Polymorphonuc lear L eukocytes, Comp l ement, and Trichophyton rubrum Mark V. Dahl, M.D. and Randall Ca rp enter, B.S. Departm ent of De rma to logy . Uni ve rsit y of Minn e so ta Medi ca l Sc hoo l in Minn eapo li s, Minn eapo li s, Minn c.:so ta, U.S. A Trichophyton mbrum can ac tiv ate co mpl eme nt. In o rd er to assess th e ro le o f co mpl eme nt in h os t defen se, fr es h hum an se rum w as in c ub ated with fun gus. Fac tors we re pr o du ce d which wer e chemotactic for polymo rph o nucl e ar le uk o- cy t es (PMNL), but onl y if co mplem e nt ac ti va ti o n w a s :: tl- lowe d. This su gges ts th at th e chemot ac tic factor or factors w er e deri ve d fro m co mpl eme nt. In c ub at io n of T. mlm1111 w ith fr es h se rum did not pr eve nt fun ga l g ro w th on s ub- se qu e nt cult ur e, but did inhibi t in co rp o r a ti o n of radiola- beled N- acetylglu cosoa min e. The int eraction of PMNL a nd fun gi was s tudi e d, an d th e ro le of co mpl eme nt as a m e- diat or was assesse d. PMN L a dh ered we ll to fun gi pr ov ided th at th e fun ga l h y ph ae had b ee n pr einc ubat ed with fr es h hum an se rum to pr ov ide co mplem e nt op so nin s. O p so n- ized a nd un op so ni ze d fun gi bo th s timulat ed a re s pir atory bur st in no rm al P MNL as m eas ured by che mil u min es- cen ce , but the burst was ge nerated mu ch faster w ith o p- so ni ze d hy ph ae. Alth ough hyph ae w ith a dh ere nt P MNL T here arc many factors that inAu cnce the ability of dc rm atoph ytic fungi to inf ect the skin ll -3 1. Recently we found that Trichop hyro11 mln'/1111 acti vated co mplc- m<: Ilt , and that th is acti vat ion occ urr ed primarily by th e alte·rn atJ ve pa thw ay 141. Some fungal inf ections arc associated with an accumulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN L) beneath the s tr atum cor- neum. PMNL arc particularl y ev id ent when the de rm atophyte inf ects the hair fo lli cles. Kcrions arc heav il y infiltrated by PMNL. We studied the possible ro le o f co mp le ment and PM N L in host defense ag ;1 in st the dc rm atop hyti c fun gus T. mbn1111. MA TERIA LS AND MET H ODS Prepa ration of Dennatophytes T. rulm1111 was isolated fr om exfo li ated sc al es from a pa ti ent w ith tin ea ped is. T. ruhnuu was id entified by gross and microscopic exa min ati on and by growt h characte ri stics on special medi a. A small quantity of hyp h ae in oc ul ated in to 5 ml of Sa bouraud liquid br oth (m od ifi ed) and in cubated for I week at roo m te mp erat ur e. Th e broth cul t ur e was shaken vigo rously in order to di se nt ang le fungal hyphae and to release fungal spores, and ce ntrifuged at 1700 relative ccntri f- uga l force. To resuspend the fungus, 5 ml of ph osp hate-b uff ered salin e (Pl3 S; 10 111M, pH 7.6) were added ba ck to the in ocu.lum , and pushed bris kl y back and fo rth 20 times t hrou gh 19-gaugc and 25-gauge needles. These maneuvers produced a unif o rm sus- Manu sc ri pt rece ive d Janu ary I 4, 1 9R5; accep ted fo r publi ca ti on Sep- temb er 1 7, 1 985. Heprint requ es ts to: Mark V. Da hl , M.D. , D ox 98 Uni ver sity of Mi nn eso ta Med i cal Cente r, Minn ea poli s, Minn eso ta 55455. A bbrcv iati ons: MEM: minimum esse nti al med ium NI-l S: no rm al human ser um NHS- 1-11: NH S in act iva ted by at 56°C for 30 min 1'13 S: phosphate- bu ffe red sa lin e, 10 n ;M. pH 