poss.adj n to be

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  • 7/24/2019 poss.adj n to be


    PART A

    Put in my/our/your/his/her/their/its.

    1. I like my job?

    2. I know Mr Watson but I don't know ..wife.

    3. Mr and Mrs Baker live in London. son lives in Australia.. We're !oin! to "ave a #art$. We're !oin! to invite all friends.

    %. Ann is !oin! out wit" ..friends t"is evenin!.

    &. i("ard like tennis. It is .favorite s#ort.). *Is t"at.(ar?+ *,o- I "aven't !ot a (ar+.

    . I want to #"one /o"n. 0o $ou know #"one nuber?

    . 0o $ou t"ink ost #eo#le are "a##$ in .obs?14. 5"e is !oin! to was" "air before s"e !oes out.

    PART B

    6ill t"ese senten(es b$ usin! am/is/are

    1. I ... fine- t"ank $ou.

    2. 5"e ..not tired.

    3. M$ brot"er and I .tennis #la$er.

    . 7"e weat"er ni(e toda$.%. Look8 7"ere .. 9arol.

    &. $an . an universit$ student.

    ). /o"n and i("ard .. (lassate.

    . 9at"rine:s "obbies swiin! and divin!.. I and $ brot"er . In t"e sae s("ool.

    14. 5"e .. businesswoan and I .. a student.

    ,ow- write senten(es about $ourself.1. ;nae?< M$..

    2. ;fro?< I.

    3. ;a!e?< I.

    . ;ob?< I.%. ;arried?< I.

    &. ;favorite (olour?< M$.). ;interested in?< I.