Poorvashada Nakshatra The divine enclosure of deity Varuna or the lord of water begins with 13.20 degrees and ends at 26.40 degrees in Dhanu or Sagittarius Zodiac and so on is known as poorvashada Nakshatra which is ruled throughout by planet Venus and expressed as in a symbol of hand fan. The arena of Purvashada Nakshatra is perceived to the ocean of immense courage and endurance as to the never ending extent besides which it shines with love, care and kindness. This enclosure possess truly forgiving shades and is endowed with success and victory. Reflections of Poorvashada Nakshatra Those begotten from Purvashada Nakshatra are quiet snobbish people who carry some of aggressive blend too but are soft and affectionate at the core. They are endowed with positive attributes to take them towards the success upon land and are wealthy people who carry wealth of eloquence as well. They are dominating personalities who are sensitive and receive respect in their life path as they are truly helping personas and so on loved by many around but they are not completely loyal and quiet fickle minded as well due to which they could even turn upon immoral paths. They are quiet complicated personas. Impacts/Results for Male natives born in Purvashada Nakshatra Appearance of people of Poorvashada nakshatra The male natives of Purvashada Nakshatra are perceived to be endowed with attractive formation of their body besides which they carry a strong personality in a lean and tall body. These individuals are bestowed with beautiful teeth, long ears, bright eyes, narrow waist and long arms and

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Poorvashada Nakshatra

The divine enclosure of deity Varuna or the lord of water begins with 13.20 degrees and ends at 26.40 degrees in Dhanu or Sagittarius Zodiac and so on is known as poorvashada Nakshatra which is ruled throughout by planet Venus and expressed as in a symbol of hand fan. The arena of Purvashada Nakshatra is perceived to the ocean of immense courage and endurance as to the never ending extent besides which it shines with love, care and kindness. This enclosure possess truly forgiving shades and is endowed with success and victory.

Reflections of Poorvashada Nakshatra

Those begotten from Purvashada Nakshatra are quiet snobbish people who carry some of aggressive blend too but are soft and affectionate at the core. They are endowed with positive attributes to take them towards the success upon land and are wealthy people who carry wealth of eloquence as well. They are dominating personalities who are sensitive and receive respect in their life path as they are truly helping personas and so on loved by many around but they are not completely loyal and quiet fickle minded as well due to which they could even turn upon immoral paths. They are quiet complicated personas.


Impacts/Results for Male natives born in Purvashada Nakshatra

Appearance of people of Poorvashada nakshatra

The male natives of Purvashada Nakshatra are perceived to be endowed with attractive formation of their body besides which they carry a strong personality in a lean and tall body. These individuals are bestowed with beautiful teeth, long ears, bright eyes, narrow waist and long arms and altogether these all will further enhance the appeal and dominance of their persona.

Attitude and life path of natives of Poorvashada nakshatra

The male natives of Poorvashada Nakshatra are soft and kind at the core for which they only believes in thinking and doing good for others besides which they don’t even expect anything back in return but this

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inner core of Purvashada natives won’t be visible to those around and so on theses people would get misunderstood by people many a times.

These people are endowed with intellect and intelligence besides which they are bestowed with success and good place in their life path but the predicament is that they will only reach their through tough hard work and immense sincerity for which they need to be pushed up through words by those around while on the other hand, these people are liable to receive help from unexpected sources but nothing from expected directions. 

The poorvashada Nakshatra people are bestowed with courage and valor but they need to show the way and guided in the direction as they themselves are unable to reach the conclusion or either they would take the wrong decision in hurry at times. On the other hand, once they take any decision they will stay firm upon the same till no end and here they emerge as stubborn people they won’t like anybody to give their opinion or advise even if they are wrong. In the end, they are highly spiritual people.

Professional front of purvashada nakshatra natives

The natives of poorvashada Nakshatra are perceived to be bestowed with the capability to work well in all the arenas as their attributes could take them high in all possible profiles but the special significance goes to medical and fine arts besides which arenas of science and philosophy are among the best for them. The growth of his business will depend upon his employees and for that he needs to be careful enough.

The people of Poorvashada Nakshatra are endowed with intellect and strong mind which further strengthens their path of career but they being independent at the core and unstable at mind could create hurdles for themselves in their path. They will confront a difficult path till the age of 32yrs which would begin to stabilize after that when they will walk towards growth and will shine high till the age of 50yrs.

Family portrait

The natives of Purvashada Nakshatra would not receive any benefit from their parents while their siblings could appear as their support in their path towards their growth. Besides this, these people are perceived to spend their lives quiet far from their parental land due to professional responsibilities.

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The natives of Poorvashada Nakshatra are endowed with good wives who would possess all the attributes to adorn their lives and to bring bliss and harmony at home and so on they will stay happiest in the company of their wives. These people would get married quiet late in life and will be very much attached to their wife and in-laws. There might be some differences in between the couple as every path has some of it. In the end, these people would be endowed with intellectual children who would take their name to the skies.


The male natives of Poorvashada nakshatra are perceived to confront some health problems in their life path due to their being careless about their health but this all won’t ever appear upon their face even in very difficult times as they would keep their vivacious shades alive even then. The health hurdles would include malaria, problems in thighs, lung problems, rheumatic pains, bronchitis, cough, breathing problems, heart problems and tuberculosis.