7.6 l'MN L: polymorpho nu cl ea r lcu koc ytc(s) s ub s equ e ntly pr o lif erated in c ultur e, the inc orporation of N- ace tylg lu coso amin e was inhibited 96 % wh en th e hy ph ae we re o ps o ni zed wi th fr es h se rum a nd th en in c ubat ed wit h PMNL. Inhibiti on was al so ob se r ve d with un op so ni zed fun g i, but to a l esse r d eg r ee . Var y in g th e ratio of PMN L to hyph ae sh owe d th at inhibiti o n b y PMNL w as far mor e ef ft cie nt if hy ph ae we re op so ni ze d. In co ntr ast to hy ph ae, op so ni ze d fun gal spor es we re killed by PMNL so th at no gr ow th wa s o b se rv ed in s ub se qu e nt cultur es. T his killin g was not ob se rv ed ifPMNL we re o mitt ed or if s pore s were pr e in c ub ated with heat-in ac tiv ated se rum rath er th an fr esh se rum. A c ti va ti o n o f co mp le m e nt a pp are ntl y op so ni ze s th e spor es so th at th ey c an be in ges ted and killed by via bl e PMNL . Co nt e nt s of di s rupt ed PMNL failed to inhibit f un- ga l gr ow th . Co mplem e nt a nd PMNL ma y a id th e h os t in defe nd ing it se lf ag ain st inf ec ti o n b y d e rmatoph yt es .) !tw csr Derm ato/ 86 :1 38- 141, 1986 pension of short fungal hyph ae and microaleuri ospo res . T o o b tain a suspension of spores alone, the mixtur e w as passed twice throu gh lens pape r. Prepar a tion of PMNL and Serutn Fresh hum an se rum was used as a source of compleme nt . Fresh wh o le bl oo d was a ll owed to clot at r oo m te mp erature fo r 30 min, coo led to 4°C for 45 min, and ccmrifugcd. Se rum was sto red in 5-ml ali quots at -70°C. Aliquots were deple ted of co mp lement ac ti vity by heat (56°C for 30 min) ( NH S-1-11 ). PM N L were separated from 30 ml of heparini ze d fre sh hum an bloo d by the met hod of l3 oy um 151and washed 3 times in Hanks' babn cc d sa lt solution. Generation of Che rnotaxic Factor In order to determi ne whether T. mhm111 co ul d generate a chemo ta cti c fa ctor for PMN L by complement ac ti va ti on, no rm al hum an serum ( NHS) was in- cubated with hyph ae and then tested for its chemotac ti c ac tivit y. T. mlm1111 was washed and resuspended in minim al essential me- dium (MEM ). Next, 20 f.LI of the fungal suspension we re add ed to 0.5 ml NH S, in cubated at 37°C for 1 h, centrifuged, and the supernate tested for chemotac ti c ability. In order to dete rm ine whether co mplem ent was responsible for chemotacti c ac ti vity, fun gal suspension was similarly in cub ated with NH S-HI. Chemotaxis Assay Chemotaxis was assayed by o ur m o d ifi- ca ti on of the "under agarose" meth od of Nelson et al 16] and Da hl and Lindr oos [7 ]. Th e distance from the mar g in of th e well to the leading fr o nt of ce ll s was co mp ared with co ntr ol assays with M.E M or NH S-HI (n eg ati ve co ntr ols) or NH S (p os iti ve co ntr o ls) as chemo attr ac tant s. Chemilurninescence In order to determine w hether fungi wo uld stimulate a respiratory burst in PMNL , no rm al PMNL we re in- cubawd with opso ni zed and unopsoni zc d T. rubn1111 and assayed for che milumin escen ce according to the method of Ne ls on er al ISJ usin g luminol as an amplifier. O pso ni zed zy m osa n serv ed a positi ve co ntr o .l , and PB S as nega ti ve co ntr o l. A mix tur e o f dis- U022-202X/86/S03. 50 Copy ri 11; ht © I'JH6 by The.: Soci et y Co r ln vc.:s ti gati vc De rm atology, In c. 138

Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes, Complement, and Trichophyton ... · exfoli ated scal es from a pati ent with tinea pedis. T. ruhnuu was identified by gross and microscopic examinati

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Page 1: Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes, Complement, and Trichophyton ... · exfoli ated scal es from a pati ent with tinea pedis. T. ruhnuu was identified by gross and microscopic examinati

Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes, Complement, and Trichophyton rubrum

M ark V. D ahl , M.D. and Randall Ca rpenter, B .S . Department of Derma tology. Uni versity of Minnesota Medica l School in Minneapolis, Minneapo lis, Minnc.:so ta, U.S. A

Trichophyton mbrum can activate co mplem ent. In o rd e r to assess the ro le o f co mplem ent in hos t d e fen se, fres h human serum w as incubated with fun g us. Facto rs were pro du ced w hi ch were ch em o ta cti c fo r po ly m o rpho nuclear leuk o­cy tes (PMNL), but onl y if complem ent ac ti va ti o n w as ::tl­lowed . T hi s su ggests that the chem o tacti c fac to r o r fac to rs w ere d eri ved fro m co mpl em ent. In cubatio n of T. mlm1111 w ith fres h serum did no t prevent fun ga l g ro w th on sub­sequent cul ture, but did inhibi t in corpo ra ti on of radiola­beled N -acety lg lucosoamine. T he inte ractio n o f PMNL and fun gi w as studi ed, an d the ro le of co mple m ent as a m e­diato r was assessed. PMN L adhered w ell to fun g i provided that the fun gal h yphae h ad b een pre in cubated with fresh human se rum to prov ide co mplement o psonin s . O pson­ized and uno psoni zed fun g i bo th stimulated a respirato r y burst in n o rm al P MNL as m easured b y chemil u min es­cen ce, but the burs t was ge ne rated mu ch fas te r w ith o p­sonized h y ph ae. Altho u gh hyphae w ith adherent P MNL

There arc many facto rs th at inAucnce th e ability o f dcrm atoph ytic fun g i to infect th e skin ll -3 1. Recentl y we found that Trichop hyro11 mln'/1111 acti vated co mplc­m<:Ilt, and that this acti vation occurred prim aril y by th e alte·rn atJ ve pathway 14 1.

Some fun gal infections arc associated w ith an accumulati on of po lymorph onuclear leukocytes (PMN L) beneath th e stratum co r­neum. PMNL arc parti cul arl y ev ident when th e derm ato ph yte infects the hair fo lli cles. Kcrions arc heav il y infiltrated by PMNL.

We studi ed the poss ib le ro le o f comp lement and PM N L in hos t defense ag;1inst th e dcrm atop hyti c fun gus T. mbn1111.


Preparation of Dennatophytes T. rulm1111 was isolated from exfoli ated scal es from a pa ti ent w ith tin ea ped is. T. ruhnuu was identified by gross and mi croscopic examinati on and by g rowth characteri stics on special medi a. A sm all qu antity o f hyphae w~s inocul ated in to 5 ml o f Sa bouraud liquid broth (mod ifi ed) and in cubated fo r I week at room temperature. The broth cul ture was shaken vigo rously in o rder to di sentangle fun ga l hyphae and to release fun ga l spo res, and centrifu ged at 1700 relative ccntri f­uga l force. T o resuspend th e fun gus, 5 ml o f phosphate-b uffe red salin e (Pl3S; 10 111M, pH 7.6) were added back to the in ocu.lum , and pushed briskl y back and fo rth 20 times throu gh 19-ga ugc and 25-gauge needles. T hese maneuvers produced a unifo rm sus-

Manuscri pt received January I 4, 19R5; accepted fo r publi ca ti on Sep­tember 17, 1985.

Heprint reques ts to: Mark V . Da hl , M.D. , Dox 98 M;~ yo, Uni versity of Minnesota Med ical Cente r, Minnea polis, Minnesota 55455.

A bbrcv iations: MEM: minimum essential med ium NI-l S: normal human serum NHS-1-11: NHS in activa ted by h ea tin ~ at 56°C for 30 min 1'13S: phosphate-bu ffe red sa lin e, 10 n;M. pH 7.6 l'MN L: polymorphonuclea r lcu kocytc(s)

subsequ ently pro life rated in culture, the in corporation of N - acety lg lucosoamin e was inhibited 96% when the h y phae we re o pso ni zed wi th fres h se rum and then incubated with PMNL. Inhibitio n w as also o bserved with un o psonized fun g i, but to a lesse r d eg ree . Varyin g the rati o o f PMNL to hyphae showed tha t inhibitio n b y PMNL w as far more efft cient if h y phae were o psoni zed. In contras t to h y phae, o psonized fun g al sp o res we re killed by PMNL so that n o g row th was o bse rved in subsequent cultures. T hi s killin g w as n o t o bse rv ed ifPMNL were o mitted or if spores were prein cubated with h ea t- in activa ted se rum rathe r th an fresh se rum. A cti va ti o n o f comple m ent apparentl y opsoni zes the sp o res so th at th ey can b e inges ted and kil led b y viable PMNL. Contents of di srupted PMNL fail ed to inhibit fun­ga l g row th . Co mplem ent and PMNL ma y aid the h os t in d efend in g itself against infecti o n b y d e rmatoph y tes . ) !tw csr Dermato/ 86:138- 141, 1986

pension of sho rt fun ga l hyphae and mi croaleuriospo res . T o obtain a suspension of spores alone, the mi xture was passed twice through lens paper.

