Isabelle Bardèche Architect

Portfolio I. Bardèche - 2013

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  • Isabelle BardcheArchitect

  • Job at AquilaGlobal - September 2012 - December 2012

    PROJET:ForeverFlawless, marque de cosmtique amricaine souhaite se dvelopper en Europe.Cration du Concept Store, laboration du dossier de construction pour le centre commercial et ralisation de la boutique sont les missions confies AquilaGlobal.Boutique de 40m, remise aux normes de scurit, rnovation complte.Budget des travaux 90 000E

    MISSION: - Architecte en chef de projet en Retail Design Londres, pour le centre commercial Westfield- Etudes et recherches en conformit avec les normes UK et les rglementations du centre commercial Westfield.- Adaptation dun concept technique un lieu et ses normes. - Coordination internationale, relation Contractor / Project manager / Usine pendant la phase tude. - Ralisation des plans dexcution techniques - 1/50me 1/20me. - Ralisation des dossiers techniques pour le centre commercial Westfield, adaptation de leurs demandes.- Projet livr mi-octobre 2012

    Londres UK / Hong-Kong

  • Job as Independant Architect - April 2012 - November 2012

    PROJET:Projet dextension et rnovation de la Badonnire, Villebadin (Orne).

    Extension 15m : cration dune chambre au rez-de-jardin avec salle de bain Renovation 70m : ramnagement du salon, dga-gement des combles et rfection totale de la toiture, de lisolation et du systme de chauffage.

    Budget des travaux 100.000E


    - Dpt du dossier dautorisation des travaux, ralisation des plans dexcution, tude et analyse des devis - ngociation avec les entreprises.- Suivi et gestion du chantier.- Ngociation et discussion avec les entreprise- Livr en novembre 2012.

    Paris / Villebadin (Orne)

  • Job as Independant Architect - November 2012

    PROJET:Cration dun nouveau btiment dans la proprit de la Grellue, Ommel(Orne).

    SHON: 130m

    Programme:Garage / Atelier / Chambres / Salle de jeux


    - Dpt du dossier dautorisation des travaux, ralisation des plans dexcution, tude et analyse des devis - ngociation avec les entreprises.- Mission en cours / dbut des travaux souhait Printemps 2013

    Paris / Ommel (Orne)

    Coupe AA Elevation SUD Elevation NORD

  • Paris

    Job at Ttradre - January 2009 - February 2012

    Permis de Construire:SHON totale: 2.425m dont 93m dextensionSur-levation de la ligne de faitageCration dune terrasseFermeture des balcons

    Programme: 43 chambres dont 5 suites et 2 chambres PMR - Espace Wellness (Sauna/Hammam/Massage) - Bar - Restaurant - Local Ski.

    Equipe:Architecte: RJ Architecte Architecte Interieur: Stphanie CayetProject Manager: Tetradre

    Montant des travaux: 3,5M EDure des travaux: 9 mois

    Effectu mi-temps pendant mon diplme puis plein temps dans le cadre de la formation HMONPLHtel Le Savoy Mribel (Savoie) est un htel des annes 70 en mauvaise tat.

    Un client priv souhaite le rnover en-tirement et crer un extension pour faire un bar et un restaurant.

    Assistant de matrise douvrage - Chef de projet AMO dans lindustrie htelire (Htel le Savoy, 4*, Meribel) - Budget des travaux 3,5M- Autonomie sur la mission - Suivi et gestion du projet, vrification des plans et rglementation - Phases PC EXE - Suivi et gestion du chantier - Phases EXE AOR- Etude, analyse et relecture des devis la phase DCE - Ngociation avec les entreprises - Gestion des conflits et compromis entre les entreprises et la matrise doeuvre tout au long du projet- Organisation et rdaction de Compte-Rendu de runion de coordination entre entreprises et BET jusqu la rception- Gestion et suivi des oprations de rceptions et de conformit des travaux- Organisation et prparation de la runion de Commission de Scurit