Meaning and description of Ascendant  or Rising sign or Lagna | Impacts of ascendant

Indian astrology is a profound ocean where human lives are predicted and forecasted through the study of variant aspects which holds many deep roots as few subjects won’t be able to produce precise predictions. Study of Ascendants is one of the aspects from the bottom of Vedic astrology which plays a significant role in portraying human lives.

The Ascendant or rising sign or Lagna is the zodiacal sign which is ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of the birth of the native. This is the first house of the horoscope. For example, if the Libra is rising at the times of birth of native, the native will be of Libra ascendant and in the horoscope of the person, the first house will have Libra zodiac. The ruler of the Libra zodiac Venus or Shukra will be the lord of ascendant. The personality, physical appearance and thinking pattern of the native will be much impacted by the Venus in this case.

Ascendant is the most important house in one's horoscope. In a horoscope, it represents the native while the other 11 houses represents different aspects (like money, luck, education, children etc.) of the native .Since it represents the person himself, it becomes increasingly important to have a good and successful life. To have a successful life, the ascendant of the person must be in a strong state.

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A strong Lagn makes the benefic astrological yogas (raj yogas and dhan yogas) made by other planets more powerful while the weak ascendant reduces the strength of the yogas. A strong Lagna itself can make many benefic yogas.  

Rising sign is the true expression of one’s outer personality, physical attributes and appearance. It strongly impacts the physical strength, vitality, health and age of the person. If this is very weak and no other balancing impact is there then the person may become short-lived and may be having many diseases. The general success of the life-time of native is much influenced by it. A strong ascendant may assure a pleasant life full of joy, affluence, happiness, success, respect and good health.

The factors which contributes to calculate the strength of ascendants are as follows:

Placement of ascendant lord Dignity of Rising sign ' s lord( Exalted, debilitated, own house

etc.) Placement of other planets in ascendant Aspects of other planets to the Lagna Position of the natural karaka of the Rising sign (Sun in all cases)

Placement of the rising signs lord plays an important role in deciding the strength of Ascendant. If the lord is placed in kendras(1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 10th house) or trikonas(5th and 9th house) then this would provide the very good strength to it. If the lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house, this is a bad position and will make it weak. The dignity of rising signs lord is also an important factor. If the lord of lagn is exalted, in mool-trikona, placed in own house or sign, or placed in friendly sign, this would provide very good results in decreasing order. But if the lord of rising sign is placed  in enemy sign or it is debilitated then the strength of ascendants will be weak.

Placement of natural benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus) and yoga- karaka planets for that Lagna creates good impact on it while the placement of natural malefic planets( Saturn, rahu, ketu etc..) creates bad impacts on it. In case of aspect or drishti from other planets to it, same rules are applicable as of in case of placement. Natural karaka of all natives is Sun so it's strength and good placement is also important for having a good state of ascendant.    

Rising sign is the only aspects that makes people of same zodiac or sun sign or moon sign stand apart for being different besides this, it could also be perceived as the lurked aspects of natives. It is the only

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subject that could articulate the difference even between the twins as it changes after every 2 hours. So if the twins are born in this period of transition, then 2 minutes difference between two twins would make their rising sign different from each other and results will also be changes accordingly.

Indian astrology prescribes the study of three important birth charts of 16 which are there for a native-Lagna chart, moon chart and Sun chart. The first one is prepared while taking lagn as a first house. Moon chart is prepared while considering moon's position in the chart as lagn. Similarly, Sun chart is prepared while taking sun's position as Lagna. Out of these three, analysis of Lagna chart is the most important for making accurate predictions. 

Apart from this, rising signs are also get affected with the placement of Lord of rising sign as the native will also attain impacts from the zodiac in which the ruling planet of it is placed. This further explains that it is very rarely possible that a person would be completely of only one sign as in general planetary placements, the native would acquire attributes of at least two or more signs but the Rising sign is believed to form the core of the native. For instance, a Leo could have some influence of Libra and a Capricorn could have some influence of Pisces.

Aries Ascendant  or Rising sign or Mesha Lagna | People of Aries rising sign 

The Aries Ascendant natives are born with vigor and energy of planet Mars for which they are impatient beings and are perceived to be quiet hasty in their approach as they take quick decisions and believes only in walking forward. They are truly optimistic beings who rarely get affected with hurdles as they would like to fight with challenges in which they are perceived to win for most of the times.

The natives of Aries ascendant or mesha lagna are believed to be quick to anger but they won’t stay in anger for much long neither they would keep any malice inside as they are also quick to forgiving and so on they will soon be back to their lively attitude.

The Aries ascendant or mesha Lagna people always seeks to reach at the front which makes them appear competitive as others would see Aries ascendants creating difficulties for them but in true they only put pressure upon themselves for achieving heights as in further explanation, they only look forward for their triumph without planning any strategies for defeating others.

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These people of Aries rising  sign would appear harsh and tough personalities but in true they are generous and humanitarian beings at the core and are truly and deeply attached to their closed ones for which they would do all possible things to keep them happy. Its quiet easy to make them laugh and smile and to win their heart besides which they win over many hearts with their vivacious charm.