Prepara tion of PMNL and Serutn Fres h hum an se rum was used as a so urce of co mplement . Fresh whole blood was all owed to clot at room temperat ure fo r 30 min , coo led to 4°C fo r 45 min, and ccmrifu gcd . Serum was sto red in 5-ml ali quo ts at -70°C. Aliquo ts were depleted o f co mp lement ac tivi ty by heat (56°C for 30 min) (NH S-1-11 ).

PM N L were sepa rated from 30 ml o f heparini zed fre sh human blood by the method of l3 oyum 151 and w ashed 3 tim es in H anks' babnccd sa lt solution.

Generation of Chernotaxic Factor In o rder to determine w heth er T. mhm111 coul d generate a chemota cti c fa cto r fo r PMNL b y com plement ac ti va tion, no rm al human serum (NHS) was in­cubated w ith hyph ae and th en tested fo r its chemotacti c activity. T. mlm1111 was was hed and resuspended in minim al essential me­dium (ME M). N ext, 20 f.LI of th e fun ga l suspension were added to 0.5 ml NHS, incubated at 37°C fo r 1 h , centrifuged , and the supern ate tested fo r chemotacti c ability. In o rder to determ ine whether co mplem ent was res ponsible for chem ota cti c acti v ity, fun gal suspension was similarl y incubated with NH S-HI.

Chemotaxis Assay C hemotax is was assayed by our m odifi­ca ti on of th e " und er aga rose" method o f N elso n et al 16] and Dahl and Lindroos [7]. The distance from th e marg in of th e well to the leading front o f cells w as compared with control assays w ith M.E M o r NH S-HI (negati ve contro ls) o r NH S (positi ve contro ls) as chem oattrac tants.

Chemilurninescence In o rder to determine w hether fun gi would stimulate a resp irato ry burst in PMNL, no rm al PMNL were in­cubawd with o psoni zed and un opsonizcd T. rubn1111 and assayed fo r chemilumin escen ce acco rdin g to the method of N elson er al ISJ usin g lumino l as an amplifi er. O pso ni zed zy mosa n served a positi ve co ntro.l , and PB S as nega ti ve contro l. A mi x ture o f dis-

U022-202X/86/S03.50 Copyri 11;ht © I'JH6 by The.: Society Co r ln vc.:s tigati vc Derm atology, In c.


Page 2: Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes, Complement, and Trichophyton ... · exfoli ated scal es from a pati ent with tinea pedis. T. ruhnuu was identified by gross and microscopic examinati

VO L. 86 , NO. 2 FEI311UARY 1986

rupted fungi was suspended in PBS and sepa rated and washed through a 0.22-fl-111 .M illipore filter. Fungi were resuspended in PBS and agitated v tgorously wtth a suspenSIO n of 2 mm aCid­washed beads to further disrupt the fun ga l hyphae. The gla ss beads qui ckly settled to th e bottom , and the fun g i were sepa rated fro m so lutio n by filtration. After drymg and wetghm g, fun gt w ere washed from the filter wirh PBS, and 0. 5 ml of suspension (20 mg/ ml) was added to either NHS o r NHS-HI 0.5 mi. and incubated for 1 hat 37°C. Zy mosa n was suspended and sn111larly created with NHS to serve as a positive co ntrol. A 0.3-m l vo lu me of these mi xtures was diluted with 0. 7 ml PBS in pl as ti c vials alo ng with (5-amino-2,3-dih ydro-1 . ;phthalazone~dir~ne), , di­methylsu lfoxtde, and normal human I. MNL 1.5 X 10. The lu­nino l-amplified chemtlummescence was detected 111 a Beckman scintillation counter [8]. Assays were done m tnphcate . In a fol­low-up experim ent, fun ga l suspensions were homogeni zed in a blender to obtain a more umform suspen ston of smaller hypha! elements and 5 replicate assays were perfo rm ed .

