Population distribution of India

Population distribution of India. Index What is it? What is it? Where is it? Where is it? Regional Map Regional Map Statistics Statistics Population Distribution

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Population distribution

of India


What is it?

Where is it?

Regional Map


Population Distribution Map

Physical Factors

Human Factors


This is because…

What is it?

Population distribution:

The spread of people across the Earth’s surface.

Population density:

The number of people living within a given area (usually a square kilometer).

Where is it?

Location: South Asia

Regional Map


Population: 1,185,230,000

Area: 3,287,240 km2

Population density: 360.6 km2

Population Density Map

Densely populated in North and East

Sparsely populated in South and West

A lot of people live near the boundary of India

There are less people inland


Physical Factors


The inner part of India is nearly covered in mountains, and the place where there are plain lands are usually along the coast line and on the North of India. For example, like to grow crops, we need a plain land rather than a steep mountain side. Also, to build buildings, it is better to construct them on a clear land than to build it on a mountain, where it actually costs more money. So the relief of the country was one of the reasons why a lot of people were distributed near the North and the coastlines of India.


The amount of precipitation differs in different regions. In or near the coastline and boundary of India, the amount of rainfall is more than the quantity of rainfall in the inner part India. The amount of rainfall is very important in peoples’ lives. So for example, if someone plans to do farming, they need constant amount of rainfall, which will allow the crops to grow. This kind of place in India is the North and East side.


The temperature is usually the same in India, very hot. So the temperature doesn’t really affect the population distribution. However, in the West and the South part of India has dark red spots in most of the places, which means that the place is extremely boiling. However, in the North and East part of India, there are only a few places with dark red color, and most are bright red, which means that the North and East is at least a bit less hotter than the South and West.


In the South and East side of India, there are an abundant amount of resources that India can use. So more and more companies will make factories near the places where there a resources, which makes a bad habitat for people. So people will intend to move to the North part of India, where there aren’t a lot of resources, which means that there won’t be a lot of factories near the place. So resources can be one of the reasons why people live more in the North part of India.

Human Factors

Railway Network

As we can see on the map of India’s Railway Network, there are more railways in the North than in the South. This can be one of the factors why people live more on the North side of India than the South. They can have a faster, and a better transportation so it is easier for them to get to a certain distance in a short amount of time than when they live in the South.

National Highways

The North part of India has a lot of national highways compared to the South part of India. This can be one of the reasons why the population is densely populated in the Northern area. The moving from place to place is very easy in North India, cause there are many roads, all mixed up and tangled up together. However in South India, there aren’t a lot of roads so it is hard for people to transport from a place to another.

Airports and Ports

India has most of their domestic airports in the North part of India. Although the amount of International airports are almost the same, we can know that still we can have a better transportation if we live in the North than if we live in the South. Almost all the ports are in the South part of India, but this is because India’s South is surrounded by the sea and North barely isn’t. So the South part of India has a better transportation in sea wise than the North.

Industrial Hubs

The Industrial hubs are widely spread around India. However, there seems to be more Industrial hubs in the North and the East than in the South and West. This can be one of the reasons why. Industrial hubs can provide people with jobs, so people are attracted to these places. People live near to their workplace, so if there are more industrial hubs, there are a more percentage where people will gather around to live in or near that place.


India’s population is unevenly spread

More densely populated in the North and East of India

Sparsely populated in the South and West of India

This is because…

South and West

Have most of the mountainous parts in the land

Doesn’t rain as much as other parts of India

Hotter than the other parts of India

Many resources

There aren’t a lot of railways and roads

Have less airports, but still have more ports

Less amount of industrial hubs, less chance in opportunities

North and East

Have most of the plain parts in the land

Rains more than other parts of India

A bit cooler than the other parts of India

Many resources

There are a lot of railways and roads

Have more airports, but have less ports

A lot of industrial hubs, more chance in opportunities