course, should be consistent But the type “int *” is a little misleading

But recall C’s early convention (char *) now C offers “void *”

compiler emits more meaningful error message

Page 13: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Void *// The use of “void *”struct s { int x; int y;};

void *p;

p = malloc (sizeof (struct s));((struct s *)p)->x = 3;((struct s *)p)->y = 4;

// Try this demo …


Page 14: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Polymorphic Data Structures Structure: relationships

linear, tree, graph, hash, … Data structures: relationships between

data not the data themselves

Polymorphic data structures data are polymorphic

Next, I’ll take linear list as a running example

Page 15: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Linked List #1 (Integer List)typedef struct linkedListStruct *linkedList;

struct linkedListStruct


int data;

linkedList next;


void insertHead (linkedList l, int data);

int exists (linkedList l, int data);

Page 16: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Functionsvoid insertHead (linkedList l, int data)


linkedList t = (linkedList)malloc (sizeof (*t));

t->data = data;

t->next = l->next;

l->next = t;









l …

Page 17: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Functionsint exists (linkedList l, int data){ linkedList temp = l->next; while (temp) { if (temp->data == data) // equality test! return 1; temp = temp->next; } return 0;}







l …

Page 18: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code#include “linkedList.h”

linkedList list = newLinkedList ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

insertHead (list, i);


exists (list, 5);

exists (list, 50);

Page 19: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Linked List #2 (Double List)typedef struct linkedListStruct *linkedList;

struct linkedListStruct


double data;

linkedList next;


void insertHead (linkedList l, double data);

int exists (linkedList l, double data);

Page 20: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Functionsvoid insertHead (linkedList l, double data)


linkedList t = (linkedList)malloc (sizeof (*t));

t->data = data;

t->next = l->next;

l->next = t;



Page 21: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Functionsint exists (linkedList l, double data){ linkedList temp = l->next; while (temp) { if (temp->data == data) // equality? return 1; temp = temp->next; } return 0;}

Page 22: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code#include “linkedList.h”

linkedList list = newLinkedList ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

insertHead (list, (double)i);


exists (list, 5.0);

exists (list, 50.0);

Page 23: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Linked List #3 (Point List)typedef struct linkedListStruct *linkedList;

struct linkedListStruct


struct s data;

linkedList next;


void insertHead (linkedList l, struct s data);

int exists (linkedList l, struct s data);

Page 24: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Functionsvoid insertHead (linkedList l, struct s data)


linkedList t = (linkedList)malloc (sizeof (*t));

t->data = data;

t->next = l->next;

l->next = t;



Page 25: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Functionsint exists (linkedList l, struct s data){ linkedList temp = l->next; while (temp) { if (temp->data == data) // equality? return 1; temp = temp->next; } return 0;}

Page 26: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code#include “linkedList.h”…linkedList list = newLinkedList ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { insertHead (list, cookPoint(i, i*i));}

struct s pt1 = cookPoint (5, 5*5);struct s pt2 = cookPoint (50, 50*50);

exists (list, pt1);exists (list, pt2);

Page 27: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Linked List #4:polymorphic listtypedef void *poly;typedef struct linkedListStruct *linkedList;struct linkedListStruct{ poly data; linkedList next;};

void insertHead (linkedList l, poly data);int exists (linkedList l, poly data);

Page 28: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Functionsvoid insertHead (linkedList l, poly data)


linkedList t = (linkedList)malloc (sizeof (*t));

t->data = data;

t->next = l->next;

l->next = t;



Page 29: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Functionsint exists (linkedList l, poly data){ linkedList temp = l->next; while (temp) { if (temp->data == data) // Correct??? return 1; temp = temp->next; }

return 0;}

Page 30: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code #1#include “linkedList.h”

linkedList list = newLinkedList ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

insertHead (list, ???);


We should turn data into a pointer, and link the pointer here!

Page 31: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code #1// “integers” list#include “linkedList.h”…linkedList list = newLinkedList ();int *p;for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { p = (int *)malloc (sizeof (*p)); *p = i; insertHead (list, p);}

Page 32: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code #1// “integers” list#include “linkedList.h”…linkedList list = newLinkedList ();int *p;for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { p = (int *)malloc (sizeof (*p)); *p = i; insertHead (list, p);}

p = (int *)malloc (sizeof (int)); *p = 5;exists (list, p);

Page 33: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code #2// “doubles” list

#include “linkedList.h”

linkedList list = newLinkedList ();

double *p;

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

p = (double *)malloc (sizeof (*p));

*p = (double)i;

insertHead (list, p);


Page 34: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code #3// “point” list

#include “linkedList.h”

linkedList list = newLinkedList ();

struct s *p;

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

p = (struct s *)malloc (sizeof (*p));

*p = cookPoint (i, i*i);

insertHead (list, p);


// The burden is shifted to the client code!