    Documents Graphiques Stphanie Cayet

  • Liste de tches du projet de redveloppement

    codes statuts liste de distributions - supprim Matre d'Ouvrage Anne-Ccile Buteaulta - en attente RMO: Tetraedre Claude Amar, Adeline Guilhen, Isabelle Bardchec - complt AR: RJ architectes Vronique Guttonr - rvis AI: Stphanie Cayet Stphanie Cayet

    Mribel, Le Savoy e - en-cours Pilotage Philippe ValetMribel B. Contrle et SPS: Socotec M. Bailly

    BET Structure: ETBA Eric VillibordBET Fluides: Alpes Fluides Herv Simon-ChautempsBET SSI: Chevalier Conseil et Dveloppement Claude Chevalier



    nom du projet:lieu:

    mise jour:


    Stphanie Cayet


    Matre d'Ouvrage

    Bureau de Contrle


    AutresCes tches requirent une attention


    Ces tches sont nouvelles ou ont t modifies ou ont une nouvelle




    prioritprojet / tche b


    tche date date date date

    i.d. # statut commentaires identification prvue rvise ralise

    1,001.39 X X X e 13/05/11 17/06/111.48 Prendre dcision sur devis cheministe X X X e nouveau devis reu - en attente dernire modif 17/06/11 25/06/11 20/07/111.55 Transmettre chaque mois un tat d'avancement du paiement des entreprises X X e 18/07/111.56 Valider plans et dtails de LK charpente X X a URGENT - bien que la charpente soit dj pose 20/07/11 29/07/111.59 Transmettre devis LK CHARPENTE pour validation X X e sous-pente de toiture en vieux bois M1 19/08/111.60 Transmettre le dossier SSI X X e BET C.Chevalier 10/08/111.61 Reprendre les plans d'amnagements des bureaux suivant la version 1 X X e en ajoutant une baie informatique de 80X80 cm 17/08/11 22/08/111.62 Analyser et approuver les devis communiquer par MACHET X X X e 17/08/11 22/08/112 00 Chambres

    Transmettre compte-rendu du rfr prventif aux travaux du 09/05/11



    projet / tche




    2.002.15 X X X a 30/05/112.21 X X a 10/08/11 22/08/112.22 X X a 17/08/11 22/08/112.23 X X X X a 17/08/11 22/08/112.24 Valider les solutions pour les ressauts des douches italiennes X X a dans les chambres PMR - a voir avec GRES DE PROVENCE 17/08/11 22/08/113,003.07 X X X X a 15/10/10 03/01/103.172 X X X X e 30/04/11 25/08/113.20 X X X X e 22/05/11 17/06/113.21 X X e 22/08/113.22 X X e 22/08/113.23 X X a 22/08/113.25 X X a 19/07/11 25/07/11 22/08/114,004.06 X X X X X e 15/06/11 24/06/114.07 X X X X e 15/06/11 24/06/114.08 X X X a 13/07/11 29/07/114.09 X X a4.10 X e 10/08/11 21/08/114.11 X e 10/08/11 21/08/114.12 X X e 17/08/11 22/08/114.13 X X X X e 17/08/11 22/08/114.14 X X X X e 17/08/11 22/08/114.15 X X a 10/08/11 22/08/114.16 X X X e 17/08/11 22/08/115,005.02 X X X X a 10/12/105.07 X X X e ####### 10/06/11

    Mettre en place des actions pour rattraper les retards pour les zones Hbergement R+1 et R+2 et les Zones Communes

    Prendre dcision sur main-courante dans ESC3 URGENT - CIMS ne peut pas faire du fer plat, fer rond obligatoire

    Transmettre devis de rfection de la toiture de l'htel par LK pour la saison prochaine

    suivant les plans de Stphanie Cayet et repris par ETBA

    Choisir carrelage et faence de la cuisine

    Dcider de la pose des chneaux en facade Est

    URGENT - finition sol, peinture, plinthe.

