May 12, 2019 Fourth Sunday Of Easter Weekend Mass Schedule St. Patrick's (StP) N. Main St., Prattsburgh 8:00am Sunday St. Theresa's Hall(StT) Route 245, Stanley 11:15am Sunday (Service held in StT hall) St. Januarius (StJ) Route 21, Naples Confession 4-4:30pm Sat. 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am Sunday St. Michael’s (StM) Liberty St., Penn Yan Confession 4-4:30pm Sat. 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am Sunday Children's Liturgy 2nd and 4th Sunday Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction Every Thursday after 8am Mass at St. Michael and St. Januarius Prayer Line 315-536-7459 If you need a Priest for the Anointing of the sick, call 1-607-279-3750 Or 315-340-0001 or 315-536-7459 https://ourladyofthelakescc.org/ and https://www.facebook.com/ourladyofthelakescc/ Mary, Our Mother May is a month consecrated to Our Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the Church’s history, Popes and Saints have taught the im- portance to consecrate ourselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary, but it was in the XVII century that the Church officially consecrated May as a Mar- ian month. In the XVIII century, for instance, St. Louis of Montfort promoted this consecration among the Catholics. We, the Catholic peo- ple, consecrate ourselves to Mary because we honor her, we love her, and we believe she is our mother. The Lord Jesus gave His mother to us on the cross when He entrusted her to His beloved Disciple: “When Jesus saw his mother and the disci- ple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son.’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:26-27) We are Jesus’ beloved disciples; therefore, we receive Mary as our mother in our hearts. Because we love Mary as our mother, we also recognize the importance of mothers in our world. Everyone has a mother, even if she is in heaven. We should love our mothers because they are the most beautiful gifts that the Lord had given us. Our mothers protect us, love us, and care for us. We need to honor and love them al- ways. Only one day at year is not enough to express all our love for our mothers. Let us pray for all the mothers… for biological mothers, adoptive mothers, moth- ers who are pregnant (maybe the baby is the first one), women who are not biolog- ical or adoptive mothers, but they act like one, so God gives them everything that they need in their lives. Good and Gentle God, we pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all the women of theory who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life. You who became human through a woman, grant to all mothers the courage they need to face the uncertain future that life with children always brings. Give them the strength to live and to be loved in return, not perfectly, but humanly. Give them the faithful support of husband, family and friends as they care for the physical and spiritual growth of their children. Give them joy and delight in their children to sustain them through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give them the wisdom to turn to you for help when they need it most. - Author Unknown Contributed by Fr. Jorge Ramirez

portance to consecrate ourselves to May 12, 2019 Fourth ...Joshua & James Hines Please Pray for Healing / Comfort for: • Mickie Christensen • Jeff Kerrick • Audrey Hartman •

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Page 1: portance to consecrate ourselves to May 12, 2019 Fourth ...Joshua & James Hines Please Pray for Healing / Comfort for: • Mickie Christensen • Jeff Kerrick • Audrey Hartman •

May 12, 2019

Fourth Sunday

Of Easter

Weekend Mass Schedule

St. Patrick's (StP) N. Main St., Prattsburgh

8:00am Sunday

St. Theresa's Hall(StT) Route 245, Stanley

11:15am Sunday (Service held in StT hall)

St. Januarius (StJ) Route 21, Naples

Confession 4-4:30pm Sat. 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am Sunday

St. Michael’s (StM) Liberty St., Penn Yan

Confession 4-4:30pm Sat. 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am Sunday

Children's Liturgy 2nd and 4th Sunday

Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction

Every Thursday after 8am Mass at St. Michael

and St. Januarius

Prayer Line 315-536-7459

If you need a Priest for the Anointing of the sick,

call 1-607-279-3750 Or 315-340-0001 or 315-536-7459

https://ourladyofthelakescc.org/ and https://www.facebook.com/ourladyofthelakescc/

Mary, Our Mother

May is a month consecrated to Our Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the Church’s history, Popes and Saints have taught the im-portance to consecrate ourselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary, but it was in the XVII century that the Church officially consecrated May as a Mar-ian month. In the XVIII century, for instance, St. Louis of Montfort promoted this consecration among the Catholics. We, the Catholic peo-ple, consecrate ourselves to Mary because we honor her, we love her, and we believe she is our mother. The Lord Jesus gave His mother to us on the cross when He entrusted her to His beloved Disciple: “When Jesus saw his mother and the disci-ple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son.’ Then he said to the disciple,

‘Behold, your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:26-27) We are Jesus’ beloved disciples; therefore, we receive Mary as our mother in our hearts.