The Aries ascendants possess a independent core for which they need liberty in every aspect of their life and so on they like to accomplish all their jobs and responsibilities by them alone. They won’t ever ask anyone to help till the time it is feasible. Besides this, they are deeply sincere about their work and duties which could lead them ignoring other’s need but they do so unknowingly as it won’t be right to call them selfish. For possessing much enthusiasm and self believe, these natives are believed to fulfill most of their dreams and aspirations but they should stay away from acquiring over confidence.

The Aries ascendant natives are always perceived to look towards heights as all they want is to grow further and further besides which they are born leaders for which they are at their best if at the dominant position while they could only work good as subordinates if given the required liberty and trust.

On the other part, the Aries ascendant or mesha lagna natives also get affected with the placement of ruling planet Mars in the horoscope chart which could further bring some changes in above results. In the end, these natives could confront problems relating sinus, eye and headaches. The Aries rising people could possess acne and rashes over face and shoulders besides which they would carry broad shoulders and slim hips.

The first house of birth chart or ascendant represents:

        1st house is called the ascendant and rising sign.

        It reveals the inner self of a person, the way he/she behave with the people surrounding them.

        Ascendant explores the negative and positive attributes of a person and his personality.

        It tells us about the appearance and looks of a person and his body structure.

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       Ascendant  reveals the inner and outside beauty of an individual.

        It executes the brain of a person, basically the cranium of the brain.

        It plays a role in the temperament and behavior of a person and the way he or she takes

          decisions at different circumstances.

        Ascendant  also tells us about recognitions he/she would get.

        It reveals some of the health issues as well.

        Ascendant  also gives us the idea about the features of the a native.

        It tells us about the complexion and physical stature a person would have.

        Ascendant  explores the abilities, attributes and tendencies of an individual.

        It also comprises the aspects of dignity, honor and reverence he would get in his life time.

       Ascendant informs us about the span of life a person would spend on this earth.

Other points decided by the first house of birth chart are Physical stature, colour, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigour, natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honour, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.

The placement of Saturn in Aries zodiac would bring the planet in a unpleasant façade on account of Aries being the debilitation platter for the planet Saturn with its maximum debilitation at 20 degrees. This negative bonding in between the two strong planets would bring much of negative reflection upon the natives.

The individuals of this combination having Saturn in Aries would be much aggressive and hasty in their approach with lots of energy possession and active attitude which altogether could also turn then

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callous and harsh at times. These individuals would be highly free living as till the extent of being true wanderers and fickle in approach.

The native of this enclosure having Saturn in Aries would be strong at mind but would be snobbish in their approach besides which they would lack the understanding wit and could be seen as trying to dominate till the extent of ignoring anybody else around and hurting them towards the emergence of conflicts. These people could lead a unhappy life due to their own attitude.

 The placement of Venus in Aries zodiac doesn’t bring much of the alteration in the portrait  of this arena because of Venus being sharing a neutral relation with the ruling planet Mars of the Aries enclosure. Here native won’t receive much of the Venus impact.

The natives of this combination of Venus in Aries would be quiet more soft and sweet in their attitude and would become quiet flexible than the rest. On the other hand, presence of Venus would enhance the inner emotional side of these stubborn personas while they could even become licentious at times.

The influence of Venus in Aries would bestow the artistic and creative blend to the Aries natives as it would induce the fantastical shade in them. Besides this, these individuals could become highly open minded to the extent of being fickle and immoral in their approach. They could also lead towards the loss of wealth.

Second house (2nd house) of astrological birth charts or House of Wealth - Dhana Bhava

The second house of astrological birth chart represents:

      Second house of astrological birth charts house make us acquainted

 with the affluence and wealth of a person.

         It tells up about the capability and potential of an individual to win over others.

      2nd house reveals the oratory sills of the person. A very strong second house will provide oratory skills like Mr. Atal bihari bajpai, Pt. Jawahar lal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi who could make thousands of listeners spell-bound by their oratory skills. 

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       It informs us about the sources of money flow to native. It reveals whether the person would earn more from profession or from investments or from speculations or from all them.

       It reveals the whether the person will be a ruler or will be ruled by others. A strong 2nd house will make person king, minister, administrator, manager, higher officials in government or private organization.

        Second house of Astrological birth charts  informs us about the nature of a native about his or being introvert or extrovert.

         It tell us about his hold upon the financial front of an individual.

       Second house of astrological birth charts indicates the extent of savings, a person would be able to do in life. A good state of this house would indicate the good amount of accumulated wealth and savings. While on the other side, a weak second house would indicate lower savings

         It reveals the social status of a person due to his or her financial background.

       2nd house of Astrological birth charts  informs us about the flow of income he or she would be having throughout his life.

        It  gives us an idea about the accumulated wealth of the native.

         2nd house reveals the financial affairs of the family to some extent.

         It explores the personality of a person and the way he communicate and maintain relationships with the people. Communication skills are decided mainly by this house

         2nd house reveals the art of eloquence of a person.

         It gives us an idea about the truthfulness or deceitfulness in a person to some extend.

         It also informs us about the relationships of an individual with his closed one’s emphasizing on family members and siblings.

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        Second house of Astrological birth charts reveals some of the health problems he or she could have in his life time regarding face, teeth, tongue, oral cavity, nose, natives, speech, right eye.