    Prendre dcision sur la rfection de la toiture des Glaciers voir avec la coproprit - toiture et charpente en train mauvaise tat

    URGENTValider les plans Sauna/Hammam de SC

    prescription FF&E / OS&E - voir avec BO


    Vrifier que les entreprises aient bien la dernire version des plans

    Confirmer la reprise des portes palires type D & E Suivant le CR n14

    Amnagement Chambres Service

    Valider l'accessibilit de la chambre type D

    classement au feu / systme de chauffage - en attente chantillon M1 vieux bois de LK CHARPENTE

    URGENT - plans lectricit, dtails, finition,.

    Valider le dcalage d'alignement du carrelage entre mur et sol

    Prendre dcision sur l'amnagement de la chambre au bout du couloir au R-4

    Informer les entreprises de la mise en lignes de nouvelles versions des plans

    Confirmer la reprise de la chemine - EN ATTENTE FUMISTE

    Valider matriaux bardage sous-pente toiture dans le restaurant

    Prendre dcision sur la souche de la chmine des Glaciers

    Transmettre des rfrences pour les locaux de services

    Lieux publics

    pas besoin de la reconstruire mais accord de la coproprit indispensable

    Mettre en place la signaltique

    pour le bois

    Choisir chauffage terrasse

    ExploitationChoisir lieux de sotckage

    Transmettre les plans des locaux de services

    la porte ne s'ouvrant pas 90

    dans certaine salle de bain

    URGENT - reprise des travaux pour SPIE/MACHET/.

    en cours

    Choisir garde-corps en attente retour vitrerie - VERRERIE LEGER


    Transmettre les dtails techniques de l'lvateur PMR URGENT

    Page 1 of 2

    Exemple de documents de liste des tches produit hebdomadairement pour tous les acteurs du projet.

  • TaulTauauuuluT

    Alg, Or the regeneration of the Baie de Morlaix by seaweed Master Project - Spring 2011


    Ile CallotIle CallotSt Pol de Lon


    Ile de Batz

    Oceans and estuaries are becoming increasingly polluted by human activities. Marine vegetations, with their extraordinary properties, could help regenerating these environments. Could Architecture and seaweed culture lead to save the Baie de Morlaix, and therefore save the world?

    The Baie de Morlaix, located in Brittany, Finistre, is regarded as one of the last French estuaries not totally destroyed by human impact: it still has some marshes and humid zones around it, its path hasnt changed too much and it still has a good flow. However, pollution from agricultural, industrial, chemical and urban origins are growing daily, destroying and endangering the estuary and its wildlife.

    The Baie de Morlaix is also very famous for its goemoniers, (19th century seaweed collectors who went to sea to find seaweed for medical purposes and natural fertilizers for agriculture). Seaweed has always been a part of the culture in this region, where the population has always turned to the sea. The goemonier will always represent an important part of the history of the bay.


    Zone urbaine

    Zone agricole parcellaire mixte

    Zone industrielle et commerciale

    Zone agricole ininterrompue

    Zone de pturage

    Zone d'quipement

    Organisation du territoire

    Flux ferroviairesFlux routier

    Estran (de 0m -10m)

    Mer (de -10m -20m)

    Pleine mer (> - 20m)

    Courant (>5 noeuds)


    Vgtaux marins existants

    Zone de conchyliculture exis

    Amers (blises, phares, tourelleFlux maritime





    Existing seaweed fields

    Nautical buoys


    Urban zone

    Mixed farming zone

    Continuous agricultural area

    Grazing area

    Commercial and industrial area

    Equipment zone

    Railway flow

    Road flow

    Spatial Planning



  • AlguerieAlguerieAlgueriegAlgglgAAAAAAAAAA irrirriiiuuu

    Champs deeampss deds Champs dddhamps ddgvgtaux gtauxg utattaauxxuxuu

    marinsmarinsmarinsimarinsmm innnriii s

    ntrentre dereCentCenCenCenCentntCeC ttnnnnnt e detre deCCCCCCCC ddtrttretrrnnnnnnnn ddCCC