Because we love Mary as our mother, we also recognize the importance of mothers in our world. Everyone has a mother, even if she is in heaven. We should love our mothers because they are the most beautiful gifts that the Lord had given us. Our mothers protect us, love us, and care for us. We need to honor and love them al-ways. Only one day at year is not enough to express all our love for our mothers.

Let us pray for all the mothers… for biological mothers, adoptive mothers, moth-ers who are pregnant (maybe the baby is the first one), women who are not biolog-ical or adoptive mothers, but they act like one, so God gives them everything that they need in their lives.

Good and Gentle God, we pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all the women of theory who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life. You who became human through a woman, grant to all mothers the courage they need to face the uncertain future that life with children always brings. Give them the strength to live and to be loved in return, not perfectly, but humanly.

Give them the faithful support of husband, family and friends as they care for the physical and spiritual growth of their children. Give them joy and delight in their children to sustain them through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give them the wisdom to turn to you for help when they need it most. - Author Unknown Contributed by Fr. Jorge Ramirez

Page 2: portance to consecrate ourselves to May 12, 2019 Fourth ...Joshua & James Hines Please Pray for Healing / Comfort for: • Mickie Christensen • Jeff Kerrick • Audrey Hartman •

Newly Baptized at Our Lady of the Lakes

Joshua & James Hines

Please Pray for Healing / Comfort for: • Mickie Christensen • Jeff Kerrick • Audrey Hartman •

• Pauline Fehrenbacher • Denise Hartman • Rose Supple • • Steven Richardson • Laura Baum • Joel Rivera •

• Evie Worth • all who are homebound or in nursing facilities •

In accordance with NYS Hippa Laws to be listed on the prayer chain in the bulletin the request must come from yourself or a family member with your permission. (You

can still be on prayer list, but not in the bulletin if you prefer)

“The eyes of all look to you, Lord,

and you give them their food in due season.”

Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction

Every Thursday following 8am Mass

at St. Michael and St. Januarius

Please note that due to structural concerns the

Diocese of Rochester has requested that Mass at

St. Theresa’s Church in Stanley, NY be held in the

Church Hall until further evaluation.

May 12, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Easter

Reading I: 13:14, 43-52

Reading II: Revelation 7:9, 14b-17

Gospel: John 10:27-30

May 12, 2019 – 4th Sunday of Easter

Fear of the other is pervasive today, but it’s not new. The early Christians confronted it in preaching the Gospel and often paid a heavy price for their message. As hard as it may be to ac-cept, God’s love is not limited to us and those with whom we feel com-fortable. We, too, are called to reach out beyond borders and barriers of our own making. Why is this so hard for us to grasp, even now?

Scheduled Second Collections: 5/12—Maintenance Fund 5/19—Diocesan Missions

5/26 - School Support

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12 Happy Mother’s Day! 12 10:30am Faith Formation 13 2:30pm Convocation 2019 13 4pm Rosary Group (StM Chapel) 13 7pm OLOL Book Club (OLOL Parish)

14 4:30pm RCIA (OLOL Parish)

14 6pm SMS PTO Mtg (St Michaels School)