        It reveals the support the native would get from his relatives

Other points decided by the 2nd house of astrological birth chart are Money matters, fortune, profit, gain or loss, one's power and resources, worldly attainments and possession of extrinsic value, jewellery, precious stones, bonds, securities and shares, speech, vision, right eye, memory, imagination, nails, tongue, nose, teeth, chin, family members. This is also a maraka sthana. Many a learned are of the opinion that education is also a signification of this house etc.

The placement of planet Mercury in Taurus keeps the planet in a contented appearance on account of friendly relationship in between the planet Mercury and the ruling planet Venus of Taurus confinement.

The presence of Mercury in Taurus would bestow them some of the softness to the Taurus personas which would lighter their shade of obstinacy and would further make them flexible in attitude. It would make them more generous and kind.

The natives of this combination are endowed with good intellectual and inner strength. Besides this, the contented Mercury would bestow them stability in life along with prosperity and successful life path.

  Third house (3rd ) of astrological charts or House of Courage – Shourya Bhava

The third house (3rd house) of astrological charts represents:

        Third house of astrological charts reveals the strength of mind of a person.

         It explores the courage and will power of a person.

        Third house of astrological charts tells up about his or her potential of taking risks and confronting his or her predicaments of life.

         It informs us about the nature of a person of being valor or coward.

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         Third house of astrological charts also gives us an idea of physical caliber of the native.

         People having strong 3rd house are more inclined towards sports and defense.

         But being their 3rd house strong, sometimes they could also drop themselves upon fire.

         Third house of astrological charts explores the communicating strength of a person and his relationships in the community and with neighbors.

         It tells us about the potential of his mind to revert his memory in need.

         Third house of astrological charts gives us an idea about the dreams, desires and hobbies of the native.

         It reveals about the short journey he or she could have in is life time.

        Third house of astrological charts informs us about the relationship of the native with his younger brother.

         It also gives us a clue about his or her stability and firmness of mind.

         3rd house informs us about the longevity of a person to some extend.

         It explores the information regarding some aspects of health about right ear, neck, throat, shoulders, bones, upper limbs, mental instability, physical growth.

Other points decided by the third house of Third house of astrological charts are Mental inclination, ability, memory, intellect, inclination to study, courage, firmness, valour, prowess, heroism, younger brothers or sisters, cousins, neighbors, short travels, communications such as railways, wireless, posts and telegraphs, correspondence, writings, change of residence, signing contracts or agreements, rumors, carrying tales, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collarbone, arms nervous system.

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The Sun is perceived to be one of the most potent celestial presence which provides supreme strength to the natives besides which it is the source of luminosity in human lives. The placement of Sun in the third house would bestow much valor and vigor to the person and would brighten his/her life path.

The placement of Sun in the 3rd house will strengthen the composure of mind for which these natives are believed to be strong from the core while on the other hand, these individuals would be inclined towards empowering their wisdom and understanding as you could find them acquiring studies for a longer period or for the whole life as well. Apart from this, they are free souls who possess optimistic approach towards life which further makes them flexible in attitude.

The natives possessing Sun in third house would be very efficient talkers but they won’t talk a lot as these people will only speak at the required time with right words for expressing in the right form as to leave great impressions behind. Their words explore their wisdom and intellect. But, the presence of Sun in 3rd house could also turn them quiet aggressive and over confident at times.

The benefic placement of Sun (in exalted state or in it's own sign or in friendly signs) in third bhava  will also bring good affluence and brothers to the native along with divine blessings but the malefic placement of Sun ((in debilitated state or in enemy signs).

In the end, if the Sun is malefic in 3rd house, the natives should serve needy or poor or guests with rice or milk, should stay away from evil and immoral pursuits and he/she should serve and respect the mother and motherly figures for reducing the malefic effects of Sun.

Fourth House ( 4th ) of astrology chart – House of Home and Mother - Sukha / Matru Bhava

The Fourth house of astrology chart represents:

        fourth house of astrology chart represents the family and personal front of the native.

        It reveals the peace and harmony in his or her life.

       4th house reveals the kind of vehicle the person possess. A strong fourth house will indicates presence of high quality of vehicles and presence of many of them.

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        It reveals the mental strength of the native. The strong 4ht house will see the person facing the highest level of hurdles with patience while a weak fourth house will see the person gets panicked in front of small and temporary problems and not able to cope up with them. This weakness of this house will indicates whether the person is prone to depression, anxiety, low self esteem and other kind of mental issues.

        It informs us about the quantity of dwelling and hovering happiness at home.

      4th house depicts the height of understanding in between the family members and with the beloved.

        It tell us about the quantity of pleasure in the air.

        fourth house of astrology chart emphasizes on the relationship of an individual with his mothers.

        It explores the level of relationships from maternal side of a person.

        It gives us an idea about his treasures of lands, farms, property and other lurking acquisitions.

        It also reveals the possession of the individual related to cattle, horses, elephants and other such assets.

        fourth house of astrology chart tells us about his strength on agricultural side as well.

        It reveals his potential of possessing ornaments and luxuries

       This house also asserts on comfort and discomforts he or she could have in his life span to some extend.