    Expos/Visites/VisitesiteitesiteVisiteite/VisitetesiteeeeeEEEE VVVExpExpExxpopExpos/Visiteo ////VisiVVVExEEEE ttttttttoo sssssississssssxppxp iiiiViViViViVixpExx oop

    de commercmmercemmercede cPort dP tPPPort dPPPort de commerrcrrt de comm eort de cod

    Vents dominants














    The baie de Morlaix is an heritage site turned towards the sea and seaweed farming

    Alg is the implantation, in the Baie de Morlaix, of a floating seaweed farm. By exploiting the field and transforming the seaweed, Alg will help clean the water, re-colonizing the bay with wildlife species and transforming the local economy in an ecological way.

    Moreover the activities of Alg wont be limited to farming: it will also be a lab in situ, a link with the International port of Bloscon in Roscoff. Alg could also be a center of exhibition about the benefits of seaweed and a visitor center, to educate the population about pollution, nature, seaweed and the human impact on the oceans.

    Alg would be open, therefore, to everyone, who can then spread the message that needs to be urgently understood: humans are destroying oceans and without them we cannot leave.


    Champs Alg

    Emplacement champs futurs


    Rserve protection de la flore

    Rserve ornithologique

    Emplacement Alg futur

    Transport (Algues/Hommes)

    Zone de culture marine (autres)

    Organisation possible d'Alg

    Element du projet Alg

    Flux touristique



    Possible Alg anchoring

    Possible Alg fields

    Ornithological reservation

    Wildlife reservation

    Transportation (Human / seaweed)

    Marine cultures (other)

    Future organization of Alg







    Alg wlecome the visitors from the beach of Carantec

  • TaulTauauuuluT

    erererAlguerieAlguerieAlgueriegu eeegAlgglgAAAAAAAAAAA

    mps dpss dChamam de edede empmp dmps dmps dmpCh dddddddddddddddddddddddtggtatag aauxauxuxauuxxvgtgvgg ag a xxxxxxxxxuxxxx

    arinsrinsrinsssnnsmamma smmm

    ntrere de rentntCenntCCenCenCenttCenCenCenntCe tnttCeC nnnnnnnnnnnnt detre deCCCCCCCCCCCC ddnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ddCCCCC

    Expos/VisiteE /Visites/VisiteteitesiteitesiteVisitesite/VisiteteeeeeeEEExxpxpppExpos/Visiteo /////ExEE tttttttttoossxpppxpxpx oopExEEEEEEEExxExExExExExxExEEEEEEExxxExx

    de commercrcerce c mocoe ccomde comdde commerceeeede cPort ddrtrt dort ddPPoPPo dP tPPPPP dddddddPPPPPPPPPP tttPPPP oooooooo rrcrrt de commmmm eeooooooo dddddd

    dominantstsVents dominantstsnts dominantssdo


    le Callot


    le de Batz



    St Pol de Lon



    le Diben




    Zone urbaine

    Zone agricole parcellaire mixte

    Zone industrielle et commerciale

    Zone agricole ininterrompue

    Zone de pturage

    Zone d'quipement

    Organisation du territoire

    Flux ferroviairesFlux routier


    Chateau du Taureau

    le aux Dames

    Risques majeurs

    Flux pollution

    Flux risque majeur

    Zone de haut risque

    Zone agricole risque de pollution

    Zone urbaine risque de pollutionZone industrielle risque de pollution

    Estran (de 0m -10m)

    Mer (de -10m -20m)

    Pleine mer (> - 20m)

    Courant (>5 noeuds)


    Vgtaux marins existants

    Zone de conchyliculture existante

    Amers (blises, phares, tourelles)Flux maritime


    Champs Alg

    Emplacement champs futurs


    Rserve protection de la flore

    Rserve ornithologique

    Emplacement Alg futur

    Transport (Algues/Hommes)

