POST PLACEMENT ADOPTION REPORT CHILD INFORMATION Child Bio Name: Jackson Dinnocenzo Alien/Case #: 122653 Child Adopt Name: Parker Whitfield Date of Placement: 7/14/2015 Child DOB: 6/25/2015 Caseworker: Cheri Williams FAMILY INFORMATION Adoptive Parents: Whitfield, Jason and Evelyn (Dena) Date of Report: 8/11/2015 Address: 1502 Alligator Street Date of Visit: 8/7/2015 City, State Zip: St. Cloud, FL 34771 A. CHILD'S ADJUSTMENT TO PARENTS, SIBLINGS AND CULTURE: This worker was greeted at the home of Jason and Dena Whitfield on August 7, 2015. The worker observed Parker sleeping soundly in the arms of his oldest sister Abby in the living room area. The other three girls, Lily Grace, Maddie, and Hope were also in the living room area of the home. Parker appeared calm, clean, and well nourished. The home was in order and child appropriate. Dena and Jason appeared to be genuinely happy that Parker was finally home and talked about how fast he has been growing since he got home from the hospital. The worker sat with Dena, Jason, and their youngest daughter Hope at the kitchen table and discussed Parker’s transition within their home since their placement on July 14, 2015. Parker Whitfield was born on June 25, 2015 at North Collier Hospital in Naples, Florida to his birth mother Tiffany. At that time, Parker was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Additionally, Parker was born addicted to opiates. Due to the circumstances, Parker was placed in NICU. The birth mother was referred to Bethany Christian Services of Winter Garden, Florida by the Florida Baptist Children’s Home. Our pregnancy counselor whom is over South Florida met with the birth parents and looked at two profile books. The birth parents chose the Whitfield’s after careful consideration. They then signed the paperwork, including the consent for adoption. The pregnancy counselor and one of our Safe Families for Children Workers picked Parker up from NICU and placed him with one of our Safe Families in the area. After all paperwork had been completed for the Whitfield’s, the Safe Family brought Parker to the office for his placement. The Whitfield family was patiently awaiting his arrival. Parker was two weeks old at the time of placement. Parker has adjusted well since his arrival to the Whitfield home. He has been eating and sleeping in consistent cycles. He sleeps about five hours each night and will wake up throughout the day every 30-45 minutes. Parker likes to eat every 3-4 hours and loves to be held. He is making eye contact, attempting to coo, and has even rolled over a few times. He only cries when his diaper is being changed or when he is hungry, which is considered a normal way of showing his needs as a one month old. Jason states that Parker has taken very well to Dena and Abby and always wants to be in close proximity to them. Overall, Jason and Dena describe Parker as a very easy going baby. B. FAMILY'S ADJUSTMENT TO CHILD AND INCREASED RESPONSIBILITY; PARENTING SKILLS: This worker spoke with Dena and Jason at length in regards to their adjustment to parenting and caring for their son Parker within the home, as well as caring for his special needs. They spoke with the worker at length about their feelings of peace and joy with Parker as an addition to their family. Dena stated that this was in God’s path for their family and that they would not have it any other way. Jason told the worker that Abby automatically took to Parker

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Child Bio Name: Jackson Dinnocenzo Alien/Case #: 122653

Child Adopt Name: Parker Whitfield Date of Placement: 7/14/2015

Child DOB: 6/25/2015 Caseworker: Cheri Williams


Adoptive Parents: Whitfield, Jason and Evelyn (Dena) Date of Report: 8/11/2015

Address: 1502 Alligator Street Date of Visit: 8/7/2015

City, State Zip: St. Cloud, FL 34771

A. CHILD'S ADJUSTMENT TO PARENTS, SIBLINGS AND CULTURE: This worker was greeted at the home of Jason and Dena Whitfield on August 7, 2015. The worker observed Parker sleeping soundly in the arms of his oldest sister Abby in the living room area. The other three girls, Lily Grace, Maddie, and Hope were also in the living room area of the home. Parker appeared calm, clean, and well nourished. The home was in order and child appropriate. Dena and Jason appeared to be genuinely happy that Parker was finally home and talked about how fast he has been growing since he got home from the hospital. The worker sat with Dena, Jason, and their youngest daughter Hope at the kitchen table and discussed Parker’s transition within their home since their placement on July 14, 2015. Parker Whitfield was born on June 25, 2015 at North Collier Hospital in Naples, Florida to his birth mother Tiffany. At that time, Parker was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Additionally, Parker was born addicted to opiates. Due to the circumstances, Parker was placed in NICU. The birth mother was referred to Bethany Christian Services of Winter Garden, Florida by the Florida Baptist Children’s Home. Our pregnancy counselor whom is over South Florida met with the birth parents and looked at two profile books. The birth parents chose the Whitfield’s after careful consideration. They then signed the paperwork, including the consent for adoption. The pregnancy counselor and one of our Safe Families for Children Workers picked Parker up from NICU and placed him with one of our Safe Families in the area. After all paperwork had been completed for the Whitfield’s, the Safe Family brought Parker to the office for his placement. The Whitfield family was patiently awaiting his arrival. Parker was two weeks old at the time of placement. Parker has adjusted well since his arrival to the Whitfield home. He has been eating and sleeping in consistent cycles. He sleeps about five hours each night and will wake up throughout the day every 30-45 minutes. Parker likes to eat every 3-4 hours and loves to be held. He is making eye contact, attempting to coo, and has even rolled over a few times. He only cries when his diaper is being changed or when he is hungry, which is considered a normal way of showing his needs as a one month old. Jason states that Parker has taken very well to Dena and Abby and always wants to be in close proximity to them. Overall, Jason and Dena describe Parker as a very easy going baby.