        4th house tells us the kind of praise the person will attain for the work, he has done for others.

        Altogether it gives us a vision of the depth of the river of prosperity of the native.

        fourth house of astrology chart also explores some health problems regarding chest, lungs and  heart. A weak house would indicate heart disease, infections and other issues in the lungs and chest area.

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        4th house reveals the level of satisfactions the person will have from his deeds.


Other points decided by the 4th house of astrology chart are Mother, one's home (native place), residence, domestic environments, grave, private affairs etc., secret life, vehicles, fields, pastures, farms, orchards, mines, buildings, ancestral property, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water, milk, rivers, lakes etc.

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Fifth House (5th) of astrology birth chart – House of Education, Romance and Progeny– Atmaja BhavaThe Fifth house of astrology birth chart represents:

        5th house of astrology birth chart  emphasizes on the intellect and mental caliber and strength of the native.

        It explores the height of intelligence of the person to become a leader of masses.

        It tells us about the autocratic and teaching capacity of an individual.

      Fifth house of astrology birth chart  reveals the attitude of the person towards life to some extend.

        It informs us about the ability of learning and knowledge of the native.

        People endowed with powerful fifth house are generally those placed at higher positions or profiles in the society.

        Having good placement of fifth house also helps in getting higher studies and scholarships.

        Fifth house of astrology birth chart also gives us the information about the progeny of the native and problems relating to it.

        It depicts the level of emotions in the person.

        It reveals the romantic front of an individual and his or her height of urge for love.

        People having strong 5th house are more inclined towards speculation, fascination and leisure activities.

        It explores the creative front of the person and his interest towards the same.

        It informs us about the capability of an individual to express his views and inner self in front of others.

       5th house of astrology birth chart represents the character of the native as well.

        it also emphasis on the acquisitions through wife.

        5th house of astrology birth chart also depicts the level of luck a

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Sixth House (6th) of natal chart – House of Health, Enemy and Disease – Vighna Bhava


The 6th house of natal chart represents:

6th house of natal chart gives an impact upon the relationships of the native with the people surrounding you.

It mainly emphasizes on your associations and interactions at your work place.

Sixth house of natal  chart reveals the height of conspiracies and intrigues the native could confront in his profession throughout his life.

It tell us about level of betrayal and deceit an individual could face on the earth.

6th house of natal chart gives us the information about the fidelity and infidelity of people towards him.

It explains the amount of support he or she could have from his surroundings.

It explores the disputes, hurdles and hindrances an individual would be needed to combat in his life span.

Sixth house of natal chart  also gives us an idea about the level of harm, wounds and injuries he would get from these obstacles and malice in the air surrounding him or her.

It reveals the financial support he or she would be getting.

It also depicts some other negative aspects of life of the native like debts, loans, losses.

It also represents the level of humiliation and insolence the person might confront.

It also effect the inclination of the person towards prohibited and illegal acts and ultimately depicts the chances of imprisonment.

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6th house of natal chart also plays a major role in the strength of our relations with the people.

It also reveals the possibilities of snake bite and poisoning in the life time.

This also represents the accidents and operations a person could have.

Being the presenter of most of the negative aspects of life it also reveals the level of mental peace and stress.

It depicts the health issues related to intestine, umbilical region, tuberculosis, eye disease, kidney.


Other points decided by the natal chart sixth house are sickness, diseases, nursing, food, service, employees, subordinates or servants, debts, cattle, tenants, enemies, maternal uncle, miserliness, intense anguish, litigation etc.

JupiterJupiter is considered supreme benefic in Vedic astrology. Jupiter represents wisdom, knowledge, education, wealth, affluence, happiness, fulfillment, charity, authority, diplomacy and  nirvana. Vedic astrology has given great importance to this planet since Jupiter is the natural karaka of 4 important houses (house of money, education, luck and gains). Jupiter has three aspects (drishti) which are very benefic. If a particular house representing any particular area of life like education or money is influenced by potential malefic planets and the house lost it's ability to bring good results in that area then a single aspect of Jupiter would remove the ill impacts of the malefic planets and create a balancing impact.

The planet Jupiter is a calmed and wiser presence whose arrival in the 6th house will also bring peace into the aspects of this house for which it would be a pleasant placement in general as it would bring some variations with the difference in planetary placements but Jupiter in sixth house would definitely provide its benefic impacts to somewhat extent.

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The natives of this placement having Brihaspati in 6th bhava would be the respected personalities at work place for being truly peaceful with the work and flexible with others besides which they would be admired for being understanding and truly helpful. These natives would be one of the most intellectual and good at work but they won’t appear snobbish ever besides which they will provide services to all the needy people even at work place. They don’t demand much neither from superiors nor form juniors. They won’t see people with different visions and would share the relation of humanity, respect & friendship with all. The natives of this placement of Jupiter in 6th house would stay happy at work and would seek their happiness in helping others.  

The placement of Jupiter in the sixth house would bring the blend of impacts of planets Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu to the native. The benefic placement of Jupiter in 6th house would make the person spiritual and philosophical in nature besides which the native would be blessed with all the goodness and would lead a truly satisfied life. Donating and providing services to needy from the sides of elders will bring more positive impacts upon the native’s life.