Demonstration of PMNL Adherence Funga l suspension 0 . ·1 ml was added to 0.5-ml aliquots o f NHS-Hl o r NHS and in cu­bated for 1 h at 37°C. Pol ymorphonuclea r leukocyte suspension 0.5 ml was added to the mi xture of fun gus and serum, mix ed, and allowed to intera ct fo r I hat 37°C. Phosphate-buffered sa line was added to the mi xtures to bring the total volume to 3 mi. A small amount (0.5 ml) of this suspension was passed thro ug h a 5.0-fLm uniform pore size filter (Mi llipo re, type SM, 5.0 fLlll) and washed with PBS.

Cells and fungi were fix ed in a solu tio n of 2% buffered g lu­tara ldehyde (pH 7.4) for 2 h , stain ed with hematoxy lin : nd cos m [9], and rendered transparent by nnmers10n rn xykne. Each fi lter was mounted on a g la ss shde, covershppcd, and exarlllned by o rdin ary light mi croscopy.

Viability of Fungus After Interaction with Complement In order to determine whether complem ent acnvano n could stop funga l replication , . fun gal c l cm~nts that had been incubated in NHS were pl aced m Sabouraud s agar and exa rlllned for funga l

g rowth. In order to determine the effect of complem ent on spores alone ,

a suspension of spores wa_s washed t\·: ice in P ~S, ~~nd resuspended in NHS-HI or NHS. After mcubano n at 37 C tor 24 h , spo res were exa mined mi croscopica ll y for ge rmination. In parall el ex­periments, germinating spores were incubated with NHS o r NH~­HI for 24 h at 37"C. Spores were rncubated 111 ltgutd Sabouraud s aga r for 1 week at 25°C and examined fo r colon y growth.

Viability of Fungus After Opsonization and Interaction with PMNL ln o rder to determine whether PMNL adherin g to T. rubrum could kill fun g i, hyphae were incubated with NHS and NHS-H l and then incubated with PMNL as was done for ad­herence (described above). Filters were placed onto Sabou raud's solid agar, incubated at 25°C fo r I week, and exa mined for fun ga l gro w th. .

Spores arc sm all er than hyphae and th ereby probab ly caster for PMNL to phagocy tose. In order to determin e w hether PMNL could kill fun ga l spores , a 0. 1-ml suspension co ntaining 100 spo res was mixed with NHS 0.5 ml and PMNL (5 X 10" cclls / ml of PBS) were added. Controls included: (1) untreated spores; (2) PMNL plus spores and NHS-HI; and (3) spo res, NHS, but no PMNL. After incubation at 37°C fo r 24 h , the conrcms of each rube were added to 4 ml Sabouraud's broth , in cubated , at room temperature for 1 week, and examined for fu nga l growth.

In o rder to determin e whether PMNL contents co uld kill fungi. PMNL were co ncentrated to 5 X 1 0 1 ~ PMNL!ml of PBS and d isrupted by freezing and thawin g () tim es. U sing an in verted microscope, a sing le germin atin g spo re was aspirated in to a spe­ciall y co nstru cted pipette and transferred into 0.2 ml of the sus­pension and another spo re was transferred to 0. 2 ml PBS (con­trol) . After 24 h at 37°C, Sabouraud's broth 0.5 cc was added to


each sa mple, incu bated at roo m temperature for I week, and exa min ed for funga l growth .

Pol ym o rphonuclea r leukocy tes o r com plem ent might inhibit fun ga l growth w ithout killin g the fungus. In o rd er to investigate this possibility, we studi ed the ability of co mplement and PM NL to inhibit the incorpo ratio n of radi olabckd N -acetylglucosamin c using a m od ifi ca ti on of the m ethod of Ga lg iani et al f1 0J. Ten mi croliters of the suspension were pbced into mi crowcll plates (Falco n) . As a co ntrol, an identi ca l amo unt of suspension con­tainin g hear-killed fun g i ( 100°C X 120 min) was placed in other wells. T hen 100 fLl of either NH S or NHS-HI were add ed to each well and incubated at 37°C in an atmosphere of 5% C0 2 and SIS'% relative humidity for 2 h. Next, 100 fLI ofPM NL suspensio n were added. After 2 h at 37°C, 0.25 fLC i (50 fLl ) of n-accty l-d­[1-_, HJ g lucosa min c (A mersham) was added to each well. After 18 h, 100 fL) of PM N L suspension were add ed to contro l wells so that all we lls conu ined PMNL, but onl y half of the wells had contain ed th em during the preceding 20 h when the rad iola bel was bein g inco rporated inco the fungal cell wa ll s. Immed iately 50 ,ul of sod ium deoxycho late 2.5% were add ed to lyse PMNL, :tnd the contents of each we ll were passed through a filter (M il­lipore, type SM , 5.0 fLm ) to separate hyphae fro m m ed ia. Filters were washed w ith d istill ed water and dried. Disintegrations per minute were co unted in a li quid scintillat io n co unter.