Page 35: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Pros. and Cons. of Polymorphism Pros:

code reuse: write once, use in arbitrary contexts

ADT: data structures won’t change client data (won’t know)

Cons: Inconsistency (safety issues) Complexity Efficiency

We’d discuss cons. issues next

Page 36: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Problem #1: Inconsistency (Safety Issues)#include “linkedList.h”…linkedList list = newLinkedList ();int *p;for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { p = (int *)malloc (sizeof (int)); *p = i; insertHead (list, p);}

// Can we do this?double *f = (double *)listGetHeadData (list);// ever worse:void (*fp)() = (void (*)())listGetHeadData (list);fp ();

Page 37: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Cure to Problem #1: Inconsistency (Safety Issues) C has no built-in static or dynamic

checking against such inconsistency Runtime error

segment fault, core dumped, Or even worse

C programmers’ duty to prevent these! Important: always keep invariants of our

data structures in mind! Ask yourself: what’s the type?

Page 38: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Problem #2: Complexityint exists (linkedList l, void *data){ linkedList temp = l->next; while (temp) { if (temp->data == data) // Right??? return 1; temp = temp->next; } return 0;}

Page 39: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Equality Testing// Recall the definition of polymorphic variables:void *p, *q;// We want to write a functionint equals (void *p, void *q);// to compare Contents! Not address!// How to implement this?

p q

Page 40: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Try #1int equals (void *p, void *q){ return (p==q); // right?}

p q

Page 41: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Try #2int equals (void *p, void *q){ return (*p==*q); // right?}

p q

Page 42: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Try #3: Comparing Function Pointer as Argumenttypedef int (*eqTy) (void *, void *);

int equals (void *p, void *q, tyEq eq){ return (eq (p, q));}

p q

Page 43: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Codeint compareInt (void *p, void *q){ return *((int *)p)==*((int *)q);}

////////////////////////////////////////int *p = (int *)malloc (sizeof (*p));*p = 9;int *q = (int *)malloc (sizeof (*q));*q = 9;

equals (p, q, compareInt);

Page 44: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Codeint comparePoint2d (void *p, void *q){

return (p->x==q->x && p->y==q->y);}////////////////////////////////////////struct s *x = (struct s *)malloc (sizeof (*x));*x = …;struct s *y = (struct s *)malloc (sizeof (*y));*y = …;

equals (x, y, comparePoint2d);// A mimic of so-called “callback”.

Page 45: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Try #4: Function Pointers in Dataint equals (void *p, void *q){ return (p->eq (p, q));}

p q


Page 46: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Point2d Revisitedstruct Point2d


int (*eq) (void *, void *);

int x;

int y;




Page 47: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Point2d Revisitedstruct Point2d *newPoint2d (int x, int y)


struct Point2d *p;

p = (struct Point2d *)malloc (sizeof (*p));

p->x = x;

p->y = y;

p->eq = point2dEquals;

return p;





Page 48: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Point2d Revisitedint point2dEquals (void * pt1, void *pt2)


struct Point2d *p = (struct Point2d *)pt1;

struct Point2d *q = (struct Point2d *)pt2;

return ((p->x == q->x) && (p->y == q->y));


Page 49: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Try #4: Function Pointers in Dataint equals (void *p, void *q){ return (p->eq (p, q));}

p q


Commonly known as Object-oriented programming (OOP)

Page 50: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Problem #3: Efficiency

// integer list#include “linkedList.h”…linkedList list = newLinke

dList ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { insertHead (list, i);}

// “integer” list#include “linkedList.h”…linkedList list = newLinke

dList ();int *p;for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { p = (int *)malloc (4); *p = i; insertHead (list, p);}