Ketu Ketu is shadow planet termed malefic in Vedic astrology. Ketu is also called dragon's tail. It is a representation of Moon's south node. Ketu represents spirituality, detachment from materialistic world, intelligence, wisdom, meditation and nirvana. For worldly attainments, ketu is a malefic since it cause losses, hurdles and breaks in material success. But on the other hand, for the spiritually inclined people, Ketu is the supreme provider of the spiritual advancements and for them it could be considered as benefic planet. 

The benefic placement of Ketu along with this placement would make the person somewhat self centered while the malefic placement of Ketu in 6th bhava along with malefic placed Mercury would bring misfortune to the native till the age of 34yrs besides which it will bring asthma problems to the native’s father.

The natives should offer things related to Jupiter in temples or other pious places and should offer clothes to the priest. Feeding cocks would also bring betterment and benefits to the native.

The placement of Ketu in Virgo zodiac would bring the shadow planet in a general façade with nominal domination over the Virgo arena on account of Ketu being sharing a neutral relationship with the ruling

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planet Mercury of Virgo enclosure. This would bring quiet mixed effects upon the natives of this combination.

The natives of Ketu in Virgo combination are perceived to be more practical in their approach besides which Ketu makes them more logical in their approach which could be till the extent of not acceptable by others. These people believes in conventions but would not stay fastened inside the conventional confinements.

The influence of Ketu in Virgo will further enhance the philosophical and spiritual blend in the Virgo natives besides which they are people of intense details till the depth of everything around. These people would be more skillful in expressing and so on would carry a more stronger eloquence.

Seventh House (7th) of birth horoscope – House of Partnerships and Marriage – Kalatra Bhawa


The 7th house of birth horoscope represents:

7th house of birth horoscope is referred as descendent. This emphasizes mainly on the status of pleasure in marital life

of a person.

The pleasure from the marital relationship is also indicated by this house

It reveals the strength of relationship with the partner.

Seventh house of birth horoscope also depicts the betray and adultery the native could confront in his or her love life.

It also tells us about fidelity and loyalty the person would be paying and getting in the relationship.

7th house of birth horoscope gives us a fragrance of bestow and devotion coming out of the breath of the person.

It explores the possibilities of getting swayed or deviated from the path of truth.

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Seventh house of birth horoscope depicts the possibilities of success, growth and profit the native would have in the partnerships in the business.

It has an impact on the sweetness of the fruits he or she would have out of his cross farming.

It explores the level of fidelity and commitment in the business partnerships the person would have.

7th house of birth horoscope gives us an idea about his or her being dedicated towards his profession and partnerships.

Through this way, it also tells us about the progress of the person.

It tells us about the chances of loss of memory in the life span.

It also informs us about the recovery of lost wealth.

Seventh house of birth horoscope reveals about the journeys to foreign lands and distant places.

Health problems represented by this house are regarding lower urinary tract, semen, seminal vesicle, urethra.


Other points decided by the Seventh house of birth horoscope are House of union or earthly ties, legal bondage, partner in life (wife or husband), partner in business, conjugal life, influence in foreign countries and reputation achieved there, sexual life, marital relations, danger to life, marakasthana (house of death).

Eighth House (8th) of birth charts – House of Reincarnation, Death and Accidents – Guhya Bhava 


The 8th house of birth charts represents:

8th house of birth charts explores the reason of death It depicts the difficulties and obstacles an individual would rebel

with to save his life.

It represents the person's interest in deep studies and research

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Eighth house of birth charts shows the longevity or span of the life a person

This house represents the gains through inheritance

It represents the interest in mysteries and unknowns.

It tell us about some incidences and accidents of the life.

It also represents to some extent the permanent stay in foreign land

It emphasizes on the way and the reason, which would result in his or her confrontation with the lord of death.

Eighth house of birth charts also explains the miseries and predicaments he or she could see in till the last breath.  

It also gives us an idea about the place where the person would have his or her last vision.

It also mentions the depth of the quest of a person.

8th house of birth charts tells us about the bend of the person towards lurking prospects and there interest in unveiling the illustrated casket.

People endowed with powerful 8th house are more inclined towards research.

It explores the level of melody in the sound coming out of each corner of the house.

It reveals the height of hindrance the natives could face in his or her married life and in partnerships.

Eighth house of birth charts depicts the possibilities of knots a person could have in his conjugal thread.

It informs us about the chances of divorce and break up in the marital life of the native.

8th  house of birth charts gives us an idea about the level of strength the individual have to win over and jump over the hurdles of marital life.

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This also reveals information regarding some health problems related to external genital organs, chronicle diseases, loss of limb.


Other points decided by the Eighth house of birth charts are House of Longevity or span of life, also called house of death (because end of longevity is death); inheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, pension and gratuity, accidents, death by drowning, fire or suicide; misery, misfortune, sorrow, strife, worries, disgrace, delay, dejection, disappointment, defeat, loss and obstruction, theft, robbery, chronic diseases.

MarsMars is a fiery planets having good importance in Vedic astrology. Mars represents aggression, wars, authority, determination, leadership and vitality. Mars is considered malefic in Vedic astrology. To some natives, it causes hurdles, breaks and delays in the important aspects of life. But to some other native like the natives of Aries, Scorpio, cancer and Leo ascendants, it become yoga karaka planet. In this state, it causes much wealth, authority and prosperity to these natives. Mars also causes manglik dosha which is responsible for creating hurdles, breaks and disputes in the martial life of the person. 