Since PMNL inhibited in corpo rati on in these experiments whether o r not hyphae had bL·en opso ni zed w ith NHS, the ef­fi ciency of inhibition was exa min ed by varying the numbers o f PMNL and thereby varying the ratio ofPMN L to fungal hyphae. Concentrati ons of PMNL tes ted were 130, 260, 520, 1040, 2080, and 4 160 PMNL mi.

Statistical Methods Data were anal yzed for stati stical signifi­cance using a 2-tailed Student 1-test for independent variables .


T. nlim1111 g rew no rmall y in culture despite in cuba ti on of hyphae and spores o r spores alo ne with NI-lS. Co mpl ement was appar­entl y unable to k.i ll the fun g us or perlllntt l'ttll )' g ross ly inhibi t its subsequen t g rowth in culture.

T. nilmt111 was able to gen c r:~te o ne or m o re factors fro m fresh human serum w hi ch we re chcmot:~ct i c for PMNL. The mea n projected mi gration of PM N L using fungu s-activated se rum was 55 mm , whereas the mean mi gratio n using MEM 'vVas 34 mm in tripli cate ass:~ys (p < 0.00 1). The m ea n mi gratio n toward zy m­os:~n -:~ct i vatcd serum was 75 rnm and the mean mi aratio n toward NH S-HI was 30 mm . "'

Figure 1. PMNL ad here to fun ga l h yph ae after prior incubatio n of hy­phae w ith NI-lS (<"1). T his specific ad hes io n of PM N L to hyp hae· is no t obsL-rved if NI-lS-HI is used instead of NI-lS as the source of o psoni ns (IJ). (O rig inal mag nifi cation X 120. H&" E stain).

Page 3: Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes, Complement, and Trichophyton ... · exfoli ated scal es from a pati ent with tinea pedis. T. ruhnuu was identified by gross and microscopic examinati


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Figure 2. Chcmilullli ll csccncc response of I'MN L by h y ph ;~c. T he uppa C! ll'fll' denotes the chcmiluminesccll ce alter opsoni z:tt ion of hyphae with NHS whc rc;~ s th e lnu•CI' 01 1' 1'1' denotes the chemi luminesce nce ;~ It e r simil ar t r c;~tment with N HS-HI.

I'M N L ad hered to fun ga l h yph ae in large numbers, p rov ided th e fun g i had been pn: in cuba ted w ith NH S (Fig In) . Adh erence was not no ted w hen PMNL we re in cubated w ith fun ga l hyph ae pret rea ted w ith NHS-1-1 1 (Fig 1b) . Wh en these 2 sampl es of fun g i were placed o n aga r . there was no diffen:nce in g rowth between fun g i coa ted w ith l'MNL and fun g i w ith o ut the m . Abundant and equ al g ro wth o f fun g us was o bserved .

The con tt:nts of di srupted I' MNL w ere no t ca pable o f killin g the fun g i eith er. T he g row th o fT. mlm1111 in cubated w ith PM N L conten ts was not prevt: nted. T here was abun da nt g rowth o f fun g i afte r culture of I week .

T. mbn1111 st imulated a res pirato ry bu rst in PMNL. Thi s re­spo nse was aug m en ted if NHS rather than NI-I S-1-11 was used to o psoni ze th e fun g i, in that the respirato ry burst occurred ea r lier. N o chemilumin t:sccn cc w as o bse rved if PM N L we re o mitted . A weigh t-equ al qu antit y of o psoni zed zy m osa n was a m o re po tt: tlt stimulato r of th e res pirato ry burst. The m ax imum chemilumi­nescence res po nse to o pso ni zed zy m osa n was 2 .24 X 10'1 afte r 16 min. B y 36 min , the chemiluminescence of J>MNL to fun g i treated w tth NI-l S-H I and NI-l S was equ al. In a fo ll ow-up stud y usin g a m o re unifo rm suspensio n o f sm all er hyph ae cle m ents, the chcm­ilu min escent res po nse was g reater bu t q ualitati ve ly similar (Fig 2) . The m ax imum respo nse fo r fun gi o psoni zed w ith NI-l S was 8.1 X 104 a t H min, and this was g rea ter than th e response to fun g i similarl y treated w ith NH S-1-1 1 of 4. 1 X 104 at that tim e (p < 0.00 1).