Page 51: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Boxed Data Polymorphism does not come free

data mostly heap-allocated, to cope with the “void *” pointer convention

makes memory management expensive It’s programmers’ duty to recycle garbage

Such kind of data are called “boxed” and “void *” is essentially a mask difficulty of reallocation popularized the

technology of garbage collection

Page 52: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Extension to other Languages Two flavors of polymorphism so far:

ad-hoc void *

They are important in that they motivate ideas for “advanced” features in other language Next, we’d discuss how C++ and Java

reflect this observation and I’ll also use linked list as running

example After that, you should be able to give some


Page 53: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Case Study

Essentially, in C++ or Java, we could also use some form of “void *” C++ even supports that directly

But we concentrate on: C++ Template Java Generic

Page 54: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Linked List Template#ifndef LINKED_LIST_H#define LINKED_LIST_H

template <typename X>class LinkedList{public:

X data;LinkedList<X> *next;

void insertHead (X data);int exists (X data);

};// function on next slides…#endif

Page 55: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

… and Functions// Note: these code is in same .h file as above!template <typename X>void LinkedList<X>::insertHead (X data){

LinkedList<X> *temp = new LinkedList<X> ();temp->data = data;temp->next = this->next;this->next = temp;


Page 56: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

… and Functions// Note: these code is in same .h file as above!template <typename X>int LinkedList<X>::exists (X data){

LinkedList<X> *temp = this->next;while (temp) { if (temp->data == data) return 1; temp = temp->next;}

return 0;}

Page 57: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client Code#include “linkedList.h”

int main (){ LinkedList<int> *p = …; LinkedList<double> *q = …;

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) p->insertHead (i);

p->exists (5);q->exists (3.14);


Page 58: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

What’s a Template?template <typename X>class LinkedList{public:

X data;LinkedList<X> *next;

}; // which results in (roughly):

class LinkedList_int{public: int data; LinkedList_int *next;};

class LinkedList_double{public: double data; LinkedList_double *next;};

Page 59: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Static Monomorphization Program code are duplicated

Exponential in theory (code blowing) Seldom observed in practice

Separate compilation is lost The template’s interface can not be

compiled alone and the implementation is exposed

Page 60: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Template Rethink the ad-hoc poly in C

Any difference? Rethink the problem of poly in C, does

template also incur these problems? Why or why not? Security (inconsistency) Complexity Efficiency

Page 61: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Case Study

C++ Template Java Generic

Page 62: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

void * ≈ Object

// In Cvoid *p;

p = (int *)malloc (sizeof(int));*p = 99;…

printf (“%d\n”, *p);

equals (p, q, intEq);

// In Java

Object p;

p = new Integer (99);


(((Integer)p).intValue ());

p.equals (q);

Page 63: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Linked List in Javaclass LinkedList


Object data;

LinkedList next;

void insert (Object data)


Object getFirst ()



Page 64: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Client CodeLinkedList list = new LinkedList ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++)

list.insert (new Integer (i));

// Also Ok for a list of strings:

for (int i=0; i<10; i++)

list.insert (new String (“hello”));

Page 65: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Problem #1: Inconsistency (Safety Issues)LinkedList list = new LinkedList ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) list.insert (new Integer (i));

// compile-time errorString s = list.getFirst ();

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Problem #1: Inconsistency (Safety Issues)LinkedList list = new LinkedList ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) list.insert (new Integer (i));

// shut up the compiler, but raise run-time // exception:String s = (String)list.getFirst ();

Page 67: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Cure to Problem #1: Genericclass LinkedList<X> { X data; LinkedList next;

void insert (X data) {…}

X getFirst () {…}}

Page 68: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Use of GenericLinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<Integer> ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) list.insert (new Integer (i));

// compile-time errorlist.insert (new String (“hello”));

Page 69: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Cure to Problem #1: Use of GenericLinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<Integer> ();

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) list.insert (new Integer (i));

// compile-time errorlist.insert (new String (“hello”));

// compile-time errorString s = list.getFirst ();

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Problem #2: Complexity// Turn back to “equals ()” functionint equals (Object p, Object q);// How to implement this?

p q

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Cure to Problem #2: Dynamic Method Dispatch

Every class has an “equals” method, the call to “equals” is automatically

dispatched to the correct one in the current called object. (virtual functions)

p q


Page 72: Polymorphism Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Baojian Hua bjhua@ustc.edu.cn

Problem #3: Efficiency

Nearly all data in Java are boxed objects typically heap-allocated

Rely on garbage collection to recycle dead objects user have little control on this used in embedded system?