The placement of Mars in Scorpio confinement can be articulated as the presence of planet Mars in his own arena which in natural view enhances the strength of the planet as well as of the Scorpio enclosure. This altogether will enhance all the attributes of the Scorpio natives irrespective of their impact.

The influence of Mars in its own zodiac would further develop the potency of mind and self believe in the Scorpio natives who would lead them towards positive thoughts and stability in life. These individuals would be more generous and kind in their attitude on account of blend of diplomacy in them.

On the other hand, the impact of Mars in Scorpio could also turn them as highly proud upon the self besides making them more aggressive from the rest. Along with this, these natives would be more intellectual and expert in planning and plotting. The natives of this combination  of Mars in Scorpio could be more clever and malicious.

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Ninth House (9th) of Zodiac charts – house of philosophy, Fate and Fortune – Dharma / Bhagya Bhava


The 9th house of zodiac charts represents:

Ninth house of zodiac charts emphasizes on the spiritual and philosophical front of the native.

It has a greater impact on height of devotion and belief a person have on omnipresence of the almighty.

9th house of zodiac charts tell us about the level of fantasy and visualization in the individual.

This house also reveals the level of spirituality in the person.

It tells us about his or her inclination towards the sacred rituals and pilgrims.

People having strong 9th house are often seen to opt the roles of sages and preachers.

Ninth house of zodiac charts depicts the possibilities of the native for foreign and distant journeys to a greater extend.

It has a great influence on the chances of the person to accompany the flying mysteries.

9th house of zodiac charts explores the strength of the luck of the person to reach his or her destiny.

Ninth house of zodiac charts informs us about his or her level of fortune.

To gives us an idea about his karmas of the present birth.

This house could depict the deeds of the person which would either thrust up their soul towards the sky or plunge towards the ground.

9th house of zodiac charts relates to some of the health problems such as of thighs and hips.

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Other points decided by the ninth house of zodiac charts are House of Faith, wisdom and divine worship; fortune or luck (bhagya), philosophy, religious and philosophical beliefs, meditation, intuition and forethought, places of worship, sacrifices and charity, father, preceptor (Guru), teaching, Dhanna, grandchildren, dreams and visions, knees; communication with spirits, long journeys, voyage, air travel, higher education, foreign travel.

MoonMoon has given a prominent role in Vedic astrology. Moon is one of the three ascendant in Vedic astrology so The good placement and it's power and dignity is very important for realizing good results in life. Apart from Ascendant chart, moon chart is also very important in making the accurate prediction. There are many important yogas formed by moon in a birth chart. Moon represents the mental and psychological side of the person. It governs mental peace and happiness.Moon governs over the formations of emotional appearance of a person which comprises his or her natural attitude, memories, interests, moods, vision towards and ability to adapt in the surroundings. To get mental happiness in life, good placement of moon is very important. Here in this section, we would present the results of placement of Moon in different  zodiacs:  

The placement of Moon in Sagittarius enclosure keeps him in a balanced appearance on account of his neutral relationship with the ruling planet Jupiter. This combination won’t bring much of the changes in the lives of Sagittarius natives.

The presence of Moon in Sagittarius would keep the sensitivity and emotional inner side of the Sagittarius individuals alive which could make them a bit of more unbalanced then the rest of the fellow natives besides which they could be a bit lesser aggressive then the rest. These Sagittarius would seem more childish and sweeter.

These people having Moon in Sagittarius are perceived to be endowed with good eloquence while on the other part they love to listen good words about themselves but the presence of Moon could make them quiet inflexible besides keeping their generosity and purity of soul untouched.


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Tenth House (10th) of birth astrology chart – House of profession, Social Status, Respect – Agnya/Karma Bhava

The 10th house of birth astrology chart represents:

10th house of birth astrology chart emphasize on the stand of a person which gives him economical and social strength.

This predicts the professional front of the native and his hold on the same.

This house reveals the relations with colleagues and authorities in the work place. The strong tenth house will provide harmonious environment in the work place and native will get support from the higher authorities. A weak tenth house will produce the reverse results and the native would face lesser support of authorities and will face quarrels and disputes in profession

It has an impact on the inclination of the person towards a particular sector of profession. It clearly indicates the favorable and unfavorable professions for the native

10th house influence the support from government officials.

Tenth house of birth astrology chart  explores the platform of recognition and reward the native would see in his or her present birth.

It tells us precisely the supremacy of his position in front of the masses.

10th house of birth astrology chart depicts the economical stature placed on the crest of the person and the gold coins placed on the throne.

It informs us about the affluence of the individual.

Tenth house of birth astrology chart  also gives us an idea about the hidden treasure and possession.

This house provides the native a strong support from the authority and endow him or her with higher political powers.

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People having powerful 10th house are known to have persuading and influencing personality.

Strong 10th house of birth astrology chart  makes a leopard proficient to teach a lion.

It also reveals the inner self of the person of being gentle or wicked.

As it presents the character of the person to some extend.

This house depicts the health problems related to joints and knees.