PMNL in cubated w ith o psoni zed mi croa lcuri ospo res pre­vented subsequ ent g ro wth o fT. mhn1111 . lf PMNL we re ex cluded o r if NHS-1-11 was used in stead o f NH S, th en no inhibitio n o f g rowth was o bserved .

Alth o ug h NI-lS and PMNL did no t co mpletely prevent sub­sequent g rowth in culture, th e in co rpo rati o n o f N -acet ylg lu cos-





N 0

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c ·;;; 6


0 2 5 6 10 20 30 40

Number of PMN / rnl x 102

Figure 3. Inhibi tion of Uflt:l kc o r N-acetylt: lucosa mim: by l'MNL at va rious conccntr :ni ons. Th e "I'J!<'I' r11r Pc denotes the uptake by hyphae trc:ncd wi th N HS- HI, while th e ' " "'''~' n 11vc denotes the uptake after tre:Hrnent with N I-lS.

amine in to fun g i was inhibited by N I-l S w hen co mp:ncd with NH S-1-11 , im ply in g inhi biti o n of g rowth by co m plc m c: llt aCti­va ti o n . T he m ea n num ber o f cp m in tripli c:n e assays was 42,260 for ht:a t-in acti va ted se rum ancl25,700 fo r fres h serum (p < 0.01 ). Additi o n of PMNL afte r in cubati o n w ith fresh serum redu ced the m ean co unt to 1000, redu ctio n o f abo ut 00% fro m contro l (p < 0.00 '1) . The radioacti vity associa ted w ith hea t- killed fun g i w as approx im ate ly 200 cp m _in all ex perim ellts. .

The e ffi ciency by w ht ch PMNL inhibit the in corpo rati on ol N-ace tylg lucosa min e is depi cted in Fig J. As no ted in th e ex­perim en ts descri bed above an d also show n in Fi g 3, PMNL in­hibited u ptake w heth er o r no t th e h yphae w ere first o pson ized w ith NI-lS. 1-lowt:ver. the inhi b itio n was g reater if the h yphae were o psoni zed. Fu rtherm o re. th e inhibiti o n w as far m o re effi­cien t if the h yph ae we re o psoni zed , especiall y w hen the ratio of PMNL to hyphae was low.


Spec ifi c res istance to derm ato ph y te infect io n is th e prov in ce of cell-m ediated immunit y. Res ista nce to de rm ato ph ytes co rrela tes w ith skin test reactiv ity to t ri cho ph y to n an t igens and to th e ab ility ro :1cti v:1te lymph ocytes in vitro Ill , 121.

Howevn , hos t defense aga in st dc rm ato ph yti c Cun g i is in flu­enced by ot her f.1cto rs . N o nspec ifi c f.1cto rs that affect th e ab ility of fun g us to in fec t skin and the ab ility o f the hos t to riel fu ngu fro m th e ski n m ay in clu de h yd rati o n o f th e sk in , anato mi c lo­ca ti o n o f th e in fec ti o n, rate or epide rm al turn over, :md perhap · th e chemi ca l and ph ys ica l nature o f the stratum co rn eum . Serum inhibi to ry facto r is a no nspccift c serum fac to r (un sa turated trans­I:C rrin ) ca pable of inhibi t in g the g row th of dermatoph y ti c fungi 11 31.

o uld co mplem ent also act as an inhibito ry fa cto r' O ur study suggests that th e cy to tox ic effec ts o f co mplem en t per sc arc not suffi cient to ki ll th e fun g us but th at co mpl e m ent acti va ti o n in­hibi ts its g rowth . Altho ug h in cuba ti o n o f T. ntlm1111 w ith fresh se rum di d no t prevent subsequent g rowth of fun g us in culture. co mp le m ent activa tio n did inhibit th e in corpo rati o n o f N-aCt'­tylg lu cosa minc into th e cell w all of the fun g us.