14 8pm AA Meeting (OLOL Parish) 15 8:30am Prayer Shawl Ministry (StJ) 15 12pm AA Meeting (OLOL Parish) 15 5:30am Weight Watchers (StJ) 15 6pm SMS Spring Concert & Art Show 15 7pm Hispanic Faith Sharing (StM) 16 8:30am WFLR Radio Show (SMS Students) 17 6pm AA Meeting (OLOL Parish) 18 7am OLOL Men’s Club (StJ) 18 9am Catholic Daughters Mtg (StM Hall) 18 9am Naples Running Group 19 9am Faith Formation 19 12:30pm Coffee Hour 20 10am Our Brother’s Keeper Quilt Grp (StM Hall) 20 4pm Rosary Group (StM Chapel) 21 8pm AA Meeting (OLOL Parish) 22 8:30am Prayer Shawl Ministry (StJ) 22 12pm AA Meeting (OLOL Parish) 22 5:30am Weight Watchers (StJ) 22 7pm Hispanic Faith Sharing (StM)

Moved or Moving? We try to keep our records as

accurate and up to date as possible. So if you have

moved or are moving or if you have a new phone

number, please let us know. Please stay in touch!

(as of 4/30/2019) GOAL: $60,705 PLEDGED: $46,991 77.41 % OF GOAL #OF DONORS: 251 Our parish is facing a challenge at this point in meeting our Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal. We are coming to you for help. If you are one of the 163 households who have already made a pledge, thank you, but if, per chance, you have not made your pledge, we urge you to do so.

Online Giving


Jan 2019 $6395.00

Feb 2019 $5835.00

Mar 2019 $7030.00

OLOL Attendance and Giving Summary Date Attendance Collection 3/23&24/2019 526 $5625.15 3/30&31/2019 504 $5742.38 4/6&7/2019 526 $6468.38

4/13 &14/2019 571 $6726.38

4/20&21/2019 947 $6537.38

4/27&28/2019 505 $5524.00

A MEASURE IF SINCERITY The pastor of a church in southern France stated, “The amount you put in the collection basket (or by electronic giving) can be a measure of you gratitude for life & all its blessings; one way of saying, “Thank you, Lord!” But what really matters is the level of sincerity behind your gift. “Remember the good news that I carry,” St. Paul wrote to Timothy. That is our purpose in running off to Church. We are here to remember the Good News we carry, as Community of Jesus Christ. The formalities, the rituals we perform, are intended as signs of our inner faith, signs that the GOOD NEWS we carry is worth remembering. We come to Church because: - the Good News of God’s love & concern for us is WORTH remembering. - the Good News of God’s Plan for the world’s redemp-tion & for our individual selves is WORTH remembering. - the Good News that in & through Jesus Christ God be-came one of us & will always be among us is WORTH remembering. - it is WORTH remembering that Jesus is one with us in our work, in our suffering, in our death & in our “New Life”! - it is WORTH remembering that the Christ within us make everything worthwhile - in life & in death, both. We come to Church to say, “Thank You, Jesus! Thanks for the memories!” Isn’t this Church worth your support?

Page 4: portance to consecrate ourselves to May 12, 2019 Fourth ...Joshua & James Hines Please Pray for Healing / Comfort for: • Mickie Christensen • Jeff Kerrick • Audrey Hartman •

May 12, Good Shepherd Sunday, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. What is God calling you to do? Be? While all vocations are important, the purpose of this day is to publically fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. You can find many resources to promote a culture of vocations on the USCCB Vocations webpage (www.usccb.org/vocations).

May 13 marks the 102nd anniversary of Mary’s

apparition as Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima, Portu-

gal. She implored the 7 year-olds, Francisco, Jacinta and

Lucia, to pray the rosary daily for the conversion of sin-

ners, of which we all are, and an end to war. She also

asked them to endure and offer up to God any sufferings

for the reparation of the sins of humanity. Consider this:

Children, in this case, the 7 year-olds, can change the

world through their obedience and prayer. All of us are

called to be like little children. (Matt. 18:3) If Jesus on

the Cross gave us His mother as our spiritual mother,

then we honor the 4th Commandment: “Honor your

father and mother.” (Exodus 20:12, Jer.35:18-19 and Eph.

6:1-3) when we also pray the Rosary daily.