    Zone de culture marine (autres)

    Organisation possible d'Alg

    Expos Element du projet Alg

    Flux touristique




    ddddddeeddddddddddeeeddddddxxxxxxxxxxxxx x

    ALG, UNE BAIE REGENEREE 3sur 14 Plan de situation et Analyse de la baie

    Alg: analysis and implantation

  • Vgtaux Marins

    Visite / AdministrationEmploys / Recherche

    accs fermaccs libre

    Accueil60 m

    Quais140 m

    Administration140 m

    Salle technique140 m

    Alguerie560 m

    Boutique /Restaurant

    140 m


    60 m

    wc15 m

    Stockage25 m

    Nurserie250 m

    Salle audiovisuel

    60 m

    Vestiaire60 m

    Salle de repos60 m

    Quais140 m

    Quais140 m

    Bassin 140 m

    Laboratoire 140 m

    Stockage15 m

    Stockage25 m

    Contrle60 m

    Atelier15 m

    Atelier 15 m

    Terrasse15 m

    Circulation15 m

    Laboratoire15 m

    Laboratoire15 m

    Laboratoire15 m

    Laboratoire15 m

    Quais140 m

    Stockage15 m

    Cuisine15 m

    Stockage15 m

    Accs Recherche / Employ

    60 m

    Rserve60 m

    Rserve60 m

    Stockage60 m

    Stockage15 m

    Stockage15 m

    Quais140 m

    Circulation15 m

    Circulation15 m










































    a'' a'' a''










    Each line, each decision of volume and shape is based directly on sea movements and environments. Situated between Carantec and Callot, we can define three major lines that give rhythm to the landscape : they define the dynamic of the sea.

    Like a shell open to the land and protected from the ocean, it can be compared to an origami or a tangram game, based on the same triangular shape but orientated differently in space. By its architecture, Alg represents the threshold between Sea and Land, the link with seaweed. Floating seaweed farm with a proper architecture has never been invented and needs to be a strong symbol: the entrance of the Baie de Morlaix in the 21st century and the importance of seaweed in the future.

    Alg is fixed to the ground with a series of wires anchored to light semi-circular concrete elements, which dont destroy the seabed and let Alg follow the movements of the tide.

    A color code is driving the space organization.

    Visitors are RedResearchers are BlueAlguiers are YellowMarine plants are Green Organigram

    Alg, Or the regeneration of the Baie de Morlaix by seaweed Master Project - Spring 2011

    Concepts and architectural research

    But Alg has to solve all the architectural demands of the site and integrate itself perfectly. Playing with the elements of the landscape, from all the rocks that disappear with the tides, currents, waves, sea movements to architectural element such as lighthouses, nautical buoys, Alg defines its shapes and orientations.

  • Scale : 1/500 eme50m0 5 30 m

    Alg, Or the regeneration of the Baie de Morlaix by seaweed Master Project - Spring 2011

    Alg , an innovative architecture

    Alg is open to the land; its waiting for the visitors to come and start the regeneration of the Baie de Morlaix. The three triangles of the base are oriented to create a separated central space where the seaweed is transformed. Around this space are located the visitors area, the labs and the employees zones. They can be recognized thanks to a color coding painted on the floors. Seaweed is at the center of the shell-building, protected from outside.