To some extent , it shows the popularity of the person in the social and friend circle


Other points decided by the 10th house of birth astrology chart  are Thighs, honour, dignity, public esteem, name and fame, power prestige, credit (for good work and conduct), success and status, rank and renown, respect and reputation, ambition and authority, worldly activities, responsibilities, permanency (in service), promotion, advancement, appointment, profession, last rites to one's parents, religious functions. Government, high position such as President, Prime Minister or Minister, pilgrimage to holy places, honour from Government.

Eleventh House (11th) of Horoscope chart – House of Gains and Incomes – Labha Bhava

The 11th house of horoscope chart represents:

11th house of horoscope chart predicts the flow of sweet weight without the endeavor of the native in pulling it up.

It includes the income from investments and possessions. It represents the support from friends It also represents relationship and support from elder siblings It indicates the gains through investments and stock market It also indicates gains through speculations and gambling Eleventh house of horoscope chart predicts the affluence of the

person by the depth of his treasure and acquisition. This tells us about the ancestral power of finance he would have

in his life. Eleventh house of horoscope chart gives an explicit image of the

status of the person due to his or her burden of coins.

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It explores the accomplishment of desires and dreams of the person.

11th house of horoscope chart gives a vivid image to the visualizations of the ant to find a sugar cane.

It presents the materialistic pleasure he might have in his life. It informs us about the relationships of the person outside his or

her door. 11th house of horoscope chart reveals the level of fidelity an

individual would get in this circle of people surrounding him or her.

It gives us a realistic image of relationship of the person with his elder brother.

11th house of horoscope chart tells us an idea about the preciseness and proficiency in learning and performing his tasks.

This house reveals a explicit picture of few health problems relating to legs, left ear, left upper limb.


Other points decided by the 11th house  of horoscope chart   are Friends, society, community, favorites, ambitions, wishes, desires and their fulfillment, gains of wealth, success in undertakings, incoming wealth, profits, prosperity, elder brothers and sisters, recovery from illness, dawn of fortune, ankles.


Twelfth House (12th) of Vedic chart – Houses of Losses and Expenses – Vyaya/Antya Bhava

The 12th of Vedic chart represents:

12th house of Vedic chart  explores the image of financial losses in the life of native.

It makes a clear picture of the process of vanishing and decaying in the economical front of the person.

It emphasize on the lavish expenditure of the money on unnecessary matters.

Twelfth house of Vedic chart reveals the reason for the loss of casket to some extend.

It predicts the possibilities of confinement in miserable conditions or imprisionment

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12th house of Vedic chart also gives us an idea about the nature of spending money on prohibited matters of the native.

It informs us about the possibilities of wastage of money through hospitalization.

12th of Vedic chart  tells us about the height of luxury the individual would enjoy in his life span.

It presents the possibility of being at the peak of the luxury and at the bottom of the same sea as well.

Twelfth house of Vedic chart  predicts the presence of flight to foreign lands written in the fortune of the person.

It tells us about the status of the sex life of a person.

12th house of Vedic chart gives us an idea of the possibilities of loss of spouse in the early times.

It also predicts the exile of the soul from the human body.

Health problems explained by this house are related to sleep disorders, mental imbalance, feet, left eye, death.


Other points decided by the 12th house of Vedic chart are Loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses, drudgery and deception, investments, donations, charities, separation from family, going to far away places, sorrow and sin, misery and misfortune, poverty, imprisonment, secret enemies, confinement in hospital, association, fraud, scandal, disgrace, secret sorrows, success through occult affairs, the feet, the left eye, the left ear, comforts of bed, debts, life in a foreign place and Moksha (final salvation).

RahuRahu is a shadow planet considered malefic in Vedic astrology. Rahu is also called dragon's head. It is a representation of the north node of Moon in Vedic astrology. Rahu represents diplomacy, treacheries, gambling, betting , speculations, .conspiracies, mysteries, worldly desires, lottery, mining , petroleum, poison, chemicals and sudden success without much efforts from the natives. A well placed Rahu can confer great success in a very quick manner to the native. It can make the native powerful, wealthy, well -connected in society, lucky in

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speculations, betting and gambling. The success provided by the Rahu is always very quick. An ill-placed Rahu would create much hurdles, breaks, mental tensions, poverty and  loss of prestige and honor. Here in this section, we would present the results of placement of Rahu in different  zodiacs   

The placement of Rahu in Pisces enclosure would bring the shadow planet in a general appearance along with its nominal domination over the Pisces arena on account of its being sharing a neutral relationship with the ruling planet Jupiter of Pisces confinement.

The Pisces natives of Rahu in Pisces combination are perceived to be highly creative in their approach and truly artistic in their hand besides which these people live in the world of fantasies while believing much upon their intuitions and inner self. These individuals carry a much different approach which could make them stand with unique thoughts at times. They could also be seen as deeply believing upon certain superstitions and myths.

These people of Rahu in Pisces are truly reserved personas who always carry a little world of their own prefer to pursue most of their pursuits as lurked inside their personal arena whether its about moral or immoral deeds. This all comes from their enhanced sensitivity due to the influence of Rahu that they wish to stay in the safe confinement of their own. Besides this, they are very easy to be taken towards any of the direction.  