B. FAMILY'S ADJUSTMENT TO CHILD AND INCREASED RESPONSIBILITY; PARENTING SKILLS: This worker spoke with Dena and Jason at length in regards to their adjustment to parenting and caring for their son Parker within the home, as well as caring for his special needs. They spoke with the worker at length about their feelings of peace and joy with Parker as an addition to their family. Dena stated that this was in God’s path for their family and that they would not have it any other way. Jason told the worker that Abby automatically took to Parker

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and she is always with him. Overall, they believe that the family has adjusted very well to Parker in the home. Abby says that it is a lot of work but that she loves Parker dearly. Lily Grace showed some discomfort with the recent adjustment however she stated that she loves Parker and knows that it will take time to adjust. The worker reiterated to Lily Grace that the way she feels is normal and that a lot of siblings feel that way when they get a new brother or sister. This made Lily Grace more comfortable about her feelings. Maddie seems to have adjusted well to Parker’s placement and told the worker endless stories about what Parker has been doing since he was placed in the home. Dena’s parents were going to meet Parker the day after the Post Placement Visit when they went on vacation to Panama City for a week. Jason has not gone back to work full time as of yet. He feels a sense of responsibility to staying home and helping Dena with the children. He does go in an average of 10-20 hours per week. Dena and Jason are both looking forward to when school starts because they say that it will help to bring a routine and sense of normalcy to the family. The Whitfield’s have a sitter that will watch Hope and Parker on Mondays once school starts so that Dena can teach at the Co-Op. The sitter lives close by so that in case Dena or Jason are needed they can respond immediately.

C. RESPONSE OF EXTENDED FAMILY, FRIENDS AND COMMUNITY TO CHILD: Dena and Jason reported that their family has received a great deal of positive support for the addition of Parker into their family. Jason stated that friends and church members insisted on bringing them meals the first week that Parker was in the home and that everyone was excited to meet him. They have been blessed to receive gifts from friends such as diapers, clothing, slings, etc. One of the friends was Hope’s speech therapist who brought a small gift for Hope and Parker. Parker has not as of yet met any extended family members, however, there has only been positive support from everyone. There are no concerns for the response of extended family, friends, and community towards the child.

D. CHILD'S DEVELOPMENT AND HEALTH Physical, Emotional and Social: The physical, mental, social, and emotional needs of Parker were all considered. As stated prior, this child was born on June 25, 2015 at North Collier Hospital in Naples, Florida and was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Parker is a Caucasian male and there were no noted complications at the time of his birth. Parker was placed with Dena and Jason Whitfield in Winter Garden, Florida at the age of two weeks. Prior to their placement, Parker received medical care and routine well child visits in Naples, Florida while in NICU. Upon adoptive placement with the Whitfield family, Parker was seen by pediatrician, Dr. Denise Serafin, MD at Windermere Pediatrics on August 20, 2015 and August 27, 2015 for a well-child check-up. At the first visit Parker weighed 6 lb 4.5 oz , was 18.5 in long, and had a head circumference of 13.25 in. By the second visit, Parker weighed 6 lb 13.5 oz, was 19 in long, and had a head circumference of 13.5 in. Dr. Serafin stated that he is growing well. At both visits, Parker was “doing great” with respect to his Down Syndrome. The doctor noted during the second visit that Parker has a soft heart murmur but it is nothing to worry about and that ASD/PDS was common in children with Down Syndrome. The physician recommended a follow-up appointment with a cardiologist to monitor his heart condition. A cardiologist appointment was scheduled a week and a half from August 27 with Dr. Augustin Ramos of the Florida Hospital. Dr. Serafin stated at the first visit that Parker was eating well and by the second visit he was eating 3 oz of formula at each feeding every three hours with minimal spit-ups. It was noted that Parker was stooling twice per day. Parker has a follow-up 2 month appointment scheduled on September 27. Parker failed hearing in one ear but passed the next time the test was taken. No concerns were noted. An HIV test was performed on Parker on August 7, 2015, the same day as the Post Placement Visit. Results are unknown at this time. No immunizations were given at either appointment. Dena stated that she has been following up on all of her physician’s recommendations for Parker, which is also indicated through documentation of Physician Report Forms. Dena stated that Parker continues to have a bad diaper rash but she has been treating it with a pharmaceutical blend. This family has embraced Parker, as well as his medical condition. There are no concerns to note. As for feedings, Parker receives Enfamil Newborn Formula and consumes approximately 3 ounces every 3-4 hours. He is reported to eat well with no concerns. As for his sleep schedule, Parker sleeps in a bassinet within Dena and Jason’s master bedroom. He is placed to bed at varying times and sleeps consistently for around five hours. Then Parker awakes for feedings approximately every 3-4 hours. The couple reported that Parker takes several 30-45

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minutes naps throughout the day and they have no concerns for his sleeping. There are no concerns for his eating or sleep schedule.

E. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Jason and Dena Whitfield remain under the post-placement supervision of Bethany Christian Services for Parker Whitfield until finalization of their adoption in the Orange County Court System after approximately ninety days of post-placement services. The worker has no concerns for the health or adjustment of the child and observed the child thriving in their care.

8/11/2015 <*SS> Jessica Hipchen, BA, MNPO Intern Date

Cheri M. Williams, MPA Regional Director Date