St. Michael School in Penn Yan, NY is seeking a NYS certi-fied elementary teacher to fill a long term substitute 2nd grade, full time teaching position from mid May until June 28, 2019. AND seeking a NYS certified elementary teacher to fill a full time Kindergarten teaching position for the 2019-2020 school year. Interested candidates should send their resume, proof of certification, and 3 letters of reference to Tom Flood, Principal [email protected]

Crafters Wanted: for the 2nd Annual Our Lady of the Lakes Summer Sensation Craft Fair to be held at St. Jan’s Saturday August 3rd 9am-3pm. Tables are 8 ft long and will be $30.00. Registration forms can be picked up from St. Jan’s, Naples Pharmacy, and The Grainery. Forms must be mailed back by June 15th! Space is limited. For further information, please con-tact: Ginny Halleran: 585-531-9010, Toni Woerner: 585-354-4120 Karen Schmidtmann: 585-820-4255

Keuka Comfort Care Home's Annual Big Barn Bonanza will be held Friday, May 31st from 9-4 pm and Sat, June 1st from 9-2 pm at the Yates County Fair-grounds. Take-in days - Memorial Day, Mon. May 27th from 10-2 pm and Tues, May 28th from 10-4 pm. Accepting like new household items, such as kitchen-ware, china, quilts, linens, toys, pictures, furniture, jewel-ry, estate items… We will not accept clothing or shoes, electronics, such as TV's, computers, printers, appliances...or any skis, exer-cise equipment, or artificial Christmas trees... Call KCCH at 315-536-1690 if you are not sure about an item or if you are interested in volunteering to help with the sale that week. The funds from this event help with on-going daily ex-penses of running KCCH for end of life care at no ex-pense to the resident, their families or their insurance companies. We are grateful for your generosity!

The Penn Yan Community Chorus, under the di-

rection of Jennifer Kraemer, will present its annual

spring concert on Sunday, June 2, at 2:00 PM. “It Takes

a Village” is a celebration of the spirit of togetherness

that makes our community a wonderful place to live.

The concert will be at the First Baptist Church located

at 224 Main St. in Penn Yan. Instrumental accompani-

ment will be provided on the piano by Lucinda Loomis

The Chorus’ mission is to promote musical performance

in Yates and the surrounding counties. Auditions are not

required and membership is open to all singers. There is

no charge for admission. A free will offering will be col-

lected to be used to purchase music and to support oth-

er activities of the chorus.

St. Michael School Registration for Fall 2019 now underway Grades 1-5 (avg class size of 12)

Pre-school (Age 3 by Sept 1) Pre-Kindergarten (Age 4 by Dec 1)

Kindergarten (Age 5 by Dec 1) NYS certified teachers Scholarships Available

Welcome to children of all faiths

We educate the whole child with the support of parents, teachers, alumni, and community in a unified goal to

graduate students with skills to become productive and responsible citizens in the 21st century.

For more information, call Principle Tom Flood 315-536-6112

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Reverend Leo Reinhardt Pastor fr. [email protected] 1-607-279-3750 Reverend Jorge Ramirez Parochial Vicar [email protected] 1-315-340-0001

Rev. Jack O’Connor Retired Area Priest 1-315-694-2544

Deacon Tim Hebding [email protected] 1-585-406-5200

Business Manager Gary Pierce [email protected]

Religious Ed Coordinator Patty Larzelere [email protected]

Maintenance /Cemetery Bonnie Basler [email protected]

Melissa Conrad [email protected]

Please check our website for more information

https://ourladyofthelakescc.org/ Or call the Parish Office


New Parishioner Registration Baptism

Anointing of the Sick Marriage

Holy Orders

Our Lady of the Lakes Parish Office 210 Keuka Street Penn Yan, NY 14527 1-315-536-7459

St. Michael’s School Phone & Fax: 315-536-6112 Tom Flood, Principal [email protected] http://stmichaelschoolpy.com/

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Church Name: Our Lady of the Lakes City, State: Penn Yan, NY File Name: 06-0100 Phone: (315) 536-7459 Contact/Editor: Melissa Conrad ([email protected]) Comments: May 5, 2019 3rd Sunday of Easter