Co mplcmt:nt ac ti va tio n ca n also m edi ate the adh erence of fun­ga l hyphae. Furtherm o re, contact ofT. ml n1111 w ith serum gen­erates a factor o r fac to rs w hi ch arc chem otacti c fo r PMNL [1-J. j. T hus co mple m ent ac ti va ti o n by T. rubm111 prov ides a m ediator to attra ct PMNL to the fun g us and an o th er to allow PMN L to attach to it.

Page 4: Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes, Complement, and Trichophyton ... · exfoli ated scal es from a pati ent with tinea pedis. T. ruhnuu was identified by gross and microscopic examinati

VOL. 8n. NO. 2 I' EIWUA RY 1<186

Conract of T. r11bn1111 w ith PMNL in d uced a res pi ra tory burst as m easured by chemiluminescence . T hi s res pirato ry burst of PM NL occurred ea rl ie r and more vigo ro usly if hyphae were o p­son ized w ith NH S.

PMN L arc able to kill or inhibi t th e subsequ ent g rowth o f spo res o f T. mbn1111 provided that spo res arc fi rst trea ted with N H S. Altho ug h fun gal hyphae with neutro phil s adh ering to them g rew as well as contro l fun gi when sa mples we re transferred to Sabouraud 's aga r fo r culture, spo res In cuba ted With NI-lS and a sus pensio n of PMNL were um blc to g row at aiL T he b ll mg p ro babl y requires generati on of cytotox ic oxygen mtcrmed1 atcs by th e PM N L :~fte r interaction w ith fun g1 j1 3 j. Prefo rm ed an­ti micro bial p rodu cts of neutr ophds nn g ht not be. as Im po rta nt since fun g i g rew no rm all y 111 culture even after mcuban on of spo res w ith hi g h co ncentrati ons of d isrupted PM N L contents. However. th e ki lling of spo res ofT. r11lm 1111 by J>MNL may no t be releva n t to in fec ti o ns of th e sk in by this o rga nism sin ce hyphae ra th er th an spo res arc presen t w ithin th e stratum co rn eum of infected pati ents. _

N-Acctylg lucosa min e is inco rpo rated into tun gal cell walls Js these cell wa ll s are sy nth es ized . T herefo re th e rate of incorpo­ra ti o n of radi olabeled N-acctylglu cosa min e by fun gus ser ves as a measurement o f fun gal g rowth rate. Altho ug h co m plem enr and PM NL could no t kill hyphae, bo th fresh serum and fresh serum plus PMNL d id inhib it fun ga l_ growth. Fres h se rum alo ne was also ab le to inhibit incorpo rati on. but fres h serum and PMNL were capable of inhibiting in co rpo r:1ti~n to a mu ch g rea ter extent. Possibl y thi s inhibition was du e to sim ple ad herence of PMNL to fun g i, fo r cx:~m p lc adh enn g PM N L mi g ht block Jcccss of fun g i to nutri ents.

T he res ults o f chemi lu minescence :~ n d in co rpo r:~ ti o n of ra-diolabeled N-:~cet y lglucosa mine arc co m plementary. In both cases, PMNL ca n interact with un o pso ni zed hyp hae but do so better if fung i arc pre trea ted with NH S. Similar imcract ions have been obse rved between PMNL and th e yeast, Cn11d1dn nlbt cn /ls j1 3, 15].

Ray and Wueppc r showed th at C. nlb icn lls coul d Jct ivate com­plem ent r 16] and that th e accumulati on of neutro phils subsequen t to co mpl em en t acti va tio n was pro bably d ue to generation of chemotac tic facto rs of co m plement such as CSa. T hey no ted that the g rowth of Ca 11 dida was fos ter ed if anim als were p retrea ted to make them neutropeni c [1 7 j. T his sugges ted th at neutrophds pl ay a d irect ro le in hos t defense against Cn11didn in fec ti on.

We believe th at co mplement ac ti vatio n by T. ndm1111 coul d medi ate the accumulatio n o f PM N L in areas of derm atoph yte in fec tion such as kerions, fun ga l folli culitis, and ecze matous plaques. Perh aps the accumu latio n of PMN L co ul d rid the host o f infec­tion , s low dow n fun gal g ro wth to allow its subsequent desqu a­ma tio n , o r limi t infection to the st r:Itum corn eum by eli citing an intense inA am mato ry res po nse w henever fun ga l hyphae in vade tissue. We specul ate th at the accumula tio n of PMN L could also en hance host defense by stimul atin g epiderm al pro li fe ratio n such tha t the fun ga l hyphae arc shed as a consequence of an increased ra te of desq uamatio n.



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