  • 0,00

    niveau 0




    Contrle 22 m

    Vestiaire 22 m

    Salon45 m

    Stockage34,5 m

    Laboratoire / Bassins110 m

    Nurserie122 m

    Stockage / dpart export55 m

    Rserve44 m

    Rserve8 m

    Salle d'exposition55 m

    ateliers55 m



    niveau +35cm

    niveau +35cmniveau +35cm

    niveau +35cm

    Rserve20 m

    Laboratoire 0142 m Laboratoire "tanche"

    55 m

    Salle de repos30 m

    Vestiaire 22 m


    Rserve11 m




    Ferme456 m


    Quai chercheursQuai visite / touristes

    Quai dpt algues

    Accueil visites

    Quai alguiers

    Accueil alguiers & chercheurs


    Espace expoEspace Alguiers

    niveau +65cm

    niveau +65cm

    Quai dpart algues

    110 m





    Salle d'exposition30 m

    150 m





    laboratoire - bassin


    nurseriealguerie stockageexpo



    accueil visite

    niveau suprieur carapace . + 18 m

    Niveau R+1 . + 4 mlaboratoires & administration

    Niveau RdM . +/- 0 mlaboratoires, alguerie & exposition

    Niveau R-1 . - 3 mboutique, laboratoires & salle des machines

    niveau infrieur carapace . - 6 m














    transformateur 01

    transformateur 02

    Stockage22 m


    puration de l'eau


    WC WC

    visite sol technique

    visite sol t


    visite so

    l techniq


    Salle technique / puration eauvisite

    sol t






    0 5 20 m

    Seafloor plan

    0 5 20 m

    Section AA

    Seaweed area

    20 m

    Undersea plan

    0 5

    A certain amount would be dried and finely cut, while the other part will be stored without any treatment. A few will be cooked in special recipes like seaweed caviar or marine green beans and other preparations.

    Subsequently Scientist researchers could use the harvests and go around the fields to study the impact of Alg in the Baie de Morlaix.

    The culture of seaweed happens in two separate steps: the first one is inside the building itself, where seaweed is fecundated to create new seaweed and put into close basin to let them grow. The second step happens outside, in fields, where different kinds of seaweed grow together, allowing them to be stronger and bring more wildlife in the bay. Fields will grow by themselves, repopulating the bay with seaweed.

    Depending on the species of seaweed, several crops can be grown during the year with the same head. Once harvested, the seaweed is brought to Alg and cleaned.

  • Sealevel floor

    Alg's centre : the heart of the alguerie

    Alg's subsea shell

    Alg's undersea shell



    Alg is a prefabricated structure in Fiber Concrete of Ultra High Performance which allows a great resistance and flexibility. Each part of the structure is made of thin triangles (17mm wide) clipped one to another. Aerogel insulation and natural ventilation in the shell can regulate the temperature and humidity of Alg.

    Technical obligations of this particular site lead to the use of this material that can perfectly be recycled and reused in ordinary concrete later on.

  • ContrleChercheurs

    Alguiersaccs alguerie


    Alguiersaccs expo & alguerie


    accueil visite

    accueil alguiers / chercheursAdministrationVisiteursaccs expo & audiovisuel

    salle technique

    Niveau R+1 . + 4 mlaboratoires & administration

    Niveau RdM . +/- 0 mlaboratoires, alguerie & exposition

    Niveau R-1 . - 3 mboutique, laboratoires & salle des machines

    niveau infrieur carapace . - 6 m

    niveau suprieur carapace . + 18 m




    Administration5 postes72 mAlguerie

    cuisine / transformation alimentaire150 m

    Laboratoire - bureaux300 m


    Vide sur le Rez-de-Mer

    WC WC

    Expo - Salle de projection





    0 5 20 m

    Section BB

    0 5 20 m

    R+1 plan

    Alg is an answer to a question about environmental risk, a major risk of the 21st century. Seaweed, with its unique properties, could drastically improve the quality of life in the Baie de Morlaix and also clean, purify and regenerate marine land and aerial environments, avoiding a new natural catastrophe due to pollution.

  • Wetland, a new life to Melbournes docks- Y4/S8 - Spring 2009

    Docklands wetland is a great opportunity and a strong symbol to improve Melbournes ecological awareness. It will become one of the most important salt marshes and ecological laboratory inside a city in the world.

    The salt marsh will have a strong impact all over the city in many different features.

    A Wetland is one of the most productive ecosystems in the world and can be a really strong symbol for Melbournes city ecological impact. It will bring a new kind of life, like migratory birds but also as fishes and mammals of different kinds. They all need a really dense nutrients and life environment to grow and live. The quality of the life in the surroundings will also increase, air and water being cleaner day after days. A new tourist and visitor populations will come over to Docklands. The research unit will create a new scientist pole in Melbourne allowing studies over wetlands and there impacts on a city like Melbourne over the years. There is no such study place all around Melbourne and students will have a place link to their speciality to learn and understand a wetland. With the research centre and the education unit, an ornithology club will be created at the end of the wharf. To help visitors to understand the impact of the wetland and the history of the place. An exhibition centre will take place in the first shed next to the wooden boat construction.

    The North Wharf will have a privacy scale: more you enter into the pier, more private it becomes. The non-specialists then have less impact on the wetland, which is a really fragile and precious environment.

  • The different elements of the program take place inside the existing shed. To extend the space and have a small impact, prefabricated timber boxes will be insert in the shed. It is a simple facade element of 2,5m X 3,5m which is repeated and alternate randomly to create a rhythm. A posts and beams have to be added inside creating different area.Introducing a prefabricated structure allows a simple and quick set up, with a low ecological impact. It will be manufactured elements with a high sustainability, independents. The boxes will extend the space and go out of the shed, creating different kinds of growth all around the shed.

    Explanatory diagram

  • Visible and invisible borders of Parisan Banlieue - Y4/S7 - Automn 2008 Project realized with the collaboration of Marie Barret and Pauline Gougeon

    Across the Parisian banlieue, we can highlight different types of borders, physicals or invisibles. Different types of construction or different populations create borders everywhere around Paris. We selected the major ones.

    The transport network, roads and railways, crosses the landscape and cuts the Parisian banlieue randomly, dividing it into separate zones. Links between them are nonexistent and people have to come back to Paris; as Paris is the center of the banlieue, and as it is supposed to be the main attraction point for job opportunities and for cultural expeditions. Known as a car paradise, the banlieue is deprived of a district life which dehumanizes it.

    At each side of the transport frontier we find a different type of banlieue, from pavillonnaire to grands ensembles, from quite to sensible places. At the city scale, the sensible places, ZUS, are voids.

    Tourism doesnt seem to be a broder at first sight but on second thought we realize that it creates a big boundary. The link between Paris and these places are, almost always, straight and easy as corridors. We also discover that the cultural buildings where on the major circula-tions axis.

    Thank to this study, we try to show the borders as one of the major problems of the banlieue:Its a frontier between different kinds of populations and ways of lifeIts a frontier that inhilates the relationships inside the banlieue itself and with ParisIts a frontier that cut the banlieue into random pieces of land, with no regards to cultural exchanges and traditions.Its a frontier toward the surrounded world

  • Urban analysis, La Butte Rouge - Y4/S7 - Automn 2008 Project realized with the collaboration of Marie Barret and Pauline Gougeon

    La Butte Rouge is a district in the South of Paris, representative of a certain kind of dwellings operation in the banlieue. The aim of the research was to investigate this place and produce an urban narration of the banlieue, highlighting a new way of understanding it.

    The historical, architectural and social elements of La Butte Rouge make it a unique and exceptional site. So we decided to study the place, collecting informations through interviews with the town hall or French heritage representatives and the inhabitants, pictures and articles; we analyzed the place following three fields of studies: history, architecture/morphology/typology and society.The entire research was presented under a booklet format and a power point presentation. Also to give access to our research to the widest range of population we created a website.

    Evolution of the entrance design with the time.

    Sequential analysis

    The historical development of La Butte Rouge from the first ideas to the final constructions is typical and representative of the beginning of the XX century building politics. Through a long thinking process, the project of La Butte Rouge responded to the inhabitants needs and contributed to their comfort.

    La Butte Rouge, during a long time, was the example of an HLM city that works well and where people were happy to live. Because of its typical morphology and typology, and because of the standardization and simplification along the different sections, La Butte Rouge is a really complete panorama of French council housing.

  • The inhabitants dont consider La Butte Rouge as a French Heritage. They are not aware of the history and the wealth of the city, except from some oldest members. The identity of La Butte Rouge is not established any more.

    We suggest studying La Butte Rouge as a French heritage. This analysis proposes new criteria: history, architectural analysis and social aspects. We introduce La Butte Rouge as a good example of the development of the banlieue. The history of different sections symbolizes the Parisian banlieue expansion. The inhabitants are aware of the prosperity of their city with the website. They can identify themselves to an history, an architecture and stories about their own daily life. La Butte Rouge is a very complex and complete city of council housing. We wanted to introduce new notions in the French heritage specification and demonstrated why it was one of the best examples in the Parisian suburbs. The French heritage will allow La Butte Rouge to acquire more and more importance in the French culture.

  • Professionnal experiences

  • Internship at Ch. de Portzamparc - January 2008

    After two internships of discovery, I started my third year one at Portzamparc Studios in January 2008. I was working on a small vineyard project of a famous domain of the Saint Emilion near Bordeaux. I had to work and study the architectural aspect of the facades, finding a good rhythm and symbolism, but also to reorganize the entire interior. I had responsibilities and was independent on this project. I learnt a lot about how to rethink a project that was already started, to ask the good questions to a project, to make it go on.

  • Internship at Rubicube - July 2008

    In July 2008 I did an internship in a small studio, dealing with small housing projects or rehabilitations in Paris and its suburbs. I went on a lot of worksites, working on the different problems, analyzing them and finding the solutions. I also did a lot of infography, helping the architect, C. Berthault to finish building permit and presentation files.

    Day hospital in Ville dAvray

    Private swimming pool in Paris 16e

    Disabled accessibility of a house in Vincennes

  • Internship at Oscar Caselles - September 2009

    In September 2009, after a semester at the RMIT University in Australia, I went to Spain to do my last year internship. Oscar Caselles studio is based in Madrid and deal mostly with rehabilitations and competitions.

    In fact I started with a competition, the rehabilitation of a water flour mill that will become a town hall, water museum and exhibit centre. Dealing with an extremely small space was really interesting, mostly because the program was extensive and precise.

    The second project was more about sustainable materials and construction techniques. We did an Olive oil factory with a straw structure.

    The last project was a urbanism competition. We had to rethink an entire district in Palma de Mallorca centered on a symbolic market.

  • Minimaousse Competition - 2010

  • Infography - 2009

    Images realized for Rubicube of an housing project in Montreuil, February 2009

  • Images realized for B. Durand of an housing project in Saint Germain en Laye, March 2009

  • Art&Workshops

  • Art, Reflexion - Y3/S6 - Spring 2008

    Voir que le fleuve est fait de temps et deau

    Penser du temps quil est un autre fleuve

    Voir dans le jour, dans lanne, un symbole

    En harmonie, en rumeur, en symbole

    La nuit, parfois, japercois un visage

    Qui me regarde au fond de son miroir

    Lart a pour but dimiter ce miroir

    Qui nous apprend notre propre visage.

    Jorge Luis Borges

    To gaze at a river made of time and water

    And remember Time is another river.

    To see in every day and year a symbolInto a music, a sound, and a symbol.

    Sometimes at evening theres a faceThat sees us from the deeps of a mirror.

    Art must be that sort of mirror,Disclosing to each of us his face.

    Extract from The art of poetry, J.L. Borges

  • Art, Men & Machines - Y3/S5 - Fall 2007

    Creating a new parallel world those two small mirrors could become a refl ect of the new world.

    I try to introduce the notion of angle, view, and refl exions, working with the references as Anish Kapoor. The aim of the machine was to see behind, looking straight ahead into two small mirrors placed at each side of the head.

  • Carnet de voyages